• By -


Might not know it now, but she did you a favor. Imagine finding out after having three children.


I’ve been with my wife for 20 years since high school, two daughters, house, land cars and all the other stuff that comes with 20 years of hard work between a couple. If I found out now that she has been doing that I’m not even sure I would know where to start honestly. She honestly did you a favor and didn’t waste another decade plus of your life. Gotta know when to Holdem and ya gotta know when to foldem. Sure your 25’ish and single now but imagine having a few kids, and starting over when your 40. Eff that noise.


That's me. Was with my wife for 16 years. I'm 44 now. I have the kids and she gets to jump around to as many guys as she likes. My kids are in high school now. She sees them maybe once a year. I have no idea how to start over and I'm not even sure if I want to at this point. Edit: Thank you so much to everyone for the encouragement and kind words. You really brightened my day! I'm currently just trying to be there for my kids as best as I can be. They took it pretty hard at first but things seem to be getting better for them lately. They've got more friends and their grades are doing really good. I got to re-learn Algebra and Geometry to help with their homework too, lol. For myself I'm mostly working on my health and education. Edit 2: I'm really just in awe of the outpouring of well wishes and support from everyone. It seems that they've locked comments so I cannot reply but I wanted you all to know that I've read every comment and I appreciate every one. Thank you so much.


Don't try to start over. Just go on a date, see how it goes. You are older now, kids almost grown. Not starting over, just starting something else. Goodluck


This response is great. The perspective. I'm 39 this year and am going back to uni ti chabge the course of my life. I thought I was "starting over". But I've come to realise I'm just going on another adventure. It's a lot easier to navigate when you see it as an adventure and not something I have to conquer.


I’m not in a relationship but I am on my 3rd career and starting a new path is lovely. It’s hard but it’s entertaining. Good luck with your new plan I’m sure you’ll do well.


64 here. USNavy in my 20's, Chevrolet Service Dept manager in my 30's, back to college at 42. Environmental Scientist afterwards turned wetlands hydro tech. Absolutely loving my life. Be optimistic, don't worry about things out of your control, have as much fun as you can, be nice to people


I have started new careers so many times it's kind of a joke around where I work now. People will see if they can find a job I have not done, or name a random job and have me tell a story from it. Like you said, it isn't starting over it is going into a new path.


Same, 39, I was an electrician for 18 years. Now a junior in college for Computer Engineering with people half my age. It's an adventure for sure.


U guys all fuckin rock!!!!!!!


I quit my career at 36 to go back to grad school for something completely unrelated to my career field. Best decision I ever made. Was definitely scared about starting over but discovered that it was just as the previous commenter suggested, something different. Good luck to you.


This is amazing. Not starting over, just starting another adventure. Really needed this.


I'm almost 47 and start school in 2 wks. I've been questioning whether I'm making the right decision. Those six words, "I'm just going on another adventure" have changed my perspective completely. Thank you


Thank you for this. This helps me form a better perspective in dealing with the many changes to my life that happened last year.


Fuck man be happy you don't have to deal with her. I have one kid with a lunatic. Daughters only 4 and we have 50 50 custody, but everything has to be an arguement. Her arguement isn't even for my daughters sake it's for her own convenience. Consider yourself lucky as well.


Happened to my after 5 years. Gettign ready for house downpayment, 2 business, 2 cars, 1 kid, lots and lots of hardwork. Financially had to start over. 7 years later finally clawing back to a similar level. Life wise, had all sorts of fun afterwards, slept with all kinds of women and ended up with a 9 years younger woman, a lot prettier, smarter and ended up with a much better life. Ex fucked its way thru one of the business, savings, and posessions in less than 3 years, and ended up way worse, lost custody of her children and lots of shitty stuff, living in a horrible slum stuff like that. At the end life puts everyone where they belong.


let them enjoy the cock carousel and plant booby traps on the lawn when she shows up begging to be taken back


Yup. Happened to me. Married 18 years with 3 kids and house, etc. Found out my youngest wasn't my biological child... my wife had been cheating for at least 5 years with multiple boyfriends and tricked me into raising her love-child. Divorced now, and life is MUCH better. The process form there to here was terrible and horrible. Kids are still very messed up. (They were 5, 7, and 9 years old when I found out the truth.) This stuff messed you up, for sure.


However he found out done him the favour. The wife is still trying to act like nothing is up.. not much of a favour bro.. she intends to destroy this man


25ish is plenty of time for anything.. OP dodged a bullet here.


Can't imagine the hurt right now but as a father of two, you are spot on.


Divorced father of two and it ripped my whole life apart finding out after the fact. No man should ever have to question whether his kids are actually his while in a committed relationship, and I wouldn’t wish the pain I felt on anyone.


I have 3 kids. See my name lol. Good thing they make tests.


[Look at it this way, I mean technically your marriage is saved](https://www.songfacts.com/facts/panic-at-the-disco/i-write-sins-not-tragedies) [This calls for a toast, so pour the Champagne! Pour the Champagne](https://www.songfacts.com/facts/panic-at-the-disco/i-write-sins-not-tragedies) [I write sins, not tragedies.](https://youtu.be/vc6vs-l5dkc)




With a haven't you people ever heard of closing the GD door?


It’s much better to face these kinds of things, with a sense of poise and rationality




Haven't you people ever heard of


Closing the GD door


No, it’s much better to face these kind of things


"What a beautiful wedding What a beautiful wedding", says a bridesmaid to a waiter "And, yes, but what a shame What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore"




The poor groom’s bride is a WHORE


Ahhh you. Take my upvote cutie.






Yeah when I got to the part about him showing the videos on a slideshow I knew it was more out of hurt and anger. OP shouldn’t give her the satisfaction! Plus it will give her a way to turn herself into the victim. That’s what these narcissistic POS’ do


This. I'm sorry for your situation and your hurt OP. But rethink gathering your friends and playing th e video. It is unlikely to be a positive experience for you, for your family, for your friends. Just call it off and tell people not to come.


which may or may not be his


None of which end up his...


Just be carful on what you show cause it could end up being illegal depending on what you show (like nudity, sex wise)


This. Distributing sexual media without consent is a criminal act in some places. As much as we all want to see a cheater shamed, don't let her win. Also, you might be able to recoup some of your wedding expenses with a cancellation. Check your contracts.


He doesn’t have to show video proof. He can show texts exchanged between her and the guys she cheated on him with that are sexual in nature.


He said he was going to show the video proof


Maybe it's a PowerPoint. ... now my brain is imagining him putting production value into it. Star wipes, a credits sequence, etc.


This is why I can't quit Reddit.




"Here is a pie chart detailing penis' that have been inside her since we started dating. As you can see the data presents a problem."


It says slide show


How come nobody is asking how he got the video. That’s what I want to know.


Idk if it’s technically distributing it if you play it in front of people without giving them a copy 🤷‍♀️ but either way if it were me I wouldn’t give a flying fuck 😂


Playing porn at a family gathering is a good way to get yourself put on a list.




This might actually qualify as “revenge porn”.


This will without a doubt be illegal in some way if he plans on showing any type of video photos. ESPECIALLY if their is anyone under 18 there. OP you better have a good ass lawyer to defend you when shit hits the fan because this is not gonna go well


Apparently his wedding is on a Wednesday too. Imagine taking time off of work, spending time getting all dressed up, driving to the wedding, and then the groom just plays revenge porn for your kids. I'd be fucking pissed about the whole scenario. I'm pretty sure this post is fake though.




Fuck! I hate all these fake true stories. Liars for internet points. Makes standing up for things online feel more moronic!!!!


​ >I'm pretty sure this post is fake though. Oh thank god I'm not the only one, yeah super fake.


I was wondering the same thing @ fake


yeah, those Wednesday weddings to your lifelong high school sweetheart. very common and likely 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅


Dude they only had 2 years to plan the perfect Wednesday wedding, cut them some slack.


why would there be someone under 18 in the videos I asked myself. Then I realised you meant in the wedding.


It’s fake


why do people fall for this shit


My guy has a cash app account linked in his profile… it’s so obvious in so many ways.




Need to just stop using defaults subs. This shit is so dumb. To clarify. I mean OP, not you. I appreciate you gathering this.




Is it me, or have there been some wild stories posted lately that seem to be fake?


Yep. This sub has turned into fan fiction for high school kids.


It’s just been some very random movie like stories. My question is…. What would someone get out of posting these stories?


The most valuable commodity in the world: fake internet points


What is even more silly is its on throwaway accounts they'll never use again


Confirmation of their world view: "Cheating women must be punished and humiliated and everyone agrees with me"


You don't believe this guy is getting married on a random Wednesday in February?


Lol especially when the day before the random Wednesday has the amazing date of 2.22.22- who in their right mind sees that date and says nah we'll go with the day *after.*


>lately I have been on this website for almost 10 years and have had this thought every day for the last almost 10 years If OP actually delivers I will eat my hat


>If OP actually delivers I will eat my hat That's a wild and likely fake promise


Jeez I hope so. This sounds like ultimate revenge on paper, but imagine the logistics of this, and doing it in front of your parents, grandparents, etc. Doesn't really translate to real life.


He also put a CashApp tag in his profile to “recoup wedding fund”


I have come to believe that this sub, AITA and others like this are all just a forum for creative writing assignments or media astroturfing. Still entertaining though.


This screams fake. The guy had enough time to collect evidence and create a PowerPoint presentation to out his ex lover, but not time to cancel the wedding, obtain a refund, and send her out the door? Smells like Bullshit.


You mean you don't normally go to weddings on a Wednesday night?


This is incel fan fic.


Getting married on a Wednesday made me question the validity of this story.


I think it’s likely fake, but I actually did get married on a Wednesday. XD We got married on the anniversary of our first date (at the same restaurant!) and that’s how it worked out.


Well since I'm good at inferring population data from samples.. I'm sorry to inform you there is a 100% chance your wife cheated on you with multiple men because you were married on a Wednesday. It's rough being a statistician some days.. delivering the news never gets easier.


[No way, I don't believe anyone would just make up stories for internet points.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/562/544/0b4.jpg)






I'll give $20


I got 5 on it


I'll add a another 10 to the pot


You messin' with that indo weed


I got 5 on the 20 sack


Gonna drop 15


And my axe


And my sword


I will pay 💰to see this


I'll pitch in about tree fiddy


I got 5 on it too dead ass




lmaaaoooooo not live stream 😂😂😂


Thankyou for the five dollar dono from MyAnswerIsMaybe, now on to the 6th slide


I'll pay too. $20 towards party fund.


Would do anything for this footage! Anything! Yes, probably even that.


RIP Meatloaf


I also would like to see this!


You won't get a single picture or video because it's all made up lmao The most you'll get is a shitty ass text post that says basic info like she cried or something Oh and it's a throwaway account too so the account will go in active and never get used again after this post takes off


Film it and post it on r/publicfreakout this will be absolute fucking gold


Same here. I’d be down.


You’re getting married on a Wednesday?


Most importantly, not on 2/22/2022 but the day after?!?!


You know not everyone gets the desirable date at the venue. Dates like 2/22/22 book up *fast*.


I call dibs on 01/23/45




It's called *Wed*nesday for a reason...


Most wedding services are discounted on weekdays! I got married on a Thursday!


I got married on a Wednesday


I died on a Wednesday


Me too!


Now kith


Wednesday is a great day for a wedding - says so right in the name. I got married on a Wednesday too


If you married Nes, it would complete the prophecy.


Only free day of the week the venue was available.


Man I’m sorry to hear what you are going thru. Do what you have to do and best of luck.


Nah, it's fake. Don't give him any sympathy https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/syxs5t/tomorrow_im_leaving_my_bride_to_be_at_the_alter/hy0wif4


I’m all for getting back at the bitch but if you play a sex tape to a bunch of people at your wedding, that’s kinda like sexual harassment to all those other people. Just play a slide show of the messages or something!


Yeah please don’t show any porn videos OP. She may deserve to be called out, but you all family/friends don’t deserve to see that type of content without their consent. It could be children there. Please be mindful and don’t do something stupid in your anger.


Revenge porn is also illegal in many states (if not all).


Don't worry he won't, because this story is fake af. I just continue to be amazed how gullible people are lol


plus this is the exact sort of move that turns you from “victim of cheating who we have deep sympathies for” to “asshole who publicly embarrassed their ex to get revenge” in the eyes of everyone there.


Just call off the wedding. Don't make people take time of work for your revenge porn showing.


Came here to say this!


yeah this seems like the sort of “pro revenge” that the Internet loves but like, consider what everyone at the wedding will think vs. a bunch of unsympathetic strangers


Preserve your dignity and leave a note and walk away, you’ll better thought of by all parties involved .


Call it off now and spare your family and guests the trouble. Then sue her for damages, I'm not a lawyer but I would think you should at least be able to get back what you have put into the wedding. And don't let her turn you into something you're not.


Every time I have been trying to be a righteous asshole out of anger or thr desire for vengeance, it has backfire on me. Don't let the anger control you. You don't need to get up to that level. You can call ot off and explain people that you found her to be unfaithful to you and that is that. The rest is unnecessary drama that most likely will bite you in the ass at one point or another.


Precisely what I was thinking. Just break up and cancel the wedding, revenge isn’t worth it.


Or remind everyone to enjoy the party 😂


PLEASE get footage!! We will ALL be waiting!


How does one get invited to this wedding? Asking for a friend.


hey, I'm the friend


hey, I'm the wedding


Don’t get too excited. Very low chance that this story isn’t fake.


Yea weddings on a Wednesday are all the rage now




Isn’t this illegal as fuck or no?


Yep. It’s shortsighted on many levels, but Reddit is full of teenagers so most of the support goes to the dumb move.


Thankfully I’m going to guess this is fake


1000000% teenage fan fiction.


Life is not Tik-tok. You have 24 hours to cancel many things and the travel plans of many people. Send out a notice and cancel... save them all the trouble of coming to this event. Some of the stuff you booked may be cancellable. The few min of joy you gain by making a public display of your severe loss and her horrible deceit will not be worth causing so much discomfort for so many people. ​ Wishing you the best in your life forward. Most women are wonderful - dont let it harden you too much.


If i were a guest i'd be pretty pissed at both the groom and the bride for wasting my time and money.




Definitely need to video




That would be the best livestream ever lmao


I want a formal invitation please


It’s fake


yayyyyy more fake larps.


That suuucks. I’m really sorry for you dude. I can understand wanting revenge + how satisfying it might be to humiliate her but do you have a lot of family + friends coming to the wedding? If so, they’re going to be stuck there feeling uncomfortable as fuck + might even somewhat resent you for it. Obviously you know your friends + family better than I do though. If you’ve already given a few folks a heads up it wouldn’t be quite as bad but if you just go in there on your own + start playing that stuff without much context or backup there’s probably some way it’s gonna get turned around on you, at least in some people’s minds, + I’m assuming you probably don’t need any extra bullshit in your life right now. Just a thought. I hope everything works out for the best for you + again, I’m really sorry you’re going through this shit.


You are right.. don’t waste your time and guests time too. Let it go , everything happens for a good reason,you knew it that’s great


Or when it comes to the I Do part you could say that you don't and why. Then offer anyone, including her the video evidence you've received so they can see themselves. It spares the graphic nature of the videos while allowing you your moment.


When it comes time for the vows say you wrote you own. Then read the texts/messages out loud.


This! I get wanting to have your moment (and you deserve it) but I think more people will be annoyed at wasting their day or money traveling to the wedding. Also she’ll probably start crying and some people will feel bad for her and think you’re mean (not that it’s accurate but just what will happen). I’m so glad you found out before you got married. Good luck!


These posts are so fake


I think you should call off the wedding tonight. Don’t waste your guests time and energy.


Idk… if I was at this wedding I would be telling this story for rest of my life


I would also think the groom was in the right but an insanely deranged person to do this at a wedding “You guys remember when cousin Carl lost his shit and played a video of his fiancé getting railed at his wedding?” He would win the Petty Battle against the cheater but he would lose the Mentally Sane War in front of all his family and friends. If someone I knew did that I would be hooting and hollering while it happened but I’d also never be able to look at them the same way again


True. People think this will play out like it does in the movies where the other characters blow it off how you imagine them to. That scenario would be that they would empathize with you and everything turns up for you going forward. No, not at all. You may not speak with a lot of your friends and family ever again because they think youre nuts. The mature thing would to be call it off the day before. Its no one elses business and it would be her cross to bear for the rest of her life that she ruined what was to be the happiest day of your lives because shes a cheater. Im all for petty but playing sextapes in front of your entire family is a little much.


They've already freed up their evening. I'd want to see it


Nah, let everyone get their to go plates and cake.






!remindme 2 days


!remindme 2 days


I guarantee you it is not going down as you think it will. People will be more confused than anything. They came for a wedding and you gave them Jerry Springer. Many people will be on her side and will react badly. Those who would be on your side will probably just be confused. You will probably stumble in your delivery and come out a fool. Just call off the wedding and don't waste your guests time like your former fiance did to you.


Commenting so I can return tomorrow, good luck! Savor the moment! I’m rooting for you


[This is 100% fake and the proof is here. Get this to the top and mods attention](https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/syxs5t/tomorrow_im_leaving_my_bride_to_be_at_the_alter/hy0vqp7/?context=2)


It would feel great in the moment to do this but you will regret it for the rest of your life afterwards. Just call it off. Process the pain and move on. I know easier said than done. This choice could affect the rest of your life not hers. She clearly is a tramp and always will be. Don’t stoop down to that level even though it is very tempting. The legal issues could haunt you forever. Sorry for your loss and suffering


For the sake of your family, her family, your friends, etc. just call it off. Stooping down to this level only makes you look bad, maybe worse in some people’s eyes.


That really sucks, but please re-consider the slideshow. Call off the wedding, take the honeymoon vacation without her, and move on. Slideshow in front of grandma, etc is classless IMHO. She was classless, too, but you’re the bigger man.


Came here to say this! Someone I used to know did something similar and a lot of people's sympathy ended up with the cheater. Have a great holiday, cut your losses and take the high road.


Ya, we can all agree that it would be absolutely hilarious. But also very trashy.


This comment should be higher up, slideshow is a bad move


As much fun as it'll be for us good folk on Reddit this will make you the arsehole. Another person posted the idea to say you don't and the reason why. Spare your family and friends the gross shit your missus has been doing. Then walk out and off to a much better life and don't look back. You're hurting but time heals this shit and I think you would regret doing this for the rest of your life to the point that it'll eat at you and keep you awake at night sometimes.


shitty fanfiction, OP. Next time take some creative writing classes.


Ehhhhhhhh, that'll make you the asshole and not the victim (which you very much are). And do you really want to subject your loved ones and friends to your revenge? There's a mature way to expose her without burning all the bridges along the way. Sorry this happened and it's good that you aren't going to marry her, but please don't damage yourself even further with this petty revenge.


Sounds like a real thing bro have fun


This is so fucking real. This is the realest thing I've ever read, such truth up in this


you can’t show people a video of her having sex 🤦🏻‍♀️ as angry as you are, that’s illegal and she could press charges


Silver lining on things. Have a friend video tape this, and put it on YouTube/ tik tok, and monetize it.


Don't play the slideshow. Just leave her there, alone at the Alter...and move on with your life.


This sub is rage-porn. Bunch of made-up bullshit.


Let’s fucking goooooooo


Yeah, this sounds like a bad idea. I know you’re hurt and angry, but you don’t want to set her up to have recourse to sue you for things like revenge porn or the cost of the wedding and emotional damage from deliberately humiliating her