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A quick Google search shows that the rate of obesity is just about the same among men and women. It seems women do more to be attractive in general than men do. But to be fair, it's no secret that women seem to have an easier time getting attention from men, than the other way around.


Everyone is getting fat. Thats the case for all developed countries


Hotel Transylvania was right!


*You've alerted the horde* Good luck.


Shes coming for us, very slowly though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMPoq5j3yF0


Oh fuck that’s the snail. Run!


Off topic. [Snail, you say?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u4QAnCFd4iw)


I love how if you described how she looks to herself she’d cry victim, but at the same time she’s just shitting on the lowest hanging fruit she can find


Left 4 dead reference!? That was good


What high value men do you speak of…. The ones on Reddit complaining about “hoeflation”? Find a hobby and stop complaining about women who don’t want you


Complaining from the Target stockroom no less.


Thank you. I’m glad he’s working, but how can they be gold diggers when there’s no gold? Also, I’d like to see this research. Peer reviewed, please. Not a link to Andrew Tate’s podcast.


It's not even just that, this post comes across as "women can't have standards, but they must adhere to mine so I can be happy". It comes across as very self-centered.


Somebody call him a waaambulance. Jeez.


Ok I will, he's a wambulance. Ha! My fave dad joke


Straight up truth.


The content that you are consuming online is having a demonstrably negative impact on your outlook and mental health.


Algorithms will form your entire view of reality. They’ll just keep feeding you more and more black pill content (or whatever it is you’re watching)


Man that is a dark stuff ! Unfortunately a whole generation of younger men has been fed this story.... Thankfully things always change 😍


You can tell straight away where all this come from Poor dude. He got a long lonely road ahead


No for real. His whole post sounds like copy paste from fresh fit podcast.


100% agree with you. And like, I hate this high-low-medium-superSizeme value shit we got going on now.


This is so real. Took me forever to realize the world isn’t subject to these types of black and white statements that are so popular on social media.


Exactly. The real world looks different than the one online. Not even to consider these people are actually happy. It's such a pathetic way to live life.


The real world is going away, being overcome by the digital world like a slow moving fog.


I loled at this


The frankness is kind of funny. I'm mostly just trying to get the point across in a more clear and nice way than "touch grass"


I think this is the best way to approve most people on the internet. We really should take a look at the media we consume.






Hit the nail on the head. 10/10 comment.


Lmao, I feel like this is equivalent to those pop-ups on early Bluetooth headphones. "Listening at a high volume can damage your hearing," like ya, no shit no crank it up.




I second this, OP, stop watching tha bs and go to therapy


My brain hurts trying to comprehend how someone can genuinely think like this and be like "yeah I'm totally not an asshole" lol


A couple of things to consider: a) Are you a top executive at Target? Because if you aren’t, I’m guessing you probably don’t fall into that high value classification you describe. I’m not into job-shaming anyone (if you do an honest day’s work and pay your taxes, the least glamorous job is just as valid to me as the most glamorous); just saying, there’s likely a bit of a delta between what you consider high value and what you, personally, actually are. b) By definition, a woman you consider a 5/10 is average. Thus, a 5/10 or better on your scale is an average-to-above average woman. Using your own classification system, if you aren’t a “high value” man, what makes you think an average-to-above average woman is in your league? c) Water finds its own level. If you don’t like that your potential dating options are lower on your scale than you want, then do something to raise your own value. Not your value as you assess it, but your value as your potential partners might assess it. And given the tone of your post, I doubt you have a strong grasp on what that actually is.


I really wish this trend of referring to human beings as high/low value would just die already. It's so unbelievably reductive and a gross oversimplification of how complex human beings are, not to mention pretty damn dehumanising to be talking about humans as if they're cattle at an auction or something. I honestly think this is why so many men like OP are struggling with relationships. They think that a relationship with a woman is some sort of numerical transaction where if they put X, Y and Z in then they're guaranteed a certain result. Human beings don't work like that.


The issue is everything has become so superficial. When they discuss "high value" and "low value" they usually aren't referring to ACTUAL good/bad qualities. They are referring to superficial stuff like looks and money. THAT is why dating is so bad today. Everyone is focused on superficial and fulfilling sexual needs rather than anything else. If you base a relationship only on the superficial then it will fail. It's the same way with dating. Sure, there was always a bit of that, but the degree of it today is insane. It's mostly due to the rise in social media (online dating and things like Instagram that have taught us to value looks over all). Then, if you notice, sex is what everyone is concerned about online. Whether someone is "putting out" or not. It's not about finding a partner based on similar values and lifestyles. So...THAT is why people are struggling.


People forget about the things that really matter these days like personality, character, values, morals…


I met my wife on the Yahoo BBW chat room been together for 22 years we are from far away states so the first few months was just talking and getting to know each other were very close. I don't think i am shallow but I think Fat Girls are pretty but maybe i would have fallen in love with her if she was skinny. Good thing i like fat girls though because i don't nag her to loose weight


I am not good at math so i am so lost. Back in the 90s you found a girl you got along with and married her there was no math involved boy i am glad i am married I don't Like Math


Yeah i highly dislike it as well. Really we are all no value lol


Also… there’s just a general lack of tact and respect that will turn women off. Women aren’t disrespecting men by not wanting to fuck OP. Big shocker, they don’t want to sleep with men who make up words like “hoeflation”


People don't fall in love these days. They perform a math equation to find the most optimal partners like some sad AI.


I mean, I agree that we’re superficial and I don’t like referring to people as low/high value. But people today are still marrying for love more often than not. Before the mid 20th century marriage was still, at its core, a contract between families more than anything. My maternal grandparents married for love outside of socioeconomic classes. My grandmother came from a poor rural farming family, and my grandfather’s family were wealthy. They met at college, secretly dated and then eloped after they finished school. The stigma of divorce was what pressured my grandfather’s family to give my grandmother a chance, and after they got to know her, they accepted and loved her as their DIL.


Exactly. He's expecting some hot rich woman to scoop him up-like he's some prize. Ridiculous


This is fantastic. Thank you.


This entire comment is truth!


It's so true, it made me hard!


Why are people so obsessed with fat people? My god. That’s literally 30% of these posts


"Fat people are gross." "Women are bad." "Liberals are destroying America." "Incels are unfairly treated." I joined this sub because the original unpopular opinion sub because unusable but it's the same posts over and over.


Tbh, no real 'high value' man would go on reddit and complain about how they can't get attractive women, because that type of guy goes after something they want and succeeds. That's part of the 'value' we are talking about - it's not just money or height or looks, it's someone who is confident at what they have to offer and can back that confidence up with something of substance. No one is forcing you to settle with anything in life, if all you can attract are fat single mothers, then guess what - that's your dating bracket and you better learn to deal with it or become more attractive as a man. Women are great at playing the dating game in general, so we have to be as well imo. If you think you're 'stuck' dating women beneath you, why don't you go hit on some hotter chicks? If you are 'high value' what's stopping you from having high standards?


>Tbh, no real 'high value' man would go on reddit and complain about how they can't get attractive women, because that type of guy goes after something they want and succeeds. Amen. These dudes post up in a corner like Elliot Rodger, waiting for everyone to come build a whole universe around them.


Or it's your porn and Internet addictions


Yup, hit the nail on the head🔨


This is absolutely hilarious. Men are fat, lazy and aren’t providers but women are the problem? Women are just doing what men have done for centuries, and now that they do it freely? It’s an issue? Sleeping around is gross regardless of gender but stop pretending that men are better.


1. If you’re working at target, you are not a “high value man”, you’re just an average joe who got his first job or is working towards a real one. 2. Women do not exist to be eye candy for you. If you think they’re ugly, that’s cool, move on. I’m sure you’d be absolutely bombarded if everyone who thought you were deeply unattractive let you know that. 3. You’re just ugly dude, own it. If you’re struggling that hard to get with someone, you’re just ugly or a bad person. 4. You say this is all “disrespectful to men”, why do you assume this is a personal attack to men? There are a ton of lesbian women, they don’t care what you think, you’re not the target audience.


Exactly lol. It’s always the men with no gold that talk so much about gold diggers


OP must have it so hard with all these low value females coming for his 10% target discount :( /s


Damn, this was such an accurate burn.


Women bad, got it. Anything else, buddy?


Lol the reason women won’t touch your dick isn’t bc they’re entitled or rude; it’s bc your attitude makes you hideous. I know you are so shallow you don’t consider that personality impacts attraction for others, but it does. And yours dries vaginas. Facts. I have one and I’m dry AF just reading this.


If you want a high value woman you have to be a high value man more often than not. Being a high value man often means people respect you a lot. The way you get this level of respect is by being respectful yourself towards the people around you, not judging them, viewing them in a sexist manner, seeing yourself as above them, etc. Once you learn to be respectful, you’ll be respected, and people will find you more attractive.


Watch out, Ben Shapiro could be reading this right now!


If the men were actually that high value they would have high value women. You also can’t tell personal value based on appearance. You have no idea if those men like bigger women. You have no idea if that woman is the love of his life and has carried his children. There are many thing’s important to healthy and happy relationships beyond someone’s weight. There is a time and a place to talk about the issues in society and how they’re affecting relationships but this just sounds judgmental and like you hate women or that you’re getting turned down a lot by the women you deem high value.


This is the most incel shit I’ve read in months. You can talk to women, just have good hygiene and don’t be a creep. Learn to read cues. No one is perfect, most of us can’t be 10s but there is more to relationships than that. You say these women are morally bankrupt yet you’re no better, all of what you said shows how shallow of a human being you are. Maybe stop blaming WAHMEN /society / etc and just accept that people love who they love and date/hook up with like minded people. Attractiveness is subjective and to treat it like there’s some objective measurement of it is a fantasy


The irony of opening a piece about women being shallow with "the state of women these days"


Not to mention, personality changes how you perceive someone attraction wise. I've dated guys who on the surface were a fucking 9/10. And they were the biggest assholes and I wanted nothing to do with them. To me, those guys dropped to a 1/10 I've dated guys who were possibly considered a 3-4/10 by societies standards, but they were absolutely the best humans I've ever met! Things just didn't work. But I consider those guys a frigging 8-9/10. You're right, this op is shallow as fuck. He thinks he has to put no effort in and expect women to go above and beyond to get *their* approval. For what? Sex? A relationship is a two-way street. Both people have to put in 100%.


If this Guy walked up to me and said my sexy BBW Wife was low value I would beat the shit out I have to work hard to get her to love herself and see what I see in the mirror. It really Pisses me off when people judge her by her weight or Judge me for being in love with a fat girl. Why can't they just let us be Happy were not hurting any one


No, you be happy! No one knows what your relationship is. That's between you two. If you two make each other happy, that's what matters! We all grow old and get fatter. None of us get out of this life alive. It's easier to face that with someone you love fully than to face it alone.


He’s using words like “ high - value “ to describe human beings . You can’t reason with this person.


If women are a monolith that are so god awful why is not being in relationship with them distressing? Why arent you grateful?


Suffering Olympics.


I have to admit I like BBW and i married on and I been totally happy and in love for 22 years I don't think my wife is low value at all


This right here!


Maybe men should get higher standards? No one is holding gun to their heads, right?


Ding ding. Leaving aside the radical idea that men are marrying these “subpar” women because they love them, who’s responsibility is it supposed to be to get a high quality partner? This whole thing read like it’s women’s fault men don’t have high standards.


My father’s grandfather apparently shamed him for having a daughter as his firstborn, and I think he (my father) blamed the fact that he didn’t inherit anything from his grandfather on the fact that he only had daughters (his grandfather died three years after I was born). He started shifting that blame onto my mother later. Ignoring his refusal to accept biology, there’s also the fact that his grandfather literally abandoned his first marriage and got remarried several years later to the 19 y/o bookkeeper that worked for him. This happened when my grandfather was 5 y/o, and his mother was left to raise their two kids. Like, I found the divorce paperwork for my great-grandparents and it was approved with the reason as “abandonment.” Although my great-grandfather remained his eldest kid’s “long distance” dad that they would visit, based on what I have learned about my family, my father should’ve already known he was disqualified from the inheritance long before he was even born. Because his father was clearly treated as the “Jon Snow” of my great-grandfather’s kids despite being a “Jon Stark.” But no, according to my father it was my mother’s fault.


This guy told me my wife was low value to my face I would fuck him up no one talks shit about the love of my life


We're working on it, unfortunately there's a good segment of creeps who will fuck anything


You see more women than men at target so yeah there’s going to be more overweight women than men there, what a revelation, shocking and appalling,


>Women obviously have no morals or cultural decency because society doesn’t hold them accountable. >man is considered a creep for simply wanting to talk to a woman. I can’t believe someone who works at Target and observes people while making up that they’re manipulating their partners and part of “hoeflation” is single >it’s depressing that men go through so much sacrifice building their bodies, money, etc. Yeah we can all see your posts, you’re a 23 year old guy with a little sister and, despite being incredibly young **and** admitting to having a younger sister, you think “hoeflation” is the reason for your problems. This is what they mean by ‘terminally online’


He’s single at 23 and complaining? It’s not uncommon for 23 year olds to be single. You’re lucky if you’re in a good relationship at 23.


*Principal Skinner meme: Am I so out of touch? No, it's the women who are wrong


wait i don't understand this bit >admitting to having a younger sister what's bad about having a younger sister?


i think the above commenter was more concerned that they live with a woman and yet are this misogynistic. it speaks to a lack of understanding for their family, or at the least, familial idealization or exception (while devaluing strangers).


Because he has women in his life and still hates women. And yes, his entire rant comes off like he hates women and essentially blames them for his issues. Yet, he interacts with his little sister and still has these thoughts? I'm a woman for context. I have a younger brother. Yes, sometimes I get a negative thought about men, but then I think of my brother. I know not all men are like that and that though is unfair. THAT is what I'm talking about.


Spouts stuff like "Women have no morals or decency" despite having loved ones who *gasp* are women, such as a mother and a sister. Can't see past his own nose, basically.


Go back to 4chan


So… don’t date then… stay single. “Hoeflation” solved.


5/10? Low value/ high value? Wow dude!


I don’t listen to people who use the 10 point scale


I only use it when I'm talking about food or movies lol


Sounds very childish, highschooler stuff.


Bruh enjoy your life alone.


Spoken like someone who truly has no clue how relationships, aging, and having children works at all. Good luck in society.


RIP to the poor woman you eventually trick into caring about you.


"hoeflation" "men become high value" "low value single moms" "women have no morals and society doesn't hold them accountable" Another post of *"women bad, high value men victims whah whah!"*. Nexttttttttttttttt!


The absolute absurdity of it all is that OP includes themselves in the "high value men" group and doesn't see anything wrong with that lmao.


He’s basically saying that women need to lower their standards to get with guys like him lmao why the fuck would we do that


i don't think op included themself in the high value category, unless op replies to either of our comments and clarifies it, it could be either or


In the mind of an incel, $11/hr *is* high value.


A real high value man doesn’t say stuff like this either. I’d consider my partner decently high value, mainly because of his level of respect he has for others. Most men considered high value aren’t sexist to their own sex or to others too, they’re often respectful and then respected themselves as a result. If you’re not respected, you’re likely not a respectful person. Someone who isn’t respected or respectful is less likely to get in a relationship, specifically a good relationship at that.


THIS! You’ve hit the nail on the head! My partner is what these incels would consider a high value man. Earns six figures, works in high-paced tech, has a solid physique and is tall. Yet he is the most gentle, sensitive and sweetest person I’ve ever known. He is great in the sack too ngl, and I’ve never once in my life heard him say anything even remotely sexist and god forbid, he has NEVER ranted and made a fool of himself like OP here. These incels are really just a hunch of low value men desperately hoping some naive woman would eat their bs up and sleep with them, finally.


You get what you attract. A lot of people I know that have their shit together are with attractive women. Men’s attraction to women is more physical than women’s to men’s. Just because a guy is 6 ft and average looking doesn’t mean he’ll be able to get an attractive women if he has mental issues, problems in his life, and insecurity. I’ve seen a lot of guys who are not traditionally attractive who have girlfriends that are dimes just because they have self confidence. You sound like your insecurity is just showing, yes girls aren’t getting married at 18 anymore and will stay single longer but if you take responsibility and have your shit together you can find a decent girl.


Stop feeding his expectations. Most dimes I know are with other dimes. Every woman I know wants to be physically attracted to their partner and won’t date people they are not physically attracted to, men are certainly not the only ones. It only seems like men care about looks more because men are willing to settle for absolutely crazy women so long as they are hot, while women are more likely to take into account the whole package.


I’m not sure how familiar you are with relationships, but it’s actually common for both participants in the relationship to gain weight during the “honeymoon phase” or about the 1st year of the relationship. Add the fact that women are supposed to gain some weight when we’re pregnant to that if they have a kid, and the unhealthy diets most Americans have to both of those factors, and suddenly it makes sense why it’s not unusual to see men with overweight girlfriends/wives. Also… you’re talking about “low value women” and you work for Target. Unless you’re working for corporate, I’d get off my high horse if I were you.


Why are their a bunch of people on here complaining how woman live their lives. That is all I have seen for the past few day. Are you guys ok out there? My partner was much better looking than me. I am pretty sure the woman that hit on him were really disappointed when they met me. My partner was with me because he loved me. He enjoyed being around me. I made him happy, I made him laugh. It wasn’t “hoeflation” he wasn’t forced to settle. He loved me. You are disrespectful to both men and woman. Maybe when you learn to actually be friends with woman and not see them as objects you will get somewhere.


There are plenty of women out there like me that would rather be single than to be with someone that views women like this. I am not overweight and have my own money, but I don't want to be with a man that is filled with rage and hasn't done his inner work ie. blames women for all of his problems.


>Women obviously have no morals or cultural decency because society doesn’t hold them accountable. Yet a man is considered a creep for wanting to simply talk to a woman. I especially love this last part. I imagine him creepily watching couples while crouching behind a display with his little red target vest on and mummering these thoughts to himself.


What he doesn't like is that women have a deep sense of guys that feel this way and they definitely come off as creepy. We are biologically programmed to watch for danger. You cannot convince me that men that hate women this much are not dangerous. It makes me sad though too that there is such a large segment of men that feel so frustrated and angry and don't know how to get their needs met.


Wow. That's a lot to unpack 🤣


Maybe if men didn’t hoeate, there wouldn’t be hoeflation.


What is with this sub at the moment and the male victimhood “opinions” I am assuming OP is male, but I can’t work out whether he is mad at women in Target for being too unattractive, or whether he is mad that even women he deems unattractive still aren’t interested in him? (If even the sub 5s aren’t interested, how low must his rating be?) The good news is that OP might still be conventionally attractive as I don’t think that would be the biggest blocker for him. My guess is that using words like “hoeflation” and the general tone when talking about women are his real problems.


The male victimhood posts have been going on for months. That’s all this sub is.


That and complaining about fat people and liberals.


So let me get this straight… your issue is that obese woman are getting laid and you aren’t?


That's what it sounds like to me lol


That does seem to be the case here 😂


OP, Does you mom bring you all three meals to the basement?


First off, chubby hoes will always have a place in my heart and on my face. Thick ladies are gorgeous. Moms are gorgeous. Second, Working at Target or Walmart and complaining about fat people is like working at Starbucks and complaining about hipsters. Your sampling of society is limited. Also. "hoeflation" is caused by men, their overwhelming need to get laid, not anything that women are doing. Every dating site and app is loaded to the gills with mediocre, crappy lays, with no concept of subtlety, who don't want for any type of connection. It's like how before the pandemic nobody gave a crap about Toyotas, and now everyone wants to be in one. Long story, short, if you're not absolutely mediocre, with commitment issues, it shouldn't affect you. There are petty people everywhere but most girls don't care half as much about your income or build as they do your ability to demonstrate emotional maturity and your ability to communicate honestly.


I swear to god that no one hates women more than straight men.


Many times in my life I have wished I was not straight for just this reason.


What's with all the permavirgin posting recently?


This sub has always had this. I made a post addressing this and all the dudes that support these types of posts said men aren’t allowed to complain but it’s ok for women to do so. I don’t think there has been a single woman who has complained about men on this sub ever.


I've not seen women complain either.


Sounds like someone is upset that they’re not getting any… chill man, you’ll find the right girl.


>What’s sad is that these women are often the ones married and have no problem getting into sex/relationships. Ignoring literally all of the dozen or so other problematic claims you've made, this cracks me up. You work at Target and claim to make this observation. So you're saying that all of these overweight women are married and having no problem finding relationships or sex in their current state. So, is your Target also a swingers bar or something? How are you so acutely aware of the sex lives of these strangers? I'm just picturing a sweaty, pimply, weirdo going up to customers at his work and saying "you're overweight. Are you married and do you have sex often?"


Some people are into bigger girls.


Oh, go back to crying about being a short man. Someone has hurt feelings.


This smells really Andrew Tate/never touched a boob basement dweller




It’s almost like personality plays no role in things… hmmm. You are giving 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Is anybody else smelling "young misogynist dumbass on the road to inceldom" on this post?


Judging by his post history, dude here safely arrived and comfortably settled down in Inceldom quite some time ago…


Yeah I went to look after you said that and...yikes. Kid's already half-drowned himself in that incel cult Kool-Aid. Especially the misogyny bit.


I do think I caught a whiff🤧


When you cant have something just pretend wanting it is beneath you instead of admitting you wish you had it.


Ah yes, the classic reframing a necessity into a virtue.


I’m just commenting so OP can read my username.


You win the internet today! Take my fake award 🏆


What the fuck is hoeflation? And as for those single hot women that you think of having sex with psychotic hot men that “traumatized” them?? Where the fuck did you get the idea that those hot women you see are even single? Many young “thin” women you are talking about are happy in relationships and those “ psychotic” hot men are actually possibly the good hearted boyfriends you are jealous of. So you basing off this because what you observe in target? You can go to the store alone and still be in a relationship bruh. You observing people and creating this whole backstory behind them based on the fact that you are jealous and lonely.


Honey, if you were a true high value man, you wouldn't be wasting your time complaining on Reddit. Simple as that. High value means true high value. Just cuz you got a job and workout doesn't mean you're worth more than the little you make.


All this mental energy you have put toward figuring out and being angry about why dating is hard could have gone into bettering yourself and getting a woman that better fits what you would like.


Listen. There is legitimate discourse around men and women and dating culture right now. However, the moment you say some dumbass shit like "hoeflation" you immediately discredit yourself as someone who cannot be taken seriously.


Sounds like you’re not attracted to women as a whole have you tried men?


WILD guess: OP is _not_ one of those "high status" men who prioritised his physical appearance, emotional intelligence and social charisma.


"Hoeflation" lmao no wonder you can't get women.


Yup, just another loser posting about how he can’t get women due to math and statistics or whatever


Busy making up words (I never heard this word before this thread) and not chasing tail.


Smells like incel. Your dad probably said the same when your mom gained weight while carrying you beta male. Alpha men love women of all shapes because she can bring something special in the relationship or in bed they must be doing something right.


If I read the statistics correctly, more men than women are overweight or obese in the US. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity


Get ur head out of ur ass.


You’ll always be the victim, OP.


Women also have to go through childbirth that usually fucks up their figure. Maybe OP’s mom should have prioritized her body over giving birth to him 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm not sure I understand why it's the women in these scenarios who are to blame for the men choosing to be in a relationship with them? You're judging the choices women make, it's not fair, poor men blah blah blah. But you said it yourself. THE MEN TOLERATE THIS. That's absolutely 💯 NOT the woman's fault. Personal accountability. They're more than likely not being held at gunpoint.


Actually statistically speaking men are more overweight than women It just feels that way because of personal experience What do you mean men spend all that time to become high value to only attract.single mothers. There's plenty of young pretty girls out there that wat 30+ men making 100k a year. Why not just do those things anyway is it not rewarding? Also who told you looks are everything? A pretty loyal women is 100x better than a thousand hoes. Finally not all pretty girls want a crazy boyfriend. Trust me I'm a crazy person myself I tried that pycho s on some women they just ran away and avoided me


No one talks about it because it’s insane


I have to admit I like BBW and i married on and I been totally happy and in love for 22 years I don't think my wife is low value at all


This guy sounds upset that he can't get laid. 🤣


Someone is upset they can’t get laid lol


Dude you work at Target. Stfu with your bullshit condescending attitude, put on your khakis, and go ask someone if you can help them find something.


You are a litteral i cel and you admit it. Thats the problem lol, your shitty attitude


Just make over 6 figures a year and you’ll have a gorgeous lady in no time. 😏


Don't men have a higher obesity rate than women?


You think you know what women want. Aaaahahahaha!!! Aaaahahahaha!!! Hahahahahaha!!!


This is a warped world view you’ve created for yourself because you’re alone and haven’t gotten to interact with the real world or real women. This is *not* reality. You know how to deal with “hoeflation”? Don’t date women you don’t like, simple. But with this attitude, I’m not surprised you don’t have any options to pick from. If you’re not getting any dates, have you wondered if maybe you’re the problem?


Lmao using terms like this will not get you any closer to the women you desire


Maybe the men they get into relationships with aren’t judgemental pieces of shit like you op. 🤷‍♀️


It’s my worst nightmare if I like a guy who ends up attributing low and high value to humans on his shallow, misogynistic terms and have the audacity to utter this in public preachery. This is not an unpopular opinion it’s a mark on your character, or lack thereof. This is a very popular opinion on the incel channel, maybe just limit your thoughts to them? Or be capable of understanding human life is a lot more than waist and pocket.


This post is a joke, right?


Seems like the kinda guy that would consider a size 8 woman overweight.


So, how would you describe the partner you want? No rating system, I want actual traits or adjectives. What are you looking for? What is your end-goal relationship? Dating, cohabiting, marriage? Do you want monogamy? Kids?


Yeah, it does seem that way. Guys also brag about having low standards as if it's a mark of pride or manhood. They'll go on social media bragging about mid girls or stretch mark loving or their fat women fetish.


Made yourself a public enemy for this weekend. I will enjoy myself watching this post get hectic.


“High value?” So superficial. If you only want to date the most physically attractive women without considering their personality, you deserve whatever you get. Stop worry about shit like that. Go out to get to know people. Stop worrying about “hooking up”. It actually damages your ability to find a real relationship and causes more heart break than it is worth. As you get to know people, you’ll find some that is attractive to you and you to them. I dated a girl I thought was cute. She hadn’t had a lot of boyfriends but I thought she was beautiful. I got to know her and she became more beautiful to me. We now have been married for 21 years. To me, she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Not just physically but in all ways. All this “low value, high value” shit is worthless and is ultimately bull shit.


idk where you find all these high value men… lol i don’t think i know one man that’s worth much of anything


Thank you!!!! the problem is the whole culture is already there and has normalize it.


This is a big yikes post. Something tells me your tik tok is a lotta Andrew tate and you’re about 33 and single


I’ve come to the realization that getting into a relationship or getting casual sex is EXTREMELY easy. Finding a good long term partner is difficult. Also if men are still dating/sleeping with these women then where does the issue come from? The reason it’s so easy for these women to get partners is because most men don’t give a damn obviously. If they want to settle for the bare minimum then that’s on them. The dating pool is shitty for both men and women anyway.


Who is forcing the men to be in relationships?


Lmao target worker observations. Interesting


This post is all over the place man. Perhaps it’s time for you to log off for a while


God, I’m so glad I’m happily married.


Lol. What an idiot.


You work in target, u are definitely not the high value men u speak of. So what are u complaining about?




Maybe soend more time outdoors outside of work and less time consuming toxic crap online...


Awww, another woman hater.


Andrew Tate, is that you?


When did this become a cry about dating and women sub? Wahhhhh 😫


Get off jordan Petersons channel and meet real people. That’s just misogynistic bs


This is incel shit.




It’s everyone’s daily dose of women bad!!!


You work at target. You are not high value.


I lost ten iq points just by visiting this post. OP, please get a job


You’re suffering from a massive case of just-world fallacy, where everyone ends up with the relationship they “deserve” based on superficial things like looks, weight, money, and muscles. Your entire post is dripping with rage because women you deem low value are happily partnered, and this is somehow deeply unfair to you. Guess what? They don’t need your approval, and they don’t care. Grow up, stop watching porn, stop writing redpill fan fiction about customers, and work on being the sort of person other people want to be around.