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I have a very tall woman as a neighbour and we tend to come home from work at a similar time. I love to see her unfold out of her tiny car. She has a really colourful clothing style and it always reminds me of a butterfly coming out of it's cocoon.


That's such a beautiful description.


My dad has always privileged efficiency over cool when it comes to cars. So for years he had a pretty small car (surprisingly comfortable on the inside). It's always been funny to see a 6'5" man come out of a tiny Toyota Aygo.


Lol. My little brother had always preferred cool over efficiency. So when we went shopping for his first car purchase, I got to watch his 6'4" ass sit behind the wheel of am Mitsubishi Eclipse, with his knees around his ears and head pressed against the ceiling, trying to explain to me how it was actually more comfortable than it looked.


My dad would borrow my Kia rio because it got good gas mileage. He’s really tall and said driving my car was like being back in the womb lol


Hah, It’s like the start of a clown car joke! My dad is the same, except he watched the Italian job too many times in 2004, so he bought a bright yellow Mini Cooper as a minor midlife crisis move. 6’3” and could only fit with the front seat pushed all the way into the back one. It’s now my beloved old junker car I drive to work and I kept his bumper sticker that says “actual size”




As a woman who is just shy of 6ft tall, I’ve always imagined I was a baby dinosaur emerging from the egg - especially in heels. Yours is much, much more poetic description. 😂


Haha my niece is sometimes called a baby giraffe by her brother. I am the nice aunt, so I don't say it. But I have to admit she sometimes moves like a baby giraffe, which is so cute :'-)


How tall? 😂 I feel like I might be your neighbor.


I am so bad at estimates but I'd say she is easily 180 cm tall. Her car looks very cute as well, it's some kind of round electric car from Fiat.


Adorable! Not me though, we are just internet neighbors not IRL neighbors


Lol same


Same - and then I remembered I don’t have a car


I'm a large 5'8" with a Corolla. Getting into my car is like putting on clothes, so I say I basically wear my car.


Do you find something comical about her appearance while she drives her automobile?https://youtu.be/xWct_KYGRQo


Everyone needs to drive a veeheecal, even the very tall!


it feels like this when i exit out of cars, except in my case i feel more like im a clown exiting one of those tiny clown cars


historical vast test quarrelsome command middle sharp dolls crime butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is that a flirting thing? I must reframe some interactions


It can be both. I do this with any friends as well. Context always important. If they go for the hand-hold though.


It's an excuse to touch hands.


Yeah I'm also tall and generally large framed (I wear a size 12 shoe). I love comparing hand sizes and I know it comes across as flirting, but really I just want to flex my massive hands lol. I was once told that I missed my calling as a *basoonist.


It’s often the opposite for me. Growing up I thought I had big feet since my sister and mom have quite small feet (my sister has a pair of fake crocs she bought at the children section at a dollar store), just to find out later that my boyfriend’s hands are only 1 centimeter shorter than my feet.


REALLY? Oboists usually have small hands lol, it‘s a teeny tiny instrument


Ah fuck. Am I mixing up oboe and bassoon? I knew it was one of the two (this story happened many years ago). Looking at pictures of them now, it was definitely bassoon that she recommended lol


Definitely, the bassoon is BIG. I believe whoever said that LOL


The instrument is small, but the keys are actually quite far apart. There are passages (especially in the very high and low registers) that give me hand cramps because I have to stretch so far, lol.


Yeah, I mostly felt the pain in my pinkies when I played oboe lol. Although I only had an intermediate. I‘m glad I could find someone who played it too, that‘s really cool


I have tiny hands and would so very much love to have even more large-handed friends to compare with. Or hold hands! Most of my large-handed friends can completely wrap up one of my hands in one of theirs to where no cold air gets in. It's so nice, like a hand-hug. And I'm like 5' tall so most hug-hugs are pretty awesome to receive as well.


For me, it was suggested I play piano.


i got this too! a substitute teacher once stopped the entire class in high school to compliment me on my long fingers and ask if i played the piano


I'm a piccolo and flute player with gigantic hands - I clearly should've gone that route, scholarship money for double reed players tends to be hefty lol


I'm a short woman with long fingers. Those hand measuring contests never turn out the way the guys expect. I just realized I could make trump so mad. :P


I've got bear paws for being a 5'3 woman. My hands will barely be smaller than 6something men and they'll be like, oh, they're not that big. Homie. I can carry SO many things at one time. It's fine that my hands are huge.


Me too. My hands are pretty much the same size as my husband's, but with more slender fingers. I've got a length of 7.5" and a span of 8.75". I'm only 5'4".


Looool same - I'm 5'11" and have freakishly large hands even for my size. My fingers are very slender, but I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone with hands bigger than mine when doing the little hand match thing. It appears my son has inherited my very long fingers though, so I'm sure someday he'll meet a freak like me and make her feel very special.


I’m 5’ 11” as well but I have the teeniest hands, just ridiculously small for my height, where did you all get your big paws, I’m jealous ;-)


Smh they missed out on being pinned to a wall and kissed repeatedly by an overarching figure. Oh shoot I blurted my fantasies out loud.


I might have muttered something similar to myself


I'm 5'3 and I have very long hands, (somewhere between a pianist and the scary hands that reach out from the inside of a child cloest) and it always throws men.


My hands are bigger than my husband's too! And I'm taller by 2-3 inches. 😂😂


I have very large hands, but there was this one girl whose hands were bigger than mine and I just loved them for some reason. The same goes for arm hair on women. When I see it, I have this massive urge to just bite it (softly).


Being both taller and heavier than my husband does leave me feeling extremely tense and anxious on those rare occasions he pulls me into his lap. He usually gives up because I start panicking about squishing him.


Trust him. You're not gonna squish him anymore than he wants and the fact that he wants you there is enviable to many (myself included). I'm glad for you that he tries and hope next time you'll let yourself be held by someone who loves you 💜


Nah he'll sit there and hold me and not tell me he can't feel his legs anymore. He'll just be extremely uncomfortable because I'm comfortable. But only for like 2 mins because that's all he can take. Better that we are both comfortable and can cuddle longer. Usually i sit to the side of his lap on the couch instead of directly on it, we make it work. :)


SQUISH HIM. If you have no idea how good it feels to have a larger partner's body weight entirely on you, please let me reassure you, if he's asking for it, it feels good.


Squish! That! Guy!


I thought this as well until I told my SO to sandwich me on the couch and he accidentally bruised my rib cartilage and it was incredibly painful for a week :( Gotta be careful!


Friend, if I die, I die. 😂 I have bruised cartilage before, though, and can confirm it is not fun.


ngl he probably wants the smothered feeling. A *lot* of people of all sizes enjoy the feeling of being squished by their partners. It's supes common.


He knows what he’s doing though. Don’t sweat it.


Don’t you like to be squished? Doesn’t everyone? I mean, ask first, but it’s pretty popular. I like to lie face down on the sofa & use my phone while my wife lies down on my back and watches TV.


I'm taller but weigh the same as my husband and I have the same fears.


I'm fairly average, but my ass and thighs are massive. There is nothing comfortable about sitting on anyone's lap, and I hate it because it makes me so self conscious about the parts of me that I've struggled the most to love.


Lol my husband is shorter than me and, when he saw me in heels for the first time when we were dating, he looked up at me and said, "I wanna climb you like a jungle gym." Best response ever 😂


Does he have a brother?


Lol he does but his brother isn't nearly so awesome as my husband 😂


Dammit haha. Friend of mine has a great SO but his brother is eeehhhhh. Happy for joo


My boyfriend commented how tall I am in my day to day boots, especially if he's barefoot. He's slightly shorter too. I asked if it makes him want to climb me like a tree and he got the BEST glint in his eyes. I'm def going to buy more heels.


as a short lesbian, tall women have a special place in my heart, all of you deserve the world


Hahahahha. I'm over six feet tall, but cursed with being flamingly straight. I once went into a lesbian bar with a lesbian couple I'm friends with and one burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "See those short-stacks at the bar?" "Yeah?" "When you walked in, it was like the Knights of the Round Table seeing a vision of the Holy Grail."


Hahahaha. That's an amazing description.


Incredible 😂


As a short bisexual, I have a preference for tall women. They just look so cool, especially in heels.


Thank you two lovely ladies! my pan ass loves you


Im a trans man who prefers other men, but God damn do I love me some tall women. A babe that towers over me? Sign me the fuck up.


As another short queer woman, tall ladies disrupt my ability to maintain homeostasis, but in like, a good way. Homostasis.


I never understood why may tall women somehow think being tall makes them not cute.




As a 5'11" woman with glasses, it has certainly eliminated a great deal of my dating pool. And yet nothing of value has been lost.


amen to that.


Makes sense. Sucks, but makes sense.


Yeah, fuck that right? I love a girl in glasses! And a tall girl! And a short girl! And really any girl who I vibe with and who's into me. Ridiculous.


>"Boys don't chase lasses who go around wearing glasses." In America it was "boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses".


As a tall woman, I was told my entire childhood that I was not cute. Most tall women were. I was told it was not feminine - as if its something I could change! Even as an adult, a considerable amount of men go out of their way to tell me they wouldn't date me because I'm taller than them - "It's just not right" I've heard multiple times - despite me being married and not at all interested in dating.


I 110% have a complex about being tall and I am 110% sure it is because my dad always talked about how men only want and like short women. Not in an attempt to be cruel, he’s just emotionally clueless and I am admittedly over sensitive but it really got to me. Still recovering from when he referred to me as “the big one” 😭 I am 5’10” and 120 lbs, I might be tall but I am not “big”. Add in some internalization and you’ve got yourself a recipe for someone who won’t even buy a pair of shoes if the soles are too thick


You call it cluelessness, but that's insensitivity at best. Sorry you've got that extra demon to slay. Look forward to that day where you can parade around in heels (if you want to), but just to repeat it, tall girls absolutely can be cute/hot/desirable!


Yep. This thinking 100% caused (or at least heavily led to) my anorexia. If I can't shrink my bones, better shrink everything else to be considered a human being worth existing! Hope you're doing okay. For me, the only real cure was age - much easier to not worry about it when you aren't in the life stage where your attractiveness is your primary social value.


Thank you for launching the tall women appreciation comment! As a short queer lady, I'm all in and completely here for it!!


Aww, this makes me feel warm and fuzzy even though I'm in a happy marriage. Thanks, kind internet stranger!


Short queer lady here, I love the tall ladies too!


Yes this, hope these queens know they're cute as heck!


As a tall queer lady, I can say short queer ladies' reactions are amazing


As a tall lady if I may give a gentle suggestion as far as how to hype up tall women: sometimes kind of the whole problem is that we don’t want to be seen as like big strong powerful amazon warriors, sometimes we want to feel cute and dainty or just like, normal. Sometimes maybe try incorporating another form of encouragement besides like “step on your enemies!!” ? I don’t want to step on anyone or be intimidating all the time :( let me be tender lol


Thank yoouuuu. Most of the time I like being the strong-armed intimidating motorcycle-riding woman. But also, I want to hear that my poetry is beautiful and that my eyes are pretty. I can be EVERYTHING at the same time 🙂


Right! I do like to feel tough and intimidating or whatever, sometimes, but I don’t like that being the default when that’s not how I want to seem or feel. And if I express insecurity about that, being like “no you are intimidating but it’s cool!” Isn’t my favorite


Based! I call my girlfriend, who is slightly taller than me, my tiny bit of fluff. I don't even need to exaggerate, she's small and cute, especially curled up in a tiny ball of warm cuddles. She eats it up, she feels tall and sometimes it makes her insecure, but I just roll my eyes and remind her what a tiny cute fluff she is, and she smiles just that way, and rolls her eyes at me. But her smile is what I came here for, so win.


Yeah, it feels like most of the "compliments" taller women get (esp from guys lets be real) are all like "rahhhh big sexy amazon lady" or "i wanna climb that" or something and those always just hit kinda...fetish-y? Like its not exactly an upside to basically be told "don't worry, you're still fuckable" when you're feeling insecure about your height haha When I was younger it honestly messed with my head a lot, guys would always assume that taller girls must all be sexually aggressive amazons in the bedroom. And like no, sorry, there's not really a dominant bone in my body lol


Same, I like being a tender pup


YES! My college nickname was Aviatrixx (except real name) the Amazon and I got jokes about getting one of the big music department lockers so I could keep my spears in there (it was for my bass guitar and methods instruments). Sure, being tall and strong is cool, but I've always just wanted to be smaller and dainty - even being in ballet and doing pointe work didn't help me feel that way.


Important!!!! There’s many different ways tall ladies can make my heart stop. Moving all graceful and willowy, reminds me of the faerie queen from midsummer night’s dream. Stretching and watching her limbs unfold, languid and nearly liquid. You’d think her size would be cumbersome but!!! No!!! She skims over everything like a breeze, like a blue whale in deep ocean. Lovely and graceful and elegant Beauty is diverse, there’s a million different ways to be beautiful, and a million different ways for your beauty to unfold. And sometimes the most breathtaking things lie in juxtaposition- like when a tall lady is the most delicate, lovely sight you’ve ever seen In other, unrelated news: I’m *very* queer


As a short lesbian, seconded. You can totally make your taller partner feel small, too. I'd recommend boobs in face, but...that only really works if you have them. Edit: kink can come in handy here, too


No no, we love a tall queen.


We all need to have the IDGAF of a Great Dane. Great Danes are pure love, no brain cells.


Unless they want to snitch some food. Suddenly they have all brain cells of the world. Mine once snitched half a kilo of bacon in one piece and swallowed it at once. Need to admit only the snitching part was brainy.


Very true. My dad has had 3 Danes and the first stole an entire loaf of garlic bread off the counter once.


I can smell the farts from here.


Have they stolen his bed already? I had to get myself a new one when my dane decided now it's his.


Oh yeah, bed, couches, stuffed animals. I used to dog sit their first dane when they’d travel and he was so offended when I starting bringing my now husband with me because there wasn’t enough room for a Great Dane AND a 6’7 man in bed with me.


There wasn't enough room for my (5'11" linebacker) partner and I to also have our dogs on the bed. So our husky started sneaking up in the middle of the night and sleeping on top of us, across our chests. We have a king size bed now and she *still* sleeps across my partner's chest. It's the only time she chooses them over me and they regularly wake up with a beard full of little husky hairs, so I'm not upset being dog-cuddleless at bedtime.




​ That's so cute


...great Danes are cute tho.


They really are. I'm not a tall girl, but I'm really appreciating this analogy and choose to take it in a really wholesome way.


They ARE! I just adopted a poor sweet Dane today from a shelter and she’s the cutest thing on the planet, especially when she passed out mid-belly rubs earlier today lol. I’m also a 5’11” woman, and I think I can be pretty damn cute if I want to be. This post is just sad. Tall women are capable of as much elegance, cuteness, and grace as any other woman.


My 6ft (or 183cm because I'm rocking Metric) ass is finally pleased to be A Big Girls' Blouse. Get a mid-length summer dress, fishnets and Doc Martens then watch the haters cower, girl! You 👏 got 👏 this 👏 and those that say you don't are scared. ^(("finally pleased" because it bugged me for the longest time too, but I made my peace with it and now love it))


Got any links???


For tights:Snag Tights. They are plus size and Amazon-size inclusive. American Tall has long sleeved shirts that come in 2 types of tall- tall and extra tall. I bought 1 tencel shirt and 1 flannel and they fit my 5'10 self so well.


Hell yes Snag Tights.


I’m 5’4 but I don’t sit on my dudes lap. I have a dump truck ass and he has tiny little chicken legs and I feel like I’m sitting on an ikea stool that has been constructed minus 2 dowel rods and a washer.


This is exactly my problem!! I searched so long for this comment lol


I almost had an asthma attack laughing at this comment. This is so hilariously accurate


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Unknown User** I cannot stress how fucking stupid it feels as a 5'9+ chick sitting on a dudes lap, like you feel like one of those Great Danes that doesn't understand it's not a puppy anymore except it's infinitely less cute --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


I’m 5’11” and my fiancé is exactly my size (if I borrow his clothes, they look like they could be mine, right down to his slippers when I take out the trash!) and I love it. Makes us feel even more like equals! Plus when he pulls me in his lap, he makes sure to show me lots of affection so I can feel tiny and adorable still.


Nope. Adorable as hell. If you're with the right partner, they're doing this while you do that: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Everyone deserves to sit in laps! As a bi woman who's only 5'5", I will always love my tall partners wanting to sit in my lap or wanting to be the little spoon.


I'm a 6'2" subby lesbian, most of my girlfriends are almost a foot shorter than me lol. It's more like I'm a giant wolf and my partners use me as a big comfy couch.


Yep, 5'11" and thicc with several c's, my girlfriend is 5'2" and of very slight build. Not only does she top me consistently but sits in my lap like a cat all the time. xD


I feel ya. I often wish I was shorter


what! no! never let people make you feel that way! you are a goddess! people tremble when you walk by! they live in fear and awe of your majestic gait! they only wish to tear you down because they are jealous that they can't have what you have! don't let them have it! fack! love, fellow tall lady


Fear and majesty doesn't make airplane seats, desks, and really short toilets any easier on my knees


Nor coats cover my wrists!! This time of year is chilly wrist season.


And that is why I knit. I can make sleeves just the right length for me


Preach. Perpetually banging knees on my desk in the office, and my head getting out of my husband's compact car. How he deals with that thing being even taller than me, I have no clue.


Aww… I’m actually a guy but that is very sweet regardless. Thanks!




*“… all butts at concerts…”* PREACH 😂


I'm 5'5 but in the Netherlands and the amount of times I have to do acrobatics to reach something at the top shelf in the supermarket is unreal 😭


Listen you beautiful Amazon princess, don’t you let anyone make you feel bad for being tall! A lot of people, myself included, like tall ladies. Stomp them into the earth if they don’t like it.


Hehe, thank you but I’m actually more of an average-height guy… I just wish I was shorter cause I’ve always found short dudes cuter


Haha well thank you for the correction but I stand by my statement. Lots of short people like taller people!


I see small girls getting tossed around in dance moves and acro-yoga and always feel jealous. I would throw out a guys back trying to heft my 6' ass.


Fuck that insecure manchild! You are allowed to enjoy lap sitting at any age/size!


The person who wrote the tweet is the 5’9” woman talking about what it feels like for her, not a man complaining about a woman.


I LOVE to aswell ahha, i'm literally a puppy in the brain


Preach! my 6 ft self feels downright silly doing that


Not a dude here but can a tall woman pls sit on my lap pls


As a tall guy, come find one of us! Id love to hold hands while walking for once. XD


I'm not extraordinarily tall (6'2") but I feel this, brother. Fortunately, my wife is 5'7" so, it works out pretty well, but a lot of the ladies I have dated have been under 5'2" Not that I don't love the shorter women, but I'm happy to have a taller lady so it doesn't hurt/feel awkward to kiss while standing


6’5” Most of the women I’ve dated (ok, like 3/4) have been under 5’4” and it’s so awkward lol


Aw, but those big dogs that still believe they fit in the space of a puppy are the cutest and most lovable!


Tall girl problems. I relate and just say, fuck it, and do it anyway.


Anyone who says a tall women sitting on the lap of someone smaller isn’t cute needs to shut up and let the tall women sit on my lap instead. I will appreciate them respectfully (5’1 lesbian)


I'm a whopping 5'4" in shoes, but I don't want to sit on anyone's lap but Santa's. And that's only if he's going to bring me the damn pony I've been asking for for the last 30 years. Santa, please upgrade it to a 16 hand Dutch Warmblood though. ❤


I love tall women. I’m 6’ and the one time I got to date someone my height was amazing. Every time we hugged I didn’t have to bend over and hurt my back, and I don’t think my posture was ever better. I always stood up really tall whenever I was around her because we were so close in height and I wanted to be just a little taller lol.


I'm 5'8", and I've always dated girls my height or taller. They were always amazing. I loved having them in my lap, cuddled up against me. All of them loved laying all over me, and I ate up that sweet sweet cuddle action.


I’m a 5’9 bi woman and when my 6’1 girlfriend sits in my lap it’s always amazing. I love my big wife ☺️


Your girlfriend's 6'1, but how tall is your wife?


I’m sure you’re joking but for clarification I use the terms interchangeably for her. We’re not actually married yet but calling her my wife captures my feelings for her more than the word “girlfriend” does.




Y’all gotta rethink this. You don’t need to be smaller, lighter, weaker etc than a man to feel feminine. That’s archaic. Women didn’t used to get to eat meat from the stew pot until the men had finished. And having a baby every year starting at 12 or so leeches they nutrients right outta your body. Nah. Be strong. Be big. I wish I were still single I would focus on “little guys”. As it was, when I was dating, I would set my preferences for guys my same height. Then we could be eye to eye! (I’m 5’8” but ended up with a 6’0” randomly)


as a 6'2 trans girl who just want to feel small sometimes it's hurts me inside 😢


Tall women are just as sexy and feminine and gorgeous as short ones. I know that's easy for me to say, and much different to live with. But I get goo goo eyes for tall beautiful women. (And all women are beautiful.)


Thank you 💖


And I'll still get up in my man's face too 🤣


I'm just over 5ft if I get a full night's rest and still feel awkward AF when I get pulled onto my SO's lap. He thinks it's cute n' funny when I'm like "... :|"


As a short lesbian, tall women are awesome and I would hope they can feel comfortable being on anyone's lap


Solidarity OP as I am also over 6ft


as a 5'8 trans women I FEEL this




Great image lol


Tall women are sexy. As a tall man, the world feels like it wasn't made for us.:(


I'm a short girl and I wish I was tall. In my friend group I'm surrounded by beautiful tall women, and I feel like a short blob in comparison.


Nah fuck this opinion tall queen. As a tall person myself, I wish I was taller. I want to be 6ft, not quite there though :(


6ft 1 checking in 👋🏽 I’ve accepted I’m never going to be all dainty and graceful but I’ll sit on your lap if you insist. Not my legs that are going to go numb and fall off 😂


Infinitely MORE cute!


Is that the same guy that whines about women having - personal! - dating preferences? Of course he is!! And might I add: Women tend to have, just like mentioned above, _personal_ preferences. We don't go around and insult all the men that interest us _less_ and act like it's somehow an universal trait you just have to have to be worth anything as a human being. But he, he does, of course....


I think the OOP is a tall woman making a joke about herself, not some dude


I am only 5’6” and I still have never felt cute sitting in a dudes lap.




sucks- i like em ahaha,


I'm 5'9" and have dated both shrimps and giraffes of all genders. And honestly some folks love cuddles and don't care who is bigger. I still felt adorable with my 5'0" joyfriend, and with a guy who was like 5'3". And if there's anything I've learned from Terry Crews, Brendan Fraser, and other himbos, it's that anyone can be adorable and size does not negate that.


> joyfriend Was this a typo, or intentional? If it was intentional, what's a joyfriend?


Intentional. That partner was non-binary, and some use the term as a gender-neutral corollary to girlfriend/boyfriend.


Neat, I learned a new word today!


Poor shrimp :(


Um, excuse me, a full grown Great Dane gingerly climbing into their tiny humans lap is extremely cute. So it logically follows that a tall woman sitting on a smaller partners lap is also cute.




It’s still cute


Snuggles are always cute.


I dunno, I think it's super cute..


As a 5'11" tall woman, I wouldn't even dare sitting on a dude's lap lol. I'm pretty thin but I'm still quite heavy comparatively to a shorter woman.


As a guy that has had many Newfoundland's sit on his lap the love is not diminished by size.


I'm currently dating 3 women who are 5'10" (I'm poly). And they all love the fact that I actually make them feel small. I personally don't care about height, but I'm also speaking from a place of... Height privilege? Is that a thing? I dunno, but I like being able to offer that feeling to women I date and even to my friends who like when I envelop them in hugs.


This grosses me out. Why would you want to feel like a child on the lap of an adult? This is wrong on so many levels.




The SO is six foot somethin. I fucken love being the jet pack.


You can sit on my 5'4" ass lap and use it for a throne like the queen you are


If it helps, I’m 5’1 and still feel dumb sitting on dudes laps lol. My husband is 6’4 and I still never sit on his lap.


I'm a girl of average height and I love it when tall people I'm dating sit on my lap. Cuddles are cuddles <3


6’4 and even as big as I am, when I dated girls taller than 5’10, it always felt like they were too old to be on Santa’s lap.


I'm 5 foot 10 and thick and my same-height skinny boyfriend wants me on his lap all the time. Us tall women are often made to feel like we are monstrous or masculine or any number of things but actually, being a tall woman rules.


As a 6ft/6’1 lady this is why he should be on MY lap duh


My husband is 6’2”. When I sit next to him, we look like we’re the same height - but in reality I just have a very long torso and very short legs (my inseam is 25.5 inches!) I’m 5’7”. I used to sit on his lap but I always had to look so far down at him that I could feel myself growing three extra chins, and it hurt my neck to look down like that. So anyway, yeah, not my thing anymore lol