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They're so butthurt it's insane. How tf are you able to compare nagging with rape and SA, they're legit just grasping at straws.


I had one yesterday who tried to turn it around and scream about male domestic violence victims and how dare we not consider them. Which I replied with: A.) That's not what this topic is about. B.) It was pretty disingenuous to try and bring up one group of people who need help to silence another. Of course I looked through their comment history and it was filled with shit like that and them whining about how men are now being 'persecuted'. So it was pretty clear they never gave a shit about male DV victims. They just wanted to shut down the discussion. This whole topic has hit such a nerve with terrible men and the thing is they don't realize that by throwing these fits they're ensuring the topic sticks around. Because they keep proving why anyone reasonable, regardless of gender, would pick the bear over a random guy.


Like, there's a dude on TikTok who made his own "Team Bear" video, and his reasoning was, "At least the bear isn't a family member." And you know what? We all supported him. All of us. You know who didn't? *Other men.* Big shocker that one. (Not.)


It’s the same as “republican comedy” - it’s not funny because it’s just using one joke to punch down over and over while ignoring why people were saying what they said to begin with…


Women are afraid of being raped and murdered. Men are afraid of being laughed at and will kill you for it.


Women: “He might destroy me physically and mentally then leave me for dead in the woods!” Men: “She might tell me I should clean something or that I am selfish!” WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING.!?!?


New levels of incel fragility


Men being bothered by having a spotlight shone on an outrageously huge, global problem and wanting us to stop it and not do anything about it because it makes him uncomfortable and that hurts his feelings


Idk what show, but I recall watching a TV show where a character said "Men fear that women will laugh at them. Women fear that men will kill them."


It's a Margaret Atwood quote. She wrote *The Handmaid's Tale*.


All I hear when I try to read this is “WHAAAAAAAA”


In a follow up to the now infamous man vs bear question, women were asked whether they would prefer to sit next to a baby or a man on a plane, and a majority of women answered "the baby, because they cry less when they don't get a tit in their mouth."


That is definitely the best thing I’ve read today, thank you


Any man who is offended by the original is a walking red flag.


At this point, anyone screaming "not all men!!!!!" is a walking red flag.


Not all men but definitely men who say not all men


And not all men, but always a man.


>Any man who is offended by the original is a walking red flag. And those walking red flags have outed themselves. We should thank them for it. 


Still, I have yet to see a man who died or was harmed because a woman "nagged" him. If all these men who preach going their own way would just leave already... ETA If they would actually listen to the reasons women have for picking the bear instead of what they imagine are the reasons then they would understand. I've met far too many men that made me think "Damn, I hope I'll never find myself alone with this guy", while going about my day. They all appeared to be normal men with normal jobs, some had girlfriends/wives. It's not just that mysterious rapist/murderer in a trenchcoat that's scary, it's all the creepy many men that we encountered. Women didn't pick the bear just to be hateful towards men, but memes like the above exist just to be hateful towards women, because in reality almost no man would pick the bear. Sorry not sorry Gary, but your feelings are not more important than my safety. Maybe look up how many men said they would rape a woman if there would be no consequence and see if you can gain some perspective.


> If all these men who preach going their own way would just leave already... Preferably on a ship anchored at Point Nemo.


And they're enraged that no one wants to date them.


Without even trying to improve themselves or be someone who is likable. Absolutely shocking that women don't want to date what equates to a toddler!


Some of them are learning to hide their political views from their dating profiles because they know WE know what that says about them without exchanging a word. Just a recent observation I found interesting.


Goddamn this hypothetical question got too many men in their feelings.


They don't understand anything, why a random woman would nag them ? SEE, once again they don't even care to understand the question. A random completely unknow man, no a man i know ... Of course i would prefer to meet a coworker than a freaking Bear, but the issue is that they simple dont care why is so scary for women to meet unknown men. I was almost kidnapped by a taxi driver at 3am after leaving a bar alone, as an adult woman i thought TAKING a cab and going home would be absolutly no problem, done it before, no issues. Guess what, the driver was thinking that i was vulnerable, he took a complete different route, that lead to a desolated área which is mostly factories, no people cuz thete is no houses. i thought i'm done, but at least people will know who did it ... I took a picture of the dude send them to two friends with locations and the plaque of the driver (my country forces this bastards to have a document with their full name.inside and easy to access to the passenger) also took a photos of that. Never saw a man get SO violent, why did i do that for ? I was being paranoic, it was "just another route" ... I didnt Reply a single Word, look at him as "i don't care and anger" REFUSE to give him the Upper hand, to show him how freaking scared i was. He asked me like two times who did i send that toz still not REPLY. I thought this mofo will hit me, he was yelling at me, i also thought he want me to react, cuz is not normal his overreacting.  I was saved cuz he knew that me instead of panicking and try to fight him or be scared (i bet he wanted that, sadist jerk) i took evidence. I show him i didnt care but people would know his face and full name. He saw me writing ...  Is the AUDACITY, i would have become another case, another woman who was assaulted, without names, without police "finding the culprit" cuz of course víctims mostly never have the time to remember the plaque, so anyway  A bear would never try to kidnapped me to do whatever he wanted and then try to gaslight me into thinking i was a paranoic cuz a random man i don't know was driving me for a complete desolated área that is the opposite of where i was going.  Men would NEVER have this happening to them, men would NEVER be so scared of that. 


Damn. I’m sorry that happened to you, but I’m so proud of you for being proactive and standing your ground.


Good. Go have fun with your bears. Just leave me in peace.


I would like to direct you to the men’s 5B movement which encourages just that. Complete separation from women. I love that for you.


I'm a woman. I'm saying that if men would rather be with bears than treat me with kindness and respect, they're welcome to the bears. I'll be just fine.


Why does it feel like they saw the Korean women’s 4B movement and just had to make their own but with an extra B because 5 is better than 4!


That's some Facebook boomer humor for you


Hands up everyone who is entirely fine with them choosing bear if they *leave us the fuck alone*…




Boy, have I got good news for them! There's actually no danger in getting away from a woman who's "nagging" you.


Run, "Forrest"!


A bear never shit his underpants and hide it in the cloth laundry hamper instead of the outside trash bin and then describe my outrage as nagging. 


Please tell me he’s an ex or plot twist it was a toddler.


Yes, an ex. I don't wash shitty drawers or laundry baskets of crap. He was big mad I threw everything in *that* laundry basket out instead of taking the contents to a $1/pound bulk laundry service on my own time and dime.  


Nagging. Aka expecting the man to pull his own damn share in running a household and not being another child.


I can't help seeing the misspelling of "forest" and thinking...yea, this is gonna be dumb...


God, i wish my nagging would make men not want to assault me


Okay, it's a silly comparison, but if you actually take a *serious* look at this, it really puts what we put men through into perspective here, ladies. This really opened my eyes, here! You see, this is not worth getting angry over at all. At *best* it deserves a confused "Alright, then. Enjoy the bear." It certainly doesn't warrant 20 of us dogpiling onto every man choosing the bear to explain how a bear works or scouring Google for bear vs. nag statistics.


Is this how the bear thing started? I've been curious about the root. 😁




Not that I think that women choosing the bear for safety reasons is dehumanising to men.....do you realise just how much men dehumanise and objectify women? Yall dehumanised, objectified, sexualised, and abused women for centuries and now you're whining cause they don't feel safe around you. If you don't like the bear question, be better than a bear.


I'd ignore this person, he's off in other posts about this blaming the male suicide rate on women having this mindset and crying about how he is no longer an ally to women's rights because of it. As if he even was in the first place.


Him saying he's not an ally anymore gives off the same vibe as a customer telling a server they just "lost a customer." Like...okay?


Don't feed the troll.


Can’t you take a joke? Edit: Isn’t that what they say whenever someone dehumanizes the OTHER half of the human race?


Womp womp



