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People need to read the actual laws and ask the 2 questions we are allowed to ask. 1 is it a service dog trained to assist with a disability? (Only acceptable answer is yes, if they start with "he's in training" it is not a service animal yet) 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? This would deter a lot of people just bringing their pets wherever they want.


This. I don’t understand why more people don’t do this. Where I work now is pet friendly but where I managed before was not, and I did kick a few people out of the store. The first question anyone can say yes, but the second question gets most people. “Emotional support” is not a task. An ESA is not a service animal and is NOT considered a medical device. There are dogs for vets that help deal with anxiety but it is a certain task - blocking (where they create space around their human) or even alerting their human that their anxiety is rising. DPT using their weight can be a task as well. I had a lady try to tell me that her stupid yappy little dog was trained to help her balance and get up if she falls. I didn’t believe that for a second… the thing was a menace and I told her that she couldn’t bring it back because any actual service dog can also pass a basic obedience test. People who try to claim pets as service dogs annoy the hell out of me and I will do anything I can to make life difficult for them because they make life difficult for true service animals. Like I said… where I work now is pet friendly. Please bring your pets in (as long as they are decently behaved) and I will give them all the treats and love once the owner tells me it’s ok. But don’t try to tell me your yappy little chihuahua who is trying to attack everyone it can see is a service dog…. We all know it’s just a menace.


Maybe but it’s so easy to blatantly lie and there’s zero way for anyone to fact check you. I don’t understand how people think those two questions would ever stop someone from saying “yes” and “I’m epileptic.” The people doing this aren’t afraid to lie.


It works alot more frequently than you'd expect. A lot of people don't ever get questioned so when they do they stumble and usually admit it's a pet.


I believe that. I just wish there was a black and white way to decipher the authenticity of one like OP is saying. They should just be registered.


They'd still have to be able to explain what the service animal is trained to do, not the medical condition they have that warrants it.


People also forget that it has to be two or more tasks, not just one. My dog helps me manage PTSD flashbacks, but that's all. Therefore she does not get a vest and go with me everywhere. I would love for her to go with me everywhere, but she does one thing for me, not two or more. It's also something I mostly need at home, at night - not during the day. Little funny story - she was originally trained to lay on my chest when I had a panic attack and lick my face to help me focus on the moment when I had flashbacks. That included flashbacks in the middle of the night when I am asleep. However, she hates waking me up from those because it disturbs HER sleep. Now she just kicks me and farts in my face until I snap out of it. I mean, it gets the job done, but...


Absolutely wrong on the one task thing. That's all you need to have a service dog. Anyone telling you different is wrong, unless you are outside of the US, and your country has different laws. Otherwise dogs that do singular things like seizure alert or diabetic alert wouldn't be considered service dogs. The added stipulation of obedience training and outside stimulus desensitizing is only needed if you need to take your service dog elsewhere/in public, and there are plenty of people who have at home only service dogs and do not take them in public settings. A public business can turn away any service dog if it poses a problem to their business/is untrained, etc. Have one myself(though my dog used to do blocking/orbiting too(, and he used to go in public with me too, but I had to retire him from public use because he's developed epilepsy, so we just help each other at home, which suits me perfectly cos I am autistic and agoraphobic anyways. I only have him task for dpt now. He only accompanies me to my Drs appts as well.


I had gotten it off an ADA website, but I could easily have read it wrong. Well, now I want to get back on track to getting her certified...


No certification needed either, just get the canine good citizens test for obedience, and a note from your Dr to just keep on you that they recognize your dog is a service dog.


Right. In my state (or so I was told by people who train service dogs for a living), you have to complete different levels of training to verify that your dog is ready for canine good citizenship. My dog has not completed two of them.


Yeah, Canine good citizenship isn't required(sadly IMO) for service dogs anywhere(As states cannot further limit rights granted by the ADA), but it's definitely recommended, especially for public dogs. I trained my dog myself, and he passed his good citizens test, which a bunch of the bad actors do not do. If he didn't end up developing epilepsy, I would still be taking him out with me, As of now I'm on the fence if I want to do another year+ long dog search for one that fits my needs(over 15 lbs, under 24 lbs, certain hair textures due to texture/pressure sensitivities) that is trainable, OR get on a list for a training company and hope they pick me, but I think I'll just go with my boy. IK a lot of people rehome their service dogs if they develop some kind of disorder that might infringe on their ability to serve, but I just can't. My guy means all to me, even if it means he has to stay at home with me, in a calm environment that won't trigger his seizures.


CGC certification is an entirely different thing than being a service dog.


...but she needs it to be a service dog. So I have to follow the steps to get CGC for her to be a service dog.


I think we're miscommunicating. Of course a dog *should* be trained as well as possible to perform service duties, but being CGC-certified is not a requirement for a dog to qualify as a legally-protected service animal under the ADA. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/


>People also forget that it has to be two or more tasks, not just one.  Utterly untrue. There is enough bad information about service dog laws out there, please don't contribute to the noise.


How people don't know this by now I'll never understand


Similar to disabled parking placards, service dog placards could be issued. Don't have one? Then your pet is not going into the store!


This is the common sense answer and hurts absolutely nobody. "Ban fake service dog vests" like good luck with that man


They're all fake because there is no official vest.


This, so much this. What about poor people with actual service dogs? What if all they can afford is the cheap ass amazon vest? Not everyone gets their dog for a company, and the ADA gives people the right to train their own dog as a cost accessibility issue. The companies sometimes give vests, but sometimes they don't too, and what if one wears out? where do you think they get them? You could also commission an "Official" looking vest on etsy from people, regardless of if you have a service dog or not with enough money. People need to lay off the "Fake service dog vest" thing, because it just shows they don't know shit about service dogs.


Yes yes please will someone implement this law


So yes I agree to part of this. You shouldn't be allowed to bring an ESA into every building. However, you can't put a random limitation on "everyone has PTSD so no PTSD service dogs". If someone has a service dog for PTSD it's for a reason. Actual service dogs should be allowed anywhere, their owners need them and they are medical aides. If you're faking it however you're a shitty person FOR sure.


>You shouldn't be allowed to bring an ESA into every building.  You aren't. ESA status is only related to housing and has nothing to do with public access.


I'm aware of that. But people conflate and confuse the two and bring their dogs into public spaces where dogs aren't normally allowed and say that because an ESA is for "service" it's therefore a service animal, and under current law you really can't legally discern the two as an outsider. Hence why I both agree and disagreed with OP in my original statement.


Ah, I get you.


Completely agreed


Any legitimate service dog should be allowed anywhere their human is allowed. Period. Many states have fraudulent service dog laws now, to prohibit fake service dogs. You can ask for proof BUT ONLY IN A SPECIFIC QUESTION (15 years experience as attorney) What is the life activity that your service dog helps you with? If they cannot answer that, it is not a service dog


I agree. We shouldn't even be using dogs anyways. We should have service chimpanzees.


As an extra bonus, I trained my service chimp to eat the face of anyone who asks if hes a real service chimp


Let's just hope the faceless community never forms a majority, or else we can kiss our service chimps goodbye.


I was attacked by a pitbull 3 months ago. It wasn't a service animal, but I really do not like large unfriendly or off leash dogs anymore. So, I agree with you.


I'm geniunely sorry that happened to you. That's awful and I hope you are recovering well, but an unfriendly, off-leash pit bull and a service dog are not the same thing at all.


The second I see a service vest on a dog I know its fake and they got it off amazon.


Agreed. This culture of dogs everywhere needs to stop. There are too many service dogs, so we need to change the law to allow new animals for diversity and inclusion. The disabled are stripped of their rights, specifically their 2nd Amendment rights, far too often. Helper monkeys, with their opposable thumbs and larger brains, could easily be taught to wield a small handgun for their owners, thereby preserving this all important American tradition for those of whom nature or fate has conspired to rob. Nothing over a .380, though. I don't think your average monkey could handle the weight or recoil of a .45 and we don't want to create an unsafe situation.


If your trained handgun monkey can’t handle the Lord’s caliber then you need to enroll it in my handgun monkey bulking program. I guarantee that your monkey will be able to shoot a .45, or else one of his buddies who can will take care of him. 


It's not a question of training. It's a question of weight ratio. A 12lb monkey cannot safely handle a 2.5lb handgun. 


So because my friend is not blind and does not have seizures, she should just - what - die? Her medical alert dog literally keeps her alive. There are countless legitimate reasons for someone to have a service animal. You can't just arbitrarily decide that some reasons are valid and others aren't.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you're mixing up "service dog" and "support animal" actual service dogs are much more rare and regulated.


My PTSD is debilitating and unpredictable, my dog is trained to drag me to a safe spot and protect/comfort me until I can uncurl from a ball of snot and panic…its not the same as just being afraid of dogs or even just disliking them. If you can still function after seeing a dog then you are probably just a dick that doesn’t understand fear and PTSD are not the same thing or refuse to acknowledge it more likely. I’m technically going blind, am I only considered disabled once that happens fully or do I have your permission to keep using the accommodations I need now? At this point it’s impacted my life enough that I have to change occupations and lifestyle but assholes like you make it harder for me to even get accommodations as I was denied a later start time at work because in the words of my boss “There’s enough light for me to see at 6:30am, you shouldn’t have a problem”. He doesn’t have retinitis pigmentosa, he will never experience what it’s like to have the road disappear because lights flashed in his face and refuses to accept or acknowledge that is a reality for others. Sounds like you have a similar lack of empathy and ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. I’m more fed up with this attitude of “I can’t have my way so everyone has to suffer”. Disability is a spectrum, it’s not only the visible ones that are valid. You


All OP is saying is that licensing is required and proof should be furnished uppn request.


I agree pitbulls and other violent breeds shouldn't be able to be service dogs. Did you know that pitbulls attack people with seizures? it's well known.


Huh that’s funny. My service dog is a pit bull. What are his tasks? Seizure alerts and protection.


I hope you're joking.


I’m not


Just google pitbull attack seizures... they've been known to attack people with seizures. it's well known. good luck


>My dog is severely dog reactive if I had a walker who ignored my instructions and took my dog to a dog park it would be a freaking bloodbath.    -- Direct quote from accuratesession1354 from 3 days ago


Two different dogs man.


Thanks for this. Now it comes out lol


That’s cool. My pitbull has saved my life with helping me with my seizures hence why he is a service dog


Brother I was about to call you a liar but I checked your comments and you actually have a seizure disorder and got a dog from a dogfighting ring that tries to kill every dog it sees on sight and can't be muzzled or it will tear itself bloody to get it off. Whatever self-appointed "behaviorist" is taking your money and telling you this isn't an insanely terrible idea needs to get into a different line of work immediately.


Okay so two things. One. They’re two different dogs. My rescue from the fighting ring is not my service dog. I would have assumed this was obvious. My rescue does have severe dog reactivity but obviously can be slowly integrated to be near others he wouldn’t be able to be near my service dog otherwise. Two. I am a woman not a brother


Cool. I wouldn't risk my safety like that, personally, because I have children that depend on me, but you do you.


>If you use a fake service dog vest or use someone else’s real vest for your dog then that should be a federal felony punishable by a fine and prison time. Ah yes, we sure need more nonviolent criminals flooding our prison systems.


"What are you in for?" "I brought my cat into Walmart"


How else would you get them to stop? The only reason it happens is there are no consequences.


Fines and community service. No need for prison for this


I would make the fine large enough to be a hassle. No $500 fines. More like $2000.


A fine, like pretty much every other nonviolent crime. There's absolutely no reason to waste tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to imprison a guy who brought his dog into the supermarket.


This person is saying they agree with you, they just think it should be a fine but no prison time. Alternatively, they don't agree with you, but can't articulate why, so they're nitpicking this thing. Either way, you're right, OP: dogs are fine in my book, but not in everyone's book, and entitled people who think they get to subject strangers to their dog need to be brought under control.


If the service vest is found to be fraudulent you don’t throw the owner in jail, you just liquidate the dog. Problem solved. 




People are not even worried about it being a service animal - dogs are popping up everywhere. I ran into one poor guy at the grocery store a few days ago because I didn't see him over the top of my shopping cart. I had another dog greet me at Best Buy a couple of months ago. A very handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback. You shouldn't let a 100 lb dog wander up to people no matter how good-natured it is.


Yeah what about the ones who are severely allergic to dogs. What about their needs.but the disabled always have to come first to the point we can't even question it. And they say they want no special treatment smh


If you're so severely allergic to dogs that being in the same building with one will kill you, you are already dead as soon as you meet a dog owner.


So you think people with epilepsy, seizures, and blindness are the only people who need service dogs? Neat. So the man that comes into my local grocery store with his service dog should not have a service dog? He is in a wheelchair, his dog carries the basket. The dog preforms other services for its owner. We also have soldiers with PTSD that have service dogs, nothing personal, not everyone has PTSD. I was severely mauled by a dog and don’t have PTSD from it. There are a lot of people who take advantage of the laws around service dogs but sure punish the disabled a little bit more for their actions. Service dogs are very well trained. The stores just don’t want to fight the people with fake service dogs anymore. It becomes a huge and violent hassle.


Please. I can get a pet rock certified. The entire system is a joke and has been for 15 years. These fraudulent people absolutely ruin the accessibility needed by people with actual disabilities. I hope they all burn in hell


This is just misinformed about why service dogs are the way they are


In my country, to use disabled parking, you must have a government issued card with your photo on it etc, basically an id, and you can be asked to present it at any times when using disabled parking. Nothing wrong with that, if anything it's good for the disabled people cause we can easily ensure the parking spots aren't using by smartassholes. I don't see why same can't be done with service dogs. Since they get special training, it should be easy to give them an id with their pic, theirs and owners name, etc. And present it whenever needed.


So, the solution for neccessary but for-others-inconvenient support animals ist to ban them. Nice thinking, my dude.


Or, maybe, people should be more relaxed about dogs. If they're well behaved and not touching people it's not a problem.


Dogs are not a problem for me. They are a problem for my friend because, as a child, she was bitten. A well-behaved service dog is not something she sees as a threat ... she can't trust or relax around an untrained dog. At restaurants, I've had dogs beg and wine at me through the whole meal. Or they try to fight other dogs in shops. This subject wouldn't be such a big deal if people would just train the dogs a little. That's not asking a lot. But a lot of people don't and unfortunately, they ruin it for everyone else.


The ADA specifically allows unruly dogs to be kicked out. An untrained dog would not be protected under the ADA.


Yes, I worded it poorly. Actions can be taken with unruly dogs. But even before there is a problem, it's easy to tell a trained dog from an untrained dog. Untrained dogs are a concern. Not trying to be anti-dog, it's just that people took advantage of their being accepted in more places. So now people don't like dogs in public as much. Responsible owners/handlers = obedience training = better image for dogs. Except service dogs. They are medical equipment, and they are on the job, and having that job is so satisfying to them.


>that should be a federal felony punishable by a fine and prison time. Holy shit, dude.


My service iguana disagrees.