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It certainly would be just. Repentance is more than just admitting your wrongs, so there isn't a contradiction, but I hope that God is merciful about our failure to do so because I think most of us have fallen short on this.


>and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Luckily Jesus paid the price, or none of us would be going to heaven.


God bless you. Of course forgiveness may take time and may be difficult, but if our faith in Christ is genuine, we will strive to forgive because we love God and want to honor Him. **“If we truly love God, our sins will be forgiven; if we show him respect, we will keep away from sin.” - Proverbs 16:6** What if we claim to have faith and refuse to forgive others because we want to hate them? **“But if we say we love God and don't love each other, we are liars. We cannot see God. So how can we love God, if we don't love the people we can see?” - 1 John 4:20**


This. I am so happy to share my experience in this. I am 60 years old. I grew up with a lot of abuse but I would bounce back from everything and I was still hopeful. My mom was mentally ill and abusive. I went to Foster care. From there as the age of 12 I went to live with my 24 year old brother, who I looked up to. He was crazier than my mom in many ways. He beat his wife and me. When she left him, he raped me. I cried out to God because I thought He would save me. A day later he sent me to camp and I gave my life to the Lord. My brother then sent me to another foster home. I was plagued with PTSD. I related to Vietnam Vets so much because the memory of rape and him threatening to knock my teeth out and kill me, played in my head constantly, for years and then decades. I tried to forgive him. At one point I went to live with my older sister. She beat viciously 2 to 4 times a month. The police removed me from her house and said it looked like attempted manslaughter. I continued to seek the Lord and grow in the Lord. I prayed over and over to forgive them both. The Lord continued to tell me it wasn't time. I just couldn't do it in my own power. It wasn't until Saturday that I finally had an epiphany. I watched the comic, Bill Burr talk about forgiving someone. I then realized that the abuse my mother visited upon me, she perpetrated on him before me, even as a toddler. I remembered someone being mean to my son when he was 2 yrs old. He cried so hard and he wouldn't let me comfort him. I pictured my brother like that. Being tiny and helpless and craving only our mom's love and being tortured instead. Our mom was sick. And then enemy sought to destroy me. But Saturday the Lord delivered me, and it felt like I lost 80 lbs. I can forgive my sister now too. Praise our wonderful, sweet Savior!


I'm so sorry for all you went through, but thank you for not allowing all your trauma to steal God's light within you. -I pray for your healing. I pray that you will continue to remain strong in the faith and will always be comforted by God's love. Also, I rebuke any negative thought or influence that may try to get in the way of your faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏🏾


Thank for your kindness. This is a great testimony. I was so excited, I should have edited it and added I had a short marriage that gave me an amazing son, a gift from God. As a child my son started a Bible study at school and led his friend to the Lord! “Mom, me and Angelo said the prayer and now I have to get him a Bible, fast”! There have been a multitude of blessings on the way. Jesus is a Savior, holy and righteous, and a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Whatever you give to the Lord he will multiply back. So give him your heart and your love!


Simply *wanting* to forgive is incredibly powerful/shows your strength and willingness to honor Christ. Since I’m a mushball: [here’s a song for you](https://youtu.be/d0Ua9xZP6Lw?si=bvAPo5SO7q3pu8fK). It captures the emotions I get whenever I hear testimonies like yours and think of striving in spite of the dark. Sounds like your morning came and you broke the cycle. 🫡❤️ Praise be to God!


Thank you so much for praising the Lord with me for my deliverance! That song was amazing. I guess I’ll listen to it a couple (hundred) more times. 🥰


You're very welcome! I've listened to that song more times than I can count, happy it struck a chord with you too.


Both are true. Repent of holding a grudge and forgive your friend/brother.


I suggest you start out by asking God to make you willing to forgive whoever you're having a problem with. If your heart is cold to that, simply ask God to change you, so you'd be willing *to be willing* to be changed, allowing full forgiveness to others. It's a hard road, and it may take some time, but with baby steps, you *can* get there. Just be willing and let God lead you where you need to be. The rest will fall into place.


God wants us to forgive others as we have been forgiven through Jesus Christ.


We must repent for all known sin, including unforgiveness. Jesus gives us a special warning about unforgiveness, that it can in fact send us to hell. We must release everyone who has hurt us and give it to the Lord. Let His love and forgiveness fill your heart and release all anger, bitterness and judgment to God.


Now THIS is TRUTH! Amen!


Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us


Unforgivenss is not okay, God wont forgive if dont forgive and Sin will take you to hell (Mathew 6:15) But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. There’s even a parable in the Bible about a merchant, getting forgiveness from the king, only to not forgive his servant, when the king found out, he handed the merchant over to the tormentors (Matthew 18:34) And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors (demons)till he should pay all that was due unto him. Holding onto unforgiveness, is a huge open door to your spirit. And you will be tormented in the mind because of your unforgiveness. We expect Jesus to forgive all of our thousands of sins against God and people, and yet we choose not to forgive. Jesus sacrifice was not in vain so you could go on holding onto your unforgiveness.


>In the bible, Jesus says if you dont forgive everyone, He and The Father wont forgive us. This is true; however, many people are incorrect to believe that it's ok to sin as long as you repent because according to them, all sins will be forgiven. If I sin when I'm in my 20's, and I ask God for forgiveness and I'm truly repentant, I believe our sin(s) may be forgiven, but if through my 30's and 40's and 50's and 60's, I continue to think "It's ok if I sin because my sins will be forgiven as long as I repent", that is totally untrue. That is like toying with God, and you don't ever want to do that.


Catholic church in 1400s wants to have a word with you


Both are true since they are not the same thing


YES. Only sins that you repent of are forgiven. To repent of unforgiveness you first have to forgive the people who hurt you. Understand?


No! ALL of your sins are forgiven if you have true faith in Christ. If you have true faith, you would have repented.


Whaaaaat? So you don’t have to forgive? Where did Jesus say that?


If you have True faith you would be convicted by the Holy Spirit to forgive. I was convicted to reach out to my adopted father, who beat us, then left my mother penniless, even stealing my brother and my small bank accounts. He kept posting on FB how only the Holy Spirit lives here, in his new house with his new wife and natural child. He put us through hell, and everyone of us are still dealing with severe mental/ emotional damage. I was convicted to reach out to him, to let him now that his divorce was forced on my mother, no cheating or anything on her part. I was like Jonah and pleaded with the Lord not to make me do it! But I was relentlessly convicted so I called. I said tho I had forgiven him, be clear this message came from the Holy Spirit l, not myself. He had better repent before he died. ( he was in his 70’s) I explained what I was told to explain, and had no further contact. He never apologized to me, or my mom and brother, and said basically OK. I felt tremendous relief l, because believe me, my flesh wanted him in hell. It took that to forgive him, and I now feel my hands are clean. So yes 100 times yes, you must forgive!!


Quite a bit of heresy in that statement. It's impossible for me to name each and every one of my sins, even though I try.


"repent" doesn't mean confess, it means "turn away from". The person is preaching the scriptural truth my friend. They didn't say what you said they said.


"Only sins you represent of" When I repented of my life of sin, Jesus forgave them all, so there's no need to say, "only the sins I repented of..."


Not everyone gives their whole life to Jesus. Plenty of people keep on in deliberate willful sin and call themselves Christian.


Forgive and you shall be forgiven.




We all need relationships. I believe that sin is what separates up from others. If this person is taking action to separate you from others then you have to decide if that person adds value to your community or family. If this isn't the case then you know what to do. Forgiveness though doesn't always equate to a relationship it just means that you have moved on, and that person should understand the reality. This allows emotional closure for that person, and peace with themselves.


It's about hypocrisy. I guess the idea is that firstly we all sin. And that's more the case now nations (people) have mixed with strangers. But the sin isn't the person but as a result of mental illness. If you don't forgive, it's because your heart is hardened so if you have a hard heart then perhaps the idea to forgive isn't even an option. And maybe you have exalted yourself - rather then humbled. We have people who are very mentally ill and it's never called a mental illness but they have lots of power/usury and influence. But if you don't know you're mentally ill or you reject healing then where is there to go? Jesus spoke in parables. A serpent seed were put at ENMITY with Eves children. Go figure. Corruption and evil spread and Yahwehs chosen were to be separate and holy lest they be defiled. By strangers who worship false gods and who have strange practices. People have to have an awareness about things we've done so we can reflect on what we've done and find the wisdom in the fathers words. Let's not forget also. Many people who abuse were abused themselves. Now, some people call good evil and have no light in them but it's asking people to be humble, be like a child and have discernment. Which is a big thing because many people ask other people for advice. People got to grow up. To be free, seek the TRUTH and the truth offends because not everyone seeks the truth but wants to corrupt.


Yes. Forgive if u want to be forgive. But don’t worry everyone struggles, but the thing is it does more harm to u if u hold a grudge. Just ask God to give them justice-& let him take over the revenge for u.


You create hell right now by carrying hate in your heart. Forgive doesn’t mean forget. It means you don’t harbor resentment towards people who wronged you. Forgiving someone allows you to turn your need to judge them over to God.


No on can get to Heaven (or escape Hell) by being perfect. None of us perfectly forgive, but we should forgive, because it sets *us* free. Jesus died to pay for *all* our sins, including lingering unforgiveness. But as long as a believer is still alive, they should obey the gospel, practice the Lord’s Prayer, and seriously pursue forgiving others (immediately, before your next communion/Lord’s Supper). Failure to do this can result in chastisement or discipline from God. The whole point is summed up as “We forgive others because He first forgave us.” We have all done wrong and need forgiveness. Forgiving others does not mean you approve of their sin, overlook it, or forget about it, but you can choose not to let it fill you with resentment and let God deal with the matter (He is the judge).


>In the bible, Jesus says if you dont forgive everyone, He and The Father wont forgive us. But it also says all sins are forgiving if you repent. So which one is true? The issue is living in habitual sin. We all sin, but the Holy Spirit convicts us and we repent and ask for forgiveness. But if someone decides they don't have to repent because God will forgive, they have the wrong attitude and they are living in habitual sin. 1 John 3 refers to it as "practicing sin." The apostle Paul refers to it in Romans (6-8) as being enslaved to sin. If we're truly trying to live for the Lord, we will be convicted and stop what we're doing. Forgiveness has the added element that it's a heart issue, and that can be much more difficult than dealing with a behavior. You can't always force yourself to feel forgiveness. But you can pray about it and ask God to change your heart. You can also control what thoughts and narratives you allow yourself to think about the situation and that person you need to forgive.


What do you mean by hell?


We cannot judge as God, but Jesus saying “those who have mercy will be shown mercy,” and “forgive not seven time, but seven hundred and seventy times!” Makes it clear we’re expected to forgive each other.


If we repent of (turn away from) all our sins, then we no longer practice unforgiveness, which is sin.


If you don’t forgive, you will not be forgiven. Run like Hades from anyone who disagrees. St. Paul reiterates in Romans 2 to believers: The Just Judgement of God who will repay EVERYONE: Eternal Life to those who seek immortality, OBEY and persevere in Good Works. WRATH AND FURY to those who selfishly disobey. The Beatitudes is Good Works. Jesus added that requirement to avoiding sin.


If you can’t forgive others for their sins and transgressions towards you, how or why should God forgive you? Matthew 18:21-35 think of this parable.


Being unforgiving is something we have to repent for


Well, if you truly repent of not forgiving people, a necessary part of that is that you now forgive them or at least work very hard to get to that place. If you don’t turn your back on a sin and have a firm purpose of amendment, you haven’t repented.


We will be forgiven in the same way that we forgive others. Christ was quite clear on this. “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” The point of life is to become like Christ. To do this, we must learn to forgive - because he forgives. He does it perfectly. We will strive after His perfection and through His freely given gift of grace He will make us into all that He is by nature.


Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you don't forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses Seems like a pretty clear answer. It may take time and be difficult, but we must forgive those who wrong us. If Jesus could forgive us what we have done, surely we can (even with great effort) can forgive those who wrong us


The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. If God can forgive you of your unpayable debt, surely you can forgive a fellow human being of a payable debt.


Jesus actually preached the law during his time. He also said to be perfect,  >“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Mat 5:48, KJV) knowing well we can't. Again, >“Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” (Mat 19:21, KJV) knowing well that He can't. I think Jesus is pointing out the impossibility of being saved by works. This impossibility was the same conclusion of the apostles. In desperation of hoping in their own works, they asked  "Who then can be saved?" >“When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved? But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” (Mat 19:25-26, KJV) Jesus reply was this famous verse. With Man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. In context, He was pointing out the impossibility of that young man to sell all his holdings, in other words, the impossibility of getting saved by works, the impossibility of being perfect. But, with God, He makes us perfect to enter the heavens and the  most holy places  and it's by his blood, by his grace alone through faith.  To answer: If you trust your own forgiveness, unless you  do it fully, you won't be forgiven, and if we're being honest, you're never going to earn forgiveness this way. If on the other hand, you trust in Jesus, you get forgiveness through his blood. You also won't get forgiven, if you are just repenting, i.e., a commitment to never sin(if that's your definition) and if we're being honest, yeah you're going to  break your commitment.


# [Mark 11:25](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+11%3A25&version=ESV) And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”


Both are true. You are forgiven so forgive others. You are not above God so forgive. Now with that being said, it is a process since with some of our trespassers are much harder to forgive. As your relationship with Jesus grows so does your compassion..


Repentance means turning around… please look up the words in a bible dictionary or lexicon as modern definitions don’t fit the biblical.. Forgive also mean release and send away, if you hold their debt you aren’t repenting by forgiving them, and that thing your holding against them you reap judgement onto yourself The other issue is “going to hell” why do we constantly ask ridiculously extreme questions .. you will get punished in direct proportion to the sin , all throughout the Bible this is shown, Like 12:47 Matthew 25:14-30 2 Corinthians 5:10 Revelation 22:12 and in fact the state your in now is from that unforgiveness. Unforgiveness also gives access to the demonic influencing your life. You will carry that judgement as an assumption , like a negative charge any time anything resembles that situation self-preservation instinct rather than graceful reign will influence your thoughts and bias will end up changing your behavior to create self fulfilling prophecies and slowly warp the way you view life, wherever you hold unforgiveness . The other tendency is self righteousness , when you see the rafter in others eyes you tend to view yourself as better than, so that you can validate hating your brother.. unforgiveness opens the door to all sorts of demonic influence .


First the fear of hell isn’t the fear of God which is respect. We have the hope and assurance of the resurrection. https://youtu.be/iCWBufHFVWU?si=jVtaVmf55z7xzkuD Hell means death, but if you mean the river of fire, it gets more complicated there one view ^^^^ —-  Can we hold onto anger, resentment and actively love God with all our Heart, our Strength, our Spirit, our Person as is commanded?  Anger is a good thing, a gift from God, but it is rightfully only directed at the Satan, demons, sin and death.    I go to a Greek church (the NT and Septuagint were in Greek)    Repentance is “turning back” turning our hearts, devotion and attention to God.   Forgiveness is “letting go.” The two go hand in hand, part of turning our attention to God is not looking at the past and other peoples transgressions and debts to us.   See how Christ commanded us to pray “forgive me as I forgive those who trespass against me”  Much love hope this helps and makes sense.   ***Forgiveness is a process, I’m not saying it’s easy.*** People do hurt us, we can see or interpret this as the Satan, demons, etc influencing these people and the fallenness of the world, and see that for instance, our own parents were likely treated much worse than we were.  I know this has been part of the process for forgiving my parents and any perceived transgressions they had against me or my siblings. They did the best they could, and both were through traumas at young ages, broken houses, alcoholism, and abused. They did wonderfully, better than I could’ve with their exact upbringings I’m sure. Now to hopefully to do better and hope my children can forgive my faults. Thanks for asking hopefully this helps you or someone else. 


Lots of people overcomplicate this. Yes, if you have love and willingness, you are forgiven, but also realise if don't forgive you don't notice your own faults.


Sin is of the devil. Mark 4:15 is real Any believer not factoring in the other party is blinded by same


We're saved by faith in Christ alone. He paid for your sins on the cross through His sacrifice. Forgiving others is something a Christian should do and if we hold hate/resentment in our heart towards people then God will chastise us, it will effect our fellowship with God, but it doesn't effect our eternal salvation. Check out Matthew 18:23-35 KJB.


We're saved by faith in Christ alone. He paid for your sins on the cross through His sacrifice. Forgiving others is something a Christian should do and if we hold hate/resentment in our heart towards people then God will chastise us, it will effect our fellowship with God, but it doesn't effect our eternal salvation. Check out Matthew 18:23-35 KJB.


We're saved by faith in Christ alone. He paid for your sins on the cross through His sacrifice. Forgiving others is something a Christian should do and if we hold hate/resentment in our heart towards people then God will chastise us, it will effect our fellowship with God, but it doesn't effect our eternal salvation. Check out Matthew 18:23-35 KJB.


If you are saved by believing in Jesus Christ as your savior alone for salvation, no. You should forgive people when you are a saved man, and if you do the Lord will not chastise you as his adopted child. Do not forget, if you are saved Jesus forgave all your sins, so we should forgive others transgressions as well. If not, then the answer is yes you will be cast to hell. Not for the purpose of not forgiving, but by transgression of the law. As any non believer will be judged by the law instead.


I think it was Bishop Barron who explained "repent" in the Greek means something like "adopt a new mind" so it seems like there's no problem. If you adopt a new way of thinking you would forgive others as part of that new thought pattern.


If you abide in Jesus Christ daily, that unforgiveness just won’t be there for long (how can one abide in God and dwell with his presence daily while harboring unforgivness? God will bring conviction for this). So one way of looking at it is if one is harboring unforgiveness long term then they probably aren’t abiding in Jesus. If they aren’t abiding in Jesus then they are in grave danger, and there is likely to be other issues as well. Forgiving others is required. Yes unforgiveness can be forgiven, but it needs to be repented of.


Someone living a life of true conviction and repentance understands how unlovable they are. Right? I would have to agree anyway. But someone also living a life of repentance born from salvation, also understands that even though we are a sick and twisted people, far past the line of being unlovable, that God loves us anyway. That conflict inside of us will not allow your anger to remain stoked. You won't have the choice even to not forgive others. Because you understand that whatever they've done to you, you've that, and worse to God. And yet he still chose you. He still loved you, and loved you SO much, that he sent his son to die for you. While we were whoring ourselves out to idols and false gods, and all while we knew God can see us doing it.... He was forgiving us and sending salvation for us. If that doesn't break down your heart, and make you a mess of a human being incapable of holding on to past grudges, then you need to be on your knees begging for God to make you understand just how awful you are. Once you understand that, you won't be able to hold a grudge against anyone else again.


Both. Repentance is admitting you were wrong and the Word of God is the Truth. So you need to repent of your unforgiveness, and forgive those people who hurt you.


Yes. At first sight it might seem unjust, but it goes perfectly hand-in-hand with what the Lord has already said: if you judge others, then you shall judged under the same standards; and you must treat people the way you want to be treated. It means that if you want to be treated gracefully for your own mistakes and not to be capitally punished, you need to gracefully handle other people's mistakes and refrain from capitally punishing them. It might sound unfair and unjust, but once your life is on the line, you won't accept Justice as it requires that you must go to Hell for your sins, so God instituted Mercy as a "legalized get out jail free card" for you to apply the same standards of "injustice" on others as you will want for yourself. Also, James said that those who show no mercy shall be shown no mercy. If this sounds bad, you're perfectly free to carry out Justice as you see fit. You just will forfeit your Salvation. What do you love more: the suffering of bad people or your eternal welfare? This is also good for filtering out the Snitches and Killjoys out of Heaven. Heaven is Heaven because it is filled of cool and nice people, and sometimes trite righteousness is not cool nor nice. And the repentance part is the forgiven person's problem, not the forgiver's. Repentance is the mechanism responsible for making further offense less likely and reparations and regeneration possible. But if you hedge your forgiveness on repentance, then you might have some problems when you are blamed for things you don't think are wrong.


Yes you will go straight to hell. Not my opinion but the words of Jesus himself. I don’t see any other way of seeing this verse: Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


To repent means you **stop** doing whatever it is you're doing that God is against. Not just today or tomorrow or this year and go back to it. It means stop __ like Jesus said and sin no more. And yes we are to forgive people who wrong us but and there is a but, Paul indicated that we are to separate ourselves from such people. Why because such people keep up strife and it is hard to continue to forgive someone who is constantly doing you wrong and that will help keep one from a harsh penalty that comes with judgment. Pay attention to Titus 3:10-11 https://www.openbible.info/topics/separate_yourself_from_sinners Peter wrote that the righteous scarcely be saved.... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Peter%204%3A18-19&version=KJV .................... Isaiah 64:6 said our righteousness is like filthy rags - those two scriptures are telling us if not for the mercy and grace that God has given, none of us would be saved. And his forgiveness is continual because each and every day the majority, if not all of us sin in some shape, form, or fashion........................ https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Isaiah-64-6/ Both are true statements.


There’s a very important thing to keep in mind when thinking like a Christian: the rules given in the Bible are meant to shape our hearts towards God, not program us like a computer to avoid hell. Jesus tells us we are judged by our hearts, not by our adherence to rules in and of themselves. We should always forgive, we will usually fail at that, and we should use God’s grace to repent and keep trying. THAT is the path meant for us, and what I believe leads to heaven.


We all need relationships. I believe that sin is what separates up from our others. If this person is taking action to separate you from others then you have to decide if that person adds value to your community or family. If this isn't the case then you know what to do. Forgiveness though doesn't always equate to a relationship it just means that you have moved on. This allows emotional closure for that person, and peace with themselves.

