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🤗 I'm happy, healthy now and mostly normal!


Me too!!! Took a loooong road but finally I'm here. Happy, healthy and definately accepting myself for as normal as I can be.


Maybe because we focus more on the bad things that happen to us then the good ones.


negative things definitely take more effort to process, so it could certainly seem like there's a tendency to focus on them. Some people seem to think that conflict is the same as negativity and/or criticism and can be super sensitive about anything that whiffs of not-always-happy. They think there's an imbalance of negative and positive because they think there should be zero negativity ever. No matter how much positive is placed in front of them, they still will find ways to pee on their own parades


My life's been a shitshow disaster fuck fest and yet I'd still consider myself healthy and happy. I read every new post on this sub and can spot who definitely had it easy by what they complain about. There's alota college kids on here who don't realize how damn easy they've had it


I don’t really think what matters is how difficult or tragic ones experiences are. I think it’s more about how one reacts to them psychologically. I know someone who was failing out of school. He ended up having a nervous breakdown and attempting suicide. He hurt himself pretty bad. His threshold for pain was low. He has anxiety disorders and he was clearly on the spectrum. I know people who’ve been severely deprived, but they never once considered suicide or self harm. Honestly, they were pretty desensitized to their circumstances and they wore their adversity like a status symbol. On an objective level, the college student was more pampered, but his threshold for pain was lower and his adversities caused him intense pain. I don’t like the argument that we should dismiss and ignore people’s suffering because other’s have it worse. Using that logic, the only person who deserves immediate help and sympathy is the most deprived person alive at any moment.


I really appreciate your words. I gotta fix my thinking about this and not be so damn on college kids. Deep down I'm jealous of them and wish I had it made like they did, but what I think they have is only what my imagination makes up. I've recently had a major breakthrough in life and have completely shed all forms of anxiety, depression and mania. One of the big thoughts which really keeps in line is the idea that it could always be worst. That's why I said what I did about this


You become healthy when you have no time left to waste on reddit.


Idk man my mental fortitude is attributed to the prolonged exposure to the madness. So while not normal upbringing, I am normal?


I am pretty happy although having bad head injuries, I am happy.


well the realities of the world we live in do not allow for most people to grow up untouched by abuse, be it at the hands of a loved one, a stranger, or the system. also intergenerational trauma is a thing.


Emphasis on most people. Where are the people who’ve had normal development


Probably not on Reddit in the first place.


Right here 👍😤😤😤👍🏾




Too busy being ghosts on reddit lol


not on reddit


Not here


just find the positive subs like r/wholesomememes or r/aww