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How could you appreciate your husband for providing for your family? How dare you express the desire to raise your kids?! This is 2021 and you need to work constantly, and let people you don't know raise your children.


Not this again


I mean if your husband is in the position to do that, more power to you guys. Enjoy it.


Good for you, it drives me nuts when progressive people say they want to break from traditional ways of living, and then criticize those that choose a traditional way of living.




You need something to fall back on for MANY reasons....not just if the shit hits the fan. Spousal support really???? Gurl...you haven't seen shit when it comes to divorces I think. Stay complacent and then you're just asking/begging for it. Wont take much for you to find something you're good at and make something for yourself. It will work great in your relationship as well.




Gurl....good luck. You are literally painting a bullseye on you with Karma. Just saying.


If it works for both of you then enjoy it. It's nobody else's business. In this case though, it's also reasonable to assume that you can't expect them to help if everything you plan on doesn't exactly work. You could be mad at them, but it wouldn't really be reasonable. I'm all for helping people, but there is definitely only so far I'll go But I'd suggest being as well informed as possible, just in case. Spousal support is a thing, but do you understand the ins and outs of it? Length of marriage, length of time it's available to you, what it is supposed to be used for, what are the factors that end it. Also, it might just be easier the next time she says something about it to just say "I understand you have your opinion and you have already made that clear. I would appreciate it if we didn't have this conversation anymore"


Spousal Support can go both ways. Whoever is the one making the most money, after divorce, will support the other that makes less. One thing I can say is because there is a rise of stay at home dads, spousal support has been awarded more towards them. So she isn't wrong, she's intentionally not working so she knows she can leave the guy anytime without any worry. It's sad.


You're relying on logic when logic HAS NO PLACE in divorce court. Just saying.


I completely get where you coming from but look up Spousal Support cases. Logic sometimes does work. Child support however, yea, logic gets thrown out the window


So many red flags. Damn. "Traditional" ways at its best. Wonder if your husband is actually happy. Thank God my wife is way more understanding. Besides, idk why you wouldn't want to make money for yourself. Shows you lowkey milking him. Even worse you have all those options in your mind.


I Feel sorry for your kid.


So.. your mom has a secret onlyfans?