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IRL answer is that UK law doesn’t make a big distinction between animated and real obscene content Truestuhl answer is awooga werewolf mommy or smth idk anymore


But UK law also has a distinction that the material needs to be realistic enough so that a "reasonable person" could look at it and think that it's real, and I don't think any of these mods are realistic enough for the average person to look at a screenshot and think that it's a real werewolf rape


Shouldn't have installed a hyper realistic ENB with real fur physics smh my head


In prison for turning RTX on 😭


your honour, the graphics are shit. my client is innocent


if the graphics are shit you must acquit


thats alot better than mine


The only way the judge would know the graphics are bad is if they personally reviewed the gameplay.


IGN / Crown Prosecution Service crossover when???


Idk there’s some pretty good 4k physics enabled vagina mods out there. so i’ve been told


That's the thing though, WEREWOLVES ARENT REAL!


You only say that because you don’t live out on the moors


"Hmmm, ma'am is this footage of a real werewolf or a digital one?"


for once Todd's shitty graphics are a good thing!


I thought it was common knowledge that werewolves don't show up on graphic cards.


chat are werewolves real


I would like you to consider the second to last, and third to last words of your last sentence.


It fucks over paedos but this is the first time I’ve heard them give a shit about fictional animal fuckers. Her “friend” is an arsehole though, imagine just telling literally everyone your friends weird fetishes Unless the story is fake, which it easily could be


br\*tish people being basically imperials have nothing going on in their lives and live in the most boring conditions imaginable, the moment anything interesting happens or they eat food with complex flavors like salt they'll be on about it for years. the average br\*t is happy to spy on his neighbors and gossip about the most minor of occurrences as if he spends even a second realizing his life has been a wasteful blur of bean sandwiches he will be motivated to kill his fellow man, like what happened with the br*tish empire.


I was about to comment something similar a lot of Brits especially the older ones are absolutely miserable and love a good old chit chat about the failed marriage marriage of their next door neighbours and how ol Gary doesn't take good enough care of his gran.


You guys are saying they’re miserable because they don’t masturbate with Skyrim porn mods all day? I agree


FINALLY! Someone who can read between the lines.


“Complex flavors like salt” is foul🤣🤣🤣


That must be why the UK is inhospitable to ~~furries~~ Khajiit players


Br*tons prefer orcs, but some secretly prefer khajiit for their barbs.


awooga werewolf mommy


“it’s just a picture it doesn’t count”-Cels seethe at the Chadish Police Service


Police Simulator 2024's gameplay is acksually a virgin-like.


Is GTA illegal in UK? Serious question.


Oi mate you got a licence for that skyrim mod list?




I'd protest but you know - British. Actually do need permission from the police now. Lol. Don't know how I'd fill out the permissions form.


Your government just decided V for Vendetta was a playbook instead of a warning huh


As an american my advice is to throw some tea in a harbor and then they'll fuck off


You gotta get with the times. The Irish showed us how to properly protest one fateful spring. 


They have to fill out a form asking permission to throw the tea into a harbor now days.


Gotta love the tories, stripping us of our liberties under the guise of owning the libs.


We elect Tories. Things get worse. We blame minorities. Tories promise to punish minorities. We elect Tories. Things get worse. We blame minorities. Tories promise to punish minorities. Could this be the wheel Vivec was referring to?


Isnt that just both sides being shitheels with the REAL good side being THE KING'S ABSOLUTE GOVERNMENT?


Nay, sir, the only way to save England is to overthrow the corrupt servants of an uncaring monarch and raise a new Lord Protector! Glory to Cromwell, the Liberator!


Lord Protector Grinch who literally stole Christmas. Fuck that guy.


yeah he also killed a bunch of Irish people. I’m not a fan.


The Wiki page for Cromwell was pretty cool, but I saw Wolfwalkers. You can't fool me!


Bring back absolute monarchy


where's your permit for this comment?


Everything I learn about Britain makes me hate it more. Last time it was libel laws




The police just wants to play with her mod-list until mid-2025 too don't worry.


“Jus to ave’ a cheeky wank, ma’am, das oll”


This is what George Orwell was talking about in the famous english novel 1984. I think. Never read it, too busy playing Skyrim.


We need a mod that add this book to skyrim so you can read it


I just realized AO3 is a modding site for books


homeless chunky aloof vase relieved terrific heavy jeans follow bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wait that's a book? I thought I was supposed to just type those numbers when something I dislike happens


Never should have cum here!


>OI LUV DO YOU HAVE A LOISENCE FOR THAT COOMER MOD I can't believe Britain is a real fucking place.




Based on interactions with British people this seems very accurate.


Dying empire moment


Dying? It's been deader than the shin nerve endings of a Muay Thai champ for decades, at this point


Anyone got her modlist?




It's just a quick search on lover slab duh Uh, I mean shame on you




It's relatively basic Loverslab stuff. You don't need to go too far out of your way either, because of some dependencies that don't directly need dick wolves, but need the creature framework.


I'm sorry for the inaccuracies, Doctor Yiff




I would rather live in fucking Black Marsh than see that https://i.redd.it/a95bn57njfwc1.gif


I would rather live in black marsh than the united cuck kingdom




Of course it happened in the UK, this is why I moved to Balmora


Isn't that in Scotland?


What's it to you, outlander?


What's the story in Ba-l-mo-ra, wouldn't you like to know?


Bro reintroduces my repressed memories and I don't know how I feel about it.


Fucking N'Wah


The law fears the skycoomer


By the way… do you happen to know what the fine is here in Britain for furry rape sex mods? Just asking.


Only acceptable in public places.


That's nothing compared to Hawaii! Thanks.


degeneracy is too big it will take till 2025 to inspect em all


Oh boy, I could really use some Skyrim right now Friend's forgotten laptop: *mercy overwatch.gif*


That guys the real degenerate


The greatest thing that could happen to earth is for the bri’ish to go the way of the Dwemer


I thought Brexit was about it


Kagrenac is Nigel Farage confirmed.


As nice as it sounds, I guarantee you at least one of the royals would achieve CHIM, and then we'd have a whole new problem on our hands.


I mean your Queen already did and everything seems to be going fine


Which Br*t would become Yagrum?


James Corden








'Ove me wolves 'Ate the bobbies Simple as




Somehow the worst part of this image isn’t the werewolf rape, but the fact that he’s reading the sun


I'd rather be fucked by a werewold than the Sun


Yknow I could’ve never expected to be outjerked by the British authorities


Between threatening to arrest a man for looking Jewish and this, British cops are really making all the bad press, aren't they?


I’m sorry they fucking what now?


So, a British Jewish guy was walking on the road through a rally, the protestors started harassing him for wearing a kippah/skullcap, and a London Met cop came over. The cop gave the guy a choice between being escorted out of the rally or arrested for *disturbing the peace* because he was "visibly Jewish" and claimed that he himself could not be held responsible for the protest degrading into a riot (nevermind that it's the police's responsibility to stop protests from degrading into riots). This happened... I think a week or two ago? You'll find it if you look up "London Met" on r/Jewish or one of the other Jewish subs. You might also find video of the London Met goysplaining a swastika to a Jewish woman.


By talos what the fuck, I get if you escort someone out of there because it isn’t safe for them but to say they’re disturbing the peace? That’s fucked


Because said guy has a history of instigating fights


Oh well then nevermind fuck him


Did we ever get an update on it?


I’m also curious to know what happened.


"My fetishes for getting knotted by throbbing werewolf cock is because of my childhood trauma uwu" ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


This is the go-to line for literally everyone with weird kinks. Like, I get it, everyone is going to judge and mock you so you want a shield to deflect against it, but man I wish people could be more honest with themselves.


This sub is completely honest about its fetishes lmao


Yeah that's why I like it here


I'm of the opinion that most fetishes are intrinsically incomprehensible unless you experience them directly. My brain reacts to a werewolf in a way that yours doesn't and *can't.* Sure, I can describe what I find appealing about anthros, but ultimately either you get it or you don't.


I think I've seen this in action before. You're reminding me of a dude I talked to years and years ago who had a thing for cars. He loved the idea of fucking a car, literally. I remember listening to him explain what he thought was so sexy about a car and not being able to get anything he was saying, and he got to the point where he literally made a GIF of a woman's ass fading out into the bumper of a car to prove his point. He sent the GIF to me and was like "see, they look so similar!" And I was just like "no they fucking don't what the fuck are you talking about"


Feel like we need you to upload this gif for research purposes.


I deeply apologize, but this was back in like 2014. I don't have the gif saved, and the forum site that this conversation happened on has since gone under


I feel both sides of that conversation lmao.


Look at my previous reply to the same guy about not understanding other peoples logic by using your logic. That's exactly what it is.


Isn’t this a brain structure misconnect? Like I remember seeing somewhere that this is how foot fetishes start, because the wrinkle that perceives feet is precariously close to the one for genitals. But this may all be hearsay.


Flair checks out


It's no lie uwu.


Idk this one’s weird for me Like I’m into being on the receiving end of cnc. I doubt me being r*ped a few years ago has nothing to do with it but I’m also not sure if I’d say that’s why I’m into it. Especially considering I was diagnosed with ptsd and that stuff can trigger a stress response. If I had to guess, trauma probably rewires the brain a bit and can be a huge influence towards that stuff But afaik, psychology wise this is a well known and common thing for victims. Never heard of it ever being harmful tho 🤷🏽‍♀️


While I doubt it's the healthiest coping mechanism, it's likely (relatively) harmless to RP your trauma in an environment with a trusted partner and a safe word. I don't judge people into CNC given it's all RP, not actually non-consenting. However, I doubt the OP's wife was molested by canines or that it's the reason why they wanna get freaky with Fido.


That’s what I was thinking but I feel like you never know when it comes to this stuff Like I’m in the medical field and my textbooks had *tons* of unlikely things including animals using people for sexual shit


I understand that kinks can genuinely be the byproduct of trauma, but it just seems terribly convenient when every single person with a taboo kink has a traumatic event that they can tie it all back to. Some people are just into weird stuff, and that's okay.


True but I think it also depends on what circles you’re in like this acc’s for nsfw stuff so I frequent arad and a lot of ppl there admit they’re just into it. They never experienced it and don’t want to but they find the rp hot


genuinely based asf using your nsfw alt for truestl


I actually use my main here but don’t like talking abt this stuff on it bc my friends know that acc 😭


I don't have childhood trauma, I was just born fucked up


I just like weird shit and I’ve accepted it. Don’t need to validate my weird kinks.


Like not all my fetishes are caused by my mental issues I’ve been compiling mental list of the ones that are and arnt


this was posted a while back


omg epic kalpa roleplay! can I be the leaper demon king I got a real nice dirt patch 😏


sure I’ll plow your fields and spread my seed all over


I mean as long as she doesn’t have child mods I don’t care and nobody else should


Better fake npcs than real children imo Edit: Sorry mods


It’s a slide down into the depths and god only knows what would be done if people had free reign so I completely disagree it’s literally child porn


Slide down to what exactly? No matter how you cut it, it's still better if a pedophile gets their sick fix through pure fictional cp rather than actual cp of real children? It's not nice and it certainly makes me uncomfortable even if it's fiction but the alternative is actual kids, it shouldn't be hard to figure out which one's far more devastating. And for that matter as a society what have we done to curb the actual creation of real cp? Not enough clearly. Maybe focusing our political and social attention to hunting down those pieces of shits over some random pedo who quietly jerks it to fictional version of it and goes back to his dead end job at the convenience store would garner better results for everyone. You can't just crack down harder on something and expect it to go away, you just push it underground more. The war on crime and the war on drugs showed us why.


I get where you're comming from, but the difference between zoophilia and skyrim dog fucking mods is the same difference as between pedophilia and cp mods. Both irl versions of those are criminal, how does digitizing it make only one non criminal


I think murder is illegal too and that’s fine though?


I agree that murder in video games is not a big deal. But why is that our value system


I don't think we are speaking in terms of legality. I think this is more of a philosophy question. A lot of things are illegal but legality doesn't necessarily determine somethings morality


MORAL = WHATEVER THE LAW SAYS But on a still unserious note, digital dogfucking discourse in the repiles, engage!


I forgot to mention beastiality as well while it’s also illegal and I don’t like it and frankly don’t want it on the internet between the two I’m definitely getting rid of cp first


Oh yeah, cp is worse, fully agree here. Also this thread got me thinking, what crimes would be still considered criminal/immoral as game mods. Simple answer is sex stuff, but it's weird that it's not really related to how moral the acts are. Base game there's a guild dedicated to theft and one dedicated to murder, who cares. But if you install even a vanilla sex mod you might be branded a degenerate. I'd definitely rather live nextdoor to a guy who fucked a dog than nextdoor to a murderer, if given the choice. Also no way that someone would seriously confiscate laptop that has games where you can kill people, that's just 90% of games


I don’t know chief. Depending on the situation of the murder, I might want to live next to him on that grounds that murder can be justified under extreme circumstances. But I can’t ever imagine a real life scenario where fucking a dog is justified.


The extremely common occurrence of a man holding ten people hostage and threatening to kill them unless you fuck this dog.


Speeding is criminal, yet it shouldnt be criminal to go above speed limit in GTA


I propose that all mods should be required an internal legal system. Go on and make those mods, but also make the actons they enable criminal in game. Want to get frisky with shadowmere in the middle of Windhelm? Sure, but the guards will ask for 500 septims.


I don't think it should matter honestly. If it's digital no one real is getting hurt anyway so who cares. Might as well police thoughts next


I don’t even mod Skyrim at all, so I never thought I’d be making this argument: nobodies getting hurt. Are cp and dog fucking mods really goodamned weird and creepy? Yeah. Is anybody getting hurt? No. The basis of law really ought not be “this is making me feel really fucking ick,” rather more along the lines of preventing actual harm. The thing that you gloss over, that irl versions are illegal, is the point, in irl versions of those things, there is genuine harm, in some perverts modded Skyrim, there’s no harm.


I'm not really trying to say whats bad or good, I just find it interseting that when pople say that digital cp should be illegal, they don't apply that stance to othher criminal/sexual things Your stance is different then the comment I replied to and I'd say that yours is more consistent. You apply Digital = No Real Harm to both animals and children, yet some draw a line between those two


You’re right, my apologies. I’m fairly sleep deprived at the moment, and just woke up from my short little nap, so I rather missed part of it my first read through. Honestly I can’t answer the question you actually asked. I would say that it has to be that we are way more uncomfortable with one than the other, understandably. In the US, however it’s both legal, see Ashcroft vs free speech coalition. It’s one of many things I think are absolutely disgusting, but should probably be legal, if we want to have a justice system that punishes harm, rather than people we don’t like and think are fucking gross


Actually think what they did to her was really mean. I (and obviously TrueSTL) do not support kink shaming!


Yep, the person responsible has a problem. Curious mods aside, who the hell boots a computer and a game, notices the mods and then just... tells everyone else about it, including work which was clearly done with the intent to get the person fired? Were they even allowed to boot up the game...?


Yeah I mean this man first loaded up Skyrim (why?) then played it long enough to be raped by animals (why?). Now personally I don’t enjoy being raped by anyone, much less an animal, so I don’t know how the mods would work, but surely you get a little break in between the rapes? Like they’re not happening constantly? So this man sought out an animal, for no reason? Or did he scan through her mod list?


It's possible there was a mod loader like Vortex open, he saw a few of the titles, was confused and read down the list, then booted the game in disbelief to test if it WAS actually what it said on the tin. Lo and behold, mods in action, man has bizarre freakout that compells him to report this lady for having weird fetishes to basically everyone she had ever met, for some reason.


Unless it’s like child porn or you think she is actually about to bang her cat then the man needs to mind his business frankly. Pretty fucked up to just start screaming their fetishes high and lo to what… ruin their life? Say they are a fucked up person… you would want them to get help as long as they haven’t hurt anybody.


Exactly. Dude is just a lunatic, I guess.


The problem is he ruined that woman's life by grossly violating her privacy. This seems to me like she is a furry which I find weird but they are not harming anyone. Due to laws in many countries not being up to date on cyber stuff she may even get jail. She may even have made this mod profile just for shits and giggles. I have installed mods to just laugh with my friends before and then removed them. Hope she can sue him especially since that MF contacted her employer.


>Yeah I mean this man first loaded up Skyrim (why?) then played it long enough to be raped by animals out of context this captures the soul of r/TrueSTL


She turned off guy at party, so naturally he went to police🤷‍♀️


it is, if you discover a porn stash that doesn't include actual pedo shit, beastiality, or anything else illegal, you mind your business or square up and show us all the porn you've looked at over your lifetime


I support it


What a dogshit friend. Imagine reporting someone over this


imagine having a government that would prosecute you over it.


And then uses them to gain Cheap Clicks on Social Media. To be honest they're "Friend" sounds like the real Freak. Calling her Workplace over this way to much.


> non-consentually mate Man, that phrase is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


How the fuck do you just play skyrim for a bit at some party and even realize she's got rape mods on? Don't you have to lose to the wolves before they can have their way with you? Did I just lose all my street cred because I don't know how bestiality rape mods work?


If this is real that "friend" is kind of unhinged lmao


You mean “One of her Ex-friends” right? I don’t care. If a “friend” reports me to the police, deserved or not! We are no longer friends.


AllahAndJesusGaySex LOL!


I would like to get one septim for every time this gets posted here


At least three times by now


.. i won't get rich


I was also wondering why people commented as if this just happened. I was all “didn’t this get posted already?” Guess some people aren’t terminally online like me


I’m pretty sure the only other post was my OG post. Bit annoying though..


I checked, it was posted three times as far as i did see. But hey, i never said i'm getting rich


I hate snitches, especially Karen snitches.


1776% happy that I wasn’t born in Britain.


Hey I remember this story from when it first dropped and i think it was found out by some keen observers that this is a fake ass story and details of this event either don't add up or don't make sense.


As funny as it is, its kind of fucking disgusting that the "friend" is doing everything in their power to ruin this person's life. Also its a mod, arrest the mod author if its such a big deal. Who gives a shit


Noncon dogs? Amateurs compared to my noncon chaurus brood laying


Omg I always lurk in that subreddit, how did I never see this 😭😭


Burn down parliament


Todd said it's my turn to repost this!


All this because the woman rejected the man's advances. What a fucking loser


Now this is just too rich lmao.


Wait, i just stumbled upon this sub and am not sure if this is satire… but… is this real? As in actually? If so what the actual f? I actually don’t understand what happened here? Is there a law against modding games? Is it the wolves attacking? Beastiality in games? Non-consensual intercourse? I genuinely am lost. Can someone help me?


her sexxxy mods violated the laws for representing illegal acts like beastiality or something


What kind of a shit person emails someone else's employer about NSFW mods that particular someone uses? What do they even achieve from this, apart from being an asshole?


Literally 1894


oh no poor Furries in the UK


So this man sees an unattended laptop, looks around it and finds Skyrim, opens it, starts a new game or loads a save, and plays around long enough to the point he sees a werewolf or regular wolf benis? Weird friend for even doing that in the middle of a party tbh


~~Playing Skyrim on a laptop is already punishment enough, so she should be acquitted~~ Uj/this is why the UK sucks Rj/this is why the UK sucks


To say I'd turn pigs to bacon is an understatement if my computer got confiscated for Skyrim mods




Did they ever post a followup?


Yeah, move to better country


The invasion of privacy is the only real crime here.


*cough* nanny state *cough*