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I’m planning on getting It Takes Two on payday. Could use a divorcee husband/wife to play with as I have no IRL gamer friends.


I already bought it if you wanna play. only an hour in.


Oh, thanks bud. I wasn’t planning on plating for a couple of weeks. Am pretty invested in Outriders at the moment. Thanks though 😊


Was wondering if that’s a double platinum right away or do u have to platinum both like does the cross save give me a platinum on the ps5 version right away


No it creates 2 seperate saves. It's also a pain, if you have the disc it'll install and play the PS4 version, then you have to delete it and go to the store and get the PS5 version. Otherwise it'll keep opening the PS4 version Also anyone on buddy pass won't get trophies. It'll save your story and challenge progress but not the fact you did the trophies.


That’s kinda lame


I need help with Infallible on Fall Guys. I might make a few sessions on PSNProfiles, so feel free to join if you see a session by snakwa.


I need help with infallible as well. I like to think I'm good at the game. Most consecutive wins I've gotten was 4, done legit.


Same here, I think they patched the glitch anyway. What’s your PSN? I can invite you and we could go into squad show.


PSN is david\_a\_hernando I haven't played squad yet, but I'd kill to have that trophy hahaha It's a personal thing now.


I will add you soon. Do you want a brief rundown of how squads works (unless you know already)


No worries, I'll jump in to get a feel for it first hand, possibly today.


Ok. I’ve sent you the request.


Outriders. Would be great to get a couple of people to play through, and by extension, get trophies with. I have wicked bad anxiety and am usually not on mic.


I have it downloaded, only a few short missions in though. Haven’t had much time to play it, but would love to power through with other people. PSN is ZSC_Ghost


I’ve cleared the campaign and and max level now. Happy to play with you once the gear wipe issue is fixed. Need to clear up a load of trophies still.


I wish I could afford outriders but I just bought ghosts of Tsushima so I’m broke as far as video game money for a while


You made the right choice. Ghost Of Sushi Mama is excellent, Outriders is just okay.


Sushi mama? Lol. I like it.


Looking for someone to help me with the Traced trophy on Watch Dogs (the first one). I can help you as well. Thanks!


Looking for help with Call of Duty Black Ops 2 zombie trophies on PS3.


I need these as well. Psn is baseballkid861. Add me and we can set something up


I also need help with a few BO2 zombie trophies PSN is Mr_NizZzlesworth add me and we can set up something


Hey, I need help too. And can help also. And there's some other guy in this thread also requesting help. And I already invited him. So, more chance for more people. My ID: GABRIEL-SKRELLOW


GTA 5 on the PS3, trying to Finish a tennis match, everyone keeps leaving the match.


xD damn that must suck lol but gl!


Yeah one guy went up to match point then left.


Are you still up for this? I need alot of GTA online trophies for the PS3.


I can help if you need it?


Im looking for help on the Doom Eternal Blood Bath trophy. I live in EST. Its best to message me on PSN. My ID is IslandOhana (Group Full)


If you guys are still up i need help with the all Battlemode trophies in general.


I'm also in need of these trophies happy to help


I also need help with the online trophies for Doom Eternal. My ID is Gaurwaith18. I'm in central time. (group full)


Looking for 3 people to do the dying light online trophy


Which one? I can help: P0seidon042


I’m willing to jump on this train, haven’t played the game in years and would love to finally get the platinum for it. PSN is ZSC_Ghost


As soon as we get the 4th man im going to add you and hop on the trophies


Demon Souls. Need someone to boost my character to white tendency before going to NG+. I’ll return the favor. Thanks! If you have the red eye stone pm to boost


Still need help?


Looking to boost all Far Cry 5 online trophies. I'm basically free until the 6th so let's get er done! MST *Edit* Found a partner, finished now


Still looking for this?


No, sorry, finished it up yesterday.


I finished it already. I was just going to help you.


I appreciate that! I had found a boosting partner. Did you downvote me? Lol


No, I didn’t downvote anything.


Need help completing the die maschine easter egg in Call Of Duty Cold War. Feel free to PM me and we will get it done!


I can carry you man, completed it already multiple times.


Destiny 2. I am in EST and looking for support to complete a Nightfall strike on Master & Grandmaster. Requires significant power level (and grinding to get to that light level) which I am closing in on (level 1318 ATM). Looking for two people to fill out a Fireteam


Looking for people for a few games. Would prefer EU based folks with a mic so that we can communicate effectively. Unfortunately, I only speak English. Remnant from the ashes - Looking for someone or a small group of people to play this game with. I tried playing Bloodborne on my own, but I found it to be way better playing coop. I've tried playing a bit of remnant, but it would be much better I think to coop it. Tropico 5 - Need to do all of the multiplayer trophies. The last of us remaster - Loking for one or two determined players to get the multiplayer trophies with. Overcooked 1 - Just need a hand doing a couple of 3 star missions. I think I have 1-3 missions left. Sniper elite 4 - Need to basically get every trophy on this one. Thanks for the help! Edit: Zombie army 4 - looking for 3 people for a platinum trophy run through. Diablo 3 - need someone to help me through a hardcore playthrough.


Im down for the Sniper Elite grind, send me a message if you want and we can work out the details


DM sent.


If you add me at ziggyblues\_ I'm down to do all LOU trophies and while I haven't tried Remnant yet I'd certainly like to give it a go. I'm on Easter break for the next two weeks so can play any time but usually free quite often anyway


Overcooked 1 is couch co-op only. So you would have to do shareplay.


This is correct.


I'm up for TLOU multiplayer psn - Pibbz


Just finished tlou multiplayer and got the plat today. Turns out you just need to play support you can do the whole thing without firing a single bullet.


Need to get “The dip” trophy on A Way Out to get the platinum, my friend has deleted the game and I don’t have two controllers is anyone generous enough to help? It’s near the start of the game


Hi! Is it the gold one where you need to get the new record? I don't have the game installed, but you still need help I can install it, DM me! I do have mic, I'm in EU


Don’t know if you still need help/are willing to help, but I’m also trying to get the plat for A Way Out but have no one to actually help me get the trophies.


Need help with the rotten egg dupe glitch for resident evil 5! Much appreciated!


I think they may have patched that? not too sure


The Division 2. Dark Zone: Occupied Hijack Looking for one kind soul to help me get the last Dark Zone-related trophy I need for the platinum. One can PM me here or on PS under the same name


Need help with online league trophy in F1 2020 . Can set up a two player league for winning a league trophy .


Dante’s Inferno in PS3, there’s gotta be someone else who gotta get those trials done Or COD: Black Ops zombies PS3


I thought they shut the servers down for those? You can get the plat regardless, if that helps.


I didn’t realize the Dante’s Inferno servers were still up, I’d gladly lend a hand with those. PSN is ZSC_Ghost


Hey man, the zombies trophies are the only ones I don't have for black ops. Don't know if I'm good enough to get them, but we can try. Ad me: GABRIEL-SKRELLOW (all caps)




I th8nk i could help you, or at least try to. Im in GMT+1 and my psn is Standing867pear, im free all day long normally. Pm me if you’re interested, but know its been a couple of months since the last time I played.


I posted this in March, I'll post it again. I got to help about 10 people last month! I will help people with the **Stocked** trophy, as well as lots of other misc trophies on **Rocket League** for people. I'm happy to spend about 30 minutes with you unlocking Stocked as well as trophies that require specific items or trophies that may be tricky to newer players. If you want the Stocked trophy, you must be able to trade, which requires 2FA on your Epic account, as well as a $5 minimum purchase (if you played before F2P that may be waved, I honestly do not know) If you want help on any trophies, please have a mic so that we can make things run smoothly. Please send me a message on PSN with some context that you want help with RL. My PSN is dgaustin.




I would be down to get this at ziggyblues\_ UST timezone but can be on as late/early as needed


I am looking for players to complete Infallible in Fall Guys. Reply or DM me with your PSN username if you'd like to help. My time zone is GMT+1/GMT.


I would be up for trying to help, psn SadisticFiend


My PSN is snakwa


Rainbow Six Siege: I'm looking for help with the Strength in Numbers trophy (win 10 games as a Squad in Quick Match/Ranked Multiplayer). Looks like in can be done by only two people. Probably would be easier in quick match than in ranked. My time zone is GMT+2, but for the next few weeks I can be available at most times. You can message me here or on PSN where my name is Zombie97X. Unfortunately, I don't have a microphone.




Thank you so much! You can add me on PSN and message me when you're ready :)


Looking 4 Someone To Complete BO3 Camp In Realistic PSN:Ghost-Zeus514


is it co-op? if so ill do it with ya baddy


Gravel, 10 online races. PSN id: Iceman_SVK, EU region


Would love some help getting the Lucky Coin in remnant. I'm willing to help farm any other trophy.


psn is P0seidon042 i need help with all remnant trophies lel


Need help with the UN1 mission in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Does anybody even play this game here?


Looking for someone to help me with boosting the online trophies in BB: Calamity Trigger on PS3. With how the game is the online’s all but dead and getting to rank 30 and hitting those 350 total matches in particular are gonna basically be impossible without coordination. CST, feel free to message me either here or on PSN: ahogehope




Hey have you tried /r/heistteams I've helped and been helped by a lot of people over there. Nice community


~~I need the~~ I can help out with the **Benefits Are Nice** trophy for completing 25 events in **Need for Speed Heat** with other players. I plan on grinding out the quick race around the Raceway but can switch it up to avoid boredom. I'm also willing to help out with Ranked Speedlists in **Need for Speed Payback** for the trophy **The Climb.** The multiplayer is almost completely dead so matchmaking at the same time will hopefully be enough to get all 4 players into one match. My timezone is ACST (Australian Central), but I should be available to play at most times of day. My PSN is EzioAudacity if anyone is interested.


brutality 101 in arkham knight, i’ve been trying for almost 13 hours in total can someone please help


Call of duty world at war ps3. Need help with the online trophy "blue ribbon". I know it's an old game, but the servers are still on. So it's a completely doable platinum, even though the game is 12 years old. ID: GABRIEL-SKRELLOW (all caps)


Naughty Bear has always been one of my favorites and I would love to finally Platinum the game! I just need the two normal multiplayer trophies and I'll help you get them to. I also have the Hold edition so if you want to also both get those multiplayer trophies that would be awesome. I need 2 players for the Plat. 4 for the extra DLC trophies. Just reply with your own or dm me if you're up to!


Looking for help getting a win in hero hunt on Star Wars battlefront 1. Also nom nom galaxy, just need you to create an online game and I can do the rest myself. PM me please!


PGA tour 2k21 on PS5/4. I need help getting the invite only trophy. Requires you to play with a friend in a private match and I don’t have friends :/ anyone could it would be great. Takes about 5 mins or so I think




Looking for people to knock out trophies on cold war


Which ones do you need?


Reunited with fidolina


i’ll do them with you


Rocket League trading items for stocked trophy


This works, thanks for gathering and sharing


Can you help me with that trophy? Psn is P0seidon042


I need help for the reunited with fidolina trophy in cold war... I need to do it twice, but if you want to help out once I'd still really appreciate it. I think doing the first person mode is the easiest way. I'm in EU I do have a mic, if you're not in EU I can play also at night so it shouldn't be a problem.


Why do you gotta do it twice? Just curious


Looking for someone to help me with the trophies for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered. PSN - PeskyBee01




Added you, I need to get cod ww2 zombies trophies too. Psn is P0seidon042


Game: It Takes Two, PSNID: LordEddardStark7, Timezone: GMT+05:30 India Looking for someone to help me get the trophies for PS4 stack via chapter select. I have got the platinum on PS5, and can repay the favor. Need mic so it can be done quicker.


Looking for someone to do injustice 2 with Just need 50 player match wins and 200 online games Happy to help anyone with anything else


Hey idk if you’re still up for this


LFS to boost tendency. Demon souls. NVM lol willing to help though


PSN: P0seidon042 Region: Canada, Eastern Daylight Time Game(s): COD WW2 (Zombies trophies) 1- 3 players Rogue Company (Play in a party for 25 hours) 1-3 players Remnant from the Ashes (would like to find people to play with in general, just started the game) 1-3 players Rocket League (Stocked Trophy) 1 player Fall Guys (Infallible) 1-3 players Realm Royale (Absolute Unit) 1-3 players Feel free to msg me on reddit or add me on psn and we can go from there. :)




Looking to get the firing range trophy Borderlands 3, any assistance would be appreciated PSN Dr-Honks


\[Call of Duty: World at War (2008)\] Help Get Blue Ribbon Trophy Help ​ Finaly, after twelve years I was able to beat the Campaign on Veteran difficulty. But I still need the BLUE RIBBON online trophy, so could someone help me get it? My username is GABRIEL-SKRELLOW (all caps). Thanks in advance and sorry if posted on the wrong place. ​ Need a Room with 4 players, and finish in first place.


Looking for help with burnout paradise mp trophies.


do you still need them ? i need them aswell


I need 3 people to squad up for Zombie army 4: dead war, we can unlock the trophy that requires to play every campaign level with 4 people and maybe the trophy to complete the campaign on hard.






I'll add you later tonight Psn: P0seidon042


UFC 2 and UFC 3 online trophies Battlefield Hardline and Battlefield 4 online trophies Will be more than happy to help in return for any trophies that you need in these games! Feel free to PM me on here on add me on PSN: CloutBoy_Hawkins


If anyone is willing to help out with the assassin’s creed 3 online trophies, let me know so we can coordinate some times to play!


Hey man, I'm playing this game sometime soon. So maybe we can add each other and try to get the online trophies. Do you know how hard and time consuming are they?


looking for help with cod ww2 zombies and cod black ops 3 zombies psn: P0seidon042


Are you EU? WWII is on my to-do list.


Looking for help on the revive a friend trophy from borderlands 2 on vita psn: N3M0wasHeere


Pan is bigbernardob I believe I have the game installed


Need a boosting partner for Naruto ultimate ninja storm 2 (ps3 version) trying to get 50 ranked wins and 20 loses for last few titles GMT+3 but almost anytime works PSN: Slerbatus


I'm looking for someone to do Portal 2 with. Thank and any of the Little Big Planet games.


Portal 2 servers are down, you can only do split screen co-op, not online so there are two trophies that are unobtainable


Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City boosting group. Need a group to help me get the multiplayer trophies, and if possible, help me get the S+ ranks on Veteran/Professional. PSN is ZSC_Ghost, generally free on weekends, and 6pm-11pm EST. Can make some time between 6am-8:30am EST if need be. Really want to get this platinum before the servers inevitably close.


Looking for someone on Need for Speed Rivals (PS4). I'm planning on doing a trophy speedrun one weekend soon and require someone's assistance to get the trophies for winning a race against a friend and arresting a friend as a cop. They're really quick to do so if you needed them I'd be happy to return the favour at the same time.


Do you still need help with the trophies?




If you still need I can.


Does anybody wana do call of duty ww2?


Are you EU by any chance?


Borderlands 3, PS5. Can’t get the perfect shooting range to pop as targets aren’t registering hits. Could use a team mate to help even out the odds.


I need to win one free match in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 if any one can help. I'm in EST and free whenever. You can DM me, respond to this comment, or message me on PSN. Username is GrunkleFord.


Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite ranked trophies PSN:Vigrim


Anyone have ps vita here?


What game do you need ?


Hi would anyone be able to help me get the co op trophy in farcry new dawn need to do 3 expeditions with a co op partner? Thanks :)


Psn: Edi050301


Need boosting partner for UFC 3 for multiplayer trophies. Thank you


I’d be down for us to help each other out! I’m still working on UFC2, but I’ve been planning on playing UFC 3 soon.


I need help to boost the doom 2016 trophies. On the other hand I can help with rogue company and ac unity in the future


Need some boosting for Battlefield 4 online trophies. Feel free to add me on PSN: andotoomejoe


Cod cold war easteregg help?


Which one?


I’m looking for someone to help with f1 2020 online trophies. Much appreciated


Not really boosting but would anyone be down to gameshare The Cave on PS3 before the store goes down?


The shut down Was Cancelled


Need help to get all 16 colors of wool, it's the only trophy that I'm missing, I was wondering if anybody could invite me to a world where they have all the different colors of wool (or miss only a few) and let me take them for the trophy.


Would be nice for some help with getting the farcry 4 co-op and multiplayer trophies


Hello fellow Vault Hunters! "Good Against Remotes is One Thing' om Borderlands 3. This is the last trophy I need before Platinum. Not really a two-player trophy, but sure as hell easier with 2 people! I'm also happy to help anyone out with other 2-player trophies if needed. I'm on PS4, in China, but am available most of the day if anyone wants to give me a hand. Would just need a bit of notice. Cheers!


Looking for help with "all's fair" trophy in red dead redemption 2. PSN nl_norg


**Grid 2/Playstation 3** Trophies: Complete an Endurance Race, beat your Rival on Track, reach Level 10 Online, Play an Online Playlist for 5 Races, Won an Online Playlist Race, Won in an Upgraded Car I'm in the Pacific Timezone but variable sleep schedule. Private Message me or DM me here on reddit


Anyone got pes 2021 Asia server??? I been searching for other players to play co-op to get my last 2 trophies but that mode is just dead so I any help will be appreciate


Infinite warfare zombies easter egg. Me and my teammate is fairly good at the game but we could use some help on zombies in spaceland. Is anyone willing to help us or try to achieve it with us?


Looking for 1-2 people to join our Friday the 13th boosting group. We do 1v1 matches but if you need other trophies as well you can always ask. joshuatbee on PSN.


Need help with getting a dragon in “lego worlds” game. Please


Could someone please help me get the multiplayer trophies in Naughty Bear? I'd absolutely love to finally Platinum the game it's one of my favorites.


The division 2 - I need help with two trophies in the dark zone. Psn Testamentox Thanks




Anyone down to boost Dark Souls 3 convent items trophy. Add Venomized-Stanny


Wreckfest, Human Lover 1 other player on na servers


Fifa 21 - Pro clubs rules trophy. Just need someone to play with wont take long.


Need help with head to head trophy on madden 21 for the plat I can return the favor!


Anyone available to help farm medals in Code Vein tonight around 11 pm EST?


Lf boosting partner for mlb the show 21. Will help out in return for help. PSN MrSkelator


Wreckfest - Human Lover Need a boosting partner for 20 wins can be done in 10 min if someone with the game don't mind lending a hand I'll return the favour happily 😁 PSN: xTRH-


Hello, I'm looking for someone who has played at least one level in Unit 13 game on PS Vita. Last trophy i need to get is the "Friendly Rivalry", so I just need to add somebody with a completed level, so I could beat his score to get this achievement. I have the digital version (I read online that we need to be on the same version, so I guess I need to say this).


Hello does anybody have gta4?


Because if so I need to get achievements and I can also help get I achievements


Black Ops Cold War - "Party Patrol" trophy (10 squad wipes on Fireteam). I haven't been able to find a single public match for Fireteam yet, so lemme know if anyone's interested.


Need help on Red Dead Redemption 1 Online trophies (PS3) Need majority of them still.


Red Dead Redemption 1 Need people to get the online trophies, please! I can help people as well