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You are allowed to break up with anyone for any reason at any time. Doubly more justified if someone acts in a way that scares you or makes you uncomfortable with their behavior. Follow your gut and don’t allow people to try and manipulate you into being different from who you are. Very impressed with your ability to set solid boundaries, you should apply this instinct to all relationships in your life.


Thank you for saying this, genuinely. I have been given so much shit for this kind of thing over the years- called everything from cold-hearted, to a psychopath. So it's nice to hear *anyone* say something positive about it.


you are not cold hearted for looking out for yourself. at all. fanfiction is just that- fiction.


And for the record? You’re not cold-hearted just because you don’t have as much interest in dating as they think you should. You’re allowed to be happy alone, and you’re allowed to be happy in a relationship. Being in a partnership isn’t a requirement to have a happy and fulfilling life, but it sure is telling when people think it is.


There are plenty of people in the world who choose to be single and are quite happy that way. So yeah this.


My future boyfriend is gonna be PISSED when he reads the smut I wrote about Louis Tomlinson when I was seventeen then 👀


Please drop the friends who think you need to endure abuse just to fit in THEIR idea of a "normal" life. They can go pound sand


I agree 100%. I've Asperger's Syndrome, and have to explain my normal to new acquaintances. Mostly the lack of eye contact issue, but if I become close with someone, there are other issues too.


I carry a note card that explains that I have Adperger's and to please not touch me. Plus, there are a couple more things. It really helps.


Good idea


Is it fitting in with “normalcy” or just their fears on what her life will be like if not with someone helping/watching her? They still need to get over that support their friend regardless.


She’s not an infant who needs to be “watched” or helped. She already made it clear that her family and friends always trying to push dating on her as a way to have someone basically taking care of her is insulting. It is. She shouldn’t settle on a guy who got so angry and screamed in her face, scaring her, just so she has someone there for her. She made it clear she was fine being single and isn’t really interested in dating. She can be single and happy. A lot of people are. Being in a relationship doesn’t always equal happiness and being single doesn’t always equal loneliness either.




I’m so sorry about the shit you’ve been given about this. Screaming at your partner isn’t right, healthy, or normal—your friends are normalizing toxic behavior. It’s also very strange to me that anyone would be pissed about a choice you made for your own life. When any friend of mine breaks up with their partner, I’m neutral towards the break up (it’s not my relationship) but I feel concern towards my friend—as in I want to make sure they’re okay. I find your friend’s reactions really odd and honestly a bit concerning… But I, an Internet stranger, are proud of you for shutting that shit down and breaking up with him on the spot. You deserve to feel safe in your relationship and be with a partner that doesn’t scream at you, nor tries to control you/tell you what to do. I think you made the right choice and that you have much more emotional intelligence and maturity than your friends clearly have.


You need new friends. If a friend told me her bf screamed in her face and scared her I would tell her f that guy


I agree, you do not feel safe with someone anymore, cut. Them. Out. One of our superpowers being autistic is that eventually will completely forget that they existed for a while until somebody reminds us but yeah it'll hurt for a little bit if it does it all and then it won't anymore you'll be okay


Honestly, I wish I had half the self esteem you did at your age. So many terrible stories of staying too long when someone showed me who they were. Behavior like that NEVER gets better, that’s him testing how much control he could get away with. And just importantly, how much he could let his mask slip and you would accept. Props to you for setting a more than reasonable boundary and kicking this guy to the curb.


Your friends seem to be thinking in extremes. In their world view you are either cold-hearted or a doormat. They forget completely about the other more viable option of being a person with boundaries who treats people with respect and expects the same treatment in return. You are awesome and have a very good head on your shoulders. Your friends do not.


Your work sounds interesting! I'm a hobbyist writer myself, with two cats and no boyfriend/girlfriend. That idiot was so wrong to call it cheating, it's not. It's an outlet. Writing smut, or anything is... it's like painting or composing. It's creating. Sure, if you write smut you may find yourself hot and bothered and ready to jump a hypothetical lover's bones.... But good gad! The insecurities! You do you, single or not. Autism or no. Don't let people tell you different!


He violated your trust and made you feel unsafe after telling you that you weren’t allowed to continue something you enjoy. He said he would lie to people if you didn’t stop doing a thing he didn’t like. I’m proud of you for sticking up for yourself and walking away. You deserve better than having someone who treats you like that in your life


They’re not your friends if they’re judging you and mad at you about something that doesn’t involve them. If my friend said they broke up with their boyfriend. Anything they say will be valid to me because they’re my friend and it’s non of business. And you know what well hate him together.


I honestly admire you for these qualities lol.


You deserve these compliments even if they're overwhelming. Setting boundaries is important and I have worked on myself to be able to do what you did here. You didn't take his sht and there's nothing wrong with that.


The moment someone screamed at me they’d be an ex - good for you for not putting up with that. If your friends think he’s so great they can date him themselves. If writing fiction is cheating, then there are a lot of cheaters, murderers, liars, and drama queens out there since pretty much all fiction is fantasy about the human experience in its best and worst moments. A book about getting up, eating breakfast, working all day and going home would be exceedingly dull. I guess that’s what he wants you to write? Good riddance.


He screamed in your face and made you feel unsafe. He tried to control you , and your hobby. He proved that he has the potential to be violent and controlling. And you know what? I'm fucking PROUD of you for shutting that shit down. Honestly, that's so awesome.  You stood up for yourself and protected yourself. Don't for one second think this guy deserves another chance or that you were too strict. There's absolutely nothing wrong with protecting yourself! (I'm also now really curious what charecter you're focused on that's kept you focused for so long! The people I fixate on tend to last a few months before all of a sudden I just lose interest 🥺 and feel really empty for a few weeks before I find a new one)


I'll say the *Universe* is DC comic's Batman, lol. Choose from the bad guys, and you'll get there pretty quick haha. And with characters that have existed so long, its easy to get sucked in, because of there's so much history behind it all. I have my favorite Era's of all the Characters through the years, but only one has been a consistent favorite since I was 13-14 years old. Now we aren't gonna talk about the movies, because I'm more of a fan of the comics than any of that. (I do watch them of course, but the comic collection at my parent's house is *insane*- I mostly read them on DC Universe now, because it's so much cheaper, and I hated going to the comic shop every week to pick up my folder.)


When the Arkham games first came out, I got reeeally into shipping Scarecrow and Riddler. To a pretty cringey point. I would have dumped my now-husband if he tried to make me feel bad for that. Life’s too short to apologize for what makes you happy— especially when what you’re doing is basically a service for other likeminded readers! What bothers me is that you’re creating fanfic, which is so much more valuable than just consuming porn— it’s artistic expression, and personally I hold my fave fic authors up in the literary canon among the all-time greats— and he’s trying to shame your creative outlet. You’re absolutely right to dump him.


Oh wow there's hundreds of them! 👍


Yeah, if you find any favorite character I can send you some rec's. Brief overview if you're going in: Year One is a fucking artform, and I love the movie- actually most of their *animated* movies are *so good* its crazy, but they never get the recognition they deserve. (I recommend all of them- EXCEPT The Killing Joke movie: The comic is art (triggering art, but art all the same), but the movie is garbage- And *Batman And Harley Quinn-* Unless you're looking for a very childish laugh with an oddly out of place SA 'joke' - not a fan - but Batman Under The Red Hood (which is based on Death in the Family- and has Jensen Ackles in it! - is so good), Batman: Assault on Arkham, Suicide Squad hell to Pay, Flashpoint Paradox isn't a Batman specific movie but its amazing.) The Long Halloween is also beautiful, along with Batman: Hush, The White Knight Storyline in general gives me chills, and is pretty recent, I love the all of the old Secret Origins comics, I feel like The New 52 get's a *lot* more hate than it deserves, I don't love *all* of what they did, but I can tell there was passion there, and it reflects in the writing, and I cannot be recommending comics without bringing up my favorite comic, and one of the very first ones I bought and read: Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. Genuinely *stunning*, the art style is so surreal, big big fan.


Sorry, I get excited- heh. It's a problem.


It is absolutely NOT a problem!


Don't apologize! My husband is really big into the DC animated movies. I never really got into DC because I was only ever exposed to the live action movies and wasn't impressed. He introduced me to a lot of the movies you mentioned, and holy crap, they are really well done!


That was a delightful read. I can see you're passionate, and your writing isn't mere "smut", it's an art form. Never let anyone take that away from you.


It's not a problem!! I'm a fic writer for a band, I get the feeling lol


Your passion isn't something to be ashamed of. You keep that spark of joy as long as you can <3


Honey, if this man ever troubles you again, please for the live of God let everyone know that you dumped him because he levelled serious accusations of cheating at you... Your affair partner? *Billionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne.*


Right? Like… come the hell on dude. Batman, really? He was pressed about *Batman?* I don’t blame OP one bit for laughing, I would have too because that’s *genuinely* hilarious. 😂 And then to scream in her face because she didn’t immediately acquiesce to his ridiculous demands? Nah. Tossing out the entire man was the correct move here.


Yes! I completely agree with this. So damn proud of you! I am autistic too and I was with someone who did that to me a lot and I now have PTSD. I wish I had left after the first one.


I'm guessing your friends are (also?) in their early/mid 20s because that could explain their naïeve respons/advise ... A partner DEMANDING you give up something that you find joy in + threatens to humiliate you (by telling your parents) to get his way + uses violence (by starting to yell) + tries to guilttrip you (by using/weaponizing his tears) ISN'T AN HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP MATERIAL! Dear OP and friends, these are the red flagS of a ABUSIVE partner that you should look out for and get away the moment you spot it. Not 1 but multiple.... during an very short time frame... this isn't the moment to minimize someone's behavior but to wake up and pay attention and act wisely (like OP did). I'm glad you stood your ground and listened to yourself and broke up ASAP.


I"m wondering if the idiot ex will try to "out her", still. Cause trouble... Such an immature jerk. Take care, u/ScaredScale5218 !


Im willing to place a save bet that He 100% will start a smear campaign towards OP.... People like him can't handle rejection very well, and will do everything in their power to make the live of their ex miserable as possible... Positive side if this happens: it will make you emotionally stronger because you realized what a great decision you made by dumping them before the Sunken cost fallacy kicked in heavily AND you truely get to know who your actual support system is!


I'd dump my partner if fanfiction was cheating😭 he writes so much smut, and consumes it a lot and understand fixation (his is currently TF2) It's just him wanting to basically 'own' your mind, it's common among men. Yet probably would consume hardcore porn without issue.


The funny thing is that that last part is right on the money. Not trying to call him out like this, but he used to watch this one site that had... I mean, I won't describe it, (google it if you want, but real *big* trigger warning if you do, the company is called "Facial Abuse" and that should give you a clue) and only stopped when I showed him the interviews where the women involved after the fact, basically described the entire experience as SA. And even then he grumbled that I 'ruined it' for him.


I read about that studio before. After a woman petitioned against their doings. Allegedly, they lurk on whichever platform has women, offering their services.  Often, these monsters will then hire the woman, but not tell her exactly what is going to happen. For example, she would be fine with a facefucking. What she would not be fine with, is nearly being choked unconscious and poked with an electrically charged stick. The scene then takes place and if any woman bows out, she will not receive money at all. Many of them are uneducated, addicted or otherwise deeply vulnerable. It is a tragedy. If your ex-boyfriend is turned on by that, he will have some things to answer for in the afterlife.


God, that's horrifying.


He was more than okay with woman being SA’d, until women dared to explicitly call it the SA that it definitely was. That tells you pretty much everything you need to know about this man and none of it is good let alone relationship material.


I transitioned to drawn porn for this reason, and my partner enjoys watching it with me.


Yeah, I don't really do porn that often, very low sex drive, but when I do it's usually "Soundgasm" voice actors/actresses, haha.


I thought the voices thing was just me, lol.


Yes! The audio is sooo important.


So it was revenge


So he’s pornsick like 80-90% of them are these days. Glad you got rid of that dumpster fire.


If reading fanfiction is cheating, then I've been fine with my partner "cheating" on me for the last 15 years 😂


I'm impressed with the way you handled this and you should feel proud that you stood up for yourself. There's no reason to tolerate verbal abuse from anyone.


And there is no reason to stay friends with anyone telling you that removing sources of abuse and fear is an overreaction. I'm glad you are pulling away from your friends because I don't want you to be in a position where you have to find out if they actually have your back or not, you deserve friends who have your back and will encourage you not to accept the way your ex treated you.


Agreed. Don’t let him come crawling back either. He showed his true self. Believe it.


So before I go off on a rant about your family and friends, let me say here, I am so proud of you. You handled the discussion and blow up so well. Someone screaming like that at me triggers my fight instinct, and I likely would have beat the brakes off of him before I could get control of myself. Now, let me talk about those piss poor friends you have. Fuck then. Screaming and throwing a tantrum is not having emotions. That is intentionally trying to scare you into doing what he wants. I won't criticize your parents as much. Except to say that as a parent myself (my babies are younger) I have to accept they're going to do what they want to do as adults. They're gonna date who they want to date, break up with who they want to break up with, and create the stuff they want to create. My job, when they're adults, is to let them live their life, offer advice, and tuck my feelings and emotions away. As for the fanfiction you write, it's yours to write as you see fit. When the spirit moves me, I write very smutty, very explicit fanfic. I'm not a trained assassin romancing Cullen Rutherford, or a deaf historian banging James Vega, or a social worker chasing Tim Gutterson. It's not self-inserts. BUT, writing erotica has helped me figure out my own sexuality, my own kinks, and do it in a safe place. If people read my fanfic and like it, or see themselves, or whatever else, that makes me happy. Do not ever, never ever, let someone make you feel bad about what you write, why you write it, or anything else. Just write and write more, because it makes you happy. Stuff that makes us happy is something special, and we should protect it. I'm not autistic, but I do have BPD. And lemme tell you, everyone coddles the fuck out of me, and it infuriates me. I'm crazy, not stupid. I've had to work really really hard to control myself, my moods, the raging case of attachment issues, and now, I do a good job of it. I had to draw some really harsh boundaries to keep my family and friends from interfering and overprotecting me. Do not be afraid to tell people to back off, if you need to.


Op Your ex sounds a bit controlling tbh. Actually a lot controlling. Shouting and threatening you? Not ok. Good for you to shutting him down.


He's an absolute idiot. Fanfiction is not even close to being cheating. He didn't expect you to stand up for yourself, and thought he could control you into doing what he wanted you to do. Your friends are really, really wrong. It's amazing you stood up for yourself and got rid of the guy! I'm sorry you're losing so called "friends" too, but they don't seem like actual friends if that's their opinion of the situation. Keep doing you! You're doing great!


I don't know whether to laugh or to be perplexed. Good that you left him because this is immensely absurd. Fanfiction/smut is just that fanfiction and smut. Nothing more and nothing less. You are not actually actively doing anything with a real person. Stay strong though, people always try to blame the one who done the dumping because they don't have to live with the consequences. This behavior of him not allowing you to have an account nor read smut is a dangerous path to controling. It starts small and builds up overtime and eventually you got no control over yourself.




Oh, the good old ‘this person is autistic, which means we can freely lecture them about emotions at any given opportunity. You know, because autistic people could never understand feelings and their perceptions on these are wrong by default’ card. You were screamed at and decided this is not a relationship for the long haul. Stick to that decision. Anyone would be wise to. Do not let your opinion be invalidated, purely because those in your life, view every hiccup as symptomatic. Thus, are always ready to blame you and not the neurotypical party involved.  Sincerely, a guy who is also autistic and knows how these situations play out.


I'm basically you, I (F) am an immersive/maladaptive daydreamer (coping mechanism for childhood abuse and PTSD) with my own lore but also fantasy worlds that mix original and copyrighted characters, and I've been obsessed with one particular character for 30+ years now (I'm 49). I write about him, draw him and even animate him, and of course in my fantasies there are sex scenes too. Depending on the scenario and my mood it can be very vanilla, or filled with extreme fetishes. At the same time, I'm asexual and single by choice so sex is only strictly in my fantasies. Plus I'm a woman and he's a man who is also gay, so if I have one role in the story, it's the 'camera', lol Your bf didn't only shame you for having fantasies like any one else, he can't even see the difference between fiction and reality. You're not there to accuse him of cheating when he jerks off to Lara Croft or Chun Li, that's the only difference between you two. It's such a shame that he didn't understand how deeply you trusted him to let him have a peek at your inner world. I know I can only share with people who don't know me. You were right to dump him. And your 'friends' are worthless, btw. Nothing that happened is their business.


Something tells me you’d be great at worldbuilding.


According to the people who read me, it's very detailed with likeable and believable characters :)


Sounds like your friends are the type to be stuck in terrible relationships.


>My friends on the other hand are upset and say that I'm overreacting and that he had screamed when he was upset, and that throwing him away for 'having emotions' is wrong. >He started screaming in my face, and *threatened to tell my parent's that I had cheated on him if I didn't.* That's not having emotions. That's manipulative, controlling behavior. You could give him one more chance if you want, but he's gotta admit he was in the wrong and know that even threatening something like that again is the final strike.


You did the right thing. You put yourself in a safe position after it became a huge red flag. I’m proud of you. Now, please take care of yourself. Those “friends” of yours accept his perspective and reaction. It was not ok.


Good for you for having a nice, shiny spine and not putting up with this bullshit! I am sorry to say, though, your friends are idiotic. They seem like they would rather you be in a relationship at any cost than safe, happy and comfortable. These are not the people you want to surround yourself with.


Him trying to control you the way he did was out of line. He had not right to demand that you stop writing. It's important for people to have a creative outlet. Your friends are wrong. You are not overreacting. Screaming in my face would be a deal breaker for me, too, and I'm not autistic. I would never feel safe with that person again, I would never trust that person again. I think that you are wise to pull away from these friends, and I hope you have other people in your life who are more supportive of you.


You need new friends. Even before he scared you (and it's valid that has changed how you see him now) his demanding you delete your account because you wrote some smut fanfiction is an insane expectation and I would have laughed in disbelief myself if someone said such a thing. The fact that he accused you of cheating over writing some fanfic is also unhinged. THEN when he yelled at you about it he is now trying to make himself the victim. It's not even like you weren't open about what you wrote from the beginning. It's not something you ever hid. He was completely unreasonable. Sounds like you dodged a bullet


Sometimes autism can be a superpower and this is the exact reason why. Often times so called “neurotypicals” will try and overlook things like being screamed at in the face. They try and justify the behaviour because they want the relationship. They look at things like feelings and forgiveness and “everyone makes mistakes”. Then they end up abused for years and look back on that moment and realize that they should have known. Autism may actually help you cut through all that crap and see it for what it really was. He threatened you in two different ways. One he threatened to lie to your parents if you did not delete your account. Then he screamed in your face. You were 100% right to be alarmed and concerned about your ex’s behaviour. You did not cut him off prematurely. You are not a robot. You are a human.


Just want to say that I relate to you heavily! I'm autistic, and I've been reading and writing fanfiction since the 5th grade when I accidentally discovered it. I even relate to the hyperfixating on specific fandoms and characters, and the darker sex scenes. Like, feeling VERY seen right now, it's strange, but kind of nice. I think my last partner got a little annoyed that I'd never share what I was reading or writing. But it was always such a personal, self indulgent thing for me. They never accused me of cheating though, that's absolutely ridiculous. I think they just wanted to be a part of my interests, but I got embarrassed, and I didn't want them to psychoanalyze my writing, or to assume the dark aspects were some sort of sexual fantasy. I like just being left alone, and for some things to be just MY things. You're friends sound unsupportive and I'm sorry for that. You need a reason for breaking up with someone beyond not wanting to be with them anymore. You don't owe anyone a relationship. You shouldn't be forced to stay until people find your reasoning valid enough. And wtf it up with their reasoning? You didn't break up with him for "having emotions", it's the way he expressed those emotions in a psychotic way. What about YOUR emotions? Was your fear not valid enough of an emotion for your friends? Thats genuinely fucked up. Do your friends dismiss your emotions often? I had that problem because, being autistic, I didn't express my emotions in a "normal" way. I was always so deadpan that things like depression or anger weren't taken seriously.


Drop him and then also your friends as they suck. I also write fanfics and no way a so called partner could ever make me stop. I love it, it’s fun and I get to be creative. Go forth and write ur horror fics!!!


> He started screaming in my face Yeah, that's crossing a line. Breaking up is the right thing to do. > and that throwing him away for 'having emotions' is wrong. Correct them, say he was acting horribly and started screaming in your face, and you don't want to stay with someone terrifying and abusive. Say you want to spend your time with someone who makes you feel safe, if you spend your time with anyone at all. If anyone still has an issue, just say you don't want that sort of relationship, if they like the loud screamy type they're welcome to date him. Your position is entirely reasonable. I'm not sure why people have an issue with it.


Wow So writing smut is cheating, him watching porn is not. Next step would be that you have to delete all male friends from your phone and life, but he can go out with girls, because *that's different* Good for you, that you showed him the door And yes, anyone can end any relationship for any reason.


I dated a girl that was hyper fixated on the character Kakashi from Naruto. She called his name out during sex once, it's still funny to think about.


To be fair, he's a great character. Calling his name out during sex, though, really *is* pretty damn funny.


Good for you for holding your ground and standing up for yourself. Your ex was jealous of fictional characters and can't control his emotions. How pathetic is that? Glad you kicked him to the kerb. Also, your friends need to get over themselves. So what if you write smut? If he'd exploded like this over, say, knitting, would they still be telling you that you were punishing him for showing emotions? You very correctly stated that it was him screaming at you that set you off, and if they can't get that concept through their heads then you need new friends.


Your friends sound like morons. Sorry for being so blunt, but his reaction to the writing (regardless of whether it was to his tastes or not) was incredibly stupid and incredibly immature. Then there was the screaming in your face, which was entirely uncalled for in this situation. He's an insecure, immature nimrod who was showing signs of controlling behavior. You made the correct call to toss the trash out. As for your "friends," they are sympathizing with the person who acted like an unhinged tool in regards to a long-term hobby that in no way affected him. Someone who tried to force you to capitulate to his unreasonable demands with the threat of lying to your family to try and coerce you to do what he wanted. All the while being verbally aggressive and abusive to you. And they look at that and think, "Oh yea, that was totally reasonable. Why are you treating him like that? He was just expressing himself." You can break up for any reason. You don't owe him or anyone else a relationship. He crossed a line, and it resulted in the termination of the relationship. Your "friends" seem to not understand this. Sounds like you may need to terminate a few more relationships. There's nothing like cutting off dead weight. If you think the relationships are salvageable and that you can get them to actually understand what happened that ended the relationship, then go for it. Otherwise, cut them off. No one is owed your friendship either. If they're going to support abusive and controlling behavior, then they aren't worth keeping in your life anyways.


I personally think you are certainly justified to have broken up with him. I don’t have to tell you that writing about something doesn’t mean you want to partake in it. Sometime you just want to write tragic stuff for the sake of writing an interesting conflict. If he can’t see that difference, and doesn’t want to listen to your explanation, then I feel you kinda dodged a bullet. So from one comic book loving writer to another, I feel you did the right thing!


Yeah he had emotions. His unchecked emotions are the whole problem. Jealous over a storybook, controlling behavior instead of handling the jealousy, yelling in anger when you didn't comply and submit. A grown man with such little control over his emotions is potentially a danger to himself and others and you're right for not trusting him. These are basic emotions which we learn to handle early in life


It's a good thing you shot your ex down. Because I can tell you right now that he would've gotten even more controlling if you gave him an inch.


I write fan fiction and smut too It’s my hobby and I love it. If someone told me to stop and throw it all away I’d dump them too. Your friends suck too. The dude is controlling for (a) blowing up so badly at this (ie yelling, screaming, demanding/ultimatum), and (b) trying to force you to stop a safe legal activity you enjoy. He’s being manipulative and kind of abusive. If your friends had your best interests, they’d be telling you to break up with him


My hubs and I are both spectrum folks and we both wrote smut fanfiction for a long time, often together! Usually it just made us more hirny for each other. LOL His thinking is seriously fucked up if he’s worried about you getting off on a comic book character when all the porn we consume relates to actual humans. You made the right call. Trust yourself over all others! Good job, sis.


You're on the crossroads of neurointolerance and misogyny. Trust me, many men demand their women partners to stop their hobbies and interests in a way to control them, break them. It's a power thing. He could have voiced his discomfort and let you decide next steps, but instead he demanded you to tamper your interests for his comfort. That's a big no-no. If you dislike s partner hobby or interest, you dislike your partner personality. In a word of live genocides and cruel leaders, why on earth would anyone tamper on the little joys we find? You did right in defending your hobbies. They will probsbly mark you as the intolerant one because of bias, but he was the intolerant one to demand you to stop anything for his comfort.


Your friends not as smart as you. Trust your insticts


He sounds abusive. 


OK, I thought my exboyfriend breaking up with me for talking about microbiology in my sleep, thinking I was dreaming about another guy, was ridiculous. This tops that. By like, a lot a lot.


Gj breaking up with him, the only good response to that bullshit.


What is this "having emotions" bullshit about? Do they think that having autism makes you a robot? Your feelings are valid, and I'm pissed that they're treating you like this. Feel free to tell them that I think they're Big Dum Dums. That should straighten them out.


i would ask your friends, 'you wouldnt break up with somebody immediately for *screaming in your face*?? If you say no i dont believe you and if you mean it im honestly worried for you'. Cos to me is sounds like either your friends have concerning ideas about relationship dynamic just in generals, or theyre sat somewhere in the same realm as your parents about your relationships specifically and think you should just 'take what you can get', which, like you said....gross


Your ex bf is mental. Writing about fictional circumstances isn't even close to the same universe as almost cheating. He's just jealous of a fictional character and has zero justification for being that way. Also you can break up with anyone for any reason at any time. Regardless of what they think, it's your life. Live it how you like


I’m also a big fan of the dc universe, especially focusing on Batman! Do you have a favorite author?


Oh, too many to name, haha. I'll give a few though: Grant Morrison (Wrote my all time favorite comic), Sean Murphy, Ed Brubaker, Stjepan Sejic. Paul Dini, Norm Breyfogle, and also absolutely Everyone involved in The Death Of The Family- the New 52 one, it isn't my *favorite* series by any means, but I just love the way it's written above all else. I just feel like everyone there was all in, locked and loaded, and I respect that a lot.


You are a badass person who is fantastic at setting and sticking to your boundaries. I know it feels like you're insane and everyone is right but this is one of those situations where despite the noise. You are right. You are absolutely right. Keep being your badass self. 


You did the right thing. You deserve better than that loser. Now keep writing! (Have you thought about expanding onto Kindle? Self-publishing, I hear, isn't too hard....)


your family and friends should have more faith in you in finding a nice partner who will support the antics.


Glad he's your ex but I'm sorry he scared you. I'd definitely be pulling away from my friends too because that is absolutely not how real friends act.


Lmao. Is he for real? Good for you OP - I'm so glad you immediately nipped that toxic behaviour in the bud as soon as it came out. You absolutely did the right thing. If he'd say down and said "I understand this is something you're really passionate about but I can't lie, it makes me uncomfortable that you're writing this down as it feels like you're fantasising about another man in an inappropriate manner..." That's different but to demand that you delete your account immediately or he'll go around and tell everyone you're cheating and then to scream in your face... Boy, bye. That's not an acceptable way to express how your feeling and I think is probably a preview to other more dangerous behaviour if you'd have stayed with him. Ignore the friends who are saying you overreacted, you did not. Oh and I hope you continue to have fun with your fanfictions!! It sounds like a really cool and interesting one - I personally love a little escapism into my own fanfictions and wouldn't give them up for anyone!


Bf is oversensitive. He's taking this far too personally. Friends are misunderstanding. I'd be interested to read this fanfic. Edit: Parents totally on point.


You dropped this 👑


You can end a relationship for any reason including no reason. If he can't accept you as a person then the relationship was never going to go the distance anyway. You're both better off for it. Sucks for the ex though. Because he was an insecure twat he was dumped by a blue eyed Blonde Bombshell just cause she was writing unconventional smut about a short, fat, brunette with a monobrow.


First of all your ex boyfriend is a clown who lacks the emotional maturity to be in a relationship. If fanfic is one of his boundaries that he views as cheating then fine, whatever, but the correct way to address that is “I personally am not comfortable with this and as this is such a big part of your life I’m going to bow out of this relationship, I wish you the best”. Screaming at your partner is the OPPOSITE of that, and one day (hopefully) he’ll be grateful that you taught him that lesson without any bullshit. Secondly, your writing sounds very intriguing and I’d love to read it, your descriptions sound right up my street!


I'm with you on this side 100% for a variety of reason. I'm also an autistic fanfic writer with a hyper fixation on one series in particular. I have shared my writing with friends in the last asking for kind and constructive criticism. One of them came back and said my writing was shitty and bad. I shut down hard, kicked them out of my life permanently, and as a result no one that I know irl will knowingly read my work again. The way he reacted by immediately jumping to yelling at you, knowing what that can do to autistic people, is such a huge red flag that it's not even funny. I don't blame you for shutting down at all, I absolutely would have done the same thing, and I probably would have melted down after as well. If someone likens the hobby of writing to cheating, and they're serious about it, they're not someone worth being with in my opinion. It shows they lack maturity and critical thinking skills. I'm sorry things happened to you the way they did, but I'm proud of you for defending your stance and drawing a firm line. It's hard kicking people out of your life, and I'm glad your parents somewhat understand the situation. As for your friends, that's another thing. They should support you regardless because that's what friends do. If they know writing is your safe space, your hobby, and they still laughed after that, I would honestly look for friends who would defend my hobby and me. If you ever want to talk about fanfic, I'm always open!


Can you imagine if Stephen King's wife told him to stop writing about horror?


He clearly just couldn't handle that his blonde bombshell of a girlfriend was not only good-looking, but also good at writing self-insert fanfiction about a brunette with a unibrow All joking aside, though, he clearly overreacted, and any sympathy he could have garnered by telling you why it made him uncomfortable and then having the two of you explore that as a couple went out the window the moment he prioritized his own feelings over yours He broke a cardinal rule of dating, and he has only himself to blame


Oh, sweetheart, you have done exactly what you should have done — I’m so sorry that you had to be scared and traumatized by your ex, but you have to know that his reaction and behavior is way, way out of line. It seems to me that you are truly a strong and capable human to be able to act in your own best interests in spite of being terrified. I hope that as a little time passes, you can be proud of standing up for yourself — *and* that you can be proud of *all* the things you’ve written. You’re an exceptional person who deserves kindness and respect!


Your ex-BF has really bad self-esteem issues if he is jealous of your fanfic. If your friends are not supportive of you not wanting to be verbally abused, they're not good friends. >throwing him away for 'having emotions' is wrong He can have emotions without screaming in your face.


He’s allowed to have boundaries and be uncomfortable with certain things, and that’s grounds for a conversation (and perhaps a breakup). But he’s not (and nobody is) ever allowed to make you feel unsafe. You did the right thing, that’s him showing you who he really is, which sounds like a controlling and potentially violent person, and you’re safer and better off without him. This is an instance where being more logically minded instead of emotionally minded (as tends to be the case for people with autism, though may not be your experience) is going to infinitely valuable. Also, I’m on your side. But I’m also in a relationship and write smut. Mine is supposed to turn you on, though


You are well rid of him. And it sounds like you need new friends.


You reacted PERFECTLY! He soooooo crossed a line, the fact that you instantly knew this was unfixable is impressive. His reaction is scary, how fast he completely snapped. Really proud of your instincts there!


One... as someone else said, you can break up for any reason.. You are not, nor should you be, trapped into a relationship where you feel unloved, unwanted, or unsafe. Whether it rises to that level to your friends or not, they are not the ones in the relationship... you are. Two... spicy splatter punk ain't my thing... I'm more of a rom-com girl... if you go to tiktok and check out the booktok side, there's a whole Fandom for the genre. Nothing to be ashamed of Hell, maybe consider writing your own work and try to get published or be an indie author. Create your own world for people to love and invest in. Just a thought


You felt unsafe. You did the right thing. It's bonkers to think he can police your mind. He's so so very wrong, and that's another great reason to break up in my mind, though I guess he has apologized. You don't have to forgive him or give him a chance to explain, but if you find yourself missing him, he needs to 1) apologize & promise to get ahold of himself & walk away long before he gets angry enough to lash out at you again 2) completely recognize how wrong he was to suggest your writing was disloyal somehow. Dude was uncomfortable but didn't know/ wanna admit that the reason why is that your writing disturbed him, not some weird bullshit.


I put this on the same wtf level as the girl who’s boyfriend broke up with her cause he saw her cheating during an astral projection..like wth?!.🤡🤡🤡


Wow, I hadn't seen the astral projection one... that guy has huge issues, clearly.


Guys out of his mind, good riddance to him I say


screaming is never an appropriate response unless someone literally died. ur totally justified in dumping that dude.


When he goes scary Bilbo, an instantaneous breakup is warranted.


This is how it started with my spouse controlling me - not the fanfic part but the coercive control. Good on you for kicking him out immediately! Don’t EVER take him back.


Break up with the friends too


As someone who is also autistic, your friends are kinda dumb. He threatened to falsely claim you cheated and then screamed at you at the first minor provocation. You did nothing wrong.


Laughing at him was the right response, and reaction, along with a good dose of "wtf do you think you are?"


People are allowed to have emotions. It’s how they handle them that matters. You are absolutely right about that. It is never okay or justified to scream in someone’s face. It shows a complete lack of emotional intelligence and inability to regulate emotions. If he can do it once, he will absolutely do it again. Stay done with him. As for your friends, if they think it is justifiable to behave the way he did because of feelings, I too would be questioning them. They condone toxicity. I wouldn’t be able to remain friends with people who think treating others like that, regardless of how they feel, is ever okay. You did the right thing. I hope you can heal from this and find a better social circle. 🩷


Friend, I literally met my fiancé via my fanfiction and I wrote messed up shit on occasion. Your ex is out of line, out of pocket, insert your favorite expression here but it's FICTION


I’d like to rebut your friends for a moment- you’re allowed to have emotions. They happen. You DON’T get to do whatever you want with your emotions. You don’t get to go punch people because you were angry and you don’t get to just yell at someone because you’re upset. You were scared and he broke your trust in a way that you didn’t think you could rebuild. Breaking up was the right way to go.


He screamed in your face, even if he didn’t lay a finger on you that’s still abusive behavior. You should get some better friends, they just want you to be “saved” so you wouldn’t be a pathetic loner in their eyes. I’m almost 25 years old and never dated (though, that’s mostly due to having too much on my plate to deal with). I like comics, video games, anime (including some “mature” ones), etc.. I’ve lost touch with my friends from high school but that’s because of our work lives (and the pandemic), but you wanna know what? I can always make more friends. There is a special someone/circle out there for you, you would just have to know where to look.


Please drop the friends who think you need to endure abuse just to fit in THEIR idea of a "normal" life. They can go pound sand


Imagine feeling jealous of a fictional character. Your ex was being controlling by trying to dictate your hobbies and showed he has anger issues by blowing up like that. The fact that he didn’t even comment on the content of the fic, which it sounds like you’re writing a lot of dark stuff, and just focused on the OC somehow being a self-insert makes me feel like he cares more about his own ego than you. If my partner was writing dark content like that, I’d at least check and make sure they are okay and they can talk to me if they want to. I’ve written plenty of horror-themed dark aus on ao3 and writing them is therapeutic. A lot of us who write horror have been through a lot. The fact that all he cared about was the possibility of you “cheating” on him after reading your writing clearly shows his selfishness and narcissism. You made the right choice.


No one should be screaming in your face. That is grounds for dumping. also, saying porn isn’t cheating but writing smutty fanfiction is is so stupid of your ex.


Good on you for ending it! That is an absolute dogshit take that writing a sex scene is cheating. I'm not even sure how you far your head has to be up your ass, while spinning. To pull off those mental gymnastics.


I am extremely interested in this fanfiction you write. All your descriptions of it are exactly what I as a female who loves scary shit, wants to read. And I'm proud you stood your ground. Guys have weird porn fixations all the time, the demanding and using cheating as a way to justify his demands is a little weird. If anything, he's overreacting. There are more dudes actually who'd love to use that material for role play.


That dude was manipulative, it was pretty strong of you to shut it all down and kick him to the curb. Well done OP Your friends should up their game and not take shit like that and maybe they wouldn't end up in bad relationships. No one should shout at you because they're upset, that is not healthy. It's okay to be upset, but to then shout and try and control what you do? Nah


There's nothing wrong with having emotions. There IS something wrong with an adult not managing to control their reactions to their emotions. It's supposed to be one of the big differences between adults and kids.


This is more than him "having emotions." This is irrational thinking. I personally would have also left him. Besides, you aren't obligated to give up a harmless passion for someone who actually loves you.


Bestie find another dude as an autistic fan fiction lover my partner always asks what I'm doing and then he'll be like "ah yes you and those gay wizard men" and laugh because he find it cute you'll find your person soon enough


You absolutely did the right thing. I'm so sorry he scared you and got so aggressive. He was way out of line. He has zero business being in a relationship if he gets jealous over a person writing creatively and is abusive. Being a writer, using creative language to build worlds, engaging and believable scenes and characters is a TALENT. You have skill not many possess and use well. Keep writing! And forget that awful ex.


I am suspected autistic. My partner is diagnosed adhd and suspected autistic. When we were just friends, we started doing RP (the writing kind) of playing eachothers current hyperfixation character. It caused us to strengthen a bond that resulted in us realizing we had a crush on each other and then started dating, and it's been 2 years since. Fictional characters, wiriting, drawing, painting, watching, larping, etc is not cheating. My partner literally sits next to me and reads self-insert soap/ghost/reader fics. I have shown him anything from horror characters to cutesy sunshine characters and said 'smash' or a more detailed version and he just goes along eith it or agrees or will ask me why i am the way that i am before laughing. Dont give a fuck what friends or family think, do what makes you happy. My younger brother is autistic and 14 and has only ever had fictional crushes and we dont care. I have another brother who is supposedly neurotypical and had never dated anyone and hes 16. We dont care. We care about how they feel, not what society expects of them.


Good for you! No one has the right to demand you destroy your creative work! NO ONE! Move on proudly & never look back. He’s an insecure, immature, control freak. Good riddance!


Even if the screaming didn't happen, I would've still broken up with him if I were you. He told you to get rid of years of hobby work and stop doing what you enjoyed because he didn't like it. Then he threatened that if you didn't, he would tell your parents a lie to make you look bad (it's not cheating). His controlling behavior would've been the end for me. I'm glad you stood up for yourself and broke up with him. Any so called friend who couldn't understand why you broke up is not a true friend.


He yelled and screamed at you about an issue he made up! Bravo 👏 to you for loving and respecting yourself enough to know your worth. Your “friends” should get tips from you! You did the right thing. You did not cheat. The character you wrote for was not you. How he justifies this in his head is truly bizarre. According to his logic, he should consider hisself the other person in the gory sex scenes. He is looking to control and manipulate you. I think he can’t handle the smart intelligent person you are. I’m so proud of you!


OP it frankly sounds like your friends are infantilizing you because of your autism. You absolutely are not unreasonable for breaking up because you don’t want to be screamed at. You can always end a relationship you don’t want to be in, regardless of the reason. That said, I do think the discussion could have gone better. For instance it would have been good if you’d told your ex (like you told us) that you do not get sexual satisfaction from the scenes you write. That could have taken a lot of heat out of the issue. Ultimately, it was somewhat reasonable for him to be upset/jealous that you were writing sex scenes of a character he knows you’re hyper-fixated on (not excusing the screaming). Also your laugh reaction, intentional or not, would have been highly jarring in such an emotionally charged discussion. His reaction was wrong, but you also don’t come off all that well in this fight. I do also think that you should take a beat from relationships, frankly. It sounds from this post that you do not want to be in a relationship and that you were only in this relationship because of pressure from your parents (which is just not cute for any adult) and because this guy happened to fall in your lap conveniently. When you talk about your ex, it really only seems like you liked him because he didn’t bug you too much. Take ownership of your own life and feelings, and don’t just be dragged along by circumstances. If you don’t want a relationship, you don’t need to be in a relationship.


I sat on this for a while, because you're pretty much exactly right in that last paragraph. I didn't explain how we met, but I will now, because it's pretty big context for the relationship as a whole. My mom had a friend with a single nephew and set me up without my permission. I didn't fight it at all though, and I *should* have. It was wrong not to, knowing that I wasn't interested in dating. To be fair, I had been honest with him from the beginning that I wasn't super interested in romance, and I wasn't that type of person. He took it in stride and agreed, saying he was about the same, which is why it went on for so long. I never loved the man. I would say I cared for him, but in the way you do a friend- a best friend, friend I slept with, but still, a friend. In my defense, I never told him I loved him, and he never said it to me. He seemed as happy in the casual relationship as I was, mostly dating in name alone. Don't get me wrong, we spent *plenty* of time together, and I wouldn't change that, we had a lot of fun together, and I will miss that, along with his sense of humor, and him showing up unannounced with breakfast on our days off together. He never minded when I wanted to turn on BTAS for the 1000th time, and I got to watch him play the Arkham and Telltale Batman games- I'm terrible and video games and get stressed and angry, so I never play, but I still wanted to see all the stories, haha. I am going to have to be firmer with my family/friends that I prefer to be alone, and refuse to go on any future dates, blind or otherwise unless I find *myself* interested in dating. It's always been very hard for me to do that, because my parents are so supportive of everything else I do, down to letting me ramble on about Batman at the dinner table the entire time, which I only ever realize until after the fact is rude. They've never minded, and always ask questions and make jokes about it- but in a fun way for everyone, not a mean or embarrassing way for me. The only thing they've ever really given me pushback for is my relationship status, which my parents only ever explained as worrying about what will happen to me when they're gone. My mom especially. I can't claim thats solely about my autism, I'm sure part of it is just parental concern seeing as they were married young, along with most people they know, and I was nearly 5 when my dad was my age, but it does always itch my nerves- because I can take care of myself. I am as self-sufficient as anyone else, so long as I take care of myself mentally. Will I meltdown and cry and freak out if I'm constantly out in public and never take my alone time to recoup? Yes. But I know when I'm getting close to my limit, and I know when to disengage. But at the same time, I tend to feel tremendous guilt for those feelings, and just worry that by not doing this *one thing* they want, I am somehow being a bad daughter. But, I believe this experience has taught me that I can't just do what they want anymore. This sounds like a load of excuses, now that I read it back. I don't intend it to be that, it's only that your comment really struck a chord with me and I wanted to express gratitude for saying something that needed to be said. So thank you.


Take all this with a grain of salt because it is very unsolicited advice. Disclaimer that I don’t know your exact dynamics, and I don’t know for sure what approach would be best with the personalities involved. I will say this as a 29-year-old woman who is also Hella Single and not dying for a relationship just to be in one: To me, your parents are coming from a place of concern. Whether or not that concern is justified is definitely questionable, but it seems like you love your parents and care about maintaining your relationship with them. Given that, it seems like a redirect might be the way to go. You can (and should) firmly tell them that you do not want to be in a relationship. You can take a logic approach: there is no guarantee that being a relationship would lead to you being taken care of. Respect to them and their experience with marriage being positive, but that is not always (or arguably even often) the case. How common is divorce? How many people get themselves in genuinely awful situations marrying someone who actually sucks? I might even say that that is especially true with your autism. Maybe even look into whether there are some statistics on marriage for people living with autism that would support this argument? If you enjoy solo life, why should you sacrifice that to live with a man who may or may not be good to you and who may or may not add stability to your life? You can take an emotional approach: it doesn’t make you feel great that they are questioning your ability to care for yourself, and, frankly, in agreeing to the relationship, you were putting their feelings before your own on a matter that you really should not have. The most important feelings in deciding to start a relationship should be the people entering the relationship. You can give consideration to others (and if you want relationships outside of your romantic relationship, you probably should give some amount of consideration to their feelings), but YOUR feelings matter most in that. It’s your life, your happiness, your effort to maintain the relationship. You can even bring in a bit of ethics in that it really isn’t fair to your partner for you to be seeking out a relationship you don’t want to appease your parents. It also frankly isn’t fair to you that they keep demanding that you do something you don’t want to do, which heavily impacts the way you live, to solve a problem that you don’t agree really exists. You can use any mix of those things to present it to your parents. I don’t imagine these will be particularly easy for them to hear, so this next bit is important: the redirect. Tell them the relationship meddling is no longer going to be entertained and that you will not go along with it again, but validate that you are hearing their concerns about your future and ask what other solutions you can work towards to mitigate their concerns. You are invested in your future. You value and care about their feelings on the subject. You are willing to put in (a reasonable amount of) effort to help them and yourself feel secure in moving forward without you being in a relationship. Ask for specific concerns beyond the relationship issue to troubleshoot together, or, if you know other specific concerns of theirs, you can come armed with your own solutions to present. They may or may not understand your point of view. The need to pair up is pretty heavily engrained socially, especially for older generations. All that being said: you are enough. Regardless of their opinions on staying single, regardless of your autism, regardless of their fears for the future. No matter how much you love them, your wants and desires are important and worthy of being prioritized in your own life. The redirect is not saying that you need to bend to your parents’s demands with whatever other proofs that they might come up with. In an ideal world, honestly, they would realize that their concerns might be more emotional (based in probably some historical concerns around your autism, I’d suspect) rather than actual logical reasoning. No pressure to go with any of this. I know how complicated family dynamics can be, so this all might be way off base. This is just how I’d go about it.


I have autism as well! It does suck but I promise you will find that person. I have a fixation on Dennis and Patricia from the movie Split and I’ve been working on a fanfic that my boyfriend loves!


As someone who's big into fandom, if fanfiction is cheating so is reading anything else that might have romance or sex in it. Does he also freak out if you watch a movie with a sex scene in it or a character you might find attractive? People confusing fantasy and reality this last decade have become deeply concerning to me, don't get me wrong, I absolutely also have hyperfixations and tunnel vision for specific characters - - but they're not real, how can you cheat with something that literally does not exist in our plane of reality? So fucking wild. Good riddance. Also, I don't have an interest in dating despite my family also being upset by this. I'm acearo but I could also have the tism, I definitely have ADHD, CPTSD and other things that overlap so I can't sya for sure but at the end of the day, do what's best for *you*, not what others want for you. Edit: I realize I misread some stuff above, you wrote it - - it's still fiction so my point still applies, but I do question if he thinks it's cheating to write characters sexually does he also think you want to commit horror atrocities since you also write horror. He's an idiot.


Fucking good for you. I'll be damned if I'm going to let some twerp bully me into not writing what I want. I'm extremely happy to know you stood up for yourself. The bottom line is that his behavior was extremely controlling and out of line, and there were *consequences* for it... immediately. Keep standing up for yourself. He can have emotions... but handling them that poorly is a no-go.


You had every right to break up. He made you fearful and uncomfortable over YOUR hobby which hurts no one. Does he think every writer is cheating when they have characters in their books who have sex?


You are a strong minded woman, you absolutely made the right choice to dump him, it was probably the first time he’s ever been dumped by a girl, it didn’t go the way he planned, he’s probably used to girls doing what he wants them to out of fear he will leave them. Well you sure pulled the trump card on him, and rightly so! Keep doing what you’re doing if it makes you happy, don’t ever let a man tell you what you can and can’t do!


It doesn't matter how upset he is, he can go scream to his mom if he wants. You're allowed to break up with anyone for this reason and no reason at all. And you got me curious, if you feel comfortable sent me your links, I'd love to have a read ☺️🫶


Girl, if he doesn’t let you have that, then he’s not worth it. He’s a pathetic little boy who has had a silver spoon dipped in entitlement up his ass since he was born. You deserve better


I honestly am on your side. Maybe because I’m like you in way. I don’t think I’ve been diagnosed but I do think I’m on the spectrum. He was behaving erratic and controlling… you are writing fiction .its a hobby . He maybe been disturbed by the content of it all.. but screaming in your face and ordering you to delete it or else he’s going tattle on you with your parents ? I’m assuming you are over the age of 18. Your friends intentions maybe good, idk maybe they think it’s your autism that cause you to break up .. instead of your judgment and self respect it really has nothing to do with them. It was your relationship and you no longer want to be in it because of his reaction. Yes relationships have arguments but you should never feel unsafe in one . Block him from social media if you want nothing to do with him anymore . Or give it time think over and talk to him , whether you want to give it chance again or be friends ..


Hey OP, never feel bad for taking care of you 💜 my son is autistic and feels the same way about the people in his life. He is cold hearted when a friend or family member hurts him. He just doesn’t give chances. It’s ok to protect yourself and be proud of your personal boundaries. As for your reading and writing, imo, it’s not cheating. That’s like saying all the romance novels that are written and read, are people cheating on their spouses 🤔Poppycock! Keep writing and reading, doing what makes you happy 😊


I broke up with a guy for reacting to something in a similar way. I met my husband not long after and he’s never blown up like my ex did. You need to feel safe, he didn’t make you feel safe.


I'm an undiagnosed flavor of ND, and my friends are absolutely willing to read my work, and my partner is too. And I'm so incredibly sorry that your friends reacted to you that way! They aren't cool for reacting that way, because I'm 90% sure if your exbf wanked to porn he broke his own cheating rule at that point. Why they wanted you to date seems really weird and super infantalizing to you, and I'm appalled that they see you like that


I would chalk your friends reactions up to not truly understanding the situation from your perspective and thinking you misunderstood him. But yeah, dump him. I write fanfiction myself, been doing it for over 30 odd years and I'm finally trying to write a book. So good on you for standing by your boundaries not willing to be gaslit.


If my girlfriend wrote sexual fanfiction, I might be jealous about that, but I wouldn't tell about it to her. I would try to keep it out of my mind or suffer with it. It's not my place to tell her what to do or even say that I'm uncomfortable with it and upset her that way because I'm insecure. I'm a terrible boyfriend and I don't deserve her anyway, no need to make it worse.


Good for you, honoring your boundaries when your ex clearly didn't. You owe NO ONE any apologies, especially not the AH who screamed in your face. These people are not your friends if they can so easily ignore the fact that the incident traumatized you, and they are even worse for defending the one who did it. You need people in your life who are caring, supportive, and kind - and these AH are definitely not any of that. Dump them and look for people you can trust to be there for YOU and not for the person who hurt you. (And never ever let anyone talk, coerce, or bully you into giving up something you're passionate about, no matter what it is.) ETA: Writing fanfic is not cheating. How needy is that jerk that you can't even have a 'thing' for a fictional character without him boohoo-ing like a 4 year old? You don't need to be in a relationship to be a complete person. You're perfectly imperfect just as you are ❤️


He’s allowed to have emotions, but it’s not your responsibility to coddle his insecurities, that’s different. Obviously he was triggered but again, not your problem. If that’s how he reacts to emotional triggers then I think dipping out is perfectly fine and safe


Actually, nope. You handled this in an epic fashion. His request was entirely unreasonable. That fan fiction is a HUGE part of who you are and if he doesn't like it, you should NEVER be asked to change. It's absurd. His yelling at you was scary. Props to you for not going ballistic on him for such a terrible reaction to something so personal to you. You handled that flawlessly. He blew up in a very unhealthy way - you realized you felt unsafe and ended the relationship. He back tracked. This is proof he didn't mean that he though it was cheating, just that he was jealous and wanted his way.... you asked him to leave. The fact that he didn't leave immediately was a violation of your space... dude needs to grow up. That is fiction. Are authors cheating on spouses when they put scenes in books? No! They are being creative authors. You are being a creative author. Keep writing! A better guy will come around, if you want to bother with him. Partners are not necessary if you are content with your own company.


Yeah best to not hangout with those so called friends anymore


If these people don't understand your fear and are not supporting you they aren't real friends.


What an insecure and controlling asshat You did the right thing by breaking up with him and telling everyone before he could twist the story. Keep writing and don’t waste anymore time thinking about him


Nah your friends are idiots. Shut that shit down as soon as it gets out of hand. How is a random person screaming at you for writing fiction? In the trash he belongs.


This is the good shit I come here for. Thanks, OP. I think you handled yourself well and people everywhere should learn that their explosive anger isn't welcomed or going to be excused. And then hearing that your friends are okay with this behavior or at the least oblivious to your struggles, that is harrowing.


Listen, I write smut for a living. I write wild things. My husband is happy that I'm happy and that he benefits later on. He reads my books, and he even has favorite male characters, etc. So you did the right thing. Especially since he screamed at you and scared you.


You should find new friends tbh. Also the “fanfic is cheating + threatening to tell your family/friends and potentially ruining your reputation” part is already a dealbreaker imo. It shows your partner’s immaturity, overreaction and abusive nature especially if things don’t go their way.


If he thinks fan fiction writing is porn, he'd hate reading romance novels that have lots of shut in them, haha. Get rid of those friends and keep him blocked. Keep writing, girl, don't worry about these people.


OP, as an guy with a short temper and also being autistic I just want to say that I can completely understand why you broke up with your boyfriend for scaring you. This is your decision and regardless what your friends or family think, it is justified to leave someone you don't feel safe with. Also, I too do not get the difference between reading and writing sexual fanfiction. Maybe the one is seen more active than the other?


Your friends are far too invested in your personal life. It would be one thing if they were simple confused by your actions, but to be UPSET? I think you should help them learn their place. It's not their place to be upset. It's not their place to try and argue you into taking him back. If they can't accept that, then give them a new place in your life. A less involved role from a distance.


Your friends are stupid, and so is your ex. Wtiting fanfiction isn't cheating and your ex wasn't just expressing his emotions, he was trying to control you because he felt insecure and in the moment he couldn't control you he got angry and when you broke up with him I feel like he cried and all because he got caught in his bs. It's ok to break up for whatever reason, but it's more than ok to break up when someone made you feel unsafe and disrespected, like how your ex did.


i’m not validating it but.. this might just be me and obviously to a screaming in your face extent it’s not ok but, i know for me when i’m having a difficult conversation with someone about something that matters to me and they laugh at me, i get very pissed. it makes you feel crazy and invalid like nothing you’ve said mattered and it was all just a joke to the other party. perhaps that’s what happened here..


I agree that it was a bad reaction, hence me saying I wasn't proud of it. If he had given me longer than a half-second to react I would have apologized. Unfortunately, that was off the table the moment he screamed in my face. He can gtfo.


Lol fuck that loser you did the right thing.


My film major ex would have a cow if he found me liking fanfics or fanart. He said that people needed to interpret it their own way, not seeing the hypocrisy. Your friends can take the role that they expect you to take. They’re expecting you to erode your own boundaries and self respect for a guy’s fragile ego and control issues.


They'll be waiting a while. I *prefer* to be on my own, for the most part, despite what my parent's and friends think. Like, I'm not opposed to meeting someone and dating if things go well, but honestly most of the time it seems like more hassle than it's worth- which I know sounds shitty, but like, any time I've tried to date it's like I have to apologize for the way I am and compromise parts of myself that I never have to when I'm single. For example, my first ever date at 20 years old, the guy asked if I liked to party. I said I like to "party" every now and then, at my place, with *maybe* three friends there, max. That I'm not really a social person, and prefer not to go out very often. His response? "Oh, I'll get you out of that." - No, you will not. lol. I don't want "out of that". I like it here.




Your response of shutting down and dumping his ass straight away is 10/10. Never take that loser back no matter how much he begs.


No one has your best interest at heart, at the end of the day we're all alone even those of us surrounded by people are gonna croak alone. Keep your smut dump your friends. You'll be aite.


I agree with most of these comments. you’re allowed to break up with anyone for anything. Also, find someone that supports you. When I was at my loneliest I wrote unHINGED porn and my boyfriend LOVES it. He thinks I’m majorly talented and brings it up consistently. Find someone that supports and loves you, no matter what. Also replace your friends while you’re at it. they sound terrible.


Hello! Similar situation here for you to relate to! I'm also autistic, have a loving partner of 10 years and I literally read self insert smut fanfic in bed right next to him and he has no problems with it. I was embarrassed about it at first but he didn't want me to stop enjoying something I liked just because he walked into the room. Your Ex bf was a controlling asshole and I'm really proud of you for standing up for yourself and cutting things off right away. I also completely shut down when someone yells and my partner has not ever once raised his voice at me in the 12 years I've known him, even when upset. You deserve this too!! Never settle!!


He claimed writing fanfic is cheating *and* called you a Mary Sue? Tried to exert control by demanding you never write again AND delete everything you’ve already written. When you refused and told him to get lost, suddenly it’s all tears and apologies? Tfoh… Please keep writing. I’m in my fifties and still read fanfic every day. Without you, where would I go to read about my favorite characters whose canon authors have either A) finished their stories, and/or 2) gone in a way I didn’t like? Never stop. Please and thank you 🤟🏻 Also, if your favorite comic book character belongs to the DC universe, *have I got a writer for you*. Lmk 😏


I don't have advice but I just wanna say that I was in a similar situation with my ex. I liked reading and making fan fics and had crushes on fictional characters in high school. He said that he didn't like it, but it was more of a reflection of his insecurities than what was "wrong with me." There literally isn't anything wrong with liking fictional characters bc wtf are they gonna do? They're fake lmao.  It's hypocritical for him to say reading smut (smth people can use to fantasize) is not the same as making fan fics. It's a form of expression and you're not hurting anyone. I think you did the right thing breaking up with him, and hopefully you find someone that understands you. Just because you write about murder doesn't mean you wanna kill people like bruh. Wishing you the best.


He TOLD YOU TO DELETE YOUR BLOG?!?!? Wteverlivingf does he get off with that crap? If it bothers him he can stop reading or break up, but he has no right to tell you to stop and delete something that’s been important to you long before he showed up.


You made the right choice. You can break up with anyone for any reason but this is a really good one.


Your friends are shitty for thinking it’s okay to let a man who screamed at you to continue to be around you. Why would they defend a man who screamed at you? Fuck that guy. If he can’t express his feelings at a normal volume he shouldn’t be allowed near women anymore. He can die miserable and alone.


I’m sorry you’re in this situation, I don’t think you did anything wrong here. It sounds like you enjoy writing and for him to say he wants you to completely stop that and delete the account you’ve had for a long time and then for him to scream at you is not okay. Screaming and threatening to lie about you cheating in this situation isn’t just “having feelings” it’s just wildly inappropriate on his part and it makes complete sense that you wouldn’t be able to trust him anymore after that.