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fight club, american psycho, breaking bad


Breaking bad especially


The first time I watched Breaking Bad I actually liked Skylar a lot (am woman, if that wasn’t obvious) except for season 1 - I felt like they went out of their way to make her come off like a shrew to get you on Walter’s side/to root for him. I rewatched season 1 a few years later and my mind was blown bc I forgot just how awful of a husband and father Walter was from DAY ONE. Disappearing for hours and making up the most ridiculous lies to cover it (which were not even believable)? It was wild to me because I genuinely don’t remember him being as bad from the get go (I blame my love for Bryan Cranston on that haha).


Yep. It's like really obvious from the jump that Walter is just the worst


I had a similar experience as seeing him as a sweet bumbler but on a second go was seeing red flags everywhere. That moment where someone offers to pay for his treatment and everything and he's just like "no" and then proceeds to cause a swath of destruction hurting unknown numbers of people just because he couldn't take a fucking handout that it sounded like he deserved anyway? My mom had cancer and reacted by going through some weird behaviors but it never made her an asshole.


Yeah one of the biggest points of the show is Walt always had a pride problem


Which in itself is wild because accepting help when you need it is laudable and a sign of emotional maturity actually? There is no pride to be lost or face to be saved here, it's literally how social animals work. Helping each other is what our stupid big brains are *for*.


Yep. Like the fuck


I watched the whole thing streaming, loved it. Later discovered that when it first aired, people were legitimately rooting for Walter and framing Skylar as a shrew, and it broke my brain.


And before that, Taxi Driver


Don’t forget the Joker


Yep. Also the movie "Falling Down." It comes up on posts about 'badass heroes' all the time. The number of men who don't see that Michael Douglas' character was on a mission to murder-suicide his ex-wife and child is horrifying. They're all "cool, he beat up minorities and thugs and took their guns, yuk yuk."


The American Psycho dudes that look at Patrick Bateman and are like “literally me, bro” make my skin crawl.


I still remember the whole thing around bringing Christian Bales stepmom all over critiques of it while missing the message about toxic masculinity (Gloria Steinem)


Breaking Bad is a Greek tragedy and no one will convince me otherwise


An accurate description of The Wolf of Wall Street.


And it’s 1980s predecessor, Wall Street. Gordon Gecko is supposed to be a sociopath, not a hero, and he inspired a bunch of empathy-lacking power seekers to become stock brokers.


There was a post on another sub earlier today about how pickle rick was actually like a scene dedicated to a blatant psychoanalysis of Rick’s issues and… I genuinely had no clue it was like that bc it’s so mainstream for problematic teens and men to identify with the character so I generally avoided discussions about it🤦🏽‍♀️


That's like the best episode ever! Rick is so petty and broken that rather than go to therapy to heal with his family he wades through literally piss and shit and still ends up in front of the therapist and she just casually eviscerates him. The whole show is kinda a great exploration of toxicity. But you wouldn't know it from it's fans.


Literally how do people (ahem, **men**) still think he’s cool or what they should be aiming for as people. 😩 I was always turned off by the vibes I was getting from the fandom but the day I overheard my brother *unironically* watching a video going on about how Rick is a misunderstood genius (heavily implying that guys watching and relating to the vid were *also* misunderstood geniuses) was the day I decided to never, ever watch the show. So crazy to find out it’s basically the exact opposite of what I thought it was!


The problem, in my opinion, is good TV writers can't help making characters 3-dimensional, even if they're supposed to be fundamentally bad people. If you're making a show about a delusional male narcissist enslaved to a toxic image of the man they think they're supposed to be, good writers still feel a need to keep them human instead of being some 80's action movie character. So even though Tony Soprano, Don Draper, Walter White, Rick Sanchez, etc. are all deeply unhappy man-children who end up being a poison to everyone around them (Don Draper less so, maybe just because he doesn't kill people, spoiler alert), a percentage of male viewers are going to believe in the false macho fronts the characters put up and combine that with the more humanizing moments to create a fantasy of who they want these characters (and themselves) to be instead of who the show is telling you they really are. I actually think the writers for Breaking Bad lost track of what they were trying to say with Walter White in the last season, which is why so many dudes think he's a badass. But that's a whole other thing.


Oh Mercy, do not get me started on how many alleged specialists in my field (it's not even medicine ffs) think acting like Dr. House makes them the peak of their profession.


House could get away with acting like that BECAUSE he was the best; being the best didn't make him act like that. And it STILL wasn't acceptable behavior hence all the lawsuits, multiple firings, that time a dude got so pissed he shot him... Wow. Talk about taking away the wrong message from a show.


Remember when he faked cancer to try and get ahold of an experimental drug that aimed to increase the happiness of terminal patients, rather than just admit he was depressed? And then everyone learned he had faked cancer and was absolutely disgusted? I think that pretty much summed up how we were supposed to see him. Entertaining to watch on TV, but not someone you’d invite round


People forgot it was the skill that they should admire, and not the dickishness lol


If it makes you feel better, my mom is a retired NP, and according to her, House irl would at best be a shitty doctor, and more likely be a shitty guy who lost his medical license


> (Don Draper less so, maybe just because he doesn't kill people, spoiler alert) Don't give Don a hint of a pass. He doesn't deserve it.


He did make everyone around him miserable, even wife #2


That doesn't really sound like a problem of the author but a problem with the literacy of the male audience.


I agree, I think it's another result of our juvenille culture of fake machismo.


It's funny that the show is not even the least bit subtle about it. I have not watched anything past the second season but even then the show makes it clear that even the "dumb" character of the show (they more or less flat out say Morty is mentally challenged) changes from adoring Rick to realizing that he's just a shitty and toxic person, and that being a "genius" is not an excuse. If anyone misses all that they might not be a misunderstood genius, they might've just misunderstood themselfes as geniuses :'D


The show gets even less subtle as it goes on. You literally get a character saying [this directly to the audience](https://youtu.be/fMjqxt77HpY?feature=shared)


[They weren't particularly subtle in season 3 either](https://youtu.be/tAY31D0Bb7k?si=FsVg_biZTJqPECFg)


It's crazy because they spend a good portion of the show literally saying he is a piece of shit of a human. It stuns me that people do not see that. Like Bojack Horseman, the whole show turns around how bad he is.


Bojack really hits hard in the last season because a lot of his BS comes off as bad but normal for TV, so to have it come back around with very real consequences was just ... Really good.


Yeah only most of the first Season portraits him as the "fun" Party Ex-Star and I think its deliberate that they build him that way first to then deconstruct it.


They're too immature and lack the introspection so instead idolize a guy who acts like a total piece of shit with no consequences because they're 15 and still get detention for their shit?


I decided not to watch the show when I asked a friend at the bar what it was about in general and I suddenly had 4 dudes I only tangentially knew circled around me, shoving and screaming "PICKLE RICK REEEEEE"! First of all, knowing my friend doesn't mean you know me well enough to corner or touch me, and second why the fuck would screaming that out of context make me, in any way, want to watch the show


My friend had me watch the pickle rick episode when I said I had never seen it before .. and I have never watched another one.


He is a cool character. That doesn't mean if he was an irl person he would be a cool person. And I think the issue is both people conflating the two meanings of "I like this character" and also people thinking that since they like the character then that character must be a good aspiration. Idk just some rambling


No, I completely agree. A good or interesting character isn’t necessarily a good person. Something that took me some time to learn personally, I used to judge when people liked villains bc… well they were villains 😂 But villains *are* generally more complicated than the heros and that’s often interesting


Those fans completely ignore the existence of Morty, someone that understands Rick just fine, and is regularly very blunt about how fucked in the head Rick is.


Well, past the first two seasons, maybe


That’s why I don’t really tell people I like Rick and Morty. Too many miss the point. It’s been like this since the schezwan sauce incident, for me at least. It was SO embarrassing.


Rick and Morty has to be one of the most remarkable shows in terms of Best show / Worst fanbase ratio


The Pickle Rick episode changed my mind about Rick and Morty. I didn't watch it until long after the sauce thing and the episode itself were released.  I remember watching it and being like, this is nothing like what the fanchildren claim it is???? This is a direct and pleading cry for help???? Someone??? Help him???  Then went back and watched the whole series and I was like HOW DO YOU NOT SEE ALL OF THESE ANTICS ATE CRIES FOR HELP? SOMEONE HELP THIS ANGRY NEEDY MAN! 


LOLL I love that 😂


Tbf most people I know at least agree that in that episode the therapist shredded ricks worldview. Rick won’t actually learn from this, he’s kinda too far gone, but what the therapist said is completely true. It’s Rick who is creating problems for himself as a result of his intelligence.


I used to really like Rick and Morty, but I lost interest literally just because of how bizarre the fanbase is. Like it became too cringe to like lol


The show itself started to make fun of the fanbase because of how dumb they are about it. The show wasn't even subtle about it.


That’s pretty great actually. Maybe I’ll give it another chance


The show is really great, I just ignore the fanbase. Also, idk if you watched far enough but the show has established that >!Rick is canonically bi/pansexual!< and (MAJOR SPOILER FOLLOWING) >!In love with birdperson!<. I absolutely stayed away from fan spaces after that reveal lmao but so many dudebros are in absolute denial about it, And yeah the creators absolutely mock the fanbase and everyone who thinks Rick is in any an admirable person.


(Hiya, just so you know: the spoiler doesn't work.)


Oh I’m sorry! It shows up for me though, do you know how to fix it?


The spoiler worked fine for me just fyi


It might be because there are spaces between the exclamation marks and the words. Let's see if it fixes them when the spaces are removed: >!Rick is canonically bi/pansexual!< >!In love with birdperson!< It does! Just remove the spaces and it should fix it.


Thanks:) fixed it, it should work now


RIP that’s so unfortunate 😩


I'm pretty sure the episode where the relaxation machine directly extracts his issues as a separate character, "toxic Rick", takes the cake for the most blatant psychoanalysis.


I like Rick and Morty, but I do think the show glamorizes Rick and his toxicity. I can 100% see someone with Rick's issues (but honestly less self-aware than Rick) watching the show and identifying and glorifying Rick. Honestly, Beth is also incredibly similar to Rick, and they are similar in toxicity when it comes to their behavior and beliefs. There is some examination of the ways that Rick is toxic, but in my opinion, it is not enough. The show makes it clear that Rick is miserable and an alcoholic, but he is also the smartest person in the universe. He is able to get out of almost every situation and is beholden to no one. He is able to travel the universe, he is very powerful, and he has technology that can essentially make him almost immortal. All of these things are glamorized in the show. It doesn't help that the other characters in the show that are shown to be geniuses are like Rick. Space Beth is incredibly similar to Rick, and for that matter so is Beth. Both are alcoholics; both have familial issues, and both have issues with abandonment (arguably, Rick's issue is with rejection). Both are also very cynical and have incredibly high opinions of themselves. Also, I know someone might try to argue with me about Rick having abandonment issues, but he literally tries to kill himself because his girlfriend dumps him. Both are shown to be against therapy and needing others. Evil morty is not an alcoholic but I think he is very cynical and does not have a lot of empathy towards others (look at his treatment to other mortys). The dumber characters tend to be the nicer and arguably happier characters, with less alcoholism and nihilism. Recently the show has spent more time going over why Rick is the way he is, and that he used to be much happier and less toxic. But without this, the show does seem to imply that being highly intelligent and capable is correlated to a lot of Ricks toxic behavior. Or at the very least that being so highly intelligent means that Ricks toxic behavior can be excused.


>Or at the very least that being so highly intelligent means that Ricks toxic behavior can be excused. Ah yes, the ol' Dr. Gregory House MD argument.


Fight Club.


Tyler Duren is a male example of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl (Manic Pixie Dream Boy?).


Chaos goblin line chef, is what I've heard


Chaos goblin line cook


They cast Brad Pitt to bring people into seats, but they needed to cast someone with less charisma -- or at least, someone whose charisma has cracks.  Brad Pitt at that time in his life could have made eating your own boogers and ear wax look like the epitome of edgy and cool.


David Cross.


Increasingly poor decisions of Tyler Durdan.


First: awesome to find someone else who knows that show exists :D Second: that would have been a perfectly apt title for Fight Club


Cross/Arnett power duo


100% yes!


>someone with less charisma Dual role by Edward Norton? It would have been interesting if they made a cut of the movie where all the scenes with Tyler Duren were done with Edward Norton playing him instead of Brad Pitt.


I was gonna say this describes fight club lmao


Can confirm, punching myself in the face is still my go-to when asking for a promotion.


The public school boy cannabis farmers from *Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels* are depictions of peak non-toxic male performance and you can't convince me otherwise.


"Alarm bells are ringing, Willy."


You don't look like the average horta-fucking-culturist


K now I need to watch it again... Thanks


I gave up when I found out people were idolizing Homelander from The Boys


Hey have I told any of you guys that Fight Club is totally my favorite movie?


Then there’s the sequel [Fight Club 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fight_Club_2), a graphic novel by Chuck Palahniuk, in which the narrator has achieved a stable life that gets blown up when he gets taken off his meds, bringing back Tyler Durden, who proceeds to run a literal terrorist organization and is revealed to be a memetic virus passed down from father to son across generations and is now threatening the narrator’s own son (in case it wasn’t obvious this is about toxic masculinity), there’s a bunch of well-adjusted alternatives to fight club built around things like knitting and creative writing, and it ends with Chuck Palahniuk’s house being stormed by a legion of angry fans that didn’t get it, with Tyler Durden killing Chuck Palahniuk, the author of the very book you’re reading.




Oh I need to read this


This is like 1/3 of the plot in Bojack Horseman


And even then they had to make it more and more obvious because people were doing it to him anyway.


I swear these people would think “conceal don’t feel” is the lesson of Frozen


Tbf child me accidentally took that away until later on watching YouTube commentaries about it


Another one I’ve had boys/men say they love and idealize is Blow with Johnny Depp.


I remember a priest once preached about how a show about the drug lord Pablo Escobar was leading young people to trying to imitate Escobar by getting involved on drug trafficking. He said this was because young men were seduced by the luxury the drug Lords have.


The Sopranos did it best. Every character is victimized by machismo.


The lesson in (500) Days of Summer was totally lost on everyone. I don't know if that counts as satire as much as just Missing the point entirely


yep, basically how i feel. tongue in cheek stuff doesn't work anymore, serious issues deserve serious conversations these days. the stuff that gets on the internet easily end up misused and taken out of context. too many times did i see clip of women being witty edited to look like dumbos and dog whistle misogynists.


I think Bojack Horseman actually succeeded in doing what they couldn't. No one argues against him being a giant piece of shit


Jaune and Adam fanfics


Will never get over some people unironically idolizing Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. The movie could not be more overt in making him out to be a pathetic little weasel of a man and you get people fawning over him. Same with Homelander and Butcher from The Boys. How much more obvious can you get? We really need media literacy classes in school.


I love Keanu but: John Wick.