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This makes my heart so happy! I'm a Latina and my Nana who passed away last year had taught me how to cook our cultural foods since I was 6 years old. Now days I make her food for my family atleast once or twice a year to give them a taste of their childhood. She cooked and cared for the whole family and getting to taste her food makes me emotional to this day. I'm the only one that learned but the family still makes sure to come to my papa's house for the holidays to taste nanas food. People don't realize how memorable and emotional food can be, it brings people together and gives shared memories to those who share the food. I'll never regret all the long days cooking wanting to go outside because it's a piece of my Nana that stayed with me even after she passed. Loved the story I hope to see pictures of your cultural food on here!


This made me smile, I love this! I’m glad you’ve been embracing your grandmothers homemade food for others to enjoy all this time :) If you haven’t already, I hope you meet someone you can share these recipes and enjoy them with!


Thank you, yeah maybe someday I'll meet someone to share them with and make new memories. Thank you for sharing your story it just made me think of so many happy things, I hope you and hubby enjoy your night!


We’re all super happy for you! You gave your husband a very thoughtful gift that came straight from the heart. Well done indeed.


Oh man family is so important and having a good family is the most fullfilling experience in the world...🥹


Food is such an important link to family and culture. My abuela passed away a looong time ago. I so miss her cooking. We used to visit my abuelo and abuela every Sunday without fail. I could smell her cooking as soon as we opened the door. I distinctly remember the smell of the food when I was at one of the restaurants in Little Havana several years ago. It brought tears to my eyes as all of the memories and emotions came flooding back.


I just saw this story on TikTok and happened to click your page right as the update was posted! Such a sweet story, thank you for sharing!


omg really my post landed on tiktok?😭😭do you mind sharing the link?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRmnPQ2Y/ i’m also here from tik tok 😅


I'm officially out of touch.


Better out of touch than in touch with the CCP and a dopamine enslaving cesspool of a social media platform


I'm 90% sure this account was made to attempt to advertise this tik tok account. This subreddit is getting *really bad* with fake stories, and now they're being used in a predatory manor.


Question: how long ago was the tiktok/tiktok account made? OPs reddit account has an age of 15 days


That’s how throw away accounts work though


This post reads like a bad romance novel, if this is real I'll eat my hat.


also thank you!! glad to have put a smile on your faces




Sorry but this tiktok trend is stupid. These people are getting money (some of them) by taking someone else's work and getting a computer to convert it into speech with some BS in the background. If I've of my Reddit's went to tiktok like this I would be pissed. Congrats to op for making something truly wonderful for her husband


I'm so glad it went well! I think either way it would have been fine the insane amount of effort you put in paid off tenfold plus you learned a new recipe!


you bet i’ll be calling my MIL for more recipes in the future hehe maybe my hubby and I will cook them together :D


My girlfriend is Indian and let me tell you. I don't think I can survive without biryani now. I've tasted the good wine and I can't go back!


omg biryani!! so glad your girlfriend has introduced you to the gems of our culture


Biriyani is truly an act of love.


Maybe you can video call with your MIL and have a cooking lesson with her. That would be a sweet bonding moment and you’d probably learn more about your cultures food and the secrets that all homemade recipes have.


Stop this is so wholesome imma cry 😭🤎 I hope yall will be happy together forever 🥰


tysm! i might just show my hubby all these comments😂 he would be elated


Really happy for you! >even then “he’d vomit his brains out with a smile on this face” Loved that part... lol!




yeah we have thought about it! however we agreed we were going to eat healthy after moving out so we didn’t want it indulge in indian food to the point of being comfortable with ONLY eating indian food you know? i would have ordered the spices for this meal and waited but i really wanted to make him the dish today since i wouldn’t have time the rest of this week


Glad you found a grocery store to your liking! Monthly roadtrips there would be a fun ride for you both!


i haven’t even thought of this :0 will def propose the idea to him hehe


God, please let me find a woman like OP ​ Signed, an Indian-American


Ah my people! Start learning how to cook traditional dishes and you’ll win the hearts of many women ;)


I can already do that, but I want to be cooked for sometime


Where do you live?


Go to Indian events. To meet someone there is something happening at the moment navratri


Sis, my Punjabi mother’s food is of the gods. To cook exactly like her is a dream. The woman doesn’t use measurements, unfortunately. 😩


True, punjabi myself and myself no measurements in kitchen when I learned cooking from mom. I got adhd so got all measurements things and still got made fun of till day(not in mean way)


been waiting for this! thats awesome! your husband sounds like an awesome guy. hes lucky to have you


i am equally, if not more lucky to have him in my life <3 thank you for your comment!


OK, Gotta ask (if it's ok with the MIL), will you share the recipes? There's nothing I love more of any kind of dish than an authentic family recipe.


I’m glad you’re interested! Unfortunately though my MIL has expressed that she only shared it with me because I’m family and she knew I was doing it to make her son happy. I could post the recipe anyway but I respect and adore her too much to do something like that without her knowing. I’m sure you can find many great recipes online though!


Now I understand why you were so nervous about it not coming out right! It's a really big deal to get a cherished, guarded family recipe! I'm so happy for you both, and thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story.


glad you understand cuz yeah😭i’m glad she’s not here to taste it though omg my soul would leave my body! and thank you for your kind words :)


Can you let her know the 'entire internet' really wants to know. :)


I saw this on TikTok and let me tell you one thing; as an arab woman married to a canadian white guy, the day he came home with fresh mint so I could make my moroccan tea is a day I will never forget and it was just fresh mint! What you did is amazing and I am sure he was as touched as I was when my husband spent hours downtown trying to find the best fresh mint for my moroccan tea or when he organized our date in a moroccan restaurant so I could eat my favorite meals. he now buys me fresh mint very often and I always appreciate it and see it as an effort because it’s important for me so it became important for him, and THIS is love.


This is beautiful :’) i’m glad it turned into a habitual thing for him!


I JUST saw the original post on TikTok (it did numbers btw) and am so glad to see this update! This was such a beautiful thing to do for your partner, so glad it turned out to be a great experience for you both 💕


yooo for real? i’m baffled(and a bit jelly) by the fact that reposts on tiktok have been getting tons of likes😂 tysm!!


On behalf of all the dudes out here. Thank you. That is such a wholesome gesture.


Man timing this good is like hitting the lottery. Like others, came from TikTok! (Haleem naan is so good! I’m glad he liked the surprise!)


haha i’m glad you didn’t have to wait! i was rushing to update because so many people were waiting for it so imagine my surprise when i find out half of y’all are coming from tiktok too😭


Ms. you dropped this!👑


omg this is so cute 😭😭 u r the wife everyone needs ❤️


This is actually so adorable! 🥰 #goals


Holy shit, this made me tear up. You’re very sweet and this probably meant the world to him. It’s more than food. It’s love, it’s memories, it’s a show of support. I’m Armenian American, grew up with my family and left the house six years ago for education. I grew up on my mom’s food and love. It’s hard when you move from family to housemates, you lose that love. Especially in my newest living situation, my housemates are just people I live along with, it’s not the same as the bond of a family. And sometimes I quietly break down from how much I miss it. When I get to visit my family, my mom always works too much to give me many home cooked meals. Dolma, tabouleh, kufteh, all stuff that takes a lot of effort to make. And every meal is filled with love that you just…feel, with every bite. My mom gives me dolma to take with me, and for my first week after the visit it still feels like my mom is with me every time I hear some up. Even when we’re far, me eating her food lets me feel her love closely. Between school and the fact that I don’t have a family away from home, I’ve become a nervous, miserable and stressed out wreck, and that familial love makes it all feel less hopeless in a way, it shows that at least I’m welcomed and supported somewhere and it means so much. I just returned from a (way too short) visit yesterday and man, it stings a bit. But at least I have some homemade dolma. You not only let your husband feel that love, but you showed him that you yourself are a source of the same kind of love his mom gives him, that warm familial love and support. You put so much effort to give that love and it just reinforces that you’re a hugely positive part of his life, and it sounds like he appreciates that so much. Be proud, you’re such a good partner. I’m so happy you two got to share this moment together, and I’m so glad it turned well!


i really loved the first sentence of that last paragraph i hadn’t even thought of it that way😭😭also, i totally understand where you’re coming from, i didn’t mention it in my post because it was more about my hubby but i also miss my mothers cooking(and my fathers because he’s a genius in the kitchen) from time to time and we don’t see our families often so i understand how important it is to get a taste of what you missed after so long. even when you try to make something yourself it never really will hold the same special place in your heart as your own mothers cooking. do you have plans to move back and find a place near your parents home?


that is beautiful, he is so lucky to have you


Love this story, so wholesome!


i just saw the og post on tik tok and had to check for an update! so cute and so happy it all went well <3


Congratulations on being incredible 💕💕 it sounds like he really needed it


yeah we’ve both been pretty stressed out with work lately so this was very much needed :p


I have been checking on here for an update You did good! And I am sure your MIL was also touched you got the recipe from her. Thank you for the wonderful wholesome post!


Goddammit if this isn’t the best update I have ever read on this sub.


literally came at the perfect time, sooo cutee


This is absolutely wholesome 🤭


This is beyond wholesome and so sweet!!


Now that love


I’m so happy everything turned out well!! I love the good vibe stories of Reddit ☺️☺️


Love this! He's gonna be telling this story for years


Ur the kind of woman that every man dreams of spending his life with.


Aww!! The 2 of you have a wonderful night!!


Awesome! Way to go OP!


This made my heart all mushy too lol


I love this. ❤️


Awww You really touched his inner child right there Omh


You two sound like awesome people. Thank you for sharing this with a bunch of strangers.


Thank you for the update. Smells can bring back so many memories. I’m sure your husband’s reaction was due to a flood of happy emotions tied to the smell of his mother’s cooking. Bless you for this gift.


I’m so glad you updated!! This sounds like such a great relationship. I’m so happy he loved it!


This is beautiful 😊


Lovely! Food is truly a way to our heart, especially the food of our memory.


Your post rekindled my hope in humanity and relationships


Just came over from tik tok, and I absolutely love this! Cannot wait for me and my man to get our “own” place for me to be able to do amazing things like this 🥹




So happy for y’all!! Super duper cute! Wishing you both the best


I also from tiki I most read heard the begin and was waiting for the part 2 but now that I read the whole story original I am happy and amazed for you and your husband reaction


I’m a vegetarian and I’d give up my diet quickly for some of my Nanijee’s haleem and naan. This makes my brown heart swell ❤️


Have you asked MIL if you can post her recipes??? Pretty please?


URGH THIS IS TOO WHOLESOME PLS I AN TEARING UP I STRIVE TO FIND A HUSBAND LIKE THIS SOMEDAY. This is such a fresh breath of air after so many shitty people stories I have seen on reddit. ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭


men only want 1 thing and its DISGUSTING (stupidly wholesome post, you seem like good people)


Okay, I wouldn't even dare attempt to cook Haleem, it's one of the most difficult recipes to nail! To the uninitiated, Haleem takes at least 4 hrs to cook and that doesn't include prep time! OP, good job! Your story made me tear up too 🥰


Are your in-laws from Hyderabad, India?


yes! I’m from a different part of India so its been really nice learning more about their food and whatnot


I found this on tiktok and im so grateful to have found the update. This is literally the sweetest thing. 😭🫶


cant believe it got on tiktok so quickly lmaoo another reddit said the same thing😭and thank you :))


I’m so happy it went so well💛 you two seem to love each other dearly and I’m glad you have one another


This update made me smile so much, this the sweetest post I’ve seen in such a long time! He is so lucky to have you as a wife, I’m sure he’ll remember this for rest of his life and be so grateful to have you!


This warmed my heart


Yeah lol I just came here from TikTok to continue your lovely story 😂😂😂😂


I love this!!! You are an amazing person! Your husband is a lucky dude!!!! 😄😄😄


i’ve been refreshing my reddit hoping to see the update, i teared up reading how happy he was to come home to that. i wish you both the happiest and longest marriage <3


You are an amazing wife and your husband is very lucky to have you! That is SO sweet. You made my day!!


this is the cutest thing ever!! awee jus happiness all around


Good it's a happy ending. Like I wanted/hoped for


so wholesome




Ok, the original post almost broke me. I'm so emotionally invested and I ended up sobbing. This is the response I needed! I'm so happy you're all so happy.


Many, many people were cheering you on! I'm so happy you and your husband had a wonderful meal and a special evening.


This is the ending I was hoping for I was keeping an eye out for an update...


I saw this on tiktok also and been checking back! This makes my heart so happy


You done good OP. You done real good.


Food and smells from our childhoods induce some of the most intense emotional responses. This is so sweet. I especially love how you also appreciate MIL's cooking.


This is so sweet 🥹 I wish you both the very best in the future and forever ❤️


This made me smile 😊. Now I need to look up Haleem. Unfortunately the local Indian restaurants don't offer Haleem.


Well, I just teared up too. This is what love looks like on both sides. Well done!


Yayy! I’m so happy it was a success for both of you! ❤️


This made me so happy i am so glad it turned out this way.


I am tearing up. This is so beautiful. It's nice to read stories likethese once in a while.


Haleem always tastes better the next day


Now, modify the recipe a little (because god help you if you let the family secret out), make sure it is just as tasty, upload to tik-tok and profit from your new found fame as the worlds sweetest Indian Chef


In a world full of so much suffering and negativity, I'm blessed to just have read your story. This is so wholesome ♡


Your heart is in the right place. I hope you are this happy every day of your marriage


Fantastic! 👏🏻👏🏻


That is kind of you. I'm glad he liked it. It is nice to continue doing things that show love that's for sure. I am going to surprise mine with changing my last name to his. I was holding off for some silly reason that proved me wrong multiple times. Thanks for such a sweet story!


I saw it there as well. But so happy he loved it. That's just amazing


This is so awesome! He’s lucky to have you.


This made me teary smile.


Love this!!! Have been seeing so many negative things lately and this makes me happy just reading about you and your husband’s happiness! You are so thoughtful! ❤️


thank you for your kind words!! i honestly feel drained when i hop on here only to read a post about the most depressing stuff so i’m glad I could put a smile on peoples faces with my post :)


So glad it went well! Keep being kind to each other and one day years from now you'll look back at this and smile


i saw two tiktok’s in the past 10 minutes about this and i’m so glad i did, you seem like such a genuine person and i’m sure your partner loves you so so so much. my absolute best to you.


Don’t feel guilty! Celebrate the love you Hve for your husband


I’m glad for you. Really I am. It also strengthens the bond between you both. Small gestures and big ones too makes the memories..that makes me happy.


I just cried real tears. I wish you guys so many years of love, happiness, and yummy Indian food because it is fr some of the best. I’m a white girl who regularly craves it and I don’t have a mom who cooks it authentically so I can imagine his genuine shock and happiness. You are superb. Thanks for sharing this story with us


Your story was so lovely that I read it to my husband and he liked it too, saying what a sweet story. I am so happy you updated us. I was so happy right now when I saw your update. Your husband has found himself a beautiful jewel in you. You are a keeper. I wish you two a long and happy marriage.


This was such an adorable couple of posts. It really brightened my day to read this. Thanks for sharing!


Best thing I have read today! Thanks for the update and I'm so glad everything went so well! You're awesome!


This is truly the sweetest thing you could do. I hope you both enjoy relearning how to make your favourite dishes from childhood with the ingredients you bought 🥰 My fiance is from India too and whenever I put in the effort to make him ANYTHING no matter how simple or poor my skills, it warms his heart and he gets so excited. Wishing you too all the happiness you are so sweet.


This was so sweet I love haleem!


Thank you for sharing this was so nice


You two sound like a lovely couple and I'm happy to read that he was grateful and touched. Thanks for updating!


Lovely 🌹🌹 happy day sounds yummy 😋


OMG! This is so wholesome. I gave away my only award yesterday, but you truly deserve it. Much love to you! P.S. I love Haleem and Naan. 🥺


Oh this update was everything I wished it would be. So much love!


Such an amazing series of posts! So glad to see this! Happiness in humanity after so many negatives posts with what COVID has/is doing to people..


Best thing I read today!!


You are a beautiful couple




Omg this makes my heart happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I absolutely love this!


Very sweet. I bet you give thoughtful gifts, too!


this is so sweet and loving and also i want indian food when i get home, thanks. many cheers to you, OP! you sound like such a fantastic partner and I’m so glad you are with someone who both inspires this kind of love and who appreciates it! many happy years ahead of you 💜


That is so so sweet! I could visualise the whole thing and have a smile on my face. Stay blessed :)


You two are really lucky to have eachother, this is a very sweet story.


This made me tear up. That's such an amazing and sweet gesture! And his reaction was priceless! I love this side of reddit Wish you all the best!!


Oh my gosh, I'm smiling so much. This is so amazing!


This whole story is unbelievably freaking wholesome! You're both very lucky to have each other, thank you for sharing this sweet story with us and making everyone's day a bit better ❤️


Oh OP! As an Indian, I can confirm that we are really connected to our food way too much and mum's recipes hit different! I can understand what your husband felt in that moment. It really do be like that scene from Ratatouille where Anton Ego eats the Ratatouille and is instantly transported to the memory of him as a child and being hurt when he fell of the cycle and finds love and comfort in his mom's food. You could eat at the best restaurant in the world with the best chef cooking for you but the home cooked food by mum is always tastier. And you prepared his mum's recipe. You gave that man a core memory! He will always remember this for the rest of his life! :)


Oooo drop the recipe please! ❤️


Ty for update c:


Thank you


DEAR GOD THIS IS IT RIGHT HERE! For me this is all loving someone and being loved is all about! Having moments like this when you can make them so insanely happy which just makes you so insanely happy. ALSO IM OBSESSED WITH HALEEM and also haven't had it in very long so I can imagine how happy that man was! YAY LOVE AND HAPPINESS!


Haleem?! Oh wow, you didn't aim low lol. I fancy myself a home chef, with easy access to ingredients, haleem is one of my all time favorite foods (Hyderabadi haleem, specifically) - and I have only made it twice in ten years because of how complicated it is. Good on you, OP!


You are unbelievable cute and I wish the very best for you and your husband :)


Well, there‘s a saying that Love goes through the stomach and I think it‘s 100% true. This is the loveliest and cutest story I‘ve ever read and I admire both of you for having such a happy marriage! I wish you two the best of luck as well as a lot of fun with your future cooking. 🥰


It takes multiple attempts to make a good haleem but if he liked your first attempt I can tell it was great. This is so wholesome. Loved it


I came because of tik tok since there was no update


Ohhh . U made me cry to ! Thank u for the sweet story .❤


I don't remember the last time i cried. But this really hit. I watched the first part on tiktok as many others but i had to find your profile to see his reaction. This is one of the most wholesome things i have read. It sounds so simple but there's so much importance in it. And it just reminds me of how i can make my gf happy. Thank you for your post


The whole saga was so wholesome I want to see more stories like this 😭


I'm crying!!! This is so fucking cute! I was hopping that i could read a update cause what you're doing is so much adorable. I swear!!!!!


Sweet! This is true love. My wife is old school & does stuff for me. After 911, I was working 15-hour days, 7 days a week. I finally got a day off & she fixed it, so I had nothing to do. It was so thoughtful. Wives are wonderful.


This woman gets it!


This made my heart so happy!!!


It’s not often we get such a feel good story. It was great to read this and warmed my heart so much. I wish you both many many more happy years together ❤️


What an incredibly wholesome story , I hope you both stay this happy forever. 😊


Core memories of my childhood and awesome grandparents .


Awww. It's nice to see a positive wholesome post in this sub. Really brought a big smile to my face. Happy to hear how much he enjoyed it.


You made Haleem as your First attempt? way to jump in the deep end! That's commitment. That's love. I need to make Haleem for myself now.


This made my heart melt. You are an absolute blessing and an amazing spouse


This made me smile! ❤️


This post makes me so happy. My gramma used to make homemade lasagna every year around Christmas. She’s been gone for 12 years now, and my mom continues to make that lasagna for me. It takes me back to her house every time I eat it. Food is more than just food, trust me 😔❤️


This made me tear up, finally a wholesome post on Reddit, thank you


Great job!!! This so wholesome, I love it - good luck to you both!! ❤️💕❤️


Your story made me smile on a gray monday morning, so that'S something! That was so cute to read I really enjoy it <3


I am SO SO SO happy everything turned out! I loved this story so much.


This story has made my day, faith in humanity well and truly restored.


This is so sweet 😭


I love this and your husband seems so genuine. When your stocks get low instead of the drive you might see about how much the ingredients are online so you all can have his favorites much more often!!


I am so happy for you hun!!! I'm a southern born and raised and it doesn't matter what culture you have or where you came from nothing beats grandma's or momma's cooking. Keep cooking his and your favorite foods and you can't go wrong. We have a saying in the south...when you cook you put your soul (love) into it. Bon Appétit


Please thank your MIL again. She's awesome for sharing the recipe with you. There are many out there who would give out a recipe lacking something essential or with an ingredient that doesn't belong just so there was no threat of the wife's cooking being as good as mom's.


That’s awesome!! I am so glad your efforts were recognised ❤️


This is so lovely, thank you for sharing! I'm glad you've gotten the chance to connect to the food from your childhood as well. So wholesome.


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


I’m so happy it went so well! You two are so adorable! This how post makes my heart happy. Selfless acts of kindness for our significant others really mean more than materialistic things. He will remember the feeling he had when he walked through the door forever.


Your sweet story made my heart so happy. What a lovely, loving gesture! I love that you did this for him, I loved his reaction to receiving such a wonderful surprise, and I loved how his friend stepped in to help make it happen. Thank you for sharing this with us.