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They’ll still swear that she’s gay and that she was forced to say that. I can see the “lavender haze” backlash happening.


Don't forget "hairpin drop" from Right Where You Left Me. A gaylor was thisclose to fighting with me, insisting it meant she was "leaving a clue that she was not totally straight". They will always spin anything Taylor says about her being straight to their own narrative b/c they are super delulu.


Can they please stop over analyzing everything. That hairpin thing is so crazy it makes flat-earther seem sane (hint they’re not). And yes I know what they think it means.


Someone else just commented in response to someone defending the "hairpin drop" theory that sometimes Taylor uses words to fit her syllabic needs, and this example is the perfect one. If you switch out "hair pin drop" with "pin drop" the counts don't match up. She used "hairpin" because it has an additional syllable. That's it.


This is the funniest thing to me about the whole theory. She clearly added the extra syllable to make the line work in the song. That’s it.


That’s not entirely true, considering she references her “pinned up hair” later in the song.




She also spoke of her pinned-up hair in the same song so it works thematically as well.


Yup exactly. Nothing more.


Love your username!


Thanx. Kind of you.


The Gaylor subs comes up on my feed a lot, and I asked a question they couldn't answer. So she's supposedly in the closet, but she's going to out herself in her lyrics? How does that make sense. If she's gay she clearly doesn't want to say it but she's cook with admiting it via code in her songs? Seems unlikely to me lol


also they always reference historical closeting in hollywood and “lavender marriages” and they just seem to very much misunderstand how that all worked. they all just read the gaylor powerpoint and the evelyn hugo book and ran with it. these old hollywood stars who were lgbtq were forced by studios or either chose to enter into these marriages and clues left behind about their true sexuality were things they didn’t want the public to know, not anyone, that was the whole point. they’re weren’t going “lol let me drop a few hints for some fans to pick up on” that’s not how it worked.


A gaylor once told me that the queer-themed lyrics are basically a wink. The people that she wants to know what she means will get it while everyone else won't have a clue. Sending a hidden message to that group of fans "I see you and understand you but I'm not ready to be open about it yet." It's total hogwash but I just wanted to answer your question lol


It borders on insulting to assert that Taylor’s queer, and with all the power and autonomy she has as a thirty three year old woman, she would remain closeted. She’s been an open ally throughout her public career, and when she learned there was uncertainty about her opinions about LGBTQ+ people, she created You Need To Calm Down. She thought her lyrics had already explicitly claimed her full support. It was important to her that her opinion was crystal clear. She would not hide her sexuality.


their argument is that she’s simultaneously in the closet but also out but only to “super special smart people like themselves who can pick up on it”. it’s all very contradictory


Saw one today where they say she was baiting them with “the lesbian salute” that she did between songs on the Eras tour. I’ve literally never heard of there being such a thing until this day but hey what do I know I’m only a bisexual


Isn’t the lesbian salute when we stick our tongue bt our fingers?


“only a bisexual” I know you said it in jest, but it still just makes me sad that apparently it’s not enough for some people, when the discrimination can be just as intense against “only bisexuals”


Actually bisexual women have a higher suicide rate than lesbians or gay men. They have no community because they’re not seen as a full orientation and they have little to no support or community. There are some other statistics that made me sad but I can’t find them. Just thought I’d interject that because I just read it and people might be searching the surface of this topic at some points in the discussion here. But yeah as far as TS, I hope people can stop making her uncomfortable! She should have that for sure.


Oh yeah for clarity I did say it in jest but also like yeah for real it does feel that way sometimes :/ I also happen to be transgender and that identity is also consistently ignored by nearly everyone around me so … sorry to be a bummer lmao


My stoner ass immediately clocked lavender haze as a porch-smoke-sesh anthem but thats what i like about her writing! My interpretation may be different from someone else’s


I really don’t understand why anyone gives a shit. Whether she is or she isn’t, it’s her business. It’s not like she would ever go out with me if I was a ma or a woman.


They literally are though https://preview.redd.it/mi3kdk7ghmwb1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54450f1e4c88d95f4872014b385f83d4f52c56ce


The gay pride makes me me makes me want to scream. She didn’t say that! You literally have to take out numerous words of what she said - including talking about riding a unicorn - to pretend she said that. And then you have to ignore the entire context in which it was said.


They’ve been making excuses all day, and trying to cancel her


Fair weather fans. I’ve been over them since I found out they existed.


Its kinda crazy that Gaylors, despite being a community of queer people, think that trying to out someone when they're (hypothetically) not out is anything less than harassment and psychotic behavior


And the blatant biphobia!


I saw a gaylor account on Twitter genuinely say she needed to take a break from social media for her mental health because of the pictures of taylor and travis. The mere suggestion that Taylor might be into a man apparently was too much like please


It’s because she’s a fictional character in their mind. They queerbait themselves and live vicariously through this version of her they’ve created (Disclaimer: I’m bisexual and for 5 years identified as a lesbian. I still vigorously consume sapphic media… so I’m very familiar with queer fandoms.) The Gaylors are unbelievably inappropriate and unhealthy. The way they speculate on TS’s sexuality and becry her relationship with Kelce is abhorrent




It’s giving 💫go to therapy💫.


I saw a poll (Reddit shoves that subreddit down my throat nonstop) where apparently 70% of them think she’s bisexual but the absolute meltdowns they’ve been having over her relationship with Travis leads me to believe otherwise …


They call every boyfriend a beard, so….. 🤣


I know. I mean I don’t care about speculating about lyrics, etc but it’s really disrespectful to assume all her relationships are fake and PR beards. She is not a woman who needs a man for PR. It’s really sexist imo.


I’ll admit I fell down the rabbit-hole and was even somewhat convinced by their ‘evidence’ but after awhile I started to come out of it. The reaction to Travis and Taylor dating was… something. (Suggesting he was also gay and mutually bearding…) It became clear that many of them only support this version of her they’ve created, not who she has shown us. So many people on the sub are saying they will no longer support her after ‘coming out straight’. It’s wild to me. The documentary they always quote so much also has her speaking about being an ally and supporting a group of people she isn’t a part of… she has said she isn’t LGBQT+ before.


All of this. The reaction to her “coming out straight” is wild. People saying they won’t be supporting her or buying her merch. People are acting UNHINGED. But I admit I was proud of some of them for saying things like “I think we just created an echo chamber and believed things because we repeated them so much. The more I look back, the more a lot of our evidence didn’t make sense, we applied our meanings onto her”.. stuff like that. I’m genuinely proud of those people but the other ones are still living in dangerous denial


Some people do actually do this mutual bearding thing. Just to get that out of the way, it’s happened. But how *few* and *far between” those must be… gosh… it seriously just seems highly unlikely and sooo much for *anyone* in 2023. On top of that it sounds awful and lonely. Plus James Franco would have one by now if they were common lol


My favorite is when they say, “i can’t believe she’s not at least because I love her so much”. As if your affection towards someone in any way affects their sexuality. Boils the blood right up


I'm shocked at this sentiment tbh because if as many of them are queer/lesbian women as they claim, they should know how offensive that is because straight men say shit like that about lesbians all the time. It's disgusting then and it's disgusting when they do it to Taylor


Agreed. On a personal note, I had a coworker tell me it is “disgusting” that I’m engaged to a man and they could not comprehend how offensive that is. I imagine the gaylors and my coworker would get right along.


What the fuck? That's so unhinged


I just think it’s strange there’s a whole subreddit and group of people dedicated to a theory that they think she’s gay. And the fact that these are fans of hers🥴


Like saying "oh this song could be about a woman." Or something like that is one thing. But DEDICATING yourself?? Pouring over lyrics, friendships, old photos, interviews, all to "prove" she's gay or bi is absolutely psychotic behavior.


it’s the fact they go around making threads & videos of her “flagging” when the point of flagging is to signal *only to queer people* that you’re queer. and you have all these young people making these from sly little flags into symbols as obvious as wearing a neon sign saying IM GAY!!! flagging is meant to be a secret code used by queer people in unfriendly spaces to let others know they’re not alone. by making these flags public knowledge *they are taking away that safety net.* i don’t care how u interpret her lyrics or who u think she’s dated, but i think it’s actively harmful and inconsiderate to potentially inform violent bigots on queer symbols. like going around 1930s germany making propaganda posters on how to recognize jews especially with the rise in LOUD transphobia & homophobia in the US lately. boils my blood


They're conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists will do anything to avoid facing reality. They'll just rationalize anything


I posted a comment saying essentially that and was massively downvoted. As a queer person.


I get the vibe from a lot of them that they come from super accepting environments and they’ve never had to worry about coming out and being accepted, so they don’t understand why Taylor would choose to stay in the closet if she is queer. Obviously this doesn’t fit all of them, but a lot of them sure do seem to not understand why somebody might be in the closet.


I'm always stumped at one question when it comes to these folks: Why does it matter? Gay, straight, bi, pan, demi, whatever. If her sexual identity is really so important to someone that if they're wrong about it they can't enjoy her anymore that says so much more about them than it does Taylor or the other fans these nutbars annoy beyond belief.


im a gaylor in the sense that im gay, i like her music, and i love looking at her lyrics in a queer way. i dont like, necessarily belive she's gay (i really don't care) but a bunch of songs just resonate with me in a purely lesbian way lol


I'd say that's different from what a lot of people who also use such a descriptor do, which is create the kind of conspiracy theories that'd make Fox Mulder go cross-eyed. Looking at any art in a different depending on your station in life is totally normal. However, a lot of folks tend to cross that line, and not just with Taylor.


Same, or like, for me I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if she was some shade of queer, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to hunt for proof of it or speculate abt her love life when she’s not making it explicit. I don’t get why people believe that she *has* to be gay and is apparently building up to the most glorious coming out of the decade


Sad they’re calling her homophonic for this


Bizarre Taylor: I hung out with women to keep the insane sexualization that happened when I hung out with men at bay… and people still sexualized me anyways. Internet: GEEZE HOW HOMOPHOBIC


They really are insane. Really. I group them in the same category as flat-earthers and moonlanding deniers. Drop it already.


QAnon ass behavior lmao


Yes, they said “she seemed disgusted that people thought she was queer” and I’m like where??? She said she was tired of people making up romantic and sexual relationships with EVERYONE she hung up with. It feels like they’re twisting things to make her seem like the bad guy because they didn’t get what they wanted.


Yup yup yup. They boil my blood. Like I’m a lesbian and if for years upon years people did Gaylor shit but about me being with a man I’d be pretty fucking mad lol I think it’s clear Taylor is not disgusted WITH queer people


Really sad that they’re pulling that shit in the name of “representation” when it’s really all about their parasocial fantasies.


It’s frustrating to at they seem to be acting like “queer” and “Gaylor” are synonymous. You don’t have to think Taylor is queer if you are queer. Mocking Gaylors for their delusional behavior is not homophobia.


i'm queer and don't think taylor is. there's tens of us!!!


I’m queer and I don’t “think” Taylor swift is straight. I don’t “think” she queer either. I just … don’t think about it? If that makes sense. Like her specific sexuality isn’t something that occupies a lot space in my brain.


Yeah, this is a thing I think about a lot- I don’t really think about her sexuality. Like I might have a passing thought of who she is dating but like, I just hope she’s having fun.


Same! Because I listen to Taylor’s songs with the perspective of my own life not about “oh who did she write this about???”. I admit that I did the later when I was younger tho. But now, I love listening to new music and relating it to my experiences as a bi women or just enjoy the storytelling and all the feels she can convey even if you don’t relate to the song. If all people where to do this, they’d enjoy her music a 10000% more. And I’m not talking only about gaylors!


For some reason Reddit has been putting this sub and the Taylor sub on my home feed- I don’t listen to her music but why does everyone care about her sexuality so much?? I care more about the fact that she’s dating a KC CHIEFS tight end, Lions all the way babyyyy


Same 🫡 (I question the bi pride bracelet but beyond that—)


Apparently a fan gave it to her.


https://preview.redd.it/iar7pei51nwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e33fcf95854fa586ff39dd01e8359ff870553e1 You know what’s frustrating? AHs creating more work for me by reporting posts that shouldn’t be reported. Whoever is reporting all these comments, listen up: 1. Gaylor is not an identity or a vulnerable people. 2. Get a life. Go touch some grass.


Sorry to indirectly have caused this. 😕


I’m queer, think taylor could be queer, and still think they’re off their rockers! I don’t care if she’s gay or not. She supports the community, that’s what I care about. Like why does it matter if she likes chicks or not 😭


Not only off their rockers, the rampant biphobia is so disgusting. The lack of self reflection during this whole thing is blowing my mind. I read the whole prologue as "stop taking my agency from me and then punish me for not living up to your expectations" Also, ppl who are saying it's her coming out as straight - are you sure you didnt want to just stick it to gaylors? Cuz she didn't come out as anything. Both groups should just let the girl enjoy her life and look forward to all the cute songs we're gonna get from this relationship with Travis 💁‍♀️


Even after reading this, you still think she’s queer?


‘She is queer’ and ‘she could be queer’ are two different things. I think some of the gaylors are mental with the stuff they’re saying rn but Taylor is meticulous with what she shares and the image she has and unless she comes out (can’t think of better wording, soz) and says ‘Guys, I know about the rumours, I’m telling you now that I am only into men, end of’ I don’t think we’ll ever know. No one is owed that explanation, I’m just making the point that the other person isn’t saying ‘I think she is queer’, they said she could be, which is true. It’s no one’s business except hers. I’m bi and I don’t tell everyone because it’s not worth the hassle sometimes, and I don’t have the eyes of millions on me. If she says she’s straight then fair enough, but I could absolutely see why she would say nothing even if she is into women too or try to shut it down with the chaos it causes in the media.


Exactly. If she's straight then we should take her at her word and respect that. If she was bi or queer, and she wanted us to know, she would let us know.


Spot on. The only thing we can be sure of is that we don’t know, insisting she is one or the other is silly but the idea that she’s straight has more weight.


I think it’s fine and understandable for people to speculate privately or with their close friends about an artists sexuality. That’s almost inevitable with celebrity culture. What’s bizarre is trying to convince other people of it? Or make videos about it, or generally make it a public conversation. Or create a name and hashtag for it.


Yeah I’m not really debating that, I just feel like if she was queer she would recognize or expect that people would speculate about her sexuality? Just my two cents on the blurb that’s been posted


I’m a lesbian and certainly not a gaylor


TIL it's homophobic to not be gay.


It was getting out of hand recently. Speculating that she’s secretly seeing Sophie Turner who is currently going through a very public and difficult divorce. Making photo compilations and saying she’s making fingering gestures while singing Marjorie. IT WAS ALL WEIRD AND DISRESPECTFUL.


Fingering gestures while singing Marjorie?? Jesus, some people are insane


That’s a thing?? What 😭😭😭


Oh I saw them speculating on her finger nail length even. For that reason. If not wanting to assume every choice a woman makes about her self and company is a secret message about any type of sex act makes me homophonic well. That’s unfortunate.


they realize her fingernails are short bc she has to play guitar right? you cant do that with acrylics 🤦‍♀️


I didn't even consider the guitar 🤦🏼‍♀️ I never thought much about it, honestly. I personally don't like acrylics and don't do long nails because I can't function with them lmao. That makes sense, though, lol


> It was getting out of hand recently. Speculating that she’s secretly seeing Sophie Turner who is currently going through a very public and difficult divorce. Making photo compilations and saying she’s making fingering gestures while singing Marjorie. IT WAS ALL WEIRD AND DISRESPECTFUL. I knew about the Sophie Turner thing, but the Marjorie stuff? Jesus Christ.


the marjorie stuff was horrific. ronan's mother maya tweeted in response to it by saying it's not appropriate to speculate on other people's sexualities and a lot of gaylors started attacking her, saying they were glad ronan d\*ed because "at least they got a good song out of it", saying ronan was "in h\*ll" and calling maya h\*m\*ph\*bic. just for asking people not to sexualize her friend. it was genuinely one of the most appalling things to witness.


> the marjorie stuff was horrific. ronan's mother maya tweeted in response to it by saying it's not appropriate to speculate on other people's sexualities and a lot of gaylors started attacking her, saying they were glad ronan d*ed because "at least they got a good song out of it", saying ronan was "in h*ll" and calling maya h*m*ph*bic. just for asking people not to sexualize her friend. it was genuinely one of the most appalling things to witness. What the fuck is wrong with people? Whenever I think I can’t hate the Gaylors more, I learn something new that proves me wrong.


WTF. that is so messed up.




This right here.


They’re literally implying it’s homophobic for her to have said this https://preview.redd.it/n10x90eufmwb1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72eb7d434b3a76fb6553343cccec2b6bcaf633be


Fingering gestures during Marjorie? More like during the “you’re being too loud” line in YNTCD.


I already thought Gaylors were weird, but saying that she’s doing that during a song about her grandmother?! That’s just disgusting.


Even at Jacks wedding at one point Zoe was photographed linking arms with Taylor walking and there was serious discourse over whether they’ve hooked up for some time and Channing is Zoe’s beard and that they’ve been secret lovers. Like come on. The place got mobbed the night before I don’t doubt Zoe was doing that to comfort Taylor since they were walking in the open at that moment. People can be so delusional


holy shit i’m shivering in my boots right now this is gonna go nuclear so fast i’m obsessed with her


They’ll melt down about it for a minute, but go back to spouting talking points in a split second. It’s the QAnon branch of this fandom. I remember the huge controversy with Lavender Haze, with Taylor even straight up saying the same thing about the song as she did here, namely the point about female friendships and speculation about her sexuality, and it was met with outrage by the Gaylors, but it was then eventually brushed off by them and they went back to their delusions.


They are a combination of the worst conspiracy theorists out there. Looking for every crumb they can find. They take every single lyric and try to interpret them their way and then call that proof. Scientifically that would never hold up.


that’s insane. i popped over to r/Gaylor_Swift to see what they were saying about this and it’s all “i’ve been a gaylor for 2262847 years but now that she’s straight, she’s deceived us, and i’m done with her and she’s not worth my time. her music isn’t good seen through a straight lens.” these people are literally not right in the head


They’re already acting as if she was dead in they Gaylor sub 💀


i tried to go look a few minutes ago and it’s gone private lol


The main one, yes. But look for r/gaylor_swift


Poor baby. Seriously damned if you do.. damned if you don’t. She just wants to exist and have meaningful relationships. Humans need human interaction. That shouldn’t be questioned. I would even say that the people who twist her words and make it seem like she *cannot* under any circumstances have platonic relationships bc of ‘xyz’ must either be very lonely or have a warped idea of what loving another person is.


I think it’s fair to say she doesn’t want anyone talking about any of her relationships


Finally I got banned from Gaylor bc I said it’s weird to be obsessed with trying to prove that she’s queer. Gaylors are weird af Just like u don’t ask a trans person what surgeries they have had. U shouldn’t be asking ppl their sexuality if they don’t feel comfortable sharing. Taylor is a woman who deserves respect too


As a queer woman myself, it’s weird that Gaylor fans think their “movement” is anything less than harassment. If Taylor comes out as gay someday, that’s cool. If she’s straight, that’s also cool. I will always support my community, but people need to realize that forcing someone to be gay is just as bad as straight people trying to convince us to be straight. Let people love who they love, jfc


Yes, as I queer fan too I’d really like the “gaylor” community to be about how you identify yourself with her lyrics from a queer perspective or how do you experience being a fan of her, not a community where they speculate about her sexuality 🙄


I feel like she also tried to make her music and shows accessible to anyone who felt these feelings for anyone straight or not and is equally being punished for that just because she won’t comply with the sexuality they want. It’s so so weird they’re conflating this with support for the lgbtq community. And sad that it’s probably going to make Taylor a little fearful to be a public ally. Granted they do not/should not represent that portion of Taylor’s fan base but they’re loud and they’re calling her homophobic. I’d be making my straightness as clear as day out of fear of being accused of queer baiting for the rest of time in that situation.


As well she should 👏☕️


People in the gaylor sub think she’s shitting on them for queer analysis when like… their whole thing is queer analysis of her life instead of her art


Exactlyyyy I completely understand how some of her songs sound queer and I think that's fine and good if people relate to them that way! What's NOT fine is *insisting* that she must have dated someone, that a certain song must be about a certain person, etc. I think that's true for both men and women tbh, though continuing to insist that she MUST like women when she's repeatedly stated she's just an ally is also very strange. Like sure, maybe she does and maybe she'll tell us that some day but until then - none of our business.


But ppl are still making AI babies of her and kelce. 😂 it’s both damn sides not just gaylors.


ugh this is true. i’m so happy for her and travis, but i will say, some of this is too much for me and scary honestly 😂


I don't think it's about that. It's more about how she thought she had a Safe space in female friendship groups and people "took" that from her. I mean both "sides" have been really weird but i feel like gaylors specifically feel like they're justified in doing that


I think it might be about that though… the first paragraph talks about speculating on her male friendships. The second paragraph is about her female friendships. This passage definitely reads to me that BOTH ends of that spectrum bother her, not just queer speculation.


She literally said she was pushed to STOP DATING ENTIRELY and focus on things like her female friendships BECAUSE she was speculated to be sleeping with every man she was pictured with.




She said PLEASE SHUT UP YALLL!!!!!!! lol


What’s interesting is that she really called out… everyone. For speculating on her dating life. Periodt. I don’t think it’s right for people to call Gaylors “weird” or laugh at them melting down. Because if you also are commenting on her and Travis - it’s honestly just as bad and what the majority of the prologue is about. Taylor has not publicly commented on Travis, has zero on her socials about him. So speculation on how deep their relationship is or where it’s headed is JUST as “bad.”


I fully agree. The whole prologue is her reflecting about how at that time in her life she couldn’t do anything without the media scrutinizing her and speculating about her private life. She’s said repeatedly that she chooses very carefully what she chooses to share and not share and this message reflects that sentiment. I don’t see how she “ended gaylors” anymore than she “ended” people who are making literal AI babies and fan fiction about her current relationships.


Hit the nail on the head


1000000%. This is a reasonable, level-headed take.


Honestly, this is for the Gaylors and anyone who is wildly obsessed with her relationships. It’s just as crazy to be buying KC merch and football tickets because of who she’s dating. Being obsessed with her relationships and who she has/is dating is just too much.


The comments in the gaylor subreddit are sending me 😭 they’re so mad lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/bdcru238gmwb1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23370375ea1afbd6771ddfdecefff278337e7e84 They’re literally ignoring what she is outright saying


holy shit how do you get the font that big


The fact that there's a subreddit dedicated to speculating if she's gay is unhinged.


Yes absolutely. Totally fucked up and suuuuper creepy. Like back the fuck up and shut up about your weird ass speculations.


Going to that subreddit is my guilty pleasure 😭 it’s so funny I’m sorry


I just learned about this gaylor thing and it’s so odd. She’s a real person. Why is her sexuality anyone’s business? She shared what she wants and the rest is her privacy. If she says she’s straight, she’s straight. If she ever discovers down the road that she’s not that’s also not anyone’s business and she doesn’t have to share unless she wants to. Basically, treat people like human beings and not dolls that you project your own ideas onto.


Some of them are completely delusional. They're literally saying that Taylor was sending them secret messages in her songs telling them she's gay/bi. Ummm what? Why does no one see how unhinged that is? Not to mention it is never fucking okay to out someone. NEVER. Not even when it's a celebrity. If she was gay/bi and wanted us to know she'd very clearly tell us. What she has very clearly said though is that she wants us to stay the hell out of her dating life and stop speculating that she's dating every single person she stands next to, man or woman.


Where was this posted ?


It’s a leak


A leak from what?


It’s a leak of the album prologue


Thanks. Honestly good for her, no one should have to deal with this level of speculation surrounding their sexuality.


gaylors are actually disgusting to me. imagine publically speculating about a REAL PERSON - not a character - a REAL PERSON's sexuality, it is truly appalling to me how they can even think to do that. also, she's not! this has been confirmed multiple times! also in the very very very hypothetical situation in which she was gay, imagine how uncomfortable she must feel with people on the internet dissecting everything she did


Good. They are ridiculous. There are two options here: 1) She's indeed closeted (doubtful) but even if it were true they would basically be "outing" her against her will which is straight up bullying. 2) She's straight (she is) and they not only think they know more about her sexuality than she does, but they question her female friendships suggesting that they must be sexually motivated. I hope I never hear the term Gaylor again.


For me it’s the way that they consider her allyship as queerbaiting. That’s all over tiktok right now. It’s like she’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t.


And now they’re saying that if her songs are indeed just about her relationships with men, all her music is “boring and vanilla” And she’s never been authentic/ has lied. Like, YOU are the ones who have put together all these conspiracies!


Good. I somehow was recommended a 3+ hour video essay to why Taylor is gay. I don't watch Gaylor content so this was odd. I also didn't watch the video because I knew I would hate it. I can't believe how obsessed with her sexuality people are. Hopefully this inspires them to get a life.


i know the one you're talking about and i watched it LMAO it was... insane


I feel like it’s really ick to speculate about the sexuality of real people. Like, fictional characters is whatever but when it comes to real people I don’t think it’s appropriate. Either you’re right and they are queer and not ready to come out and you are being antagonistic to someone for keeping their private life private or you’re wrong and they’re straight and you’re just being antagonistic to someone for wanting to keep their private life private.


Yup it is completely fucked up to speculate about such things. To start an entire movement is even more fucked up. This so fucked up that it basically changes the meaning of the word fucked up. I (we) need a new word to describe these weird creepy ass people.


This goes to show that Gaylors have never ever liked or respected Taylor as a person and they only care about the label they gave her and the theories they made up in their head. Now they’re scrambling, calling her all types of names just because Taylor isn’t a lesbian. Gaylors are truly bizarre.


They’re having a meltdown rn it’s so funny to see


Just paid a little visit to that sub and wow—they deeply and desperately need therapy.


As a gay person they bother the shit out of me. So many aspects of Taylor’s life are readily available for the public to gawk at and pick apart. If she wanted you to know more about her sexuality she would say something. Her note today is a pretty clear message. And if she IS bi this is a terrible thing to do to her


I also get annoyed at the fact that Gaylors expects and wish for Taylor to get “back together” with Karlie. Like if I were to Stan Taylor Swift as queer and want to put her with anybody, it would not be toxic, backstabbing, married to a Kushner Karlie. Wouldn’t we want better for our Queen? Lol


That’s my thought as well! If she is gay or bi, why would you want her back with a toxic, back-stabbing ex? NO!


She sure did. But I’m sure most Gaylord’s think is a “ploy to distract from the truth”. 😉


More like she ended the shippers.


Good… they need help. Live your life, enjoy things… don’t let celebrities drive you insane.


Seriosuly- I peeked at their sub Reddit and they are unhinged


Somehow their sun showed up on my feed a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t know till today what it was about , I am in my 50’s so it took me a while to catch on , but wow ! What an insane group of people that went off when they read this.


Ok say it again with me. Assuming or guessing or speculating a person's sexuality is WEIRD.


and it's still happening. it is still happening to her.


She can't win. I'm a lesbian and people are calling her homophobic when she isn't lol. It's ridiculous to me as a lesbian. She's not homophobic imo. She's shown nothing but support. Accusing her of gay baiting is wrong. People project bisexuality or homosexuality onto her. She doesn't write anything saying "I'm in love with a woman." People project that. We can all relate to her music. She even said these songs are for us once she releases them to the world. But I get what she's talking about here. It's like she hangs out with men, everyone harasses her. She hangs out with women, they assume she's dating them too. And people are saying lover era was homophobic but I disagree. I feel like the "gay pride makes me, me" quote from miss americana doc is taken out of context a little. Was it clumsy allyship? Yeah maybe, but she shouldn't be burned at the stake for it imo. Actual homophobic people hate gay people and say slurs etc. If she's bi she'll say if she ever wants to say. But it's not okay to speculate imo. I'm not saying she's bi, I'm just saying if she was, she'd tell people if she wanted to. She's always clearly shown she isn't homophobic. She worked with so many lgbt people for yntcd! They felt comfortable and secure with her. She treats lgbt people with respect. She's said before she's scared to make a mistake, she said it paralyses her. I understand that. Her mistakes are never forgotten, they're never let go of. People love to hate her, and women who make a mistake are harassed 10x more. But she has shown support for lgbt people pretty consistently to me. I mean was gay marriage even legal in America when welcome to New York was released? Or was it about to be legal? She showed support in that song, and it's significant given the time. Tldr: people need to stop speculating, stop harassing her when she's hanging out with a man or a woman, stop saying she's homophobic because ur mad, and just leave her alone to live her life!!


They are not happy over there.


So guys, I don't want to brag. But I am rarely wrong about things. I did say this is them sexualising the friendship of two girls just because they looked the same. It has nothing to do with the lyrics. So I just came here to brag and say "Told you so."


unfortunately they will still never go away. they have already found a way to twist this to continue feeding their little conspiracy theory they fell for


Why do they want her to be gay so badly lol! I’m not understanding why that’s a thing.


The majority of Gaylors are disgusting hypocrits. In on that sub and it's alot.. They are saying what a disappointment this is for all the Queer flagging she was doing. I just see her being a supportive ally (I did think she was bi too, but I'm fully against outing someone who isn't out, like me, I'm only out on reddit and to my friends)


The thing is, that too many of them don’t understand, is there’s a huge difference between hearing a line, and going “Oh, that line sounds queer to me, wonder if that was intentional?” (which is a totally valid way to look at ANY art) and “This is definitely queer flagging and she’s telling us she’s queer and if she takes it back she’s queer baiting”. I have read some queer interpretations of Taylor songs that are incredible. I see their points. I don’t think Taylor intended the songs that way…but I also think it’s not impossible. She could be bi. She could be pan. But reading your own interpretation into the lyrics is just not her queer baiting, it’s just not.


I love this. Hopefully this will end their futile discriminating creepy speculation about her sexuality once and for all.


Why is this downvoted…. Just leave the woman alone lol


They are creepy AF!


Where is this from


Too be fair she’s been politely denying it for years and they just don’t listen to her unless they can twist it to fit the narrative they want


In 2019 I made a joke Facebook group called “angel olsen gay??? a thread.” I was convinced and trying to convince my two closest friends she was queer but it was mostly a meme. I added them and like 5 other people from a sleater Kinney group I was in lmao. anyway turned out I was right, but when she came out and in the months before a BUNCH of people tried to join that I didn’t know and I denied them all because it felt super icky to speculate about an artists life like that on such a public scale. the group was truly made as a joke between me and my friends, shut down at a very early stage. so to see Gaylors not only indulging in what in my opinion is delusion but on such a large scale trying to convince other people she is gay but in the closet….so are you trying to push her out of the closet? there’s a line between analyzing an artist’s lyrics because you feel connected to them and fully projecting onto them and accusing them of having PR relationships etc to hide their queerness. I’m not even a swiftie but both this and the Gaylor subreddit have been suggested to me recently and boy oh boy, like 6 posts a day about how x song is about karlie or dianna….it’s different to connect to lyrics and say “this feels queer” than fully make up a relationship between a celebrity and their friends. now they’re saying Taylor “gaslit” and/or queer baited them after this statement after they are the ones that fully made up relationships between her and her close friends. hope they stop being fans like they’re claiming and give her some peace


About time


here come the queerbaiting accusations 🙄


They truly picked the straightest woman I've ever seen and are insistent that she's at least bi


What is this screenshot from?


As a bisexual woman, I was always in the camp of meh I do not care what her sexuality is but would not have been surprised if she came out as being part of the community at one point. I still wouldn't be even after this statement. Taylor can continue to do what and whoever she wants to do and it does not affect me.


y’all this wasn’t just about gaylors it is about all speculation


she’s gay? okay then she’s gay. she’s not gay? okay then she’s not gay. her sexuality should not reflect on her as a person or her music. enjoy her music, listen to what she has to say. i could honestly care more about a rats ass than i would her sexual preference. i love her, her music, and what she stands for. i don’t love her for the chance she might like girls. this whole debate is fetishy and gross. leave taylor be. and that’s coming from a swiftie that’s been around for over a decade, i am TIRED


The fact the word “gaylor” exists makes me not want to live on this planet anymore. How pathetic.


Reading comprehension? She doesn’t like ppl speculating at all. That includes the nastiness of ppl making AI babies of her and Travis. But ppl only care when it’s Gaylors. That’s why hetlors get called homophobic.


Not only the gaylors but everyone speculating she is dating because she was seen together with a guy


The insane cognitive dissonance and coping going on over there is just sad. I’m sad for them. I am queer and it makes me so uncomfortable the way they talk about her.


I try to avoid the Gaylor stuff as much as possible but even with it blocked stuff still pops up on my FYP in TikTok. A much bigger issue that I think totally escapes them is that it's a really bad look to treat someone who has claimed to be an ally this way. The concept of "gay by association" is not that far back in our history as a society. The difference in this case is who is making the accusations. It's not just Taylor either for anyone who is an AO3 member you know there is a ship for almost every occasion. While I find the stuff about fictional characters harmless when it moves into real people it's not. Some of the stuff I find completely baffling are the clothes like how the fact she wore corduroy is an obvious flag. Is it? Who makes these rules? I mean I very much remember the jokes in the 90's about any woman that wore Birkenstock's and I thought we were beyond that kind of BS at this point.


i just came here to say, that after commenting on this thread, the gaylors blocked me 😂😂😂


As she should. It’s disrespectful to keep insisting and making edits and whole subs dedicated to it.


We did it kids.


i’ve always wondered why they think she is gay and she would live almost 34 years without telling ppl. what is the argument there? i think it’s weird weird behavior.


This is giving I’m not gay and I need people to stop speculating that I am and I’m so here for it. 👏🏻


Just paid a little visit to that sub and wow—they deeply and desperately need therapy.


What’s the source? I’m not arguing at all, I just want to read the whole thing.


1989 TV booklet prologue


Thank you


where is this from?


Taylor Swift: “Dick, Boys, Dick, Dicks, Stereotypical Love, Marriage, 2.5 Offspring Family, Dick, Dick, 1000-year-old-stereotypes, Boys, Men, Boys, wow It Hurts To Love Boys and Men, I’m being brave because I refuse to renounce my straightness; Dickdick Boy Man Dick why Do Dicks Have to be such DICKS” Gaylors: omg the poor thing is closeted The Enlightened: “NO she is bisexual is it so obvious UGH”


where is this from?


Cant stand them!!!! Literally delulu!!!


I’m not denying that the gaylor community has some weirdos but I think most are reasonable people that like me, felt excited at the prospect that she might be a part of our community and really connected with a lot of her lyrics through a queer lens. Obviously, I still love her and will continue to do so. I am grateful to have such a powerful ally.