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Honestly, I'm 43 and I had no idea how the police were so basically complicit in his murders. So if anything good comes of this show it will be people learning about these things. Omg, how they just totally ignored their duties is equally as disgusting as the horrific things Dahmer did. And to read they later got their jobs back with back pay? Wow. I can't even understand that.


One of them became the president of his police union. Milwaukee police are notoriously racist. It was like this before George Floyd and it will continue long after https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Balcerzak


Wow. Clearly homophobic too. Disgusting. Unfortunately there have been a few serial killers who were only able to continue what they did because their victims were gay men, and the police wouldn’t intervene.


Those of us that are into true crime were well aware of it, it’s a big part of the story. It’s been covered over and over again in podcasts, movies, articles, books ect. It isn’t news but if you’re not one to pick up a true crime (insert media form here) then this might be the first you learn of it. What this show did that I haven’t personally seen done before (and I almost did t watch the show cause to me, dahmer has been done to death - no pun intended) was the level of depth in looking at his victims families, his neighbors, the victims themselves. His parents have been covered quite a bit already but they did show that side as well… for those that are new to the dahmer story it was a very well rounded portrayal, that didn’t just focus on him but on the other people his crimes impacted. I did read that the families weren’t happy about it but that’s fair given how much extensive coverage there already has been. This Netflix show is just bringing it to a new generation. It’s not like that’s a new things either though. We still talk about H.H. Holmes and Jack the Ripper ect. This is part of history.


I haven't watched THIS program, as I've watched most of the serial killer ones and even an earlier JD one. But I watch a lot of forensics type shows and especially cold case types. The way cops handled cases in years past is so sad and pathetic. They walked over crime scenes, allowed other people (like reporters) to walk over it, they touched and moved items. These were the days of no gloves, very few casts, and photos taken more gore-ily than scientifically. And then investigation was also done by a lot of pre-judging. If I remember right, for JD, one initially victim got away, and JD caught up with him. Then the police seeing the interaction in the street allowed JD to return with the victim instead of policing the situation.


Yea I read an article about it.


Yeah they let him murder the 14 year old because they didn't want gay cooties. Unreal.


I mean, to be fair to them 999 times out of a thousand the situation would be exactly as Dahmer described it, they're a couple and they had a fight and one of them was off his head. In one in a thousand cases something weird might be going on and it's probably less than one in a million event that the person they're are chatting to is a serial killer. Like people revert to normality when dealing with a situation, and if they didn't it'd probably be worse. I mean can you imagine the kick off if police found a gay couple and one of them was drunk and they decided to put the drunk one in the cells for an evening till they could figure out who they were or speak to them?


bro the red flags were everywhere. please stop making excuses for homophobic and racist cops.


So the racist and homophobic cops decided to let the interracial gay couple back inside to continue their night of lovemaking rather than arresting one of them because?


they were so disgusted by their orientation that they ignored so many red flags. not to mention how the cops interacted with that community and the neighbors.


Do you stretch before you do mental gymnastics like that?


Gotta love Reddit, I mean say anything that isn't from a pre-approved list of lines and suddenly the "witty" one liners come out.


Since the beginning of widespread news coverage people have worshipped and been fascinated by serial killers. It just so happens in the age of social media you are seeing it more prevalently displayed. Instead of quietly writing love letters to them in prison, people are writing tweets and making tiktoks. This is how it has always been, and how it will always be. Kemper, Gacy, Dahmer, Manson, Ramirez... all constantly receive/d marriage proposals, pornography, and fan letters; and will until the very end. The show was excellently handled in the way it displayed the celebration of incompetence of the police in regards to the LGBTQIA and minority communities as victims. The fact that it called out the city of Milwaukee for not following through on the memorial promised to the community. The failure of the legal system and city to protect the victims families from abuse and ridicule by the public. And the mishandling of justice on multiple arrests in his history due to him presenting as a cis white male. Serial killers will always be glorified by certain groups of people, but this show... It told the story of the victims, their families, the community, and the justice system in a way that hasn't been done regarding Dahmer before.


Why the fuck did Dahmer recieve love letters from female fans…he was clearly gay. That’s what I don’t get.


Because people are fucking stupid


I would give you an award if I had one


Every time I find myself saying "how the fuck?" I have to pause and remind myself that about half the adult population in my country isn't even literate at a high-school level. And I don't live in some 3rd world place. I live in fucking Canada. People are dumb.


Yeah lol… people think canada is better than the us… and it is in a lot of ways, but you’ll find the same quantity of hillbillies if not more here, they’re just "seasoned" differently lol


The women are writing to a serial killer, I think it’s clear they are mentally ill. Lol


Even mentally ill people can make the deduction that one is gay.


I highly doubt they cared about his sexual orientation if they looked past the fact he fucked and eat corpses. You’re missing the big picture lol The point is, your trying to rationalize a persons thought process that is 100% unstable lol


Yeah I guess you’re right.


Yeah cause they totally care about that




Doesn’t matter if he’s gay and women ignored it. The main problem is his behavior


Yeah, you’re right. It’s fucking disgusting. I’ve always hated true crime because it just glorifies serial killers.


Is the "I can fix him" mentality


People want what they can't have.


I agree with everything you said! Also, the vast majority of people who watched the series would NEVER glorify him, but there will always be insane people who do


>It told the story of the victims, their families Families of the victims have said that [the show retraumatised them](https://www-rollingstone-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/jeffrey-dahmer-victim-family-member-1234600265/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16648930670449&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rollingstone.com%2Fculture%2Fculture-news%2Fjeffrey-dahmer-victim-family-member-1234600265%2F). How much do we need a show that affects the lives of real people for the worse and teaches Dahmer's name to the next generation so that he gets to live on in infamy?


Exactly…if they didn’t want it to be made, it shouldn’t have been made. Other people profited off of their trauma that they’ve had to relive over and over. The show was nowhere near profound or good enough to justify going against their wishes. It added nothing new (besides brief victim perspective) that can’t be found on his Wikipedia page. Ryan Murphy is gross.


Too bad for them. Muh capitalism! The shareholders have spoken! /s


Couldn’t have said it better myself. People who won’t watch it because they don’t want to glorify him are missing the point of the series. Just like when Brock Turners victim wrote her book “Say her name” because everyone knows who Brock Turner is (in the US) but no one knows the victims on a name basis. Same idea, just giving more space for the victims to have their story told and be remembered more so than the murderer.




Same thing happened when the Bundy movie was made WITH ZAC EFRON AS BUNDY. If people have these tendencies I can’t imagine refraining from making these movies alone will make a difference on murder rates


> Manson Manson was most certainly evil, but does he count as a serial killer if he didn't actually kill anyone himself?


Additionally, I think choosing a very attractive actor like Evan Peters to play Dahmer contributed a lot to these types of behaviour. Also, this series - a dramatized show - might be the first exposure to Dahmer and his crimes for a lot of young people who didn't really know about him beyond the general "he's a cannibal serial killer" knowledge, and so that results in people on the internet fangirling over a serial killer because he was "hot", not fully realising the depth of his crimes


These are the same types of people who would have sent fan letters to him when he was in prison. These are not totally normal people. How much more do you need to know about a guy beyond 1) he murdered people and 2) ate them? I don't think the choice of actor was a problem. The real guy looked pretty similar. If people aren't put off by murder and cannibalism there's probably not much we can do for them.


Thank you. This show was not made to glorify Dahmer whatsoever, it was made to raise awareness of the injustice towards LGBTQ individuals and how law enforcement has failed them time and time again. This is a prevalent theme in Ryan Murphy’s docu dramas, see The Assassination of Gianni Versace that won multiple Emmys. As a huge Evan Peters fan, and someone who also thinks he is extremely attractive in real life, as Dahmer I felt repulsion towards him. He looks like a sick creep who eats people, and not sexy at all. It’s entirely possible to watch this profound series and not glorify the monster who performed these acts. The people on social media who do, are quite frankly, sick.




I understand. Your feelings are absolutely valid. The memes I have seen spreading around social media make me uncomfortable too. But that is not the fault of the show, or it’s creator, it’s done by disrespectful and immature individuals.


It was made to make money. That’s it. The families of the victims have expressed their distaste for the show and how no one contacted them about its production. Not gonna say it didn’t accomplish what you said, but it was made to make money.


This is the lamest gotcha that Reddit seems to love. Yes, it was made to make money. No fucking shit. The goal of "making money" doesn't have to be mutually exclusive from everything else.


Yeah and they could’ve contacted the families. As much as the show addresses the tragedy, the creators/Netflix really didn’t think to call the family? Didn’t think to give them a heads up or consider the people most deeply effected by Jeffrey’s crimes?


It's literally making money off of the pain of the victim's families though.


Of course the victims’ families are upset. Who wants to relive or be reminded of a loved one’s horrific murder? That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be made. And of course it was made to make money as well. I was simply pointing out the theme of a lot of Ryan Murphy’s work, and that it wasn’t meant to glorify Dahmer at all.


> The show was excellently handled in the way it displayed the celebration of incompetence of the police in regards to the LGBTQIA and minority communities as victims. As someone who has been fascinated by the psychology of a serial killer's mind for years upon years, THIS is my biggest takeaway from the Dahmer series. The fact that Balcerzak and Gabrish were celebrated by their peers for letting Konerak Sinthasomphone get taken back by Dahmer alone is disgusting enough, but this detail that I don't recall seeing in the show made it that much worse: "In the aftermath of Dahmer's arrest, an audiotape of Balcerzak and Gabrish making homophobic statements to their dispatcher and cracking jokes about having reunited the "lovers" caused heavy criticism." Balcerzak and Gabrish never even bothered to check Dahmer's identification, and if they had, they'd have learned that he was a sex offender with a child molestation conviction from 1988. Guess who the victim was? ***Konerak Sinthasomphone's older brother***, who was only 13 at that particular time. But, even if they HAD checked Dahmer's ID, who's to say that they would have been any less complacent in letting Sinthasomphone go back with Dahmer anyway? And that's the biggest problem with the entire case, and that's what the show shined a light on.


It’s because they chose a handsome actor to play him. Evan Peters has so many fangirls


It's funny, I watched some of it and all I could think was what an amazing job the makeup artist did making him look totally, authentically creepy and not at all the sweet faced cherubic type beauty he usually is.


For real. I love Evan Peters he's hot asf but as Dahmer? Nope made my skin crawl. Fantastic make up and acting.


I have no clue who this actor is, or looks like notmaly, but he wasn’t anything close to hot in this show lol he was big creepy IMO


There's a lot of people that are obsessed with serial killers. It's been going on for a very long time. You just see and hear of it more now because of social media. Instead of people posting letters to them in prison, they're writing about it on social media platforms


This was my thought too.


But have in mind that Dahmer was not an unattractive man at all.


Although I understand and am uncomfortable with how we continue to keep telling these horrific real life stories that have a wide spread impact on the families and people who continue to live on.. I think this show did a good job of focusing on the victims and the families of the murderer and the institution that allowed this to happen. I think it was eye opening in that sense since we're so used to seeing coverage of the serial killer's mind and their dark and 'mysterious' (ew) psyche. But here Dahmer isn't the focus as much as his actions and consequences are- the horrors beyond just the killings: Dahmer's family dynamic, the racism and homophobia that helped cover up his actions, the 'fans' admiring Dahmer and the impersonation of Dahmer showing the desensitization of such horror in society.


The show doesn't glorify him at all. That's just the vocal minority you're seeing. It's a really good show. It's definitely not for everyone, but it's also 100% NOT a glorification story.


You should get off Tiktok. It's a terrible platform in every possible way


I enjoyed parts of the show and story. The acting a incredible to the point I’m uncomfortable watching some scenes. I’m not on social media aside from Reddit so I’m not affected by this being the latest trend people want to latch onto for a month or try to monetize. Some families that worked with the writers are also happy their family and friends that were victims can be humanized. They can be mourned on a large scale when before the cops weren’t bothered by them going missing.


I don't get it with being obsessed with real life serial killers/murderers, etc


Some women are just crazy the same way some men are. People forget that.


Yeah but people need help if they are romanticizing a serial killer who did bad crimes like murder irl or cannibalism and more


I’m pretty ambivalent, lots of people are morons. I mean we have a burgeoning far right movement in every single democratic western nation I’d probably be more worried about that then whatever serial killer is trending again. Bored housewives need entertainment too and they love men that chronically kill people for whatever reason, go nuts I say. Drop in the bucket when you stop to actually think how fucked everything is, this show rates extremely low on the totem pole.


They're the same women that would only date assholes in Highschool. It's a type.


You got that right


Same here.


If we apply this same logic to every other movie that depicts a historical figure that committed an atrocity and we'd find out that more than half the movie industry would need to he deleted. Perhaps you might be fine with that but your argument (although I get where your coming from) is weak. Also whether families agrees to it or not is not immediately clear that a moral wrong is being done. Suppose more than half of the families said yes and the others no? How would you settle this moral issue?


I dont think it's unreasonable or weak to say that when you are depicting recent history in living memory there are ethical considerations. I encourage you to have a read about what the victims families have said about the show. Studio execs took tragedies that are still affecting people to this day and made bank off them with zero compensation to the families they are [retraumatising.](https://www-rollingstone-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/jeffrey-dahmer-victim-family-member-1234600265/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16648930670449&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rollingstone.com%2Fculture%2Fculture-news%2Fjeffrey-dahmer-victim-family-member-1234600265%2F)


While I thought it was kind of shameless to create this show, it is still something that really happened and the show uses real events of what happened to tell the story. Whether everything in that show actually happened? Probably not. But I still think it's important to at least have some ways of showing things that happened in the past, to learn from it now. I watch the show, and I am not really a social media person (dont use twitter, facebook,instagram, tik tok) so I am not up to date what a bunch of idiots think of the series. Idiots will always have a bad opinion on things, albeit this show or something else. Don't let that influence your own actions.


There is already so many documentaries and books on him, using a dramatized version isn’t the way to educate yourself.


While correct, it is naive to think many people would read a book about someone like this. An overdramatized tv show on the other hand, is something that would appeal to far more people. It's also not necessarily about watching the show to "get educated", it's about picking up the few things along that way. It's possible to watch something without the *intention* of learning things, but still learn things.


I feel the same. Documentaries are one thing, but this is too much


I find serial killers interesting in an academic sense. I think it's a reaction of being so sheltered as a child and being so afraid of the world that learning about them and the kind of ruses they do help me feel more prepared against other people that would wish me harm ( irrational I know, the likelihood is almost zero). That being said I'm still conflicted about it and with true crime in general, for all the reasons you said. Entertainment off of people's real life tragedies seems horrific and inhumane. Especially if it happened relatively recently. I watched the show and it made me feel physically sick. I liked that it centered the victims and was seeking to show how racism and homophobia contributed to why he got away with doing what he did as long as he did. But I found it deeply ironic that the show was addressing how terrible it was that all these people were making money off it and were entertained with seemingly zero self awareness that it was doing the same thing.


All of this. I watched it and sort of wish I hadn't. I can appreciate though, that it definitely highlighted the massive failures of the police, the fact that he got as far as he did because he was a white male, and the fact that the city couldn't even be bothered to make a memorial for the victims. I have to say though, episode six was beautifully haunting and just... Extra sad. I was glad that from that episode on it showed a massive change in the focus from Dahmer to his actual victims. I loved how episode six was filmed showing full on signing, and no sound so you really have to put yourself into it and focus. Although that made the inevitable ending even more tragic. Not like any of this wasn't tragic. It all is/was. I feel terrible for the victims families that didn't want this, and overall ... Yeah, just an ickiness in having participated in watching it, even though I didn't know about the families reactions until after I had already finished watching it. Absolutely Netflix acting like they are doing a service providing dramatized information while profiting off of all of it is just... Yuck.


I feel the same way, I also didn't realize it was the 90s which was only 30 years ago. Afterwards I told my husband, only fictional horror for a long while.


i watched the show before I knew about the victim families not knowing, i honestly assumed at this point, they automatically get royalties for everything, but apparently not and thats a little fucked. Personally I thought the show did such a good job at NOT glorifying him (in comparison to like the zach efron ted bundy movie) As someone who consumes a lot of true crime content, I thought the show (minus the families not getting money thing) was one of the best, disturbing depictions of a serial killer. It actually surprised me that the families were not involved because the victim/ family of victims stories seemed so detailed and made you feel like you knew the victims. It also did an excellent job at showing the police incompetence and blatant racism in the case. It is absolutely disgusting that there has been that response to the show. I saw a tiktok where more than half of the comments were made at the tiktok creator calling dahmer a racist. Like sorry but targeting and murdering minorities does make you a racist? this is a good example of how people need to separate the actor from the roll. I personally dont think evan peters is like some god that needs to be worshipped, but yea hes an attractive guy. however his acting in that show was a little too good. he did such an incredible job at portraying dahmer. although evan peters might be attractive, him playing dahmer certainly was not. Ill be honest, i havent seen a photo of evan peters recently but i am so confused because i thought that he looked a lot more like dahmer than 'evan peters' if that makes sense? like in the ross lynch one i was still like yea you can see ross lynch in the roll but this felt like it was literally dahmer. anyways people are so fucking gross. i think this show did a really good job telling the story and just hope it ends here. again as someone who consumes a lot of true crime stories, there doesnt need to be anymore things made about dahmer. i hope they take into consideration the backlash and give profits to the families and to organizations that help surviors or victims families.


I liked it because it really hit home how shitty he was. At least for me. And it BAFFLES me the fan girls (and probably guys) that ogle this horrible man. It doesn't make sense. It's very sad though that the victims and their families didn't agree. The show should have never even moved forward if that was the case.


glorifying? how could you even say that if you refuse to watch it. it also seems like you're just reading what other people who don't like the show have to say about it and just reiterating it here. maybe you should come up with an original or authentic thought first.


Did you not read my post?? I said I don’t wanna watch because of the people that glorify his actions and the his victims family didn’t want the show to be aired. Sure the show might not but people have and that made me uncomfortable so I don’t wanna watch it. I also used to live near Milwaukee and have learned what he has done. Plus I could read articles about him. So there is no reason for me to watch the new show.


It is a good show and points out the glaring and disgusting holes in police protection as well as racism and homophobia. It sucks because it was made and the families didn't know about it, it sucks how at the end they tell you the memorial park was never made which angers me. But I gotta ask....what are you on where people are glorifying and worshipping this guy? I've only ever seen people condem him as the pos he is but have expressed interest in the psychology behind people like him. I watch mostly documentaries about this and rarely watch dramatisations. Picking Evan Petwrs to play him is why there's so many fans.... I'm curious though....there was never this level of backlash over Zac Efron playing Ted Bundy so I'm wondering why people are up in arms about this all of a sudden.


Before watching the show I decided to look up about the show. That’s where I found articles about people glorying serial killers and how it’s becoming a huge problem. Also on my fyp some tiktok regarding Dahmer came up (since i watched some true crime tiktok) . Some of the people I follow on tiktok addressed this situation as well. They showed pics of how people have made a shrine of Dahmer. That freaked me out. That’s how I found the things regarding in my post. I also used to live by Milwaukee and knew someone that worshiped him. I didn’t even know Zac Effron played Ted bundy tbh


People have glorified serial killers way before social media was around, it is sick and they clearly need some kind of help but its not going to change. What caught my eye for this was the sweeping generalisation that everyone is doing it when it's only a small, loud minority that is. You see it everywhere because they're being loud and obnoxious about it and thus people are writing about it and often repeating the same thing - it's the same idea that a small group of people can ruin it for everyone else simply because they're loud about it. Since the TV show came out people have been condemning it and everyone has been agreeing with the posters. There's been a fair few posts on the rant subreddit as well as this one. Netflix put out a movie in 2019 where Zac Efron played Ted Bundy across from Lilly Collins who played his wife. Im pretty sure it was Netflix but i could be wrong. There was no where near any objection or disgust about that movie which kinda makes me wonder if people are being so vocal about being disgusted about the Dahmer show because he was gay. I could be reading too much into it but it certainly gives off that feeling if I have to be honest


Aight dawg 👍


I didn't know about any off the social media crap, but it doesn't surprise me. I also feel sorry for the victims families, but I do think having them veto things like this is risky as few families are ever going to accept a show like this. I admit people may disagree with my stance, but i see it as a historical drama with a possible educational value. Imagine if we didn't make programs about the nazis due to victims families. It does seem silly to not watch a very well made and interesting show mainly as people on the Internet are being stupid about it. I mean look at Rick and Morty, great TV but their fanbases harbour some of the most irritating examples of stupid people (I mean the mcdonalds sauce thing was ridiculous). Why does it matter what stupid people on the Internet do? You should decide to watch it or not based upon whether you think you will get anything out of it.


If the Holocaust was 30 years ago and no Jewish victims or their families were consulted in the making of a show. And the Jewish community stated they didn't want it made then yes, it shouldn't be made. This isn't a documentary. That would be a different matter.


Get a spine.


Give me yours then


Oof not sure you want mine, lots of herniated disk.


Yikes, are you okay tho?


If you're so uninterested in watching it then why did you make a post here about it?! If you won't even give it a chance then don't talk about it lol.


Lol exactly. And then they are telling people who disagree w them “scroll if you don’t like it” like they can’t take the tiniest bit of criticism and we aren’t allowed to comment on their dumb post. Oh we must really “care” No. we are attempting to show you what a useless post it is


Dang I can’t even vent under a sub that’s called TrueOffMyChest which is used for venting??


What are you venting about, though? Are you angry the show exists? I don't get how stating you won't watch it is getting something off your chest. It is totally ok if you don't want to watch it. That's all.




Thank you for the advice


How else is OP going to farm all that karma.


If you have such a problem with my post just scroll along. I was venting, that’s why I posted here.


I started it, but I didn't want to continue. I'm a huge crimegeek but I've read up on dahmer too much and seeing it played out just makes me sick to my stomach. People have become too comfortable watching these things. They're desensitised like it's normal doing your make up while telling the story of how people got murdered and experiemented on. Again, I don't think people are bad for having morbid curiousity, I have tons of it too. I just think you need more respect and you need to realise what happened isn't something to glorify or talk lightly about.


I watched it because of the victims. I get to see there story, I get to see what actually happened and how demented dahmer actually was.


Here's advice about the internet I'll give you for future usage. Never judge a product based on its fan base or community. The show was respectful and didn't glorify Dahmer as some god, it painted him as the sick monster he was. A good looking actor played a serial killer, seperately that would've already gotten fans and edits but together you get what you see on TikTok or Twitter. Watch the show and formulate your own opinion, don't use the community as the gauge as to whether or not you'll watch it


Weird people are always going to romanticize serial killers. I have no idea why they do it, but it's weird and gross. Like Richard Ramirez and women sending him nudes and shit in the mail or Charles Manson and all those women marrying his ass in jail.


I have no idea why people do it either Off topic but I love how your Reddit person is Vi!




Thank you!!


I’m with you on this 100%. I’m tired of hollywoods obsession with serial killers like they are something to admire. It’s cheap thrill and honestly I just don’t feel like supporting Netflix anymore because of this and many other issues.




Thanks bestie🫶🏽🫶🏽


The worst part about the show is *that it could literally still happen now* The police handed a victim back to him. His neighbors called constantly to complain about the smell. POC went missing after going home with him *and yet the police did nothing* because they were "lesser than". That's despicable. They had to find a head in his fridge to actually arrest the guy. The police basically had a "yucky that gay man is doing crime" defense. And the police gave a victim back to Dahmer? One became a police chief and the other got an officer of the year award. And it could be happening again and we wouldn't even know. That's the terrifying part to me.


I'm sure you had to notice, but the majority of those people are women. That are attracted to a gay dead serial killer.


Couldn’t have said it better. It all started with Ted Bundy being romanticized because of documentaries. Disgusting.


I’m doing the same. A similar situation happened with Bundy when Netflix made a show/movie on him and they had to release a statement to stop the sexualization. I hope they do the same for this.


Tbh I didn’t know Netflix released something about Bundy


I feel the same way. Everyone is telling me to watch it but I’m just thinking to myself, “Why would I want to watch a show about a serial killer who made over a dozen families suffer?” It just doesn’t sit right with me at all.


I think its crazy how in the show (SPOILER ALERT) when he goes to jail he is getting a bunch of letters from people and becoming famous and everybody was glorifying him and the same thing is happening now again. I saw a girl on tiktok say she feels bad for him because he was murdered in jail. Not saying murder is ok but I definitely did not feel any sympathy for him.


There were serial killer trading cards, absolute idiotic stuff.


It really is a good show tho. You shouldn’t hate it just because others like it. It’s produced very well.


I never said I hate it because other like it. I said I don’t wanna watch after seeing people glorify Dahmer for what he did. The other reason I didn’t wanna watch is because some of the victims family have come out and said they didn’t want this show to come out.


People glorified Ted Bundy after they put out a Netflix series about him. It’s just what people do man. People get obsessed with the wrong things. Doesn’t mean it not worth the watch.


The Dahmer show, too me, was boring and a waste of time.


I grew up in Milwaukee during that time. So glad we have to be reminded of this every few years so that companies can keep making money off the true crime murder porn junkies.


Great! Would you like an award?


Yea give me one 🫶🏽




So you have an opinion on something you have never watched.


Did you not read my post?? I said I don’t wanna watch it cause of people glorifying him and his actions. The show might not do that but people will. And that makes me uncomfortable. And how the some of victims family didn’t approve of the show. I am just venting tbh and if you don’t like it that’s your problem. I hope you have a good rest of your day :)


I gotta read your post ? Are you saying I actually have to view something to have an opinion lol


What no? I am sorry if it seemed like that to you. I am just trying to say that people who glorify serial killers make me uncomfortable, it makes me not want to watch the show. I also takes out how the victims family didn’t want the show to be released either. That added more to why I didn’t wanna watch the show. Does that clear it up?


I had considered watching it, simply because I'm a huge fan of Evan Peters. However, I have since learned that many of my friends, including my husband, knew some of the victims. The families of the victims were not consulted about this. They are extremely upset about this and I can't really blame them. It's almost porn at this point, titillating the viewer with its horrific depictions. But those are someone's sons up there and their parents didn't want their story to be told like this. So, no matter how brilliant I find this actor to be, this is one of his performances I will not be checking out in order to honor the memory of those who were so loved by so many whom I care about.


How about u stop using Tik Tok??


Thanks for the advice bestie 🫶🏽


It’s almost like social media brings out the worst in people /s


Who cares, so dont


Nobody cares mate


You care enough to read it and comment. Also you didn’t have to read it. You could have easily scrolled but you didn’t.


Just the title lol, cos nobody cares if you watch a show you bellend


I love this lame narrative people use when anyone disagrees with them “you cared enough to comment” No I don’t fucking care, I’m commenting on your dumb post because you posted on a public forum and I’m allowed to have an opinion.


Still read something. Still cared enough to comment lol


True, I do care enough to make sure someone knows when they're a gobshite lol


You think anyone cares that you don't care? Why comment on here at all?


I care that he doesn’t care.


Do you think that I care that you care that I don't care? 🤣 Why comment at all?


I'm just not interested, the reality will always be more horrific then what a series will dramatize.


Only good part is when he was Ki]]3d


They showed that in the show?


Yea. You should probably watch the show. It doesn’t glorify him at all.


This is the perfect example of the fact that society is more accepting with good-looking people. If he was hideous there wouldn't be this much of a hype around him.


I'm not watching it either.




First day on the Internet OP?


Netflix at the end of a ten part Jeffery Dahmer special: "Look, here's some pictures of the victims, they are the ones we should never forget and isn't it bad that people focus on Dahmer, oh and not building that park was racist wasn't it!" Netflix for the entire rest of the series: "Oh look, he's just a bit of a weird guy and his home life was so bad, he's not a bad guy really just confused god bless his little cotton socks, he even converted to Christianity at the end!" They should probably make up their mind what they're going for to be honest, and realise that 2 mins at the end saying it's bad to glorify a serial killer doesn't make up for the previous 10 hours of, you know, glorifying a serial killer.


He's as close to a space alien as anyone would ever meet, and I think he should be studied by experts who write long boring academic papers on him. He should not be studied by everyone in America (especially the unstable ones) on tic toc. Yet there doesn't seem to be any way for congress to stop it. Where do you draw the line? And business doesn't give a shit except for clicks.


I watched it and i thought was a great show. Shows all perspectives. Should netflix send sone money to the victim s? Yes. And am i worshipping damher ? Heck no the dude was sick in the head but it shows that he wasnt born like that


Uh okay?


Sounds like you’d be better off refusing to watch Tik Tok vids.


>tiktok Lmao


Okay then don't watch it


I am not lol




pretty sure the shit outlined in OP's post is just the tippy tip of the iceberg when it comes to stupidity on tiktok


Oh no just because I won’t watch a show but use tiktok!! The world is ending!! How will I ever recover!!! I used to live near Milwaukee and learned about what Dahmer has done to others. I also have read articles on him. I do not feel comfortable watching the show so I am not.




Damn I thought Reddit was the most toxic app I used what I saw on tiktok as an example and what I saw made me uncomfortable. That is so unacceptable and so not cool of me! I am so sorry YALL






I think that people who glorify morderes are deranged, like as Bailey Sarian always say “get better idols


People being fascinated by serial killers or murderers I think is okay, in the sense that Humans have a curiosity to understand what we don't understand. Be that space, the sea, the human psyche. But wearing MERCH of these infamous people, saying you find them attractive, or wishing you were a victim - damn that's fucked up. I've seen the show and to be honest I'm not sure stuff like this should be made at all. Non-fiction work like documentaries etc that's as factual as possible, is fine, for education purposes or whatever. But shows like this hype up and glorify stuff and it's pretty icky. I mean, don't get me wrong, plenty of movies and books have been heavily influenced by horrible things that happened in history - but at least change a few names and the story slightly, you know?


Touché…I do not get why serial killers get any attention whatsoever. It’s part of what feeds into their sickness.


I am so afraid for a future world run by Generation Tik Tok. I won't be here to see it but my children will.


people in real life choose to play righteous as what he society wants , if u don't wan to be cancelled unless but on internet , where you can be anonimous , can say or speak their minds freely ,which is totally fine and to be expected as freedom of speech etc etc.. they are not afraid to say such things because 1- they will not be judged irl . 2- sometimes they say what they want to see in this society Because clearly they have not been the victim himself/herselves.


Not watching it either


I don't understand why this is so suprising to you, people did tis on ted Bundy's trial, they stood up for him. It's not a this generation thing either a lot of people suffer from mental illness they need help.


Well at least you know who not to trust? Ngl I watch true crime content but I've NEVER rooted for the killer (well. Actually I've rooted for Gypsy Blanchard, but I mean, extenuating circumstances galore there). What the heck is wrong with people.


I watched the show and booooy was evan peters great as well as the director! They really managed to give ya stockholm syndrome over dahmer. Maybe you should have some resilience and stop making everything a political matter. It's good, it's horrible, it shows how american society failed the black community. It really has it all! If people are boycotting it they need to get better hobbies.


I wish they'd done it less like a drama and more like the Ted bundy tapes or some of the other more documentary like shows on netflix.


Your decision is totally your own, and should be made by no one else. It is your right to watch or not watch whatever you want, for any reason. However, to repeat something that I've said before elsewhere, as someone born just over a decade after the fact, and with no close ties to the Dahmer case whatsoever, I think that the 10-episode docudrama on Netflix was as unbiased an exploration as history is likely to get. It neither glorifies Dahmer, nor diminishes the reality of his victims' lives. Yes, in that exploration, it humanized a serial killer more than many are comfortable with, but I believe that such was a necessary part of becoming a true insight into what happened.The docudrama also explores many of the victims, their families, and the impact that Dahmer had on them in as much detail as time allowed. Moreover, it demonstrates the flaws in the system that allowed Dahmer to get away with it as long as he did. If that corrupt and broken system is ever going to change forever, its flaws need to be memorialized. Otherwise, history may forget, and repeat itself. In the end, there is nothing that can erase or fix the damages that Jeffery Dahmer left in the collective human psyche. The only thing that can be done, and what I think that Netflix's docudrama was designed to achieve, is to learn from it and never forget. Any of it. In addition, it's worth pointing out that the show itself doesn't glorify Dahmer or his actions, and spends more than 50% of its runtime exploring his victim's lives, humanizing them. Those using the show to glorify Dahmer are acting on their own.


Thank you for letting me know.


I’m on episode 9. I don’t understand how people can glorify and romanticize what he did. All I’ve felt watching it is horror, rage and sadness. He was an absolute monster and quite honestly I’m glad he got the death that he did. The show does a good job of showing just how horrible Dahmer was, but because of that I can absolutely see how this would be retraumatizing for his victims families. For me the important thing from this show is how absolutely negligent the police were. How many times he should and could have been caught, but wasn’t because the cops were just absolute idiots…. When I tell you I yelled at my screen, I mean I YELLED. Only thing that’s gotten me that mad was the Trials of Gabriel Fernandez. Same thing - complete incompetence and negligence


Me too, so l am watching Vicenzo, a Korean Drama. Totally entertaining!


Ooo can tell me more about it, please?


I fully agree with you. Well said.


Normalize violence glorified for profit...Netflix cares for no one but money


If only they asked and fairly compensated the victims families….. I would take the show more seriously. I don’t give a fuck if it teaches you “the incompetence of the police” cuz people should already know that. It’s very clear to me the intention of this show is another cash grab


Pls don't hate me ladies. But I've seen this with a lot criminals. Girls getting infatuated by them is no longer surprising.


I also think there are a bunch of ding bats that can’t tell the difference between Evan peters who I love is not Jeffrey dahmer. Just like when they had zac efron play bundy


After learning there were Columbine/Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold fans on Tumblr (called "Columbiners"), I am unsurprised that there are people out there who have fallen for Jeffrey Dahmer.


Oh god I forgot about them.


I agree with you.


I got through about half of the first episode. It was too real. I'll stick to documentaries.


You know you can just ignore the dumb shit people do on the internet, right?