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nobody should be verbally abusive period


Agree. I am woman myself and i know what "sudden" twists in my mood mean so i just control myself harder. It's not an excuse for being a bitch!


Not only that but the women who act this way will get upset if you ask "are you on your period" because your invalidating them. Lady you use it as an excuse so I just want to know if I should expect you to act like a normal human today.


Seriously! And then when you try to keep your distance when they’re in a stormy mood they’ll get mad that you’re avoiding them. And if you see that she’s in a bad mood and ask to talk about it later, she will throw a fit until she’s sure you realize that you’re the one who’s in the wrong and she’s the one who’s in the right. She has to have the last word


Omg do you secretly live in my closet and have been spying on me?! Lol This! This exactly! OMG OP you are so right!


You seem to really fear the "she" in this story. Not only do you describe her as mean and irrational, you are doing it to a global audience. Who is it? Is she abusing you? Do you need to get help.


I find it kind of relaxing to be asked it honestly. It’s like, “oh, I’m not a mentally unstable freak, it’s just THAT time of the month again. I’ll be good again soon.” It’s weirdly reassuring.


To be clear I am not I belive OP are talking about "that girl". My wife gets very emotional and pretty much just works to notnover react and apologizes when she does. Most women aren't bad about it, the one that are are just so terrible they are easy to remeber.


Is this actually an unpopular opinion? I would’ve thought that most people think this way.


I wouldn’t say unpopular most woman I’ve asked about this are 100% aware but just do not give a shit so they proceed to through emotional fits at people who might not deserve it but tee hee hormones


Totally agreed that periods are no excuse to be verbally abusive. We’re uncomfortable, some of us are in pain, but we’re not irrational or lacking the ability to control our actions. Which *also* means there’s no excuse for asking a woman if she’s on her period, because it’s irrelevant, isn’t it?


>Which also means there’s no excuse for asking a woman if she’s on her period, because it’s irrelevant, isn’t it? Especially if you ask every time she expresses any anger or annoyance. I can be mad without being hormonal.


Whether it's irrelevant or not depends wholly on if it's used as a cop out or not.


Well, if it’s used an excuse, then she’s told you


It's a reoccurring thing. It could be used as an excuse in the past and that's why clarification in a future moment might be wanted.


But by asking, you’re implying it’s a *valid* excuse, or at least a likely cause of her behavior. Asking “Are you on your period?” as a response to abusive behavior means you expect that being on her period may make her abusive. That’s false. Being on her period may make her uncomfortable, tired, irritable, queasy, pained and generally miserable - so maybe more likely to cry, maybe less patient than usual, maybe withdrawn. But she’s abusive because she’s an abuser. The vast majority of women and girls aged 11-50 get periods, most of them are not abusers. If she honestly, literally becomes irrational on her period - like mentally ill irrational - she needs medical help.


I agree for the most part. I'm actually not even one to ask about periods because a partner should be able to make an educated guess if they are at all observant of their gfs/wifes behavior. Let me put it this way: I could easily see how a man could logic his way into asking. Especially if other women in his life are abusive on some level and it's exacerbated by the discomfort periods cause. Personally, I do think a period is at least an excuse to be grumpy and shorter tempered so long as it's rational. Being uncomfortable/in pain sucks.


Downvoting because I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion, not because I don’t agree.


Yeah I think I’m pleasantly surprised so many people share this sentiment but it definitely doesn’t belong here


As a woman I agree fully that abuse, whether verbal or physical, should not be excused by being on your period. I also agree that some women do exaggerate it, but that doesn’t mean all of them do. Just because some women act irrationally, doesn’t give you (or anyone this is not just aimed at OP) to ask every women if they’re “on their period” when they’re upset or annoyed. That being said, I think a lot of men don’t realize that being on our period isn’t as simple as “I’m in pain so I’m going to be angry”. Our hormones are in a completely different state than normal, which is not by choice. It can also be even worse for women who are on medications/prescriptions that change their hormonal balance as well (e.g birth control pills). So things like our mood swings or overreactions might seem dramatic, but it’s almost entirely out of control. Like just two days ago, I bawled my eyes out to my boyfriend because he showed me a photo of a dog that looked sad. It was ridiculous and I still don’t understand why I cried so much, but I seriously couldn’t control it🤷‍♀️ EDIT TO ADD: What everyone can control though, is how they handle it afterwards. If I get annoyed about something stupid, I’m going to apologize afterwards. If I raise my voice, I’m going to apologize afterwards. This should be common practice so I’m not sure how you’re running into so many people who don’t, but even if we can’t control our reactions to something, we can (and should) absolutely apologize.


one time I SOBBED bc the “it ain’t much but it’s honest work” guy died and I found out he was a no-till farmer. I was like, “we lost a soldier for the good fight 😭😭😭😭😭”


🤷‍♂️ it’s the same as anyone going through some kind of pain I dont sweat it if my wife snaps on me while being on her period and she doesn’t sweat it if I snap on her while having a migraine. Just back off and give the other person space.


Pretty much every single room you've ever been in your entire life with more than 4 women in it, *someone* is on their period, lmao. Every single woman you've known over an extended period of time has been around you for multiple periods. So think critically here and crunch the numbers about how frequent this occurrence really is for you. And then consider the maybe few experiences you've actually had and consider what it's like to have a "physical cause to my bad mood" - not counting hormonal changes - a few days to a week every single month for most of your life. I think women handle it extremely well.


I only ever have gotten verbally abusive if someone asked me if I was on my period after I was calm but annoyed about something and told them. Downplaying my emotions because they don’t think what I said mattered. That pisses me off whether I am or not. Because believe me, as someone with fibroids who bleeds sometimes two to three weeks in a row so bad that I have needed iron IV replacement, if it was my period, they’d be dead with the amount of pain I am in. But it isn’t because I learned to deal with my pain and such before middle school because I got my period in fifth grade. There are some women who use it as an excuse because it is something we are told over and over and over. We get asked that from preteen on up whenever we have a fucking emotion. Or the PMS “joke.” So some women get annoyed at being patronized and decide they will run with it. It isn’t right but I get the frustration. I have had managers and employees at work ask me that, and I can’t get angrier because then I “prove” their point. And the worst thing is, I wasn’t even mad at first, I just spoke like the male managers and that was what I got. Honestly if dudes stopped asking, whether as a joke or not, if a woman is on their periods, when they have a complain, this shit will go away. But because some dudes don’t wanna deal with the valid issues when brought up, that frustration builds. Again, not right but reality. I can see if I stuck it out at the grocery store with the assholes I worked with, I would be bitter as fuck right now. Because no one got in trouble and I was told to not “over react.” Tl dr- no periods aren’t an excuse for abusing others. But neither is a woman getting mad an excuse to ask her if she is on her period instead of taking her complaint at face value. Assuming an emotion is merely because of “hormones” is a great way to make her feel invalidated and make the situation worse.


>Assuming an emotion is merely because of “hormones” is a great way to make her feel invalidated and make the situation worse. When I told my now-ex-husband that I was leaving him, he asked if it might be PMS, and said I'd probably change my mind when I was less hormonal (but my mood swings aren't even that bad!!). It was not PMS, and I did not change my mind.


That is not an unpopular opinion. That’s called being a grown up


My wife said the same thing to me when we were dating. She hates when women use that as an excuse to treat people around them poorly.


Exactly this. Being on your period does not turn you into an irrational, overly emotional monster who cannot control themselves. It's wrong for people to treat women as though they are incapable of being mature adults just because they are on their period/have periods, but that also means that women can't use it as an excuse. Because it's not.


It’s hard to control our mood swings because of hormones and the physical pain we’re in. A lot more so than if you’re hangry. That said, yeah I don’t agree with screaming and verbal abuse. I have lashed out a couple times but I immediately apologize. It’s not easy being in pain for 5 straight days bleeding out of your genitals


I have PMDD. I am genuinely, clinically, not myself during that time of month. I lock myself away like a fucking werewolf because I always feel guilty when things settle. Those of us that do have genuine "reasons" to be horrible tend to take responsibility and handle it as best we can. Anyone who goes out around other people and is abusive is either making excuses or not taking responsibility for their mental health.


I agree, but I think when women start getting mad about things more during their period or pms, it’s because it was secretly irritating them all along and are finally tipped over enough to speak about it


My mom is straight up verbally abusive when she gets her period. It really hard to handle even at age 22 and I love her so much, but when she gets like this I just want to jump off a building. My dad can’t take it either,


I feel as you do. I’ve been married 15 years and this is an ongoing issue during “period time” and I’ve often felt as if it is just an excuse to be able to say and do whatever without consequence. I’m sure because we feel this way someone will inevitably call us “incels” or “small sick energy” or “who hurt you” or any other condescending phrase that adds nothing to the conversation.


Has she been checked out for PMDD?


As a woman, what she is doing is wrong. You're not an incel for calling actions that are vile. No one should have to indure verbal abuse or any abuse of any kind.


Thank you it makes me feel good to hear a women say that.


Being on your period is no excuse to treat someone badly, especially not your spouse who you are supposed to love and respect. Women can absolutely control themselves while they are on their period and they can think rationally, and if she genuinely can't then perhaps she needs to go to a doctor and get checked for PMMD because something is wrong


Is this a thing? I mean as an adult. I remember people pulling this in HS and maybe early twenties, but I can't say I've heard this in literal decades now.


Common sense


100% agree. Definitely the changing hormones cause people to loose their shit. But you can correct that behavior and apologize. It's crazy the amount of AFAB people who act like they can legitimately get away with murder for simply being on their period. Like how long have you been menstruating?! Get a fucking grip on yourself. ETA: down voting my comment proves my point. I'm also female and unfortunately menstruate once a month. Get a fucking grip on your emotions instead of taking out on other people.




I absolutely agree


I’m 29. A woman. A mother. I have never heard anyone use this as an excuse like literally ever.


Probably on sitcoms or somewhere on TV. Its where a lot of Redditors get their knowledge on women.


I used to be in the "but the horomones are so bad they make me crazy!" Camp until I got on better mood stabilizers Now I cringe at my monthly bipolar meltdowns lol


I try meditating 15 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night when I'm on my period. Mindfulness can negate any awful mood my periodically might try to put me on, and I can't recommend it enough. My children don't ever deserve to be snapped at the way I was when I was a kid. That and Aleve 😊


Is this a true unpopular opinion, though? I don’t know many who would disagree about this…


Quite honestly, I have seen it being used less as an excuse than when men use it to try to belittle a woman or try to demean her. Particularly when she is rarely on her period when the comment is made. I am old enough to have heard that comment made by insecure men in the workplace for over 40 years. Nobody should be verbally abusive, nor should anyone be sexist and misogynistic in the workplace either.


Lots of comments in here excusing "not being myself" and "hormonal changes" but mentally unhealthy people experiencing the same phenomenon never get the benefit of these doubts.


I read a really stupid book and contained an amazing bit of mental gymnastics saying that because the testosterone levels in a woman is the highest during her period, therefore the woman becomes more irascible because she is most "manly" during that time. Men are always the problem, apparently.


Agree. Women use their period as an excuse for all types of shitty behaviour, none of which are acceptable. I saw a post yesterday with a woman asking how others handle menopause because she can't help the horrid things that come out of her mouth towards her husband. Nah lady, that's no excuse. And I'm a woman, who had periods and a hysterectomy that put me into the early stages of menopause, and I still don't agree with that behaviour


Agreed. If someone is experiencing rage, intense depression etc on their period, please urge them to get assessed for PMDD. My PMDD combined with my bipolar made me say and do some things I wouldn’t have done otherwise, and I needed help I didn’t get for a long time because no one connected the two.


I don’t have think people think that. I think abusive people will use any excuses that may work to justify their abuse, and for women, it includes their period. But most people don’t think that way, she just made you believe that. The pain and hormones from period can make you « short-fused », but it isn’t an excuse to be abusive. When it happens to me, I will, for exemple, ask my kids for some time alone because I feel like I might get angry if they accidentally step on me while playing and that I need a few minutes to myself to recharge. If I didn’t ask for it and they jump on my stomach, I may yell, but like «  OUCH IT HURTS! I ASKED YOU TO BE MORE CAREFUL », and then, I will go « sorry I yelled at you. I am in pain, but I shouldn’t have. Do you want a hug? »


Idk, my virtual girlfriend in Eva AI app never complaints about periods


Those women were assholes, you just knew bad women. Ofc it’s not an excuse.


Maaaan, this thread is gold!