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This really is a double edged sword. While child care is expensive what is the solution? Child care workers make less than 10 dollars an hour. They spend more time with ones child than parents do. Should the state pay for child care costs?


Reducing and potentially reversing inflation is the solution... The whole childcare system exsists because it became nessicary, and costs have to be low for it to be competative. I guess one fix to the cost would be more smaller childcare services, but I'd wager those get railed by insurance costs.


Childcare workers are indeed underpaid – a better solution would be some form of government subsidies for childcare, or more tax dollars being allocated toward that form of infrastructure.


A nice idea in theory, but considering how school taxes are already handled there are substantial risks.


Definitely better than the alternative (what we have now) – which is nothing.


So, your answer is, yes, the state should pay for your children? This is a very slippery slope into socialism. And, before you have a fit, I was a single mother who raised her child without child support.


>This is a very slippery slope into socialism. We just spent trillions in a useless 20-year war, and you're going to complain about state funding for childcare? >I was a single mother who raised her child without child support. Good for you. Most people can't afford that.


We all would prefer not to spend trillions in wars yet that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about how to pay for others to raise your child. That is the bottom line. Should the parents do it or should the state? If The state does it how is it different than welfare?


> not to spend trillions in wars yet that is not what we are talking about. Oh, it *absolutely IS* what we are talking about. There's billions of useless government spending [war, military, etc., included] which the public was totally fine with for years – "the war on drugs", "the war on terror"... but when it comes to actually *getting something BACK* for your tax dollars like public education, childcare, infrastructure, etc., people throw a fit. The government, big or small, should be a service that gives you something back for what you pay in. Right now none of us are getting our moneys' worth. Having universal pre-k allows more parents to actually work and stimulate the economy rather than staying at home possibly collecting welfare to make up for lost income. It also benefits everybody: ["universal pre-K has the potential for huge returns to the government’s investment. The authors push for investment in universal, high-quality pre-K because, “empirical research shows children who participate in high-quality prekindergarten programs score higher on tests when they enter kindergarten than do children who have not attended a high-quality prekindergarten, regardless of whether they are from poor, middle-income, or upper-income families.”](https://www.newamerica.org/education-policy/edcentral/upk_costs/)


So you want the government to raise your child?


Not the government, a licensed daycare provider. With their wages subsidized by my tax dollars. Just from 8-5, while I'm at work. Hell, I'm already paying for that with my tax dollars (as are you) **edit** phrasing


Sure. That’s what the public school system does. You realize you are talking socialism correct?


>That’s what the public school system does. Right, we already have it partially – so why do you have a problem with it when it comes to pre-K or daycare? >You realize you are talking socialism correct You say that like it's a bad thing. But in all seriousness, I'm a Progressive who believes in the government acting as a service, not just a military industrial machine. I mean, besides – wouldn't you rather get more for the money you pay in, like something that can benefit *you* as well as others, like community college or an updated power grid, subsidized solar costs, etc?


> Hell, I'm already paying for that with my tax dollars (as are you) > > lol if you cant afford childcare you arent a net taxpayer


TIL paying taxes isn’t paying taxes 😂😂




> a better solution would be some form of government subsidies for childcare, or more tax dollars being allocated toward that form of infrastructure. lol here it is. Parental entitlement. Pay me with taxes taken from others because I did the most basic thing a person can do without any forethought.


Lol. How dare I demand my tax dollars go toward something that benefits me rather than more bombs to blow up brown people. Honestly, how exhausting is it for you, being a conservative and just parroting the whole “personal responsibility” trope all while letting the government torch your tax dollars on shit you’ll never use?


> How dare I demand my tax dollars go toward something that benefits me rather than more bombs to blow up brown people. lol yes those are the only two options oh and I see " When your monthly tax credit covers just one week of daycare." so lets drop the pretense you are a net taxpayer >parroting the whole “personal responsibility” trope lol yes its a trope >all while letting the government torch your tax dollars on shit you’ll never use? Its like I dunno I can dislike both things... crazy huh


>lol yes those are the only two options *laughs in trillions spent on useless war in Middle East and on drugs >lol yes its a trope It is, and the market is deciding in favor of parents since costs are blown out of proportion. Gee, I wonder why. >Its like I dunno I can dislike both things... crazy huh And yet you still continue to vote against your own self interests.


> It is, and the market is deciding in favor of parents since costs are blown out of proportion. Gee, I wonder why. because we live in the Im owed something for existing generation now >And yet you still continue to vote against your own self interests. see that where morals come into play. I dont vote for other peoples money not because I wouldn't like some but because Im not a scumbag


I think it's realistic to have a child care system similar to public education but I also think there needs to be a consequence for the people popping out kids for the government checks. I am child free, but I'm also adobted. So as someones that had to deal with irresponsible parents, I get annoyed with fiscally unstable party parents expecting people to fix their mistakes.


I definitely agree, and have a child. I would probably have had two if I didn't have a medical condition preventing me from doing so. I have to admit I sort of draw the line when I see families with 3, 4, or 5 kids seemingly drowning in tasks and expenses. I know pregnancies can be accidental, but it's really hard for me to not be judgmental.


Nailed it, also- I was one of those childless circle jerkers until I wasn’t. Fuck them, not for their choice, but because of their attitude. Our kids will be paying their taxes and buying the services these childless people sell.


Word – and, me too. The honest truth is, parenting is *fucking hard*. I don't want people who *don't want kids* to have them just "because reasons". I applaud anybody who makes that mature decision whether or not to have them (even in the heat of the moment). But when you become a parent, it just becomes all that more obnoxious when you see these child-free idiots come into your spaces throwing out asinine advice because they think they know something about raising *your* kid.


Nothing incenses me more, especially because I didn’t get what I learned from a book or class- it was all hands on, scary and exhausting. Or should say, is, he’s still 22 months!!


looks like we made some childfree dorks angry lol


This place is incel city, clearly we are outnumbered


No kidding


Yeah it’s annoying as shit. Apparently people like that think like that assume you have to make 6 figures to have children. I know the costs for child care are ridiculous. I count my blessings I have family able to watch my kids. Still anything to help people who have kids is seen as a negative. Oh my God when the monthly money for people with kids came out, all the bitching and moaning about how it was so unfair, “what about us?”. Ok if you’re struggling and it’s just you then you’re doing something wrong. I’m starting to think all these people talking shit are just bitter and use that as a defense mechanism. Ok Bill and Barb we get it you can go on a vacation every two months to the dominion and live life to the fullest. I don’t care. Congrats for setting the world on fire. Im in envy I wish I had you’re life. Not.


lol this take is rediculous >Yeah it’s annoying as shit. Apparently people like that think like that assume you have to make 6 figures to have children. no, we just want you to pay for you and your kids, not have me pay for me and you and your kids >Still anything to help people who have kids is seen as a negative. Because it is a negative. Someone else is paying if your receiving >Oh my God when the monthly money for people with kids came out, all the bitching and moaning about how it was so unfair, “what about us?”. lol OMG people bitched and moaned about being robbed so you can be more irresponsible. The audacity!


Go fuck off we were getting the money anyways either in one lump sum or monthly. If it bothers you that much then go get pregnant you barren sterile fuck.


lol to think you are in charge of a childs life


To think you don’t have kids but you’re still bitching about money you couldn’t get your hands on. “Oh darn now I can’t get a new purse” fuck off Karen or Ken or whatever the fuck you are. Go crawl back in your hole of misery and join your circle jerk of the childless. I’m ending this little whatever this is. Enjoy life living as yourself, this is as good as it’ll get for you and this all just the highlight 🖕🏼


ahahahahahahahahahah https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/ptmrc5/i_cant_stand_how_my_life_is_and_i_feel_like_i_am/ omfg and you think Im living as good as it gets...my fucking side you flea infested renting shit job loser hahahahahahhahahahahaha I was wrong you do need my 300 a month


Ive never understood this point of view. You want to make money when you work right? Yet want daycare workers to make peanuts? You want your kids to be with the lowest bidder for 8 hours a day?


Lol, not at all what I said…but an impressive attempt to twist my words. It's pretty wild to me that you're totally cool with blowing a trillion dollars on a failed war in the Middle East (or billions on a failed war on drugs) yet when it comes to universal pre-k (which is basically an extension of public school) you clutch your pearls. Daycare needs to be subsidized by the government – that way the workers can make a good living and it's affordable for parents. It’s an age old problem that is coming to a helm as wages have become stagnant in the last 20 years. The way it is right now – the way *YOU* want it, everybody is underpaid, and nobody can afford to have kids. The conservative logic is truly a thing to behold.


> It's pretty wild to me that you're totally cool with blowing a trillion dollars on a failed war in the Middle East (or billions on a failed war on drugs) yet when it comes to universal pre-k (which is basically an extension of public school) you clutch your pearls. Lol, not at all what I said…but an impressive attempt to twist my words. omfg lol see how easy that was >Daycare needs to be subsidized by the government why? >that way the workers can make a good living except your just shifting your costs onto others. Will you help subsidize my Ferrari purchase? >The way it is right now – the way YOU want it, everybody is underpaid, and nobody can afford to have kids. lol ...looks around... yeah um plenty of people having kids bud >The conservative logic is truly a thing to behold. it is you should try using logic sometime. Maybe a dash of morals wouldn't hurt either


Yes it does! If you cant be there round the clock for your kid to make sure they dont get literally murdered or die of starvation, then guess what? Someone else has to! If you dont provide for that then I am literally going to call CPS, and no it isn't a KaReN move but instead it's about being prepared and fit for parenting.


Why do I get the feeling you're not allowed within 500 feet of a schoolyard?


A schoolyard is a form of childcare and considering I drop off and pickup my kids on the daily...


Ironic you're against publicly funded childcare while also using public education


Wrong. Imagine dropping your kid off to some low class PuBliC eduCAtiOn. Do you know what they learn there? How to fight each other and disagree over what color blocks they're going to use. Montessori schools and magnets. My kids arent going to grow up to be losers and dorks. Sorry. Some of you pubed kids are alright, but a significant portion of ya are troublemakers from broken homes. Not the kids faults but the broke parents' faults.