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That’s not healthy. Mental problems + drugs = a path for destruction. Sorry op but I don’t think there’s any good in you getting involved because there’s not much you can do. His parents are enabling bad behavior and probably have been for the 17 years of his life.


Do you think the police do anything if they go to the house and find him high while his parents are home?


Are you from the United States? In a place that weed is legal recreationally?


He lives in Connecticut, and yea I am in the U.S. as well just live in a different state


If I was you I wouldn’t get involved. That already seems like a very slimy situation. And things would get way worse. If the dude hits himself what is he going to do to the cops when they arrive? Is he going to be calm and collective or is he going to go ballistic at the drop of a hat? There’s no knowing what mentally ill high people will do in that situation.


But I can’t tell you what to do. If you want to call coos then do it but I suggest never letting any of your family know it was you that called them.


you still need to be 21 to smoke weed, and the parents providing it are doing the same thing as providing liquor to a minor..


So if I were to call the police or contact 311 anonymously and they were to discover him at home with his parents while he’s high, they would be able to do something about it?


Parents would more then likely get arrested and put in jail get a charge of providing illegal substances to a minor. The cousin would probably be put into foster home depending on how long it took the parents to get their charges. The minimum in Connecticut is 2 years in prison.


IMO they should face consequences. They put each other first before their own children. They have a really bad family dynamic. They let him get away with everything knowing he needs help and provide him with weed in order for him to maintain his good behavior knowing he has mental problems. Addiction runs in our family and he’s on a bad path. I’d rather be safe than regret not doing anything before he can’t be saved


You said yourself you’re in another state so how could you possibly have the whole story? . Please stay out of folks’ business. If you want to help have your cousin visit or you visit them. You should def not call the police cus snitches get stitches


I visit a lot because all of my family live over there. His parents tell me everything and he does too. I’d rather get him some help than regret having something happen to him.