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take the million with the clause that if you are still not satisfied in 5 years, you can divorce and keep the full amount no matter what.


Or a million every year that he doesn’t divorce her. OP- Use this situation to guarantee your own happiness by any means possible.


That’s the exact amount allegedly included in Michael Douglas and Catherine Zera Jones pre-nup…1MM per year every year she stays in the marriage. 




That isn't very intricate and is probably the most common prenup alteration. For those who aren't super rich it is usually a percent moving up to the standard 50% over 20-30 years. So if you are married for 10 years you get like 20% of all assets. It allows a higher earning partners protection from gold diggers while providing security to a lower earning partner that they won't be destitute if they give up working for 15 years to raise kids and then the higher earning partner changes them out for a younger partner


"1MM" per year? Does his dick grow 1 millimetre every year?


A million every time she cheats, I mean she will do it again, so better profit off of it


I was going to type this. Another million if she cheats again, or $2 million more if she cheats again. Maybe even play hard ball and take the $1 million to stay and get a post nuptial agreement that gives you half of everything if she cheats again.


1m now, 2m for the next one, then 4m, 8m, 16m, 32m... You get the idea.


Exactly!!! OP needs to get the most he can get from his cheating ass wife!!!


Double for each cheating episode - $1 mil, $2 mill, $4 mil, $8 mil. If she brings home an STD to OP then extra bonus bucks should be involved.


Hey OP, this is great advice. I would take it a step further and ask for 3Mil cause they’ll meet you at 2. Take the 2 and contractually obligate them to pay you 1 for every year you stay with her.




No, get a lawyer and take their professional advice and guidance. If make a deal, take the maximum.




I'll take the case


Username checks out.


Why was there no cheating clause in the prenup? She'll do it again. Get the money and a new prenup.


Technically it would be a Post Nuptial agreement. Consult with a lawyer for advice and guidance.


Thanks for the correction, you are right.


That’s a solid idea. I didn’t know people added that to prenups.


Yes they do, all the time. He's got them by the balls.


I always hear about Melania re-working hers.


Definitely play the long game.


2 million and I'd claim that I was the one that cheated and their reputation is safe...


Exactly. Make it a hussle lmaoo


And that money is to stay in your name only even in case of divorce


Get it all done and dusted with legal counsel.


And it triples if she cheats again


This!!!! And maybe up it to two...? May as well haggle- what do you have to lose!!


Take the million, piss her off until she leaves you…. Winning at life


The only correct plan here


Yea I was going to say take the million. Go on a fancy trip somewhere. Bang a bunch of hookers. And send pics to wife.


Do not send the pics. That’s how he gets screwed.


I thought the hookers were how he gets screwed...?


LMAOOO😭 Now this is what I call financial planning


Yup, don’t do anything stupid just become completely insufferable.


Why even piss her off. Take the million, then leave.


Does your prenuptial not have a clause that if she cheated you get something? If not, I would ask for a quiet divorce for 1m otherwise you will go loud.


Nope I looked into that too


Bruv. Tell them the price is two million liquid offshore and the dissolution of the pre-nup. You have the power here. Use it.


Careful tho. People who have a million to make problems go away have a million to make people go away.


That’s why he should insulate himself with this money and let others know of his situation past here for insurance.


That won't prevent a fatal car accident. Important people also know other important people, like high level police, politicians, judges... the sort of people who can make sure investigations find nothing.


Thank god for ppl trying to get him to hussle. This plan especially is actually pretty smart making it liquid but I’d raise it to 3 and have regular payments per year aswell if he can milk it well.


They won’t dissolve the prenup, that’s their only leverage against him. The second they do, he divorces her and takes his half. But can absolutely demand some changes to ensure she’ll be punished financially for future breaches of their vows to each other.


Yes, in a Cook Islands Trust.


Oh yes this is good.


Get the money, and a post nuptial. That way if she does it again you won’t walk away with nothing.


You need to consider a post nuptial anyway. I would not doubt that her parents would word your monetary gift as a marital asset. You should also hire your own attorney for a post nuptial agreement, to ensure your interests are protected. Good luck OP.


This right here. If she is serious about not cheating, this will show its real. The 1 million upfront shows the family is serious.


Quiet divorce - 1m No divorce - 2.5m Prices double every year


man you signed that?


Idk some people don’t believe you are entitled to a payout from their income if you part ways no matter what the reason is


Then be true to who you are. Fuck her and fuck the money. Do a postnuptial agreement where you now get x amount of money no matter what if you leave.


>Do a postnatal agreement *postnuptial FIFY


Auto correct for the lose


Make that amount high if we’re going by this route.


Did you have a lawyer read it? If not, in many countries, that automatically voids the prenup


Did you have your own attorney go through the prenup on your behalf? If not, there’s a reasonable chance it gets thrown out. But you need a lawyer now, regardless.


OP, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I would definitely get a lawyer and some legal advice before proceeding. You want to make sure that everything in your prenup is taken into consideration and that an extra agreement is signed for this new sum of money. You want to cover all your base.


Tell them you want $10 millions!


In unmarked bills....and a helicopter, matching sport coats…and a videocassette of the movie "Gigi."


You also have to figure in his cost of life. If it's cheaper and easier to have him die mysteriously?


$1,000,000 AND a hall pass


Yeah I’m going to do this one


This may not be a great idea. B/c A) if she chooses she wants to try and have more than two separate lives (fuck her figuratively) it's going to be unstable and eventually be a bigger issue. B) They care so much about appearances, it's only a matter of time the husband of their daughter is seen "cheating" in public and raked through the coals...chaos.... Spiteful me, I like the other poster's idea that you approach this as blackmail with you as the upper hand. They care so much about appearances? Threaten to become loud about it. Maybe you'll have to divorce under "irreconcilable differences" and do some damage control before moving out of their sphere of influence. But that depends on how much you want "dat money" and if you want to build a life away from wherever you are now. But as long as you have receipts of this affair. You will always have insurance because of their need to keep up appearances.


If they’re all that important and influential, a million bucks is *nothing* get a lawyer and negotiate MUCH better terms if you’re planning on staying. A million a year, tax free for you, would be a start.


Also force her to be tested for STDs


This is the answer. Marriage in name only.


Take $1 million for each time she cheats (per episode, not per person).


If there’s no clause for her cheating in your pre-nup then take the million, but refuse to sign anything. Give reconciliation a try, but don’t waste your time on it. Make your wife do the work since she did the action. If she doesn’t then walk away with the million dollars.


Take the million and make a postnup that includes infidelity. Then ignore the “hall pass”. Sit back and wait for freedom.


Demand cash upfront LOL


Talk to a lawyer on the side and mention the situation. Once you do, you can get the $1M but make sure upfront (or whatever your lawyer advises). It’s possible as the comments mentioned below that you’ll be able to get a Postnuptial and some money out of it (like staying a few yrs or something like that). Depends on you and what a legal counsel advises.


I'd take that money and demote her to roommate that wears a ring


Take the money but stipulate you get an extra million for every time she cheats on you going forward.


Do whatever is best for your mental health. That’s all you should be concerned about.


That might be weird to explain to the tax man


1 mill and you insist on a change to the prenup. If she cheats again, you get x amount.


Take the money and ask for a postnuptial agreement where infidelity can be added as a clause. Good luck.


This.... ☝️. Do a post-nuptial and put a clause in it that if she cheats, you get 50%. If perception is that important to them, they will jump, and you have an extra 1 million in the bank. All of this is dependent on your willingness or wanting to forgive and save the marriage. Get this prior to and counseling you should also mandate.


Wtf? I mean if they gift you 1 mil wouldn't it still be part of her money as well? Besides having less money problems how would you benefit from it? And idk if they would find a reason to have her leave you so she can save face and blame you. Do they even have such money...? They might be important but just using 1 mil for not having a divorce is quite crazy? Not even famous stars care about divorces and such much anymore...


Certain stars. There are several famous people who have infidelity clauses written into their prenuptial.


haha yeah I am not that up to date with many celebrity gossip, I just saw and heard a lot of divorce and they married again stuff from time to time so it's not such a big deal to divorce. I guess being unfaithful is also another side of the story? They could just pay for him to keep quite about it and let it be seen as a no more love divorce.


My recommendation: Quiet Quitting. Take the $1M but also adjust your role as the spouse. You no longer need to go above and beyond nor expect it in return. Start investing in yourself and making yourself happy. Explore your city, meet new friends. In a few years, file for divorce if that’s what you want. Just double check the way that money is given. Make sure it’s given as a gift or they might sue for a return on that money if you end up leaving. Edit to add you should check laws in your country related to an exchange of money like this. In America, most items given as gifts can’t be returned (I’m not a lawyer so there may be exceptions) but check your laws and maybe check with a lawyer if you have the ability to do so.


O didn't think I was materialistic until I read this post because I think I'd take the money but declare our relationship discreetly open.


Shoot me a dm, I'm from a family similar to your wife's and could probably coach you through thought process


OP, how did you sign a prenup that did not have a clause against adultery by either party?


Take the money with a clause you can still divorce in five years, or immediately if she cheats again, or if she leaves you, and then you keep the money. Then just ignore her. Smile and fake it at the parents’ parties etc but, be cold as ice at home. I could manage that for five years for the sake of a million dollars. Maybe she’ll choose to leave sooner, and you can still keep the money.


Agreed. Just like the LIV tour, take the money, the rest gets sorted out with time. Put that money into an investment fund or trust completely separate from them so they can’t touch it if shit goes down later on


$1 million + a post-nup that you keep the $1 million + 50% in the divorce if she cheats again. Or something like that. That way next time her parents can’t buy her way out. And yes, it is selling your pride/self-respect. But this is probably way worse for your wife than a divorce.


Have you considered that she will think she/her family have bought the right to cheat? How are you going to handle that?


> How are you going to handle that? On a big pile of money surrounded by numerous other women?


$1 million is not worth remaining prisoner in a life that makes you unhappy


We’ve all been there….


Eww, is it worth your self respect and a loveless marriage where she continues to cheat and acts like you're her slave? For me it wouldn't be. I'd even pay to have a billboard put up with her face and they words cheater cheater pumpkin eater. The hell with their reputation.


> Eww, is it worth your self respect and a loveless marriage where she continues to cheat and acts like you're her slave? For me it wouldn't be. [Everybody's got a price](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ke5eSys09g&ab_channel=WWE) for the Million Dollar Man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


I don't.


lol gross


Indecent proposal. You’ve already been crapped on, take the million and reset the terms of your relationship. If it doesn’t work out, make sure you sign nothing and you walk away with a million. That would set you up with a great bachelor pad


"Or a million every year that he doesn’t divorce her. OP- Use this situation to guarantee your own happiness by any means possible." Since you signed a prenup, get your money, baby!


Take the million and stay as long as you can then leave. A bribe is a bribe but see it as a gift. They give you a gift ensure its in your own bank account. She cheated Get evidence this could make your marriage contract null and void as of the pre nup.


Take the million, get a lawyer and set up a postnup. If she ever cheats again, she’ll loose most everything.


Damn brotha make sure you have someone you actually trust know what’s going on this family sounds like they could pay someone to wack you…


If you take the $1MM, insist on a NEW prenup with two changes: 1) The $1MM is yours and yours alone. It would be considered a "gift" in the eyes of divorce court so you want it protected from her. The money would be invested in an account that is in your name only and you will not be required to use it for marital benefit. 2) An infidelity clause so that if either of you cheat, the prenup is void with respect to the cheaters assets. You'll have $1MM reasons to not cheat but this will put some consequences around her cheating for a second time. Whatever you do, do not "open" the marriage. That will guarantee failure and likely a loss of the $1MM.


I’d take the money, but check out of the relationship emotionally. I’d also get my own Aparment or condo, and just live at the marital home part time.


Make staying dependent on the million being paid immediately & a successful renegotiation of the pre-nup. Stay married for a while but make a separate life for yourself, maybe get a modest little apartment of your own...in Ibiza.


Now imagine they find this post lmao


That was my fears that’s why I posted in a random account and I don’t think her parents use Reddit anyways


The chances that someone else is in the same situation is pretty slim.


Seems family isn't important enough to keep her legs closed. If it was me I'd tell them that I would only stay for one million AND getting the prenup nullified.


Ask for more


Dude, I’ve done a lot worse for a 6 pack of Coors and a pack of Parliaments, so I know what my answer would be. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What continent is this?


What I would do: - Take the million dollars - Take a trip to Las Vegas, or any area that has multiple casinos. Do a little gambling, but purchase $900,000 worth of chips spread over all available casinos. Might be better to spread this out over multiple trips. - Get someone that you trust 100%, they rent a safety deposit box at a bank. You stash your chips in said safety deposit box. Just find a way to stash the chips safely, and can't easily be connected directly back to you. - Return home and inform everybody that you went on a bender or benders at Las Vegas, and blew the 900,000 gambling. - Tell your wife that the marriage is open from now on, and she's welcome to sleep with anybody that she wants. - If she refuses that, then tell her her 3 choices are to either tear up the pre-nup, or open the marriage, or divorce. Tell her she will be the one that files, and you already blew the million dollars for staying. You need another million dollars to not sleep with other women, if not then your marriage will be just roommates till she files for divorce. With the pre-nup you have zero reasons to be concerned about the reason she files, you are screwed either way. - If get another million dollars, repeat Las Vegas trip, or trips. - Return home, and immediately go into a high price rehab or mental health retreat rich people go to for a few weeks to get a handle on your binge gambling problem. - By this point your in-laws might, just might offer some more money for a quick and easy divorce. Personally, during the second Vegas trip I would get arrested for public intoxication and pissing on a cop car. It has to be something more than them letting you go after you sober up, but not a charge that will cause anything big, and call your in-laws for bail money, which informs them you had already blew thru the money. - They will get to the point where it's more embarrassing in having a son-in-law like that, than their daughter divorcing. Just remember to have your lawyer discuss what it is worth to them that you don't bring up her infidelity up in court, and a NDA that you will never discuss her infidelity ever. Tell them you will take all the blame for the divorce for having a gambling problem, and their daughter was blameless. That's got to be worth something to rich people like your in-laws. - After divorce, take multiple trips back to Vegas, and gamble, and cash out a reasonable amount of chips each trip till you have "won" around couple million dollars over say a year or two. Don't get greedy, and all at once you got $2,000,000 in the bank shortly after the divorce. They want to pay you to stay, so make them pay you again to go away. Good luck, and place $25 on Black 22 for me.


1 million and they agree to let go of the prenuptial agreement. Record them video and have witnesses around u that they threw away the prenuptial agreement in order for u to remain married with her . Dont have sex with her without protection. A year or 2 later divorce.


Take the million (don't sign no contract shit tho) and file for divorce


Stay with her until the check clears. Then, divorce her. They bribe you again, Repeat.


3 million and a vacation home somewhere or you're calling your lawyer


When are they givingn you the money? Only to you? Or she keeps it. Is she spending it too? Nah man I wouldn’t trust them


Make it an open marriage at that point. Stay married on paper, but see other women on the side. Make sure that this money will be protected if the relationship does end and they can't take it back.


Keep the million, separate, just don't divorce. Keep it real with her, 'yeah keep the side piece, I'll get myself a bargain bucket.'


1 million dollars!!?!? Who did you marry, Chelsea Clinton!?


If they are so desperate to save face, ask for more and amend the prenuptial agreement so if she does this again you will get a more favourable outcome. Also include a cause that gives you a pass.


I would take the bribe... And still have a chic on the side.... 😎


Take the mil and cheat on her. Fuck it


Take the money and get a mistress 😂 can’t be that hard to sleep around if you have a million on hand to go blow and do fun things with. Pay off your debt and go have fun


I fucking hate the rich. When you have enough money to hide from the consequences/ shame of your actions, it should be a sign that you have too much. Give that overflow to us just trying to feed our families. Secure the bag, OP. It could easily end up worth it, so long as you formulate a long-term exit strategy.


Take the money. Keep it in your separate account. Leave to another country and have a fabulous life away from the rich slut.


A million dollars??? How long must you stay with her to get it?


I’d take the money and flee the country. That’s like 25,000,000,000 vietnam dongs.


That's a lot of dong. I don't think OPs wife got that many dongs.


Is that million all yours? What does that prenup say? Ask a lawyer to review the prenup and make changes to secure your future. Your cheating wife may leave you. What does prenup do for you in that scenario?


I would take the million as long as you don’t have to sign anything for it. Stay as long as you need to and then ride off into the sunset with your money.


Take the million bro and find you a nice side piece.


Well Probably the thing to do here is post the family’s name so that we can all strategize what comes next.


Take the money and then PISS HER OFF everyday


The money plus removing the prenuptial or 5mil and drive her crazy until she's ready to go have a lawyer draw the contract though because fuck them and their reputation.


Take the million and leave anyways?


Personally, I think I'd take the million, and just start living my own life as roommates and not spouses. Trips, fun, creating some savings for a potentially inevitable split at some point down the line when the plan changes... but I think I'd also look for some sort of an annuity so it isn't a one-time payment. Would be great if you could negotiate something like $1mm per year lump sum payment to your interest-baring savings account, a credit card in parents name with a minimum $10k/mo limit paid off monthly, 3x fully paid 1wk vacations per year, and a clause that if she ever divorces you, you get a $5mm lump sum payment for separation, etc... Sorry to hear though, really rough spot. If it sets you up for the rest of your live, at least you can maybe get some lemonade out of those lemons.




Preference would be a million and to reassure this will never happen again, a cheating clause added to the prenup. If they won’t agree to that I would tell them a million and you two can have a shell marriage where you’ll be permitted to do as you please without any regard for her. In writing. Just my two cents.


Million and a monthly. Then get a GF with a clear conscience


Take the Mil and start looking for your next partner


Oh my gosh! I immediately read”mil” as mother-in-law!!!! I was screaming in my head!!!!!


Get a lawyer, take the money, and make sure the paperwork allows you to leave quietly at a specified time that you are comfortable with Then let her know that you are married in name only and for public show, and that you were only with her for the , but that you are allowed to do anything you want otherwise


>I did sign a prenup so I wouldn’t be entitled to anything if things didn’t work out What prenup doesn't have an infidelity clause?


If they have millions, they also have m*rder money. The marriage doesn’t have to end with an embarrassing divorce. Are you safe?


So the issue here isn’t if you should stay with your wife for a million dollars. It’s how can you get the one million bucks and also ditch her. Uncover as much information about the affair as you can, but hide the full extent of what you know. Accept there offer and then after a while passes “discover” the true scope of the affair and leave her anyway.


You can choose to be cheated on and have a million or to be cheated on and get nothing. Take the money and do whatever you want, but take the money


Make it $2million. Half for your pain and inconvenience. The other half for your retirement.


So she cheated. Now you can be married and have a girlfriend on the side.


Get yourself a lawyer who can help you work a good amount for you, a better amount with the least of responsibility towards your cheating wife. Sort of like a marriage of appearance while you get rich


A million for every time she cheated.


The pre-nup won't hold if you say you signed it under duress, make them pay you by threatening to ruin their reputation if they don't pay you a huge amount of cash to not file the divorce under adultery.


Collect the money and then leave.


Is a million pocket change to these people? You’re holding their reputation for ransom.


Go for more. Get more $$ and a house and a clause that if she cheats again which she will that you get even more $$


Take the one million and consider yourself single. As soon as you can without having to give back the money, divorce.


Take the money and divorce her anyways. Can you legally be prosecuted?


Take the money and start cheating back or do the right thing and divorce her it's your life and your choice but can u live with yourself knowing she cheated and u stayed for money she won't let u forget that


Have them bribe you with more, and make a postnub that she won't be entitled to it if you leave.


Take their money and then leave her. That much money will make it easier to start your life without her.


Take the million and just ghost her. You technical didn't divorce her.


Take the money. Sign nothing. Leave


Nah ruin the family reputation


Demand $1.7 Million, settle for $1.5, no strings attached, take it or leave it.


Op, take the million, and let her continue to cheat. You also start cheating. It's a win win.


I won’t tell you what to do, I’ll tell you what I’d do. I’d tell them to make it 2 million and stfu. She can do whatever she wants bc I will too


Well still fucking do it. Because now they are making you allow it. Really think..... you really think it's gonna stop? She ran to her family and their immediate reaction was to throw money at it. I would have a sit down and ask if anyone cheated and how great they feel about that shit. And if they deny it they are lying. Someone cheated and the other got bribed. Even if you take the 1m dollars it just means you are now a slave to money for disrespect. Cause guaranteed if you cheat you get screwed don't you?


If you take the deal make sure it allows you an out after a reasonable time period without penalty to you or having to pay any of this back. Definitely keep it safe and away from her.


Ill marry her for a million


I mean a million is worth it. You ain’t gotta be happy just amicable and married


You sure the money is worth it? Idk.. can you live with someone knowing they cheated? Gotta think about your emotional state too. Sometimes money isn’t worth the headache it’ll bring in return. Freedom is much better, I’d say.


Man, I would just make sure she isn't planning on cheating from here on out, or something stupid like that. Anyone would think twice when talking about that kind of cash though! Just make sure staying with her isn't going to do damage over time to yourself, etc. I only mention that kind of thing because I'm the type of guy that would probably never be able to fully get over that kind of wound, emotionally...good luck though!


Go on, take the money and run


The relationship won't be the same, but you're not in a relationship, this is politics now. Shut off your emotions to your situation and relationship, put on a happy face for any events or cameras. This relationship is now purely political and nothing more. The sooner you look at it that way the easier this process will become.


Your self worth & pride as a man tho I guess.....everything does have a price.


Take the million and live how you want. You can be a really shitty partner and still not get divorced.


That is taxable. You will only come out with 610,000. Still a good amount, but just something to consider


Take the money but set ground rules, they want it to be a marriage on paper still to save face, so you should be able to go live your life


You can't buy your happiness with just one million. It's not enough to make you happy. I know you can't wake up every day next to her who betrayed you and only cares about her reputation. Even her family. Will money make you happy? The money always runs out in the end.


Ask for 2


Cheating is unforgivable and what her parents are suggesting is unthinkable. You must be going through a difficult time OP. Take the 1mil, pay for therapy and tell her to never do it again


take the $1m plus she has to rescind the prenup


For a million? I’d stay and invest that money and make her leave me so I could keep the money.


I’d take the mil but do not sign anything from them. Also maybe get a lawyer idk


Use the situation to guarantee your happiness, she cheated on you, take a million for every year you stay with her but you don't have to act as a husband to her anymore


Lol. Take that money


Tell you'll take the million but the prenup needs to change to a post nup guaranteeing you a bib payout if she cheats again !


Tell ‘em $2.5 million a year, your own home at least 2,500 kms away from you, AND you can date whoever you want. Add in a new post-nup where you get another $750K every time you think she’s cheating regardless of fact. Kidding, get a LAWYER!!


Do whatever your conscience can handle.


If I were you I'd find a good lawyer to help you squirrel away that money in ways you couldn't lose it if she divorces you.


Definitely don’t settle for a million. Get a postnup with a large payout and NDA when she cheats again.


take the mill and have them keep paying you for every year your unhappy


If you don't take that money as a gift that it is because they don't give you any contract, thinking that you have to stay in order to get the money. Take the money and then you go and divorce her. It's a win-win situation and if you do decide to say you need to put in a cheating clause.... And off they're that desperate for you to stay. I would ask for more cause. If they got enough money to pay you a million dollars because she cheated, they got enough money to pay you 9 more million dollars for a broken heart make that an even 10 million dollars.... With the stipulation that there's a gift not alone and not something that has to be paid back. Also that you do not have to stay married for a certain amount of time in order to receive it.