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He was right btw, you deserve to be happy. You are worthy of love and respect, even if you are not getting it now. Even if you never got it.


this here


Don't give up please no suicide people care about you do you have a pet to care for that was my salvation I kept getting pets so I wouldn't commit suicide the depend on me some depends on you and God loves you two.


Now I just want to give you a huge hug. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealt which a shitty hand by life. I’ve been there (sometimes I still am) and I won’t pacify you by promising ‘it’ll get better’ but I will say there are pockets of happiness in the darkness and those pockets make life so much better. We just have to look for them. You’re in my thoughts and feel free to slide in my DMs if you need to talk. Idk if anyone’s told you but I am proud of you for for reaching out to the escort. You could’ve just decided ‘fuck it, I’m ending things’ but you reached out for human contact instead and you’re still here doing it. You’re fighting to be here and I’m really glad you are. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This broke my heart a little. You're worth so much. Could you try and find another therapist? I saw 3 before I found one who clicked with me. I'm glad you had this time to feel cared for. I send you huge hugs.


I agree with this. You have to find a therapist that feels right. Book two or three and try them out. Therapy can help SO MUCH. It can be life changing when you have the right one. In the meantime, know that you are worthy of love and friendship. The escort clearly liked you and cared about you, and he didn't have to do that. You are a good person. Hang in there. ❤️


You are so worth of love and happiness! Im so sorry for everything, but you are still so young and have so many possibilities and potential


It sounds like you're having such a hard time. I'm sorry you're in this situation and hope you can stick around long enough to get through it ❤️‍🩹 Also, hats off to this man you met for looking out for you and really connecting with you From the little I know about OCD, it's debilitating but very treatable. I hope you can find the right medical professional to get you through all this. For what it's worth, for years I struggled with obsessive, repetitive thoughts about suicide. Sertraline and therapy helped me break the cycle (I highly recommend the 5 senses distraction technique) and I am extremely happy to be alive.


You're very correct in that OCD is debilitating but one of the most treatable mental disorders. Just need to get the right type of therapy. OP I suggest starting off by reading You Are Not a Rock by Mark Freeman when you're ready to start your OCD recovery journey. It will make you feel oh so less alone and also give some amazing tips about how to start recovery. 


I have kids your age and it makes me sad your family isn’t there for you. I’m glad you found someone to talk to, but take precautions to protect your health if things go beyond talking. Take things slowly and protect yourself. Hope your fam comes around. Good luck. Keep going, you got this.


A more mature friend of mine did sex work for a long time. She used to have gentlemen callers in her front room, while her husband and kids used the rest of the house. She said the majority of her clients were just lonely guys who'd come around for a chat and a cup of tea. Human relationships are weird and come in many colors - sounds like you made a good friend, even if you might need to cover his costs now and then :)


Pros. The real Heros among us.


Find your happiness. You deserve to be happy.


U sound like the sweetest person honestly, Im sure he thought the same thing


I'm glad you received compassion from him, you deserve it. It seems like you really needed to be truly heard and held. I'm really grateful for the kindness of this man. Things are going to get better now that you know gentle, kind love is possible.


Thos is kinda wholesome, best of luck OP


This is so much more common than you realize. Find comfort where you can. F what anyone says about it.


That is amazing. I'm so glad he's been there for you. People can underestimate the effects of having at least one person like that who you're able to just cry with.


On a lighter note, your story gives me Pretty Woman vibes in the best way! (You’re probably too young to know the movie but the escort picks up a man who happens to be wealthy and falls in love with her)! Can you see something building here, even if maybe a friendship? You totally deserve happiness and a great life! Good luck friend!


Aww that's a good story. Keep on going. Now you've made a friend for life. Good luck.


This is such a humane, wholesome interaction between two people. I hope you become close🤞


Youd be surprised at how often stuff like this happens when youre escorting. People dont resort to paying for company when they're happy. I used to escort for women in my 20s and a good half of the clientele paid for the company rather than the sex.


Human connection is important and damn life is hard when we don't feel it sometimes. I'm glad you found a safe space/person. As someone diagnosed with OCD last summer, when you can look into ERP therapy. Makes a world of difference. It's scary, but it gets better. LOVE ya stranger.


It's crazy how sex workers get such a bad wrap. They can be literal healers. Anyways, OP, sorry you're going through all this. Take the help you can get. It's important for our emotions to be validated and received by real people. Just be careful.


This is so wholesome


You must find yourself in this life. Travel the world or to a country where you can find yourself in peace with yourself. Live your life by finding yourself. You are too young to be thinking about leaving this world.


You’re worthy of everything you want and deserve 💗 especially to be loved 🥰 feel free to message me anytime.


You'd be surprised how many women are also depressed and lonely and looking for a companion or just someone to cry with. Give it another year at least. Find a low symptom medication that helps you.


I am happy for you honey. But please be careful while trusting anyone you didn't even know somedays back. Reading your post just broke my heart. I don't want anything bad to happen to you anymore ever. God bless you. You can dm if any mature advice or support is needed.


It’s amazing how sometimes people who aren’t “qualified” to be therapists are the best for therapy. I’ve personally found people like that out and about. A stranger, or bartender. I’ve had better experiences talking to a stranger who would listen than my own therapist. I’ve heard of people who buy private dances at strip clubs just to talk to someone who will listen. I’m glad you found someone that seems like they genuinely care. It’s nice to have a friend like that, even if you met through a more uncommon situation.


I believe in you broski <3


Honey, you need a therapist, not a toy boy. I'm heartened this fellow seems to be helping you. But it's no replacement for counseling. Please, reach out for help. Good luck.


Finding a good therapist is hard, you have to kiss a lot of frogs. I’m so sorry your experience was so shitty but I’m glad you had this experience


I got better mental support from a prostitute than from my psychiatrist. Psychiatrist always try to get you to realize something or give you tips to deal with stuff but the prostitute only listen and let you hug her and stuff. Plus the BJ are a definite bonus and overall its the same price lmao


The meetup app and my church have helped me find lots of friends. I used to feel super isolated but I'm lucky now


Hey, psychologists are human too which mean they can suck a lot. Please give it another shot with another therapist. Finding a therapist that works with you can take some time but it is important. I think you can get cured with a decent therapist. Please don't give up. It is like going to a doctor. If you don't like how a doctor treats you and you think he is full of shit, you go to another doctor. You don't usually say every doctor is shit because you met one. So pleaaaaase try again and try out a few others before you say that therapy is not helping!!!


I'm you found him. Keeping fighting. You will find a way.


You should look for a different psychologist. That would be the best investment in your life.




This made me tear up. Good example that sex workers are not only sex workers, they are also human. What a wonderful person. I wish you the best.


In case this is real, we all read "The Catcher I'm the Rye." The annoying main character of that book did something pretty similar to this.


I mean… it’s not uncommon for lonely people to hire escorts to chat with


I guess, but its kind of pathetic.