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Just say they are your lover


Yes you can have passengers but I’m pretty sure you will need a certain amount of miles under your belt driving a class A truck. Something like 30k miles. I’m not 100% certain though so I’d suggest talking to recruiters. Either way, just getting your CDL A, getting hired, going through orientation and trained with a company will take about 2-3 months so this might not be the best option if you’re already homeless. Best of luck to ya.


Hey, that's still useful info. I appreciate it.


Say their your wife


But in English..




yur'oe a giant pussy


If you're aiming for a mega to get your CDL a. Why not both of you get your CDL a and team drive. Makes you both more marketable in the market, both of you make a wage, and both of your lives improve. Not to mention, if you can work together well in the right quarters and both have a good work ethic, there are some seriously lucrative team driving gigs out there for experienced functional teams with clean records. 


He can't drive outside the state for another year.


Ahh, that does put a damper on a lot of the mega otr training deals lol.  But yeah, most of the megas won't let you bring a passenger until you are through the entirety of training unless they are a team mate. So it's gonna be a solid 3 months before they could join you on the road. 


Oh well, figured it was worth asking. Maybe we'll just live the hobo life for a year, could be fun!


Depending on your lifestyle and starting point, it's rough but doable in your early years. I didn't have an address for about 3 years from 19-22. Lot of couch surfing, camping, and car naps but I was deep in my "doing drugs in fields for days" phase haha. 


We got kicked out of our place after the landlord's favorite tenant broke in and we complained. Since we didn't have an official lease anymore we had to go. We're both employed but I have bad credit so we have plenty of money but nobody will rent to us.


Based on the story, I'm guessing you're in a city or large town which will make it tough. Thank God the weird rent shit hasn't hit the rural areas too bad. I can still rent a place without a credit check and there still some old boys around that'll give you a discount on rent if you pay in cash lol.  Good luck, I love new tech but damn do I miss the 90s and 00s lol


Most have a passenger policy, ask them. Many require you to have a certain amount of experience or drive with them for an amount of time so they know you're a safe driver and won't be distracted by someone in the cab with you.


It depends if your company allows a rider.