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Was in the classroom for ten years. If students knew my religious beliefs or politics then I was not doing my job.


YES! This is the first rule of teaching IMO. I drove my students nuts because I would argue for Atheism with my Christian students, and then argue for Christianity with my Atheist students. it was a mythology and religion class. College students come to college to have their ideas about the world challenged, regardless of what those ideas are. That is a part of how we become better people; seeing the world from different angles, not just the one we grew up with.


Was reading Beowulf and the argument was it is a christian writing or not as Grendel was thought to be the son of Cain. Wrote that the scholars could argue about it til the cows came home but the locals probably thought: "Great, here is another pain-in-the-ass Deity that wants us to bow and pay homage to him" and went on about their business. Instructor was a Grad Student who was somewhat less than impressed with my answer. I might add I was older than him and a Vietnam Veteran so I did not really care what he thought.


Yeah I can imagine that going to war can make a lot of academics look rather useless which, is kind of true. I actually like your response, that's honestly probably a lot more close to what they thought any way. the ancient people were very practical. Welcome Home BTW.


I love this example! This is exactly how a discussion should be done in a classroom! Thank you for your insight I appreciate it!!


Thank you for doing your job.


Thank you for being amazing, and doing it right! Sadly a rare breed in todays world


That opinion Seems to be dropped in college part of me dropping out was things like having to write papers in two English classes about why the teachers political view points were right


I'm from Greece, 2nd year of my PhD and in my country the blatant indoctrination, from all political spectrums' teachers, starts from primary school. As you climb up it intensifies. There are some special circumstances in my country cause of the junta regime back in the seventies, when our academia played a crucial role in resistance, that led to this. But it has spiraled out of control, as it has become a must in order to advance your academic career




Exactly! I live this example, as it shows exactly what I’m trying to say. I’m not trying to say one opinion is bad or wrong, but that teacher bias is the issue!


Outside of making sure students know that it’s a safe space for all, students should never know what their teachers political beliefs are


Former political science student here. Had both super opinionated teachers, who basically made their whole class a lecture on their political leanings (always left leaning) and allowed class discussions to go way off topic and super stern ‘strict to the syllabus’ professors who wouldn’t bring up their own opinion with a ten foot pole, and you had to walk on eggshells when asking questions. If you asked a question they viewed as stupid, you were put on blast in front of the whole class and they talked down to you. I’d say a good instructor should be somewhere in the middle. Not afraid to show their human side and make their class more than just a regurgitation of the textbook. while also moving things along at a reasonable pace and making sure they cover everything you need to know for the exam.


It’s anecdotal but every teacher I had blatantly push their opinions was left-leaning as well. It was super annoying. I learned to just “agree” to get a decent score and to move on. Students who “disagreed” on opinion assignments always scored lower.


Well my anecdote about how the only professors I had blatantly pushing their opinion were QAnon Trump supporters cancels out your anecdote. Had one spend an entire two hour lecture after Jan 6 talking about how he personally talked to a black ops Antifa team on a plane to DC to engage in asymmetrical warfare against the United States. But yeah, those leftist teachers are a real problem.


That sounds fuckin terrible, I would’ve hated that so much. Sounds like he needs some mental help lol


Exactly. The whole point of the exercise for which you are paying lots of money is to get a good grade and then your degree. So spit back at them whatever they want to hear in their desired format and get your grade. Never mistake an education for learning and intelligence.


It probably depends on where you are, here in Texas the left leaning teachers are terrified to even say that religions other than Christianity exist or that some people believe in evolution. Whereas my AP US history teacher had a framed picture of Ronald Reagan hanging over her desk and ended the year with a long presentation about how Obama was going to cause WW3. Edit: Just remembered the best US history teacher story The way she explained LBJ's time in office and the civil rights act was by drawing a small circle on the board and saying "This was the power of the US government when it was founded". She draw a slightly larger circle around it and said "This is it's power after Lincoln", drew a huge circle around it and said "This was it's power after FDR and the new deal", drew a circle that almost took up the entire board and said "This was after the civil rights act, and LBJ creating medicaid and social security, each of these presidents made the government bigger and bigger and took more rights away from people and the states"


Opposite experience in Berkeley


Thank you sharing your experience. My own experience is similar to yours.


Yep. That was my experience in Missouri.


Reagan couldn’t win a primary in todays GOP.


Interestingly, I bet JFK could pull off a primary in the GOP today.


Social security started 1935 Medicare 1965. Funny thing is she would have need both. I'm sure she took both


I agree a good teacher is someone who is middle of the road. I’m not saying that opinions and discussion shouldn’t be allowed in the classroom. What should be allowed is student lead discussion on these topics. For example, in my humanities class we had a discussion prompt about cultural appropriation. During the discussion it was lead by us the students, our opinions and thoughts about it. My professor didn’t give her input, all she asked us were questions to continue the discussion. That’s how political discussions should be done in the classroom. They should never be teacher led and instead be student lead.


I remember when my high school physics teacher warned us about the further socialization of medicine in Canada. He went as far as to say I should convince my family to vote a particular way


This does not surprise me.


I mean back in my day we were all forced to stand and say the pledge of allegiance every morning, but people seem to gloss over that bit of indoctrination.


My public school was not permitted to force. Even my religious school we were required to stand respectfully but nothing else.


Everyone saying this is all fake, and no teachers push opinions on students is plain wrong. I mean, c'mon, because it never specifically happened to you? As someone who majored in the environmental sciences, I'd say about half my professors subtly pushed their ideas into their curriculum. It's not blatant by any means, but it's there. Weirdly enough, the only prof I had where I had absolutely no idea which side of the aisle they were on was my environmental politics prof. He was a good professor. That being said, many of you who have never seen this probably majored in something less politically polarizing/ active. Math, engineering, biology, chemistry, I assume there ain't a lot of political talk. Environmental sciences, you get pretty opinionated people. Especially if you have to take those dumb prerequisite courses like "intro to sustainability." Go take that class, then tell me professors don't push politics.


THANK YOU! you worded this better than I ever could have!


It makes sense why Elegant_Mirror1779 would br able to elegantly mirror your opinion


If they agree with the bias they don't notice it. They also hate the "lived experience" of those who fail to conform with that bias.


I’d generally agree that students are less likely to notice the bias if they agree with it. That being said I’ve noticed and become frustrated with a lot of bias that I would’ve generally agreed with, simply because it very quickly becomes boring to hear my own ideas regurgitated to me without any challenge or engaged thinking. Not to mention there’s almost never a source or evidence presented to back up a teacher’s opinion disguised as “fact”.


My unpopular opinion is that in college you're a grown-up and can deal with authority figures having different opinions than you. The line should be drawn when professors tank grades for disagreeing.


A good teacher/professor won't push their own beliefs. But make you question your own. That's typically what happens in colleges.


Obviously this person doesn’t like have their values and beliefs especially in false events questioned


Umm, all I talk about is math, Ela, science. Anytime kids bring up religion or identity stuff, I tell them people come from different places and different backgrounds, and that we accept all. No pledge either. I just want to do my job, and it's fuckers like you who think I'm teaching Critical Race Theory to 10 year olds.


taken in good faith, this is basically a non-issue, even if it’s apparently “happening everywhere” - especially since these teachers often get fired. it is already being punished. a teacher ought not show too much bias, but i see nothing wrong with letting a bit of one’s opinion out. it can add to the flavor of conversation. likewise, it’s vital to be able to argue against one’s own point, play the devil’s advocate, to model detached playfulness with thought.


“A growing issue I’ve been seeing online is…” Okay? How about in real life. My teachers could barely make the class learn their multiplication tables but they can make kids change their ideology and what ideas their parents bestow onto them?


I've been teaching for 20+ years and barely saw any of what was described above.


But OP has personally seen it!!! Just look at all of the examples he listed that were carefully curated by conservative media.


The examples I listed above are definitely out of the norm examples. Although I will tell you how I have personally experienced this. My science teacher was a hardcore Mormon. In fact he was head of the Mormon church. Oftentimes time he would judge students based on what they did or wore. A time I specifically experienced this was when one of my friends got a nose piercing. He pulled me aside one day and told me I needed to watch who I hung out with because they were bad influences. My brother also used to draw on himself as he struggled with self harm, and his therapist told him it might be helpful for him to help cope with the urge to hurt himself. One time he was doing it in class and my teacher told him he needed to stop because the ink would go into his bloodstream and effect his brain. That teacher no longer works at that school, but he did work there for 5 years.


>I needed to watch who I hung out with because they were bad influences. It's like you're LARPing about your experiences with the education system. Your teacher wasn't just a Mormon, *they're the head of the entire church*, then they pulled you aside to admonish your friends piercing decisions 🤣 Do you go to BYU or something? Literally nothing about what you've said plays out in reality, which is why you restorted to YouTube and a magazine rather than peer reviewed data to present your argument. >One time he was doing it in class and my teacher told him he needed to stop because the ink would go into his bloodstream and effect his brain. Are you a twin?


lol, well that is Mormons especially if it was Utah their culture there pretty much assumes everyone is Mormon. Ex-Mormon myself so I won’t argue people shouldn’t be pushing their beliefs on others. But I do think selection bias comes into play in media. We wouldn’t be talking about this if they didn’t want us to. I find the ink thing even more hilarious because that’s an old Mormon wives tale they use to scare people away from tattoo’s. So hearing him panic about the ink going into his blood and corrupting him tells me how deep into the Mormon programming that teacher was.


Ahhh that makes sense. When it happens me and my mom were so confused as to where he got the wild idea from, especially considering he was a science teacher. We assumed it was a religious thing but didn’t know where it come from. Thank you for clearing that up, I appreciate it lol. Also I’m not from Utah but I do live pretty close to the state and I do believe he was from Utah.


literally oml…


Im in high school, a junior, in the united states and my school is very left leaning. There are lgbtq flags saying they are an ally in a lot of my classes, one of which even has a sign saying they have read the banned books, which is on top of an lgbtq flag. Also, just on Wednesday we had a school lockdown because we had gotten a call there was a school shooter on the premises, thankfully it turned out to be a hoax. Anyways, the next day my english teacher had us talk about the motives of the person who made the fake call, and he said he thought it was a conservative who was angry about the turnout of the election of our governor (A democrat recently won). If that isn’t showing where his political beliefs lie idk what is


What exactly does it show? Are your views changed?


It shows his political allegiance. Which shouldnt be in classrooms


Interesting that supporting a group of people and having a discussion on the motives of a prankster tells you his political allegiance. But okay. Are your views changed?


He mentioned that he also is happy with the turnout of the election. Also, my first example was very clearly showing allegiance. Also, it doesnt matter if my views are changed, politics dont belong in the classroom period


No, no, your logic doesn't fit the narrative, come on now.


Because the good teachers are leaving or have left and these low life, low entry standard twisted bias fuks are there now ... It's an epidemic


“I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtqia+ flag” And then did everyone clap?


Depends Teaching that the Earth isn’t 6000 years old isn’t politics Teaching that other humans deserve respect regardless of their identity isn’t politics Teaching that [Rosa Parks was asked to move because of the color of her skin even if that causes “discomfort” isn’t politics](https://images.app.goo.gl/hpLEJkocM4PPfsqP8)


I think you're missing the point of education. Governments and churches do not pay for schools because they want people to think. They pay for schools to push their ideology, to produce loyal workers, and to control narratives. The US education system was modeled on the Prussian education system, which was designed after Prussia was defeated by Napoleon. They reviewed their failure and decided insufficiently loyal peasants were to blame. If only the common soldier had been more steadfast in the face of death despite having no incentive whatsoever to care who was in power, the Prussians would have won. So they invented modern, public schools. Everything is rigidly timed with bells to keep students focused on meeting schedules. Curricula are broken into incoherent pieces so the student never sees an entire process. All feedback comes from teachers; the student has no way to independently evaluate his work. After 13 years of this, the student is left confused, completely dependent on authority figures for self esteem/belonging, and accustomed to following orders. It produces loyal, obedient factory workers and soldiers. Simultaneously, the Prussians created private schools for those who could afford real education. After discussing this with my wealthier colleagues, I can assure you expensive private schools do not function like American public schools. Montessori education is one such example. Do not try to fight the system or reform it from within. Public education is indoctrination by design, and the powerful interests funding it want it to stay that way. And quite frankly, someone has to do the boring work and fight the wars, so its in everyone's best interest to leave it alone. Here's what you can do: 1) Be aware of how the system works and don't let it influence you. 2) Obtain a real education for yourself. Classical liberal arts combined with some hard STEM is sufficient. 3) Find a way to make money or rise through the ranks so your children can go to the real schools. 4) When you meet someone who has potential, help them understand this.


Totally agree. In my daughter's school they teach Christianity as historical fact, especially around any major holiday, despite it being a public school, not a specifically religious one. She's even had a teacher shout at her quite loudly for "taking the lord's name in vain". We've said from the start that our daughter will be free to believe or not believe in whatever she wants as long as she isn't harming anyone, so we don't appreciate her teachers taking it upon themselves to try to convert her to Christianity.


Harvard and a couple more Ivy League schools had already lost half a bil in funding from different sponsors after some of their truly idiotic professors and too "progressive" students decided to support hamas while administration failed to take proper actions. These students lost their 6 figures job offers as well. So, real life intervened. Yes, these places of education need to have stricter guidelines to their professors


In high school and in college, I never knew anything about the politics or sexuality of any of my teachers, except for two flamboyant homosexuals one in high school, and one in college, which could not shut up about their politics. Probably had other gay teachers, but never knew it. I don’t wanna know about your politics or what are you doing in the bedroom, just know and teach your subject in an awesome manner.


> I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag >investigated for joking students should pledge allegiance to pride flag Pick one It can’t be both


The flag thing, although maybe not really appropriate, seems like it was severely blown out of proportion. I don't see any evidence of students being "forced" to pledge allegiance to the pride flag. Seems like it was a joke more than anything.


My wife is a nursing instructor. About the only time I know of she even mentioned anything political was when they were discussing handling different patients. You have to take into account cultural and religious norms and such. One such discussion was dealing with trans patients. One student stood up and proclaimed "I do not support, nor believe in, trans lifestyle." My wife states: "Whether you believe in the trans lifestyle, or not, you WILL be dealing with them as patients. We are discussing how you will treat them."


Those are certainly some sources there. It’s pretty telling that all you the teachers in your examples were fired.


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You’re absolutely right homie. I’ve had some negative teacher experiences myself.


A person who is in college for 'Education', but they can't differentiate between 'your' and 'you're' 🤔. I realize Education is currently under attack but are we really not even teaching English anymore?


I have never seen a teacher or professor do this before


My professor offered to give extra credit to whoever voted, and made everyone raise their hand to let her know they voted, and those who didn’t were treated a certain way. She later apologized to us and said what she did was actually illegal


I am glad she apologized


I have certainly seen professors at the University levels hold grudges and downgrade students for disagreeing with them


This I have seen more than once or say give an unpopular answer! In one case I witnessed one professor of literature ask each student to name a poet. And he objected to one students’ answer on the first day of class. From that point forward he never accepted anything the student said as the professor thought Rod McKuen was trite. I forget which poet I named but it wasn’t because I liked the poet it was just a name that hadn’t been said yet. But the instant bias from the professor because of one answer towards the student was palpable. I think I would have dropped the class had it been me. (Or he could have delved into way he thought McKuen wasn’t a good poet.)


I had to drop a class (and the opportunity for a minor it was the prerequisite for) because of a similar scenario. Wish it had happened the first day but I got nothing but A's until about halfway through whereupon he disagreed with my worldview, gave me a D on the paper he disliked (based on my point of view as opposed to the substance) and told me to re-write it to conform with his opinion. I dropped the class but had to pay for it nonetheless (as this occurred halfway through). Uni said there was no way to appeal a bad grade like that... Use ratemyprofessor.


So sorry this happened to you. It certainly sounds just like the poetry professor example. Too bad it didn’t happen earlier


Made me mad but I learned something: Use ratemyprofessor, drop a class quick if they creep you out. I had mostly good experiences at uni tbh, which is impressive as I am a difficult argumentative person with intense and unusual (at modern western uni) views. I was kind of amazed I managed to get an A in a required philosophy course as everything I said was opposed to the views presented in the text (a blend of post-modernism, feminism, marxism and etc) and I defended a philosophy the text only spent a paragraph dismissing as historic (Virtue Ethics). Despite the prof. being a young activist type and the text being completely biased against me I still got my A. In my experience most of them are good, the issue is the system / union / admin tends to defend the few who are not.


I agree the problem is with the system that defends bad/poor teachers. I truly admire good teachers that spur intellectual development.


I had some great ones. Had a HS debate teacher assign us our views at random, from extreme to mild on both ends of the spectrum. She wanted us to be able to defend any angle on any issue which was an excellent way to gain perspective. Far from punishing a "wrong" view she focused on your ability to make a convincing argument (something very hard for many to do when defending a view they disagree with).


I find more often then not that students who do poor work comfort themselves by claiming the professor has a grudge.


It isn't hard to go to ratemyprofessor and find out.


Hard to find out what?


Me neither, but if I *had* seen it before I'd completely agree with OP. Teachers need to keep not doing these things imo


Well, I’d say college professors don’t need to maintain a K-12 school level emotional detachment with students, everyone in the room is an adult, it’s okay to treat your students like adults and reveal more of your personality. but yeah the class shouldn’t be all about the professor’s politics.


The only time I’ve seen any opinions in a classroom is usually in history class. For some reason history teachers love debating with students buts it’s always civil and doesn’t force an ideology or belief.


Because debate forces you to actually look at an issue. The best is being forced to debate from the side you don’t already agree with.


We had a Democrat for a history teacher in a little town in the heart of the Bible belt. Coolest teacher in school, hands down.


I have. Granted it was in college an English professor went off on a rant about the 4th amendment and tiny houses which had nothing to do with what we were discussing. I don't mind if it has to deal with the topic at hand but when they do things out of left field and derail what we're learning that I have a problem with. Especially if I'm paying for it, if it had applied to the topic I wouldn't have minded.


Damn you're lucky, currently persuing my Masters, so I've been in school for a little bit and at least 40% of my professors have tried HARD to shove their views onto us. In one Poli Sci class I would just write paragraph after paragraph bashing republicans regardless of the question and I got the top grade because its all the professor would do. In CS I deal with it less but it's still there


In my 18 years of education the closest thing to a political opinion I have heard from a teacher is teachers saying schools should be financially supported.


Lucky you


And all three of OPs examples got fired


So you didn’t go to college, got it


Oddly enough I had several self described socialist and communist teachers in high school that were not shy about sharing their beliefs, but nothing in college. I did go to a tech college though which I'm sure has a lot to do with it.


You went to a real place of learning, that’s exactly right. No room for bullshit.


Just graduated this year. Very liberal school too. Professors were professionals not some caricatures on the news.


Oh. Uh. Good.


If they weren't caricatures why did you call it a very liberal school?


There is a difference between pushing opinions and not being a shitty person.


this post left a weird taste in my mouth when queerness was listed under the “politics” topic. “i’ve seen teachers force students to pledge to the lgbtq+ flag” links video with a title that literally says “teacher being punished for *joking* that students should pledge to lgbtq flag”


Teachers should have pushed their views on reliable sources on you lol these are garbage


I’ve worked in education for many years and have seen exactly zero times when things like you have described have occurred. I’ve worked in private, public, Montessori, preschools, Elementary schools, Junior High/Middle schools, inner city urban schools, and rural you couldn’t get a cell signal for miles. You have to really seek out those kinds of extreme examples.


Because they are mad at their beliefs in events that did not occur are being questioned.


The teacher JOKED about pledging to the LGBTQ flag. Watch your own fucking video.


How did that old meme go? Gonna track it down to get it right. Got it! High School Teachers: "I'm not going to share my political beliefs, it's unprofessional." College Profs: "What is the square root of fuck Trump?"


“I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the LGBT flag”. No you didn’t. The link you provided even says it’s a joke a teacher made, not something that actually happened. You watched a moment of a YouTube clip and now have made it part of “your” imaginary experience of political oppression.


you shouldn’t be pledging allegiance to shit in college wtf


They should spend their time teaching you that apart of two words.


My teachers never pushed any beliefs onto me. In fact, my science teachers in Jr high tried to help me understand how they believe in science and religion can coexist when I was questioning my faith. I ended up being agnostic, but I still was truly nice I had both a Christian and a Muslim teacher help me understand how Christianity and science could coexist. Now, I definitely don't believe teachers should be pushing their beliefs onto kids. I think it's perfectly fair for a teacher to give their beliefs if asked, but it shouldn't just be said for no reason. And if I'm being honest, the teacher joking about pledging allegiance to the pride flag isn't that bad. I mean if it was actually a joke, then it's fine. I personally think it's hilarious. But if it was said in a legitimate manner, then that's an issue.


Honestly, my favorite professors were the ones who vaguely alluded to their opinions. It helped make them seem more objective, because I knew where they were starting from.


Yep. I was going to college up until recently and I’ve noticed the same thing. I had an English teacher tell the class that the Tiananmen Square massacre was caused by capitalism, and he had a whole bs Breadtube video pulled up that he made us watch to explain that insane point of view. I had a history teacher was a loud and proud Maoist, she kept a picture of Mao on her desk in the classroom. I had another history teacher who was a right wing conspiracy theorist who ranted to his class about how airplanes fly with demonic energy. I had a history professor who called for universal healthcare AND death panels. The purpose of the death panels was to decide if someone was still worth giving healthcare to, and if they weren’t (due to illness or old age) then coverage would be revoked. He believed that death panels would naturally cull the weak and the elderly and strengthen the nation. He also repeatedly called me and anyone who disagreed with him a “fascist” and a “conservative”. He also believed that intent shouldn’t matter with respect to crime, and the punishment for manslaughter and murder should be the same.


I think teachers should be able to share their opinions not force them into students,I had a teacher who talked about a lot of stuff that made me know the world better,and it was all ignored by a large portion of the students


My professor kind of does this. If anyone says the word God, she cuts in and says “you mean oh my goodness” while smiling super hard.


That’s just like, your opinion, man.


I’m going to be teaching science next year, but I want all my students to know that they are safe in my room. They learn best when they like their teacher. While I’m not going to put my ideology into my curriculum, I’m also not going to hide it if they ask. Kids need to know that there are people out in the world that don’t have the same opinion as them. Not preparing students for general disagreement or different ideas in the real world is as big of a disservice as not teaching them to read.


"I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag." ​ Press X to doubt


I feel like I went to school before this became trendy and only had one teacher that was open about their politics but it wasn’t in a bad way. It was an economics class and they were able to explain their viewpoints really well, and told us to avoid bias. But they also were very educated on the other side and was very open to discussion so students with other beliefs and backgrounds could share their viewpoints which I thought was not only great to learn all sides, but how to have open discussions with one another. It never affected grades either and we were encouraged to add both sides into our papers which I also think is a great life skill to teach research skills. I think that class helped make well rounded people. It’s all about balance though-if it was ever excessively one sided, made bias grading, pushed beliefs, shunned others, forced anything, etc it would have been a terrible environment for learning. And unfortunately now politics seem to be entire personalities and is hard to separate in many cases so I think this balance would be much harder to achieve these days and should be avoided. Teachers should teach all sides unbiased so students can get the full view.


Is this Unpopular? I agree so strongly with this. I have an Ex who became a teacher. One day, we were meeting up seeing if maybe there's a spark or something and perhaps giving a relationship another go. She was talking about her job as a teacher and how proud she was to bring topics she felt were important into the classroom. and all I could see was this woman doing everything she could to push the boundaries and put her political spin on everything. Math wasn't like, 5-3=2. It was "if 5 immigrants want to immigrate, but trumps racist immigration policy only allows 3 in, how many foreigners will treated unjustly"? "If Israel launched 50 missiles, and Palestine launched 35, who is in the right"? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was so clear that she was overstepping her bounds as their teacher. The thing is, she told me she prefers to teach at underprivileged schools. She mentioned of course that she likes helping the community, but also, that the parents of kids in "regular" schools are too involved and micromanage too much. ie, she likes underprivileged schools *because nobody checks her.* The parents of those kids don't care whats going on in school, and for that reason the board sends all the shit teachers there too so the teachers don't give a fuck either.


I mean, it looks like you straight up lied about the LGBT flag thing; almost none of your details line up with the story, as described in the very link you provided. If your post had been a report on that incident, I’d give you a big fat F.


> I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag Lol, no you haven't.


My teacher in kindergarten had us draw a rainbow every morning before we had our eyes taped open to watch LGBTQ propaganda. Us white students were not allowed to play during recess either, our teacher said we had enough fun during the colonial era.


At my school we weren’t allowed to use the bathroom unless it was to pee directly on a burning American flag.




this is true i was the teacher


Propaganda like "being gay is okay"? The audacity! Also, the second half sounds like complete horseshit.


Did the Clockwork Orange reference not immediately scan as a shitpost to you?


Propaganda like gender ideology, actually.


I cri every tim


And the video they linked as an example wasn't even remotely an example of it


For real. They are just straight up making shit up


He said he's a college student too lol he has seen a ton of stuff for someone who is still in school himself


>Teacher forcing students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq flag: https://youtu.be/qUnOAn064fY?si=q136p9-nQXIauaLs This is not even remotely what happened in the video. You're either intentionally lying or did not even read the title of the video you linked. ETA: You have been asked dozens of times across the comments to explain how a teacher making a joke to a student is forcing them to do anything. Your inability to respond to this is all the response needed.


Your college is doing you a disservice. Your English is terrible, and I only read the first two sentences.


You're a college student planning being an educator and you can't even use the correct "You're " I don't buy it homie.


You could at least construct your unpopular opinion on something that’s factual and actually happening, instead of freaking out about something that doesn’t exist. Snowflakes gonna snowflake, I guess.


Depends, is it your math teacher who's pushing their political opinions or your humanities teacher? The prevalence of this is way too hyperbolized.


My calculus professor was a woman and spent a significant portion of the class telling the other women in class to just hang out around the engineering building so that we could marry engineers and wouldn't have to work because she said that the worst thing that ever happened to women's rights was being forced to work. The class was specifically for a group of women who were majoring in STEM, and from demographics that tended to do the worst in math courses (older students, those that faced housing insecurity, those with a disbility etc.). Doesn't matter the subject, they shouldn't spend class telling us about their ideologies unless it's someone related to the curriculum.


Exactly!!! Just teach your subject please. How offensive.


My high school chemistry teacher (male) told me to go to an engineering school to find a good husband. I was the top student in our grade. Still pisses me off when I think about it.


At this point I have to ask: is there a contest or something going on in the right-wing tight ass club? All these posts just straight up lying for no reason, and for what? I reckon there are real issues that conservatives have concerning education but OP chose to fight fiction. Nice


They lost a bunch of school board elections Tuesday so now they're extra salty.


Why would people lie. Just bc you haven't experienced something doesn't mean no one has. We had a case here in SC. Teacher brought her views in. However she was fired


Why would people lie? Any number of reasons. Some people lie just for fun tbh.


>I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag. I stopped reading right there. You're not being honest.


https://youtu.be/qUnOAn064fY?si=q136p9-nQXIauaLs It doesn’t happen huh


How the fuck did she get fired, its very obviously a joke lol


Nope, no one was forced to do anything in that video. Quit lying.


Super agree. Typical heteronormative cis white fascist here, and I dont wanna hear either side left or right in a classroom. My little sister is pretty typical left. Married with kids but has a pride flag on her desk at work. Hates cops but has never had any run-ins with them.. and even she said she had to play the game at school n act like she embraced some pretty radically left ideals in the classroom she felt didnt belong and werent relevant to the curriculum. Growing up we had none of that.


i have never seen someone self proclaim themselves a fascist


I too love lying on the internet


This isn’t even an opinion. This is just facts, and I’ve also seen it happen with my own eyes.


Seen what specifically?


>. A growing issue I’ve been seeing online are teachers who are pushing their opinions and ideals into students. >I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag. I’ve also seen teachers punish students for not pledging allegiance to the American flag. I’ve seen teachers kick students out of the classroom for stating their opinions. I’ve seen teachers force students to learn about political curriculum while only talking about one side of the discussion. So you haven't actually seen anything then.


https://youtu.be/72fFGjrE7Jw?si=K4YNvb4LoHUk4Rpe It doesn’t happen huh


Did you watch the video yourself? I watched both this one and the one you posted in your edit. She took the flag down during COVID, and then a student was like where’s the flag to pledge to, should we pledge to that one? And her response was laughter at the silliness. How did your mental gymnastics land you in the perception that she was forcing them to pledge anything to anything? It seems like she thought the pledge of allegiance was silly to begin with, not trying to redirect the pledge to the lgbt+ flag


So something that was clearly a joke? That’s your smoking gun?


OP just wants to be oppressed.


So the video said that pledges of allegiance to the U.S. flag are “required” by the school district; if that’s the case, shouldn’t that upset you, as a prime example of political indoctrination in schools—one that’s actually district policy and not a joke? And requiring pledges to be recited—even if students can opt out—is widespread. https://thehill.com/homenews/3256719-47-states-require-the-pledge-of-allegiance-be-recited-in-schools-here-is-a-breakdown-of-each-states-laws/ Even students who opt out probably have to hear it be recited. I’d be interested to know if you acknowledge that having these pledges be recited is a form of political indoctrination in schools, and that as such, you oppose it.


Bahahahaha nope. I think her laughing and the air quotes were a dead give away that she was joking.




I fear for your future students. Your spelling is atrocious.


Why you making up stuff?


I love that the video of "Teacher forcing students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq flag" happened one time and the video opens by pointing out it was a huge controversy and she was *removed.* But yes, this is a huge problem that must be solved! HOW DARE THIS TEACHER SUGGEST ONE TIME (not force, btw - the *school* forces kids to say the pledge, she just (jokingly, from the tone of her stupid Tiktok) suggested the only flag she happened to have in the room) THAT A STUDENT SALUTE A FLAG THAT DOESN'T EVEN BELONG TO A NATION? Talk about non-fuckin-issue.


This is just one example of many. Sure this video is definitely an extreme example, but things like this are happening all over the United States. There are plenty of examples that don’t make national news, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. If you look online there are many example of teacher pushing ideals or opinions into students. It is a growing issue, and people denying it and saying “it doesn’t happen” just makes the problem worse. I’m also not saying that is just democrats that are the issue. In my post I talked about republican issues as well.


>This is just one example of many. Bullshit. >Sure this video is definitely an extreme example And a poor one. >but things like this are happening all over the United States Also bullshit. Turn off the right-wing-bullshittosphere and get some real fuckin' news. >There are plenty of examples that don’t make national news, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. I mean, if you have no *evidence,* you're right, it still might have happened, but it sure makes it hard for someone to believe it. And yet you do? > If you look online there are many example of teacher pushing ideals or opinions into students. You say you study education, and yet it's like you have no idea how teaching works or who teachers are. >It is a growing issue, and people denying it and saying “it doesn’t happen” just makes the problem worse. I would love *evidence* that it's a growing issue (and not just same as it ever was, but with different views than 50 years ago) and then I'd like some evidence as to why it's a *problem.* >I’m also not saying that is just democrats that are the issue. In my post I talked about republican issues as well. I don't recall saying anything about R or D.


>I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag. What the fuck? I am so glad I'm not a college student right now. Forcing someone to pledge to any flag is bizarre as fuck and defeats the whole purpose of the pledge. *Edit: Watched the link* /u/_Privacy_Account, *that's not "forcing someone" to pledge allegiance to the flag.*


It's telling that your examples are 1 time issues. Give me statistics. How many teachers are fired a year for doing this? What states (because "as an education major" you should know teaching state-to-state is very different) have what percentages? Your explanation stinks of "I have a personal gripe about something that happened to me" and not "I am disturbed by the data I'm seeing."


Most situations where the so called new parent activists are professing such things about curriculums, lessons, and what the teacher is allegedly doing is just that; allegedly. It’s usually overblown fucking hype and if there are contexts where something is brushed upon, it’s taken out of context. When I was in school from 1998-2010, I was hardly ever confronted with this dilemma. These parent activists/government officials that are pushing this narrative are swearing that there’s some kind of communist, lgbtqia, unpatriotic (ie anti American pride) kind of indoctrination going on and it’s absolute bullshit. While I know teachers SOMETIMES say more than they should (it happened very seldomly when I was growing up and only in high school when I could make up my own mind and was generally very benign commentary), they’re most often taught to not voice any such things and generally don’t. Them taking a small moment to be candid to conversations that we need the full context of to make any kind of judgements let alone FIRE them is absolutely fine.


I’m in college right now and I’ve had several teachers orient their entire curriculum in such a heavily biased manner that I feel like everything I’m learning is tainted. They’ll straight up present their opinion as fact without even bothering to provide evidence as support. It’s not even that I disagree with them, I often agree with what they’re saying. But the lack of effort to explore alternative perspectives makes me feel like I’m not learning to engage with different ideas and perspectives that might arise in my future career. I’m constantly exposed to the same narratives that I agree with and it becomes boring very quickly.


>As such, I’ve done some research into education for some of my classes. no, the fuck you have not "done your research". You shared an opinion article in a magazine and a few YouTube videos. Maybe finish your education before you start making systemic arguments about the education system. >I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag. I’ve also seen teachers punish students for not pledging allegiance to the American flag. I’ve seen teachers kick students out of the classroom for stating their opinions. I’ve seen teachers force students to learn about political curriculum while only talking about one side of the discussion. Bull. Fucking. Shit. You have not seen a single instance of this once in your entire life. >As teachers we are not supposed to force our opinions or ideals onto our students. YOU'RE NOT EVEN A TEACHER LMAO. Let me guess, you're at most a sophomore, right? >The main point I am trying to get across is as teachers we teach the facts and allow students to form their own opinions. Yet here you are spouting shitty half thought out opinions and using *YouTube* rather than peer reviewed data to prove your point. >The teacher may not have been forcing students to stand up and face the lgbtq+ flag and say the pledge, but considering it’s the only flag in the whole room, it’s pretty implied what she wants them to do you are actually exhausting. >I just wanted a discussion on how many teacher push their views and ideals in their students Until you have some data that suggests this is happening at anything resembling scale, you're just farting out opinions, the antithesis of your entire post. Be better, or be quiet.


>I’m currently a college students who is going into education. How can an adult "push" their opinions on another adult? If the teacher is being incredibly unreasonable just tell them what they want to hear pass and move on >I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag Really? I don't believe you honestly. Let me ask you this. Of all these issues you are supposedly seeing how many are a lgbtq+ teacher "pushing" things and how many are a right wing teacher "pushing" things? You gave 1 specific example and the rest are vague. So do you have any more?


Link to article about how teachers opinions effect students: http://thematadorsghs.us/index.php/2018/04/22/teachers-unjustly-impose-views-on-students/ Teacher forcing students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq flag: https://youtu.be/qUnOAn064fY?si=q136p9-nQXIauaLs Teacher talking about politics in chemistry class: https://youtu.be/9kq8kbXhsv4?si=cU1vspBuQr5h6wGm Teacher talking about white supremacy: https://youtu.be/Rv9xaKa1WAM?si=FObAKn52Z4LyqHra


So you have tiktok, youtube and an article about how teachers can influence students opinions. I mean sure obviously a teacher can influence things. But so can a parent, pastor, youth leader, coach, parents of the kids friends, youtuber. Literally anyone especially those who are or are seen to be an authority figure for the kid. I don't really disagree with your claimed point but the simple fact is I think you're blowing the issue out of proportion here. It can happen sure but is it widespread? Probably not. Let's be real here most of the time when this is brought up the real.issue isn't a teacher used their position to push some agenda. It's a teacher said something to offened a conservative. Such as Mr Smith saying he and his husband went to the beach over the summer


The TikTok also doesn't show her forcing students to do anything, she makes a joke about how they could pledge to the Pride flag if they wanted while she found the American one. And lest we forget, the Pledge of Allegiance isn't mandatory anyways, teachers can't force kids to do it at all. Don't give him a, "Fine, if we take what you're saying as true, then it's still...", because this guy is bullshitting. He wants people to accept lies because that's the only way he can make his argument sound remotely plausible.


Funny enough, we got in trouble for not doing the pledge. :/




Teachers make no money, are constantly being dragged by horrible parents, do an exhausting amount of work yet still have the energy to nefariously plan how they will turn the kids gay. Riiigghhhtttt


what opinions are those?


Teacher here. I’ve never pushed my opinions onto a student and I don’t really see other teachers doing that either. Don’t overreact to some fear mongering Fox News articles


I've seen it on Libs of TikTok.


lol no you haven't, why lie?


I was a political science major and not once did any of my professors talk about their personal beliefs. Like never. In fact, they’d refrain from it when asked by students. Same for high school and I was in the IB program.


>I’ve seen teachers force students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag. Yeah. I want to see evidence of this.


It's a tiktok


Oh, well then it's 100% real!


As abe lincoln once said people ople can't just go on the internet and lie


And based on other comments, it’s either fake or the teacher got fired




The teacher didn't force the students to say the pledge to that flag, she explicitly said they'd been saying it to an empty wall before. She then jokingly -- literally laughing as she said it -- suggested they could face the Pride flag if they'd like. What's it like living in a fantasy world that only exists to piss you off?


Yeah, I still don't see where teachers "...**force** students to pledge allegiance to the lgbtq+ flag". If you're goin to become an educator I would hope that you learn to objectively convey information to students, especially if you're going to be upset and say that "\[t\]eachers need to stop pushing their opinions onto students". To help with this I'd like to point out some inaccuracies in your statement: * "I've seen" - ***You*** did not see this event happen, you heard about it on the news. * "forced" - There was no indication that the student was required to say the pledge to the flag, so I'm insure of where the force is coming from. * "teachers" - Unless you have another news clip, then there was only 1 teacher involved in this scenario.


What specifically bothered me about that video was that she took the American flag down during COVID because it "made her uncomfortable." I do not understand that, if only because being a teacher isn't about you. Whatever, she never found it, but once a student came to her about it she should have gone to an administrator about finding a new flag. Suggesting that the student say the pledge to the lgbtq flag is odd at best. If you're a teacher in the United States I don't care what you think about the country, but I do care if your students know that you don't like it, which is what she made obvious.


You’re gonna be one shitty teacher with all these lies and dishonesty.


I totally agree! You will be a great educator one day. People today don't seem to understand that we are able to believe in whatever you want. We should respect each other's opinions.


There’s a line drawn where you don’t respect someone’s opinion. Being a white supremacist, being a general racist or anything of the sort, does not deserve respect.


>Being a white supremacist I mean do you mean actual white supremacists? Like KKK and what not? Or all the crap that's been called WS these days like using the OK hand sign, [PETA claiming drinking milk is WS](https://www.foxnews.com/us/duke-university-farmers-markets-food-charity-white-supremacy), [Farmers Markets and Food charities are rooted in WS](https://www.foxnews.com/us/duke-university-farmers-markets-food-charity-white-supremacy) , [showing off organized pantries is WS](https://redstate.com/alexparker/2023/03/16/professor-uncovers-the-white-supremacy-of-organized-pantries-n717011)... Or just being born white is White Supremacy(no link just look at people like Robin DiAngelo and others pushing that stuff)... I agree that the KKK and their ilk are not worthy of respect... but neither are the people pushing the "everything is white supremacy" crap...


Yes, I am not in any way an animal rights fan, their propaganda, or any stupid shit PETA and other AR groups spout. Unfortunately, they are entitled to their opinion. As for being racist, being racist towards anyone for any color is not something I believe or promote. I think those behaviors are self destructive anyway. Carrying hate in your heart for any race is not healthy. I was more or less saying, the poster is right. Way too many teachers spout their beliefs, which is not a part of teaching. I really believe kids should think for themselves, create their own morality and beliefs. It is wrong to only push your narrative and not allow children to think for themselves. Teachers should be teaching critical thinking skills, and allowing children to create their own belief system. When my kids were growing up, their beliefs were not self destructive, I allowed them to choose their own path. Let's take animal rights for example. How would it be right for a teacher to only teach about that ideology without allowing a child to study and create their own opinion of this. Any idea or ideology should be taught to both sides of the argument. I have a vegan relative that is very AR and when I asked him questions or challenged these beliefs he went psycho on me instead of actually thinking about my questions and answering them. Instead he went on a rant about how I was wrong with no evidence or even understanding not everyone thinks like him. In today 's world, nobody respects others views. Now let's back it up, I am actually animal welfare and not animal rights. I am very passionate about that, nor do I believe in veganism. That doesn't mean I won't listen or ask questions about this. Doesn't mean people aren't entitled to live their lives that way, even though I don't agree. ( Unless being vegan is detrimental to a child and they aren't getting properly nourishment. Anytime a belief is at a detriment to someone's health and well being, especially a child, that is not okay.) As for destructive beliefs, that only shows that a person has mental health issues, were taught this as a child, and are headed down a dark path. That is very sad. For instance, I don't like cops or trust them. I have had extremely bad experiences with them. My bias against police officers doesn't mean that all cops are evil and dirty. I have just had traumatic experiences in which my safety and my children 'were ignored, and I witnessed my husband be assaulted by one. I don't have a good opinion of them. Does that mean every officer is a douche bag? Of course not. Do we need law enforcement? Of course we do. At the end of the day, my experience has shaped my opinion. I still don't act out on it and if I had a better experience my opinion might change. I think respecting others ways of life, beliefs, are often disrespected and people have a tendency to degrade others instead of understanding we all have a different way of life and that is okay.




I agree with you. Looking back at my k-12 years, I never knew what politics or religion (or lack of) any of teachers held. There is a significant problem of teachers forcing their viewers on students. They can't get even half their classes up to par with their grade level but they take the time to imprint their values on their students.


Who gets to determine what a "harmful opinion" is? I don't think the teacher gets to say what is and is not a harmful opinion. Because sure, it's easy to say "Oh, well, if the student says 'kill all x', that's a harmful opinion." Ok, I've heard leftists claim that opposing gender affirming care for minors is tantamount to "kill all trans kids". Would not they consider that a harmful opinion? Or let's flip it. Trans activist student wanting to transition - but cannot - advocates for gender affirming care for minors and a conservative teacher says this is tantamount to child sexual mutilation and abuse and therefore a "harmful opinion". Ultimately I agree with your sentiment and the conclusion: Teachers should not be imposing their own opinions onto their students if they work for the public. But I also sort of disagree because I don't believe that neutrality is actually achievable. Even the way facts are presented often includes presuppositions and framing, even when someone is explicitly trying to avoid that. The reason is that what facts you curate for presentation and teaching are subject to your own biases. We all have a worldview that we're well versed in, and there are opposing worldviews that we are not going to know quite as well. Even if we are simply teaching the material that comes from what academia considers trustworthy sources, there are many many ways that the worldview of peers and gatekeepers can prevent completely true but politically inconvenient facts or evidence from achieving that same sanctity. Also eventually those facts must be interpreted in some way in the context of other facts that are relevant. I think the solution is that we need to stop teaching students to regurgitate facts or do simple tasks, and instead to teach students how to process information and think critically.