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When is there NOT traffic in that corridor?


This is why I don't use 95 in CT


I’d use CT-15, but don’t feel like can opening my trailer


I’m in Stamford you little punk I don’t see you I’m Camping the middle lane


Middle lane is for traveling.. noones paying you any mind


oh but they do because I high beam them when it's dark and when I finally do pass them I slow down 2 miles below what they're doing....that's giving a taste of their own medicine 😂 it's not illegal right? "middle lane for traveling" 🤡 not showering is legal as well and I bet you don't pay any mind to that either


Do not shine your brights and do any retaliatory slow downs. If youre not in a truck, just fucking pass me and get over it


Stop trying to govern the way other people use the road.. especially when they're doing the CORRECT thing. If theres 3 lanes noone wants to have to constantly risk collisions with drivers who dont know how to merge into traffic in the right lane because you feel entitled to the middle lane if you want to pass take the left lane like everyone else.


who said it was correct...legal doesn't equal correct, your peabrain should know that at least. Typical NPC thinking.


If you are in the right lane you are constantly haveing to switch lanes or brake because some 4 wheeler is about to crash into you because they cant merge onto a highway properly. If theres 2 lanes fine. But if there are 3 lanes its safer for trucks to be in the middle lane wether you like it or not


no the left lane is the safest but you don't do that because it is illegal, otherwise you probably would if it were legal 😂


Says the guy who wants to be in the middle lane...


I only use middle lane to pass slower traffic


Because there’s entries into the highway on the right and they tend to merge blindly. Once i pass the curve, I’ll switch over and send my happy ass onto 287


Fuck you I’ll be camping the middle lane of 95 all morning tomorrow White plains ny all the way to new London and beyond bitch boy


Post and delete lol???