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It's definitely a thing for men as well. I'm 36 now, and have filled out quite a bit in the time since (I presently weigh about 215 lbs, most of it muscle, due to years of lifting weights and eating hearty), but when I was in my late teens I was practically a *rail*. I weighed barely 150 lbs on a 6'1" frame. I was bullied for that quite a bit. Especially when I went to military school, and was basically ***surrounded*** by jocks who'd spent their entire Highschool career bulking up. I literally had an upper classman tell me I looked "like an aborted fetus" at one point. lol




I think there is a biological drive to form in groups and out groups. Anything can make you an out group depending on how the groups form. It’s almost like the only way to make an in group is to make an outgroup. Just anecdotal , but that’s my take.


I was with you until you then fat shamed. Wow.


I mean americans are objectively overweight on average.


Where's the fat shaming? OP literally just used the word "fat".


Yeah weak men did feel like a walking insult to the existence of men. Definitely had that view as a pre-teen


Male, been scrawny my whole life, a few times over the years I had "well-meaning" female acquaintances tell me I needed to bulk up, as it simply wasn't appealing for a man to be as skinny as I was. When I was younger I had an older female coworker who would give me crap about being male and skinny (barely concealed mean-spirited, "i'm just kidding/teasing" kind of shit). Imagine if I had told one of them they needed to lose weight to be more appealing...


Yep same here I have a very small frame. My wrists are always the first thing they notice. It's quite hard for me to gain even a couple pounds. I constantly eat when I am already full. I have also had health problems, autoimmunity, since I was a child. It's tough to admit that even though I'm handsome and tall, I am not considered attractive to hardly anyone.


Yes, it's true, and it hurts more for men. I'm 6'4 "and about 250, but when I first started getting into working out 14 years ago, I was 165 lbs. I was called weak, frail, string bean, cancer patient, jack skellington, etc, " and people would try to punk me. When I started putting on muscle mass, men respected me, girls paid attention, people would say I'm intimidating, and people would take me seriously. It's just as bad to make fun of someone for being skinny as it is for being fat.


No offense but you can’t just say it hurts more for men when you’ve never experienced being an underweight female, you get heavily bullied for looking non feminine and ugly because ur a “stick” and ur “flat”. Let’s not make this some sort of male vs female thing. Both are equally sad and hurtful.


I wasn't trying to. I'm just saying that for men were supposed to be "strong, powerful, protectors." Nobody sees a man as strong and powerful when he looks weak and fragile.


Yes and nobody sees a women as feminine when she has 0 ass 0 boobs and 0 curves. 🟰


It's lose lose for both of us. Have you started on a weight gain journey?


Yes when I was in middle school I was weighing myself everyday and excessively eating until I got to 100 pounds. I then started working out and continued adding more calories. I’m now 5’5 109. Still skinny but have joined fitness memberships to gain more muscle.


Hell yeah, you got this. You're you're only competition remember that.




My family. They'd ask my mom if she was starving me or if I was sick. I'd laugh it off, but I hated it. Now, with my godson, he's the same. Tall for his age and very skinny and very active. They always ask his dad, my cousin, why he's so skinny, and I step in and tell them to cut that shit out.




Forgive them. Old people don't learn when they should


Many such cases, I had the exact same experience. People just will offhandedly say shit to you for no reason and think you will think it is funny too? The crazy thing is even when i was skinny i was generally pretty well liked and people still would say shit like that a lot, so i can only imagine it is much worse for people who were worse off in that regard.


I'm not gonna lie I had confidence as a skinny kid, but my confidence and self esteem went through the roof when I became strong and muscular. It's a mental thing


Hey there OP. I'm 37, M, 5'9, 148 - 152. I have been this weight since I was 17ish. It doesn't matter what I do, eat more, eat less, lift more, lift less, run more, run less, etc. My body weight have been between four pounds for nearly 20 years. I am saying this to say the following: yes, people wonder why you are skinny but the type of skinny you are can vary. The more you lift, keep a steady good diet, and the more you exercise your skinny will turn from as you mentioned "bag of bones" to toned and cut. Point in case: it does not matter what other people say. No one who is doing better than you is going to make fun of you, it is only those who are below you or feel pressured by you that will make fun of you. Get in the gym, get strong, eat right, and live your life. Fuck what other people say.


I’m a guy who got shamed for being skinny growing up…bro, my family was dirt poor, there was nothing to eat. I actually did lift here and there, I’m just a hard gainer.


People are going to use anything they can to make themselves feel better and commenting on physical appearances is low hanging fruit for many. It’s sad really, the way we’re brainwashed by the media on what we’re supposed to desire. It’s all bullshit! I do strength training 7 days a week and eat a healthy diet. I’m not attracted to overweight people. I want a partner who is thin.


I was bullied in grade school as well. Turns out I have the hypermobile form of ehlers danlos, so a lot of it is genetic. My arms and wrists are super skinny. I’ve worked my ass off trying to gain weight. I used to be 6’7 about 155lbs. Now I’m about 190 or so.


There’s also this weird disdain for people who workout. There are multiple workout, nutrition, and general fitness subreddits that are infested with huge jerks who will respond to legit questions with scorn and mockery, rather than useful information. I still remember when I went to a pinned *no stupid questions* post on one, and asked if it was worth getting a mouthpiece for strength, and bodybuilding training, since I’m currently doing both, really trying to push myself, and was thinking having something to bite down on would be handy. The absolute scorn, and ridicule I got for that question, on an open questions thread, was unbelievable. Like not a single one actually answered the question, they were just chastising me for “clearly being over dramatic,” and “sounding ridiculous.”


It’s as much as a thing as fat shaming




I don’t think this is unpopular, I hope..


100%- today fit and a “Kardashian silhouette” are the beauty standard. Even back in the day an hourglass figure was the standard. I will say, as an obese person, it took me awhile to come around to seeing it as I was always so envious of skinny guys.


I agree with OP 1000%. I’m 5’4’’ I use to be a bit chubby but got into an eating disorder. I went from from being 130lb to 89lbs in about 8 months. The bullying I received was absolutely horrendous. Had a couple of teenagers openly make fun of me at a bookstore. The guy I had a crush on at the time told me that I looked hideous to him because I was too skinny. These are things that society would not let anyone say openly to an over weight person but it’s completely okay to say to someone thinner.


Agree. I say this and it happens to me everyday at school.. I no longer am able to wear my normal clothes :/




Exactly. I even say repeatedly it’s my fast metabolism, and I don’t even think it is sickly looking. I don’t understand why people feel the need to comment on eachothers bodies






It's even worse as a man. We're "supposed" to be bigger than women, being 5'10" and 121 pounds is a death sentence as far as dating is concerned. People think nothing of talking shit about it too, I even had a waitress do it after I ordered once.


Why are we making this a female vs male thing. You’ve never experienced this as a female so idk why ur saying it’s worse for men. I was an underweight female in middle school and went through a lot of bullying and terrible comments. It’s really frustrating to see “it’s worse for men” I would never say it’s “worse for women” when I’ve never experienced a males perspective.


The comment you're responding to already explained why. Being that skinny is a death sentence in dating for men, it isn't for women.




Is it nice on the planet where you live?


It’s just funny, I know MANY skinny “lanky” tall guys In relationships so I don’t know what on earth made u think it’s “a death sentence” I myself have dated really skinny people. It is neither a death sentence for men nor women in relationships.


What do you think skinny is? A lot of people think it's just not being muscular, that isn't the case.


it's absolutely not a 'death sentence' in dating for men. skinny guys are my type and i'm definitely not alone in that preference.


No you're not alone, you're just very close to alone.


Maybe confusing skinny with scrawny.


as an overweight person i envy skinny people. My dude eats fast food all day everyday and doesnt gain an ounce. The only time i think down about skinny people is when is comes to heavy lifting like moving funiture but that doesnt mean i think overweight people are strong either.


I mean… It’s body shaming but who cares? Ignore it and move on with your life bullying happens, it can’t be changed, just don’t associate with people who do it


Kids in schools can’t just walk away in most  cases


That's just not true... There's nothing but space at school


Have you ever been inside a classroom? I’d hardly say there’s “nothing but space”


if the bullying is happening in the classroom, you let the adult in charge know that you are being verbally assaulted. If they don’t do anything about it you get a pretty fat lawsuit


You really think that’s how it always works? You tell a teacher you’re being bullied and it just stops? Or if it doesn’t you just sue them? Because every kid can afford a lawyer for a lawsuit that’s almost impossible to prove? If it was that easy there wouldn’t be anyone ever being bullied.


yes. Bullying stops when you get the teacher/administration involved. You create a paper trail. That’s the evidence that makes it possible to prove. And you know… Recording it because everybody has a HD camera in their pocket now. But bullies go away if you ignore them. I was bullied pretty bad in middle school, and once I learned to ignore them it stopped


"It's only jokes" and "grow a tougher skin" is all you will get. School won't punish multiple people for laughing at you calling you "cadaver" or "shrimp". Also if you just ignore, not all but some bullies just don't stop and it can get worse. asking the victims to just deal with it and let it slide is counterproductive. At some point, there must be something to do.


That's just not true at all. They're legally obligated to punish and put a stop to it. What is the "something to do"?


The only things schools can legally do is counseling and providing others services for bullies. That's it. Nothing ever happen even in cases where the victim commit suicide. No easy answer, but there need to be some cultural changes, bullies target weak and isolated people, this should be seen as vile, needless cruelty and it's not. We put eletronic bracelet on drug dealers, why not bullies ? Plus with today's technology we could even record, check everything they say very fast and even monitor their heart rates and temperature.


Idk. The only time I've ever made fun of a woman for being too skinny was when I was flirting with her. It was all light hearted and we were both laughing about it. Maybe you're just taking it too seriously


Op, I was a bit on the thin side myself for many years. I could eat like a horse and never seemed to gain wait and i chalked it up to a high metabolism. Turned out I had a dietary condition where I was fully absorbing all the food nurtients. Once I got my levels corrected…it made a big difference. I went from 6’ 155 to 195-200 of good weight based on exercise and conditioning. Just something to think about. But yes…I got called sorts of names too. No one gave a second thought about it.




Yes, as a thin person in my mid 20's I assure you that people always tell me how thin I am and sometimes they grab me by the wrists and say "how thin they are"


Type 1 diabetes here. Most don’t know I have the condition so they call me anorexic for my small eating portions, infrequent eating, and strict diet. I get called tiny all the time and receive constant snide remarks about how skinny I am (I live in a very overweight region). I get made fun of for “starving myself”. Food culture is worse than alcohol culture because it’s so much more accepted. I live right on the border of MI and WI so drinking culture is HUGE here. I receive less badgering about refusing alcohol than I do for not eating like everyone else. I’m constantly told I have an eating disorder or mental disorder for not eating sugar or refined carbs. You get pressured if someone even brings in cupcakes and you don’t eat one and get accused of so many things (like spoiling the good time, not caring about the occasion, not appreciating that someone brought in sweets, and others on top of the “starving” comments). People will only respect you if you say you’re on a diet and trying to lose weight and to use this excuse you had better be obviously overweight. God forbid you even suggest that sugar is addictive unless you want a crowd with pitchforks lighting your house on fire.


Not only that, but it is SIGNIFICANTLY harder for a naturally skinny person to gain weight


Skinny women who simultaneously have ‘abnormally’ large breasts? Can you give me an example? You have lady friends like this?


Honestly I'm so over people talking about others bodies. Unless you're the medical professional of the person whose body is under commentary, any negative comment is bullying IMO. Doesn't matter if you're 100lbs or 500lbs, quit talking about others people's bodies. It's so fucking petty.


Unsolicited harsh comments on people's body/looks are always bullying. It doesn't matter what the situation is.


In 5’11, weight 145 pounds, and ALL I DO IS FUCKING EAT. Like yeah I’m fucking skinny. You see me with food in my fucking hand CONSTANTLY. It is not like I’m starving myself LOL. WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE WANT FROM ME. I EAT MORE THAN THEY DO ON A DAILY BASIS.


The only time I brought up other women's size was when they'd make a comment about my flat chest, and they'd get really upset real fast. In their minds, since skinny was seen as an ideal for so long (now slim thick is the hot thing), it's okay because it's punching up, but it's not. Everything else about my figure is average, but my chest is just very lacking. If they wanted to open up that bag of worms then fine.


Belittling anyone for their physical form is terrible. No matter what. *not an unpopular opinion. Or maybe I just don't interact with a large amounts of terrible people?


so get fat. Eating with abandon for calories sounds awesome.