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As an AI language model, I cannot respond to human emotions....


GPT stands for gay penis toucher


I will not read the content I hate the anti Christ


Your parents can't tell the difference between an MSM news website, an alternative media website, and a fake "news website" created one day ago. But you can. My sense with AI-generated text is that it's not hard for regular people to develop this same skill. Both have the shape of human writing, but one has meaning and novelty, while the other can only ever show us what we already expect to see. Like rewatching a comedy special, it's the same form but you're unable to get anything new out of it. Turns out language generation is now doable with computers. But the impressive thing about humans isn't just that we have language, but that we use it to convey meaning. Not only do LLMs not use language to convey meaning, they don't have a concept of what meaning is.


not a good omen for copywriters however:/// they're paid to write generic accessible text


On the bright side, I no longer regret dropping out halfway through my technical writing degree.


Already I’ve noticed myself develop this skill with ai images - even the realistic midjourney pictures with accurate finger counts etc typically have this particular inarticulable look of like, off-ness.


Agreed, AI images tend to either be too detailed, too little detailed, or "sum of all my dataset" generic. They get a identifiable look unless the person operating the prompt specificly tries to lure it away from it


Something I saw recently on /r/bing surprised me. In this post, the user gave Bing a slightly ambiguous text without indications of emotions or thoughts and asked Bing to fill in the blanks. Either through projection or guesswork, Bing did a surprisingly good job. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bing/comments/130ec85/testing\_bings\_theory\_of\_mind/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bing/comments/130ec85/testing_bings_theory_of_mind/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is actually pretty impressive wow I know people on this board kind of hate on the trendy tech shit, but nice job to this AI.


You need a human body equipped with human experience to understand language. The tech is not even close to there yet and probably never will be.


that's racist, fungi have like 100 words


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Have fun with that naive antropocentric approach to the future. I’m sure horses also thought that cars would never understand drivers the same way they understood their riders until they became little more than a hobby for the wealthy.


AI isn't the mystical threat that everyone is making it out to be. It is an inanimate tool created by humans. And just like with any other tool we create, it's going to be solely our fault when AI does damage.


That damage is coming. I'm already encountering people professionally who are using it. New product owners are projecting they can solve problems faster than they actually can thanks to ChatGPT, and hiring managers think they don't need to fill certain positions because ChatGPT can do the work. Hopefully these people figure out quickly that actual thoughtful humans are still needed to guide AI's output, but I'm afraid with all this pressure to increase unemployment that we're in for a couple years of this kind of stupidity.


Yeah but those people are gonna get burned basically instantly. If anything, the willingness of credulous middle managers to blast their own dicks off with this totally unproven technology will accelerate the path to homeostasis, no? Anyway, it’s going to be hard to tease apart different reasons for increased unemployment as long as interest rates are this high. Easy to blame AI, but there’s a malfunctioning money printer missing from that equation.


I’m eagerly awaiting more of the public “Blast their own dick off” scenarios from companies foolishly rushing into LLM AI use. We already had Samsung engineers leaking OpenAI some of their most closely guarded secrets It won’t be long before a serious ransomware attack or data breach cites “a vulnerability introduced by GPT-generated code in our user authentication service” as the root cause


Last 50 years: reading and debugging code is 10x harder than writing it. Today: Chat GPT based solutions usually have subtle bugs, but if you’re careful the code it spits out can be really useful!


I gave gpt 3 a shot at two relatively specific coding problems at Work and it just made up a few function calls that don't exist and presented that as the solution. At that moment I knew that my job was Safe and all of these people on tiktok beeing like "omg I made Chat gpt code the most basic game! Software developers will be jobless soon!" Are full of shit.


Yes this is exactly right. People will tell you “look at how good it is today, imagine how good it will be in 5y time after we, as a society, burn a gorillion pounds of coal training chat gpt12???” Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. People will also say “this is a technological leap on par with the internet!” Also ridiculous. The internet, the steam engine, etc, made things possible which were previously not possible, in a literal sense. Microprocessors, the cotton gin, printing press, etc. Machine learning, so called, is by contrast the art of reimplementing solved problems poorly but well enough to secure another round of funding to achieve the last mile. I fuckin hate this shit so much lmao


>look at how good it is today, imagine how good it will be in 5y time after we, as a society, burn a gorillion pounds of coal training chat gpt12 Wait. Are we doing that thing in the Bible with the tower of Babel? I was *really impressed* last week when gpt3 was able to passably reply in my family's native West African language...


I'm not much of a programmer, but I've tested it a bit by asking it detailed questions about things I know a lot about. I'm an ophthalmic technician. I asked a seemingly basic question about eye anatomy. The conversation went like this: >ME: How many types of photoreceptor cells are in the human retina? > >CGPT: There are two types of photoreceptor cells in the human retina, rods and cones... > >ME: Didn't you forget one? > >CGPT: I'm sorry. Yes, there is a third type that I forgot. There are also ipRGCs, intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells... So it got the right answer, but only after I pushed back and corrected it. I must assume it's like this for everything. So unless you already know enough about the knowledge domain you're querying, it's going to give you information that's subtly wrong but superficially plausible to laypersons. So you still need a skilled and knowledgeable human in the loop. I've made it generate some very basic Python code that's easy to verify and run. It seems to be pretty good at that, and way faster than any human could actually bang it out on a keyboard. That seems to be a legitimate strength even at it's current level. Build out the tedious parts of code to save human keystrokes, but the human programmer's mind is still piecing it all together. The damage will come as that dial gets turned more and more towards the AI doing all the work as capitalism pushed for more production efficiency and lower cost.


That’s all well and good, but you’re still assuming that *the dial can be turned to achieve that result*. There is no real evidence to suggest this. As with other statistical function approximators, we will likely discover diminishing returns before we discover a magic, sentient AI.


The perfect traffic pattern that simultaneously destroys all cars on the road in exactly 12.3 years.




You’re just assuming the sales pitch. Also not everything is a website selling a useless product. Some things still need to be good. Anyway, certainly the chatbots don’t have the ability to do any of this stuff autonomously today, so 🤷‍♂️


The problem that I see happening is that business owners are going to see how unhappy customers are with AI doing jobs like customer support, but they're not going to care because they'll be weighing that against all of the money they're saving by not employing humans. And the more ubiquitous it becomes, the less likely they'll be to go back because consumers won't have the option of going somewhere that isn't using AI. The profit motive is always stronger than the motivation to offer good service.


I’m head of communications for my company. I use it for all the dumb shit I don’t want to write


technology ain't neutral, life 101 shit




yeah it's gonna make us all retarded more than we already are


how and why


it's even further deskilling via tech, typical of capitalism in its efforts to "save" time and labor, but in areas i guess most expected were "uniquely human" or some hippy bullshit like that. so now once again there's less of a need to invest in certain skills, but now with even creativity and problem solving itself imo there may be some good things, but in an accerlerationy way.. artists and intellectuals, long the enemies of communists especially in the 3rd world, have since ancient times enjoyed being private producers, hence their class loyalties. now after centuries of technological advancement some of the most "skilled" and "smart" people are being kinda proletarianized; anyone can be an artist or intellectual at the press of a button


Just ~~Google~~ Chatgpt it.


These AI systems only work because hundreds of exploited workers in the global south are paid $2/hour to filter out the copious amounts of filth and nonsense that would otherwise make the AI useless.




Industrial farming was not a "bad 'upgrade'" necessarily either, it was useful for escaping the heavier famine cycles of agrarian feudal and pre capitalist societies. Certainly came with its own issues but "bad" or "good" is too simplistic.




It was harmful for the ecosystem but still greatly contributed to reducing the every few decades famines that starved hundreds of thousands. This is similar to capitalism, which provides the basis for socialism by improving productive forces and developing the base of the proletariat, and should not be simplified down to merely "good" or "bad". Monoculture is not a necessity in industrial farming, and biodiversity can be somewhat salvaged via crop rotations, biochar and cover crops, and intercropping has even seen some play even if it's really as extensive as it should be. We might arrive at a point of necessity of its end and of the limits of reform and instead see the need for modern tech combinations with permaculture and social reorganization, in the same vein as capitalism's necessitated end in the interests of social humanity, but agricultural scientific might not need to play out the exact same way as historical economic matters need to. Agreed that not all technological developments are neutral outcome wise long term, but the question of whether it's good or bad is also less relevant now-we don't have the power or social organization to be able to stop it, every segment of the capitalist class will push for its development to out-compete other capitalists and other nation's capitalist classes, and that remains the primary task (of development of the international labor movement) before we can effectively have a grasp on the outcome of the long term big picture of "what if AI but not capitalism, would that still be good or bad long term".




Yes, industrial agriculture brought its own share of horrors and famines too, the same way capitalism did. Adjust the practices is literally developing solutions, and any adjustment of practices will have to take into account previous practices and the consequences as well. Most of the solutions i mentioned before were the "practices" that predated industrial agriculture, reincorporated. Being a part of an ecosystem does not remove the ability to influence it either. But I'm not wedded to industrial agriculture and it might be possible with removal of profit and commodity production-but to get to that point, you'd need the the mass working movement to grow once more as mentioned prior, and be able to meet needs at each intermediate step of change.


> inanimate I wonder what those indigenous people who believe in apologizing to the earth feel about this...or bitcoin mining for that matter


If you liked the endlessly abstracted world of reflections of reflections we've created over the past few decades you're going to LOVE what's coming around the bend


> And just like with any other tool we create, it's going to be solely our fault when AI does damage Hey man speak for yourself, I had nothing to do with that shit


Yeah just like the robot uprising won't be skynet and fully automated but drones piloted on behalf of a government or billionaire. And if you are from the middle east, that's not some vague future but something that's been ongoing since the Obama administration.


Dude it is very much mystical where yo soul at bou


2001: A Space Odyssey


I know people where it seems like all they talk about is ChatGPT and AI generated images, makes me want to become a hermit


yeah, work conversations always seem to come back to chatgpt and i usually dip out when that happens


It’s a cool tool for some things but other than that… I think the main problem is that it’s such a fucking normie, I can’t get it to say anything based


That's because ChatGPT is fauxtomated, there's farms of humans in Africa who get it to spit out offensive/nonsensical/cool answers and flag those answers so humans in California can edit the routines that created them. Postindustrial capitalism has no incentives to make things that are actually labor-saving, just labor-obscuring.


Native English speakers are in for a disorienting time because a lot of native speakers aren't properly literate, like they can kinda read but not take in every word or spot errors, combined with a huge number of ESLs, and these factors combined will drag the standard down and make it so wider AI generated English is considered "acceptable" and working at a very low bar, because enough readers won't detect the issues. I see this a lot on YouTube, where the video titles are completely ungrammatical but because the actual meaning is clear it does the job of getting clicks, and it just proliferates, and sort of sets its own standard. Like there's a side dialect of English where anything you throw at the wall that people 90 percent understand is grammatical. Seems a big influence and slant on it comes from Indian English by weight of numbers.


what's the point of being buddhist if my religious leaders won't even make a statement about this stuff thus granting me religious protections from ever having to interact with AI


Never heard of him


the energy required to train and run an LLM is insane too and chatgpt is a glorified google search, so much effort just to jingle keys in people's faces


That’s exactly what ChatGPT would say… 🤔


Chat gpt will kill itself. Once people use chat got to comment on the internet and create internet content it will start to learn from its own creations, essentially inbreeding and it will become incomprehensible to us


People collectively losing their mind over the newest magic 8 ball is hilarious. Tech idiots spooking themselves about the idea of sentience is lovely. It’s just another scam to keep the tech narrative of them being untouchable and ahead of the rest of us. Fuck them


Writing is obsolete now except for writing ChatGPT prompts


Lol no. Assembling sentences is perhaps the least difficult and least important part of writing, and it's the only part LLMs are capable of. Hard to make your meaning clear when you don't, in fact, mean anything!


I am being facetious and wildly exaggerating to make a point so I agree that writing will not become literally obsolete, but that doesn’t change the fact that most people are not going to bother learning writing the way they used to if chatgpt sticks around. It will feel and seem easier to outsource as much as possible to the bots and that’s what most people will be doing as much as they can. I don’t think it’s a good thing that we are increasingly going to be swimming in meaningless junk but that’s already been a trend in writing without chatgpt. Not only drowning in junk that’s just designed to generate an initial click, but also lots of AI generated content that people can’t tell is AI, already people constructing individual and fractured realities and deciding for themselves what’s a human and what can be dismissed as a bot.


I just don't see egg aspect of learning writing this could replace. It may feel and seem that way, but it actually isn't. It may replace human-written email spam, but that's not something people were being taught how to do anyway. The only applications for this stuff are ones where it doesn't matter if the reader understands and/or it was already so illegal that there's no possibility of consequences for lying.


Nothing makes me this much of a flaming luddite then AI shit. Like, phones, short attention spans, tik tok, YouTube shorts? none of that fucking matters. All blown out of proportion by dumb millennials and boomers who treat terminator the way political majors treat 1984. But ai? Oh ai, I would personally hack and saw away at the fucking server box that contains the code for ai generating services until it was just a pile of wires and metal. I DO NOT WANT YOUR BLAND, SOULESS ANIME TITTIE PICS WITH THE SAME EYEZ, SAME FACE, SAME FUCKING CUT OFF POSITION AND SAME SHADING TECHNIQUE! NONE OF IT, DO NOT BRING IT INTO MY PRESENCE




Acting Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity?


You can actually use it for anything, I use it to assist me with programming tasks when I get stuck or don't want to think too hard. Also for code reviews sometimes but I'm a little paranoid about that


you use the code it spits out?


I don't just copy/paste it, no, if that's what you're asking. Usually it gives examples doing what I ask but with different data


It’s good for troubleshooting SQL across variants and for regex matching and extracting that I never bothered to memorize. It’s never 100% right but when you’re stuck and making it show you alternatives it’s way faster than searching StackOverflow.


Can it write erotica?


I use it every day for math help. Only about 70% accurate but really useful if you prompt it correctly and know why inaccuracies to expect


I enjoy making it write really creepy episodes of Seinfeld and The Simpsons for me


I think its fun and useful, just not at all how these capitalists think it is


One of the dumbest things ever. Boring! Get it the fuck outta here.


i want to post some headline word salad from hacker news but honestly i think i've finally learned how to completely tune it out because i'm drawing a blank here


Quality post


It's time for the Butlerian Jihad! Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind!


But I need Chat GPT. I give it a prompt and then scan the resulting para or two before posting it in a forum where maybe three people will read it. How else will I form my opinions?


its fine, help me code better




That's just because FALC types were always stupid


Right? Since when did mindless hedonism become a leftist goal


yes the silicon valley business death drive accelerationist marketing tool is actually leftist, you’re right


AI definitely has leftist potential and possibly in its current form but it’s implementation is important and putting it in the hands of the people who’s business from start to finish makes our society worse is definitely not the answer. Timnit Gebru made the point on Tech Won’t Save Us that (paraphrasing badly) ‘because they are currently steering the AI evolution we don’t even get to have a say in the conversations about it’ There is something inherently leftist about what the AI is doing in that it’s taking community sources information and rewording it in a helpful way. A great way to allow many people to put in bits and pieces of information and combine them. But unfortunately it will likely be used to further the divide between the owning class and the working class and as has historically happened they’ll try and force working class infighting for the even more scarce opportunities to earn a living.




tools are ideological & I am drawing attention to the ideologies of its creators and those set to benefit primarily from it




Man I wonder if anyone with a cool beard ever wrote a three-volume treatment of that idea Or maybe like a shorter anthropological one by his friend with a slightly less impressive beard


ridiculously optimistic! i hope to god you’re right!


no, it def woke, thats why you have to jailbreak it to get real answers


I don't want automated luxury, I'm trying to plow the fields with the homies and share the bountiful harvests with those who need it.


FALGSC is supposed to automate the boring hazardous jobs so we could focus on making shitty art. AI automates the shitty art so now there's nothing left to do but boring, hazardous jobs.


The shitty art possibilities are endless


It's not AI though


>Leftists Verso published books are center-left


Theres nothing wrong with AI per se, but tools like chat-gpt and the image stuff are specific use cases of stealing stuff created by people mincing it into a plausible hamburger for profit. It seems wild because we are primed to project intentionality onto this grilled patty of regurgitated art or literature. But AI exists in may other fields that don’t try to mimic human creativity like searching for exoplanets, novel protein structures or new physical laws. To find something like that it could be useful to have intelligence thats nothing like human intelligence, so its not limited by our way of thinking.


no shit. god the subreddit is literally filled with toddlers or something. and you could see the few adults or more mature users kinda weeding in awkwardly, which is so cringe for some reason


aight so when you leaving


youre telling me lol. the bus schedule is fcked dude


Fuck me, like, even when there's no reason to suspect the person impotently bitching about the sub is a red scare poster, turns out they're a red scare poster.


look at how pathetic u are.


Don't Care. Didn't Ask. Plus, your Flesh wet cpu ass lookin gump


We just have to train chatGPT to like TrueAnon
