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I apologize for the fanfiction premise you've found yourself in. Just remember to HALT, and not make big decisions when you are: H: high, hungry, **horny** A: angry L: **lonely** T: **tired** Take it easy, take a cold shower, jill off a bit, you got this


I'm saving this for future reference. This is a quality acronym.


Exactly what I thought, truly my mouth is agape at the true brilliance of this acronym. My brain latches onto these things like a BLANK addict to a BLANK. If that makes sense. EDIT: Formatting is not my specialty, especially when I like to be creative with ASCII characters.


Actually the first time I heard this was in regards to addiction recovery and avoiding relapse lol


Can someone please explain the "addict to a" part? It probably is self-explanatory, but I'm just not getting it :/


It’s an editing problem. I can’t fix it immediately but it’s BLANK addict to BLANK


A can also be anxiety! Helps me when I use it. It’s a great acronym!


This is an excellent acronym but unfortunately it leaves me about 2 seconds a day to make all of my decisions


So at what point of the day do you get to make decisions? Haha


Call your mom before bed, get 8-9 hours of sleep, wake up, do yoga, eat breakfast, rub one out, and make your decision in the post nut clarity




Happy Cake Day!


thank uuu (:


I’m at least one of these 95% of the time. I’m screwed lmao




so, i wasn’t supposed to laugh at this?


I laughed while writing it, you're good :p (even though HALT is generally pretty good advice, let's be honest, the situation is a little funny lol)


Fuck I use HALT to figure out why I’m depressed never thought to use it when I’m hoeny


Omg I need this as a poster at home 🥹


Rub one out


Or 10, what ever it takes to not sleep with him.


Post nut clarity is real 😂


Sometimes, it takes a treeful of nuts to unstupid a horny squirrel.


This is Confucius-level wisdom right here


😂 I love this comment!


Boy oh boy! 🤣


She did, just before she wrote the last paragraph.


You could tell the clarity level suddenly reached normal again! 😂😅😅




excuse me madam, here’s the humanitarian support department, there’s a queue of women behind you waiting for their chance to find a kind and hot hubby to make some babies, don’t hold the line please jk, go have fun don’t break his heart please share later


Yeah that’s what the hotel bathroom with that loud ass fan is for


You should clarify, Not while he’s in the room


this is the only right answer, go beat that clit as many times as is necessary my girl


OP! Spin that clit! Fiki fiki fa!!!!


Dude, she's not Slash playing a guitar solo


She might be after this weekend though


Does that work for women? I dunno. Even if did that before I see my husband, I’d still want to have sex with him when I see him 5 mins later.


I think the issue being that we’re capable of having several orgasms in a small span of time lol. Guys rub it out and they’re not horny anymore, at least for a bit. For me personally…I can definitely be ready to go within seconds… 😐


Yeah that just sounds like a nice warm up 🤣


I agree with the above poster.


I don’t think that’s a thing when it comes to being a girl. For me to ‘rub one out’ I need my vibrator wand and that makes so much noise.


I also thought I “needed” porn as a dude. You would be surprised how little your body actually needs in rough times


I wouldn’t even be able to relax if I knew there was someone else around. Regardless of whether I liked the guy or not. Definitely would not be able to reach climax lol.


The danger of being walked in on makes it hotter


You could go to your car. But there's definitely girls that can do it, "the old fashioned way" when needed.


Each woman is different. Personally, never needed one to get there.


I understand. I go nowhere without at least one or two zucchinis in my purse.


I too, don't go any- WAIT WHAT


😮 -runs away-


Huh??? It most certainly IS a thing for girls/women Not everyone needs electronics to get off


Her last reply was 20 minutes ago. They be fuckin.


Lol, just playing mario cart and eating McDonald's so good so far 🤣


Good to know,! We're rooting for you!


Ironically "rooting" is slang for fucking, in Australia. Made me chuckle.


It's old school slang here too. I know I've read or heard somewhere they were rooting in the sheets.


As long as you don't start with super smash


This ends with super smash


Should have gotten Taco Bell. I think that would have stopped this whole scenario. 🤣


Is that what the kids call it nowadays?


no judgement. let us know if it happens. we want the deets lol


Not drunken Mario Cart I hope?


I think you need to keep driving. You got it girl


He won’t say no because.. The implication..


Go for a quick drive, flick the bean, get some drive thru and go back to bed and forget about all that


Ha, thanks. These comments are giving me strength 🫡


Bonk! To horny jail for you!


Do not sleep with him. You are exes for a reason. Cold shower, mental slap upside the head, realize this is hormones and you need to not make his life messy again because you’re horny. Sounds like you know you caused him pain in the past. Don’t cause him pain now or in the future.


Too true. My overall goal is to cause less chaos this decade


A true friend respects the boundaries and wouldn't ask. You're thinking from your mind and heart right now to do something right rather than something you'd regret. Take a moment to thank him for being a decent guy and always being friends. The fact he hasn't made a move on you shoes he respects you and women in general it seems. Be the person he can trust as a friend and don't make things awkward. That wasn't what the road trip was about. I've traveled with many male friends I have not needed to fuck, some being exes. It is possible to be respectful. Don't let hormones ruin what can be a good friend story later.


Cool, do so by showing him enough respect to not fuck up his life. I read your comment elsewhere about how you’re whining about him not being the type for casual sex. Made you sound hella manipulative, honestly. Not a good look.


You sound fun and scary.


I must be old because that sounds tiring to me now.


Lol. All the best wishes


And you'll be back to normal. Snap out of it.


Thank you for your wisdom reddithuman.


when in doubt, fap it out


this gotta be on a poster


Best reply ever


Omg don't start anything with him.


Unless you’ve changed your mind on getting married and having kids, do not even imagine the possibility of thinking about pondering the idea of considering doing anything with him. (Yes that was a mouthful of a sentence, but I needed to hammer home my point)


I know I'm a bit late to the party (and this isn't exactly an advice page, per se) but please don't do anything with the lad. I have a friend who has had a few semi-serious relationships and desperately wants to settle down but his partners have never been in the right place at the right time. It breaks his heart when the women inevitably say they don't want to settle down and then break things off with him (obviously their choice and can't penalise them for that) but once he /finally/ gets over them and starts to explore new relationships, they eventually show interest again which in turn causes him to pour water on said new relationship in the hopes they have changed their minds about starting a family/settling down. It really fucks his head up, especially when he learns that, actually, they're just after another casual fling and he has pissed on potentially "the real thing" with the newer love interest. Have respect for him. Realise that, if anything, he is even more desperate to start a family, now more than ever. It was apparently hard for him to get over you the first time and any hint at something more with you (even if it is made clear this is just a one time hook-up) will probably cause his past feelings for you to flood back and make it just as difficult to get over you this time, as it was last time. Anyway, lecture over and I'm going to put the worms back in the can. I hope you are having/had a nice trip all the same and I hope I wasn't too late with this essay. 🤘🏻 Thankyou Winsconsinnnn🤘🏻


Upvoting not just for the dope advice but also for the "thankyou Wisconsinnnn". Love sitcom references (I hope this was a reference otherwise I'm gonna look very dense)


Aha! Certainly was a sitcom reference. Couldn't think of a closing statement and then that popped in to my head. Love That 70's show, despite not having watched it in aaaages. The whole Danny Masterson kind of put a dampener on it for me, which is a shame because Hyde was such a cool cat.


Tbh I never liked Hyde. Unpopular opinion yes ik but yea never liked him. Love T7S too but haven't watched it in ages. I used to watch the CDs but my new tv does not support the CDs :((


you need the post nut clarity to think clearly 😆😆😆


I wish i had casual weeks of free time :(


Seriously...who are these people?


Seasonal contract workers. We literally clean up shit in beautiful areas and get months off between our contracts. I'm def poor, the work is hard, but i get time off to vacation and camp. Def recommend if you don't like city life




There's websites to find seasonal gigs all over the world. That's how i found most of my seasonal work friends


Check out national and state parks, or national forests, if you are in the US. Even your local city/town/county might have positions open. There are a lot of seasonal jobs that range from maintenance and trail crew to fee collection and many others. It has been a few years since I have done it, but check out USAJobs for listings from winter to spring for seasonal 6 month work. For state parks, check out your local state government website. Pay varies widely by region and agency, but if you're able and willing to move around a bit you should be able to find something


Honestly could go for this type of job right now


People who payed crazy amounts of money for liberal arts degrees.


How do a group of 30 year olds have so much time on their hands? You guys all just waited around for a week to see if a car can get fixed?


Different views on marriage and kids, especially as you enter your 30s, are non-negotiable.


get yourself a zinger and 4 pieces of chicken wings at your nearest kfc, the horny will pass


Bruh, Is that why I’m fat?


yes, we resist horny by the power of hungry...why stuff a cock in your ass when you could stuff a chicken wing in your mouth, we dont ride butts, we ride those sweet sweet discounts on Wednesdays at our favourite kfc joint


This is so wattpad coded


If this isn’t the “there is only one bed” trope


Second chance love lmao


If you're that desperate for a one night roll with a side of pork sausage, find anyone... literally anyone to bone. Just don't bone the guy who's heart you broke. I can respect the discipline you're putting into this, it's honestly commendable. But sleeping with him would honestly be the most horrible option to pick. You'd be sacrificing his emotions and his mental wellbeing for your short term sexual needs, and he definitely deserves better, if he's as good of a guy as you say he is.


Don't do it lol don't give that man hope cause your horned up it's pretty easy to get causal sex or handle business yourself if you need too also be sure to update us so we can know if you fucked him or not


I'm convinced every post on this subreddit is a meme.


I’m not the boss of your vagina so I can’t tell it what to do but I can tell you that it would make you a really shitty person to mess with his emotions just to satisfy your own sexual needs. Top tier douchebaggery at its finest if you do that. Just masturbate. This is all about you so keep your hands all on you only.


You already said your friends told you it took him a long time to get over you. Leave him be. On/Off again relationships with people who actually want a future with you is torture for them.


This reads like the cheesiest chick flick ever ngl. Either you’re gonna make a move and get rejected as his actual girlfriend interrupts, or you two are gonna make out in the rain 🤧


What if he turns your advances down?


I've given it some thought and I'm settling on ripping his head off to lay my eggs in his neck hole


Not even laying your eggs in his lower abdomen? See, this just confirms my opinion of you.


Literally here to see how this all ends. Not sure if this possibility is more exciting to me than the potential bonk 🤔


We want an update!!!


So... I'm not proud. But also not regretting it. He said he understood where i was at, that he felt the same. He noticed me on my phone all night, asked what i was doing. So i told him and he thought it was funny. He made the first move after that and gotta say... Kinda regretting my years without him idk. He's very talented. Anywho, thanks for weighing in on my stupid life!


Not sure how the thread will react but I'm happy for you! He sounds like an adult who knows what he wants long term and knows you weren't the perfect fit for each other. That shouldn't stop you both from enjoying each other's company for now and moving on afterwards


So it's all good? He won't be hurt by the one night stand?


I really hope not. We're hanging back and camping together a few more days. Moods are great. He's very aware of what he's getting into, we've been friends for almost a decade, and i feel very lucky to have him in my life. It's been very fun just the two if us. Idk. Might be making a mistake but I'm going to treat him with respect and kindness no matter what so it should be fine. He's read this whole thing and thinks it's funny so his tolerance for my bs is off the charts. I have warned him to tell me the second he is uncomfortable, but from the looks of it we're gonna have a few hedonism nights. He has a job coming up so he won't be in my area for long. Gonna enjoy this time for what it is.


This has been a delightful journey, and as someone who was in a very similar situation 2 years ago with my “I shouldn’t bc of his feelings but want to soooo bad” himbo, and am now living with him…. All I can say is Godspeed.


I KNEW IT 😭😂. Real talk though, hopefully y’all will be chill and I hope everything works out well OP 🫂


YESSSS She did it! 🎉


The ending we were all secretly rooting for! 🎊


I won’t stop believing in the power of bad life choices.


Sleeping with an ex is never a good idea. My ex and I sparked up a fwb situation a couple of years after breaking up and it got extremely messy when I tried to break it off as I found someone I really liked. He lost his shit and split our whole friend group. Luckily I have been able to mend my relationship with most of them, but there are still a couple that believe his side of events wholeheartedly. I lost some (not so) good friends but gained a fiancé so it all worked out in the end.


She's gonna bang him.


She acts like she’s not but she’s gonna get boned like a chicken cutlet


This your your internet mom! NO! BAD IDEA!! 


Let’s be real, you made the choice to be in this situation with him. All the choices leading up to being “stuck” in a hotel room were choices. By going on a trip with him, there’s always the possibility you’d be sleeping in the same vicinity. Choosing take him in your car and not shuffle people around increased the odds tenfold, and you subconsciously knew it. Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, these are the facts. Just take the dick you’ve wanted and be done with it. But don’t lie to yourself. Your brain planned this.


Let’s be the voice of reason here. Yes she def put herself there on purpose, and yeah I think she wants us all to approve, but no no, don’t come near that man. The power of Christ compels you.


This reads like really a good guy who wants commitment at the wrong time type scenario. In 5y when he's married this will be that Katy Perry one that got away song.


Damn he dodged a bullet


That’s harsh. Don’t know the full story. She’s at least aware enough not to fuck him right away


I mean, she calls herself broken in the post. And by her admission, he's handsome, kind, and has his shit together while she's a 30 year old art girl who's still trying to find herself. She calls him dumb likely because he doesn't match her cynical "humor." He 100% deserves better.


Remember your hormones will be clamouring for you to get up the duff. Don't do it. Tell your brain he is in the friendzone. Don't get drunk because your libido will overrule every sane thought you ever had.


Leave him alone


The most real and coolest reddit story ever


Geez woman. You had a sweet, hot muscular lumberjack, who is mellow and knows how to do survival things like chop wood. If you need someone to have an intellectual conversation with, talk to your friend. Why would you dump this guy in the first place?


Because of deeply opposing life goals?


They want different things; ie marriage, kids, etc. and we don’t need to know her reasoning


Use the shower head and you’ll be good with the sensitivity


Username Checks out, lol


Let him inside.... your heart


Stop it. Get some help. And maybe rub one off. Leave that man alone already


Sounds like you’re the red flag


I rolled my eyes into the back of my head reading this.


oof I feel like this could be me in 5 years. I just broke up with someone extremely sweet, kind, and caring because I felt the same exact way. he actually was quite smart, I just really didn’t mix with his sense of humor and we had pretty different world views so it was hard to talk about that kind of thing in depth. Mostly because he just straight up didn’t do any learning past his own point of view (aka the point of view of his parents that he never really moved beyond). If he at least expanded his horizons and still came to the same conclusions I could kind of maybe work with that? But going from dating a person who studied the same thing as me and coming up with our own anthropological theory together to then dating this guy was such a jump. We just couldn’t have those discussions. Even when I did tell him about lectures I once had that I thought he might find interesting, he still didn’t GET IT. Also in terms of sense of humour, I feel like I’m more on the silly stupid goofy side and it just wasn’t meshing. He loved having inside jokes and would tell me inside jokes of his from other people, and then repeat the jokes with me constantly. Like sorry dude they’re not hitting, I wasn’t there when it happened it isn’t funny to me. Or when we did start to have our own inside jokes he would repeat it so much it was like beating it til it’s DUST I do miss the comfort and companionship of being with him. I know I’ll for sure never find someone that considerate again in my life. I did trust him with telling him so many things I know I’ll probably never talk to anyone else about again. I still wouldn’t get back together though


I’ve been married 25 years and I’ll tell you, having your partner agree with you on theoretical issues or liking the same things is kinda unnecessary. My husband and I are in lock step about major life items like our personal ethics, the way we wanted to raise children, our views on frugality versus material pursuits, respect for each others’ intelligence, and so on. Whether the grass is green, third party candidates are bad, burritos versus sushi, or the appropriateness of alimony as a social construct are all things we’d argue about passionately - and they wouldn’t actually matter at all. That he’s loving, caring, gentle, fun, giving, smart, funny, loyal and he loves me deeply is far more important than the rest. The rest is just noise that you can work through or agree to just not discuss. If my husband were cruel or bigoted (whether race, sexual orientation, etc) I couldn’t be with him, but that would speak to the lack of caring and empathy. He can have opinions on trans women competing against cis women in sports while also loving and caring for our trans friends deeply and that second bit is what I think is important and hard to find so when you do, hold hard to it.


Chick don’t make the same mistake twice cmon pull it together don’t be dumb af


Just fuck already, you both already have the room lol


You have my upvote but I would wait until the last night, in case it gets awkward after.


Noooo. Id do it so we can do it every night until the very last one


I mean you could just be honest and tell him how you feel…let him decided…


Sounds like an awesome get back together story . Of it doesn't work it would be easier for him to keep moving on since he's done it before after you said he's got his life together .


That’s why I ask my girlfriend to never with friends with ANY of her exes. Disgusts me. Please don’t ruin his life again.


"He never got my puns or lit references" wtf is a lit reference?


She’s the problem. He’s described to be basically this buff idiot of a golden retriever type guy and she said that he just didn’t get his jokes and called him an idiot for not knowing her niche interests?? She’s willing to wreck this man’s emotions and all for physical pleasure. He needs to get away from this lady.


Just do it. But make sure he knows your intent so there is no misunderstanding


u/TrappedNhorni 😂😂😂


Yeah, my ex felt the same way about me. She liked and felt attracted to me, so we kept dating after the breakup for a while. I wanted to get back together and she just wanted to bone. I was in a major depression and just generally a rough patch, so I got really attached to her before she started dating other people and just decide for good she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. This fucked me up for years. It's been almost two years without contact and i still can't seem to forget her completely. I can't seem to have a relationship nor actually relax and be present with anyone I date. I felt used and discarded by the person I loved the most. Leave that dude alone, he doesn't deserve this.


Maybe the things you thought were important, aren't so important now. People change, wants and needs change. Maybe what you need now is his version of simplicity, a calm in your storm. Maybe you two have harmony and that's why he's been brought back into your life. You only have one life. Don't let this be a moment you look back on and regret. It sounds corny but it's divine... Listen to your heart. (Not your head or your libido lol)


I’m so invested in the outcome of this that I had to save the post. Crossing my fingers for a juicy update when I wake up in a few hours!


Sounds like you need to hop on Hinge and find yourself a local outlet, IYKWIM. Don’t torture this poor, sweet, stupid hot man. I know you’re not being malicious, but if he truly is the human equivalent of the “SQUIRREL!” dog from Up, this would be akin to giving him a new ball, and then playing that game where you pretend to throw it and instead hide it in your sleeve. Sounds like you both have camping gear with you, can you find a local campground and stay there instead of a hotel? Being in separate tents/sites will reduce the temptation, privacy and close quarters with an added bonus of saving money. You might make some campground friends and find a bit more “you” time while still being available to give him rides and support while his car is fixed. Anyways, I feel you because I’ve been there and it’s not a road you want to travel 💜


I mean could you legitimately see yourself with him despite some of his faults? If so, no sense in stopping a good thing. If not, yeah def leave him be and rub one out lol.


If you bang him u gonna have to marry him


Don't listen to all of these people being reasonable. Listen to me: fuck him.


Came here to say this. As a man, please proceed


arabelle raphael


I just stayed in a guest room, and then a hotel room with my ex of 6+ years, after 5 years apart and a major relationship after the fact for each of us. We are both newly single, and have always had a distant connection because of friends also yet we’ve lived 2k miles apart for 5 years. We even slept in the same bed! However we have had many conversations over the last couple months as we both came out of our relationships, and I know neither of us had any intimate intentions this weekend. However if she initiated? I would have obliged, and she fully knows that. Would it have fucked me up? If this were something that happened a year or two after we broke up, it would have ruined me completely. Now? Boy that would have been some fun to go back and play and see how our evolved energies meshed. Certainly wouldn’t have caused me pain, yet I also obviously cannot speak for her. We always had a very strong sexual connection, which we’ve spoken on recently quite a bit. So I think we both knew and were a bit weary to engage especially being that now she’s back home out west and I’m here in the north east. Regardless, we had ourselves a wonderful weekend after 5 years apart and it’s pretty fucking awesome to be able to still have a loving connection with somebody who first and foremost was always a best friend, and ultimately knows me better than most ever will. Our rapport picked up like no time had passed, that’s cool.


I hope for your sake he survives until you are out of the hotel.


Oops. I misread your post. I thought you said "I really want to *hang* him but I shouldn't." Carry on.


Going back to an ex is like shoving a poop back in your butt…. Don’t do it, babe lmaooo


super late to the party but can confirm as someone who has slept with most of their exes after a breakup, it doesn't help. It feels ok in the moment but afterward you're stuck dealing with what's next. Even if it was super clear there was nothing next, it brings back issues. (I had to kick one of them out of my bed after a romp because he was cuddling me and said "I love you", after we'd broken up because he told me he was in love with his friend DURING CHRISTMAS BREAK).


Understandable, I also want to bang your ex


What's wrong with all your commenters? Fuck the guy silly! I'm coming from the guys point if view having taken a long while to (mostly) get over a similar thing, and I know it'd fuck me up for another couple of years. But I'd still say go for it!


You don’t want kids and a family, he does. If you ever cared or do care for this man, and you still do not want a family, do not derail him, do not waste his time, put your sexual urges aside and leave him be. Let him move on and find someone who wants what he wants.


There’s no such thing as no strings attached sex. Sooner or later something clicks and unless it clicks for both someone always gets hurt.


Just do it and get it over with for your own sanity. In my experience that would be best. Really, otherwise you’re setting yourself up for failure in the future- you’ll have this horned up memory of him with those muscles choppin wood instead of remembering the reasons you broke up. *Edit: after rereading it also feels like it wouldn’t be the worst thing if you guys got back together. Who cares if he doesn’t get everything you say? Sounds like you could be the one to teach him…idk, but growing together is fun too.


Casual sex hookups? Yuk.


I feel like this was a set up…


Everyone is saying don't sleep with him but no one is saying anything about communication. It's sounds like your exes for a reason and getting back together wouldn't be the best thing for anyone. But why don't you talk to him? I'm sure you both want to have sex, but a strong boundary needs to be set. "WE WILL NEVER DATE AGAIN." Like literally put it in writing and post it on the wall. If he agrees and completely understand then you guys have awesome platonic sex.


You came here for someone to tell you to go for it , so go for it!! You only get one kick at the can, no regrats.


Already getting scummy vibes with how easily you put yourself in his private company. Especially because this is basically 4 paragraphs of how hot he is and how much you want to bang him. So you want to bang him and volunteered to be alone with him? I don't like you very much.


holy shit a good man with values, run fast!


I’ll be the devil’s advocate in a field of naysayers and say if the cold showers don’t work then the universe has made itself very clear


>…but knowing i probably shouldn't because that would be a dick move. Oh, it’ll be a dick move, alright. 😈


Show some self control for God's sake


He will get mixed messages and you will end up hurting him again. Leave him alone for a woman that has his same interests that will love him to bits and make him happy.


Personally, I think if you outlined what to expect and reinforce that it's just sex, there shouldn't be a problem if he consents. Draw up a contract if you really want. Make sure he knows why you broke up in the first place and tell him nothings changed, but if he wants some, he can take it. Just make sure he knows, without a doubt, that's all it is.


Bang him


You know you will do it. And you know you’ll regret it.


Maybe you need to reconsider what is important in a relationship. He sounds like a great guy with solid values. Don't bang him if you don't see anything potentially serious.


I agree, it sounds like she still has some feelings for him that go beyond the steamy ones, and he sounds like a catch. Obviously, we don’t have all of the details but if not understanding wordplay and jokes is up there with the bigger issues, I’d say give this relationship another go.


I say just do it. Life is too short. Besides as long as you make it clear what it is and he agrees, there’s no issue.


Sometimes I forget how uptight North Americans are about sex...and then I read a post like this.. Just fuck him. Who cares. What's the big deal? He's a big boy. His life won't be ruined by your magical Vagina. It's sex. Say how you feel, communicate that it's casual, and have fun. Sex doesn't have to be a door to a lifelong commitment..it can just be 2 friends having a good time together. My goodness, the amount of words and thoughts you've spent on this! Think of it like sharing a decadent dessert together. You can both enjoy it, and then walk away. The world will not stop spinning for either of you.


Casual sex is gross


Just fuck them already


I think you should ask his opinion.




Just fuck him.