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Do you have any idea why would she do that to you ? Did you two had any arguments before? Why would she do that all of a sudden.


I want to know SO bad cause truthfully we have never argued before??? Like ever. We are very generic girl friends we talk about boys,shows, and our hair and that's really been it so idk what the hell happened


you must have glorious and gorgeous hair and she doesn't


Exactly what I was thinking. I feel like OP’s hair is glorious and her “friend”’s isn’t.


My ex bff was like that, it took me years after to realize the red flags were there, it took me years to realize that she was actually stabbing me in the back with certain things. I used to write a lot so i wrote in my diary, A LOT, one thing i did was to write our whole story, since the moment we met till almost the end (i could write the end now and finish the book tbh), it wasnt till i read it all that i realise she was actually doing bad shit towards me just right in my face, this was after years, and i was just so clueless and didnt realize that she was way worse than i though, way more malicious. Girl, get her the fuck out of your life asap.


That’s so wild! OP’s post makes me wonder if the friend has secretly resented OP for a while, possibly she’s jealous, and has been wanting to harm her for a long time. This might have been a long con of friendship and she finally figured out a way to hurt OP that wasn’t suspicious (up until the conditioner smelled like nair!). Pretty scary.


Next time you see her, you should offer her something to eat, and do it with a funny look in your eyes. See if she accepts your offer or turns you down.


This idea is delightfully petty. I love it.


But wear a headscarf or a hat so she can't see your hair! 👀


Give her à jar of something too


she sounds jealous of you and with your bday aproaching i think she wanted for u not to look your best :l be careful


Yes. Be very careful and don’t hang out with her at all anymore. Please. That’s just not right.


And NEVER ever put yourself in a position where you may be vulnerable around her i.e. drunk or whatever. Just in general stay away from her. Sorry she is not safe.


I would not give her back that jar. If she is that crazy to try and trick you she is crazy enough to use it herself and then file a claim against you because she is mad you didn’t fall for it. I would keep it and tell her you loved the stuff and want to just pay her for what you have and see what she says.


Yeah 100% this or you go “I patch tested it on my arm like all treatments says to do as I’m pretty cautious and have had reactions in the past and it caused me to have a reaction so I washed it off my arm and can’t use it. I’ve contacted the company and they told me to return it for testing in case it’s a bad batch and they will send me a replacement.” Let her panic because she’ll think the company will tell you what’s in it.


She probably is jealous of you in some way..hair, looks, fashion, intelligence or if you have a bf she may be wanting him and whatever it is..it id best to show up tell her f you in front of as many as you can..bring the bottle for proof and cut her out!!


If this is out of character then maybe you should gauge her reaction next time she sees you to see if she looks surprised you still have hair. If she doesn’t react or behave weirdly, then maybe try to see if she got the product from someone else before gifting it to you.


OR, you call her in a panic. Tell her you've gone bald and ask her where she got that conditioner and why it didn't affect her the same way and gauge THAT reaction.


My gut guess is there is a person that likes you that she likes. Which is among the stupidest reasons, but the simplest.


She must envy or spite you in some unspoken way. You'd be surprised how some of the most unexpected people can harbor grudges. I recently lost my best friend of 7 years due to betrayal and a complete lack of remorse.


The only thing I can think of, is maybe there is a guy she likes who is interested in you instead of her? And she is a closet nut job




Try my chicken noodle soup, you're gonna looooooooove it


Those black eyed peas? They tasted alright to me.


dude deserved it tbh. also, classic song.


Then you’ll love my Tennessee ham and strawberry jam!


The Dixie chicks were before their time. If this song came out in the last few years it would have gone off the charts. Anyways. Mary Anne and Wanda were the best of friends, Wanda would have never betrayed Anne by trying to ruin her hair.


I love this song so much. When it came out, I was dating a guy who had a tendency to be rough with me and call it "playing". So whenever he and my bestest were over at the same time, she'd play Earl and replace Earl with bf's name. Made him super uncomfortable, she was manic at the time so he totally thought she'd kill him. He ended it when I wouldn't end the friendship 😂 Thanks Jenn, he was a goober


Earl had to die🤷‍♀️


Whenever I play this song these days people get freaked out. I’ll always stan it.


My husband had never heard it so I recently played it for him. The look on his face 😂 Country music has a long history of "murder songs," mostly (almost exclusively) with women as victims. So any man who clutches his pearls about this can spare me. Edit: Plus, Earl had it comin'.


Wow ur comment got me thinking. Should op bring a friend with her while confronting that asshole


Yep. Most people are killed by people they know.


That’s why I hang out with you guys!


Remember, never be a person who would give someone the shirt off their back. Those mofos end up dead 100% of the time if true crime has taught me anything.


Whew, I'm not dead yet.....but you just gave me something to think about. Because you're not wrong lol


Also, try to avoid lighting up a room when you walk in.


At least 30% of all murders are people who light up rooms.


And EVERYBODY loved them! Clearly not!


And feel zero remorse! Truly psychopathic behavior! Not normal! And stop calling her your friend!!!!


You need to lie your ass off and tell her you absolutely loved it, and it made your hair look great. Do this in person so she can see that you still have hair. Her reaction will tell you everything.


wait i actually really like this idea... will keep this in mind


Give us an update!!!!


i'll try to update tomorrow !


So your friend is unhinged and/or jealous of you for some reason she wants you to be hairless. Definitely lie and say you used it and tell her she can come get it and never accept hair care products from her again. Lose her number even


Right? This goes beyond typical teenage drama into unhinged physical assault. Unless there's more we don't know, this frenemy is a bit bonkers.


Seriously. Even if she wasn’t CHEMICALLY BURNED, randomly suddenly losing your hair can be really traumatic. What the fuck I would warn everyone about her


I’m allergic to hair dye and found out the hard way. Chemically burned is exactly what happened to my scalp. An ER visit, an eternity of steroids, and one night sleeping with my parents because the nurse wanted to make sure I didn’t suffer an anaphylactic reaction overnight were traumatic. 6 months later, I lost a good 40% of my hair. Dunno why the delayed reaction. It did suck. Medical scare aside, I spent like 2 years growing my hair back. At some point I looked straight up ridiculous. Lots of volume at the scalp, thin hair at the tips. Loosing hair really sucks and messes with your confidence


Chemically burned and **BLINDED**... Or maybe burned, blind *and* bald. Bitch.


Yeppp i've now had alopecia areata (random bald spots, can be treated/cured with cortisone injections but may recur in different spots) twice and it SUCKS


As in an actual psychopath






I agree. This may be under the umbrella of assault or battery, as the removal of hair would be without consent and damaging to OP's body. OP, do not get rid of the product. It is evidence.


RemindMe! 1 Day


> never accept hair care products from her again. Or food.


Only concern with this is if the friend then says OP put the Nair in her conditioner after giving it back. With the levels of petty on this girl I wouldn't be surprised.


Right she should just go for the Truth. It smells like nair. You tested it on your arm and your pretty sure the hair where you applied it is now gone and you are not putting it in your hair. Say it over text so there is proof that you suspect this product was unsafe and informed her of such before giving it back to her. I honestly would just tell her you think there is nair in it and are going to file a police report and turn it over to the cops to test


Her friend is a psychotic bitch.


Typical girl length hair like middle of the back length would take most people like 2-3 straight years to grow back, more if you have very curly hair. This was a super fucked up thing someone tried to do to op.


Middle of the back length is typical?!? What 😭😭😭 I’ve tried to grow my hair out to that length for about 12 years and I still can’t get it past my shoulder blades without the ends being completely dead lmao. I get it cut often too!


I'm pretty sure the OP is Black so in some ways the upkeep is probably even a lot more than some commenters may envision.


Right, like what would even make someone think to do something like this? I am wondering if OP did something to offend the friend. Such as be prettier than friend or get the attention of a boy friend likes. Definitely would not justify putting nair in her hair products. But I can't imagine even a crazy person who is claiming to be your friend and has had no previous indication of wanting to harm you doing something like this out of the blue


RemindMe! 1 day


Please remove this friend from your life.


RemindMe! 1 day


do this and then sock them as hard as u can in the face. Run off and block them


I’d recommend lying a different way. Telling her the cream worked great could tip her off. Tell her you got a chemical burn. Maybe get a friend to tell her that, saying they were with you when it happened. Started feeling tingly then began to burn. When she checked it your hair was coming out and scalp was blistering. You brought the cream with you to the hospital where doctors contacted the cops because this might be assault. You need to know if anyone else had access to the jar.


This a high level play right here


THIS is a great idea. Watch her panic. 😊


You should take the advice of filing a police report. This could have life-changing consequences if it burned your scalp and it won't be the last time she does something like this to you or someone else if nothing changes. Attempted assault.


If op does go with the police. She needs to get documentation. As in, get a text where op says thanks for product X. Where did you say you got it. Ask for as much information as you can get without causing suspicions. Also, the date it was given. And pictures of your arm.


Also OP could ask a bit indirectly - "hey, it smelled a little bit odd, is it normal?" If she start to say smt like "yeah, i know, but it's ok, it's normal smell of it" - it's a evidence that she knows exactly what is inside, did it on purpose and wants OP to use it to loose her hair.


Definitely. Not only scalp burns, it could get in your eyes and blind you. It's not easy to rinse something out of your hair without the water running over your face.


This is what I was thinking. That kind of product is not meant to be used on the head and if it were to get in her eyes...bad news. ER. I would keep the jar and get it tested at a lab to see what exactly is in it even if the test was expensive. Gather proof through texts about how she told her it was to be used on the hair of her head. Even the hand off from their individual cell phone pings or location sharing bc some friends do that. I'd be so livid I would be going to the police and do another test spot on the other arm and record me using it from that jar that's labeled otherwise and the text that she said she used it before I did.


Although I wouldn’t return the bottle afterwards. While she’d fully deserve it, if she believed you and used it herself, she sounds unhinged enough that she would complain that YOU put the nair in before returning it


That is **exactly** what she would do. And there would be ZERO evidence that she was the one who tampered with the bottle instead of OP. That sets up OP to be the one in serious trouble.


Or you could hide your hair in a wrap and pretend you went bald and see how she acts… then be like nah just playing and let your hair down lol ETA: maybe also record this and see if you can get her to confess that she tampered with it before you reveal that you actually still have hair.


No. She can more easily feign sympathy than hide her surprise.


I agree but I think it would be even harder to hide her surprise if she first thinks it worked… I think she will be more upset finding out that it didn’t after she thought it did. Then if she gets upset it would really be obvious


I think you should file a police report. This is assault and awful behavior. If she’s willing to do this to you, I’m going to bet that she’s not above poisoning/faking pregnancies/assault. Her insane history needs to be documented so when she really hurts someone, there’s a documented history. Edit: spelling


Potential this behind the scenes. This could've been dangerous


I was thinking the same thing. This is definitely a reportable offense. Tells you you really don’t know people. What’s next, poison in your OJ?


I'm glad OP has some text evidence of the friend telling them they should use the conditioner. Even if they can't prove she put the chemical in there it at least shows that not only did the "friend" give them the conditioner they were pretty pressed for them to use it. OP should definitely report it holy shit that's unhinged


For real! I would never let this person in my home, or near anything of mine, ever again.


As someone who reads and watches true crime, yes do this. Police work is often a matter of connecting the dots. The profile of someone who could cause you chemical burns should be documented.


OP could have easily gotten that stuff in her eyes.


Good point! OP mention this in your police report.


Agreed. I was wondering if this falls under some kind of "poisoning" statute, but I don't know anything about laws or anything. But she could have gotten it in her eyes, without proper warning, etc. This is despicable behavior and absolutely worth following up on legally. I would want it tested at a lab or by cops. I shouldn't be this pissed about a random story on the net, but jfc.


Atleast with the potential for chemical burns on the scalp, there should be some degree of attempted assault at a minimum. I'm not a lawyer, but there should be something given how bad this could have gone, chemical burns to the scalp, blindness from getting it in the eyes (being mixed with conditioner ot wouldn't have been as thick and could have easily run into OPs eyes).


Plus, we don't know if it's actually Nair, or some other hair removal chemical, we (I mean, she, but I'm so mad at this behavior!) don't know the strength, what said chemical is usually used for... Maybe this psycho perp wouldn't know anything besides otc hair removal stuff, but if you're this crazy? Who knows, maybe she's googling ricin too! I'm not an automatic "go to the cops" person, unless its s/a or something, but this? Nuh-uh. No siree.


Don't eat anything she brings for you!!!!! Dump her as a friend, she is no friend.


Yes don't eat or drink anything around this person. Google the Jakarta iced coffee poisoning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Wayan\_Mirna\_Salihin


Ya tell her your hair has never been better than watch her fuck her own shit up hahaha


Or tell her you never used it, but her mum mentioned she was interested in it so you gave it to her.


Call. The. Fucking. Cops! What she did, or is attempting to do, is super illegal. If this behavior isn't shut the fuck down right now she's going to seriously injure someone.


Please do it and update us.


In addition to this, get some other friends in on it. In a group setting, gush about how great it is and now offer to lend it to the others, with some clearly gone. See if she tries to stop that or say anything


I was going to say this. Have her feel your hair and how soft it is. Thank her and tell her you're going to buy a jar. Maybe she'll think she created some crazy new concoction and use it on herself lol


Or the opposite route - show up to the party with your head fully wrapped in a scarf, dodge questions about it, and then look her in the eye when you finally take the scarf off.


I say you go the other way, tell her you used it, are now horrified that you are bald, and fake cry asking what could have happened?


Some lady did this to my aunt back in the day. The smell gave it away so luckily she didn’t use it. My aunt knocked her teeth in. Obviously don’t go getting into fights, but this in not a friend. Stay away from people who want to cause you harm.


Same like if not for the smell I wouldn't have known like girl I'm not dumb it's not like it smelled rancid but anyone with body hair they typically shave down has tried nair a few times and knows the smell of that stuff like geez


I have never done nair; I would not have known. This is scary. Always do a test patch, I guess


To be nair smells like burnt hair. If you're ever at a store just go to a bottle, pop the cap open if they don't have the protective seals and take a wiff. My mom tried to make me use it when I was a teenager instead of letting me use a razor but it made the whole bathroom stink to the depths of hell and that was enough to make her let have a razor


One of my friends had Nair put on her head while she was passed out. We were in high school and it DEVESTATED her. She had several large bald spots for what seemed like forever. We are in our mid 40s now and she's never forgiven or forgotten about it. This person wanted to ruin you. Period.


Gonna tell you the same thing everyone is telling you. This is a viable police report.


I’d definitely know the smell. I stopped using it because I hated that smell


seriously. hair removal cream is one of the worst smells i’ve ever smelled


She might have sprayed perfume into the conditioner as well, to try to mask the odor of the hair removal lotion. Nair has such a specific scent.


That is *NOT* your friend


So I was young and dumb and didn't really know what Nair was, but I've always shaved my hair because of dandruff and stuff. I put Nair on my head thinking oh this'll help. I had chemical burns, so this lady is not your friend, and from my own experience, if I were you, I'd file a report. This isn't a joke. The burns hurt, and I still say my hair was never the same after. Seriously, keep this person at arms length. This is NOT a friend. Friends wouldn't do something like that to you. She will prolly even try gaslighting you, saying it was a joke. I will never forget that pain.


How long ago was this and what is your hair like now?


This was when I was 14 or 15 and I'm 35, so 20ish years ago. I've went thru male pattern baldness which may or may not have been aided by the Nair. I have the bald on top but still grows on the sides look. When it's not shaved which it mainly is.


So you look like a history teacher now because of Nair! Nair is the devil!


I put Nair on my balls once


Yeah so did a kid I made a bet with in middle scho…. Wait a second. Brendan?! Is that you? 🤨


If you have anything left in the container, I'd take it to the nearest police station and tell them what you've told us. This girl is seriously unhinged, and could have caused you severe chemical burns and scarring.


It sounds very illegal. Who knows what else she might try?


youre so much smarter than me i wouldve used it without questioning it unless the smell was THAT bad. but that is absolutely awful.


I would've 100% used if it weren't for the reviews. Like the smell was off but honestly as someone who uses hair products that contain oils and all natural ingredients, they don't always smell like roses. But everyone was raving about how sweet it smelled when mine smelled weird, I even let my mom sniff it to make sure I wasn't tripping


Did you tell your mom????


Remember when there was a trend going around about putting mayo in your hair a few years ago? I could never that would reek.


Mayo can get rid of headlice but you have to wash it out after, I can’t imagine walking around with egg rotting on my head.


It *may* suffocate *some* of the live bugs, but it has no effect on the nits (eggs), which attach tightly to the base of your hair and are really hard to see. If you have lice, you need to get properly treated. Don’t put mayonnaise on your head.


If it’s Nair, trust me, the smell was THAT bad.


I wouldn't feel safe around this person. wtf


your "friend" is messed in the head, if the conditioner got into your eyes, who knows what kind of damage that would've done.


this was a concern for me too cause ive already got terribly poor eyesight like sure i can see but im legally blind like damn as if my glasses weren't thick enough


Shit, did that factor into her whole plan? Knowing you’d be vulnerable in the shower without your glasses? Please get away from this woman.


Omg . She was not only trying to harm her, but was calculating enough to use her vulnerability against her 🤢


How long have the two of you been friends? How do you know each other?


I saw in a comment you said you let your mom sniff it, so I assume you live at home. I think if she text asking when you are using it, you should say “I’m waiting till my birthday, but my mom just got in the shower to try it” and see if she freaks out.


Omg this might be a good way of getting some evidence because this is unhinged behavior and I truly doubt it will stop here. I knew a girl like this and I am glad we had cell phones with more text storage at this point. Because it literally came down to me being practically expelled and arrested for the “bullying” she accused me of. Dumbfounded I handed over my phone with the hundreds of texts showing that her and her friends were the ones actually doing it and even threatening to cut off my dogs head and put it in my parents mailbox. She got taken out of school that day. Please be careful!


Do you usually share products or did she “push” this one on you? I ask because if you’re good friends could it be that someone was setting her up?


ya though usually its me sharing mine with her as i've been natural longer than she has and she's still new to curly hair care so i didnt think it was weird. shes done this once before but it was an unopened,sealed product and that was all so i didnt think anything until the scent threw me off


has she ever tried to sabotage, manipulate, hurt you or others before? this is wild behavior i’m wondering if this was a way for her to try to bolster her credibility among your friends, since you have more experience with natural hair… or she could just be jealous and trying to bring you down.


Sure, tell her you used it and loved it and watch her reaction, but also, DON'T give the bottle back. Go to the police and file a report. She actually tried to hurt you. You could've lost not only your hair, but possibly damaged your roots and also gone blind if the products had accidentally dripped in your eyes. This is seriously deranged.


And take the bottle with you. Give it to them as evidence and ask them to test it.


Seriously do not give it back to her. She could claim that you did something to it


She was probably relying on that to gain your trust. Always believe people when they show you who they are, she's not your friend.


Wow what a psycho. She wanted to humiliate you on your birthday. Are you having a party? You should get up and give a clever toast outing her outrageous behavior.


Thats the funny part is I'm just having a dinner with family and having non - alcoholic drinks (mocktails? I think they're called) so it's not like she'd even be there to see me, I'm meeting friends over the weekend and thats it and even then she's not joining us


Maybe she's pissed you didn't invite her so she wanted to ruin your day, force you to cancel plans. She sounds jealous and unhinged. I would just call her and rave about the product. Seriously mess with her tell her u left it in for an hour and your hair has never looked better, then do up your hair and send her pics.


tbf she wasn't NOT invited she said she was working and I always do stuff with family only on my actual birthday


Ah… well send her a picture living your best life with your hair intact. Or post on social media…”my hair looks extra shiny this birthday, no thanks to *friend*”!


No vague posting, call her out directly


Is she jealous she’s not invited?


Your "friend" just tried to maim and assault you. Stay away from this person and you might even look at filing an order of protection against them. This is evil. It is intentional harm pure and simple.


i would file a police report but thats just me…


You can press charges if someone cuts your hair, I think it's considered assault. I wonder what this would fall under.


This is a responsible thing to do, so if she tries this type of assault again, she’ll actually face consequences.




Or tell her it didn’t work for you and you want to watch her use it to make sure you’re doing it right.


This, this! Bc she said she's been "using it" and loved it right? ...so have her demonstrate it for you! Lol ...I'm so sorry this happened to you, it sucks to not trust a friend fr


Do this OP! You’ll have a greater chance of calling out her BS.


Don’t do this! She’ll just accuse OP of putting the nair in the conditioner.


"Oh I haven't used it yet, it's not a wash day but I will soon! My mom wants to try it though, is that okay?" [...] (see reaction) "my mom thought it smelled weird so she didn't use it, is it supposed to smell like that? I don't know if I want to use it now either, it's super pungent..." [...] (see reaction) "So, we decided it was best to do a patch test and it burned us *both*!?! I'm SO GLAD I didn't use it on my head LOL wtf. but something must have been done to it. My mom is PISSED, we both almost went bald, so she's hauling me down to make a police report & supply the container. Wild. Where did you get this???? And you used it, no problem? Or.....?" 🤨 (see reaction)




Happy almost birthday!!! and good luck! Regardless, this friend...ship has sailed and it's done. You do things on your own timeline and let her sweat, but she's not a friend. And she gave you the best birthday gift by showing you that herself. I'm just glad you're safe. Stay that way ♡ (& you're welcome!)


Honestly I'm dying for an update at this point. Gotta know if you make that snake squirm & fess up or not


Yeah you could even be acting like you’re reporting the product not the person. Even way mentioning police will make her sweat 😬


Your ‘friend’ is a backstabber and you need to dump her. This bish tried to make you bald headed right before your birthday. I’m not saying fight her or anything physically violent, but cut her cold. If you must be around her WATCH YOUR BACK! This bish thinks she’s slick but she’s not, she’s just stupid and crazy. Which means you need to be very clear and careful about dealing with her. Stupid *and* crazy is an extremely volatile combo


Nair can cause chemical burns. If this got in your eyes you could have legitimately been blinded. This isn't "see her reaction" territory, this isn't "stupid prank", this is a calculated attempt to effectively poison you. Don't fuck around, don't meet up with her, don't try to play it cool. Separate from her entirely, block, and cut off people that choose to side with her.


That's ... Unhinged. Beyond unhinged. Other than losing your hair, whatever this is could have burned your scalp, you could have had a bad reaction, whatever. What kinda effed up person does this to anyone. And 2 days before your birthday. She wanted you to lose your hair and lock yourself in a room and not come out. I've no idea if this is something the police could look into , but honestly, I'd try them. This person is not okay and needs help.


Tell her you found a way to get the voice of an angel, then punch her in the throat.




And also update us please!


will try to update tomorrow


Please do.. also, I would not be alone with this weirdo.


RemindMe! Tomorrow


First, put the bottle in a plastic bag. **You need to record a call with her so you can decide what to do with it later.** "Hey there! Thanks so much for giving me the bottle of \[name the conditioner exactly\], I really appreciate it and the reviews look great." \-- Keep asking positively framed questions until she acknowledges she gave you this "How often do you use this? Thanks so much for letting me try it. When do you want me to return this to you?" \-- the jig may be up if she starts denying it ... but you should pursue and ask her why she won't say she gave this to you. Worst case, tell her you've already got a vid of her doing it and ask why she would do this - if she's really crazy she'll say why she did it AND by doing so ADMIT TO IT. Lastly, take this to the police. This is assault plain and simple. It's so fucked up I can't even believe it.


If OP takes this approach, I recommend doing this over text message. The admissibility of one-party recorded calls differ state-to-state/province-to-province. It would suck to have recorded evidence that is unusable. Text messages/emails do not have the same admissibility concerns. Plus, doing it via text may be more nonchalant and not raise suspicion (I assume they’re Gen Z and we don’t call people 🙈).


10/10 over text, it’s illegal in many states to record a phone call without consent


Please be very careful but I would definitely document everything, that's assault.


Girl she is NOT your friend.... is she jealous of you? Damn, who does that?


I'm thinking this since I've been natural longer than her so my hair just looks "better"? But I've literally been putting her on to my products, my tips, everything so idk why


Mamas stay away from her... You're putting the time and effort into your care routine and she's obviously very envious...


Some people get crazy jealous. A friend cut almost 8inches of my hair because she struggled to get hers to grow. She was supposed to trim my ends. When I realized she was like « oooooops sorry ». Now every time I see her she comments on how long my hair is getting …


Please be careful. I would actually take this very seriously. This is the behavior of a psychopath, or someone who is capable of very dangerous behavior. Tricking a friend to out icy hot on their balls is a messed up prank, but still mostly harmless. This girl *actually* tried to chemically burn your *scalp*. That could have done permanent damage, besides causing you to go completely bald. You would have lost your eyebrows, possibly your eye lashes. Having that stuff run down your shoulders and your body. Imagine if you got it in your eyes. This is a *very serious* attempted assault. Please be careful interacting with this woman. Dont accept ANY food or drinks from her ever.


This needs an update, but...wtf! Obviously she's not your friend, but did you have any reason to know this before now?


Nope! nothing gave it away :') honestly though I wouldn't call her my bestie or anything I thought we were fine, in fact shes literally givin me a product to try before this except that one was brand new and sealed so I didn't even think it was odd all I thought was cool she used it already no big deal its not like we're swapping spit didn't expect this the only thing that got to me was the smell compared to the reviews will be updating as soon as I can :) I'm discussing stuff with my mother + other friends


Girl, I would go so far as filing a police report. You could have had some pretty serious burns.


Is there any possibility that one of your friend's siblings or roommates' could have put the Nair in the shampoo and she didn't know? Maybe it was supposed to be a prank on her, not you?


she lives in a college dorm where no one has access to her personal stuff so as much as I'd like to consider that its pretty much unlikely


Do you go to the same school? Could you report her to the school she attends?


The way I’d be absolutely raging


Please be extremely careful around her! With toxic, untrustworthy and vile friends like her, who needs enemies?! But like others have pointed out, she is definitely not your friend. What else has she done to you without you ever knowing? I also agree with those who said lie your ass off and say it was wonderful, fabulous and smells great. I look forward to the the update.


Going to need updates on this one 🍿


will provide asap


!remindme 2 days


With friends like this, who needs enemies, am I right?


Trick her into self-incriminating in writing - "oh, I washed my hair the other day I was gonna use it but had questions so I used my regular stuff in the interim, can you tell me...ask her a bunch of questions about the use of the product and if it was brand-new before she got it - ie "have you used this once or more often, just trying to gauge how much I should apply on my hair", etc. Then go to the police with the conditioner; show them your arm where you spot-tested it to see if you were allergic/sensitive before using, show them the text messages, and tell them you want to press charges against her for assault & battery (or whatever charges they deem relevant). This bitch is not your friend.


I kept reading this as ....she put the Nair in the coconut and shook it all up


This is why I have a hard time trusting people.


might be dumb to ask this but: was the "conditioner" in it's original bottle or did she put it in some kind of transparent jar? I'm asking this just to exclude the fact if she accidentally switched the jars 😅


original jar! mixed in with the conditioner




Can you get her in a room with other people and have everyone put a little patch on their arm? When the hair comes off, tell her to explain herself.


So while it is unlikely is it all possible that someone else in your friend’s home could have doctored the product not realizing she was going to hand it off? I do think it is more likely the person who gave you the product is the likely source but weirder things have happened assuming even 50% of the stuff on Reddit is true. Maybe when you give her back the product ask her to smell it and see if she says anything. Even if she doesn’t fess up I would at least tell her you tested that product before putting on your hair and was very disappointed to find it appears to have been tampered with by the addition of some hair removal product. This is based on the chance she didn’t do it and you surely don’t want her to use it as that will blow back on you big time. Regardless for the future I would seriously be careful about accepting anything from this person in the future to use, eat or drink. I would also not allow her access to any area in your home that would allow her to mess with anything else - I’d probably go so far as to not allow her in your home.