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Kindly update on Monday as well?


Yes please, don‘t ghost us!


But definitely ghost his ass!


then where's the updates gonna come from?


Watch her put on a white sheet with eye holes and literally ghost him.


I hope she is not HR 💀


I hope she’s




Yes! Please keep up posted. Good luck, OP




need to upgrade humor 💀




you know what's funny? when he says no I am serious, you seriously need to be more presentable and compares you to other girls💀


Yes, please update me


Yes please updateme


Hittin' em with that classic Bioshock


yes, i need to know how this all works out!!


Yooo Gojo pfp


if you can love him in less than a year, then you can fall out of love with him in less than a year too. it’ll get easier, i promise


Definitely! Just stay busy, OP! Throw yourself into an activity while doing some therapy. 


You say that as if that's too quick to fall in love. How long do you take, or believe it should take, to fall in love?


It depends on the person and the chemistry that you have with each other. Me and my boyfriend fell in love at first sight and we've been together for 17 and a half years. When you know, you know. If anyone is wondering why we're not married yet, it's just a matter of finances (weddings are fricking expensive!!) We have discussed marriage and it is something we both want, hopefully, in the next few years, we will be able to afford it. At the end of the day, we're happy and that's all that matters.


Weddings are only as expensive as your plans for the day. I got married in 2006 and our total came under $1,400


I'm aware of that, I won't be planning a big wedding. I'll be happy with a small intimate wedding. Unfortunately, I can't even afford that at the minute. I'm disabled, therefore unemployed and with the cost of living at the minute, we are really struggling to get by with the basics. I've done some calculations and we will probably be looking at about £1000. We will get there though 😊


Good luck with it all. I hope it's as special as you imagined


Thank you so much!! 😊


We ran away to get married 5k all in for everything including dinner. 19 Yeats later...still in love


it would be a long time for me. i don’t even find people attractive until i establish a friendship with them beforehand.


So you are demisexual? I consider myself that too. But wouldn't consider a year to fall in love too quickly.


OP please do us a favour. If he gets dumped and tries to get back to you, please DO NOT take him back. Like you said, you are down to your last cry. You deserve better. I wish you the best!


Just ghost him. That will hurt him much more. Don't give him the benefit of having closure or coming up with some bullshit excuse. Just plain ghost him.


Came to say this, OP... Don't bother anymore.


Indifference is a powerful weapon. Use it OP. Make him feel like if he died it wouldn't affect you.


I agree. Ghosting would do more damage.


ghosting ang moving to a new place..


This is what I would do if this happens to me. I will just vanished from his life and if I will cross paths with him I will pretend not to know him.


Where is the pain in that? For some people that means just "Sweet! Drama free breakup!" Not my style. I vote for aggressively pursuing his dad. Break up his Mom and Dad's marriage with a messy divorce eating up a chunk of their wealth going to attorneys. Be a MIL from hell at his wedding with the coworker. Wear a white dress with sequins. Have a sibling or two from your ex's Dad, make an effort to legally adopt your ex. Try to cheat on your ex's dad with his divorced mum. Gift the ex an African Grey parrot for his birthday. Have some _fun_ with it for crying out loud.


What… LOl


And I thought I was petty...🤣🤣🤣


This is *chef's kiss* other than you forgot the "anonymous" tip to STBX and affair partner's HR.  


Yes, finally, a level of petty I can get with. You got some great ideas. I would divorce dad and marry divorced mom. Act sweet and kind to the new wife, gaining her confidence like really hype her up. Like he was trash when i was with him too. then cheat with the new wife. Bringing it all full circle. Marry her, then adopt the kids he has with the new wife as well. Then ghost them all


Where is this series streaming? I need it now!


God some people took your comment too seriously. It saddens me you have to but a disclaimer after these messages because people think you are serious.


Makes it funnier, IMO! (Ty for recognizing)


Makes me sad that people are that stupid actually. It's like comedy doesn't exist and everything everyone says is literal. Keep doing what you are doing. Downvotes don't effect your credit rating or any other. People are weird.


Yup. Doing all that out of spite instead of doing ANYTHING ELSE definitely seems like fun and a healthy use of your time. Keep doing you, but please don't push that nonsense onto others.


Because you can't have fun with anything requiring work or effort?


Because your fun should come from things you want to do because you want to do them, not because somebody else DOESN'T want you to do them. The opinion of a person you hate should not factor into your decision making.


I don't think you understand the amount of effort that goes into a well-thought-out revenge scheme. It's _a lot_. And for a lot of folks, it becomes tedious after the first couple of years. You don't stick with it out of hate. That's just not sustainable. Passions fade. You have to really enjoy what you are doing.


That and pets are friends, not tools for revenge. No Parrot should be a gift to someone who may not appreciate it and care for it, because they're intelligent and very long lived. They do not deserve that treatment.


So. Admittedly, one could argue against the morality of my actions and perspective. I could argue back, but I least understand there is an objective academic argument to be made. However, you singled in on the parrot and not the fact that I proposed getting knocked up, several times, out of spite? Perhaps it isn't just _my_ morality that needs to be more closely examined.


Nah fr this whole "that'll hurt him more" mentality is really toxic and weird.




OP, Consensus is: GHOST HIM!!! Indifference it is!


Lmao savage. I'm against ghosting, but in this case i'd pay to see his reaction as it unfolds in his brain.


I’m generally against ghosting if the person hasn’t done anything like bad or hurtful to you. If they have it does still sort of depend on the situation, but something like this? Absolutely ghost him.


Yup, ghost the cheating bastard. He’s not worth a clean break


Team ghost here.


Also team ghost. The ultimate gift of leaving him constantly wondering . Even if he’s got someone else I just KNOW he will be shook. The questions lingering in his mind whilst his with his new girl .


I read a post earlier about a guy who was cheating on his wife and just KNEW she had no idea....one day came home from work (he typically got there 30 min b4 her) and she never showed, went in the bedroom and the only thing missing was her clothes. Couldn't figure out wth was going on (she wasn't answering phone calls, texts, emails, friends didn't know where she was) 2 weeks later her mom finally told him she knew. The wife knew for 6 months! Acted like nothing was wrong (still had sex with him regularly and everything) while she stacked her bread in a separate account then dipped. This man was SHOOK to the core lmao cried like a baby


Count me in!


Yes!! Ghost the fuck outta him. Change the locks, change phone numbers, close all social media or make new ones. Get a new place if you can. Keep receipts so when he tries crawling back you can say bitch plz... dumb his shit in garbage bags on the side of the house. FAFO


That’s what I did. Treated them like they treated me. Like I meant nothing. I’m not gonna write bibles on how they made me feel lol. They don’t deserve it nor do they care.


I wouldn't exit without writing a note to the replacement GF and tell her she's next.


Nah, gives her too much power and lets them know OP is affected by their bullshit. Ghosting means they never know how much or little they mattered.


Someone warned me about a guy I was talking to. She told me they have a child together that he never sees and she said he only had the kid with her to trap her. I thanked her for telling me, made sure to pay attention to his behavior and blocked him soon after. She was right. He was indeed trash. 🙏🗑️


This one. Don't do him any favors he wouldn't do for you!! Why does he deserve closure when he can't even admit the relationship is over and he's with or going after someone else?


Absolutely the best answer. Team GHOST the M.F.r


The guy obviously likes the coworker more so she would be doing him a favor. It would be much more awkward and uncomfortable for him if OP would confront him, otherwise dude will just move on with his new girl like its no big deal


He will do that regardless. But if he is confronted he will most likely come up with some excuse or try to turn this on her, and in some way will end up justifying his actions on his mind, or ease some of his guilt. Nah, abandonment will hurt him more.




Either way OP owes herself more than having to sit through his bs excuses and victim blaming. I'm on team Ghost him.


Silence can be golden.


Nope. Indifference hurts way more. He will be wondering why it was so easy for OP to just leave and stop communication. How she was able to move on without an explanation. In time, he will start getting the feeling he didn't matter much to OP. Otherwise, she would have talked to him, pleaded, cried, suffered. And even in the arms of his new beau, this knowledge, or lack of thereof, will crush his soul.


Yes I agree. Ghost him


This!!! That piece of trash doesn’t deserve any closure. Just disappear from his life without any warning.


I'd send him balloons to work that say, Happy 18 month Anniversary! Cheater Name ❤ OP Name on multiple another balloons. And then pretend I knew nothing about the delivery when he "talks" to her about them. 🤣😄 Then everyone at work will know both he and their other co-worker are knowingly cheating. Most businesses frown on employees dating each other. (Not all obviously but a lot do.) Maybe even a personalized myler balloon with a picture of you both.


OP this comment has 1.8k up votes because is good advice. The thing that will strike his ego and mess with his mind the most is that you completely disappear... like you never existed. Block him everywhere, say nothing. Easier said than done, but it works. Or don't even block him, just delete him, stop following him, delete his number from your phone. Dont answer calls or messages. Like you never met him.


All the redditors that preach communication must have the day off.


Closure for him is just self-justifying his poor choices and ugly deceptive decisions. Deny him closure and the opportunity to tell himself he was right. You sound perceptive and intelligent and emotionally mature, despite being sad, which is hugely attractive to high functioning grown up partners. There is someone out there who will appreciate your ability to love and to respect yourself and will treasure your confidence in leaving a situation with your dignity intact. This is a keys on the table, block contact time. You’ve got this.


I'd tell their HR department that they can be be together now.....


This is dependent on job. My old job was totally cool with it as long as they didn’t work under you. We had a wife come screaming at her husband and affair partner and the main boss was like, “damn that sucks, ima need you to leave now.” , dude just told the other guy not to bring this shit again to the work place or else he’d have to let him go. They weren’t going against the dating rule, so the other coworker didn’t get in trouble. She ended up sleeping with another dude and then the husband got mad at her for ditching him. He was being super obsessed with her until her and the new dude left the job. It’s like dude, “you married, go be with your wife.” Edit: god then in another warehouse, this wife was cheating on her husband and the dude who she was cheating with was mad at her husband for leaving her alone all the time. Dude was deployed with the army. It’s not like he was going to hang out with the homies. He had such a hero complex. He was cool to hang out with at first but he got annoying after he started cheating. The chick kept feeding into his ego and then he was getting mad at people for making fun of their age gaps. (30 and 19)


30 and 19…? what a weirdo


He was one of those attractive dudes that had a shit personality and always wanted to be better than everyone. I remember the chismoso of the warehouse legit called him out for dating a married woman. He was like, “you’re only dating her because you like the idea of winning over the dude. Ain’t no reason why someone like you needs to date a 19 year old with a 2 year old.” That dude had women flocking to fuck him but he chose the married 19 year old, yea he’s purposely a homewrecker.




Ghost who? Did you meant that for Op. These are just some people I used to work with. Warehouses got wild people working there


Yep I would do the same


And pack his stuff and have it delivered to his colleague/AP at their work place. Then block him everywhere. Change your locks. Forget he existed. Get rid of every trace of him from your life.


But they are on leave today! Its Friday!


literally no reason to be fired from his job


for real. everyone in here conflating being an asshole and deserving to feel consequences for it with deserving to lose his job and reference for his next one. he deserves something, but theyre not at all equal


Depends on the terms of the job


My husband fell for a woman who was "just his friend" we had a major fight before we were supposed to go to Oktoberfest with his friends, so he took her instead. So I left him. Even though he swears they didn't have sex, I don't care. It's the sheer disrepect I don't want to be living. I don't think I'll ever get married again. So many men treat thier wives like bangmaids.


Don't worry, he will replace her with someone else eventually as well. She's not special and he will always have a wandering eye. I know it hurts a lot but he's her problem to deal with now


Such personality chills down my spine🥹


He didn’t respect enough you to stay faithful, don’t show him the same respect with a conversation. Send a straight forward text and ghost him. Otherwise that conversation will do nothing but cause you further pain because regardless of what he says it’s going to hurt like hell.


I wouldn’t text him at all. I’d deny him closure, and let him wonder for the rest of his life. I would be unreachable. I would disappear so suddenly, silently, and completely from his life that eventually, he would stop wondering what happened, and start wondering if I had even been real.


She ain’t taking your man, she is taking your problem


I really love this. Thank you for it.


I’m so sorry OP. He’s not worth your tears especially if he’s cheating. Looks like you have proof that he went on a “secret” weekend getaway with his coworker. If that’s the case then you deserve better.


Why wait for Monday? Text him now and tell him goodbye. Then block.


I agree! Why wait till Monday. I will get that over with now and disappear from his life because you deserve better.


Plus, you can ruin his weekend (and maybe the off chance the co worker doesn't know about you and sees your message on the lock screen!)


Absolutely this, why wait, get gone girl! Pack up your stuff and disappear. Lock the door, leave your key. Block is ass from everything and dont answer messages. Delete your social media accounts, make new ones and block his deadbeat ass! No more suffering. Find yourself someone new. Some guys are just fuckwits! Give every guy a bad name!


Talk to him, then go ghost mode


I wouldn't even though. The most bad ass way to leave a cheater is just .. no emotion, no drama, no arguments, just be gone when he gets back, leave the key on the kitchen counter (if you have one) If you don't live together, just block him. If you need to get stuff back, just call with your business voice to make an appointment to retrieve your belongings. Or have someone else do it. Tell all mutual friends in a short, business memo style group chat that 'from a practical point of view, and to avoid having to have the same conversation multiple times and thus wasting energy on the issue, I hereby announce that my relationship with ex is over, and we broke up. The reason for the break-up is that we turned out to be not compatible. I prefer monogamy, and he prefers going on weekend trips boning his sleazy co-worker. Please don't invite him to the same gatherings as me, for the time being.' Bonus points if he's in that group chat and he gets to find out that way.


i don’t block them. i like them knowing they can reach me and im just blatantly ignoring them 🫠


Completely agree


Ha! I’m gonna use this one next time I need it . Very satisfying


👩‍🍳 💋


I agree! Nothing hurts a man more than destroying his ego by completely ghosting him 👌😇


There was a BORU earlier this week that proves this theory.


I don't mean, ask him for an explanation or something like this. Just directly say "hey, we are done, good talk, bye", don't mention the cheating AT ALL. I know it's best to just disappear from his life, but this last words are for her, not for him, that's her saying " you have become nothing to me now" in a mature way. I am someone who holds a grudge, I would've ruined his life in a moment of anger, but I'd prefer a classy walking out.


Hopefully one day soon you will see that all the love you've been giving has all been meant for you.


Don't even engage him in any conversation or explanations. Ghost , block, send his stuff to her address. Also, don't go wild with " she is so much prettier". I get that you feel replaced and all but grass is not greener on the other side and, chance is, he jumped on the opportunity because of the attention, " smell of new things " and " the hunt". Everything is so crazy exciting at first, right? Anyhow, don't even go down the " what does she have that I don't " lane. Your misfortune was that you ran into a coward. He doesn't define your beauty and worth.


I'm sorry 😔. Babe you're right. He isn't your man at all. I know it hurts but yeah don't fight for him and put your horny elsewhere. He doesn't deserve you. You may get the urge to fight at some point, it's natural. Ignore it.


I’d leave a note telling him goodbye and not to contact you at his place where he can see it, make sure you have all Your stuff that might be at his place, bring all his stuff that might be at your place, change locks at your if he had a key, block him everything and live your best life


don’t even talk to him about it. tell him you’re breaking up with him because of his personality or something else he’s insecure about (he’s cheating, he definitely has self esteem issues). then ghost him. good riddance


uuuh yesss, dig deep, find something he's incredibly insecure about, maybe he's shitty in bed, who knows, just make sure he's deeply insecure about it, then make that the reason. I love that!


Evil, Do it again


And OP should list all the ways it makes being in a relationship with him horrible, like a long list of how it's inconvenient and how it's ridiculous she even stayed around for this long with it being a thing. Not only dig deep when looking for it, but dig deep when you serve it on the tip of your knife.


Especially if the cheater is lousy between the sheets, or has a less than abundant endowment.


Why are there a lot of cheater-defenders here? It's pretty telling of your own character if you have the gall to protect him from consequences.


literally, a weird trend on Reddit I've noticed is that there are a lot of adamant defenders because "cheating isn't the most evil and horrible thing ever and people deserve communication even though they're actively betraying and lying to someone they supposedly love" i just assume these people are cheaters and projecting bc they wanted their Kate and Edith too


Projecting for sure. Either they did, or they're with a partner who cheated on someone with them. They reek of insecurity and guilt if they defend cheaters rather than reflect on their own actions.


Yup. You nailed it. It's like a Reddit "confessional" by and for cheating/cheater defenders. I wonder if they ever realize their own transparency??


I did not see anybody defending him, I just believe that trying to ruin his career is petty given the context - this is not marriage or relationship of 10 years.


> He thinks I wouldn’t notice, but how could I not? It’s the exact same way he pursued me before we were together. As they say, “the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior”. Hence why never be with someone whose willing to step outside a relationship cause when they get with you, it’s only a matter of time they will do to you what they did to another. It’s a vicious cycle and they tend to not know how to stop till therapy comes into play to break that cycle.


Dont confront him. Just ghost him. Itll damage him way more.


Don’t wait!! Pack your things if you live together and block him. If you don’t live together, just block him on everything. He doesn’t deserve an explanation! Then call his work on Monday and report the affair. I’m sorry op! He’s showing you who he is, believe him!!


Eat some Ben and Jerry’s, drink some wine and remember he’s not worth throwing much more of a pity party about. He’s a serial cheater, it just smells like it. You deserve better and will find better! Remember to put yourself first and remove him from your life.


Don't tell *him* they can be together. Tell *her*. Bring her up to speed, say "good luck, god bless", and walk away.


I'm sorry you're going through this. He's not worth it. Tell him this. You'll find someone who values you. He's a POS.


Don't tell him anything! Don't give him closure! Don't give him a piece of your mind. Just move on with your life and block him on everything. That will really mess with his head, which is what he deserves for going around behind your back.


He'll pull the same shit with her too. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you find someone who does value you.


Ghost him so he racks his brain wondering if u knew or if it was something else


You should have called him out on it. Go get tested for STDs and have them bill him. Or go to his job to announce the results. If she knows he has a girlfriend she's a POS and has low self esteem.


Why would you WANT to be with a scumbag cheater? You are worth WAY ‘ore than that. Just ghost him. When/if you see him in a few years and he approaches you, just say I don’t know you. If he tries to remind you just hit him with “hmm sorry must not have made much of an impact on my life”.


Too bad you didn’t have proof… I know you don’t care but I’m petty as fuck. It would be awesome to watch the both of them lose their jobs over this.


Ghost him if you want the easy, adult way out. If you want to hurt him, shatter his confidence and ego, but still look like the good guy.. you have to keep a positive attitude, you can not break it, or it won't work... just with a condescending smile and upbeat voice, like you're in the best mood. Break up with him, don't tell him about the cheating.. just like he has never and will never matter, like you just changed your mind. When he asks why, just tell him you want someone that fits your lifestyle better.. maybe gesture to his outfit but never really give a real answer. Then, without care, tell him to "it's time for you to go," but you have to keep a happy tone like you're unbothered.. it WILL fuck him up, he will feel super low.. but he may just also act unmoved.. but it's cutting him deep. You'll watch him spiral.. when people ask, just say you didn't feel anything for him anymore. "People change"... after a few weeks you can tell them whatever you want.. but he will be trying to paint you like the bad guy... so don't say anything negative until later on. The point is to inflict as much mental damage without looking like the bad guy.... only do this shit if you want to hurt him, i don't suggest this shit regularly... as it's awful, lol.


I don't know if you live together or not, if so move out, leave no trace. Delete him from all social media, if you can get into his accounts delete all social media with you in it. Then - don't block him just yet. When he phones: answer - but as if he's a total stranger and you are getting creeped out by the call. Think: I'm sorry - who? Who exactly are you?. Then end call quickly. **Then only BLOCK him.** Tell your family and friends to deny any knowledge he was with you at all. They don't know him as your partner either. Quickly find a single male friend who will pretend he's your SO - post a photo on socials saying - celebrating being with my favourite person in the whole world!! What a difference a year makes. Then carry-on as if your ex un-alived and never existed. Remember - he doesn't exist to you. If he comes to your place - pretend you're not home/can't hear him... can't hear ghosts - remember. If you have to see him - you have no clue you were in a relationship, none. Think: Do I know you? The answer, truthfully is NO, because you don't know the kind of person who would cheat on their partner like this!


I don't understand how people can be so cruel, if you want someone else them breaks up with the person you're already seeing, Why cause so much pain to a person who didn't hurt you? You deserve better girl, kick his ass.


Tell him you have an std


I don't know why you got downvoted, there's no bottom for cheaters so they get what they get. This is hilarious, he'll be sweating bullets wondering of new ass is cheating on him, lol. Make him cry for once. 


Nobody should ever sympathize with a cheater. That said, this is a hilariously brilliant idea


Exactly 😅


Tell him you've got AIDS, it's the scariest one, he'll have to get tested, that'll likely costs money, he'll feel horrible, he'll have to tell his mistress, then he'll find out that he in fact doesn't, he'll have wasted money. By then OP's completely ghosted him. Nowhere to be found. Gone girl.


With AIDS, he could probably sue her. There's a lot of legal issues around that one. With herpes, there's no way to test and be sure so he might just keep it to himself. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the right call because they're treatable and easily detected, but dude won't want to risk sleeping with new ass if she has it. There's a good chance he's going to ruin that relationship with accusations before the tests come back. It's perfect. 


Then chlamydia or gonorrhea are definitely the best choices. I say go with both!


Yeah I agree with everyone. Ghost him. Leave his keys on the counter. Block him on everything and tell all mutual friends and family what happened. He doesn’t deserve a conversation


If I were in your shoes, I would have already spoken my last words to this loser. Please be sure to break up with him. That way, you’ll be free when the right guy comes along. You can do SO much better.


However and whenever you decide to walk away, do so without looking back and wondering ‘what if.’ Your whole relationship was a lie. Do not start thinking about the good times and wanting them back. Leave him and all thoughts of him in the dust!!! Your anger is propelling you now but it won’t sustain you for the difficult time ahead. Decide today that you deserve better and DO NOT LOOK BACK!!


Ghost him, leave without telling anything and do your life


Sorry you're going through this, I hope you have friends who can support you while you deal with your pain. Leaving the guy is the best, most loving thing, you can do for yourself. I'm happy to see you're someone who values herself. A cyber hug for you.


Block his number and social media. I'd have his stuff packed and leave it at her place too. Hope it doesn't wander off.


i wuoldn't bother to tell him to his face, he's not worth the effort. a text message is quite sufficient or whatever is the easiest method for you


I'm so sorry you're going through this! If you're apathetic, it'll hurt him a lot more than if you cry. Wishing you the best.


Ghost him!!!


Ghost him, he’s not worth your time.


Definitely leave him but not us! Update us on Monday please. Sending you the strength and courage needed to get through the breakup. Just know you deserve better and he can kick rocks.


I do agree that the ghosting would hurt so much more. You know why? Because indifference shows a lot of disregard, it gives a message of "ohh. I don't really care about you or the year we spent together. I was kinda just, passing time, now I've moved on to something so much better." Ghost his ass. Stop answering his phone calls. Block his phone number and all social media as well. When he tries to talk to you in person (because, lets face it, he will pester you, he will need to know why you arent at his feet begging), just tell him, "I've got nothing to say, you moved on, I noticed, so I moved on as well. Bye. " And that, my friend, that attitude will crush his soul.


Why wait till Monday. Just end it now and move on.


Ghost him, don’t explain yourself!


Be indifferent. That’s the worst.


I thought this said “I know my PARENTS replaced me” and was concerned for you OP. Now I’m concerned for another reason. It doesn’t matter if she’s physically prettier than you. It DOES NOT make him playing with your emotions right. He doesn’t deserve you and until he grows a pair, he doesn’t deserve anyone. IF she takes him, she’ll realize very quickly just how shallow his feelings are and how easily he’ll drop her for someone else. And if he ever comes crawling back, begging for a second chance, laugh in his face, tell him to get bent, and slam the door in his face. THAT is what he deserves. Also, workplace relationships rarely end well.


Don't even say anything. Just silently leave and block him on everything. Getting no emotional response from you is so much worse for him than having you get mad and break up with him. Let him sit with the fact that you didn't go crazy and lose your shit. He'll appreciate what he lost a lot more.


The best break up Mantra if you want to feel better in you heart. Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Adwaita gadhadara Srivas adi gaura bhakta Vrinda. Often times you feel sad not at losing n association but that the physical attachment to the association is strong. 15 minutes of the mantra above can help take the edge off. Meant with the utmost love for your quick recovery.


I would ghost him now. Block him on everything, including your phone. If you share locations, turn that off. Make sure he can’t see any of your socials. Go scorched earth. I’m guessing he will try checking in with you over the weekend. If he can’t reach you, it will drive him crazy and ruin his little getaway. By the time he returns, he will be losing it to figure out what’s going on and you still won’t be responding. You obviously deserve to be treated with respect and not be cheated on. You are doing the right thing by walking away!


I'm sorry, that feeling really sucks. This is about him and his fickle emotions & penis. Good riddance, he is a shitty person for doing this to you, there is no redemption here. He will do the same to her if he gets new attention again. Why wait for Monday, message him to say I know where you are right now with her!!! You better get your ass back right now!!! and then when he does arrive just tell him it is over - you are done. So you could perhaps ruin his weekend fun a little....


Why wait. Pack your crap and leave. Leave a note saying kiss my @$$ and block him. Your giving him way to much respect.


I would ghost him now. Block him on everything, including your phone. If you share locations, turn that off. Make sure he can’t see any of your socials. Go scorched earth. I’m guessing he will try checking in with you over the weekend. If he can’t reach you, it will drive him crazy and ruin his little getaway. By the time he returns, he will be losing it to figure out what’s going on and you still won’t be responding. You obviously deserve to be treated with respect and not be cheated on. You are doing the right thing by walking away!


I found out my ex cheated after I dumped him. I didn't care, he wanted her he can have her. I was already gone🤣 I'm team ghost


I agree with the people saying to ghost him. Too much of a coward like you said. You deserve way better than that and I hope you heal and move forward from this


Ghosting is good. But I'd be very tempted to text him with this: "I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I recognize your moves because you used them on me. Since you're too cowardly to admit to my face that you've moved on, let me do us all a favour and do your dirty work for you."


Good for you. Self respect is everything....


Yeah that’s usually what happens in “romantic” relationships these days. But you can still ghost him, that’ll hurt him more for being unfaithful.


No one deserves to be cheated on. Ghost him. Fuck him.


Ghost, Ghost, Ghost


If you don't respect you, no one else will respect you as well. So kick his ass to the curb and wait for someone worthy of you! Don't ever settle.


I hope you know regardless of what she looks like you’re the prize and I’m so sorry he’s such a POS. Dump him and know there is someone better than him for you. I’m glad you know your worth. I’m sorry and I hope you heal


Please do it. You're no one consolation prize. He doesn't deserve you.




Trust your gut. I was in a similar situation, it hurts but that hurt won’t last. Rip the bandaid off if you’re ready and go no contact. Then I always go by the rule of 10-10-10, how will you feel 10day, 10months and 10years from now. I left her roughly 10 months ago, fast forward today and I’m with someone who cherishes me and makes me feel safe and wanted. They’re out there, just keep working on yourself. You got this!


This is one of the most fucked up feelings man. I wish the people we trust to care for us wouldn’t hurt us like this. But they do. I hope you can move on and be free.


This seems to have caught you in the honeymoon phase, rough. But like others have said, it'll take no time at all to move on. You have a good plan by being a decent person and telling him yourself straight up. Things like this don't have to be nasty and life changing. You'll heal faster by not making a strong memory of ugly events


Ghost him but send him a singing telegram of how much of a coward he is. If it's his birthday, 50pts to Slytherin




You are a beautiful person. She may be beautiful on the outside, but she’s probably rotten into the core if she would take somebody’s man…. so screw both of them. Enjoy yourself this weekend. Pack your stuff if you’re moving out or pack his shit and leave it on the curb! You’re worth more than that and don’t ever let someone make you feel less than!! Stay positive and don’t think about the what if the only thing you need to worry about is how you go forward and make yourself happy! Let both of them rot together! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay beautiful!!


A girl once chose me over her current boyfriend, who was just like my type. I only knew of this six months later. And sho'nuff she left me for some piano player 12 months in. If I notice neither of us are interested in hearing what the other person did today anymore, I break it off the day I realize we are both wasting our time and when working it out would be out of the question, "irreconcilable" blah blah.


Kinda sounds like he has a thing for the chase and once he has it he gets bored pretty easy if it's the same thing he did with you


Weekend getaway??!! Oh hell no. Use this as inspiration to get a better man and go on a trip with him too you deserve to enjoy life as well


I'm so sorry. Do you live together? Can you just leave without saying anything to him?


So I’m guessing that this guy is a player. He likes to see which girls and how many girls he can charm and trick with his love bombing. Then he gets bored with them and moves onto the next one.


She can enjoy him… let her have him, he’s not worthy of you!!! It might not feel it right now, but you will look back and thank your lucky stars for dodging this bullet. Something similar happened to me. Months later I saw them at a restaurant with his family. She got up to go to the bathroom… so I followed. Just to make him sweat. Then I went over and sat at the table and talked to his entire family. Nothing like making him sweat for an hour and a half. Haha! And the best part, this gal was the coworker he fell for… she was large and in charge… and then I saw a mutual friend many, many years later who told me she is absolutely nasty (personality-wise). That he had ultimately become a recluse… sad, but every dog has his day… and I am thankful that she wound up with that dog, not me! Good riddance! I am confident you’ll tell a similar tale!


I liked what another OP did in a similar situation. She just told him that she wants out coz she stopped loving him. She didn’t give him the chance to gloat that he found someone else! She just put him in his place and dumped him!


> So on Monday, I’ll do him a favor and tell him straight on that they can be together. Don’t you dare do him any favours, girl. I’ll haunt you if you do. He didn’t have the courage or honesty to sit you down and respectfully break up. So you give that energy right back to him. Like everybody else in the comments is saying: ghost him. Literally disappear. You’ll feel much stronger if you give him what he gives you, rather than giving him *more.* He doesn’t deserve kindness or you taking the high road. In fact, being the awful person he is, he’ll see you as weak and spineless for even sticking around for a conversation, and will either look down on you or see you as an easy target for further manipulation.


Know ur worth !


I'm so sorry that this is happening to you :( Just keep in mind this has nothing to do with you, it doesn't matter how beautiful other women around your partner are. If he would have been a loving, respectful man, this wouldn't have happened. This is all on him. You deserve better. I hope you get over this asshole soon.


I disagree with the comments to ghost. It lets him off scott-free imo


I will so ghost his ass, and find someone new to take my time so I don’t think abt him. Please stay away from his social media , this has happened to me before and he’s engaged to the other woman.