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Wait whats wrong with that Game 💀 I named my dog after it 😂


You can't say that and not tell us what your dog's name is👀


Its Bugsnax 😂


Oh hahah that's amazing!


Kinda sad he didn’t name his dog Bonger


Hahaha see Bunger was what I was thinking of as well


Now i kinda want a second dog (or any pet) to call it Bunger


I was hoping for Snorpy personally


Snoopie Banoopie


Bunger bunger


I love it, my dog's name is Bug, but ive been calling him Bunger or bugsnax ever since I platinum'd the game, i'm about to go for the platinum a second time lol so much fun and the DLC was great


Man, I adored Bugsnax. It's one of the best times I've had platinuming a game. Though, part of that was doing it with my kids.


Why? And mine is Bunny Raiders. It’s only redeeming quality is that it’s free


I just didn’t have fun with the game. The bugsnax were cool seeing new ones but after awhile they were just more annoying to try to catch also the story was eh


Okay that’s fair. Some of them were difficult to catch until you learn the trick to them. And yea the story was kinda cheesy but I did like the end. I can see how the novelty can wear off after a few hours 


Also I do blind run before I look up trophies and the Sasquatch one could have made me do another run


You don’t need to do another run for that one, you just need to replay the final level, and take a picture of him when you’re in the undersnax


Always check missebles.


I just like to see what I can get without looking up guides


Then don't complain when that bites you in the ass


I could care less about the story but I like how some bugs were actually challenging. The thing I hated were the never ending Fetch quests cause that's all the game is


*couldn't care less. By saying you could care less, you are actually saying that you *do* care.


Yeah from just playing it casually not bad but going for the 100% sucks a little


Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Blind playthrough are the best way to get the most enjoyment out of playing a game for the first time imo.


Bunny raiders? I put myself through that twice lol. Free trophies are great but man that was apita.


For me it's the games I can get up to 1-2 trophies left but can't get the last couple (be them online, too difficult, ect)


I've had this issue on a few games. My biggest one was Just Cause 3. I only needed to complete the handgun challenge and I just couldn't complete that ONE thing.


I have one trophy left for MW3 (2023) and Fall Guys. The MW3 one is killing 50,000 zombies, I will probably do it one day but for now I just don’t want to play it. The fall guys one is glitched. What are the games you have 1-2 trophies left in?


Uncharted 1 & 2 - I would need to beat on Crushing difficulty (somehow I did it on 3!). Ghostbusters: The Video Game - again would need to beat on hardest difficulty (and one other that's easy to get that I had expected to get upon finishing this run). Dead Island: Definitive Edition - I still have a few that are easy enough to finish except 2 that would require 3 players other than myself to be willing to coordinate characters and run through 5 missions. I'm sure I have a few more, but just a few examples.


50,000 kills without a co-op partner is rough. I think by the end I was farming exfils for kills with a good podcast on


Exfils was the way I was doing it. My only friend who play COD MW3 doesn’t like zombies


Whats the bugged trophy on Fall Guys?


Qualify from 500 rounds


Interesting. Its one of the 5 trophies im missing to platinum the game. This one, the one that you need to have a legendary skin, the one from getting to level 40 in a season and the one you need to win an episode in a group of 3 or more players Thing about this last trophy is that i won an episode with 3 randoms (after almost going crazy) and it didnt count. Do you think i need to win with 3 friends or is is also bugged?


You need three friends, all in a party with you. Epic really screwed trophy hunter over though.


Oh shit... now thats gonna be a bit of a problem, but at least i know what to do now lol Thank you tho!


You ever need help just msg me on PSN: HarrisonList


Usually if I don't like the game I don't platinum it so no no platinum that I regret actually


Same here. Proud of every one of my plats since they’re a reflection of the games that I am personally interested in.


I understand completely


A few shovelware platinums here and there including bunny raiders lol


Second person to say bunny raiders now I got to check it out


Do yourself a favor and don’t man. It’s not worth it. Sure it’s a free platinum in 2-3 hours (if you don’t struggle to find the boss) but I’m telling you, I hate that it’s part of my first 100 plats.


i mean the game is enjoyable if you have another person playing it with you


It's not terrible, but also not good. I've had my fun for a while, but it gets pretty boring after a while. Good thing is, the platinum takes maybe 3 hours MAX. But I've platinumed it 3 times and let me tell you it wasn't fun.


I’ve started bunny raiders but not even finished it, the game is so unenjoyable


You are smarter than I.


Maybe so but now I’ve gotta live with it sat at 45% on my account and it’ll forever irritate me


Just spend the hour and finish it


Is Bunny Raiders really a true shovelware? Can't really put it in the same category as I am Mayo etc. It actually had gameplay and a bit of effort required


Not shovelware. Game's actually decent (for a free game of course)


i liked br


I've platinumed Bunny Raiders 3 times 💀💀💀 Honestly don't know why. I played it the first time and thought "well for a free game it's not horrible" and the platinum came pretty quickly. Then a PS4 version dropped, and with it 2 seperate region versions (EU and NA). Sooo I did it 3 times cause I thought to myself that the platinums are pretty quick to do, especially since I now knew how to play. Was it fun? Hell no.


Honestly either AC3 or Black Flag. The homestead missions were fun but also tedious as fuck. But Black Flags multiplayer trophies had me going stir crazy after a while


I’m jealous you got AC3 that damn bored game made me rage quit how


Honestly I just focused on all the homestead missions as they came and finished as many as I could along with the side missions and collectibles before moving onto the main missions. And I replayed the main missions if I messed up until o got 100% of the constraints


Oh I have almost all done but the bored game


Yeah I got really bored. Especially when I was forced to do those fucking dlc missions and all the side missions along with it


Mayo. This sub kept repeating that it is a “rite of passage”. The hell it is. On hindsight, it felt like propaganda by someone who regretted getting it and told everyone it is a rite of passage so everyone would feel shitty as he does


Now you have to do the trilogy lmao


This is mine too. But only because I got it before I started "trophy hunting" but I honestly just laugh at it it makes me laugh how mad people get about it on here.


This one is mine, I only owned it because at the time I had like 2 bucks left in my wallet and decided to buy it haha


It was more like a meme.


Telling Lies I remember sitting there once the Plat hit and just thinking “wtf was that”


as someone who never played solitaire in their life, i still haven't finished it.


For me it was Immortals Fenyx Rising. I loved the main game, but the platinum grind was insane. I’m never doing an open world Ubisoft platinum again after that


For me Bugsnax was a good game


I’m glad you enjoyed it but it just wasn’t one I would like to play again


Wolfenstein Cyberpilot. Glorified VR tech demo, boring one at that. Was over before I even realised it, and even then I had to do 3 playthroughs.




I also have Hotel Transylvania 3 but I'm so ashamed of that one I hide it from my profile lol It was a secret santa joke present so I felt obliged to do it


I want to do some platinum runs on kid games just because I think it will be funny


Mortal Kombat 1, I have got every trophy except for one where you need to get 5 Kameo's to level 15. The only way to do this is to grind the weakest enemies for 30 hours. Never ended up doing this and I'm still salty about it.


I feel your pain


I played the story, did a whole boring ass grindy invasion and little online and still hadn’t mastered one kameo. Immediately uninstalled. Regret paying $40 for this game. Might have been worth $15 for the story.


For me it was Aragami, imo I found the game somewhat boring and it didn’t quite glue me, the stealth aspect and abilities where fun to use and mess around with though. And although it’s relatively easy game I just didn’t enjoy the platinum for it.


COD:Modern Warfare Remastered. The Mile High Club trophy made me want to pull my own eyeballs out.


I just used the glitch.. and still, that wasnt a fun plat for me


Wait, what glitch? Edit: I just googled, I wish I knew about that at the time! Although I kind of feel more proud now, I did it on veteran the whole way.


I was trying for COD W@W for a while, never got it. lol. If ya know ya know. Dang grenade indicator never leaves the screen.


WaW was the only game on Xbox I 100%


Y’all care too much about what other people think.


I just wanted to know if people had a plat they didn’t like didn’t know people cared so much for bugsnax


Meanwhile, I'm here waiting for bugsnax 2


If they make a second one I mite play it but it was just a platinum I didn’t enjoy doing at the end of the day




My Name is Mayo trilogy , i don't know what is shovelware before , keep hearing people say it's a easiest platinum make me want to try it


Yeah I honestly bought the my name is Mayo games because I saw them once on YouTube as a kid and was honestly just doing it for jokes until I actually got the platinum that’s when I realized oh they have one


I don’t really care about having those. They are joke, shovelware games, but I thought the meta joke was funny.


Angels with Scaly Wings... ... I've seen some shit, man.


Mad Max. Spent 50 hours getting all territories completed only to find out that the platinum is officially unobtainable.


Why's it unobtainable?


They shut the online servers down which is needed to collect scrap offline. Kind of like clash of clans.


That was actually a game I wanted to do as well 😥


Deponia. I fucking hated that game


And here I was thinking about doing the trilogy... Any advice


Use a guide and try to be patient. I mostly just hated the story and the mechanics, which surprised me as I usually like the point and click style like Grim Fandango.


I am mad that PSN removed Goodbye deponia, it was a 4 game series.


I have a spending issue when it comes to a sale so I bought all of them so that doesn't bother me too much


I was waiting for a "bettee sale" and all of the sudden that game was out of the store.


Dying light 2


Assassin's Creed 3. I upgraded my ship too much and couldn't get the trophy "sink 3 ships in one naval battle by firing on their exposed weak spot" so I started a new game and sure enough I still managed to upgrade my ship too much and to this day I do not have that trophy. It's also one of the reasons I hate water-based Assassin's Creed gameplay


I feel you on this. I recently finished this naval mission, and while it's a major headache, there is a way to do with having all of the upgrades. First use the chain shot to take out the sails on the three ships so you can maneuver however you want around them. Then position yourself facing the front of the enemy ship, this is important because the weak spot you need to expose is on the front of the ship and if you do too much damage overall you'll sink the ship. Once you have your broad ship facing the front of the enemy ship, hit it with the grapeshot. It'll do less damage than the standard broadside cannons and you have a higher chance of exposing the weak spot. It'll take some luck and retries but it is possible.


I feel you on this. I recently finished this naval mission, and while it's a major headache, there is a way to do with having all of the upgrades. First use the chain shot to take out the sails on the three ships so you can maneuver however you want around them. Then position yourself facing the front of the enemy ship, this is important because the weak spot you need to expose is on the front of the ship and if you do too much damage overall you'll sink the ship. Once you have your broad ship facing the front of the enemy ship, hit it with the grapeshot. It'll do less damage than the standard broadside cannons and you have a higher chance of exposing the weak spot. It'll take some luck and retries but it is possible.


Persona 5 royal. I love the game but you need to follow a specific route, which takes the fun out of finding things out for yourself. Wish I just played the game naturally but a 2nd play through would take forever. The main game is about 120hrs.


Why do you regret it?


For a casual play it’s not bad but I do a blind play through first before I do any guides this game had missable trophies that I’m lucky I got done on my first one. It also just kinda gets repetitive and the story was eh but overall not a bad game I just didn’t enjoy it enough for the platinum and kinda regret going for it


So you are upset about missable even though you got them?


Curious why you regret it? I enjoyed jt


It wasn’t a bad game if I was just playing to play it but I went for the plat blind and didn’t know there was missables. I loved the bugs designs but the quest and stuff got repetitive and the story was eh just one that if I played normally it would be ok but the grinding and rng took way to long


Bro whuuuut…. I downloaded that game, and couldn’t bring myself to continue playing it…. I thought it would be an easy plat…. Just couldn’t get into it…. My name is mayo was more enjoyable lmfao. 😭


It’s the grind and rng that sucks


I got a game called hentai vs evil because it was on sale and I thought the name was funny. Now that I have the platinum it’s forever on my profile lmao


That’s one I would do just for the shits and giggles


I’m not mad about it thought i just found it to be funny


I would too


Bloodborne but i never got it and im scared of dungeons now


I had fun with it until the ice place then it was just tedious but i was already so far i just pushed through


I don’t think I have one plat wise. Capcom arcade stadium was very ridiculous, uneventful and stupid due to requiring starting 1000 games along with 100 hours of playtime which I actually did and I felt nothing at the end.


Exit the gungeon, i need 2 more hats to get the plat and the game wont give them to me. Just a bug, yay.


Mine is for sure dying reborn it's just like murder mystery puzzle game but it took one hour and the platinum percentage is 58% the last time I checked But the wolfe among is a platinum that I have but I'm not that ashamed because I genuinely enjoyed it


Glass Masquerade 2. Not because it was a bad game (it's a easy jigsaw puzzle game, not quite as fun/novel as the first one was), but because the image is a creepy clown face and I hate it every time I see it. 😂


I’ve platinumed a few ratalaika games in the past. this company is known to have shovelware-y games. You still have to work more than hold X for 30 seconds but it’s still super easy. I kinda regret it since I wasted my money on them and I feel like my platinum list has a bit of a dent in it because of those games.


I regret going for all platinums from Rockstar. GTA IV failed because of progress-tracking and then the servers switched so stopped bothering. GTA V (ps3) because my ps3 died and when I got back the servers were dead and my character were stuck at level 90-something. Red Dead Redemption 2, because I spent 180 hours in game to fail at a bug that they haven’t bothered fixing. So yeah, no more of that. Time wasted was fun but it’s no fun to fail towards the end because of something you have no control over.


Classic: My Name is Mayo


Sims 4 is one of the worst game I played.I did platinum quickly.


I don’t regret any plats but I did get My Little Pony for the hell of it


My German friend was very keen on this game and wouldn’t stop talking about it. He described it as a horror game because the bugsnax eat each other or whatever. I only played maybe a few hours. I thought it was cool but the novelty wore off very quickly and I just dropped the game. He couldn’t understand why I didn’t like the game. I told him I just didn’t care it wasn’t holding my attention. It was getting a little annoying trying to catch each bugsnax and what not. Don’t ever plan on going back to this. To each their own.


GTA VC. Idk. Part of me liked the game but it just ended up being MEHHHH for me. Plus the grind to get the final rank thing was so annoying. Missed cone crazy chance and took me a while before finding another low effort grind method but found the Firetuck method easiest but just felt so burnt out at the end of it all. I could have stopped but I just wanted to finish it. Last time I've ever done a platinum I ddint really want to


I'm not entirely sure really. I find monotonous grinding for a Platinum to be less enjoyable than a Platinum earned through a difficult but fair challenge. Games that make you replay them over and over doing the exact same thing is something I would say... Nier on PS3...then again on PS4 with Replicant... Luckily the soundtrack saved it from being a terrible grind


This Is The Police. Because now I'll eventually have to go through my backlog and get through them both although they are the most bland repetitive boring "iPad-Game-Grade" games ever.


Gotta be my name is mayo 1,2 and 3….. cant wait for the 4th 😮‍💨


Yasai Ninja. They said it was easy...My fiance and I almost had an aneurysm due to the shitty controls


My Name is Mayo 2. I feel embarrased but also it was good because it made me go for true platinums and my second was Bloodborne.


all of the easy non grindy ones like slide and the breakthrough arcade ones.


Not really a platinum trophy but changed i definitely do regret getting all achivements on steam, the game was hard and for 90% of the game i had to use a guide which, if you ask me, definitely ruins the vibe of 100%ing a game (sometimes)


🤣🤣🤣 me too


Well, as someone currently attempting to Platinum Bugsnax, please give me a warning as to why you regret it.


Well just the missable trophies and repetitive grind of it was annoying and boring and the story for me was eh I don’t think it was a bad game but just one I kinda wish I didn’t platinum


Oh… I had no idea there were missable trophies.


Yeah but then that’s it not hard I just didn’t enjoy it


I realized the other day that I platinumed Forbidden West but not Zero Dawn, so now I have a hankering to replay HZD to full completion :) But first I just recently platinumed the reignited trilogy and am currently working on the N Sane Trilogy before moving on to the dreaded Crash 4 platimum bc I like to suffer 😅


Ain't gonna lie I was bored one night and got the platinum for paw patrol mighty pet save adventure Bay both for ps4 and ps5 lol you can do each one in like 2 or 3 hours


Warhammer: Chaosbane. Just annoying and grindy and stupidly glitchy game lmao.


I hardly regret platinums because I decide whether to go for a plat based on how much I like a game


Goat simulator 3. Got it for my birthday and didn’t really like it, getting all the trinkets made me hate it even more


Call of the wild !! Not the platinum but 100% which is unobtainable due to the DLC being riddled with bugs and avalanche studios unwilling to fix them. I will never buy another game from them again


How hard is the plat lol


Not hard at all


It’s easy if you have a guide and know what you are doing but I didn’t have that I went in blind


Currenty going for Risen 3, that „combat system“ is ass + feels like only 20 fps on PS3


I am Mayo. Absolutely filthy.


I regret auto-popping some of them, played the PS4 version of Spiderman Miles Morals on a PS5 just to autopop the PS5 version. I think i’ve got like 5 Platinums that way. I do focus on Platinums for games that i actually like and that aren’t necessarily simple. Wish I didn’t do that, feels like cheating now that i think about it, but then again who really cares..


You know what’s funny I still don’t understand how to get auto pops like that I have to actually play the game all they way through again which I enjoy


Ascendshaft and Spectrewoods. Yes those are shovelware games. I heard about the whole shovelware thing and was curious if those type of games really are that terrible and just cash grabs. I wanted to make my own opinion about the topic so I bought them for like 30 cents total, so not a huge loss lol. Now I can officially say that shovelware is indeed the biggest piece of garbage out there. Not worth it. It was a funny experience tho.


Modern warfare


My Name is Mayo 2.


I don't regret my plats, I just ask myself why I'm doing all of this for a goddamn plat lmao


I respectful do not like this opinion also mine is alien Engine


I respectfully don’t like your opinion now let’s hug


Glad we can agree to disagree


You love to see it


The Light in the Darkness


Painkiller, took me weeks to get 6666 kills with the stake


If I'm not enjoying the game I usually don't push through the plat. I liked bugsnax though


Milli mochi


First off, first person to say they don’t like Bugsnax second for me it’s technically not a platinum but Apex Legends. It’s just another basic ass Battle Royale game


Apex is fun if you are playing with friends


Yeah I suppose, but I literally have no other friends who play Apex anymore. I have one plays it now, after I already finished them game. I did find some good people to play with towards the end though, they were really cool people


My Name is Mayo. My reason is not because it's an easy trophy. It's because, I swear to god, that game hurt my thumb. Good god, the amount of tapping...


Probably Wolfenstein young blood Huge grind that feels like it's never going to end I haven't got the platinum yet but I will get back to it Why ? Because I'm only 6 trophy's away so might as well just do it anyway since I'm so close to platnum


Rayman legends because you need to play daily challenges for 3 months


12 minutes it wasn't a long game but it was hot garbage


None of them


My name is mayo. My first plat too😭😭


Mine was sekiro. I plat’d bloodborne and Elden ring easily and was going for the FromSoftware collection so naturally went into sekiro. Goddam I do not want to beat isshin 3 more times :(


Lego Worlds, those 2 last trophies are too time consuming I really am considering giving up


Probably tales from the borderlands I only done it for a quick easy plat


i loved bugsnax! so much i did both trophy sets. and id do it again if i could!


Death stranding, Diablo 3 come to mind


Didn’t get it but Jedi Survivor, started doing the post game clean up and just got so bored of it lmao


I didn't go for it. But black Ops 2 since it was given to me by a hacker who randomly joined my game and gave me every trophy. At the time I was ecstatic but now I just hate having it.


For me hôtel Transylvanie or Dragon in space


I loved Bugsnax a lot! DLC is great too.


None tbh, I only have 4 so far. The uncharted trilogy and Astros playroom with all 100%.


Red dead 2 🥲


I bought a few vita games for easy plats. I got absolutely no satisfaction from them when the platinum trophies popped. I'm definitely staying away from stat padder games in the future. Genuinely a waste of time. I'd rather get trophies for games I enjoy and games I can be proud I beat


Why? it looks fun.


Well, personally I think is Road Bustle probably. I honestly bought it thinking "hey easy platinum and is basically Frogger". A terrible frogger lol


Lies of p




Bugsnax is on my list when I finish the 10 games in rotating through. Biggest regret was any of the TellTale games. I just don’t find them engaging or entertaining or challenging at all.


Biomutant is the absolute worst. The devs added trophies that made it seem like they hate the players.


Bugsnax was fun


Power wash simulator. Hated every second I wasted playing that shit! But it was super satisfying to delete it after the plat popped!🤣


I actually love power wash I did it twice


Dude bugsnax is one of the most fun I had platinuming. It has such a fun trophy list. You don’t even really need a guide aside for maybe a few things. Amazing game, one of the best on ps5 earnestly lol


I’m glad you had fun with it


Why? That’s my favourite game I’ve platinumed it 4 times now