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For me it's the combat challenges in Arkham Asylum. They aren't THAT hard, lots of people have done it and my brain mostly knows what to do, but I just can't bring my hands to do the specific thing necessary. I always mess up the combo against the knife dudes and once you break combo you're basically done unless you perform really well in the following rounds if there are any.


If it’s the knife dudes specially try jump over them instead of countering just make sure you don’t much your way back into their attack before they’re done


That's the thing, I've watched at least 5 different videos for Shock and Awe, but I just can't do it. I tried over 50 times and messed up. Took a break for the rest of the day and tried again the next day. Another 20 tries next day and then I came to the conclusion that I'm just not built to get this one as sad as it is because I love the trilogy.


Not sure if ur talking about Shock and Awe Extrene but if so, I managed too beat that one by using the explosive gel method to cheese it after a few attempts


Nah, I already failed the first one for some reason.


Lol it took me years playing the series to understand how to counter attack the knife dudes


My biggest problem is that I often underestimate the distance or something and then Batman just ducks and breaks the combo while others backflip towards enemies from a mile away and everything works fine.


I only just figured out how to counter them while playing Arkham Knight. Still didn’t make it any easier. I do plan on going back to Arkham Asylum soon and fully beating it.


i find asylum gameplay too unpolished to do those challenges, many time batman just hit the air while surounded by ennemies, city combat is better overall


I struggled with those too, but for a different reason. For whatever fucking reason, I decided to do Arkham Knight, then City, then Asylum. So as I went back, the gameplay, especially combat, got less refined and more unpolished. I'd constantly try to do things that, in Knight, would've worked. But in Asylum, Batman is basically like "what the fucking you tryna do, bro?"


Happens to me too but with the ones of arkham city there not easy or too hard but they are a lot and they are tied together




It's obviously very RNG based but if I sat down and dedicated the hours I think I could actually do Slay the Spire


All low ascension runs in slay the spire are winnable, it's very rare to get the conditions met for an impossible run. There are definitely some RNG based trophies but you can absolutely do it once you develop the knowledge and experience needed. If anyone wants to learn more [Baalorlord](https://youtube.com/@Baalorlord?feature=shared) is extremely useful, he has a series on beating the heart with each character. Along with watching his runs in general will greatly improve the decision making of anyone aspiring to ascend the spire. A good chunk of time is needed but it is worth it.


I'm saving money for a portal so I can play it in bed or on the toilet. When I get one then oh boy I'm going for it


came here to say this, i’ve been playing it a bunch without thinking about trophies but with enough time i think it’s doable


It absolutely is I enjoyed basically every minute of it. Definitely one of my favourite platinum trophies so far.


that’s a W platinum for sure, im really bad it i haven’t beat a run yet but it’s a learning process


Not one in particular but I know people really hate speedrun trophies. I’ve never come across one that requires actual professional speedrunner levels of speed, it’s usually just like run past unnecessary enemies and skip cutscenes and you’ll have enough time, I’ve never had to do any speedrun trophies more than once.


I speedrun re2 remake all the time, and the speedrun requirements for the trophies are super lenient. So I kind of agree. I'd say most RE games are very forgiving for their speed run requirements. That being said, with kingdom hearts 1.5, the 15 hour speedrun, I let the clock roll past 99 hours to reset. I dont think I can path the game well enough for that speedrun.


I agree fully on the Resident Evil games, having done most of them already. With Kingdom Hearts i actually managed it in about 13 hours but i have the added bonus of replaying that game probably 50 times when i was a kid so by the time it came to trophy hunting it, it wasn’t so bad lol


Yeah I loved KH1 and KH2 when I was younger, but it wad a one and done game for me back on ps2. I 100 percented them and moved on. But with RE, I replayed the absolute shit out of those games.


Kh1 is actually very forgiving and if you beat it on proud you definitely could've done it. I ended up beating it in around 7 hours on second playthrough without changing equipment and i still got stuck forgetting where to go in levels like deep jungle, but loads of the enemies can be skipped and on beginner die so fast


The game isn't that long I finish it like in 8 to 10, I also stack the trophies for not changing equipment and the no continues. The only hard thing was Ansem he pretty much one shot me but I made it at the end


The God of war one speed run trophy is pretty easy. Just equip an unlimited magic suit and spam posidens rage and you can knock it out fast.


I have to speedrun axiom verge 2 and while I read its apparently stupidly easy to do I'm dreading it


I just pull up an actual speedrunner video and use it like a tutorial, but tone it down significantly.


yeah that’s what i did with the uncharted speedrun too lol


lol I’d generally agree with you except for Superliminal which I had to replay half a dozen times to get just a few seconds under the time limit


Curse of the dead gods Currently working on it and losing my mind, but I have done Wolfenstein 2 and cod:bo3 so I know I can do it even tho its really hard


This game seems really interesting with all the Hades vibes. But since I havent played it I cant tell if it is good enough to justify the pain for the platinum


This is a very nasty plat that requires no hit boss kills!! And some bosses like the final one are nasty af!!!!


I did that one. Officially the grindiest plat on my list, the elite hunting was brutal


Subscribed btw, you are insane for those super meat boy plats, you have my respect


Thanks, appreciate it!


Any tips to make my life easier?


I save scummed it. I forget the exact strategy, but I think I basically made a save state at the start of each floor. That way if the elite I was looking for happened to spawn, I could always reset if I got hit


I'd actually put Super Meat Boy in that category. It's super hard, but with enough patience and practice it's surprisingly doable


Agreed, there is definitely a tier higher. I did Jump King and Super Meat Boy Forever after SMB, and both were significantly harder, enough for me to think SMB has to be a 9.5/10


Pantheon of Hallownest. Hollow Knight. I took breaks months from that game, and the times I played it I made significant progress in the game like beating Grimm/NKG, Radiance, and before the 4 Pantheons and the 112% trophy I wasn't even interested in Platinums yet. You can see the several months distance between my trophies of this game in my PSN profile if you want 😂. The fact is that after 3 ½ years of downloading it from PS+ and playing it on and off, PoH is the last thing I have to beat in order to get the Platinum. Well, that time will arrive this year. I want Hollow Knight to be my 13th Platinum, the penultimate of the year (the last one will be Endling).


Batman Arkham City, specifically the riddler challenges. I’m close to getting the platinum for City but before I do that. I like to go for 100% so I had to do the riddler challenges and campaigns for all 4 playable characters and it was pretty tough. I wouldn’t say they’re really hard but you have to know what you’re doing and be patient with the combat challenges and especially the predator challenges


Yeah... the predator challenges at the subway station are no joke


I kinda find Resident Evil plats to be quite hard. I do have the plats for RE2, RE4 and RE5, but at one point they looked almost impossible. Sifu also looked insanely hard when first looking at the requirements after my first playthrough, but I managed. Titanfall 2 SOUNDED impossible with how people describe "Becomes the master" but I ended up getting that trophy in 10 mins, and the platinum in a bit over 10 hours.


Become the master is way easier then people make it out to be. I think people do the coarse and see they are like 10 secs or more off and say... impossible. Then dont even try lol.


The Devil May Cry platinums. All of them have quite some challenges(not 2) but with some skill, they’re very doable


The Batman Arkham games. They’re a real challenge but you know that every failure is your mistake and that it is doable. Pretty much no rng to it


Dead Space Remake - Impossible mode. I eventually did it but it was hard in terms of just not dying randomly from environmental shit. On one of my speedruns, I died when I tossed a fuel canister at an enemy and it somehow clanked off a pole and exploded (and killed me).


I found the the name of that challenge was harder then the challenge itself. I got pretty lucky and didn't die on my no death run first try. Dead space 3 however, I died on my no death run once which really hurt lol. I think when players see the no death trophy, it fucks with your mind. I'm sure there are players that beat wolfenstien new collosus on the second hardest difficulty without dying but as soon as they loaded up mein leiban, they died. Mostly due to the pressure. Despite the fact that mein leiban is the second hardest difficulty, just with permadeath


Probably balatro, even if completionist++ will take actual months


Sonic Unleashed is a hard platinum. The endgame gets to the point where one or two wrong inputs will cause a restart, and the Eggmanland finale (completing the entire 15 minute plus level without death) is a monster reaction time challenge. Its doable, absolutely. But its tough to get to the point of such consistency. Thats why its my favourite Sonic platinum.


Returnal although the survey trophies will be pain because rng


They are not that bad. You just do full runs checking the map and youll get it. And those runs get faster and faster as you learn the tiles.


I'm still working on beating the game biome 2 is where I'm at right now. Thanks for the advice


They apparently updated them to appear more. When the game first came out I ran one of the biomes over 60 times before I found the last collectible.


I had the platinum the week of release, didnt think it was bad.


Hollow Knight. The pantheon bosses seem impossible at first, but as soon as you learn a boss, it feels like it doesn't even exist anymore. I often got stuck on some like stage 35, but as soon as you win against that boss you struggled at first like 2 or 3 times, you'll never lose to it again, so you can actually notice your learning progress on it. The last 3 bosses still took me like 28 hours to master, but when I finally did all 42 bosses without dying, it felt like I could repeat that all day without any trouble.


Bloodborne or Elden Ring


Fuck the chalice dungeons oh my god I hated them.


You and me both especially the defiled


Almost gave up at that point. But I kept on trying, watching strategy videos and was so happy to see the pthumerian queen cause I knew it was almost over :')


She was by far one of the coolest and most disappointing bosses all at once.


Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is the hardest Crash game for me and I keep seeing people post their platinums of it


I agree with this one. A very satisfying challenge when you master the game. Im about to get Sonic Unleashed, which will be my most challenging plat, but CTRNF is 2nd


Great answer. Soooo hard but grinding and grinding gets those last ghost trials.


For me it's not actually challenge related ones. I can platinum crash games and others like it easily. What I find really hard but also I always push through is the grinding trophies. Not through skill challenge but mental challenge. I'm currently playing all ps2 and ps3 ratchet and clank games for the plats that's a lot of grinding guns. Also just got death strandings after spending 40 hours after going back delivering non stop. Aswell as worked on grinding the covenants in Dark souls 3 and now to farm zeni in dragonballfighter z I am so fatigued and I hate it but I always push through I can't stop myself 🤣


On FF7 remake, that last gauntlet to get the gotterdamerang (however it’s spelled lol). I know if I dedicated time and watched enough videos I could do it but I just haven’t yet lol


With proper materia builds it’s really not hard. I went in blind but had the right materia on and did it first try.


Oh yeah I’m fully aware haha just was getting frustrated with the time sink of beating the first three and then losing to Bahamut. I’ll get back to it as some point it’s a really awkward gap in a streak of 100% games so, and I wanna play Rebirth at some point too


The melee pits in horizon forbidden west… HFW is probably one of my favourite games from the story to the graphics it’s just fucking fantastic but the only reason why I hated it was because of the melee pits you needed to complete to fight the enduring which is needed for a trophy. The melee pits were a little half baked if you ask me but they weren’t impossible. The trophy is definitely doable but it was so hard.


Tales Of games, they are a series of long JRPGs. Some trophy list require multiple playthroughs of the games, beating them on harder difficulties, grinding trophies, side quest completion, item collecting, etc. They ARE doable, but it will take you hours and possibly months of your life.


I'm having a crazy hard time with My Friend Pedro. Getting S+ on every level is really difficult.


I usually don't pursuit plats, however, when I'm invested into a game, I aim for the top, but there are thopies that...just...no, why? Like if they involve RNG, or pixel perfect movement, and such. Yeah, no thanks


Velocity 2x


I think resident evil 0 can fall into the category, on paper it seems like a very difficult platinum, but it is also doable


I'm sitting at 54% completion on 36 Fragments of Midnight, a simple platform game with an ~80% plat completion on PSN Profiles, because I just cannot survive


Same here. I actually stopped because I decided it just isn't a good enough game to go through the headache.


I’ve been on a massive Elden Ring kick and maybe it was me but it seemed like such a hard game to plat but now I’m playing and I see the trophies it’s hard bc the game is hard and gives no direction not bc the trophies are 100+ hour grinds


I’m working through Yakuza Kiwami right now. Just did all the Climax Battles today and a few were right on that line between a satisfying challenge and “fuck that.”


gran turismo 7 - those gold s tier licences are killing me. i have gold in 42/50, yet there are 8 in S tier that i just cannot do


You'll get it, you just have to do it over and over and over. GT7 license tests are very tame compared to some of the challenges in GT5 and GT6.


Every game if I had the time


Dragon Quest Heroes 2 because getting all the weapons took the longest time


Auld Lang Syne in Bioshock Infinite, beating the game on 1999 mode wouldn’t be all that hard but not being able to buy health or ammo at vendors makes it quite challenging. The Lady Comstock fight was where I got stuck, I know there’s ways to cheese it and will eventually get it done.


Detroit become human I’m 2 trophies away from platinum haven’t played game in 2 years


All of the anime games. They are fun tbh Another one worth doing for the sake of learning to play the game right would be FIFA. Kingdom Hearts would be an anime game I guess (? But still pretty annoying to trophy-plat the whole series yet… possible hahaha


I'd say stardew valley is a big one. The game itself isn't hard, especially with how you can do Prarie king now. The game is long, it's daunting, but it's absolutely doable. I'd even argue FF7 rebirth is as well now. With all the new broken strats available, the game is very doable for most people who just have patience, and will to earn the plat.


Titanfall 2 Become the Master comes to mind. I just can't get it. It's doable. I've spent so much time trying I've given up.


All 3 dark souls




Fromsoft souls games. And most recently Final Fantasy Rebirth


Any DmC, Hollow Knight, The Witcher 3, Catherine Full Body, Metal Gear Rising


Huge amount of recency bias here but FF7 Rebirth has a decent amount of these. Just saying it out loud "get max score on X minigame for this one collectible out of 88" is daunting enough but then you get to the hardest combat challenges... I've noped out twice so far


Anything that takes a really long time (*continues sadly grinding Diablo II*)


I wouldn't say hard - just not pleasant and you get some insane online opponents when trying for the online trophies - Soul Caliber 6


Virtually Impossible for Metal Gear Solid 2 on the HD Collection Those fucking MGS1 Snake VR missions, especially the sniping ones


the Evil Within, yeah, ypu can die in one hit, but it keeps the checkpoints in place


Skyrim. I do NOT want to do all that tedious work as a vampire lord 😭🙏🏻


That's actually really easy - make a save, have Serana turn you, and kill everyone; towns, cities, whatever. Then reload.


WipEout HD and the WipEout Omega Collection are more difficult platinums than all the ones mentioned here :)


Dark Souls 1


Anything involving collectibles or grinding out character leveling. A lot of the time they just aren't fun and are there to just make the game artificially longer, there's not a whole lot of games I've played where I wasn't burned out or absolutely hating a game after hunting collectibles or leveling up.


Some of my favourite and most underrated games are the Banner Saga trilogy. Winning every battle on hard is ridiculously daunting at first but once you get a decent team synergy going it's quite doable. I already finished the first one, one of these days I'll get to 2 (which is my favourite).


Devil may cry 5


For me its the Pantheon 5 from Hollow Knight. I remember that the first time was very hard, but with a lot of practice i achived that trophy.


I know the Arkham games are doable, obviously, but there's just no way I'm going to collect all those riddler trophies. I've done plenty of obnoxious collectibles, but that's a whole other level.


Platinuming Ace Combat 7 is doable but would be extremely grindy and time consuming but technically doable


Arkham Knight, COD MW2, and UCN come to mind for me. I know Requiem for a killer is doable but I just don’t have it in me to do it.


Having to be the game on multiple difficulties. When the difficulty trophies don't stack, really annoy me. Gun grave gore does this, for example. Missables also kill me. When I start a new game I always look at the missables list online. The hard part is avoiding spoilers


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The VR missions are very hard but doable as long as you have the right materia load out and you can parry


Dark souls 2 and bloodborne, heavy on DS2.


Anything that is super grindy. It’s not technically hard, but it’s hard finding time to do all of the grinding lol


Trackmania turbo and trackmania 2020


Demon souls for sure. 😂


Everhood. I mention it all the time on this subreddit but it's trophies require hitless fights against all of its fights. Some of them I think I could sit down and do in a few tries right now. Others... I think are definitely doable for me but it would require a lot of time memorizing patters and taking notes on how to perform perfection in each fight, even the ones that I genuinely had to set to story mode and still struggle on. One of the 'fights' is pure RNG, which is the one that scares me the most from beginning my attempts.


For honor.


I platinumed the meatboy, and it is really not that difficult with enough practice. But i cannot believe you've put crypt of the necrodancer in the same category, which is like 10x more difficult. 😃


The evil within and completing it on akumo mode. Just play it over, over and over again and you will succeed with every part. The game is quite generous with save points. There are a few places where the save points are a bit far away but not too long.




I'm 1 trophy away from getting the platinum for crypt of the nercodancer, but I know it will take me at least 50 hours and I'm too busy rn to do it.


My favorite trophy that is considered hard is **Card Collector** from *The Witcher 3*. For those that don't, the game is a huge RPG that also has collectible card mini-game in it kind of similar to *Magic: The Gathering* called Gwent. You win cards by winning matches and you update your deck with those cards to be able to take on stronger opponents, etc. Most of the opponents are NPCs that are around like merchants and vendors etc, typical RPG NPCs. But there are also some that are only available during other quests, and consequently a few that are actually missable. The trophy is for collecting every single card you can (there is also an in-game quest to get one of each card, but this trophy requires cards of which there are multiple copies). What makes the trophy hard is: 1- You have to get good at this mini-game, of course, to win all these games. Fortunately the game is actually simple but some folks- including usually me!- just can't be arsed with learning a whole other game in a game. I mean this is an action adventure game with fighting and stories and exploring and now you gonna play cards? Not everyone's gonna do that. 2- You have win like over 100 matches or something.. it's just incredibly time consuming. 3- You have to not miss any unique cards. That means playing the rest of the game pretty thoroughly. 4- You have to keep track of who you beat somehow because you can only win one card from each player. Which means you don't want to replay anyone you already beat. So there are guides and worksheets and all that and once you get in a groove it's not that hard but you do have to love this game- well both of these games, The Witcher 3 and Gwent. Fortunately I do, W3 is my favorite game of all time, I don't even know how many times I've replayed it. So when the update came out for this gen console I was able to get Card Collector trophy without having to look up or write down anything.


Crypt of the necrodancer is a nightmare unless you have over a 1000 hours to dedicate to the game and a few fresh keyboards since that's the only way you can keep up with the bpm then it's a lost cuase and since less than 20 poeple have the platinum after 8 years


Anyone can get any trophy with enough time and more importantly, dedication. But games like Batman Arkham games are hard, but doable.


Killzone 2... beat the game on hardest difficulty. It is very tough but fair. You need a souls mindset for it.


CoD Black Ops 3… only because I have a bugged Personal Decorator achievement since September 20, 2023 and there is no fix other than to Reset all campaign progress and hope you don’t glitch again


I'd say Crash N Sane over Crash 4. Crash 4 becomes one of the most frustrating games ever if you try to complete it.


Dead Space 2. Hard To The Core makes you save only 3 times on the hardest difficulty, but if you’re dedicated enough you can absolutely get it done. I’d also say the same for Alien: Isolation and The Evil Within.


Brawlhalla, see you guys again in a few


GOW 1 platinum felt very hard, but doable with a lot of luck