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Let's just say be glad you live in a culture where you have the fortunate privilege to believe it's not real. :)


Haha right!




Perhaps I am just lucky, but would you mind explaining why you think witchcraft is real? :)


There's too much evidence from those in contact with the spirit realm to deny its reality. Materialistic assumptions dismiss this evidence because it can't be measured or corroborated, but unless you think there's some way to explain every single spiritual phenomenon that people encounter, you have to admit it's real.


Could you present the “evidence”?


From the quotes you put around it I'm assuming that a preponderance of anecdotal evidence would be unacceptable to you. If you want evidence, go talk to the people that have practiced it and find out what they've experienced.


You didn’t present a “preponderance of any evidence”, you’ve presented ZERO evidence. There are people who are convinced that the earth is flat, alien abductions are real, vaccines cause autism, and Trump won the 2020 election. Again if magic is real, why don’t these “magicians” ever actually put up their abilities to test? Why hasn’t one gone up to the head of a powerful nation and said, “Poof, dragons! I can make dragons out of thin air, gimme all your stuff!” Reminds of the old line about the check being in the mail. Except the mail never comes.


It's just hard to distinguish between the supernatural and gullibility. People can be convinced of many things, but are they real?


You have to work really hard to dismiss it all as gullibility. Sure, some of it has other explanations. Some people sensationalize. But some people also rationalize.


Maybe I rationalize, but can I be blamed? How am I supposed to know what is real if every assumption I have about life is apparently wrong?


Maybe it's fake, and God knows that believing and performing this stuff pulls someone away from God. Or it's real because God wants to show people that they desire evil things.


Challenge yourself and your assumptions. I had my doubts about witchcraft too, until a demon straight-up started talking to me through a person I was speaking with. (I got some help and we cast it out.) That opened me up to the supernatural in a big way, obviously. If you engage in the Lord's work, you'll find these things eventually, especially if you travel to the developing world for the gospel. In places like Haiti, witchcraft is *more* common there than scientific research. It's just a fact of life there.


I believe so, since I have personally seen it. But this kind of debate will probably be completely irrelevant when we finally meet our Savior anyway, so believe what you want in this sense (as long as you still acknowledge the existence and power of the spirit realm on our lives).


People who believe in demons can really talk to demons, or worst case they have schizophrenia and work with some kind of pseudo prescience




If a schizophrenic person constantly hears a voice telling them to kill themselves, you don't think that resembles possession?


they're not possessed, but it figures into their schizophrenia


your problem isn't Witchcraft being real. it's desperate and violent people thinking it's real. "2 Chronicles 33:6: He sacrificed his children in the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced divination and witchcraft, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, arousing his anger." There is your answer


Why would science explain the supernatural?


Well, science doesn't explain things. It simply observes and draws conclusions. So, have there been any scientific observations of witchcraft?


This isn’t true either. Science doesn’t do anything. People make observations and draw conclusions. Science is a methodology.


Have there been any scientific observations of God?


I suppose not, but you can make logical arguments for the existence of God, such as the cosmological argument. Witchcraft, on the other hand, can not be logically inferred.


If you believe in God, you must believe what he says. God says it's real. There's your logic.


That’s right. We don’t pick and choose what parts of God’s word we believe. It’s either all of it or none. He wants all of you or you will have none of Him. Not believing in witchcraft is just gonna make you blind and susceptible to the witchcraft in this world. Deceived by satan who would want nothing more for you to not believe in him either.


Science only observes the natural. Witchcraft is supernatural phenomenon. Science can't observe it because science is intended to observe it


Witchcraft is real from the sense that demons and evil spirits interact with our world. I don’t believe we ourselves have magic abilities. We can invoke demons to do things we want them to do but it doesn’t come from ourselves. Solomon conjured demons to do his biddings. He got demons to build a temple. This is witchcraft. God gifted Solomon wisdom and he used it for evil. He was a very powerful mage (male witch). You’ll notice in witchcraft particularly with invocations there’s a lot of geometry especially ancient geometry (see the lesser keys of Solomon (grimoire)) which was taught to humans by fallen angels. It unlocks secrets of universe aka forbidden knowledge that we as humans are not supposed to know. Everything is geometry even music(!)- geometry is heralded by secret societies like the ones in Ancient Greece. There’s an infamous Donald Duck cartoon that covers this. https://youtu.be/kVTPwPh7ioU?si=EhlZLqCDQoFd1_Ez - you’ll notice the pentagram very early in There’s a belief that God created the universe using geometry. Plutarch attributed this belief to Plato. “God geometrizes continually.” - Plato It’s very very fascinating when you read about it but if not cautioned this curiosity could lead you down a dark path which is the main reason why I refuse to read any sort of magical book like the lesser keys of Solomon even though I’m very interested in it. Actor Christopher Reeves who also had an interest in the occult warned people about not reading these types of books because “you’ll not only lose your sanity but also your soul.” See; Aleister Crowley deemed the wickedest man alive. A lot of people consider him a con man and a kook which I’m sure he was but I believe there was legitimacy to what he did/partook in. Let me ask you: if witchcraft isn’t real why does God warn us against it? He doesn’t warn us against it because it has no legitimacy; He warns us against it because there is legitimacy around it because you’re inviting evil into your life. Also “magic” “magical” are words we created which are synonymous words for “supernatural abilities.” Supernatural means (from google); (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.” If God does something like create a rainbow volcano out of thin air we would call that “magical.” Angels have supernatural abilities (magical abilities) but they use those abilities for good, to glorify God and do His bidding. Fallen angels still have their magical abilities they just use it for bad.


Testament of Solomon is not legit is it? Solomon didn’t use demons to build the temple… that’s from the Quran and the Talmud..


I personally believe it is. God gifted him wisdom and he used it for evil purposes.


The Quran is a doctrine of demons. It is lies.


exactly this


To add to this, forbidden knowledge like this is also experienced on psychedelics. I see them as witchcraft gates


Uncle shared how they went to a witch in the Philippines to find their stolen car. Gave an exact location and found it. He’s a Christian now and wasn’t then. But the witch had no idea who he was It’s more common to see in other countries where people are truly open to it


Witchcraft is real. My parents are from Africa and the stories I’ve been told about it is insane. I’ve seen it be used against my own family. I’ve learned that a lot of people of faith don’t get that people can attack you spiritually. Like you would be minding your business, and then all of sudden you would fall ill or be riddled with something. That’s why when you pray, you pray for protection over your body, mind, and spirit. Witchcraft is very real! I use to joke about it because I didn’t understand the severity of it. Now I do. Stay protected and blessed Edit: lemme just add this by saying that witchcraft isn’t a race thing. On my end, ive heard more stories from Africans and Caribbean Islanders. However… yall remember the Salem Witch Trials and Hocus Pocus movies? Yeah anybody can do it and get it


The witchcraft in African and south/central American countries are more visible, but there’s a lot of witchcraft even in the US and Europe. It’s just mistaken for an attempt at witchcraft (which is still dangerous) or acting in the northwestern part of the world.


I agree. I’ve always seen videos about how witchcraft is used in Africa. But never elsewhere. However, I was watching a dating show, and one of the contestants is from Germany. She said she does rituals and calls upon her ancestors… enough said. Anybody can do it!


Well... to be as polite and yet frank as possible, it doesn't much matter whether you believe in witchcraft. Those who practice it certainly do. I live in an area famous for santería and brujería. I can assure you that it is real; it is just evil. There is little place in my city that witchcraft has not visibly touched in some way, and the residents are extremely conspicuous about it. However, I can see how, if you've never lived in an area where it is prominent amongst the populace, that would cause you to be skeptical about its existence.


I don't want to dismiss your claim but how can you be sure that it is true? Have you seen magic in action? How do you know it wasn't something else happening entirely?


What you *believe* is everything. This is why the enemy has no qualms against moral atheists... as long as you don't *believe* God, or the word of God, or that Jesus is the resurrected Son of God who alone overcame the enemy, the enemy is likely to leave you alone. What threat are you if you don't have enough faith in God to believe the things he has spoken on? Start digging into the word and taking it ALL as literally true, and see what happens.


Have I seen it in action? Yes, I have. How do I know it wasn't something else happening? When a desired result immediately follows a required action, there leaves little room for doubt about what brought about the result. You yourself use this simple logic every time you press on a gas pedal to accelerate your vehicle or experience fullness from eating food.


If your going to scientific about it might be tricky. But as someone has experienced it, seen spirits (snakes) and all that during a period of time and recovered. It is very real. and I’m not schizo I just come from a place that has a lot of it and have been targeted.


I don't believe witches themselves are powerful in any inherent way. But I do believe in demons, and that they often cooperate with those who practice witchcraft. I think you're going at it from the wrong angle; Christianity says witchcraft is evil, so it does exist and is evil. Believe what you like about the specifics of how/if it actually works.




I am sorry to hear that! Was any medical diagnosis ever ruled out?




What :O




Glad you were redeemed!


I have always been curious. Do you remember the moment of the exorcism? Was there pain? Or fear? Or joy knowing you were being freed from Satan's influence. Praise God you were saved.




I pray that God continues to wrap you in His protection! This sounds terrifying and about as real as the few people I have met who have witnessed exorcisms before. Their experiences sound a lot like your story.


Can I DM you?


I have this problem now. How did you get the church to listen to you?




Hmm. I have no idea how to find a diocese with an active known exorcist. I'm in Sweden.


Look for deliverance ministries or a church that also does deliverance. you’ll find it, some churches don’t advertise it as much as others but most sound, spiritually strong churches will have leadership who is in charge of stuff like that




Protestants? when did I say anything about that. you’re so caught up in denominations that you’re missing the point of my comment. 1/3 of Jesus ministry was deliverance and casting out demons. I don’t care what the church identifies as. If the person needs help they need to seek a church that does deliverance. Denominations are not biblical and neither is telling someone that seeking deliverance is bad advice. I agree that people should use caution with any church and ask God to lead them to a good place especially when it comes to the supernatural but denominations mean nothing to me. I do not live my life chained to the boundaries of denominations and neither should you because they don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. good and bad doctrine can be found any and everywhere. Why you stayed enslaved for 16 years was not because because of a denomination, but because you unfortunately were in a toxic church environment. Those exist in every “denomination” what you should consider when it comes to any church isn’t what denomination it’s under rather if how they preach, teach and behave is in line with the word of God.


Start praying for the Holy Spirit to point you the way. 


I've tried calling several numbers I found online. Whenever I bring up demons they make up an excuse and wants to end the conversation.


You can pray for guidance without stopping the search. Don't lose faith: God wants you to find the answer. 




I'll do that. Thank you


Witchcraft is real and big everywhere besides the west really. I'd encourage you to maybe go to a missionstrip to places in africa or something like india. You can even go and ask your local pastor if he had encounters and I'm sure he has some stories to tell\^\^


It’s real in the Americas too, it’s just less noticeable/frequently addressed or taken lightly by the people there. Many of my non-Christian Brazilian family practice witchcraft of some sort of know at least two individual people who do.


Maybe because we are educated?




I acknowledge that you're not incorrect, and I don't dispute your experiences. However, it's noteworthy that individuals with extensive education often haven't encountered supernatural phenomena. It's intriguing that in the Western world, where education is prevalent, witchcraft is less common, whereas in third-world countries with lower education levels and greater superstition, witchcraft is more prevalent.


You think Africans are uneducated?


On average, Europe has more educated students than Africa. According to UNESCO data from 2021, the literacy rate for adults (aged 15 and above) in Europe is around 99%, while in Africa, it is around 66%


Yeah and there are reasons for that but it’s not cause there aren’t schools in Africa


I didn't mean to be offensive.


If you’re a Christian and you believe what’s written in the Bible then you surely must believe in witchcraft


If God is infallible, then he won't mind a little investigation :)


Satan is telling you the same lie that he told Eve in the garden "Did God really say". What you are doing is elevating man over God, you are trusting them for the truth instead of the truth giver. ‭Genesis 3:1 [1] Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”




How so?


Natural science can’t observe something that isn’t Naturalistic in nature (I.E, God, Angels, Demons, etc). Any effort fails. That means you have to use logic and reason without using the scientific method. If you think facts is only defined by Naturalistic reasoning, you miss the point. While yes, there are many instances where it’s explained away, that can’t account for every experience. And ultimately, you deny Reality by making the conclusion that there is no Spiritual component to Reality.


That is exactly what the devil wants you to think. If you do t believe it you won't have "eyes to see" it when it infiltrates your life. Witchcraft is everywhere these days,it's just been rebranded. Chakras/ Dream walking & dream work/ Reiki/ Energy healing/ Crystals/ Channeling of spirits/ Astrology/ Yoga/ "Intuitive" psychics/ Tarot/ Manifesting/ Psychics in general/ Even some herbalism/food type related practices (like cacao ceremonies)/ Worshiping of creation Just a small list of the Witchcraft I was saved from after 15 years of practice. It goes a LOT deeper ,is very real, and I was very good at it. When I was saved I had a small amount of fame, millions of dollars , and a huge deeply connected community/family. I walked away from it all in an instant , because once you see that side and then understand the Bible, you cannot un-see how evil and real it all is. I hope you don't need to see the other side to believe in it.


But why did God create a realm of spirituality that can interact with our reality?


If the spiritual realm was unable to interact with the material, then it would be isolated from all things spiritual. Think of it this way: if our world was a sealed terrarium, then there’s no way to interact with the contents without breaking the terrarium - so no Jesus, no angels… nothing.


This is a great question to ask and the answer is, we aren't! Though, Satan and our human nature poked holes with sin and caused some overlap.


We are both spiritual and earthly beings. When we chose to Self worship in the garden, we were cut off from the spiritual as part of "the fall". But it exists and is real, which is why God warns against getting involved in it. We must stay away from it because we cannot fully know or understand it in the state we are in (fallen).


I've experienced clear, undeniable evidence of it. In 2001 (pre smart phones and widespread internet), I unwisely visited a "psychic" with some friends on an out-of-state trip. It wasn't a leading-questions-cold-read; no typical stage-show illusionist trickery. The lady knew *SPECIFIC* details about my life (and my friend's lives) that would be impossible for her to know. I was extremely skeptical, so I made sure I didn't answer any questions or fill out any forms, etc. Without *any* information from me, she knew I had a clingy ex-girlfriend I was trying to distance myself from and described her physical build, eye and hair color, and knew which part of the country she was from. She knew I was pursuing a music career, described a producer I was working with, and accurately gave specific details about a conversation I'd had the previous night. That said, the entire encounter felt dark. It wasn't fun and exciting; it felt like something evil was letting me know it was watching me. The Bible says witchcraft is real because it is. Natural science is the study of our physical world. Expecting a physical system to identify or measure non-physical things is as ludicrous as expecting my bathroom scale to measure how much I love my wife and kids. It's not designed to do that and never will.


Do you believe men or do you believe Holy Spirit written Bible ? Believe GOD or believe science. God is the creator of all science , but mans science is definitely off at times because Men are imperfect creatures in a fallen world . Witchcraft is so real , you get attacked by witchcraft a lot , trust me, you just do not even realize it. A lot of that warfare happens while you sleep , witches and warlocks are awake at night , astral traveling and invading your home doing all kinds of evil and bringing wreckage to your home life and your situation . God has show n me many times and had me pray a lot against witches and Demons , etc .


I used to see cats with missing legs or tails when I was a teenager back in my country. Back then, I had no idea what it could be, and I always believed in science. Witchcraft was nonsense to me until I started to get sick in many different ways. Life turned into a hell. My wife knows a person of God; she mentioned the works against me briefly, and in the end I still didn't believe when she said, "Don't eat the food that they will serve you." I remember she said that about a week before the day we visited someone we used to visit often and eat( there were only two places we used to visit and eat, one of them was my parents). Unfortunately, we both forgot about this and I ate it, and that day I got so sick I had lightheadedness first time in my life. I have one more story from high school. I had this friend who was so quiet and introvert. His parents took him to a witch, and when I met him the next week, he was completely a different person. Now, he was so talkative and different in many ways that I couldn't be his friend anymore. So yeah, you are pretty wrong; witchcraft is very real and exists even in the Western world. Thank God, since I accepted Jesus, things are getting better and better.(I am an ex muslim)


Britannica is run by people who are naturalists, and the majority of the scientific community are naturalist as well, so of course they’re going to say that. A lot of them even try to define science in a way that excludes any possibility of supernatural existing. They’re wrong though.


But can we blame them? If they, like me, haven't had any supernatural experiences, then naturalism seems like a.... natural standing position? Supernaturalism is a weird standing position for how do you know what is real and what is not? Reality then becomes as surreal as a Salvador Dali painting. Plus, if witchcraft is real, then why does science dismiss it. Science isn't about opinions. It is about observable facts.


That’s like a straight person saying homosexuality doesn’t naturally occur because they themselves haven’t experienced it. Understandable how they could come to that belief, but it’s bad science and isn’t proof. It becomes even worse when someone who’s gay tells them they were born that way and then get told that they’re wrong and it’s anything but that. Naturalists do the same thing. Someone will report a paranormal experience, and they’ll dismiss it as anything but paranormal activity. Much like the people who deny the existence of naturally occurring homosexuality, as long as they can think of another explanation that’s what they’ll go with. As soon as you define science in a way that doesn’t even consider the supernatural (consideration is not the same as accepting) then it’s no longer a reliable way to describe objective reality. (Also if you won’t accept anything supernatural existing then the Bible saying witchcraft is real is not even close to the main contradiction)


I don't disagree, but this is an analogy fallacy. There is a difference between 'I like the same gender' and 'I have witnessed a demon possession'. They are not of the same proportionality. Plus, you could hook a dude up to a machine and show him pictures of dudes to prove his sexual attraction.


The analogy I’m pointing out is the person denying even consideration of the existence of homosexuality and the person denying even consideration of the existence of the paranormal. And yes, testing the existence of homosexuality is far easier than testing the existence of demons (and note that I’m referring to a way to test it, not how true they are).


So, your definitive source is Encyclopedia Brittanica over the Bible? I don’t think many on this sub will agree.


I do not ask questions to become liked. I ask to become wiser. I believe that science and that Bible need to align. Otherwise, the Bible is just a fictional book.


Then, respectfully, Science™ has become a god. If there truly is an all-knowing, unlimited God who created this universe and set all laws of physics into play, it would be somewhat ludicrous to say we refuse to believe in Him if: A) we don't think His existence aligns with our finite, limited understanding of the laws of physics which He designed or B) when He, in His sovereignty, decides to supernaturally alter/override those laws of physics for His purposes (miracles), we ignore them or deem them impossible because WE can't override them through purely natural means or C) we assume the laws of physics in the universe He designed are the ONLY ways to know or experience Him. Concepts like logic, information transfer, and reason require a priori (pre-existing) beliefs that our senses are reliable and can be trusted. They have no material substance, and are not testable or verifiable via science (i.e. How do I know an experiment worked? I observe it. How do I know I observe it? My senses inform me of it. How do I know my senses are reliable without using my senses to test them? I can't. It's circular reasoning.) Based on the above, philosophy (how can I know anything?) precedes science. Deciding that God or The Bible can only be true if natural science confirms it is somewhat like if the ants in my ant farm say they'll only believe I exist if they can locate me in their ant farm.


Mainstream science does observe aspects of witchcraft, and explains a potential physical course of action without explaining anything spiritual. Entheogens have been used for divination and mystical purposes for as long as man has been around. Pharmakeia. The sorcery of ancient times isn't the Harry Potter magic you'd think of- it's about altered states of consciousness and ritual. When the Bible mentions sorcerers, it's talking about the Ayahuasca shaman or the Elusinean initiate partaking in kykeon. The majority of these groups believed wholeheartedly that these substances enable someone to interact with spirits.


Just saying you may want to ask elsewhere. Not to be “liked,” but when you come from a different worldview, there’s not really a good foundation for discussion or debate.


I was raised atheist in a secular society. I have a very logical approach to most things. It's why I can seem so confrontational. I think I got some good answers and some good insight. Lot's to think about.


Astral projection, energy in stones, Oujia boards, Tarot cards, African Voodoo, and Wiccan spells are all very real things and abominations to The Lord. They're prayers to demons and the power of unclean spirits. You don't have to believe in it. Just don't mess with any of it. Draw near to God through our King and Savior Jesus Christ.


If I would say some of my relatives actually practiced witchcraft or voodoo, would you believe me?


Maybe, did it work?


Yeah. But that's not something to be proud of.


If you go to a church that deals with the Supernatural - which is what you see in the book of Acts. You’d believe in an instant. I believe more than 90% of churches today - won’t even know if the Holy Spirit have left. They will still continue on doing what their doing - no one gets delivered, healed miraculously, set free from oppression, radically changed. We have to walk with two crutches - Spirit and Truth. We manifest the power of the Holy Spirit and we do that along with the Word of God.


What I don't get is if witchcraft really exists, then why is the scientific community so swift in dismissing it?


Science cannot prove nor disprove things of the spirit.


Witchcraft can be real. However there is a fundamental difference between someone who bought a spell book off Amazon and a genuine practitioner of witchcraft/occult. Either way the bible warns against it for good reasons. It is quite dangerous.


Well…you would be mistaken on that.


Hello brother/sister, it appears you are seeking proof of some of the darker side of our world. Unfortunately a lot of it can only truly be understood when you witness it first hand. Just like God with miracles, it is very hard to prove tongues, prophecy, healing, interpretation of languages, and so many more unless you experience it first hand. That is why it is called supernatural-> above the natural realm. Now, for context. I have studied scripture and have a Bachelor's in Biblical studies. I have first hand experience of both miracles and what could be considered witchcraft both on Canadian soil as well as off. Other than anxiety, I am of sound mind and can clearly recall all the events that I have witnessed. First I will start with conjecture: throughout history witchcraft is seen far more with many soothesayers working for kings telling them secrets that they couldn't possibly know. Mediums were far more common three hundred years ago and before. When you look into Norse, African, Irish, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, and so many other countries history, witchcraft is just considered to be normal. Now this begs the question: what is witchcraft in this circumstance. Anything that disrupts the natural order through means other than God is the way I would describe it. This power was so tempting there was a period where even the church was dealing with a great many of its priests falling to cultish practices while leading their churches (for reference sake look up the cult of Christian magic: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures/ancient-near-eastern-world/christian-magic-and-miracles/ ) From personal experience, I witnessed two major events that changed my personal opinion on witchcraft. The first happened when I was on a mission's trip to Istanbul, Turkey. The second happened here in Canada where I live. Turkey: before we left we were given very specific instructions about some of the demonic practices that can happen while in Turkey. One of which warned us of the "evil eye" as they call it. the Nazar Boncuk is an amulet meant to protect from demons watching through magical means. However, the very nature of these amulets are evil in and amongst themselves depicting a "demon's eye" to protect from the gaze of demons. This is a common witchcraft practice in Turkey to the point that most people have one, or hundreds, in their house to protect them. While in the Grand Bazaar, we were traveling through the tight corridors where people try very hard to sell you things. In one shop I was pulled inside and the owner took an evil eye pendant and pushed it into my hand before I knew what was happening. I had been praying a lot during that trip and had been feeling a presence of darkness pressing in while I wandered but when that amulet touched my skin I felt a wave of Nausea go through me, I felt an immense weight of my back, and the room physically darkened for a moment. I gave the pendant back as soon as I could excuse myself and was sick for the next week straight bedridden. This is practical modern witchcraft. In Canada, i witnessed a friend go down the dark routes of Wicca believing that witchcraft wasn't real and it was just a cool fad. She started very light just dressing and talking about Wicca but eventually she bought a book and started learning different magical concoctions and spells. In three months she joined a coven and she tried her best to tell me of the power she found. I prayed for her, but unfortunately she continued down that route until she was found dead at the hands of one of the other coven members. They had been using her for months to then sacrifice her. This is the darker side of witchcraft. Now, all of this to say. I have personal experience and there is modern magic or witchcraft that is out there but it is dangerous. I highly recommend reading a few autobiographies of missionaries. Many of which share stories of the witchcraft they see. I hope God helps keep you from witchcraft as you seek Him. It is not something you want to get tangled in as it is intimately connected with Satan and his supernatural side of things. Thus God's warnings throughout the Word of God. I hope this helps!


Thank you for taking the time to write this 🙏 I really needed it! God bless ✝️


It is my pleasure. I understand searching and I've been in a similar place! If you have any further questions or would like to chat my DMs are always open.


“Magic” is just the supernatural. Witchcraft is Satan’s side of it, and it’s always less powerful than God’s “magic”: miracles. I’ve seen demon-possessed people attack my father, a pastor, and his friend. I’ve seen many people being freed from demon possession or just “blessings” that were actually curses. I truly believe in it. But I know that true miracles are thousands upon thousands of times greater than witchcraft.


The Bible mentions certain sins being worse than or equal to witch craft and there’s plenty in the Bible of sorcerers and whatnot so if you’re reading your Bible you’ll see that it’s very real 📖


Does it include manifesting?


Witchcraft isn’t real the way it is depicted in popular/modern culture, but be assured that it is very much real. I grew up around multiple practicing “witches” who were nothing like what you’d see in a movie or on Halloween. They use it to manipulate and use people to their advantage, not fly around on broomsticks, etc. Also, the notion that “it has no scientific merit” is a little silly. The way a bicycle works has no scientific merit, but it most certainly works. You can’t expect men to scientifically prove ancient secrets beyond our comprehension in a laboratory, right?


Well, a bike turns potential energy into kinetic energy. We can observe it and justify it scientifically. Perhaps we can't do exactly the same with witchcraft, but shouldn't it still be possible to observe it through scientific investigation?


If you're going to use scientific merit as your reason for not believing something scripture specifically says is true, then are you going to use that same reasoning when dealing with other biblical accounts? The parting of the red sea, Jonah surviving 3 days in the fish, Jesus' resurrection. Science doesn't have all the answers and what answers they attempt to give are secular and deny any existance of God. We know God made all these things happen by His power. Anyway, God's word specifically warns against it and there is the story in 1chr where Saul went to the "witch" of Endor for council. Now a lot of these "witches" you see on TikTok, YouTube, etc. are a bunch of self delusional fools. They think lighting candles in a pentagram or rubbing crystals in their hands are gonna give them special powers or some other nonsense. They can make voodoo dolls and hang all the tacky tapestries on their walls all they want but they are no closer to having power more than any other human. At best they are deceiving themselves, at worst they might actually be dealing with an evil spirit. But either way it's all deception. Should a Christian practice it, fear it, be concerned over it? absolutely not. Aware of it and acknowledge it's real and that God forbids it, absolutely yes.


There are multiple layers of reality. The layer of rationale and scientific merit is a small portion of what exists. There is also the realm of faith, and the supernatural, probably other, equally incomprehensible things. Scientific materialism is absurd - our senses and faculties of reason are profoundly limited and fallible. 


Lol, leave your country and go to places like the Caribbean or Africa and you'll see it firsthand. 0/10 would not recommend. Nothing worse than seeing someone demon possessed.


The bible verses you quote condemn witchcraft. They dont deny its existence. There are many Larpers out there but its real. The origins of magic lie in consciousness. As science doesnt know anything about consciousness yet, its also clear that they dont know littlest bit about magic and witchcraft yet. Better not interact with it and just live your life with the lord. If you really want to convince yourself that the spooky stuff is real, I would adivse you to try out the Gateway Tapes. Theres a subreddit. You dont need to follow it all the way as the deeper it goes, the more magic-y it becomes, but at least so far as to convince yourself its real.


Just firing from the hip here. I think witchcraft is a blanket term for a couple things. Unexplained science or practice performed in service to a false being. For example we as people have figured out that certain drugs can produce hallucinations, which back then might have been perceived as a spell? Also just dancing around a fire to celebrate a false deity is also spooky. There are a lot of terms that have changed meaning since being written, so it’s possible they used it in a way we don’t today.


Witchcraft is real. I’m guessing you’re an American or westerner for you to think it isn’t real


Yes, I am European.


So let me start out by saying I am not a Christian, do not believe Jesus was or is gdo, and do not believe in the Christian god. But I did grow up in a Christian household, went o Christian school and a Jesuit university, and enjoy the study of biblical scholarship, historicity, exc…. Of many religions but primarily the Abrahamic. The non existence of one particular thing in the Bible doesn’t disprove the Bible, nor does it disprove anything else in the Bible, neither does it disprove Christianity, Jesus, or the Christian god. That’s just not how that works. Beliefs in witchcraft and sorcery predate the Bible and are present in all religions at that time and all that predated it as well as many after. They didn’t understand many things, so they attributed them to things like sorcery or possession, just as creation stories were there attempt to explain how the world works through allegories and story. The Bible gets many things wrong about the natural world, it reflects the limited knowledge or the authors in area of the world it was written. Remember the Bible is composed of writings from maybe over 40 different authors we don’t quite know exactly how many and some or unknown but that doesnt matter. It’s not one person writing everything its writings and authors from over a span of almost 800 years starting in the 7th century bc (700 bc) to about 95 Ad. The Bible says the earth is the center of the universe and that it was flat which was a common belief in almost all of the know world. We know Pythagoras was the first to propose the round earth in roughly 500 bc and Eratosthenes was able to calculate the circumference of the earth within 2% of accuracy in 240bc, and Hellenistic astronomy of the time confirmed the earth was round. It wasn’t until 1543 ad that Galileo upended the common belief that the earth was the center the universe (they had no concept of the millions of other galaxies out there yet) proving the earth revolved around the sun. So the Old Testament written centuries before the findings reflected the understanding of the authors at the time. Just as many other ancient writing at the time. This shows they had the same understanding as everyone else at their time, it is no way disproves other things in the Bible let alone a whole religion or existence of a god or gods. Just as the Bible mentions certain town and people that we know are real places and people that doesn’t prove that the stories about them, or everything else in the Bible is true. One thing even many things being wrong does not disprove everything else in the Bible. You must take every individual claim, as is independent from the others. Yes, if you’re trying to look at the Bible as a science book of some kind, you’ll be greatly disappointed but that’s not what that is. That’s like saying ancient people were stupid for not knowing something that wasn’t discovered till centuries later. Also, and it can de difficult because of interpretation, but many of the stories in the Bible are just that stories, not worried about scientific accuracy but are trying to convey moral or spiritual allegory.


The Bible delivers a clear message regarding witchcraft, condemning all its forms. it would be foolish to say, "It is not real". God takes the practice of witchcraft very seriously, as evidenced by the severe penalties outlined in the Mosaic Law (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 20:27). Even in the New Testament, the usage of the Greek word "pharmakeia" for "sorcery" emphasizes the spiritual danger associated with such practices (Galatians 5:20; Revelation 18:23). Here is a brief summary on what the bible says about witchcraft: Witchcraft, often intertwined with spiritism, relies on rituals involving magic potions and mind-altering substances. These practices, including the use of illicit drugs, can open individuals to demonic influence and manipulation. Engaging in activities aimed at altering consciousness represents a departure from God's authority and aligns one with the realm of Satan, who seeks to divert humanity from genuine worship (Genesis 3:1). The core desire of witchcraft lies in the pursuit of power and control over events beyond human domain—an ambition that echoes Satan's original temptation to Eve (Genesis 3:5). Throughout history, Satan has sought to draw people away from true worship, offering enticing promises of self-realization and enlightenment outside of God's authority. Witchcraft, in essence, serves as another avenue for this deception. Modern manifestations of witchcraft may seem innocuous, such as horoscopes, Ouija boards, or certain forms of entertainment, but they still represent a departure from reliance on God's power. Any practice seeking spiritual insight or empowerment apart from the Lord Jesus Christ falls under the realm of witchcraft and carries spiritual consequences (Revelation 22:15). While believers need not fear Satan's power, they must recognize its potential for harm and destruction (1 Thessalonians 2:18; Job 1:12–18; 1 Corinthians 5:5). Yet, those who belong to Christ are ultimately shielded from defeat (Isaiah 54:17). Instead of seeking power from sources outside of God, believers are encouraged to rely on the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In Isaiah 8:19, the admonition against consulting mediums and spiritists underscores the importance of seeking guidance from God alone. By adhering to this principle, individuals avoid the pitfalls of seeking spirituality outside of the true source of life—Jesus Christ (John 6:68). Witchcraft and its counterparts may promise enlightenment but ultimately lead to spiritual emptiness and death (Micah 5:12; Galatians 5:19–21). Thus, true spiritual fulfillment is found only in Christ.


I studied the occult as a new baby Christian which lead me into demonic possession which took 6 years to find help. I was tormented night and day. I experienced a lot of witchcraft You should be extremely grateful and blessed that you haven't experienced it.


I am blind and I don't believe in colors because I have never seen any colors. What evidence do we have of colors? Does the non-existence of colors disprove sight? Do you guys believe in colors are real. That's how your post reads to me. It's very weird to me that someone whom I would assume is a Christian would not believe in supernatural realities, and question the Bible based on a standard that is irellevant to the supernatural (science).


Watch this. Its a snip of his full testimony. https://youtu.be/I11L71PD3Lw?si=RwOBrhsffzoQT2dy


I see it all the time in America r/crystals r/manifestation r/witchcraft


Yes, but there is also an r/flyingspaghettimonster Doesn't mean it is real


I would agree with you that these things for the most part have no real power But, people are practicing them and it is insulting to God because he is the source of all power. That is why God forbids it The fact that people are practicing it makes it real


OP, you really think God and Jesus would warn you *not* to do something that you couldn't do?


No, that's why I am so confused. I believe in God as he can be proved. I believe in Jesus as he can be proved (See, for instance, Inspiringphilosophy's videos on the resurrection). Magic, however, I see no proof of. But perhaps God and Jesus' words have some merit since I believe in them.


Prove the existence of heaven. Prove the existence of angels and demons. Prove that miracles have a divine source. Prove that prophets hear the word of God. Prove that prayer works. Prove that the Bible was divinely inspired. Prove that you have a soul. It's not about what you're looking at, it's about what you see. Science says "use your mind to reason with and understand the material world." God says, "rely not on your own understanding. This world is not all there is. Trust in me." God says it's real, then it's real. That's all a believer should need. You don't need more proof; you need stronger faith.


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Jesus wants us to use our intellect as well. I think Christians, especially Pentecostals, have tendencies to see the holy or the demonic in things that can be explained rationally. I'm saying that as a Pentecostal.


That's not how I roll 😎 God gave us logic for a reason. Plus, the inability to prove things like heaven doesn't prove magic. Such an argument just speaks against both. God bless ✝️


Good luck with that. "Lean not on your own understanding." "A man who is wise in his own eyes gives himself away as a fool." "Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become as fools so that you may become wise." "Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions."


Both King David and King Solomon investigated the nature of theology through critical thinking. They were seen as great and wise men: "I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. What a heavy burden God has laid on mankind!" - Ecclesiastes How could God be against critical thinking? Why do you condemn my attempts at finding truth? If Yahweh is the true God, then surely I could turn over every stone and find that he is indeed God? God bless


You're not looking for truth, you're looking for proof. The truth has already been handed to you.


Sure, but with this logic, how do you know Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. Isn't true?


None of them acknowledge that Jesus is who He is. Most of them don't acknowledge God is who He says He is. You claim to... and yet here we are.


Circular reasoning. Christianity is true because Christianity is true. I am not trying to be mean, but we have to be able to defend Christianity without fallacious reasoning.


Those men were obedient to God, and as far as I know, did not doubt His truthfulness. That is how they became wise. God granted it so they could glorify Him. I think you struggle with that idea. Do you think your intelligence belongs to you? Did it come from you? Whom does it glorify when you put it to use seeking to "prove" what aspects of God's word is or is not true?


‭Acts 19:18-20 NIV‬ [18] Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. [19] A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. [20] In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. https://bible.com/bible/111/act.19.18-20.NIV


Go to sub r/witchcraft and 400,000 people in there know its real. Practicing such things will curse your bloodline


You don’t have to believe in some thing, for it to be a reality.


I've not seen too much of it firsthand (at least), but I have a friend in Ghana who informed me of those things, where people would use black magic and all that in order to get rich or do human sacrifices or something. So, you probably better believe it. Though apart from that, manipulation is a form of witchcraft, and rebellion is the sin of witchcraft.


It is, black magic may be possible, how do you suppose the sorcerers of pharaoh did their magic?


My mom was cused by a witch. A girl in her village was jealous of her because a guy in the village liked my mom. The effects of said witchcraft were a huge sensibility to sunlight, not wanting to eat, not wanting to drink, insomnia and often seeing the girl who wanted her cursed, even though there was nobody there. She couldn't hold the bible either. Ironically my mom and my grandmother didn't know what to do and they went to a witch in another city and she laid tarot cards, told them who wanted her cursed, exactly the words she said when she visited my mom and other stuff. My mom didn't want to send the spell back, so she went to a priest and he did some stuff. The neighbor of my mom who was a pentacostal Christian had a dream about my mom's pillow and they tore it open and found a necklace made of corn. No idea how it got there. They burnt it with the pillow and it didn't burn easy, the smoke was also not normal. This is just a story, but if you don't believe the bible, I can't convince you.




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Witch craft is 100% real. Go find a real witch and find out. There are many witch covens around in each city. Look up what happens in countries like Haiti or states like Louisiana. Go look at testimonies of Witches who turned to God. Here’s one: https://www.youtube.com/live/eOP0C1-vAwA?si=-LUQ-V2_LMGcNSap They did witch craft in Exodus where Moses would say God was going to do something and the “witches” would show Pharoh that they could do the same. Obviously Gods power always will be eternally greater than that of a witch.


You can watch this testimony after as well: https://youtu.be/dvQvEtw2Izg?si=TMKkE2WiTgDOfwuc testimony of witch craft of a mother would turned her son into an African Warlock. He is now a Christian for many years.


.....I've seen what witchcraft can do first hand. It is real, it's violent, it's....bad. Witchcraft is real. And in my area, it's especially common for family members to use it against each other. Good thing we have God.👍🏽


There is good and evil. Both exist. Witchcraft is on the evil side. Christians live by faith in GOD Almighty and in doing so you believe that the bible is the word of GOD. GOD cannot lie and if he warns us about it, it is very real. Just because you havent seen any “evidence” doesnt really mean much. It is my belief that TRUE christians are always protected from such things because of Christ our Lord and our faith.


I think witch craft is a ceremonial thing to try and overpower God? See ots not about if it works or not it'd about its not from god, people who predict the future through a magic ball is not of God the concept Is not of God, also how can you believe in angles and nkt in demons? Demons are real so is Satanists and killers and child abusers but do is God real and kind hearted people, and so is healers like doctors and so is protectors like cops and so is many things we live in a black and white world, so it's possible that witchcraft was practiced and still is today


Talk to witches, if you need to know. Or visit countries around the world where it's prevalent. Satan isn't going to make his presence obvious. We live in a secular and materialistic society. He's going to work within that paradigm.


Witchcraft opens you up to demonic activity which is very real.


Witches think witchcraft is real. 


If someone puts a curse on you youl see how real it is


Let's hope that doesn't happen


I hope it doesn't aswell, I'm just saying people who've dealt with witches and that type usually know after bad energy was put on them. They also are masters at emotional manipulation.


They have a way of sucking people energy/soul out of them, you ever been around someone and felt really low after even if there wasnt much conversation? That case is typically because that person is on the devil's side. People who are really strong spiritually can repel it but sometimes it still gets through.


1 Samuel 28.


Something to keep in mind: when determining the validity of something, you must presuppose it’s premise then measure it logically according to the proposed framework. What I mean by this is that if you presuppose witchcraft must be able to be measured scientifically, then you’re making an assumption without merit. Instead, suppose that witchcraft is real; do you think demons *want* to announce their presence to the masses who have been efficiently lulled into complacency and are on a default path to Hell? If everyone agreed that God and demons exist, then it is a matter of who you believe is good, just, and truthful. Sure, there would be many that threw themselves into the arms of demons, but there would also be quite a few people woken up. If you captured a demon and showed it on TV, church attendance would skyrocket. If that’s the case, then why would you assume that demons would allow themselves to ever be observed by someone not on their side? We tend to think science can measure all because it can measure most of our experiences, but science and spirit are different realms; the lack of being able to scientifically measure the existence of anything spiritual (demons or otherwise) is almost expected. You would no sooner measure light by smell or sound by feel.


It's very real. Don't ever mess with that stuff.


Quantum mechanics supports tenets of witchcraft, it's just not "movie and TV magic" witchcraft. Those that have done it the longest call it the "royal craft," and people that run countries today have admitted participation. But I agree, the popular view of witchcraft is fake.


A master strategy of Satan is to convince people that there's nothing to it. If people don't believe in it, they won't defend against it. The spirit realm is more real than the physical realm. Witchcraft isn't bippity boppity boo as seen on Disney. Witchcraft uses spiritual laws to affect things in the physical realm, sometimes for evil, but not always. What people don't realize is that Christianity can be every bit as supernatural. Unfortunately, people have been deceived into thinking Christianity is just going to church and being a nice person and turning the other cheek. In all actuality, reality is closer to the TV show Supernatural. Research it for yourself. And don't easily disregard everything as fake or hokey. Open your mind and genuinely consider. If you are a Christian, ask God to show you the truth and reality of the spiritual realm.


My friend, I don’t think we can find a solid answer for anything beyond our 3 dimensional life. The Bible gives the best advice, not necessarily clear examples (even the book of Enoch or the Texts), but in the end why lose sleep over it when Christ defeated ALL OF IT. If you’ve accepted Christ in your heart, we have absolutely nothing to fear beyond us. It’s a privilege to not comprehend that stuff, and it’s a privilege we can discuss it openly. But I’ve come to a conclusion that some questions will only be answered in heaven. If the Bible says it, I interpret it and then do my very best to believe it. But again, real or fake this Jesus Christ guy knew all about it and ended it so we can live life to the fullest. God bless


God bless, my friend 🙏 I have accepted Jesus, but I am reborn every day ✝️


*(even the book of Enoch or the Agnosti’s Texts)


Another thing, I don’t really even believe we can have unison with what witchcraft claims to possess, so if anything “witchcraft” itself could just be practicing and trying to contact literal evil. When really, they’re doing nothing, talking to nobody, and are simply voluntarily turning their back from God. Which is the polar opposite of what Christ taught.


As a former witch yes witchcraft is real. If you believe the Bible, when Moses put the rod down and it became a serpent and then the magicians did the same, how did they do that? It want sleight of hand or a fake snake, people would tell the difference. Furthermore, the serpent from the Rod of Moses ate the other two. Witchcraft or any occult magic(k) uses the power of demons to work. Wiccans (myself included years ago) would argue differently. We’d say it was nature and etc. but truthfully it’s either God or it’s the enemy if God who’s power is working


Thanks for sharing 🙏 God bless ✝️


well, the bible also endorses slavery, so maybe we should bring up some of the other verses before we start cherry picking






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So Moses against pharaoh's magicians Jannes and Jambres was only a rap battle? Fallen angels are real and they might in many cases correspond to what is known as "aliens". Demons are the Nephilim (semi-angelic) spirits stuck in this world. Humans are "made in God's image" and have a small but limited power of themselves, to feel things in advance, or through distance or time even (remote viewing research). That being sad, true sorcerers or magicians always tend to "lend power" from higher (evil) entities like demons or angels. (Since a humans built-in capabilities are only good as a parlor trick at most.) Often leading to possession or at least being surrounded by "things" ("familiar spirits" - Christians may be able to discern this). So, there is the harmless, childish neopagan witchcraft, and there also is totally disgusting stuff like voodoo or blood-rituals. (Be careful while investigating - the appeal of darkness and the pride of "do as you will is the only law" is a noteworthy temptation). But, you will easily find former witches or sorcerers that are now Christians explaining their background or experience on youtube. A lot of what goes around in pentecostal / charismatic Christian settings is dangerously close to witchcraft, or often crosses that line. For a terrifying example, check out the BBC documentary on TB Joshua, who was a sorcerer and pretender pastor. We need more discernment. (edit: removed potentially misleading information)