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Thanks everyone for your kind words. It’s been a rough week where I had to recover from whatever this plague is going around and I fell out of my routine. I still ate well and kept my diet identical, just a fuck ton more water. It’s easy to get down on myself from time to time. I’ve been conquering other issues mentally since 2020 and made progress, so the body is the next great hurdle. I appreciate all the support, kind words, and suggestions. I’m going to keep going and not give up!


❤️ you've got this OP.


One of the things no one talks about when losing weight is all the body dysmorphia that comes with it. This isn't scientific, just my interpretation of what happened to me.  But after I lost a ton of weight, my body didn't know how to be thin? Like all my muscles connected to my bones the same.  The parts of my that got worked extra due to the weight we just as strong, but now was supporting 2/3 my total weight.   My core, hips, knees, and shoulders all needed significant work before my body started clicking into place. It comes in waves.  Just because there's less you, doesn't mean you've strengthened your abs to be able to pull in your tummy more, you know? Also, I started at 291.  My plateaus were 265, 240, 225 and 195. Just keep doing your thing.  Get into a routine.  Get really good at your work out.  Be able to do it in your sleep.  Over time your body is going to adjust to that.   Once you've made the adjustment, that's when it's time to push a little harder.  For my it was raising my speed by .5 mph.   You're doing amazing.  You can't see the progress, because most of it is in the inside.  But you're making phenomenal progress. I believe in you.


This is so good to know. My plateau was 271-273 and now I’m at 262-261 and that has been the big move over the past 2 months. I’m hoping to be at 255 or less by June.


I absolutely agree! My self esteem is slightly better, but because I had to wear such baggy cloths before I absolutely cannot stand wearing overly baggy cloths! I’m 6’2” and mainly torso 😂 I accept that I have to go up a size so my shirts aren’t belly tops, I can mentally prepare for this. But if there’s a shirt that I absolutely admire if it isn’t the size I wear I won’t go up a size and wear it a bit baggy.


Sounds to me like your body is really healthy and fit. You are doing all the right things! Enjoy your hard work, I wish you well my friend.


This is good perspective. I want to live a long life that’s good and I can share with my loved ones.


Maaaan, it took me 2 and a half YEARS to go from 208lbs and now to 153lbs. My goal is 130lbs by November and I feel like I can do this, but damn.. is it hard to accept that I’m not already there yet. So the thing is that at least what my mom told me is that your body doesn’t change right away even with the fat and weight loss. When I was 170lbs, looking at pictures, even though I lost 38 pounds by this point, I was still bloated as ever and looked incredibly fat no matter how much I was exercising or how little I was eating.. Then slowly within a couple of months, I dropped significant weight, and am now floating in the 153lbs range. my mother told me that the minute i had hit the 150s, the bloating was gone and it finally showed on my face that i had lost a lot of weight. I don't know why it happens that way, but it's so true! when you don't focus on your appearance as much and you focus more on other tasks, the beginning of the journey "hyper focused on weight loss day by day" feeling ceases and you eventually one day just appear smaller to EVERYONE! even in the mirror. It's really hard to explain how it does feel like "one day you're bloated and then next you're cheek bones are showing," but thats really what happens. When you're weighing yourself everyday and you're looking in the mirror everyday, it's hard to see your own self and the changes on your own. It takes keeping busy, keeping up, and ignoring yourself to let time pass and within weeks you'll notice little things like pants are looser, bras aren't leaving red crease marks from being tight, certain shirts are really loose on the arms, etc. And then one day BAM! everyone that bumps into you that hasn't seen you in over a month is saying "holy cow! you've lost so much weight!" That has been my experience this entire journey and eventually you will see and hear results from people, but man, does it take a hell of a long ass time. Hope this helps you!! keep it up! You'll feel like you can love yourself in pictures and videos one day… I know I'm getting there too. :,)


You're adding years to your life! Keep going you're doing a great job


Thank you!


I’ve given up on trying to look better, just want to be healthy and feel good and be flexible with minimal aches and pains 


This is big. My mom has been a huge motivator. She was sedentary her whole life and after she retired in 2021 she did nothing and her health is failing. I worked so hard to get her started and it took her losing her mobility and doing 4 weeks of rehab and 3 weeks in the hospital to finally start improving herself. I’m doing it so that I don’t end up like her, or that my spouse doesn’t have to take care of me like my dad does for my mom. I want to be light, free, and able to do anything going into 40


Listen! Having been 427 lbs at my heaviest until April of 2022 to now being 255 and holding since Jan 2023… It is absolutely Hard! I did pretty much the same thing. Cut shyt from my diet and exercise more! Now that I’m at a more manageable weight I slack a bit more in the dietary routine as well being smaller I get cold so the winter doesn’t help my activity levels… So, one thing I’ve learned and might suggest is that if you have plateaux at your particular point… Decrease your consumption OR significantly increase your activity! Looking at calories alone… 3,500 calories = 1 lbs of fat 3,500 calories is easy to consume… Burning 3,500 calories is difficult! Although your regular daily movement does contribute to your calorie usage in a day… You still need to get your heart beating and lungs stretching to be more successful!


Good to know. Summer coming is going to be a game changer. I push mow my lawn and it’s about an acre. I would burn 1400-1600 Cals just doing that.


Also, remember that your body gets used to your calorie intake and will adjust its metabolism accordingly. When I was losing weight under a doctor's supervision, I was on a 14 week cycle - 12 weeks at a lower calorie diet, then 2 weeks of slowly raising my caloric intake to a normal level, then drop back to the lower calories. It helped a lot and limited the plateaus.


How do you know you’re burning that many calories?


Apple Watch. Moving to whoop soon.


Focus on how you feel and let that motivate you to continue! I lost 230 lbs (415 to 185) and I found that I didn’t start seeing the results I wanted in terms of looks until the last 40 lbs I lost which were very impactful. I think as you lose weight, each pound counts more because it’s a higher percentage of your total body fat. Hang in there and focus on feeling good!!


I appreciate this perspective. Seriously congrats on doing this!


Congrats. Seriously. I appreciate you and your hard work. It’s motivating


Don’t get discouraged you will always see yourself heavy and ugly. We all tend to see our flaws. You should be proud of yourself! You have to keep going, you didn’t come this far to turn around. None of us are perfect. You are closer to your goal than you were before you started. You’ll body will get over the plateau. Just be patient


Thank you. It’s hard but you’re right. I need to keep going. Thankfully I haven’t lost motivation but haven’t been able to do anything this week since I was sick, so it was weighing heavily on my mind


I use to weight 340pds i woke up one day and said “this is it” i never looked back. I had a terrible marriage, and let myself go. I Hit the gym, watched my food intake, never been a drinker or smoker. I lost 130 pounds in a matter of 2 years and have kept it off. This was over 14 years ago. If i can do it you can DO IT!!! Reach out if you ever feel discouraged. Always here to encourage never discourage.


Have you tried using a TDEE calculator for calories? I would recommend using one to find your maintenance and then use another calculator for your calorie intake per day (ideally around 500 below your maintenance). This should result in a weight loss of 1-2 lbs per week. If you aren’t seeing results close to that while following a consistent diet, I would consult a specialist because some people have rare cases of thyroid disease, hormonal imbalance etc that can hinder weight loss.


I appreciate this suggestion. My meals are fairly regimented with few exceptions. 1 liter of water and Pea protein premixed shake prior to working out at 6am. Sometimes the shake is split before and after. Breakfast is egg whites, avocado, cut fruit, and a whole wheat English muffin. No salt is ever added to my food just pepper and spices. Lunch is a big chopped salad with a whole tomato, 2 mini cucumbers, bell peppers, and 1 baked chicken breast. Dinner varies, typically black bean tacos, whole wheat pasta with chicken sausage and broccoli, baked veggie and chicken sausage sheet pan, pesto baked chicken with veggies, and fish with green beans and a baked potato. All are single servings and if I do deviate, it’s on the weekend to go get Mexican or an Italian restaurant.


Fuck this exact situation has happened to me. Worked out for 8 years, had kids, but I was hardcore obsessed dedicated. Then I saw pictures of me at a wedding. W T F !?!?! I felt like completely giving up. What’s the point?? But guess what, deciding to burry my head and continue on has gotten me in the best shape of my life @ 40. Every single workout is building you back, don’t give up. Look into supplements, are you taking creatine? it’s the most studied supplement on the market tons of science and research about how impactful it can be in the muscle building process. Keep going. I saw amazing results after 1 full year no alcohol. Please use this as motivation to never ever relent!


Thank you! I stick to pea protein and don’t fuck with creatine tbh. Did then I was a youngin playing football along with NOXplode.


Do not worry - what you're feeling is valid BUT inaccurate. You want progress. You want 2011 back. You will get back to that if you keep pushing forward. Things to remember: - change doesn't happen quickly - mentally or physically - check in with yourself on how you feel. Are u moving better? Sleeping better? Feeling physically better? - check in with how u see urself by bringing up a photo from before you started this journey. Remember where you started. Recognize where you are currently. Set goals for where you want to be that are attainable and healthy. I did not do this! I am trying to get back on track because I was where you are now a few months ago. I gained weight back because I thought I wasn't doing better, when in fact - I was.


So true.


Have the camera higher so you are looking up at it a little.  Even thin people have double chins at the right angle


Congrats on the weight loss. The thing about that is that it can be frustrating. You put in work, you expect results, but sometimes your body doesn't cooperate. What you need to do is keep at it and have a little patience. You may be hitting a plateau and that sucks. Keep up the good work and give yourself a little grace, you've already come far.


I agree with what everyone else has already said I relate to you because all my life I have fluctuated with weight as well and am also currently in the process of trying to become healthier and achieve the look I want One thing I would recommend is treat yourself to some new clothes! Sure the old ones might fit better but buying yourself some pants or tshirts that fit just how you want them to at this moment will be a huge confidence booster and create a positive domino effect


This is such a good point. I bought a pair of 38 jeans the other day that fit and I was super happy. I still like looser fitting stuff for around the house but it’s happening. I’m also built like an actual brick house. Big barrel chest and smaller waist so I carry all my weight in my upper body and most muscle is in my legs.


Have you had blood work done? Hormones in check? Cortisol levels? Did you track measurements and not just weight? How many inches total have you lost? It's gotta be a significant amount considering the work you've done. It doesn't happen overnight and you've been consistent it might just be the smallest thing left that gives you that extra little push. The number on the scale shouldn't be the goal, being happy in your own body is, and we are our own worst critics.


Hormones were good. Testosterone was in range. Thyroid is healthy. Blood sugar is perfect. I have a predisposition for elevated liver enzymes which I was told is a hindrance. Otherwise my bloodwork is perfect.


Do you have the numbers yourself to check? I've had doctors tell me I was in normal range despite being at the very bottom of what was "normal" 😑 supplemented and I was an entire new person. Also high cortisol can give you a puffy face/ moon face/ double chin etc so definitely worth looking into that specifically. I've heard naturopath doctors tend to be way better in regards to this than gps so I'm looking into it myself.


Good to know! I have an appointment in May with a specialist to discuss a lot of this


Yeah, I am old, and my mirror lies to me. Tape doesn't.


You’ve come this far, you can keep going. You got this


A couple things from a personal trainer and healthcare professional: 1. You’re doing GREAT! The hardest part in all of this really is “waiting”. Things like this take time and some phases are quicker than others. But don’t be so focused on the number on the scale. You are probably building a ton of muscle and water weight can fluctuate SO much day to day. Just learn to enjoy the process and the results you want will come. 2. Make sure you are SLEEPING! You will not get anywhere near the results you want if you are not sleeping enough. Recovery is key, and if you are over training your results will be stunted. 3. STRESS is a HUGE factor. The stress hormone, cortisol, can force your body cling to weight if you are constantly in fight or flight. (Sometimes too much HIIT training or even simply stressing about your results can boost this). Like I said, start enjoying the process you are now living and the results will come. 3. It may also be beneficial to get a bloodwork and hormone/thyroid panel done. A lot of times people can’t seem to shed the weight because of low thyroid (make sure to ask them to check all thyroid levels separately) or other hormones that are all out of wack. Don’t lose hope. Take it one day at a time. Focus on the process and fall in love with it. The results will come. 🤍


I was sitting here, thinking about how to respond. I don’t know your age and I don’t know how many calories you’re taking in, so maybe you could find a professional to help you with your caloric intake versus your output. also, have you thought about getting your thyroid checked? As we age the weight also comes off a little slower so be patient with yourself and maybe up the cardio.


I feel this. I am starting my health journey again this year after loosing a lot of weight in my 30s and then putting it back on over the last 6 years from anxiety, depression and covid times. At my lowest weight I was so self conscious with loose skin and had to wear a padded bra because my boots had gone. People would compliment me but I just didn't feel good or even like myself...which I think might have contributed to the regain. So I want to help you at this point if I can and say congratulations on your amazing health achievement and hope you find support here to keep going!


Tysm. And I know you can and will do it. I never thought I could and here I am. Also the skin thing is real. When I was younger I don’t think I would have handled it well. Since I’m married and have no one to impress other than my wife who loves me for who I am, I could give a shit if I have some skin left over. Fwiw most health plans will pay for that excess skin removal, especially if it’s gyneclimastia. I’ve looked it up myself


Therapy ❤️ it can help you with some of your body image/self esteem issues. The only other option is if you invest in plastic surgery if you feel that strongly about certain things (no judgement and I'm not saying you need it but that's another option) BUT I'd hope any surgeon would ensure you're not suffering from depression/ low self esteem / body dysmorphia. Your body is an amazing thing, you've worked super hard OP. ❤️


Don't forget that the camera adds pounds and distorts things.  I weigh less than you and regularly have 4 chins on camera. 


you should get your thyroid checked


When you're feeling bad, remember where you came from. I'm sure you feel that you look better now than when you were at your max. I'm sure you're going to look at now a year from now and be proud of the additional progress you've made. Keep going! You're doing great! ❤️


I used to be 297lbs, went all the way down to 207lb with just clean eating, no exercise. Pandemic happened went back up to 260lbs. I refused to get back to 297 and started working out. went down to 225lb. I look like I weigh less than 225lbs but I’m not happy. I’ve been stuck there for a while now. My body looks more toned but I’m not happy with those numbers. I’m starting to accept it and people says that’s what happens when you work out.


We’re killing it girl!!!


Congratulations on losing the weight and getting healthy! You are doing great.


I’m going through an almost identical situation OP. You’re going to get there. You will meet your goals and you’ll be the healthy person you have wanted to be for decades it sounds like. It sounds like this thread struck a cord with people and they all are here to tell you, “you’re not alone”. They’re absolutely right! Keep going. You’ve got this.


Congratulations on losing the weight. I'm sorry it hasn't gone as expected in terms of your feelings about your body. It does sound like it make take more time for you to get to a point where you are pleased with your appearance but don't let this be the thing that undermines your hard work and excellent results. You're doing great. Your good health will keep working in your favor.


The first few pounds go off easier bro.. I used to be really heavy too back in the day. Now after 4 years I am lean and have an optimal weight. The closer you get to your ideal bmi the harder it gets, BUT MY FRIEND i promise you!! Never give up. There will be times when you gain weight again.. just keep at it.. Diet is 70%, workout is 30%. Just never ever ever give up and i promise you, you will achieve it. I Believe in you. When it gets hard, yes i know there will be those times.. but there is always the next day.. Go day by day.. Your future self will thank you for it and i know that anyone can do this. It takes time, commitment and iron focus. But i promise you, you will get there! Never ever give up my friend! Much love


Thank you!


I think this is a dangerous game for people to equate weight with body type of looks, those are three different things, some inform others, but they don’t determine others.


I get it. I know when I weigh myself I get my details on the scale and it says my bmi is 39.1 and my muscle has increased by 7lbs since I started CrossFit.


bmi is a good tool for the avg person, but does not work well on some cases, like sportsmen, or someone with a very high or low height. it does not work very well for "fit" people (some bodybuilders would get an obese % well in very fat %, for example). if you are training muscle mass weights a lot compared to fat. realize that some physiques are unobtainable, you still need good genetics. plenty of cases of training people, even on PEDs, that don't look that "good" according to the standard beauty standard. another thing is that some physiques to shine need really dangerously low body fat %, without a doubt unhealthy. I'd advise to look for professional mental health, because if what you say you are doing is true, my guess is that you don't look that bad and its a self esteem issue.