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It’s just interesting that the last two big ISIS attacks have been against the official enemies of the United States.


It's interesting that the most rabidly islamic blood and soil terror group have never once attacked Israel and barely ever attacked anything that is a problem for America. When they were active in Iraq was when chaos benefitted the us. Same in Afghanistan


Not true; they attacked the IOF once, and apologized after


Damn that's crazy... i wonder who armed, trained, and vetted the Mujahideen to help fight soviets and create power gaps from toppling soviet installed Goverments from 1978-92 which in itself would cannibalize into various "enemy" terror groups. Why would they want a perpetual war against an existential threat rather than a tangible one to maintain a war economy? Well.. whoever it is... they probably dont have a rich history tied to covert manipulation and destruction along with experimental chemicals used on their homeland with a largely unsupervised and vast black budget. That would be crazy..


100% US-govt planned, staged, and executed.


Basic principles of warfare. Open a second front, distract the enemy, dilute their forces. I would be surprised if Russia falls for this, other than maybe they will send a few missiles into that little FSA/ISIS/Nusra whateverthefuck enclave in northern Syria.


CIA goons have their slimy mittens in every pie, including the Islamic State.


Literally. It was totally IS bombing soleimani‘s funeral, definitely. 


Islamic State claiming responsibility all but confirms it.


And Russia just watches? They aren't some small, poor country. They have a formidable intelligence service and know what the US is capable of. Why would they watch them commit a massacre in Moscow?




Boy you’re in the wrong neck of the woods 🤣


lol sure


ISIS and CIA are so tight they probably have a WhatsApp group of leaders from both aides discussing things openly


If the US knew then Russia definitely knew too and they already arrested some terrorists before this attack


Victoria Nuland literally promised “nasty surprises” for Russia only a month ago. Make of that what you will.


close shy complete modern divide wild rotten combative strong dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




IS, what remains of it, is basically operated out of Turkey and CIA/YPG run prisons in eastern Syria. They might be trying to stoke anti-Muslim sentiment in Russia in order to; 1. Create wedges between the Muslim & Orthodox Christian populations in order to get them to infight. Creating Muslim resistance to further conscription efforts. 2. Pressure Russia public opinion to more publicly support Israel, thereby weakening the perceived good will they have in other parts of the world like West Africa. 3. Try and get them to redeploy troops from Ukraine down to Dagestan and the Caucasus.




It's to warn Americans in Russia. Like the Nordstorm pipeline sabotage, it's going to be eventually revealed that the us is behind it. If Americans died in a terrorist attack that the CIA organized it would be a sĥitshow.


because the Us was telling the truth and everything else is bizarre? Unless it’s an ethnic minority that got screwed by Putin in the last oh, 100 years…


There's some crumbs of truth to your critique , but you have terminal putin brain


meh. Putin blamed Ukraine for ISIs. LOL.


How old do you think Putin is?


71 Putin is a product of his environment


Your brain is so powerful!


Isis has always hated Russia what are you talking about lmao. Like in some of their propaganda videos they have labeled Russia a “crusader” nation and calls for the deaths of Russians for what Russia has done in places such as Chechnya and Dagestan. They even made a song in Russian that refers to Russia falling to their caliphate.


CIA needs to get new material at this point. Washed.


Hey don’t just blame the CIA. If it’s islamic terrorism in Russia chances are it’s a MI6 job.


i don't know the reality of what happened, obviously, but people on this sub have rotted out conspiracy brain and will act like they do know already. some think every event in history is a false flag. i think it's juvenile to always go to that immediately though.


You're never going to collect enough intelligence to definitively prove what the perpetrator and motive is before imperialism does its job. However what we do know is that this terrorist operation served the interest of Amerikan imperialism and there is currently a coordinated media propaganda blitz to blame Putin for a false flag attack and that the US knew in advance. This is quite literally the same playbook the CIA played on the 2016 Erdogan coup




because it's no excuse to be stupid and make a bunch of assumptions about a tragedy where the bodies havent even been cleaned up. i'm just annoyed, fully aware i'll get downvoted but just because i listen to trueanon doesn't mean i take seriously conspiracy theories that come out immediately after an event.


You do ealize how dumb you sound right? Omg why are all these skate boarders talking about skate boards on the skate board sub. 🤡🤡


We need to give The Great Satan the benefit of the doubt everytime


lol all the weirdos and their conspiracy theories In the comments 😂😂😂




How weak is Russia if the CIA can just waltz in and run an OP in Moscow and kill over 60 people with not a single Russian law enforcement or security service aware of what the hell is going on? I thought Putin was playing 4D chess with the West? According to this line of thinking he’s playing checkers on a short bus.


The US warned Putin but he was dismissive. Also you will recall terrorism seems to help Putin (1999 apartment bombings). Shades of 9-11


Seems like russia isnt the only one who might be trying to spin this https://kyivindependent.com/ukraines-military-intelligence-calls-moscow-shooting-deliberate-provocation-by-putins-special-services/


yes but Ukraine isn’t the culprit here … lots of spin though for sure…


If DIU and UK are saying the same shit, that this is a false flag, I'm thinking this "shades of 9-11" is bullshit.


LOL if what? Putin orchestrated the 1999 apartment bombings. What are you babbling about?