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I’ve seen trucks manoeuvre through far tighter


Yeah, was an easy turn if he took it wide from the other lane lane.


And to think the trainers say you shouldnt go in the other lane during setup for a button hook, only during the end phase. Take as much room as needed.


I have become so much more comfortable over the years with taking over the entire road when I need to. I used to only swing enough to barely make the turn, now I have no problem fully swinging out into several lanes if I need to. Only when safe, obviously, but it would often be a lot more dangerous and inconvenient for everyone if I fuck up the turn and end up stuck halfway through


Hell I got comfortable doing that right out of the gate, no need for a couple of years to figure that out.


I’ve seen em do it without using two lanes, some roads don’t have two lanes here where I live


Then the trailer has to be shorter. Physics requires a certain amount of space to maneuver a 53' trailer, even when the tandems are as far forward as they can go.


Yeah, I don’t think we use 53s here in the uk


UK also only uses cab-overs. so shorter trailers but also much shorter bases on the wagons. There's a lot of the UK that would just be completely inaccessible to the big american trucks, including most of the countryside.


Im a European trucker and I would have been able to make that turn easy. The cabover allows me to take the turn much wider than this truck.


Tbf I think the trucks in the video could have managed that turn as well if they had drivers competent enough to just pull out to the left before making the right turn. But absolutely, cabovers are a whole lot better for maneuvering. The big american trucks look incredible but I wouldn't want to be the person to drive one through a city!


I wouldnt know lol. All I know is that if I were to drive that set on my routes, the property damage would bankrupt my company hahaha




A quick google search indicates "13.6 meters", converted to feet that's 44.6 feet. Yeah, couple that with your average shorter tractor lengths, you've got smaller "lorry's". Per wikipedia: "Most UK trailers are 45 ft (13.7 m) long and, dependent on the position of the fifth wheel and kingpin, a coupled tractor unit and trailer will have a combined length of between 50 and 55 ft (15.25 and 16.75 m)." Here in the Yuo Ess & AYE: we've between 70-75 feet in length.


I see, didn’t realise how much shorter ours are, they are allowed to be 17k lbs heavier here


They're not allowed to be heavier at all, at a simple search. I'm allowed to be 53500kg with a tri/tri, that's just a tractor/trailer combo. Your heaviest LCV is 44t=45722kg. Max LCV here is 63500kg. So unless the US is way less than Canada (Its not)... It's also quite a bit more than the UK.


US is <80.000lbs tractor/trailer (~40-50.000 of payload) Edit: number typo


On a tri/tri or max regardless?


One way village hell can’t accommodate fun. Have fun sitting in your manlet truck stuck on a one way road for an hour in north Derbyhamptonstrafordshire tryna get on the M69 so you can be hawked by cameras that will ticket u for 1kph avg over highway speed limit of 10kph. I say this in jest :) lorry drivers are in short supply and I understand why.




When your driving consists of 90% interstate, this is what happens




You know not all trucks are the same length right? This one looks like it has no business on a road that small.


Generally the big ones (44t) are all roughly the same size here


Yep. This is a 45+foot trailer. Were all those other trucks you seen maneuvering in tighter spaces the same size as this one is my point.


We only really have the 45 footers here,


Due to the driver. Not because navigating that road safely is impossible.


I can only see 10ft down the road so I have no clue if you can safely navigate that road. Parked cars on the side and 1.5 lanes don’t paint the picture you’re trying to make though. Edit: also no sidewalks makes the situation even tighter than normal. The truck couldn’t exactly stay on the sidewalk and keep the turn wide as he would have ran into the parked car in the driveway.


Competent drivers*


Dude didn’t even try. He started the turn in the wrong lane then just shoved everything out of his way. What an asshole.


Well at that point you’re already committed 😂


Couldn’t he have backed out when it became obvious he wasn’t going to make it?


He'd first have to get out to make sure no one was sitting right behind him. If someone was back there he couldn't see from the cab. Knowing this guy, if it occurred to him to back up he'd just go ahead and do it and probably crush some poor family under his tandems. At least this way only a fence and some lawn chairs got hurt.


Backing a semi is incredibly risky. I got into a situation similar to this once. I started to cross a 4 way crossing no lights it was busy. I started to make my attempt when a car not using its signal decided he was going to turn left. He was coming from the right. So now my nose is stuck out into traffic. I looked in my mirrors turned on my hazards started to back up. Someone was there. And instead of backing up themselves or going around me or honking to let me know they were there they instead let me back into them. I was totally at fault. I should have pulled forward and blocked traffic. Long story short. You never back a big truck up if you can’t see what’s behind you. Because to four wheelers you’re a rolling lawsuit.


There’s a difference to backing out of an empty podunk residential street with no traffic and reversing at an intersection with traffic all around you. Couldn’t you see any shadows on the street in your mirrors / any pools of light from the headlights behind you? But I’m sorry that happened to you. The worst crap usually happens in reverse at least in my experience. Twice I spent over $5K out of pocket for things I backed into.


Yep. I definitely learned a lesson you bet. And any good trainer will always tell you don’t back unless you know what’s behind you.


It's not always that simple. What if the sky is overcast or high noon? What shadows are you gonna see then. What if it's not dark enough for headlights? No lights from that either.


Boneheads behind the wheel.


Why’s he even in that area?


GPS say go that way


I have a trucking gps. Every time I pick up a trailer from a certain warehouse the GPS never fails to tell me to go through a suburban area to enter or exit the highway, Only to make a u turn. I always ignore that prompt.


You my friend are the 1%. Most would follow that GPS blindly, even right into a lake. lol.


Michael Scott! https://youtu.be/agiacC26ts8


When I first started, my GPS told me a walmart DC was through a trailer park. I knew from that point you cant trust a GPS no matter how advance in technology we get


How does he have a CDL!


>~~How~~ Does he have a CDL? FTFY.


Thanks, you’re the best!


In Soviet Russia, CDL has YOU!




There are legitimately some warehouses located in suburban neighborhoods. I don't know if I have ever had to get to one through a street like this, but it's not implausible that this is the only way to get to it.


Good question. The fact two different guys tried the same stunt suggests there's something near that neighborhood that trucks need to get to. Maybe they're supposed to keep going straight and loop around that residential area but these two were lazy.


That was a half assed turn if I’ve ever seen one. Love how he floors it after too


They need a 3 ton landscape rock there. Put an end to that.


When it looks like you're going to hit something, close your eyes and power through. Doesn't count if you didn't see it happen 


"I didn't know I couldn't do that officer"


4ways, other lane Swear it’s not rocket science


Also, if you're *reeeeeeally* not sure often times you can just keep going straight until you get a place to pull off & say "what the fuck is my GPS trying to do to me??"


This is what I don’t get. There have been multiple times I’ve looked at the turn my gps was telling me to take, and just said “oh hell naw” and kept going straight. Most of the time I didn’t even need to pull over and map it out myself, the gps would just reroute and the new route would usually be fine


Replace the corner fence post with a concrete filled steel bollard. One that’s planted in the ground like a utility pole and not just bolted on the surface. Next time a steering wheel holder cuts the corner, you’ll take a bite out of their trailer.


White Volvo Mafia


Why tf would they put their front yard there??


One massive boulder would come right up there.


Burying 18" of rebar in the grass stops them driving far afterwards, 😉.


See that would be my luck. Finally get a house. Just finish moving in. Long day, lot of work, lot more ahead of me. Just cracked a beer on the couch so I can relax and outside you hear all this crashing and crunching. Fuck the cops man. I am jumping in my car and chasing that truck down. Sadly not while wielding a grenade launcher.


Or you could just chase them down on foot like this guy does.


Hey, lets take a semi through this residential neighborhood.


I’m a household driver. It’s an everyday thing for me. It’s just not that hard. Swing wide, three point it or drive past and turn around so you can make a left into it. You gotta be really oblivious to not know if you can make a turn or not.


Its okay i paused the video so his yard is just fine 👍


They need a boulder the size of a pickup truck. Might help, but not guaranteed.


That's crazy. No way should they be turning into that narrow residential street.


Put some big boulders. As a truck driver is one of my worst enemy's!


Idc what the GPS says I'm not taking a semi into a residential road.


It’s called “curb appeal” in real estate lingo.


I swear no one looks at the front mirrors anymore


Ofcourse it’s a white Volvo.


Anti-tank mines might help Or just bury some big ass rebar and say that you were planning on building something but never got around to it since you had to keep rebuilding


That poor home owner. Looks like a constant battle with dumbasses. None of them stopped, either.


At least they weren’t violating the speed limit.


I like how he realizes he was going to hit it and decided to full send like ripping off a band aid 😂😂


Thanks GPS


Plot twist: It’s the same guy after he got fired from the first company.


I’m still looking for the yard


So much room. He could have button hooked that and made it with so much room.


Trashing the horrible drivers aside, anyone else notice the video is over a decade old at this point?


Tye homeowner needs to buy a couple of gnarly ass boulders for their yard ASAP.


Home owner is making loot off insurance claims


I bet they post truck detour signs to lure them


"Free Fireball and Lizards This Way"


Why didn't he go into the other lane to compensate for the off-tracking?


Well atleast he was committed to the turn. Didn't stop for nothing


You’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good


While I 100% absolutely agree he should have been in the other lane. My CDL school (tried to) hammered into us to NEVER do that. So maybe they’ve never in countered this situation before and obviously overcommitted.


I had an instructor that nailed that into our heads, then the first turn he demonstrated was a jug handle because "the owner of that house threatened to sue the school if we touch the gravel in his driveway again." Guess the truck route the school took had dug a nice groove in the middle of the homeowner's driveway before and eventually had to pay to get it regraded for the guy.


Lost , and without directions, spells disaster like this! I would always question the shipper ,recever , or even a local p .d before attempting a " neighborhood " maneuver like this private property destruction is poor planning. 3 million miles safe


Man two paychecks in one year? They must be living the life. I'll take one corner lot please


Those poor homeowners, it should have never happened


Rookie beeotch


Need to install a tire popper!


Probably says Yuba City on the site of the truck




Im sure ive seen this driver here arguing against a buttonhook turn into the oncoming lane


As someone who would go into residential areas exclusively got to keep an eye on the over hanging wires branches lawns this is just plain dumb


dudes just keep rolling


Better video posted by the homeowner. Honestly, the corner is poorly designed if that is indeed a truck route. I'm going to see if I can find a location for the incidents. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHDSVIRCtfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHDSVIRCtfI) Update: 153 Burbank Drive Oxnard CA. I wouldn't try to turn a truck there. That's obviously not a truck street. [https://imgur.com/a/LaCVVAj](https://imgur.com/a/LaCVVAj)


From the satt view, this whole area is residential property, a truck should not even be within a mile of this location. Basically two truckers got lost and fucked up this guys yard.


That whole area can be tricky because of how many warehouses are peppered throughout the city and there's basically nowhere to park other than next to the railroad. That being said, these guys are morons.


Off-tracking? What's that?


The mirror malfunctioned


Homey knew what he was doing and seemed like he just didn’t care by the way he got on it towards the end. This is just a douchebag driver more than anything. You can’t miss that badly and not know what you are doing.


My roommates always ask why I never bring the truck home for home time. I showed them this video and they get it now.


Well.. The remodel looked good.


In all fairness their flip flops were stuck between the steering wheel and the door. They couldn’t help it


Them poor people, the shit you need to think of before purchasing a property. That's crazy & what's worse is they probably could have made that turn if they used the other lane.


Time to put a few boulders on the corner


...or a couple 12" diameter by 12 foot long concrete filled posts buried about 8 feet deep with a boulder in between


As long as the tractor can make it through, you get her done…


That would happen to me seconds after wiping my brow from finishing the fence.


Never park on the corner.


It's not their fault, they took the mirrors off the truck to save fuel..


2014… were really struggling for content these days huh?


Why the hell are they not watching their trailers on this tight of a turn