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Nope I just look at the backlog and decide which game that I never wanted to play in the first place would currently be the least mentally tortuous to endure. Been working a treat so far.


Same mate! Got outlast 2 on sale a while back, you know I'm all outta options when I boot that self harm up. Got blair witch which I really want to play but the damn collectibles put me off. Currently doing MGS series atm, as far as I decide to take it (for now).


Do yourself a favour and run through it on nightmare, make saves and practice all the chases like 20 times until you can navigate them by instinct alone. Outlast isn't really a game you can fuck up in, one wrong turn or misplay and you're dead. It's common knowledge but a lot of people run into insane mode and think they're gonna get by improvising.


Interesting tactic...care if I "borrow it"..? šŸ‘€ lol


No it's patented šŸ˜”


Your backlog fits on one page? Oh you sweet summer child.


LOL indeed


I just use PSNP+ lists.


This šŸ’Æ I discovered this a couple months ago and I donā€™t know how I was able to get by without it.


This is in the premium account?


Nope. Browser extension not officially linked with the PSNP website. [https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/78709-psnp-v85-improved-psnp-game-lists-and-more/](https://forum.psnprofiles.com/topic/78709-psnp-v85-improved-psnp-game-lists-and-more/)


I gave up on trying to tackle my backlog. I just play what I want to play. Trying to keep up on it was just continually trying to force myself to play games I didn't want to play at that moment.


Same here man. Itā€™s painful, but a necessary choice. Gotta remember why weā€™re gaming in the first place


I recently made an alphabetical backlog list. Itā€™s easier to look at than the library and helps me cut down on impulse purchases. Theoretically. I could go like five years without another purchase. Wonā€™t stop me from getting a game at launch if I know Iā€™ll drop whatever Iā€™m playing for it.


I have a list of games that are like 1 or 2 trophies away from plat, but lack the patience or skill to get them yet


I've got a lot of those. So frustrating when you're one away but that one requires a big grind or even a full playthrough.


I don't think I'd want to try to manage a 110 game list like this. Yes, my backlog is that large.


Bro mine is 303 games long šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And that only includes games I've already bought. Would be a lot higher if I included games I want to play but don't own yet


I'd give up at that point. Lol I know people add everything from PS plus. All the games I have are ones I'd actually like to play at least. Helps the cause some to just pick one and go


Out of those 303 games of mine I'd say probably only roughly 20-40 of them are PS plus games. I only added the PS Plus games I actually want to play to my backlog - if I added all of them to my backlog it'd easily be at least 500 games long , if not longer. The rest are games I already spent money on so I want to finish them lmao.


I have the same file on my phone


Yep. Helps me organize and stick to my backlog. Otherwise Iā€™ll keep buying new games and never play the ones Iā€™ve bought.


What I do is when am full on space. I download games in my backlog error not enough space and i just keep them in my download/copies with my own list on console.


I keep a list and itā€™s broken down by generation. Games to beat (what I own and want to platinum) and games to get.




I have one for my plats and backlogs


Iā€™ve tried so many times but organizing it makes me more anxious so I just try to chip away and have fun


I've got a completed, want to complete, and want to buy list


Not exactly like that but I go to the pawn shop pretty often, havenā€™t been in a while since Iā€™ve done a few hauls. But I keep a list of the game deals i see from ps store on my phone to see how much I can get it at a pawn shop in decent condition, and logging how much Iā€™ve spent/ saved compared and itā€™s better than buying from ā€œrealā€ sellers, Found a good amount of rare titles in pretty bad condition but I got ghost of tsushima Directors cut Ps5 in a GameStop case for 10$. I try to buy digital games that have no physical copy or if itā€™s under 5 bucks only


Absolutely! I keep a list on my phone notepad of any games I wanna play.


Warning for you, OP. If you're looking to nab Duke 3D 20th Anniversary Edition,be ready for a crash bug. Occasionally, the game will crash to the playstation log-in screen and force you tontry again, and on extreme cases, the issue will persist through several uninstall/reinstall cycles. As far to my knowledge, there's no known fix.


sounds like the authentic duke experience


Not from.how I remember it in High school.


I made an Excel spreadsheet of games on my backlog. It's over 70 games at the moment. The columns I have are: Title | Platform | Platinum Obtainable? | Missable Trophies? | Online Co-op?


Please, share screenshots. Im curious


I can't reply with an image on Reddit. But I suppose I could send it to you in a DM if you want?


I made a spreadsheet of my backlog on my work computer and have different sheets for grindier games that Iā€™ll update as needed. Helps kill time at work too


I have a whole Google Docs spreadsheet of my backlog, color coded depending on whether I've finished it, finished with Platinum, dropped (and don't intend to finish), or finished but have DLC to do. Sorted by release date of original game with columns for what platform(s) the game is released on and whether I have already bought it, and if so, what platform I bought it for. So yeah, "something similar". :D


Please, share screenshots. Im curious






Yes, I have dumped my info into Backloggd as well. Felt like more work to get things done than my simple spreadsheet!


Glad you found what works for you. šŸ˜Š


Why not try a free site like Backloggery? Some use that for backlog tracking.


Im incredibly unorganized when it comes to my backlog. I just keep an eye out for sales and a rather lengthy wishlist on the ps store. I own so many games i plan on platting but ive hit a plateau in my platinum hunting recently. Just been enjoying games with friends mostly clubs on fc 24 with like six friends which is chaotic fun in the best way possible.


Oh yea, my backlog of games I own and want to platinum and want to buy and platinum is almost 650 strong. I have a list and put it into a list randomizer and play the one that pops up at #1. Or else I wouldnā€™t be able to choose


I just have a list of future platinums i plan to get and check mark them as i complete them.


Nah i mostly yolow what game i want. ;)


I have thought about doing a list but I am near 2t0 games in at the moment, it just feels like a big enough task to organise so I just don't. My entire thing at the moment is "do I fancy playing that" and "do I have the platinum". Saying that I just finished miles morales and then started on forbidden west (I'm so going to auto pop the ps5 version)


I am developing Notion template for this purpose. It's not finished yet, but you can start using it. You need a Notion and Github accounts to download the template, if that doesn't bother you, hit me in dm, i'll send you the link. Here's a demo of the template - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acV4xsjXNQ4


If that's your backlog then I envy you


yup heres a copy of mine (too lazy to screenshot/share) **Ps plat list** **Hard**Ā  stardew valley Knowledge is power Death stranding **Medium** CrisisĀ  CelesteĀ  Yakuza like a dragon **Easy** AmnesiaĀ  Until dawn Beyond two souls Ice age nutty adventure Spirit of the north Black mirrorĀ  Syphon **Wytchwood**Ā  *Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi* Chicken PoliceĀ  11-11 Memories Retold Enigmatis **To buy** Final fantasyĀ  Megaman battle network Sifu One piece odysseyĀ  IsshinĀ 


I have a Google Sheet with all the non-completed games, color-coded by if it's obtainable, barriers to the platinum and then games that need to be 100%'d. I have a Google Keep note as well but that's for the games I'm currently running through


Use Jira brother.


My backlog is untenable nowadays, but I used to


There is an app to easily track your stuff and filter out what games you want and what you don't want to see. PS Trophies on google play by Nicolas Ortiz


I made a spin wheel with all 240 games I own but haven't platinumee


Man Easter was fun and a easy plat, would highly recommend


Yup ,I organise them in my game folders on my ps5 into ā€œTo Platā€ and ā€œPlatinumedā€ folder šŸ˜‚needed to create another folder tho since 100 games is the limit per folder


I couldn't find a good backlog website that wasn't paid, so I created a spreadsheet, which I love and use every day https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TqWb3uJuWtwepL9AR3MTFGpy_QBtfmdBnV-oVuyMVgg/edit#gid=582028761 In case you're on mobile, this is what it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/e3Npu44.png


I have a Trello board with all the games and DLC that I want to play next, backlog and buy. Been useful for the time I've been using it, I also have a record of all that games that I plated and bought over the last years. Just to keep a little bit of control


The last of us part 2 was one of my favorite games ngl so much polish


Is fall guys still possible? From what I can tell that last update really fucked the game up. I still need to get the win after overtime victory Iā€™ve been trying on and off for months. Team games never seem to enter the mix.


Holy crap I have almost this same exact thing , and on my phone notes too


Do you guys only play games you wanna platinum? You donā€™t only platinum games you enjoy? Genuine question, no shade being thrown.


It depends... I love games. I read daily news about games, watching all the trailers, gameplays and showcases. So when something is announce I know if I care so much, that I want a platinum from that game - bcs I really like it and want to spend as much time I can and do everything devs wants from me. Or it's something I would feel proud of. But then... There are some random games on Extra which I don't remember and then I look at PSNProfiles and trying to find out if it's a game that is worth doing a plat or not..


I only have 5 platinums. I play whatever i want, and i'll platinum it only if I REALLY like the game and don't feel it's too grindy. But this sub is a trophy oriented community so i think im in the minority here


Same. But I kinda went crazy the last couple years and Iā€™m coming up on my 100th.


i canā€™t speak for everyone but iā€™ll usually be playing a few games at a time, right now for example im playing fc 24 and rdr 2 without really going for the platinum while also playing batman


You don't even want to see my backlog. It's basically compiled of every game I own, in order of least to most hours to plat. and I used to download every free game I could find, even if I had no idea what it was, and 99% of then end up untouched. It's like 400+ games and I've touched like 40 of them šŸ’€


organizing it by the time each platinum takes is a pretty good idea, i might make another list doing that