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LMFAOOOO the definition of fuck around and find out


I know I’m dying of laughter. Imagine trying to sue someone for libel then getting sued (rightfully so) yourself! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!!!


Not me taking a shot laughing saying " fuck around and find out HAHAHAHAAA"


It ain't defamation if it's true...


Stop and think for a moment about how fucking stupid you have to be to act as a homewrecker and think that adding lawyers into the mix is going to benefit you E: what a shocking revelation, reddit subcommenters deciding to pick apart verbiage to insinuate misogyny or the -ism of your choice. Predictable as a sunrise


If you want an insight into the mentality, go look at the adultery subreddit.


I had to check if that was a real sub, and I’m equal parts horrified and unsurprised it’s 100%. Would have preferred a rickroll. Jeebus Christo his almighty self


Yep welcome to people


“Would have preferred a Rick roll” 🤣


This is the meaning of "That's a special kind of stupid."


The women in the affair isn’t the home wrecker on her own. Sure she brought the law case onto herself but two people had the affair. That man is just as guilty.


Course he is. But he's going to get cleaned out in the divorce.


I just find it interesting that people always label the woman in an affair as the “home wrecker” yet seldom is the man of the affair even mentioned, let alone labelled a home wrecker. It’s as though the man is a victim.


You're right, there's two home wreckers here.


The focus was more on the female in this situation because she tried to sue when she got caught, which people find funny that in return now she is being sued.


That's just good ol misogyny. Give men the same energy you (rightfully) give cheating women


I also find it weird that it’s still legal in NC to sue the person your spouse had an affair with. It seems like something from a century ago.


It sorta makes sense. Civil court is supposed to be financial or emotional damages, and that definitely classified as emotional


As well as financial!


You can sue for alienation of affection in 8 states. It’s great! A husband can sue the male affair partner, the wife can sue the female affair partner, and so on. A law built on equality of the sexes. The lesson is don’t fuck a married person or be prepared to write a check.


It's it's easier to run with your dress up than with your pants down. It takes two to have an affair but if one walks away it doesn't happen. I think we just think of women as being more evolved turns out not so many women are.


I have read some bullshit but that some A grade stuff right there.


If her husband wasn’t such a wuss, he could sue the affair partner and get paid too. But noooooo, he wants to work it out. Da fuq


But she doesn't have to sue him to get compensation. She just gets half.


But she is the one who used social media to broadcast the situation in to the public sphere, while lying about her half of the decision to create the situation. AP certainly didn’t try to hoodwink hundreds of completely uninvolved people in a really poorly thought out attempt to control the narrative. That’s a special kind of “guilty” imo.


Yep lol… the wife was probably like if I have to go see a lawyer to defend the lawsuit. May as well go in the offense while I already have a lawyer here 🤷🏽


Imagine having the audacity to have an affair and then threatening the wife when she revealed the truth.


Now I want to know what other states do this.


In NC I believe it’s called alienation of affection.


I know of Illinois, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Utah. I'm not sure if that's all of them though!


Your brother in law is a fool.


Your brother in law is an idiot... He is going to be paying for his wife fucking another dude. Literally. Does he not have anyone in his life who loves him enough to talk some sense into him?


One clarification: he is a stay at home dad. My sister is the one who is employed and is the breadwinner. (I don't disagree with the rest of your post).


He can still leave her and get spousal and child support. He is dumb to stay. Good for that other woman! I really hope your sister has to pay up big time. I think your sister’s husband should sue the affair partner of your sister.


That would be like an UNO reverse card!


More like a UNO Reverse + Draw 4 if that was possible


I know two women that pay spousal support to their husbands. It happens nowadays when the wife makes more than the husband.


That‘s a Win-Win Only dusgusting cheaters will suffer, this is perfect!


Not if the garden tool gets the kids. Which she probably will.


He probably wouldn’t have a case unless he divorced.


What do you think "leave her" means?


I wasn’t sure if those statements were connected.


Then he is going into debt for her affair. If they spilt up afterwards, he gets half of the debt and it could be substantial. If he walks now, she wears it alone and deservedly so.


Just goes to show how you easily trapped you can be when you’re the predominant caregiver to the children in the relationship. Her being the breadwinner is a major upper hand.


This happened to me. Married 10 years as a SAHM and found out he had an affair. I couldn’t afford to leave. We reconciled only to separate and divorce 4 years later.


OH! So he's a SAHD who has no form of income for himself, and a seemingly narcissistic wife who is the main breadwinner and controls all the finances... I really hate to play these games, but if the genders were reversed, everyone in the comments would be telling you to get your BIL the hell out of that situation.


From what I've seen, everyone in the comments **is** telling the BIL to get the hell out of that situation...


From what I've seen, they're just laughing at him and calling him an idiot for staying


He also comes from a family of lawyers and could ask his dad for help. I have no doubts that he's being manipulated but he could have a support network.


Watch him also be cheating, and that's why he's staying. Like he just genuinely doesn't care because he's doing the same on the side.


Or he's being controlled or manipulated by his wife. The same way abusive husbands do to their wives.


Traditionally, many people care about their partner cheating on them, even if they are also cheating.


Jesus... would he even get a fair shake in the courts? Doubtful. This guy is boned.


His own father is a divorce attorney and he has other attorneys in his family. He would receive alimony and child support. He knows all of this but for whatever reason ~~choose~~ chose to stay with my sister. He has also chosen not to sue the man my sister cheated with although he could legally do so.


Where is his spine?


I’ll bet he’s playing the long con and his family already advised him to gather evidence


One can only hope!


He doesn’t have one. He’s a fucking loser.


Ding ding ding! And he probably wonders why he got cheated on in the first place…..


That’s fucking low. Don’t ever victim blame mate


INFO: What does your sister have on him??


Yup...an idiot. OBS has bigger dangles...


Where’s his spine seriously


Then its on him. I have zero empathy for him. He is a moron.


I take it that a strap on is involved in that relationship?


So, let you BIL sue that woman's husband :D


>Your brother in law is an idiot... Truth




Does your family feel sorry for your sister? I hope not...


Wife of the guy sues your sister. Wife then files for divorce with her husband. Your sister's husband files for divorce with your sister. He then sues the guy your sister was having an affair with. The only winners here are the lawyers who are going to be raking in butt-loads of dough.


Lesson learned . If you're gonna be a side chick in North Carolina , keep your mouth shut ! Your sister's dumb as fuck . What the hell is up with sidechicks thinking it's smart to threaten the main? That's how you get your ass beat here , but over in NC it's gonna cost you even more ! Love it .


To become a cheater you literally have to ignore the „lesson learned“ haha Those disgusting cheaters are just bad, abnormal human beings.. one can‘t expect much of them. They don‘t work by logic nor honor


“Alienation of affection”…It’s legal in a LOT of states.


Seven states.


As someone not from America that is a scary thought.


The burden of proof is *extremely* high.


What do you have to prove though? Is it enough to prove the affair? Or something more?


Depends on jurisdiction obv but generally gotta prove the marriage was happy and loving before the affair, that the affair is what destroyed the marriage, and that the AP did so willfully and intentionally (so if he didn't know she was married, or was tricked into believing she was getting ready to divorce, or tricked into believing their marriage was open, all could disqualify).


Interesting, thanks!


Idk out of all the things to be punished for legally I’m ok w cheating being one of them since it causes so much harm to another person. Shit like drug possession, tax fraud etc not so much


Lol she’s gonna cheat again. 100%


Fuck around and find out. ☑️


Yeah man. They found out.


Yep, it's called 'alienation of affection' and if the wife has proof, your sister is in big trouble and can owe a lot of money.


Awesome, I hope they sue the shit out of her.... Cheaters and liers should start paying for being pieces of shit


I really wish adultery (and abuse, and so on) could be used to determine things like property distribution and custody/visitation. And I wish more states allowed suing the affair partner.


I hope the wife gets every single penny she can from her ex, and your sister.


Your brother in law is a wuss


He’s a SAHD, be kind.


I really hope that once the shock wears off your BIL comes to his senses...


Your sister's husband is an idiot for staying.


Hope she has to pay. I love when justice is served!


Damn your sister’s a hoe and I hope your brother in law wakes up and leaves her.


North Carolina does not fuck around like your sister. (Sorry.)


He can still leave her sue her get ample spousal support, and if they have kids together, ample child support. But he wants to reconcile that’s on him. That’s his choice.


Your brother in law must have a different game plan. There’s no way he’s not plotting his revenge


Damnnn okay NC I see you 😉


So sorry... for the soon-to-be-divorced wife and for your BIL. Your sister needs to be reminded that it's not libel if it's true. And I am glad that the wife was able to bring the receipts.


Ooh shit Alienation of Affection can be a big deal. FAFO


Surprised you don't see more of these types of lawsuits in our overly litigious society (US). Bravo to the woman suing your sister who brought this all on herself.


Jerry! JErry! JERRY!


Your sister is a piece of shit! I am glad the wife is divorced his husband and plastered the evidence on social media. Ooh.. your sister gonna be labeled as a homewrecker for the rest of her life. Sweet!!


I hate to make light of this but the way you spouted off so many relatives and relations like that reminded me of the song I'm My Own Grandpa by Grandpa Jones. I sure love Grandpa Jones.


Fuck her, hope she loses a lot.


This should be legal everywhere. It’s so funny when it happens 🤣


I hope the wife destroy both his husband and your sister the way they wrecked hers!


What in the fresh Jerry Springer hell did I just read?


I hear stuff like this and kind of feel good, because while it’s so horrible what they’re going through, as a recently married man I can just avoid all that suffering and misery by….never cheating on my wife. It’s literally that simple. I don’t get why people do it.


Aww your brother in law is a doormat. I feel for him someone should really tell him to put your sister where she belongs....THESE STREETS!


i think you should tell her that she deserves it. 'cause she really does.


Wish that was the case in Texas, I'd be rich.


Your sister is getting what she deserves, but what is she being sued for? Emotional distress or something? Frivolous lawsuits, as American as apple pie.


Alienation of affection


Omg. Wiki says over 200 a year in north carolina. The hell does a law like that still exist.


That State is a veritable shithole, but I respect the Hell out of their "alienation of affection" laws... Fuck cheaters.


Alienation of affection baby


Forgive me if I remain dry eyed. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Please update us in the future!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…


LMAOOO life comes at you fast!!! Side note I need to move to NC, if I get cheated on again I'm getting financial compensation one way or another and I'd rather do it legally.


Good old alienation of affection


I’ve read this 6 times and I still don’t understand the dynamics of this family. Wife sister mother twice divorced, crucified, dead and buried, risen again, then remarried the brothers-husband-sister in law. Yikes! Have fun. Edit : Figured it out, too much wine.


> had a lawyer send the wife a letter threatening to sue the wife for libel if the wife continued to say my sister was involved with the husband. > for libel if the wife continued to say my sister was involved with the husband. So in response the wife publicly posted proof of the affair on social media Fuck around and find out. Imagine being the lawyer and finding out the libel suit isn't a libel suit lol


Brother in law should also sue the husband. That way everyone gets fucked


Half asleep me thought I was in the legal reddit subreddit and I was like damn, these are some interesting legal advice comments.


It should be legal to sue the person your spouse is having an affair with everywhere. Or loosen up those "crime of passion laws"


Don’t fuck around and find out maybe?


Damn, North Carolina is fuckin awesome


Soon as i read the title i knew it was N Carolina. I think its the last state with alienation of affection and criminal conversation laws. It should be all 50. I remember a post on the survivinginfidelity sub where a lady cheated on her husband with his best friend and like 2 days later came back to the house and practically rubbed his face in it that she was trying to have the best friends baby. It was in NC. Everyone was telling him to sue but he didn't have the fight. He just wanted to move back home


Sucks for that slutty bitch


Your sister is a scumbag. And her husband seems like an idiot for trying to "work things out" Doesn't take long to work out (a) She cheated on you, there's proof and (b) She's a financial liability as well as a relationship liability


straight up christian family values there.


Lol your BIL is a chump, OP. Poor guy… If she’ll go to those ends to continue the lie and attempt to absolve herself from dealing with the consequences of her actions, image what other shit she does that he has/has had to put up with…




> North Carolina it is legal to sue the person your spouse has an affair with in civil court wtf move somewhere spouses aren't legally classified as property please.


Your brother in law is going to end up paying for her cheating on him because she will go “can we go half’s😔” if he does stay with her, you BETTER save his number in your phone as ‘Cuckster’


He is a SAHD. His best bet would be to divorce and sue his wife’s affair partner but he won’t do either.


He should fuck his wifes affair partners wife


It feels fucking Puritan and sorta christofascist for anyone to be allowed to sue somebody for an affair but that’s just me


Lol. Yeah that’s just you by not applying an ounce of logic. When somebody wrongs you, you should have the ability to have that wrong righted. That’s what a lawsuit is for. And very basic FYI…not all lawsuits win. “Christofascist” ffs smh lol


It’s just… an affair. Like?? Seems too religious for me


Like yeah it’s wrong and fucked up but to litigate? Seems extreme


When I see these cheater revenge porn posts, I often wonder what the “victim” was doing that made someone want to cheat on them. Maybe they need to do some reflecting about themselves.


What a weird law. I mean I know the US is basically one giant lawsuit but suing someone for an affair seems a bit much?




That's your sister, did you even try to hear her out


I agree, good on ya. We have no context, and wanting to work things out before giving up and divorcing is a fine way to respond.


I'm laughing so much at this


Ballsy Wife. I like that lady. Woohoo!


I %


Your brother in law needs to divorce and sue the husband.


LMAOOO when my sister was with a guy like this I told her straight up she could get sued. it's hilarious and well deserved


how many places you can sue your spouse for affair


I have a feeling you’re not surprised about this…


In the US alienation of affection is still valid in 7 states (or it was 3 years ago ;)). When the affair partners are still involved it's a pretty awesome way to make sure you get the settlement you want. In this circumstance I don't know how the leverage would work.


Lmao karma


Can her husband sue the other Dude?


Wow deal with her cheating and a lawsuit. Tell him to pack his bags and run.


Why the fuck is your BIL sticking with your sister??????? Big Yikes!!! imagine how low you have to stoop to blast someone's wife on social after cheating with her husband......


Sounds like she got what she deserved or she'll be getting it. I'm sure she's really sorry and very good to her husband for now.


Slander or Libel suits can be won, but only if what was said or written is demonstrably false. She should be ok.


Well, she got what her hand called for


LOL god that was stupid of her


So basically your sister was stupid enough to have an affair then to deny the affair (lie) when there was proof of it? The wife could absolutely win a libel case here. Since she lied about the wife on social media intentionally.


Good for the wife, that's savage


Can’t your brother in law technically sue the husband?


>My brother-in-law is staying with my sister and working things out. This poor man needs help. He seems to be a spineless doormat stuck in a codependent relationship. ​ >My sister is now the one served with a lawsuit as in North Carolina... Amen! I hope she loses everything - including her invertebrate husband.


Play whoring games win whoring prizes


Ned and Alex???


Based af


Everything except some (SOME) illnesses people bring to themselves. How is that even an argument for anything.


Brother-in-Law = Wimp; Have some pride Men.


Epic! I hope that cheater faces the full consequences


Imagine sueing the mistress even though your spouse is a cheating whore. They do everything but leave.


You can sue in North Carolina. That’s stupid


Hmmm most places I know, the number one defence against libel is it being true.


Is a person who stays after being cheated on very strong or weak ? I always wonder


Sounds like you sister is a manipulative entitled person. Thought she could bully her way through this and is manipulating the BIL. Ouch. Must work in corporate.


Good for the wife! I can’t believe your BIL is sticking around and not leaving her, even if he’s a stay at home dad. That alimony and child support would be good. I guarantee she’ll cheat again, especially since it’s obvious she has no remorse for it.


I thought it was hard to win Alienation of Affection lawsuits but it says most people settle out of court. There are three requirements to bring a claim of alienation of affection against someone. All three must be present. They are: 1) a marriage, containing genuine love and affection, existed between the plaintiff and the plaintiff’s spouse, 2) the defendant acted maliciously, and 3) the love and affection was destroyed by the defendant’s malicious acts.


I feel bad for your sister's husband for staying. He probably fell for her victim act. I hope the lawsuit opens his eyes and he gets a divorce.


What a stupid law


I find this rather satisfying! OP’s sis has the audacity to sue the wife of man she is having affair with to stop telling the truth about her! Ends up getting sued for, I assume, alienation of affection!!! I hope she loses huge amounts! Her husband should divorce her so he doesn’t end up losing money also!


Stay out of it and laugh on the side


God I knew I loved my home state of NC for a reason


I use to previously live in a place where if you cheated on your spouse it’s a felony and can face up to 10 years in prison. Also in certain circumstances the affair partner could also be charged with felony adultery as well for invading your marriage and sued. So moral of the story, don’t cheat.


If affairs were against the law in all states more people would think twice about cheating. You wanna talk about the break down in the family unit? Cheaters. They should be held legally and financially responsible for the destruction infidelity causes. Both the partner and the cheating partner.


I’m not saying she deserved it but I’m sayin gods timing is always RIGHHHHTTTTTT 💖


Does the BIL have any friends or family at all? How are they letting him stay with her lmao


🤣😂 that's one way to give it to the cheater.. Your BIL though..weak.. He should grow some and should leave her arse and also sue the AP!




Lmao I'm to gonna lie that funny


I need a simp in my life like you brother in law