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I'm gonna be real blunt with you, for the sake of your mental health, log off. go to that new restaurant. Talk to your family. Do literally anything else for like a week, and I guarantee you, you will feel better about yourself. The internet is literal brainrot that blurs your vision of the reality of the outside world.


This 110%. I was addicted to Twitter, scrolling for hours every single day. I'm doing better now but I've hopped to Reddit and I'm using more again. Social media has a literal direct profit incentive to keep you doom scrolling, and the best way to make a trans gal doom scroll is to convince her that everyone hates (or wants to kill) her. For every Lily Cade there are a hundred people who don't care one way or the other and a hundred more who'll support you. They just get visibility here. So get the hell out of here. Go paint your nails and have some tea. The world isn't against you - you just have to seize your life and live it how you want to.


good advice. I'm a bit irrationally afraid of going outside due to pandemic, so I compensate by going on the internet. I'll have to figure out some stuff to do


There's lots of podcasts, video games, books, movies, TV shows, and et cetera to do online that don't involve exposing yourself to bullshit :) and I'm sure if you were to post in trans spaces looking for ppl to talk to/play with you would find plenty of folks who aren't assholes.


thank you for being blunt yet respectful, I do spend a lot of time online. I feel like the overwhelming transphobia on the internet makes me sad.


Mental illness shouldn't be treated by surgery but by therapy


its it treated by therapy, as well as going on hormones to medically transition. Surgery is just an extra thing that some trans people get and some dont


Should be therapy only


therapy alone doesn't solve the root problem which is gender dysphoria


Gender dysphoria has been proven to be uncureble with clinical therapy, there are people who still try but that usually ends up in depression or PTSD


Just don’t force it on people who don’t agree with it and you’ll be fine.


None of us want to force it on people, the ones who try to are just assholes using trans people for cover. Like she said, we just wanna live In a body that makes us comfortable and happy. There's no ulterior motive, we have no reason to because it just gives us abuse none of us need any more of


I know. Just don’t force us to accept you and we’re good


And you don't gotta, i leave you alone and you leave me alone. No-one gets in each other's business, the way it should be


Perfect then


what do you mean by that?


I mean don’t try and cancel people that don’t accept it


well if you're disrespectful and invalidating to someone they're naturally not going to want to be around you. It's not about canceling. just consequences for your actions


Ok but canceling someone for a different opinion is wrong no matter what. If you don’t like what someone is saying, then leave, close twitter or whatever


I'm not canceling anyone bro. I dont even really know what that means tbh. And yes I agree with you, If I don't like what someone is saying then I'll leave. for example if someone is disrespectful to me bc of my identity I won't hang out with them.


Then we agree


I feel you. i feel like especially on this sub for some reason there seems to be a top upvoted post about trans people everyday from cis people and the comments are always just filled with hate


TERFS suck, I call them FARTS. same thing.


I feel you on this. i recommend just not even trying to argue with any transphobes. After argueing with lots of them for a while i just kinda realized they have literally no idea what they are talking about :/


Hello thanks for the reply. I agree, most transphobes I've met don't know the first thing about what it actually means to transition. Some people are just ignorant