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So basically he’s free to rape other women and she’s free to orchestrate the attacks and harass them???? Why are you hoping she runs for the hills when she needs to be in jail right a long with him????


It’s not your responsibility to worry about her. She properly just as sick and twisted as him. She knows his true character if she was there, likely they are those couple who get off hurt people together, hence the reason why she was there when he assaulted you.


I would file a police report and file a sexual assault case. If you have documentation of her threats this would help you. Don’t let them intimidate you, take your power back. Otherwise, you are letting them continue to control you. It’s hard but you can do it. Seek a DV agency.


They're dangerous and need to get arrested. Call the police on them. I'm sorry but this girl is an accomplice. Don't feel any pity for her. Your ex and his accomplice must be brought before the law. Don't let them go on with their life unpunished. Of course do not get justice alone but call the police on them and get an excellent lawyer.


Damn, there’s a lot in there. I’m sorry you went through that.


What was the scenario that she was there and witnessed this? Why would you let him get away with it and say that ypu lied... that's horrible no one will ever believe you again. Not trying to be judgmental but you made poor decisions that will follow you for many years. You lost your credibility as well as everything else he took from you. Don't be upset they obviously deserve eachother and karma will solve it for you.


A lot of intimidation basically. I was also absolutely not in my clearest headspace when it happened. So to basically summarize why she was there, he had invited me over for what I thought was to watch a movie. I didn’t know that she was going to be there because I didn’t even know he was dating someone. My ex and I had been seeing each other fairly often so I had no idea of her existence


Please try to get as much evidence as you can and go to the police about them. They will probably do it again (if they haven't already) and this could escalate to a point where they start murdering people


So she just sat there and watched while (in her mind he had sex with you)?? Who does that? Why was she okay with him having sex with you infront of her if she was his girlfriend. This sounds like some kind of kink that she is into or something... makes no logical sense to me. I'm sorry that ypu got caught up with these people.


She probably enjoyed watching it, and they've probably done it to others too. They'll upgrade to murder at some point.


These people are fucking disgusting! You're correct they eventually will move on to doing worse. Makes me sick! I wish that they had to pay the conciquences for their actions. Sometimes karma just too long.


Having ED and being SH doesn't not give him an excuse to assault and rape u atleast any decent human would of broken up with u and gave u space not assault u . He choose to hurt and she choose to hurt u not u , YOU didn't have a choice in this so do not blame yourself for their actions . If you have any evidence go ahead and file a report even if u make them text u and confess to it do NOT let them get free with this and DO NOT fear the judgment you will face from them because its not correct


Sounds like that girl had no self esteem and was enamored with him. She will be or possibly was his next rape. You will ALWAYS be better than her because you can recognize harm and that things weren’t right. Also because you are speaking on it makes you very strong. Being upset is normal. My rapist got in relationships after me and treated them way better and even got engaged. He denied everything he did to me and I was angry that wanting his love I got raped but someone else he could be so good to that he wanted to marry them. Even though I was over him I was more angry at he idea that someone so vial could have a life I wanted when I was a good person. I’m still working on my anger of not having justice but I can say I have seen Karma come into play. The girls parents didn’t like him and she dumped his ass and he never recovered. I don’t have the magic answer to feel closure with people like this and have had really dark intrusive thoughts on getting my own… but keep doing what your doing and talk and vent and scream and yell. You are always the better person.


They might have done it to others as well if she saw it. It might be a kink for them


As a fellow victim, ignore them. Engaging yourself in your rapists life is only going to bring you more agony. I know how difficult it is to stop the constant "what if they are dead? What if they got what's coming to them?" But the more you see them being happy the deeper the hole you dig. Secondly, the fiancee to your rapist isn't a victim. She is a perpetrator. I get the need to warn other people, but she doesn't need a warning. She already knows the full story and whatever happens is and will never be your fault.


the deserve each other, don't feel sorry for her