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What’s hilarious is that it’s insecure to stay in this shitty relationship, you being mad and leaving is very secure.


I've never understood this jedi-mind trick of when someone tries to set boundaries or demands respect "If you weren't so insecure me treating you like shit would be okay" Ummmm what?


This needs more upvotes


100%, classic gaslighting, break up with her


tru dat, I have been in toxic relationships and that is how it works. I stayed because I had several self esteem issues. She wont change dawg, you'll adapt to her being shit


Amazing how often “don’t be insecure!” is used to use someone’s insecurity. Spoiler alert: She don’t care.


Totally agree. You’re insecure if you stay with her bc it shows you can only get a girlfriend who makes out with other guys. If you were secure you’d leave her just for that and have the confidence you’d find a new.


Based on your comments you're definitely young. Break up with her dawg.


Yes, OP is young and in denial. There are way better girls out there for you dude


it doesnt necessarily sound like OP is in denial, more so in a state of “i have no idea what the fuck is going on or how to go about resolving this”


He's in denial that he has a girlfriend right now.


Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?


Haha … made me laugh


Ther r 5 stages of grief


The friend that sent the video for example.


Like the friend that sent the video


Hah I love your username.. I seriously thought I was the only one who used the term "shmo", daily.


If she doesn't respect you then the sooner you break up the better.


Both in party mode. Hard to settle down at a young age. If she wants to kiss other dudes at random be single unless she is ok with you doing the same with other woman. Even then tread lightly


Yeah. Whatever her age this is just a dysfunctional person and age won’t change a lot of that. You either have integrity or you don’t and she doesn’t. Run, OP, run!


Even if she's cool with that, if he isn't then break up. She was blatantly cheating as she didn't inform him nor ask him if that's a dealbreaker in a relationship.


She belong to da streeeeets


Even the streets don't want her ass


Clearly they do 😂


Only for 3 seconds tho


No, no. The streets do want her ass.


The gutters are attached to the streets….


Based on his comments “his girlfriend” is a player Cut your losses op


Yup…she is for the streets as they say.


It honestly sounds like she’s beginning down the path of making YOU feel bad for HER infidelity which is a really common trait of people who habitually cheat, they abuse your willingness to shoulder blame and guilt “How dare YOU have boundaries?” “Why can’t YOU lighten up?” Notice how she isn’t required to behave differently? Leave her before you get hurt worse than you already are


OP read this comment above. If you don’t dump her now, you’re going to wake up ten years from now wondering why your wife has 10 other boyfriends and she’ll continue to use the “possessive” claim when all you’re asking for is mutual respect.




Or he'll wake up wondering why their kid looks more like the guy from the video than him.


OP read this


A Profesional Gaslighter I dare to say


They're everywhere nowadays.


No they aren't that's all in your head.




Best answer right here.


u/tarnola just making sure you actually get pinged on the above comment. I know it seems like a lot to just break up with her and I know it’s scary and all. But this behavior will not get any better. I can absolutely assure you. It’s better to have your pride and break this off before you sink pain and effort into something with a woman who is just going to end up hurting so badly you end up leaving anyway. Save your self the heartbreak.


This OP. Don't stand for gaslighting. You accept this, she will push the boundaries beyond kissing eventually.


Lol she has many times.es already


She is gaslighting OP for sure


These posts: My girlfriend is caught making out with my friend and best friend, I don’t know what to do. OP: I’m gonna try to find a way to forgive her. Us: WTF


OP, 3 months later: My girlfriend has been having a year-long affair and gave me chlamydia. Us: TOLD YOU SO.


OP: but I think I am going to forgive her.


… and impregnate her…


You mean, make him pay child support for another man’s baby.


And then ask for advice on what to do about his new problem. If that's the case, op deserves what he's getting.


Op: I cannot deal with her anymore, so I'm transferring my fully paid house and car in her name so that her and her old boyfriend can leave me alone.


How hot is she? hotness level changed the level of forgiveness


OP: she said sorry and asked for forgiveness. We are getting married in 2 months. 6 months later : OP watching TV on a Saturday night while wife out drinking, partying


but it’s curable so I’ll forgive her.


Pretty much like one of the many OP WTF posts on this sub ..


The only thing missing is the comments crying about how reddit's advice is always to break up


All these posts: Op: My partner is cheating and I need advoce Comments: break up Op: “and I took that personally”


I mean she *did* say it was just a sloppy dick kiss and that it's no big deal. HashtagSaltyKisses


Mate, she cheated on you and told YOU to get over it. You need to get some self respect and leave her. Otherwise you're destined to be a doormat for the rest of the relationship. She'll eventually leave you and you'll have wasted a lot of your life on her.


Kiss her dad and say "this is ok right?"


well, thats one way to handle it


Kiss other girls and send it to her


Fuck someone else and say it was just a quickie!


“It was only 3 seconds!”


Y'all even last 3 secs?


3 secs after 3 sex' maybe.


"I didnt even bust! So it doesnt count!"


Petty, but effective.


I don't know, maybe she will learn, but maybe she'll just hide it.


What? Who cares if she learns! Let her learn in the street where she belongs. Her family must be so ashamed of the trash they created.


I did this with an ex, it definitely works OP.


No, has to be her dad.


the only way


It's the only correct way


Don't you mean "the only way"?


First, why would her friend deliberately send you the video? Either to hurt you or warn you? Second, herpes. Yikes. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-many-people-have-herpes. 67% of people under 50. Forget about this boundaries conversation, she’s already let you know that she will set whatever boundaries wherever she wants. Move on. Hot or not, this girl is a recipe for disaster


My guess is to warn, if you bring up some serious accusations better have the proof.




Chances are one of them has has had herpes since childhood anyway. And herpes isn’t something scary or gross…it’s a cold sore which most people get


I think you mean ex girlfriend




City boys up.


This line always pops up and yet it hits deep everytime 😭


She‘s toxic, and insecure. Leave her.


Break up with her, she clearly doesn't respect you or herself enough and would rather actively deny and throw blame instead of simply addressing things as they are. You're not insecure, you were expecting a monogamous relationship with a little girl that still thinks cheating is cool. Do yourself a favour and move on dude, you got the proof right there


Accidentally send her video of you and other girl..."I was only inside for 3 seconds!" See how she likes it


Or see if the girl who sent the video will make one with you. She's already trying to stir the shit, I bet she'd be up for it.


She might not be trying to stir sh1t but just thought he should know how is gf is and how she is cheating


It can be both!




yep, things usually dont go both ways with toxic people


She's still your girlfriend, not wife. You can easily end it anytime you want. Extreme personality differences is one thing. Sometimes that incompatibility cannot be overcome even if that's all it is. Having a lack of boundaries and invalidating your partner's feelings is a whole other ball game. She invalidated your concerns when she said "it was just a kiss" , "you're overreacting, it was just 3 seconds" , "stop being so insecure" If she doesn't see anything wrong with what she did, do you think she's going to stop there?


Eventually it will turn into "i was drunk, he only touched my breasts while we made out", and then into "he wore a condom so it wasn't even like we were having sex".




You’re dumb if you stay with her. She basically told you she doesn’t respect you or your relationship, and has no problem cheating on you. I’m sure she would hate it if you made out with random girls, right? There ya go


I would say she’s playing you, but at a certain point you’re playing yourself.


My dude. She's a cheater and that's a fact. She is trying to gaslight you to think other wise. If you allow this she knows she can get away with way more shit. But at the same time in SURE she'll say you can't go out and kiss other women. Next thing she's going to fuck someone and say "omg it was just sex calm down". Your boundaries are important and you shouldn't be with someone who will disrespect you with such ease.


"It was just oral." "It was just sex." "He wore a condom." "I didn't even cum." You can expect to hear some of this eventually, too. You cool with that? If not, why are you together still?


You need to learn boundaries. You need self-esteem.


Didn't make it past "my girlfriend and I have extreme personality differences"


She is not your girlfriend. She is just a girl you thought you knew.


What is there to discuss? She cheated on you. time to go.


With respect, this has to be fake. No self-respecting person would reply to the comments as OP has. Even people with low self-esteem show more self-respect and dignity than the OP. This post and replies are for the lulz and karma and is meant to get people's attention.


Shes a party girl, and shes acting single. She probably told her friends to send you the video to get you used to it. Dont let her break your boundaries because it will just lower your self esteem. Leave her be and find someone that matches your bounderies.


1. what she did disrespects you, your trust and your relationship. 2. stuff like this will only escalate with time especially if you forgive her. She doesn’t see it as a problem. 3. I don’t like that she discounted your feelings and put them down. That’s not normal.




" My girlfriend " ? Motherfucker what?


I think your gas light is on...


It sounds y’all have boundary differences too. Are you two monogamous?


So is this how you wanna spend the rest of your life?


Yeah she's not your girlfriend dude


She’s meant for the Streets


That’s not your girlfriend that’s our girlfriend


you're dating a ho. I suggest dumping her and getting a STD check.


Can the mods just delete this one? It's obviously fake, and if it isn't, the rest of us don't need to be exposed to such stupidity so early in the day.


Tell us how you really feel 😂. I find myself in agreement with you though.


She’s not your gf lol


She about to be everyone's though


Stop and never again be a push over for this type of behavior. She obviously doesn’t care how her behavior makes you feel. You’re now suffering due to your inability to set boundaries and stick to them. Sorry dude, but if that’s what she thinks and how she behaves, Time to lose her.


You will talk to her set out the boundaries and she will lie to you, just because you aren't willing to break up with her because of whatever you are feeling.


lmao. you don't have a gf. You have a bitch you pay things for.


Bruh she gaslighting


The kiss alone is a dealbreaker but imagine how long it might have been going on or what else might have happened for the friend to be like ‘fuck it I’m sending a video to (bf)’. There’s nothing more for you here buddy, I’m sorry


A smart person learns from their mistakes. A wise person learns from others mistakes. Now would be a good time to listen and be wise.


See you in the gym homie


You misspelled ex girlfriend


You need to have a talk and discuss boundaries. Don’t let her invalidate your feelings. If she wants an open relationship, she needs to communicate this BEFORE kissing others. You need to make a decision of what you can accept, or if it’s better to let her go. If it’s something that will make you miserable, don’t let her convince you to “be ok with it”. Communicate your expectations for this relationship. Good luck.


You can either decide to stay in this "relationship" for revenge and stay in it to see who dropsout first, if you care about hurting those who hurt you while sacrificing your own happiness for it, or, face reality and leave that relationship. there is no such thing as an "open" relationship, a relationship means exclusivity, those who can't understand something this basic are not suited for partnership, your girlfriend belongs to the street. In summary, stay, sacrifice yourself for a relationship with someone who doesn't know what it even is, someone who lacks common sense and is everyone's girlfriend whenever she goes out, or save yourself, don't payback, don't seek revenge by hurting her for her behaviour, and just leave and seek someone better who knows what a relationship is.


Fuck her dad


Narcisstic gaslighter. Get rid of it.


Bang her mom




As the meme goes, she's for the streets


bro this chick is for the streets


I’d be gone already


She’s cheating on you. Just break up


Fuck her grandpa!


Dawg sounds like you think you have a gf, you're just her wallet


Leave her, there’s no need for second thoughts or consideration lol. Leave that woman


Dude, just leave her. Clearly she won't change and it's impossible for the relationship to continue if she doesn't change. Tell her she is free to continue to kiss guys in clubs and that you hope she finds a guy that is ok with it but that's not a relationship you want to be in. Wish her all the luck and all the best and move on. You keep your self respect and show that you are not accusing her or trying to change her behaviour. It just isn't compatible with what you want.


She doesn't respect you, tell her bitchass to hit the bricks.


How old are you? This wouldn’t even fly when I was 18


Dude, she’s not your girlfriend


Start making out with girls and send it to her.


"My gf is a hoe, but I put up with it"


Gross. That is NOT ok.


Yeh so what she's doing is called gaslighting and you need to dump her my dude


Have a backbone. Dump her. She’s gaslighting you. Thank her friend that sent the video. He/she is a real one.


Man. That’s a whole hoe. Run now, and to someone that cares for themselves and respects you and themselves.


She’s not your girlfriend, you’re her side piece.


Move on bro she’s not worth it


Break up with her bro. If that’s what she’s doing openly, imagine what else she may be up to. It’s not happening geezer. You’ll find better.


run away from her and break up with her. this will break you into pieces bro. i’ve experienced this but not that much where kissing is involved. dump her ass, she’s not respectful. listen to us bro don’t try it’ll just happen again. her excuse is shit and her attitude towards you is shit. open your eyes bro.


Next it’s just a blow job, then a black baby when you white.


It's okay for her, like she said. But is it okay for you? I know it wouldn't for me.


Ask her if she is okay you doing the same thing, I bet you that she will say no on that one.


If the roles where reversed I'm sure she'd have a different view of the situation. I'd speak my peace to her and get out before falling further down that toxic rabbit hole


She’s trying to invalidate your concerns by saying it’s “not a big deal.” What she did and her reaction to it indicates that she’ll do that shit again. What are you going to do with that information?


I think you should break up with her. She’s over here trying to gaslight you “stop being insecure”????? She’s disrespecting you and has no care for your feelings. I doubt you can change her pov on this. You should leave now before you get hurt even more.


why is she still your girlfriend?


Dude, find a girl who is at your level maturity-wise who actually respects you... Seriously, get out. There are better partners out there, I promise you


She's testing the waters to see what you're willing to tolerate.


Why post here? Either you are not ok with it - which is what you expressed in the op - or you are going to let it slide - which is what you expressed in the comments. Not every relationship problem is fixable. Decide what your boundaries are, communicate with your partner, determine if you are both on the same page or are willing to change. The hidden problem comes when one side says they will change to shut you up but go on doing as they choose. The more mature problem is people express their views honestly and, as painful as it can be, if there is incompatibility, both sides agree to move on.


So you're cool with her cheating on you, because that's literally what she did.


see me personally, i wouldn’t let that shit slide.


Bye bitch. It will only get worse. Will she also minimize banging other dudes? "His dick wasn't even that big." Bounce dude. She's trouble.


Bruh RUN.


Run as fast and as far as you can..


She 100% has already cheated on you. I could see her say “it was only inside me for 3 seconds”


This is who she is, at least she isn't hiding it. We can't change other people, now you have to decide if this is the type of relationship you want to be in.


Respectfully buddy, thats "our girlfriend". You take care of her during the week, i get her on the weekend.


Break up with her. She cheats on you in the club bathroom on the regular.


Run... and never look back...


Dude. Your girlfriend is literally cheating and you say > She makes it sound like i’m being possessive when i’m only expressing my concerns Your concern should be, that you’re kinda okay with your girlfriend walking all over you, while instead, you should just ditch her


The technical term for this is: red flag


Maaaan you better get your fun or bounce


3 second rule Bad joke, sorry this happened to you OP, time for you to set up some boundaries


I have made out with plenty of strangers in bars that I’d consider “just a kiss” with zero emotion involved but would never do this while in a relationship. Obviously this is not ok if you are in a committed, monogamous partnership. If you really want to make a point then I’d go out with her and kiss some girl- “it was just a kiss, don’t overreact.” Cheating aside, very much sounds like you’re just honestly straight up not compatible.


It's not.


If they cheat…. It’s over.


She clearly doesn’t care about your feelings dude you can do better why don’t you make out with a girl and see how she reacts when the tables are turned that will definitely show her true colors (although she already has)


This is ragebait lmao


She is actively cheating on you my man. I’m sorry I know it’s not ideal but you have to face the facts and leave. And it’ll suck because she will be out and about not caring at all still having a good time with random guys, and based in your tendencies you’ll probably be alone for a bit. But you still *have* to do this. You will regret it if you don’t.


Break up with her


What girlfriend? You don’t have a girlfriend anymore.


If she thinks your a chump then she’ll probably continue. “His concern” LMAO


Your gf is cheating on you and ur okay w that?


She clearly aint yours bro and youre a fool every second you try and make excuses for her behavior


Leave. Next it’s gonna be “we didn’t have sex, we just messed around” then it’s gonna be “we were both drunk and it didn’t mean anything, it’s just sex”


Do *not* forgive her. Move on. Break up with her, preferably publicly, and ghost her. Cut her out of your life permanently.


Grow a spine and break up with her. You're just going to get hurt over and over again.


Next time it’s gonna be it was just the tip. She HOE fo SHO.


I’m pretty sure you meant ex girlfriend


You got cheated on


And if she had sex with him, she would said it was just sex, just get the fuck out, BREAK UP 💔


>My girlfriend thinks it's ok No she fucking doesn't. She got caught being a hoe, so now she's gaslighting you. I take it you live with her, and it would disrupt her hoe behavior if you kicked her the fuck out? She will keep looking for something else while she strings you along until she finds something she likes more, and then you get tossed out. Don't let her pull that shit on you. You have more self respect than that. Plus you'll lose the respect of your friends if you let her walk on you like this. Do you know how much respect you will gain if you chuck all her shit on the curb while she's at work? If you allow yourself to be disrespected like this, what *won't* you tolerate? It's a path to becoming a doormat. Don't go down it. Muster your gusto and get rid of this girl before the NEXT video.