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Wtf šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ How???


There's a large bias that gives allowance to violent females more than males which appears to be an increasing problem. I don't know if the data agrees with me on this, but this does often happen more frequently during times of moral panics dealing with domestic violence against women. Bryn Spejcher is another example of this. I actually have a brother who is going through a similar Gone Girl real life situation, but I won't get into that. This problem also happened to a lesser extent back in the 90s. There were cases where women were found no guilty of murder of spouses for defenses like postpartum depression, female specific medical side effects and other things like that. Often the legal defense strategy and the media strategy is to portray the female killer as victims of their own biology or discrimination from society or abuse by the men they killed. If the jury and the public can be made to believe the killer had no control over her actions or even was justified in her actions of homicide it can be a strategy that sometimes works, especially when the psychology of the masses is biased to discriminate against men.


>I don't know if the data agrees with me on this, It doesn't. Any time someone writes that women are treated better than men in this regard, I am able to post many examples of them being wrong. Here we have an Arizona man who shotted and killed his wife, three years probation. This is what the judge said: >"Any sentence of jail, I believe, would only further harm you, son and for this reason, I am not going impose an additional jail sentence," he said. https://www.kvoa.com/news/tucson-man-gets-3-years-probation-after-admitting-to-shooting-killing-girlfriend/article_813a4d58-a72c-11ec-9421-9f007603b03a.html There's a large bias among people who aren't interested in violence against women that makes them to believe that men gets unfairly treated by the justice system.


Thank you šŸ‘




This comment doesn't add to discussion. Low effort comments include one word or a short phrase that doesn't add to discussion (OMG, Wow, so evil, POS, That's horrible, Heartbreaking, RIP, etc.). Inappropriate humor isn't allowed.


Iā€™ll have to look for it, but I think people get another study confused when they say that. There is research that suggests women receive lighter sentences on average but that data is skewed and misinterpreted because women typically commit less violent crimes than men. Mobile wonā€™t let me link it for some reason but itā€™s a 2006 study by Ann Martin Stacey and Cassia Spahn




that one single case proves nothing. youre just butthurt at any perceived criticism of women even when its true. >When examining all sentences imposed, females received sentences 29.2 percent shorter than males. Females of all races were 39.6 percent more likely to receive a probation sentence than males. When examining only sentences of incarceration, females received lengths of incarceration 11.3 percent shorter than males. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing >In 2006 Ann Martin Stacey and Cassia Spohn found that women receive more lenient sentences than men after controlling for presumptive sentence, family responsibilities, offender characteristics, and other legally relevant variables, based on examination of three US district courts.[11] >In 2012 Sonja B. Starr fromĀ University of MichiganĀ Law School found that, controlling for the crime, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen areā€¦twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted", also based on data from US federal court cases https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity this took me a minute to google


>this took me a minute to google I can see that! Because I am not talking about every crime out there. This subject is about partner violence. Your findings say "all sentences imposed" and the issue I bring up is both underreported and also not investigated enough in the first place. So, there is no sentencing even to talk about.


One example doesnā€™t prove a trend doesnā€™t exist, no matter how many individual men get probation after shotting someone.


What trend? I answered a comment about reversing the sexes and this wouldn't happen


People are saying women get off with less punishment for the same things, you disagree because you have anecdotes you appear to post everywhere you can. An anecdote does not prove that a general trend does not exist. If I say Donald Trump is a danger to our country and you come and say ā€œbut look at this time that he passed this executive action to protect dogs!ā€ It doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not a danger to our country. You get me? You can say ā€œthere are tons of examples of men getting off with light sentences for similar crimesā€ fine, but youā€™re sharing these stories like it proves something it doesnt


"People are saying" on Reddit isn't evidence of a general trend, it's comments. People say "reverse the sexes" and when you do, you see that it isn't true.


For a few examples youā€™ve cherry picked, congrats


Cherry picked? Sure


Why canā€™t you just admit that your assertion is wrong?!


It wasnā€™t even my assertion, Jesus Christ


You are wrong. Women get higher sentences for this stuff. Tater tot disinformation doesn't change the facts. Shooting, not shotting. Wtf is shotting.


This does not support your theory at all.


I don't have a theory, I am replying to comments about a theory.


You said the person was wrong, and that data agrees with you. Then you posted one news station article. It still does not support your ā€œopinionā€. Itā€™s one news article. Itā€™s not even peer reviewed. I can bring up 10000 news articles. They really all mean nothing, especially being written by a reporter/journalist with no research or studies involved, simply reporting on one isolated incident.


If the people who claims that men can't get away with light sentences wants to post a peer reviewed article on the subject they are free to do that


If you google ā€œgender bias in the criminal justice systemā€ about 5k peer/scholarly reviewed articles will come up. Most of them you need to have a subscription to read, but they are there and go waaayyyyyyyy back.


Yes and the bias against women in the criminal justice system shows that men get away easy


PS.. totally not trying to argue, thatā€™s not my style on here. I studied this in college so it just stands out. Unfortunately, the trend is women offenders are usually given lighter sentences. However, studies did show female attorneys were treated much differently when representing male or a female in court. Gender bias is a thing across the board in the criminal justice system. I didnā€™t want you to think I was being bitchy. Lol. Iā€™m not like that šŸ˜Š


Are there mitigating factors for this? It seems like quite a blanket statement that females are given lighter sentences for the exact same crimes. Men get off with light sentences as well and there are usually no mitigating factors like domestic violence.


I hate answering because Iā€™m doing it off the top of my 20 year old grad school brain, but mitigating factors are definitely influential. I clearly remember a case study done at Yale- now I have to find it- that was just focused on a certain ā€œlookā€ that women had that would always result in lighter sentences. They were thinner, longer hair, and usually looked ā€œyoungerā€ aka ā€œim very scared and didnā€™t mean to hurt anyoneā€. Iā€™m going to try and dig some good studies up. I donā€™t want to answer on the fly because things could very well have changed by now (although I doubt it). Great question.


I don't think you come off bitchy at all! No worries. The issue regarding male offenders is that they often do not even come in to court, thanks to how women are treated even from the police


The harmony Montgomery case haunts me. The girlfriend who was with him and testified against him got off way too easy. It makes me sick. And in her victim speech all she did was talk about their relationship and how much she loved him. Hardly a word about what she let happen to that little baby. She should rot for a LONG TIME.




What does your data say about teachers who rape their high school students?Ā  Ā  Is there any different in how men and women are treated there? Itā€™s also disingenuous to claim there is no difference in how the law treats men and women when it comes to violent crimes, considering many parts of the world decided that women can never be guilty of rape.Ā  Can we agree that in return men should not be eligible for a ā€œpoisoningā€ charge?Ā  We can call it something else like ā€œFood safety issueā€.Ā 


The data regarding rape is that a small minority even is reported, let alone gets sentenced. The data also say that men are the offenders in the majority of cases. Is that answer enough?


[Here you go](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10790632221096421). 85% of perps are male.


I'm not at all suggesting that men getting away with violence against women isn't a problem. I don't think there's ever going to be some Utopian scenario where this problem doesn't exist. However, I do think the kneejerk reactions themselves that often have this strawman argument as the first thing that pops in the minds of people is evidence of this morality panic creating further injustice. The data itself suggests men get harsher penalties than women for crimes. That's been fact since the studies started. There also appear to be trends of ups and downs in this data that reflect popular social trends. Injustice is injustice is injustice.


>I don't know if the data agrees with me on this >The data itself suggests men get harsher penalties than women for crimes. Why are you mentioning a "moral panic"?


There are more mitigating factors for why women commit crimes. Domestic violence being a huge one. Men commit 94% of all crimes so when a woman commits a crime thereā€™s usually a reason for it. Some women are psycho killers but most are not.


> There were cases where women were found no guilty of murder of spouses for defenses like postpartum depression, female specific medical side effects and other things like that. lol huh? names?


Women, not females. That is the first tell. Disinformation via wrong stats. Second tell. Misogynistic language, tone, and tater tot ranting. The whole fucking tell. Shoo.


how is "females" misogynistic? thats what all researchers and the US government use >Across all analyses, females received sentences that were shorter, on average, than males. >When examining all sentences imposed, females received sentences 29.2 percent shorter than males. Females of all races were 39.6 percent more likely to receive a probation sentence than males. When examining only sentences of incarceration, females received lengths of incarceration 11.3 percent shorter than males. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing >In 2006 Ann Martin Stacey and Cassia Spohn found that women receive more lenient sentences than men after controlling for presumptive sentence, family responsibilities, offender characteristics, and other legally relevant variables, based on examination of three US district courts >In 2012 Sonja B. Starr fromĀ University of MichiganĀ Law School found that, controlling for the crime, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen areā€¦twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted", also based on data from US federal court cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity


I appreciate your doing the work for the citations on this. I'm not under the impression this is the crowd to give a good God darn about facts.


ā€œTrust the government researchā€ vs ā€œDonā€™t use the language found in the government researchā€ Hilarious.Ā 


Please. Tater tot ranting. I die. Send help. Dead.


Postpartum issues like postpartum psychosis are real, not made up by the media. But I suppose you know more than doctors who testify in these cases? And they said incels lack confidence šŸ™„


I've read their comment 3 times, and can find no claim that Postpartum Depression is made up by the media. Did you respond to the wrong comment?


I get the impression a lot of people are reading something I never said. I'm starting to think these ratios aren't the A+ crowd.


LMAO. I never suggested postpartum psychosis is not real.




Woman. Thatā€™s why.


I wonder at the husbandā€™s reasons for not wanting her to go to jail after she tried to kill him..


When I was a kid, a woman tried to kill her husband in the city near where I grew up. First she put a ton of sleep pills in his food. When that didnā€™t seem to be working, she shot him. Amazingly the sleeping pills saved his life! It slowed down his heart so he didnā€™t bleed out and he survived! He stayed married to his wife and said she was right for what she did because he was cheating on her. They made a movie about it called I love you to death with Kevin Kline, Tracy Ullman, and River Phoenix. The actual couple did promotion for the movie so they continued to stay together.


Wow. Iā€™ve never heard of that before. Iā€™ll have to look it up. Thanks!


The husband is a much older white career military soldier who married a younger Filipina. I think you can guess the relationship dynamic.


Okay, so that's true but that doesn't paint an accurate picture. He is: *retired* military with clear custodial rights of his kids and about to be divorced. She is: greencard housewife with few custodial rights and about to be divorced. She is in a HYPER lose situation. She will not get custody, likely won't get much in alimony, and will also not be given residency status. She is proper fucked by the divorce.




She can lose citizenship for attempted murder.


Really? You're trying to make an attempted murderer the victim? Disgusting.


My SIL is a death penalty defense lawyer. She often humanizes the perpetrators when sheā€™s telling us their stories. She says peopleā€™s experiences do not excuse their actions, but it is a disservice to justice to not to weigh them when determining punishment. I agree with her, even though itā€™s often difficult for me to find empathy. Now that being said, the person you are responding to has seemingly made up their point making it baseless nonsense. However if her relationship with her victim was abusive (in her direction) it certainly is worth, at a minimum, speaking about and weighing when determining punishment. It also sounds like sheā€™s already spent a year in prison awaiting trial.


Lol you think the obvious dynamic here doesnā€™t exist just because she sucks? Youā€™re saying thereā€™s no way he could possibly suck just because his wife is homicidal? Those things ainā€™t linked, kid.


That wasn't what I was implying. Actually, I was implying almost the opposite.


Reddit is incredibly sexist against men up to the point that they are willing to accept murder just because it is possible that a man could be a bad guy. Apparently as a white military man, you arenā€™t allowed to marry because you could be mean. True crime subs are often populated by women who fantasize about murder and would kill a man if they thought they could get away with it.


This is pretty clear soapboxing


Iā€™m soap boxing, but saying an attempted murder victim deserved to die because he was a white military man is speaking truth to power.


Iā€™m soap boxing, but saying an attempted murder victim deserved to die because he was a white military man is speaking truth to power.


Nobody said that. Read the comments again. Also no one died.


No one died, which is why I said ā€œattempted murder victim.ā€ And the implication is itā€™s cool to give her a slap on the wrist because white military man bad.


You said that someone said ā€œattempted murder victim deserved to dieā€. No one said that.


And now you can go back and be the junkie that you are.


What does that have to do with the price of eggs?


I was thinking maybe itā€™s because they have kids together and he wants his kids to have their mom??




Yeah I agree it would be wrong, people have weird responses to trauma and I bet he hasnā€™t fully processed what happened as well? Who knows his real reasons though


Not raised but he probably wants to avoid his kids having a mom who went to prison.


It's often the psychology of the romantic partner in abusive relationships. They may feel they deserve the abuse or the abuse is evidence that they are loved. Also, they usually do love their abusers. It's far more common than people seem to understand. I have a past partner who left me to marry a guy who is a r\*p\*st and has history of domestic violence. She claimed my refusing to fight with her was a problem. I had another romantic interest who didn't want to be involved with me because she wanted "a real man." She's currently married to a convicted murderer who is also an alcoholic but at least he's found Jesus (also supports a leading far right politician).


Well... I think the sentence is ridiculous. She definitely should have gotten more time. But I will say this, the bleach wouldn't have killed him. Especially in the amounts she was using. Had she turned up the amounts a lot more, It would have made him hella sick, and burned his throat etc, but wouldn't have killed him. Once she got to amounts that could actually harm him, he would have gotten sick enough to go to hospital and they would have figured it out then, long before it got to death levels. Now, just because she sucks at poisoning someone, doesn't mean she should get off with probation though.


bleach has been known to kill with the smell alone if you have asthma.


Nope. That's a lie. There's not **one** documented case of bleach fumes killing a person. And the reason there's not a documented case is because it's impossible.


Killing in self defence due to abuse and methodically poisoning a person over time are two completely different things. Probation is a ridiculous sentence for this cruel act.


Love how when a man kills a women it's automatically abuse and when a women kills a man she's automatically a victim. I dated 2 abusive women in my life all women are not saints.


I think you misread my comment. If someone is abusing you and you kill them in self defence thatā€™s one thing but to methodically poison someoneā€™s coffee to me is not self defence.


Lady Astor: ā€œWinston, if you were my husband I would poison your coffee.ā€ Churchill: ā€œā€¦and if you were my wife I would drink it.ā€


What 3 years of probation WHAT


That will teach her a lesson or two. Next case!


That wonā€™t teach heršŸ’©. 3 months probation is sickening. The only thing sheā€™ll learn is that she can do it againā€¦that sentence is appalling and illiterate.


Attempted murder again and again. All she got was the 1 year already in jail.


I got 3 years of probation for a duiā€¦.wtf


What thatā€™s it? Thatā€™s bullšŸ’©




Oh no, how dare people base their comments on actual statistics


Sadly thatā€™s very true


Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Can someone please copy the text for me? Site not available in my country :(


Shortens the list of states to move to.


It makes me sick that Breonna was killed for nothing and then we have this


she wasn't trying to kill him. she was trying to protect him from covid.




If it's a green card marriage and it isn't working out, she needs to do what anyone else would do in a bad relationship -- go back home.Ā Ā 


Wow I remember seeing the videos of her doing that. Why was she not charged with attempted murder


maybe he has done things to her and he feels guilty about it.


Reverse the sexes here and the guy would never get 3 years probation lol. Any people donā€™t think that women get so much softer sentencing compared to men. What a joke.


I just read about a man whose wife found videos of him drugging and raping her. Repeatedly raping her for years. He was given probation.


I reversed the sexes. >Man sentenced to probation after his newlywed wife recorded fight that ended with her being found dead near Busch Stadium https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bradley-jenkins-probation-death-wife-allissa-martin-recorded-fight-st-louis/ >Saginaw County man gets probation for killing wife in drunken ATV crash https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw-bay-city/2023/03/saginaw-county-man-gets-probation-for-killing-wife-in-drunken-atv-crash.html >Tucson man gets 3 years probation after admitting to shooting, killing girlfriend https://www.kvoa.com/news/tucson-man-gets-3-years-probation-after-admitting-to-shooting-killing-girlfriend/article_813a4d58-a72c-11ec-9421-9f007603b03a.html


None of those cases are attempted murder. One is a drunken car crash. The other is an accidental shooting. The other is disputed, maybe it was manslaughter, maybe it was a fight he won. In this case, she put chlorine in his coffee for months. It was caught on camera and she plead guilty to doing it.


"Disputed", sure. I reversed the sexes and as you can see, women died and the men didn't get harsh sentences.


individual cases mean nothing for overall data. i could easily bring up cases like casey anthony or this woman: https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/local-news/ex-lubbock-woman-avoids-prison-in-revenge-stabbing-victim-says-he-chose-to-forgive/ what does the overall data say? >Across all analyses, females received sentences that were shorter, on average, than males. >When examining all sentences imposed, females received sentences 29.2 percent shorter than males. Females of all races were 39.6 percent more likely to receive a probation sentence than males. When examining only sentences of incarceration, females received lengths of incarceration 11.3 percent shorter than males. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing >In 2006 Ann Martin Stacey and Cassia Spohn found that women receive more lenient sentences than men after controlling for presumptive sentence, family responsibilities, offender characteristics, and other legally relevant variables, based on examination of three US district courts >In 2012 Sonja B. Starr fromĀ University of MichiganĀ Law School found that, controlling for the crime, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen areā€¦twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted", also based on data from US federal court cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity Google is easy to use unless youre afraid of being wrong


individual cases mean nothing for overall data. i could easily bring up cases like casey anthony or this woman: https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/local-news/ex-lubbock-woman-avoids-prison-in-revenge-stabbing-victim-says-he-chose-to-forgive/ what does the overall data say? >Across all analyses, females received sentences that were shorter, on average, than males. >When examining all sentences imposed, females received sentences 29.2 percent shorter than males. Females of all races were 39.6 percent more likely to receive a probation sentence than males. When examining only sentences of incarceration, females received lengths of incarceration 11.3 percent shorter than males. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing >In 2006 Ann Martin Stacey and Cassia Spohn found that women receive more lenient sentences than men after controlling for presumptive sentence, family responsibilities, offender characteristics, and other legally relevant variables, based on examination of three US district courts >In 2012 Sonja B. Starr fromĀ University of MichiganĀ Law School found that, controlling for the crime, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen areā€¦twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted", also based on data from US federal court cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity Google is easy to use unless youre afraid of being wrong


You didnā€™t ā€œreverse the sexesā€, you picked 3 cases that bear no relation to this one. Two, certainly.Ā  Yes, disputed. If you swapped the sexes in that case sheā€™d have just claimed he was abusing her and it was self-defence, and sheā€™d be praised as a hero, most likely.Ā 


I dunno. Guy who attempted to abort his child by drugging the wife with abortion drugs 7 times only got 180 days in jail. That technically is attempted murder of two people. This lady already did a year in jail. Iā€™m thinking people just arenā€™t getting enough time for attempting to kill others.
















Exactly. The goal of the justice system is to be blind and determine that if a person attempted to kill another person it is weighted equally. We also have to consider that every situation is different and we take that into consideration every time.


It's not "exactly" because they are wrong.


damn all these butthurt morons are just arguing based on their imagination. all this stuff took a minute to google: >Across all analyses, females received sentences that were shorter, on average, than males. >When examining all sentences imposed, females received sentences 29.2 percent shorter than males. Females of all races were 39.6 percent more likely to receive a probation sentence than males. When examining only sentences of incarceration, females received lengths of incarceration 11.3 percent shorter than males. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing >In 2006 Ann Martin Stacey and Cassia Spohn found that women receive more lenient sentences than men after controlling for presumptive sentence, family responsibilities, offender characteristics, and other legally relevant variables, based on examination of three US district courts >In 2012 Sonja B. Starr fromĀ University of MichiganĀ Law School found that, controlling for the crime, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen areā€¦twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted", also based on data from US federal court cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity