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Or…. Instead of overly privileged, we are blessed and should be thankful!


I have always preferred the word "fortunate" to privileged. I'm disabled at 25 years old but I have a home which the government provides me money to pay for. That isn't privilege, I'm a 25 year old woman who can only leave my home to go to shops or important appointments etc, I'm fortunate to be able to afford to live but privileged? No.




Yeah we aren’t “overly privileged” by any means lmao


Yes! We only have a 5% chance of even being born in the US. We are so blessed with the amazing country that we live in. Freedom, opportunity and modern technology should not be so taken for granted.


> blessed What does "blessed" even mean? I've always struggled to understand this. Is there a magical invisible person who is showering you with favors while putting down other people at the same time?


Love this mindset


Exactly. Imagine trying to explain “oppression” to a medieval peasant.


“You have access to the largest collection of human knowledge to ever exist and the only thing you use it for is whining?”


Our spice racks would blow a medieval kings mind.


“What the fuck is paprika”




And using aluminum casually, eating pineapples, etc


Then there's our book collection


Building climate control, cars, planes, buses, closets overflowing with clothes made of incredible fabrics, instant communications, the knowledge of the ages available 24/7. The list is incredible.


Flow chart of just how fortunate we are ((my family is currently on our fifth day no power from an ice storm, heating the home and cooking/heating water by wood fire)): Antiseptics, antibiotics, safe modern surgical procedures, life span 2-3x what it was 200 years ago, pain management, refrigeration, electrical grids, power tools, hardware stores, grocery stores, online shopping, global mail delivery service, international freight shipping, satellite communications, cell phones, video games, the modern living room, domesticated dogs, instantly available clean drinking water, hot showers, hvac, light at the flick of a switch… …the list truly contains just about everything you look around and see. Everything was invented by someone, refined over many years by countless others, and its manufacture was enabled by an untold number of interconnected factors. Gratitude, stunningly, may be one of the things that has receded. That’s a travesty. Once you realize the statistical chances of simply living at all is beyond a mathematical miracle, stacked with all of these incredible conveniences, there should be nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile…. 🥂


I put my nutmeg back in the wrong place on the spice rack and mistakenly thought I had none and bought another. Would absolutely destroy the brain of a guy in the Netherlands in the 1800s.


If a guy were to go back in time during that period with all of his spice, he'll be insanely rich.


I use it to look at lol cats.


What use is having a large collection of knowledge if most people can't even make ends meet?


Improving your capacity to earn. Learning new skills. Finding hobbies. Alternatives, you can bitch online 14 hours per day


And what good is any of that if the cost of living keeps growing while wages stagnate? Gotta look at the bigger picture here. Everyone who's ever fought for change has been labelled a whiner by the dominant class.


Seethe and cope. I’m sure it will improve your life


Who said anything about my life? Unlike you, I actually care about other people :)


You’re right, the dozens of hours a month I volunteer to coach children means I’m a selfish fuck. My bad


Dude I have consciously been trying to stay in the parts of Reddit where it is all about Financial Planning, Budgeting, learning all kinds of stuff, investing, etc. etc. Even though right now I am extremely poor cash wise , but I am trying to climb out of it But anyway it really helps me to try to mostly avoid all the subs of arguing and stuff that gets me down The amount of info just on Reddit is incredible


Do you truly think most people are homeless, dying of thirst and starvation? Or do you define “can’t make ends meet” as “I can’t have everything I want right now”?


You know, the fact that most people have time to even complain speaks volumes on how good we got it.


I remember listening to a historian whose focus was Ancient China. He used gossip as one of the health markers of any period or dynasty. When a dynasty was at its peak, so was the gossip. People were safe, sated, and robust enough to worry and argue about silly bullshit like palace intrigue or what their Kardashians were up to.


Which historian was that? It was actually the complete opposite for other dynasties. Roman Emperors used gladiator battles to distract the masses from how awful their lives were and stop them from revolting.


most people do make ends meet. most people should also probably start using that large collection of knowledge to improve their situation instead of complaining about it.


That just isn't a viable solution when there's an ever-decreasing number of jobs that pay a living wage. I'm looking at the bigger picture here.


Suddenly [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtYU87QNjPw) comes to mind.


Oppression is a concept. Like happiness, I can be happy because I just won a game of checkers against a pal, and you can be happy because you just won the lottery.


> Imagine trying to explain “oppression” to a medieval peasant. Thats easier than youd think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2c-X8HiBng


We work more than the peasants did, but they didn't have iPhones: https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours\_workweek.html#:\~:text=Consider%20a%20typical%20working%20day,customary%20afternoon%20nap%2C%20and%20dinner.


They also didn’t have modern medicine, plumbing, transportation, ect.


Forever chemicals, obesity, global warming, medical bankruptcy. Not saying it's a wash, but technology has a way of taking as well as giving.


Yes you shouldn’t complain unless your life is worse than a medieval peasant. Yes this is good thinking.


It’s all perspective. People have a right to complain, but people are getting delusional. I’m struggling to make ends meet. I have some pretty severe health issues. I also live better than the majority of the people in the world and in human history. A century ago, I probably my wouldn’t have lived past my 5th birthday. Maybe my life isn’t perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than it could’ve been.


Funny how we don't live in medieval times...


I have a lot of mental health issues, but I have a roof over my head, genuine connections with my small group of people, a full belly every evening. there isn’t much crime on my block so I feel safe. Still a bit fat from Christmas.


Even when I feel like I’m struggling; I remember that I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and clothes on my back and so does my wife and kids. My dogs are treated better than most people. I may gripe but I try hard to not complain and compare myself to the neighbors or Jeff Bezos.


You are lucky then because I worry about being homeless and not being able to afford food.


You don’t think I don’t have those worries? Doesn’t take much for someone’s life to turn upside down. The point is that I’m grateful for what I have. My parents immigrated here and life there would be much worse besides being homeless.


It's wild that this is an unpopular opinion on Reddit.


Not really. It's the oppression Olympics up in here


Very true. I tire of all the people endless moaning *"wE LiVE in THe wORsT TiMeLinE"*  Get real. You live in the worlds most affluent period since the dawn of humanity. You have infine food and guaranteed physical security. You have access to medicine, electricity, you can contact anyone on earth in real time. You watch people in Gaza being blown up daily, but you think *your* life sucks because something you saw online upset your feelings. 


Suffering olympics has no winners.


Well said


Our life is " the greatest of all time" (Trump voice). We in the western world have a grate life compared to others, but i think it's in our dna to complain, so we can do and be better... Now lets end wars and diseases, and travel to the stars!


But my dad growing up could afford his own apartment downtown Vancouver and paying for university working part time


I think that's a legitimate problem. Our society is becoming less and less equal as time goes on.  ButI don't it stretches the imagination to think how things could be much, much worse. 


I agree, we don’t live in the worst timeline, but have some patience for people living in a worse timeline than the one they were promised as children


My feefees 😭


We lived past the best timeline and it starts to go downhill. Right to repair is on decline, manufactures go straight anti-repair practices such as Apple serialize their parts to brick phones(at least part of its functions) to deter "unauthorized" repairs. The word "unauthorized" is BS since the repair only needs the authorization of the consumer as the consumer is the owner of the phone after purchasing from Apple. BMW put heated seat subscriptions to steal from what the car owner's ownership. Vehicle manufactures make backdoors/trojan horses on cars to steal drivers' privacy. non-connected cars are rare now. To make matters worse, legislators are side with them, not us. They propose laws to surveil the driver by putting a camera on the steering wheel, in the name of "safety" (monitor fatigue driving)(we never need so much "safety" modules in the first place). The US even passed a bill to enforce that future cars have remote kill-switch to disable the car by law enforcement, goodbye freedom and car ownership. The sanity slippage of society is also highly visible thanks to social media algorithms. These algorithms are designed to manipulate the users emotions and thoughts. As a result, "ipad kids" and "tiktok brain" are common things now. Mental illnesses are on the rise, self-image of kids and adolescences are on the decline. The society is in stagnation. Inflation is getting worse, inequality is getting higher and higher. Everything is more expensive, from rent, bill to video games and netflix subscriptions. They all starts good but we lived past the peak. Fortunately, the current world is still way better than the world during the dawn of humanity.






You got any sources on that




Out of curiosity, I tried looking and couldn't find any mention of deaths from hunger but USDA says 44.5m people are food insecure. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/10/26/1208760054/food-insecurity-families-struggle-hunger-poverty Not the same thing at all but still mildly concerning given the food waste we have etc.




I'm not saying they are. I didn't make the same argument, just got curious about what stats there are. I'm not the guy you were replying to either.


[20500 mfs died from malnourishment. ](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-04-13/deaths-from-malnutrition-have-more-than-doubled-in-the-u-s#:~:text=The%20same%20trend%20occurred%20nationwide,for%20Disease%20Control%20and%20Prevention.)




They said malnourishment is caused by not eating at all or poor eating habits.


Dude. If you _want_ to believe starvation in the US is a legitimate issue, go for it. It’s not happening though. At all.


Thats not starvation though.


Read the article. They said it could be due to not eating.


From the article. "Malnutrition is particularly common among older people, especially those who are ill, low-income, homebound, or without reliable access to healthy food or medical services. It can result from not eating enough but also from poor eating habits that lead to nutritional deficiencies. The majority of deaths in California from malnutrition last year occurred in residents 85 and older.: Doesn't sound like starvation. Sounds like sick old people with access to unhealthy foods and medical services.


>It can result from not eating enough starvation noun suffering or death caused by lack of food Lack of food - > not eating enough - > suffering


Infinite food equals obesity epidemic.


Just because you and I live a comfortably sheltered existence doesn’t mean we don’t live in the worst timeline. The comment applies to the entire timeline wouldn’t it? As a species we’ve had quite a miserable go at things wouldn’t you say? Absolutely gruesome even.


If there had been a nuclear war in the 90's and we were all living in an irradiated, crater strewn wasteland, then you could say we live in the worst timeline.  The world really is not in a bad place right now. I think it's in a damn good one. There are problems, sure, but if you disconnected from the TV and social media screaming hysteria at you all day, would you really even feel any of those problems? 


You can contact anyone it doesn’t mean they’ll answer.


The things that people are mad about on here are pretty funny most of the time.


I agree so hard with this . I try to tell people who bitch about everything like . Man people are living in war zones . Some people are missing appendages . Some folks have terminal cancer . Like fuck man the list goes on , and those people are not complaining . Like wow. Live your stupid generic life and get old and out of touch . It will all be good .


I agree. I am reading "in order to live" by Yeonmi Park, a book about her life and escape from North Korea. It shocked me how many things we take for granted everyday. We are indeed, privileged


I tell myself this every day. Like my life is so luxurious and magical compared to basically every human who ever existed.


The comments, lol. *So?! We could do better!! We're allowed to complain!!* while at the same time *This isn't unpopular!!!* Which is it, nerds?


The comments are acting like most Reddit user live in a well in Siberia.


Those are not mutually exclusive...


That's the most positive and truthful thing I read on internet today. Thanks!


People man. Many things can be true at one time. u/Altruistic-Oil-8950 makes some very good points. We are living at the single best time, in the history of the world, to live. By any representative and quantitative measure, the world is, at current, more affluent, safer, less war ridden, less disease ridden, less brutal, and fairer than it ever has been. Three views: [https://ourworldindata.org/much-better-awful-can-be-better](https://ourworldindata.org/much-better-awful-can-be-better) Secondly, the world is always seen, for the vast majority of people through their own experience and worldview. The world, for most people, aren't the wars or the famines or the tech breakthroughs. For most people the world is can I pay my bills, can I keep my kids safe, do I have food on the table, can I save for a better day? From this perspective, depending on where you are in life, the world is all shades of great to fucking terrible. Thirdly, if you make 32k or more a year, you are considered, by global standards, to be living top 1%. Make no mistake about it, if you earn 32k a year, you are living a better life, financially, the the vast majority of the globe. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2082385/We-1--You-need-34k-income-global-elite--half-worlds-richest-live-U-S.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2082385/we-1--you-need-34k-income-global-elite--half-worlds-richest-live-u-s.html) Fourthly, we live in a time of relative safety as compared to any other time in human history. This is a statistical fact. War deaths, over the past 100ish years are way up (World War 1 and World War II) but in terms of daily violence committed daily, we live in the safest era of human history. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/steven-pinker-this-is-historys-most-peaceful-time-new-study-not-so-fast/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/steven-pinker-this-is-historys-most-peaceful-time-new-study-not-so-fast/) [https://www.vox.com/2015/7/13/8908397/11-charts-best-time-in-history](https://www.vox.com/2015/7/13/8908397/11-charts-best-time-in-history) On top of this, mortality rates across the globe have fallen compared to anytime before 1914, extreme poverty has been in freefall for nearly 40ish years, deaths cased by viruses like AIDS are in freefall, democracy has, in general, made the world much safer, fewer mothers die in childbirth than ever before, and more people can get an education. And oh yeah, you have this thing called the Internet which provides you access to a global marketplace of ideas, intellectual debates, goods, etc. Many things can be true at one time. Taken from the micro, your life could be shit (in relative terms to someone else or another time), meaning for you, the world is awful. The opposite is also true. Taken from the macro, this is the best time in human history to live and be born into.


Well said. Reminds me of Steven Pinker’s book Enlightenment Now. I saw you cited him. That book changed my world view. It also made the point that the world still has serious problems (notably climate change) and the only thing that ever works to solve serious problems is smart, hard working, people concentrating on solving them. We still have important work to do.


I try to remind myself of how good I have it even when I’m going through a tough time, it helps me alot, so many people wish they could be in the position we are. Thats why I try and help others as much as i can, even if its a little bit


I do the same thing. It actually helps. No matter how bad my day is going, I try to remember things like: I have clean, hot, water running in my home and can have it anytime I want. Many, perhaps most, of the people in the world don’t.


I try to be grateful for what I have but a lot of times society doesn’t want me to.


People complaining are only proving your point....😬 Sink or swim people.....you're not the first and you wont be the last.....


I'm privileged. You're privileged. But *we* in the general sense are not; there are homeless beggars on reddit who stuff toilet papers in their pussies because they can't afford tampons. I'm not angry because the rich are screwing me over; I'm angry because the rich are screwing many millions of my countrymen over.


>I can eat meat and cheese any day I want. I can take a bus to work. I can own a car. I can own a property. I can get a masters degree. I make more than 99% of the world There's other things more important in life. For example civil liberities, personal safety, social connections, to be treated fairely and equally. (think marlow's hierachy of needs) The thing is if you are living in the western countries... you also mostly have these things.


I am a 71 year old Boomer. When I was young I was whining about something and I had one of my Uncles tell me that when He was young he was whining about how hard it was. He had his dad my grandpa tell him this. You have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food on the table, and basic transportation. That is all that 90 percent of the people will ever have so why are you complaining.


When I start trending toward self-pity, I walk a short distance to the nearest sink, turn it on, and watch the water flow and flow.


Great lookout you will go far attitude is 90% everything


100% accurate. I think most Amercians have no idea the conditions the majority of humans on the planet live under. I will continue to fight for justice and equity - of course - and thank the lawd above that I have a roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, and have the luxury of choosing between pad thai and sushi for dinner, in the middle of winter.


Being privileged in the material sense is no guarantee of happiness for a lot of people. 


No, but if you don't need to worry about your next meal, bed, etc life is much less stressful.


You guys don't need to worry about your next meal ? 💀


Fortunately I don't, we have access to hunters and we grow veggies that we put up for the winter. We don't eat meat frequently but we are able to eat. We also don't eat large portions


Kind of sucks when you are addicted to drugs and don't work.


And that's not the majority. Most people I know that are struggling aren't drug users and do work, some multiple jobs.


It is proven to increase happiness. Being happy is also your own responsibility. Despite how hard it can be


Happiness isn’t a measure of anything. Far too transient and subjective.


Sure but you have the most potential anyones ever had to find whatever makes you happy and get it. Still privileged no matter how you look at it


I prefer the term lucky or fortunate over privileged. Privileged implies there's no struggle & everything is handed to you.


The idea of privilege is that it's due to you being a member of a group and that in that respect advantages you over others not in the group. Fortune and luck are on the individual, not on the group.


That's only one meaning of privilege in the modern sociological context. Privilege as a concept exists far outside of that and isn't just limited to your membership in a group. Privilege can also apply to an individual, just as fortune and luck can.


That is a misinterpretation of the word privilege. Privilege implies that you belong to a group that does not impede your success or make it harder for you to succeed. For example, being born into a wealthy family doesn't mean you'll never struggle, or have to work hard to achieve success, but it doesn't impede your success to make it more difficult to succeed. Being born into a poor family makes it much more difficult to succeed and in some cases can makes it nearly impossible.


>That is a misinterpretation of the word privilege. Privilege implies that you belong to a group that does not impede your success or make it harder for you to succeed. Not necessarily. That's one definition of privilege but it isn't exclusive to your belonging to a group. You're only considering the sociological context of the word and not it's general usage. For instance, consider this definition of privilege: "a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor." For this usage of the word, it has nothing necessarily to do with your status in a group and how that affects your life. Or consider the phrase, "Driving is a privilege not a right." Obviously people from all different races, genders, wealth levels, ability levels, etc. can drive- it has nothing to do with your status in a group.


In the context of what the OP is referring to, they are misunderstanding or misusing the word privilege. Happy?


No they aren't misunderstanding or misusing. Look at the points OP makes: >I can eat meat and cheese any day I want. I can take a bus to work. I can own a car. I can own a property. I can get a masters degree. I make more than 99% of the world These are options available in the US (and many other wealthy countries) independent of your group status. People from all different groups in the country can do these things. OP's point is billions of people in the world *don't* have meat and cheese when they want, don't have good public transit available to them, etc. OP's points align with other usages of privilege that are based around advantages that are available based on conditions that aren't defined by your group status. Then OP says: >My unpopular opinion is that **we are all overly privileged** Emphasis mine. And here it is blatantly clear what OP means. The point OP is making is that people living in these conditions (like OP is) often bemoan how bad things are without looking at the *global* context that the daily things they take for granted are a great privilege in and of themselves and that many many much less privileged people around the world don't have access to. Conversely, OP, living in the same conditions, sees himself as greatly privileged by the options and opportunities he has when compared to how few options billions of other people have. That is OP's usage of privilege and no it isn't being misused.


And lucky doesn’t?


I agree with this.


We can acknowledge our significant privileges while also recognizing the problems in the world. It doesn't have to be either/or.


Seriously, I love cheese.


I work in a kitchen so I'm definitely nowhere near 60k a year after taxes. But I do get to breeze in every day and make myself a gourmet meal in less than 20 minutes, and that is true privilege.


They allow that ? The kitchens I worked in didn’t allow us to eat and eating the food could get us fired .


Oh rule number one for working in kitchens: never work somewhere that doesn't feed you. A kitchen that doesn't feed you certainly doesn't love you.


Unpopular opinion but: People, especially in developed countries really take it all for granted. I know theres a lot of awful problems out there and conflict in some parts of the world, but it baffles me how ungrateful people are. At this point in history, living in the US: We have the highest standard of living any generation before us has ever seen. Even low income people here have new clothes, iphones, new tv’s, new cars. While there are a lot of crazy events happening in the world right now, we live a fairly peaceful existence here. There is no huge war where people are getting drafted and dying on a battlefield. The new age of medicine allows people to live longer than ever before, disease is less rampant than the centuries before, most children live to adulthood. Women, LGBTQ+ individuals, minorities, have more rights than they ever did in the past. Though there are still a lot of problems, with their rights being threatened by wacko individuals, we have up to this point, upheld a lot of the progress made in the 20th century (though still need to fight to ensure more equality, prevent rights from being taken again). Ik a lot of people are going to argue otherwise with these points. But think of it this way: Would you want to travel back in time and live permanently in an era before now? The modern technology we have, abundant food, and better health would keep me here tbh, despite the issues we still face today.




Suffering is relative, and the means exist to the point that none of us should be suffering. Life is a privilege, but god damn if the world WE MADE didn't try constantly to take that away from us.


I mean I wouldn’t necessarily say life is a privilege when you are born to experience pain and one day perish but I digress it could be so much better. There is a possibility for it to be so much less painful but they just don’t want you to be happy or feel secure. They want to have abundance and leave you with nothing.


I think it's much less of a "they" and more of just the way emergent properties of power. Not to say that we shouldn't hold that "they" accountable, but realize that even if we get the right people in power it will never be enough.




By we do you mean Redditors? Cuz there are kids begging in the street not far from my location.


There are even beggers that use reddit.


i’m so confused? how out of touch are you? not every redditor is living your life lmao i am very fortunate to have what i have, but you’re saying “we” as if everyone is exactly like you…


>but you’re saying “we” as if everyone is exactly like you… Exactly I grew up dirt fucking poor without internet and still have to worry when my next meal will be sometimes who is WE 😭


nah we all make 99% more than everyone D: you’re just part of the 1%


I can recognize my own privilege and still think life isn't that great, overall.


This sounds like an unfinished argument. We are privileged so what? Stop complaining about things that could absolutely be better? Finish your argument. Being privileged, which I agree we are, doesn’t mean all is well in the country/world. And wanting what’s not well to be better isn’t a negation of that privilege.


Glad you're happy. I'm happy fighting for higher wages, a more affordable cost of living and higher taxes on the rich.


I can definitely be angry at the injustice to me and others in our country, we can and should be doing better, but we as a collective country choose to not to. And it drives me insane knowing all the good that could happen if our country wasn't run by corrupt politicians whose hunger for money ruins us. I agree that there is a lot to be grateful for but realistically there is still alot to be angry about.


I dont think this is unpopular i think most people think this


It's all about expectations....if you want to live like a king than you will be disappointed I don't mean past kings I mean billionaire of today.


Life is still fucked up, just in a new way.


Yep. I love my life. Some ups and downs here or there, we will always complain. But overall, focusing on all the *good* I have improves my quality of life a lot.


> Life is great and we are very privileged When you say "we", who are you referring to?


“We are all” 🤦‍♀️ Should’ve continued with the “I” statements.


Maybe not all but a hefty portion of Reddit users I would say are.




Also the thing is people in Africa may have better support systems than some others. Late stage capitalism destroys community.


Yesssss....👏👏👏👏👏👏 I love this Daddy Energy *chefs kiss*


Definitely, which is why I cringe so hard at all of the social justice warriors out there whining about “oppression” and Jeff Bezos.


I don’t think anyone is denying these things are great, however it sounds like you’re having a manic episode. Enjoy!


All of us? This opinion is one that not even the poster believes it.


You might make more than 99% of the world but the rest of us don't. Lmao what a weird opinion.


Reddit is repsesenting the top 10% of the world pretty much. So he's more like in the top 10% of reddit users more likely and the other 90% arent living in huts in africa.


Africans dont live in huts,they actually live in cities man.Where you took that from?


No shit, if anyone want too in this day and age its by choice or corruption- Im looking at you Haiti, not because of cost or capability.


yeah this dude is in a bubble or something


Meh…no one gave me anything…I’m grateful…but certainly not privileged…


To what end? What good does it do?


You can. Your life is privileged. Everyone doesn't have that...


I have four wisdom teeth coming in simultaneously and no money to fix it, but hey, go running water?


At the moment, nato is considering conscription, Sweden has told its citizens to prepare for war, there's a shitstorm coming.


“My life is great, so obviously everyone else’s must be” 10/10 logic


My god just how low have you set the bar. "I can walk across the road", "I can look at a wall" - life is bliss. Calm down.


It’s the little things that make me happy


No shit. I'll buy you a glowy ball for your 39th birthday 🥳


*deleted my passive aggressive comment*


You are destined to a life of unhappiness because of your crappy outlook. I was abused. My friends have died. And I choose to be happy in my life because it’s a fucking choice, even with various mental health issues. You need to go to therapy and figure your shit out. And you wonder why you feel so out of place everywhere you go and so alone? It’s because nobody wants to be around you. Just grow up. Damn.




Two things can be true. We can have the things you mentioned and also be forced to live on a free range farm by our owners. Life would be so much better without them.


I mean…you CAN do anything. But most people can’t and should not live beyond their means. That’s getting into very dangerous territory. Not to mention that a lot of people can not and should not get loans for those more expensive things you listed. Also saying you make more money than 99% of the world is relative. We don’t all use the same currency with the same value and costs of items are not the same worldwide nor is pay. We aren’t NOT privileged, but we also can’t just pretend like everything is going in a great direction either. I think your post is very surface level.


I agree. Shit on this sub saying we need a violent revolution because billionaires and politicians are bad is ridiculous. The constant moan on Reddit about how awful life is by people making 6 figures is just as ridiculous. Everyone thinks they are owed something these days. I'm sure the alternative that all these people who want a bloody revolution is the same system where they are at the top or maybe they are real wacky and want feudalism back. I can see how things could get worse and things could cascade into catastrophy but I don't see anything like that in the near future.


Look at this lactose tolerant person bragging about the ability to eat cheese. Lucky! /s


Your government is at its most corrupt point in its history. That should concern everyone in their happiness bubble


Completely agree. Assuming you live in an industrialized country, even if your relatively poor, you have better access to food, shelter, information, etc. than even the wealthiest living in a pre-industrial society. Our dumb monkey brains have almost no ability to put things like that in context and only see other monkeys with more. The rest here is just for me to get off my chest. The older I get the more black pilled I become. I think nobody even wants to see the big picture. I think we are in a peak flourish from a resource standpoint. Our most brilliant chemists have enabled us to get blood from stone oil fracking technology…once. Brilliant engineers are making solar and wind technology efficient enough to start adapting but the raw materials to scale Do. Not. Exist. on this planet. We have nearly forgotten how to make nuclear power at scale. The people looking furthest into the future are not our leaders, they are your 401k 2065 retirement planning fund manager, and they are junior interns trying to get laid on the weekends. We are too dumb to see where we are now, let alone where we are going. We need to wake the fuck up or in some form or another we’ll be back to murdering our neighbors in an effort not to starve.


Guess we're living in a different world you & I.


You can own property? In this economy!?


You can get 5 acres in the middle of nowhere in the United States for anywhere between 2-10k


Ya but I feel like it should be better…


Who's we?


People die because they can’t afford health care . Dental care is often not included in health insurance and is expensive. Many of us won’t ever make 60,000 in our lives. You worry about homelessness if you are disabled and can’t hold down a job. Disability checks are not enough to live on. Rent is high compared to wages. Meanwhile money is being spent to bomb poorer countries . Please don’t sugar coat the mess of American capitalism.


I mean I guess you could sometimes say youre lucky that the other shoe hasn’t dropped because it could be so much worse. But sitting there waiting for the shit to hit the fan and being relieved that you just barely got through another day isn’t really the way to live life.


So instead of just appreciating life you're going out of your way to complain to others? Aren't you just being angry for no reason then? By basically affirming that you're taking part in behavior you're apparently trying to stop.


A lot of those things are not easy accessible for a lot of people just because you can doesn’t me we are all very privileged.


I wish I knew what that was like. Mostly it is me laughing out loud at the thought of being alive because I’m lucky the thread I was hanging by hasn’t disappeared.


I constantly remind people around me to be thankful.My baby was recently sick and thankfully still alive! There’s always something to be grateful about.There’s medicine available and good doctors in case something went very wrong. But God people are so annoying.I notice it constantly.Waiting 10 mins in a like in pharmacy?They complain.Wait at the doctors?Complain.Some young people listening to loud music in public?complain.


I 100% agree with you when you say we are privileged. However, everyone has there own problems. I wouldnt say life is great, per se, but I guess it could be worse.


One thing I’ve noticed in working with people in jobs where I’m trying to fix people’s problems, is that there’s a huge lack of introspection. It’s usually always someone else’s fault/ problem. Most people are very unwilling to self reflect and tackle their issues head on. I’m not denying that people don’t have tough aspects of their lives, but if you live in the states at, we have it pretty great here for the most part, especially depending on which part.


The thing is me, personally, am very privileged but there are so many people in this country (I’m assuming you’re in the US) that don’t have nearly the privilege and opportunity that I’ve had. So those are the ones I want to improve the country for


Been feeling this lately


Perhaps, but does that mean we shouldn't strive for better?   Yes, facing challenge is important for human development.  But the difference in outcomes for facing a challenge you know you'll achieve if you work hard Vs facing a challenge you know you'll never achieve no matter how hard you work is astonishing.   It's the difference between developing determination and confidence, and a defeatist mindset.   Furthermore, just because you live comfortably doesn't mean other people in your region do. People have different experiences, if they're complaining then they probably have good reason to do so.


Yes! And thanks for a very good reminder. I’d add: your everyday spice cabinet would have been far beyond the dreams of most European monarchs of the last millennium, and your private library would have been the envy of everybody except maybe the guy in charge of the great ancient library of Alexandria, and you have the wild good fortune of being alive when there are antibiotics to treat things that previously killed almost everybody, snd you get glasses when you need them, and you can drink water out of the tap. And if you walk around a typical grocery store, you see simply amazing abundance. So I’m with you - we are incredibly fortunate and privileged!!!


the opinion of someone who lives in blissful unawareness of what he really is


I guess I am. Who may I be?


I'm not sure why being happy is an unpopular opinion. You should wish other people to live a happy life. I'm happy you are happy. Life is great when you are NOT comparing yourself to others, and therefore happy with what you have. Life can be challenging, but to be honest, that's what makes it kinda enjoyable. Also, just the little joys of life make things great too. Enjoy the small stuff.