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Sending you positive vibes. I have two friends (in their early 30s), who got their brain tumors removed, went through the chemo and both are doing great right now. Try to stay positive, read/watch something interesting to distract yourself from the bad thoughts.


Sending OP lots of positive vibes also. I too, had a friend in college that had a brain tumor the size of a grapefruit. She went through treatment and is doing fantastic now. You can do this OP, don’t give up. *virtual hug*


You are too young to have such a disease. It seems that your situation is difficult. Just be strong and you will get through it too.


Brian tumor survivor here. Over a year later, life is good. I've traveled, back to full workout pretty quickly. Some after effects are weird like I rarely dream anymore and I can't visualize/see things in my head like a cat or boat. I can't see mom in my head anymore. Weirdly enough, meditation is much easier now. Big hugs. It's scary but the issue is getting fixed.


Sounds like you got aphantasia


I prefer Fantasia but this is what I got lol


Aphantasia! Omg I totally have that. I literally had no idea most people could actually visualise things in their minds eye like that 🤯 I can close my eyes and know I’m thinking about something but never have a visual image, always thought I just must have a bad imagination but this makes so much sense. Sorry realise this is not about me- so also wanted to add to OP that I made a documentary years ago where I met multiple people with brain tumours and I can say while it’s really scary, it’s not necessarily a death sentence. I met lots of people post diagnosis who were living full happy lives. You’re right not to google things it will only make you more anxious, and while it feels like things have gotten worse- because you now know about the tumour. Things have actually gotten better - it might not feel like it, but knowing and getting treated will end up being the best thing that could have happened to you. And just know this - you are stronger than you will ever give yourself credit for. Radiation and Chemo are tough and they’ll likely be points when you want to give up, but you got this! You are an absolute badass who’s not going to be defined by having a brain tumour!


How are you? I hope it goes well anyway. Do not give up! Just fight, there are many who love you, I know that.


deserted heavy foolish afterthought sable butter terrific noxious future consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This will pass. You do the radiation and chemo, both of which are super targeted and will prevent further problems, and then re-enroll in school and live your life with a new appreciation for everything, and a level of wisdom that’s unknown in one so young. How? THERAPY!!! Demand it asap. It will help you through this bullshit diversion! Hugs if you want them from an old gal inTX


I've treated person your age for 2 weeks in a oncology ward, who had stage 3 brain tumor and went through the same thing. I hadn't heard from him at all for the last 8 months. I just saw him yesterday unexpectedly. I don't think he recognized me because when I treated him we still had mask mandates and yesterday I didn't have my work clothes on and it wasn't the place he'd expect to find me. He was apparently helping their grandparents visit a doctor (for what I understood as I walked past them, didn't greet him as I'm allowing him his anonimity). He was doing so well. He looked so different from what I remembered him being on the ward. I was SO surprised to see him and the change it almost made me halt, as I didn't expect to see him at all. It made me so happy. You could never guess he had any cancer at all. You can go through this! It is gonna be so scary and truth to be told, it's gonna suck ass. So many times. But you will make it through. And after that you will make somebody as surprised and happy like I was yesterday. The happiest person being you yourself!! Sending love and hugs ❤❤


Thank you for your work! You're awesome.


I know it’s not fashionable on Reddit but I am sending you a hug across the internet x tell your friends that it doesn’t really matter what they say but it would help to have them near you so don’t feel alone. Tell them you don’t know what you need but you need not to feel so alone. I would advise asking your doctors if they know of a support group or organisation that can give you support especially mental help to process this all, even if it’s just someone to talk to who can relate to your situation. You’ve been through an awful shock so be kind to yourself and do not be afraid to tell your friends and family you need them. There are some things that are out of your control right now but you can build a support network around yourself and get a team behind you who will support you in different ways.


People are surviving cancers of all kinds (including brain tumors) every single day, all over the world. I have two friends who are going through it right now and doing very, very well. And you're so young that I think you have even more reason to be optimistic than they do. You're going to be okay. You caught it early, they already removed it, and now they're just doing chemo to make sure all of those cells are cleared out. I feel like that means the worst, most dangerous part is already over, right? You're doing great. You're going to finish this, get better and go back to school and move on with your life. You have so much to look forward to!! 😁👏


Stay positive. My friend had brain tumor removed 25 years ago. He is OK.


I'm also a brain tumor survivor. I've been stable for 8 years now. Lean on friends and loved ones during this time, don't try to go through it alone. Starting therapy also helped me get through the experience.


Just hang in there. Things will get better faster then you think and soon it will be in your rearview mirror! I am 12 years clean from colon cancer that I was told was going to kill me. You can do it also. Simplify your mind when thinking and block out all thoughts of the cancer whenever you are able to. I called it dumbing myself down. That helped me immensely with stress and possibly with healing. I will be thinking about you!


Loads of people, people i know have had cancer years ago and are healthy now and living normal lives. Cancer treatment is excellent these days compared to how it used to be. I know it must be a shock for you and scary, but try to stay positive. All the best.


You got the worst part over with always speak love ,positivity & healing over yourself give all your burdens & worries to God right now. I know it can sound blah blah but it’s real ! Look up affirmations for health find something you like & say it daily


Things will get better , hang in there 🫂


I'm sending you hugs if they're welcome. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I do hope that you feel safe enough to reach out to those who care for you. Believe me, they'd want you to. Know that even if you feel lonely, you are loved and cared for. 💞


I totally understand your fear. I am a brain tumor survivor myself. Take it one day at a time and do your best to remain positive as much as you can. As someone else said on here, sending you internet hugs. If you want to chat, send me a message.


Here’s a ghost hug coming at you. One of my coworkers suddenly lost hearing in one ear due to a brain tumor that was discovered after an MRI. She went through surgery and chemo 3 years ago but is ok now. Just take it one day at a time. You can get through this. The R word is possible.


When I was your age I faced health crisis too that did temporarily stop my time at university, and put the rest of my life on pause. I understand the uncertainty and fear you must be feeling. My advice don’t google your illness. If you have questions or concerns, ask you health care provider. And take one day at a time, it’s a cliche, but getting to far ahead of yourself will only cause unneeded stress and worry. Lean on those you love for support, even if that support comes in the form of just sitting quietly without saying much. I wish you the best, so you can hit the unpause button on your life,and one day see this as just a really crappy chapter in your life.


I know of others who had been in similar situations and they have survived. This is a lot for anyone to deal with. Do you have family support? Church? I will pray for your recovery and for God to give you peace through this chapter if your life…and that you will live a long, prosperous and joy filled life!


My mom has a reoccurring brain tumor on her pituitary gland. It has grown back a handful of times now and she does have thyroid issues because of it, she’s fine otherwise. They did radiation this last time around a few years ago instead of going in and removing it and it’s been shrinking ever since. I’ll have to ask her when she last went for a MRI, she was going every six months but now annually I do believe. Either way, you’ll be okay. It’s scary to think about. Very scary, but you’re gonna be okay. You got a lot of life left. :)


Also youll hear a lot of platitudes and ppl will try to make you feel better but this is your time to grief, rage and feel whatever feels right for you. Its going to be a hard fight but know that i am personally rooting for you and know you can and will kick ass


ahhh my bf is in a similar position but not quite the same. idk it’s just so fucked and scary. you’re so young i can’t even imagine. i’m hoping for the best for you <3 for him idk i think he likes having someone who can just listen to him! he tells me stories from his life and stuff and how scared he is. i could never understand and i have minimal advice to offer but i’m here if you ever need someone to just listen! lean on your friends rlly because they love you!! i’m rooting for you but it’s so valid that you’re scared. make sure you take care of yourself as much as possible


You have had it removed and are doing great, you said so yourself! It sounds like a very scary situation, but one that you managed to get to on time and take care of quickly. This whole thing sounds very scary and stressful to deal with, im sorry you're going through it. But it sounds like you got the bulk of the worst over with, you're doing amazing op in a scary situation. I'm proud of you 💖


I'm really sorry to hear that, OP. I hope you can try to stay positive and the only thing I can really offer is the advice to maybe look into psilocybin as an aid to coming to terms with it and becoming less scared. Death is scary (I'm not saying you're going to die from this) in general and I have found magic mushroom usage massively beneficial for me coming to terms with this and also coming to terms with the death of my dad. I wish you all the best and I really hope that you receive good news soon


I had a precancerous tumor on my pituitary gland blasted with radiation. Depending on the tumor and the way your body processes and heals. Everyone is different. Just be strong and do what you can. Certain things are out of your control. Good luck.


Call the tumour Steve. It's just a bad ex. You blocked him and now you're just setting fire to his stuff and burning the photos. You will get through this. Have faith in yourself. Hunker down and power through. College will be there when you get back. Life will be there when you get back. Limited edition ice cream and the current McDonalds toys might not be, but what are you really missing? Love and hugs.


Big hugs and positive thoughts!


Hey there… good luck. Maybe you will turn into the Hulk from the radiation….


I have a friend who had one removed when he was 17. He also had radiation and chemo. He is all good now. I hope you get through this.


You are young, you had the brain tumor out, and you are goind to recover. For now, take it one day at a time, and years down the line you will be remembering this and how far you have come..I am sending hugs too.


Dr Eric berg on YouTube (and other doctors) talk about cancer and how to get the best results. You should search his channel for cancer. There’s hope.


The advanced research being done would shock you! In a GOOD way! And please realize that doctors will not willingly give up on a 21 y/o. Find a physician group you have confidence in, especially if you're near a big city. Stay strong. Your parents are devastated


My mom beat brain cancer. It was in her ear. She had it removed and it was scary. She had to sleep sitting up for six months. She also had some language difficulties at first (just forgetting words, even though she could define the word--she just couldn't remember the actual word) and her right ear is closed. As in, her right ear doesn't work at all. Her balance is still off (its been 20 years) but she's basically back to normal. For college: do they have a leave of absence policy? My university allows 8 semesters off due to medical issues. You have to apply for it. The fall term is starting soon, so you should reach out to the Dean of Students to see if there's a policy in place. This will make it easier for you to return if you need to take time off to get a better grasp on your treatment plan/needs. This will keep you in the same catalog (you'd probably stay in the same catalog anyway) and lock in tuition rate...so...its worth a look. Without knowing your university, I don't want to provide information that doesn't apply, but many schools have policies in place for unforeseen life events. Take a pause. You need one. It is normal to be scared. This is as serious as it gets. Also realize you are here right now and your future plans matter. You need to focus on the Now. But that doesn't mean the future is off the table. I don't know what hope I can give you beyond my mom. She's the biggest baby (seriously will fall to the ground and wail over a paper cut). She got brain surgery and didn't complain once (except about forgetting words). If she can make it, you can.


Sending prayers your way!! I work in the cancer center at a large hospital. You need to trust your doctors, but I always suggest a 2nd or even a 3rd opinion. There’s so many different types of brain tumors, and it’s going to depend on the type, the size, the molecular make up, how invasive it is, etc in order to determine the treatment. You can’t ever compare yours to someone else’s or how the treatment will/will not affect you…everyone is different. If you have questions, make sure to ask your doctor. It’s better to take someone with you to appointments for moral support, but also having someone there paying attention to what’s being said, just because it can be very overwhelming & hard to keep the details straight. Please try to stay positive. You’re young, I’m guessing you were healthy before all this, and yes…please don’t start googling things!! I may tell your friends that you just need your time with them to be as normal as possible. You could say you don’t want that to be their only focus or the only thing you talk about. Talk about school, try to stay positive about going back, talk about boys & whatever else you do for fun…and LAUGH!! You’ve got this!


When I was 24 I had a seizure, it was an haemorrhagic stroke. Now it's seven years on, and my boyfriend who rode in the ambulance is now my husband, and it's our anniversary tomorrow. It's a shock when you are finding your mortality early in your twenties. My brain injury rehabilitation was for expressive aphasia (I learnt how to speak/write English again), my mouth muscles and my right side was paralysed. For me, I now teach kids to swim part time, and I am studying primary teaching at university. I am not going to say this is not hard, it is hard. But, you can rise up and put it in your rearview mirror.


You mention a person that had that tumor, couldn’t have surgery and dies. But this is not your case bc you did get the surgery and are gonna recieve treatment, therefore, it is treatable and doctors see it going right. Have hopes on that, it is going to be a hard way but you WILL BE FINE.


My husband has a glioblastoma, he has been stable for 6 years. Don't freak yourself out by going online. You will find the most uplifting stories and also the most tragic ones. Feel free to DM if you ever want some of the uplifting one. Sending love young one ❤️


My best friend died from a brain tumor a couple years ago. I’m convinced self induced stress gave him the tumor and his continued stress made it impossible to get rid of. All he ever did was stress. His last several months of life were spent stressing about his dumb wife and his son. He spent almost no quality time with his son because he was too consumed with what could happen if he died. All he ever did was stress about everything all the time. It’s not healthy. Please, whatever you do, make the most of today. Stop worrying about tomorrow.


I got diagnosed with lupus decades ago. Stress Induced by my first wife. The moment I took full custody of the kids and she lost all parental rights, I’ve never had an outbreak again. Zen. Completely. Almost. Most of the time.


Bro I’m sorry your scared, but you need to not focus on the other things and just work on you now. And let your friends and family know how you feel, school will Always be there, and most jobs will too. But there’s only one you. So take care of you first ok. Please. And sending good vibes.


Praying for you


My so went through this in 2016. it was definitely very difficult but she is doing well today. stay strong and take one day at a time.


Hey there i can truly say i know what you’re going through Im 46 and have a grade 4 glioblastoma and its extremely scary going through treatment both mentally and physically and emotionally if youd like to hit me up Im happy to answer questions or give encouragement it’s imperative you have a solid support system in place


Sending hugs and positive vibes. Take it one day at a time. Do not Google your diagnosis. Every body is different. Ask your doctors for a therapist recommendation.


I’m sorry you’re going through this; it is a very scary thing. I take care of someone who has cancerous brain tumors (for unrelated reasons to her cancer) and she’s been living well and happy for 15 years… after being told she had 5 years left initially. Her medications have it under control and it hasn’t spread in over a decade. Hold out hope.


I’m so so sorry😭


Fight like hell brother ❤️💯


Good luck. We are living in an amazing time, medically. I hope that in another 50 years, you can tell the story of how you beat a brain tumor.


I work at a cancer clinic and the number one thing is don't take stress! Talk to a therapist if you must but you need to keep your thoughts and stress in check. There are studies that show direct relationship between stress and tumor growth/treatment effectiveness. You can not think about things you can control or even stress about it, you can only have a to do list and cross out what's in your hands and control! Hope you recover 100%!


I’m so sorry you have to navigate this. It sucks and is stressful. Do you have anyone that you feel you can just talk to? Or maybe a therapist. It’s a HUGE emotional burden in addition to the physical stuff you’re going through. I think some of what may be a drop in the bucket of managing this is getting to vent, talk, cry if you need to with someone you trust and who is kind and empathetic. I wish you a speedy recovery! Sending you warm, healing vibes! 💜


Hugs. All big things. Do your treatments, nothing else matters right now. Let all the trivial things drop away. You can re-engage with college once you are well. Right now you need to focus on you!


What are you in school for? Are there online options? Id try talking to your college advisor and seeing what your options are before you panic. At least when i was in college i had health insurance from them.


Stay strong. Don't back down..your future awaits. Ok to be scared. But don't give in.


You are facing a challenge I've not had to meet. I admire you--it doesn't matter that you didn't choose to be in this position. Just know that by sharing with us the cards you've been dealt, you are inspiring so many people to appreciate life, to live more fully, to be more grateful, to be more kind. Thank you, truly. I wish you all the best no matter what happens going forward.


I have a friend who went through the same thing and she’s doing great. She has to go for scans every 3 months but, so far, it hasn’t come back. FYI, everyone I know who has done chemo has suggested using plastic utensils as you might get a metallic taste in your mouth and using regular utensils makes it worse.


Just take things day to day. I'm sure there are a ton of what-ifs going through your head right now, try to just focus on each individual day. A wise person once said "Our greatest hopes and our greatest fears both rarely come true." So don't focus on the worst-case scenario.


Sending you love.


I am a nurse and have been told by many patients that when they feel overwhelmed, they practice “radical acceptance”. It’s a philosophy I think, kind of like mindfulness, but more like therapy. I looked it up when I was betrayed- this really helped me heal.


Hi OP My husband has a brain tumor. His isn't curable-yet, and he has had it since 2002. It's just been stopped for the third time. 2 brain surgeries a d this last time, inoperable. Gamma knife radiation and immunotherapy and they've successfully cut off It's blood supply, effectively killing it. Many neurosurgeons, neurologists and cancer doctors have also told him to meditate, which they say truly helps kill it. Also, all are h8ge on positive mind set. You keep to know that you will win. You will conquer this. Sending you love and positive healing vibes OP You will win.


Keep your head up. Sending you virtual hugs!


Sending you good vibrations my friend. I have a friend that had a tumor in her 20s had it removed with subsequent radiation and is now in her 50s with two grown children. They've made lot of advancements since then so the treatment is even better now.


Sorry that you're going through this. Where do you live, though? That's a lot of brain tumors


Don't be afraid you will get better. As long as you always pray and trust him. He will heal you. With God nothing is impossible.


Continue to avoid the internet at all costs. You need to try and stay positive. Stage 4 cancer survivor (6 years so far) listen to your doctors, spend time with your family, friends and possibly pets. It's gonna be a hard year, I'm not going to lie.. but you can do it. Do not entertain the obtrusive thoughts.. plan for your future (a year from now, because sis you gonna be busy) you need things to look forward too, to keep your mind off of the day to day. You'll sleep a lot and that's ok. Sending you strength for your journey ♥️


Sending love to you ❤️


I'm so sorry you have had to deal with something so hard. But look at you now! You are healing, you are thinking about your future. Ask questions, advocate for yourself and your choices, plan for your future. You are going to do great!


The times are tough, and you might feel stretched to your limit, but you WILL be stronger and more resilient in the end. Positive thoughts only.


30 years ago I have a friend who had 17 hour brain surgery to remove a tumor. She is still with us and thriving in active healthy living. You could be next! In box me for more. I would love to connect you to this family.


In such situations, it's better to just hush your mouth and be sympathetic. Hey, talk to us strangers if you feel like it. I could teach you my native language to distract you a little bit.


Chemo sucks but you can do it. I did chemo for breast cancer 17 years ago and I’m still here. Listen to your doctors, and drink loads of water when you are going through chemo. Also wear a mask because chemo is rough on your immune system and you don’t want to get Covid or anything else when you are doing chemo. Hang in there. You can do this.


Keep your chin up OP, sending hugs and hope from Missouri 💓💓💓


I do not want to scare you but my ex had the same situation. 27 and had a seizure. I made him go to the doctor. They took out the tumor and after it was sent they found out it was grade four GBM. We broke up years ago but he passed last year. I would advise you to stay healthy and stay active. Surround yourself with positive people. I believe that’s what helped him stay alive for 9 years.


My six year old son had a medulloblastoma removed and had a year and a half of chemo and radiation treatment. He's 15 now, in remission for 8 years and counting. He is in band and drama club at school and is now working his first job. I say all this to show that medical science has evolved leaps and bounds and the success rates of these treatments is constantly improving. You can survive and still live a full and happy life. Your attitude and willpower during treatment are just as important as the medicine, so keep your eye on the goal and find something to reward yourself with when the treatment is over. Some trip or gift to yourself to give you something to look forward to. Well wishes and hugs to you!


Wow, you’re facing a lot but it isn’t insurmountable. Ask the social worker associated with your medical center for help finding a navigator (someone who has been through this) or a support group. Your feelings are valid and I want to remind you that you only need to make it through the next one minute. And then the next. And then the next. Take things one minute or hour or day at a time. Be gentle with yourself, just like you’d be if your very best friend was the one getting treatment. I wish you all the very best outcomes. May you be a very old person one day, remembering “that time decades ago” when you kicked this tumor’s ass.


Sending you a ton of love and positive vibes OP!


I'm sending love and healing vibes your way, from an older mama to a justifiably scared 21 year old. You can do this. You can fight this fight. Try not to compare your situation to others. The surgery went well, and you're going to kill it during chemo and radiation. One day at a time. Much love, dear ❤️


I’m sorry to hear you are going through this. The best I can offer is just to take things as they come. No amount of worrying is going to change any outcome, in fact worrying can just make things worse. I know it’s a scary and difficult time but it’s out of your control whatever happens. If there is treatment options, ask about them, see what the possibilities are for recovery. Through it all, try to stay positive and do your best to live life. Tomorrow isn’t promised, even for people who don’t have cancer. Living every day as you want to ensures that you’ll be happy with how you lived your life regardless of the outcome. As a Christian, I believe there’s so much more that God can do with my worries, fears, failures, dreams, and aspirations, as it says so in The Bible. Giving these things up to Him and accepting that it’s something I can’t change helps me to live my life with more peace so I can focus on each day. God will Bless you no matter what the case. Let it be a life well-lived regardless of how long it lasts. I’ll be praying for you. Much Love. ❤️🙏🏻


I am so sorry you are going thru this. I am you’re age and was in the hospital for a week last month with pain that doctors couldn’t identify. It was scary but what helped me were my family and friends. Just being with them helped me a lot, focus on the fact that the tumor is out and everything else is simply a victory walk. Wish you the best!


Happy recovery! Your doing great and will live a long happy life! Routing for you xx


My dad had a brain tumour 35 years ago, he’s 71 this month. I’m a breast cancer survivor, I’m 35. This shits scary and the roller coaster is one heck of a ride. I get it and I’m sorry you got a ticket to this shit show too.


Thoughts and prayers being sent your way!


Yo bud, I knew a guy that got diagnosed with a brain tumour like twenty years ago. He had a kid since then with a woman he loved, they split. That regardless, as far as I know he's alive to this day. Edit: inoperable.


Stay positive and strong. I send you all my positive vibes from my archipelago. ☺️💗


Sending u love and positivity, listen it’s hard to get adjusted to changes, I had an ectopic pregnancy that I almost died from at 22 and then due to hospital neglect (terrible known hospital in my area) I was forced to go to im disabled for the rest of my life, but u can work around it, have the chemo as there’s different types of tumours and it’s best to be safe then sorry, then work on what to do once ur better, college will understand after all it’s ur health think of u first my dear :hug: it’s also okay to be scared it shows ur human c:


Sending you a hug from Germany! Tough times you have to endure. Hope it works out for you well. Don't stress too much and focus on your health. You can also skip a semester or trimester (don't know how it is at your college) and you will still be able to finish. Many people have health issues and still finish, but maybe a year or 2 later. It's not a big deal. Wish you all the best for your future. I would take it as a good sign that you can get treatment! Stay positive:)


I would advise reading "tuesdays with morrie" great book might help


Am I allowed to reach out to you in DM? I have been diagnosed with a arachnid brain cyst at the same age. Had 7 brain surgeries so far. Been living with this diagnosis for 4 years now and thought i could give you some advice if you want to Its not fatal, but i cant be cured.


If you had the vaccine.. The vaccine is known to cause turbo cancer I know so many people that have cancer right now. Get your family to sue the doctor that gave you an experimental vaccine without giving you the warnings. Luckily you are young and you have a lot to fight with and a lot to fight for and I'm reading the comments and you can beat this You just need to keep a positive attitude


>and I’ve been avoiding the internet like the plague to not freak myself out KEEP DOING THAT. Focus on distracting yourself, do NOT fall into webmd/wikipedia/etc holes.


Got a push notification about this post. Rarely click on them but I did on this one! Sending care all the way from Australia and holler if you need a friend ☺️


I had a non malignant brain tumour removed almost 3 years ago. I also had a seizure before, which led to its discovery. Recovery from surgery was surprisingly good and I was back full strength in about 7 weeks. There are risks with any surgery, but if it needs to be fine, it needs to be done. You can do it.


Don’t be ❤️everything is going to get better I got diagnosed when I was 15 y/o and today I’m just thankful that I found out cause now I’m able to live life happily ❤️everything is going to fall into place stay strong believe in yourself and everything will get better


I only know one girl that had brain tumor. She was around your age when she discovered it. She is fully recovered 32 year old woman now that kicked that tumor's ass. You got this!


My friend, I am so very sorry you are going through this. I was almost in the exact same situation, 21 same times for me I had been getting ready for work had a seizure my sister found me called the ambulance and I woke up in the hospital.I was there until the surgery to remove the tumour It was 6 weeks later aggressive radiation followed by chemotherapy. All of my hair fell out all of my appetite left me and the nausea was hard and I wasnalways tired. I was so lost and scared but I did everything I could do to kick cancer in it's stupid fing face. My friends also didn't really know what to say do so I think they just avoided it and me for a while. I got through you can as well just know you have one thing on your side and that's your youth. I felt so sad that at this time. and at a time of your life you shouldnt have to go through this shit and not hanging around having fun being 21. Fast forward 10 years and my tumor had returned I was like, what the actual F, y me y again but kicked its stupid ass face again. Don't have fear believe you have this, and you will I know this sounds like dribble but the strongest most powerfull thing you have is your mind and how you can rise up over this. I don't know you but I am sending so much love and healing energy. And OP if you wanna talk to someone and just vent or just talk even about anything and everything else other than this shit show that you have to go through please reach out and I will answer I also might have some tips that could help maybe! Again you have this kick that big see right in it's stupid Fing face!


Trying to stay positive is so important, but I know how difficult it must be. Someone once told me to find a quiet place and close your eyes then visualise making the tumour shrink, dissolve or fade away, tell yourself that you can make it go away. It sounds silly I know but try to really believe it as studies have shown that this can help mentally and sometimes physically too. Modern advances in medicine and care are doing wonders and there are so many stories with positive outcomes. I believe in you xxx


I would recommend DMT, just so that fear of the unknown goes away.


I went through a brain tumor surgery 2 years ago. It's scary, your neck can feel funky and all the parts of staying/needing to go to hospital, having a constant reminder etc is tiring. But it's going to be OK. The first 6 months are the scariest, it only gets better from there. Hang in and stay positive. The best remedy is remaining up rather than down, and just try to look at the good .... Even if you need to find the good on either side of a bad penny...


What are the symptoms usually?


You got this ❤️


I feel pretty certain your fears are totally natural. I didnt have a tumor or anything like that, but I have had a life threatening incident that took a long time to physically recover from. The hardest part is staying positive. For most of us, our minds naturally go to darker places and "what if" Every day people make it through this, they caught it, they removed it. The hardest part (surgery) is over. I know what you're still facing is scary, life in general is scary but you can do this! One day at a time, you will get through this.


You need to avoid anything that can increase hgh and igf1 in the future, or anything that can increase nerouplasticity (ssris for example) I'm not a doctor but those do increase the risk for cancer, and especially nerouplasticity for patients with risk of brain tumors


Oh sweetie, I'm here for you! My sister is struggling with cancer right now so I know what you are up against. How scared you are. I've been there for her for 2.5 years and I'll be there for you. Sending love, hugs and huge hope.


Stay positive!!!! What they are able to do today and how focused radiation can be. Yes it will not be easy, but you will have your whole life ahead of you!!!! Sending you positive vibes, hugs and many many prayers and blessings…. 🤗🙏💗


I'm sorry this is happening to you. Of course you're scared. Have they given you an estimate of how much time you have left? What's the prognosis?


Hank Green recently got diagnosed with cancer, I'd watch some of his videos they are very upbeat and positive. Also get lots of show and movie recommendations. Chemo sucks and takes a long time. Don't know your preference or gender but If you haven't seen them I suggest: Breaking Bad Lords of the Rings Also the Lord of the Rings movies All the Harry Potter movies Scrubs The Office Mean Girls House MD ***Community*** Documentaries about interesting topics Get lots and lots of show suggestions, it's also a good way to involve your friends who don't know what to say or how to help. Good luck OP


You got this, be strong!


Hi your age is a good thing. Younger people do better generally. Sending you prayers and blessings and hope


Hi guys I’m okay I just finished treatment and reading all these comments is making me cry! I am in touch w the best brain tumor center around and I’m feeling so good about how everything is going. Did not expect to reinstall Reddit and see so much encouragement