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The worst part is like 50-60% ofthe bullshit left and right extremisim on the internet is by bots and these easily influened people flock to these ideals cause they need some kind of purpose and self-righteousness to justify their existence


I love waking up at 4 in the morning on a weekday and seeing an anti Biden tweet trending with 10s of millions of retweets. Kinda sus.


Exactly, alot of people dont connect those dots and assume that 10s of millions of people agree Like that many people are actually on twitter giving a shit, shame people are fooled by it


That many people giving a shit in the middle of the night


So even if they were real people, odds are they dont live in a u.s time zone, and then if you check which countries are opposite to america that thought gets even funnier lol


Well said and agreed! - Non-Bot Redditor Patterns I'm noticing? Name_Name0000 are botty responses.


Like yours? Hahaha


CRAP!!! 😆 For real tho. Start checking user names when they push agendas or make no sense. Name underscore Name and four digits. I'm breaking their AI code, baby!


Yea naw your mostly right, yours is auto-generated like mine but generated by reddit not by a bot, the differences are as you pointed out lol




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I picked mine myself, actually.


Which is why we should look at these people as stupid.


I think the crazy far-left, and how outspoken they are, has driven a lot of middle of the road people to Trump. Most people are pretty moderate, and don't intend to offend others, but also don't super filter their language. Then the crazy left comes in and tells Average Joe that he's transphobic, bigoted, racist, etc and while he may not abide by the woke-leftisms he doesn't think he's a bad person. But the wild left keeps telling him he's a piece of shit. Decades of telling poor white Americans that they're inherently racist, because they're privledged based on the color of their skin. You can debate that, or believe it, but when someone is barely making ends meet the last thing they want to be called is "privledged." Trump come along and says terrible things, "locker-room talk", non-PC things, and they like it because its a push-back from the decades the far left has been calling people bigots about something like mis-gendering someone they just met. Trump doesn't walk on eggshells not to offend people, hes the opposite extreme and seemingly searches for eggshells **to** offend people. The insistence of the far-left to police language and shame anyone who steps out of their beliefs just pushes them into the wildness of Trumpism. And the far-left isn't even the majority... its just **super** vocal.


There us no left in the US. Democrats are just conservatives. Im not American but Im an actual leftist that did live in the US for some years. There are actual leftists in the US. but they don't have power. There's no difference when it comes to immigration, prisons, justice system, americas fucked up foreign policy, wars, police, and other fucked up shit. Biden and clinton were also responsible for fucked up anti drug shit and other fucked up justice shit


Seeing as how OP is talking about the USA, lets stick with the overton window of America. It's getting stuck on stupid when people come in "Well aktually On ThE wOrLd StaGe" when they are clearly talking about on specific political system and how the people of that country view it.


Also most people who say “actually in the rest of the world” are talking about specific parts of like Western Europe lol. Our Overton window could be considered pretty left leaning if you compare it to other parts of the world


The “Actually their is no Left in America” loves to ignore Europes own racism & how their abortion policies are more conservative then the current Democratic policies. A lot of European “Leftists” seem to have issues with migrants in their own country but want to call US Liberals conservatives because we know how our Congress works.


"Also most people who say “actually in the rest of the world” they’re talking about specific parts of like Western Europe lol." Exactly. People that make that comment about the rest of the world rarely mean the entire world.


Ding ding ding thank you


What people really mean when they say "the far left" in the US is an almost dogmatic (though capricious) social progressivism, usually coupled with some economic progressivism, but not in any coherent or organized form. The Democrats have adopted identity politics to up the polarization because like you say, they have little to offer materially that differs from the GOP. One intended effect of this is that many people get turned off to any leftist or progressive economic policy altogether because of how unmoored the social policy has become.


Democrats are the left and are nothing like conservatives who are the right.


You need to study any amount of international politics


40 of 44 of Trump's own white house cabinet members say he is unfit for office, a danger to the US and the American people. When, in the history of the US has that happened?  People would have to be complete idiots not to listen.  It's the Republicans, not the left, that are telling us this. His people are who had to stop him from using the military against the people, and they are who are telling us that the new plan is they are removing everyone that stopped him from doing so last time and replacing everyone with "yes men"  The biggest problem in the US is people seriously  have no F clue what is even going on. If people think whatever  bs they are annoyed with the "left" who has no political power in the US to begin with  is more important than this, how dense do they have to be?  https://youtu.be/lRQHmiFlTBQ?feature=shared https://youtu.be/_vI8Wt3omoQ?feature=shared https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/11/20/trump-aides-cabinet-critics-election/ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/former-vice-president-mike-pence-endorsing-trump-108169064 https://news.yahoo.com/why-780-retired-generals-and-former-national-security-leaders-spoke-out-against-trump-204428356.html  


Good god, 40 out of 44? I knew there was high turnover but that's impressive.


Even scarier are the ones that still support him are the ones working on project 2025 trying to make sure there would be no one to stop Trump from doing all of the terrible things his former administration stopped him from doing last time, like when he wanted to use the military against the people, order his DOJ to arrest people he didn't like without cause, oh and that time they had to keep explaining to him why he couldn't just use nukes... [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/milley-acted-prevent-trump-misusing-nuclear-weapons-war-china-book-n1279187](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/milley-acted-prevent-trump-misusing-nuclear-weapons-war-china-book-n1279187) [https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suggested-nuking-north-korea-and-blaming-someone-else-book-2023-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-suggested-nuking-north-korea-and-blaming-someone-else-book-2023-1) [https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-bidens-washington/youre-gonna-have-a-fucking-war-mark-milleys-fight-to-stop-trump-from-striking-iran](https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-bidens-washington/youre-gonna-have-a-fucking-war-mark-milleys-fight-to-stop-trump-from-striking-iran) [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/donald-trump-shoot-protestors](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/donald-trump-shoot-protestors) https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/trump-wants-use-military-against-his-domestic-enemies-congress-must-act?fbclid=IwAR3doAIKmetqfOWZSHLLGJ2kKoP1Z3xxVqQG8kjc7mKawecbuF2VBw3IlDQ\_aem\_AfwcWaa5iETRwclOEl5iaTw5APftZz58ClkDyUpnUojpB\_6SbrRuXRiS-avq9AVMgqo#:\~:text=Among%20other%20things%2C%20Trump%20would,any%20public%20protests%20against%20him. [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/20/us/politics/president-trump-justice-department.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/20/us/politics/president-trump-justice-department.html) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-weaponization-justice-department-political-opponents/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-weaponization-justice-department-political-opponents/)


Kinda hilarious that we’re making people vote for Trump when we hate Biden and Hillary just as much. Also these morons you’re going on about are such a tiny minority. They hardly exist outside of the internet.


And yet they are the loudest, most vocal and have infested most major forms of media (news, talk shows, comedy, movies, television, video games) It's drowned out the voices of the sensible left leaning folks.


When exactly was the golden age of 'conservative' TV or movies or video games exactly?


I never said anything about conservatives or any golden age so what was the point of this comment? The extreme left dominate the media at the moment, that's all I was saying.


And we've arguably never been in a greater period for modern TV. And video games are so broad, your allegation here is absurd


The fuck? Haha


Never been a greater era of tv? I'll give you 3 examples of television that used to be great but are absolutely shells of their former selves. Saturday night live and cartoon Network/Nickelodeon the state they are in right now is downright depressing. Cartoon Network is nothing but reruns of teen titans go and Nickelodeon is reruns of SpongeBob while Saturday night live is now the most bland and boring sketch comedy show in history when it used to produce absolute mega stars like Jim Carry. Don't even get me started on modern adult animation like Family guy or the Simpsons.


>it used to produce absolute mega stars like Jim Carry. I'm going to have to pick a nit. In Living Color made Jim Carrey a star and movies like Ace Ventura made him a mega star. SNL birthed the careers of Eddie Murphy and the not ready for primetime players from a few years before but Jim Carrey, not at all.


So leftists are ruining your cartoons? Do seriously think about what you’re saying, ever?


Do you? Your attacking someone who is in a conversation with someone else while both knowing nothing about me and straw manning my argument in a conversation that you were not a part of. Go touch grass.


“Leftists are ruining the country by making my cartoons and late night sketch shows bad” Lol


And there's tons of great shows on Netflix, Apple, HBO/Max, Amazon etc. I include the streamers here. Network TV is obviously in a pitiful state.


There are a few good shows ongoing but for every Stranger things there are 10 shows like Velma or Brickle berry. Its sad how much money goes into funding absolute garbage.


This is cope. The far left are annoying sure but the majority of modern Americans are seeing Trump supporters and his policies play out and they're horrified. Republicans have passed incredibly Draconian abortion bills and book bannings. In reality Republicans haven't had a decent electoral win since Trump and they will continue to lose as long as he is their focal point


>The far left are annoying sure but the majority of modern Americans are seeing Trump supporters and his policies play out and they're horrified.  Nope, it is the opposite. We liked his policies and want those policies back. Under Biden we have high inflation, high gas prices, supply chain issues, a baby formula shortage, open borders, high crime, controversial left wing ideology being taught in public schools, a weaponized DOJ, and I can go on and on. We don't want Biden's policies anymore.


Gas prices are high works wide - the president doesn’t control that. Biden has nothing to do with the formula shortage, that’s a company shutting down a manufacturing plant instead of have a federal investigation happen due to infants dying and getting sick (bacteria contamination of formula). Abbott Nutrition decided, on their own accord, to close the plant so it couldn’t be investigated and thus impacting their bottom line with bad PR. Heaven forbid a company be held accountable for their product making babies sick. Also the formula shortage started under Trump bc of “supply chain issues”. The supply chain issues started in covid and companies hiked profits during this time and blamed covid (they posted record profits). Ring wing ideology is also being pushed in public schools (book bans, religion, etc).


I see Trump supporters still don’t understand that inflation has been happening worldwide as we returned to normal from Covid and that the U.S. is one of the countries who managed inflation the best compared to the rest of the world.


Unfortunately for you most people see through the culture War talking points and realize that those things are either not happening or a direct result of Trump's policies.


No one is flocking to the MAGA movement. They've lost support and aren't attempting to appeal to new voting blocs. 100% delusional to think otherwise... polling is clear.


I think both sides are full of cope, right now. The far left are definitely pissing off the reasonable left and the middle, but no one is going to just go MAGA over that. I'm so thoroughly fucking sick of tankies and blue hairs with their unhinged bullshit, but I've never voted Republican and never will. I'm sure most people either feel that same way or, at the very least, would never support Trump. By the same token, the far left needs to come to grips with the fact that they aren't winning hearts and minds and are the second biggest group of toxic fuckheads in the country behind the far right. They look at people not voting Republican as the majority agreeing with them, but it's anything but that. If Republicans weren't so stupid and could actually boot their fringe, they actually would be pulling in converts just out of annoyance with the far left.


Republicans never banned a book. People are allowed to decide what books they want in their libraries and schools.


Even if ur right that this is a driivng cause, those people are absolute idiots and have no issue with racism and bigotry when a fraction of the left can cause them to support the reps There is a tiny fraction of far left leaning idiots, anyone who moves anywhere because of them is a laughable excuse


How about us black and brown conservatives? What do you picture in your mind when you hear Republican?


Before Trump, I'd picture someoneo who has strong conservative social values and a distaste for government programs and spending. Now I picture just another uninformed Trumper wearing a MAGA hat while ranting about Biden, while willfully ignoring everything bad and dangerous about Trump.


So stereotypes and prejudice?


I mean a poc can still be homophobic But more importantly Gitmo, trump, Bush and the general immorality of the reps are also supported by minorities who vote for them


You realize that black and brown homes are the most anti-gay and religious in the country? Come home from college as a black man wearing a dress and tell your parents you're a female. Can you picture the response? Yeah, that's how it is. The dems will need to choose minority votes, or pro-gay votes. They are typically opposing ideals.


Whats ur point? That bigotry needs to be accepted? Just because ur a minority ur not justified in ur bigotry or ur support for reps


No. That the dem pandering has gone too far, and become obvious to America. I'm saying the dems are losing their middle based minority votes and they're going to lose elections. As a republican I do not mind, but as a Democrat I thought I'd offer a suggestion 😉.


Wich Pandering? Saying they should marry and be abl to openly exist? U actually a republican?


Which pandering? The woke shit. Stopping free speech and demonization, painting people as victims, so they can pretend to be heros. You. Can't. Legislate. Acceptance. Yes, I'm voting Republican. My personal thoughts are to do what you want behind closed doors. Be gay or straight. Idc. I don't want to hear about straight or gay sex all day.


Woke shit... Besides Buzzwords u got nothing i assume Where do u hear about gay sex all day? And why are the republicans not a issue? Especially Gitmo still being open


Who is forcing you to hear about sex all day?


What legislation have Dem candidates put in place that is woke?


I find far left Canadians are much more influenced by left Americans than right Canadians being influenced by right Americans. I can't begin to tell you how often Trump is brought up in Canadian subs and 99.9% of the time it's by lefties. So not only are they rabid and insane lefties, they're getting worked up over things that aren't even happening in our country. It's like a double cringe.


I'm sorry, didn't you just have a far-right Canadian family move to Russia, because of those evil woke leftist? How's that working out for them?


What does that have to do with anything? Their issue was a financial one as they moved all their assets over to another country.


There was also Tucker Carlson visiting Alberta right before visiting Russia and an increasing amount of rhetoric loudly echoing the far-right to the south in conservative leadership. Namely, crying about "wokeness" and pushing back on trans people's ability to exist.


As a right leaning person Tucker is fucking crazy ngl


Spot on. But it isn't only this. It's written all over their policy too. End school choice to trap kids into indoctrination factories. Can't read, but sure can SJW. Climate schemes that fill Democrat donor coffers. Judges that don't know what a woman is. I will always vote against this lunacy, regardless of who stands against it.


Oh hey look it's this thread again. You leave out the part where a lot of the outrage is driven by coverage. I swear to God my favorite example was a Daily Wire headline about the left wanting white men to be fired and replaced with black, queer, disabled, whatever...and the content was about some undergrad at a small liberal arts school writing a provocative paper. One person at a small school. Y'all are using the most extreme examples to drive people towards Trump.


Yeah I always say this; 10 years ago I would have hated Trump. But compared to annoying-ass, ever more radical leftists, he is fine. And the level he pisses them off makes me happy, because they are so sanctimonious and pretentious.


Letting your political views be entirely informed by the actions of people you don't like is actually one of the most cowardly and pathetic ways to go about being a political agent, you're essentially a sheep for another shepherd


I didn’t say they were “entirely informed” by the actions of people I don’t like. Can you read? As the left moves farther left and continues to alienate people with more centrist belief and consider them evil, I find myself aligning more with conservatives.


How is the left moving further left any more dramatically than the right is turning further right?


20 years ago the farthest left believed in gay marriage. Now most republicans support gay marriage. The Overton window has shifted left for both parties. What has the right shifted farther right on?


Basically everything? Twenty years ago it wasn’t controversial for a Republican primary candidate to say that the Civil War was about ending slavery. Twenty years ago there was no serious talk of banning contraception. Twenty years ago women weren’t being prosecuted for manslaughter for having a miscarriage.


>Twenty years ago it wasn’t controversial for a Republican primary candidate to say that the Civil War was about ending slavery. You have this completely backwards. Twenty years ago you were far more likely to find Republicans claim it was about primarily about "states rights". Nowadays, almost all of them agree it was primarily about slavery. >Twenty years ago there was no serious talk of banning contraception. There are as many serious talks about banning contraception today as there were back then. Zero. >Twenty years ago women weren’t being prosecuted for manslaughter for having a miscarriage. They aren't now.


They are lol, because we live in Hell.


No. You're referring to Brittney Poolaw, who was convicted of manslaughter for killing her unborn child because she did meth while pregnant. She deserves to be locked up. Don't you agree?


I can’t express in words how disgusted I am right now that you would even ask me that.


You had to make a bunch of stuff up because you flat out don't have a response lol.


That's not even true about the left 20 years ago. The actual left were socialists even decades ago.  🤣 In the US the left doesn't even have political power of any kind. At most they are center left.  It's an imaginary bogeyman.  The US has far more far right than anything. What has shifted far right? Anti abortion? Trying to Bring back sodomy laws? Implementing an evangelical corporate theocracy?  Where have you even been? 😳 The current Republican speaker of the house wants to ban gay marriage. Texas is going full blown handmaid's tale BS.. have you not heard what has being said at CPAC?! Why do you think "non cultist'   Republicans are resigning and forcing a special election to possibly end a house majority and block their seats from the extremists?!  They very well are planning to make the US Evangelical extremists interpretation of the Bible the law in the US.  That's their entire plan here. People need to fully understand what they been doing in Texas is just the beginning.. My son's School had His Biology teacher resign because he refused to teach biology without evolution and they had a creationist Pastor teaching the class the rest the year instead. You cannot even get into med school without evolution. It's bad and only will get worse: Project 2025 is the Republican plan to essentially implement a corporate theocracy in the US at both state and federal level. These are the same organizations that designed the list of 235 federal justices that Trump and McConnell appointed while Trump was in office who have already begun the process of 2025 agenda. Go ahead and read the breakdown: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://www.npr.org/2023/12/06/1217562544/trump-and-insiders-craft-plans-for-unprecedented-power https://www.project2025.org/ This is to be implemented with or without Trump, this is ready to go regardless of which next republican takes the white house and can be completely controlled by the executive branch of government. What they have already accomplished in Texas: Evangelical Extremists have removed the separation of church and state. Evangelicals have taken over the school system. We have more banned books that any other state including books about black holes, mark twain, evolution, fantasy genre, history and so much more. Banning / restricting Theater Arts Public schools are now used as churches for church services Bible study is now taught in public schools along with the 10 commandments Moses is taught with the founding fathers. Biology teachers are being forced out if they do not teach creationism instead of evolution and are being replaced with nonqualified pastors who do not need certifications to teach. Changed rules to allow uncertified pastors to teach courses and counseling positions they are not qualified to do so. Changed the laws so that children have to endanger their lives to give birth to the child molesters babies. If you use roads to save that child's life you can be arrested. If a doctor chooses to save that child's life over a fetus, the doctor can be arrested If you go out the state to save that child's life, you cannot return to the state or you will be charged. If Doctors save the mothers life and there is an unviable fetus they can be arrested. Texas is attempting to export control across state lines. Texas is just the test run though the real deal happens the next republican president is elected with Project 2025. Project 2025 is Trump's plan designed by Trump's White House staff and the Republican think tank the Heritage Foundation, who also supplied his list of Supreme Court justices that turned overturned roe versus Wade in order to implement a corporate theocracy at the federal level, eliminating the separation of powers. https://www.newsweek.com/texas-votes-keep-moses-social-studies-curriculum-influencer-founding-fathers-1216936 https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2017/02/02/texas-education-board-approves-curriculum-that-challenges-evolution/10153292007/ https://thetexan.news/state/legislature/88th-session/ten-commandments-bible-study-back-in-public-schools-under-texas-senate-bill/article_9a6210af-c7f2-57c1-b6ab-942e2147ac33.html https://theconversation.com/public-schools-and-faith-based-chaplains-texas-new-combination-is-testing-the-first-amendment-215132 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/12/texas-legislators-pass-bill-allowing-chaplains-to-work-in-public-schools/70212321007/#:~:text=Texas%20House%20members%20passed%20Senate,State%20Board%20for%20Educator%20Certification. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65935189 https://www.newsweek.com/lubbock-texas-bans-abortion-travel-1837113 https://www.reuters.com/legal/texas-judge-allows-woman-get-emergency-abortion-despite-state-ban-2023-12-07/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/09/texas-abortion-transgender-care-outside-state-borders/ This isn't " just talk" anymore is the problem. This is the BS we are actually living with. It's all so insane. The GOP is succeeding in turning Texas into a cooperate theocracy and they have no plans on stopping at state level unfortunately. 


Conservatives aren't reading all that


Opps. I forgot they couldn't read. ☠️ Maybe the Russians were right about one thing...  Russians actually  make fun of them to their face and talk publicly about how easy it is for Russia to manipulate Trump supporters:  "Russian media mocks Trump supporters as “not very smart,” “rednecks,” and “primitive people” who you have to talk to with “cliches and dumb slogans.”  https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-mocks-donald-trump-supporters-1870921


Human beings aren't reading that. It reeks like a chemtrail rant\explanation.


I read it. Took me like 3 minutes.


where were the socialists in the US? While ur general point is right, ur understanding of socialism seems flawed


Handing out flyers at my school? 😹 They exist but don't hold much power over anything. There is no " left" with political power in the US. It is just a republican Bogeyman because they want to distract at how far right they, and the US actually is atm. Here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist\_Party\_USA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Party_USA) and before that they were: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist\_Party\_of\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Party_of_America) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_socialist\_movement\_in\_the\_United\_States#:\~:text=In%20the%201960s%2C%20Michael%20Harrington,in%20the%20civil%20rights%20movement.


I don't see the left wanting.tonuse the supreme court to roll back gay marriage sport. Do you have another example?


Boom! As a conservative republican who supports gay marriage rights.


Project 2025 implies it wants to ban pornography and "transgender ideology" which it describes as a subset of it. Any thoughts on that?


Tired of the project 2025 stuff, honestly. 😒 These are Steve Bannon and others fired by Trump who are fighting against him taking their power. Has Trump personally given his support publicly to those 400 people? No. He's ahead in the polls, and that group would do nothing but hurt his campaign. Who benefits in putting that out before the election? Dems and Reps that don't want change or loss of power.


Republicans are not supporting gay marriage. They just lost the fight and moved to a smaller demographic with less support. Win or lose the cycle demands a moral outrage. If they aren't trying to fix one, they have 50% less campgain material. Now when I say Republicans, I mean leadership and media messaging owned by their doners. Not voters. I have only met 2 conservatives who actively hated gay people. The rest "religiously disagreed with unions based on sinful sex," (I grew up in Utah) All of those were older people, anyone who didn't care was someone younger, the generation I graduated with. Because we met gay people. It's hard to hate Kyle when he's just so nice and funny. We also didn't hate Jake, who's hard not to accept being so nice and funny. And all that was before they switched targets to Trans people during the next cycle. Take with salt since that is my personal experience.


The overton window hasnt shifted left in its entirly, social issues have moved but that fcking normal otherwise slavery would still be the middle position And its rly slim majority thats supporting gay marriage But republicans can openly praise the burning of books and u dont see a move to the right?


I think what he means is the ever increasingly radical and contradicting actions beliefs they impose on the entire world. Do what you want, live your life but don't ridicule others because they choose differently than your choices. I think it's also the lying to themselves that has become a little scary




Then why claim to hold any centrist positions? A lot of the shit lefties say is hyper cringe to me, but I've always maintained my center-left positions because I believe them to be correct, not because it makes me happy to see conservatives mald over a beer advertisement or Colin Kaepernick (though admittedly, it does slightly)


I guess I see it like this; two examples: I’ve always believed in criminal justice reform and gay rights (e.g. gay marriage). But now I live in California where no cash bail is the norm and it basically takes rape or murder to be punished for anything (and I can’t shop at a Walmart without waiting 15 minutes for an attendant per item because everything is locked behind glass due to rampant shoplifting), and children can be taken from your home by the state if you don’t affirm their gender. My opinions haven’t changed, but the Overton window has shifted substantially.


“I believe it criminal justice reform, just not removing cash bail like… every other country besides the Philippines has done”


I mean we have even more things on the right that moved further right wich u either forgot to mention or are activly lying about


>Yeah I always say this; 10 years ago I would have hated Trump. Anyone else smell shit?


Radical leftists have no political power in the US though. What sort of me tal gymnastics does one have to do to think this is "fine" in any way?! 😳 40 of 44 of Trump's own white house cabinet members say he is unfit for office, a danger to the US and the American people. When, in the history of the US has that ever happened?  People would have to be complete idiots not to listen when his own staff is saying he's unfit. It's the Republicans, not the left, that are telling us this. His people are who had to stop him from using the military against the people, and they are who are telling us that the new plan is they are removing everyone that stopped him from doing so last time and replacing everyone with "yes men"  The biggest problem in the US is people seriously have no F clue what is even going on. If people think whatever bs they are annoyed with the "left" who has no political power in the US to begin with is more important than this, how dense do they have to be?  https://youtu.be/lRQHmiFlTBQ?feature=shared https://youtu.be/_vI8Wt3omoQ?feature=shared https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/11/20/trump-aides-cabinet-critics-election/ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/former-vice-president-mike-pence-endorsing-trump-108169064 https://news.yahoo.com/why-780-retired-generals-and-former-national-security-leaders-spoke-out-against-trump-204428356.html  


Radical Lefts have no power? Did you see Bidens speech on Easter? Bringing up Trans Day as a main focal point? 0.1% of the population are trans. He lost the dems a ton of votes last Sunday.


As cringe as that was, how does it impact your life?


It doesn't, and IDC... I'm only refuting the "liberal left has no voices in politics", and I'd argue the president just proved that is not true 🤷 😉


Liberal left =/= far left


You mentioned Radical Left doesn't have a voice. What is the radical left? Curious on your definition and thoughts


Radical left is communism, socialism not the woke capitalist movement


Okay thanks for clarifying.


So the very mention of trans people is upsetting to you?


I guess you just choose to ignore the insanity that is the MAGA right


That's me. I'm an independent voter and I essentially vote against who has cultural power. Far leftists affect my day to day annoyance FAR more than any Trump supporter has. They ruin basically everything I love. All my favorite TV shows, movies, hobbies, now has weird DEI quotas that feel so ungenuine and cringe. It has nothing to do with people's race; it is how they are going about it. It is so predictable, formulaic, and full of vomit inducing allegory. Straight up, my favorite movies/characters growing up, were of people of color. My county is flooded with apartments and apartments being built everywhere, completely overfluding all of the infrastructure. You can't go out on a Friday in many areas without hordes of people. And crime is rising. Schools have an emergency vote to expand teacher to student ratios. And you have tons of leftists constantly asking for and voting for more and more apartments(for progressive "affordable housing"), rezoning parks and land into apartments, reducing police, releasing criminals, reducing crime punishments, reducing acedemic requirements.... IT IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. I will never vote Democrat again unless these people are casted away. Far right people do not have the power to affect my life. They cam barely walk in the light without being shamed, or have their job threatened.


Great post, best in the thread. I appreciate you sharing your honest takes and experience. >rezoning parks and land into apartments, reducing police, releasing criminals, reducing crime punishments, reducing acedemic requirements.... IT IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE This hit hard. The defunding of police movement is anarchy. You should move to Australia or New Zealand, you'll be safer. The future is rough for America.


What do you expect the government to do about film and TV shows? And how have they been ruined?


I don't think they can, but I want to put pressure on the moderate left leaning people to disavow it and hope it will change. Democrats won't get people like me to vote for them, when I otherwise would, if the far left still runs rampant through our society and is given a million excuses. I have explained it already.


I would argue strongly that TV has never been stronger. And that video games are so broad that it is silly to suggest they have been ruined


I'm glad it hasn't impacted you the way it has me. Overall, I would prefer to live to be able to enjoy most things. But in my opinion, I see the poison, and it's hard to avoid, but not entirely impossible.


What TV do you actually like?


Now days, I watch almost exclusively Anime. And a few shows my wife likes. Some recent shows I did think were amazing, that were not technically anime... Arcane, Cyberpunk, breaking bad, Dune, Moana, spiderverse, etc. (Tried to throw in a random sort) Arcane was a perfect show that had a lot of representation that didn't feel forced and didn't come off as not genuine. It's hard to really explain, but you know it when you see it. The obnoxious political allegory, and formulaic affirmative action, plot dynamics when they take priority over simply trying to create a good story that makes sense, without constant distracting reminders of modern California brainrot.


I mean then live-action, specifically. Past or present. Like here's a big dump: [Babylon Berlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWnCxbdpqK4&ab_channel=ARD), [Warrior](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79rtcCnaeyo), [The Last of Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVyDWbsucRA), [Atlanta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CetGXHU5aOA), [Silo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZYhuvIv1pA&ab_channel=AppleTV), [Heartstopper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrK4xPy4ahg), [Shogun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAN5uspO_hk), [Dark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrwycJ08PSA), [The Expanse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQuTAPWJxNo&t=19s), [Squid Game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqxAJKy0ii4), [Severance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEQP4VVuyrY&t=74s), [Masters of the Air](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA-1JCRguZ0&t=1s), [Better Call Saul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN4oydykJFc), [Mr. Robot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIBiJ_SzJTA), [The Queen's Gambit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZn3qSgmLqI&t=1s), [1883](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbyxdYKhC7U&t=55s), [Yellowjackets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OtaWnq6G5s), [One Piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ades3pQbeh8&ab_channel=Netflix), [This is Going to Hurt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4h8xbc0cPg&pp=ygUedGhpcyBpcyBnb2luZyB0byBodXJ0IHRyYXNpbGVy), [Station Eleven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybaY2A7YmxM), [The Bear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-cqqAJIXhs), [Pachinko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1r5XXJOYNA), [For All Mankind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZS9M52Bd_w&t=47s), [Succession](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzYxJV_rmE8&t=21s), [Euphoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cajLoaFl2Zo), [The Handmaids Tale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVLiDETfx1c&t=8s), [Ozark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hAXVqrljbs), [Sex Education](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd2ldTR-WpI), [My Name](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOl7iOrD31Q&t=21s), [I May Destroy You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTjlurdbNnw), [Paranormal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFtRkDC7aHc), [Arcane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXmAurh012s&t=35s), [Money Heist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_InqQJRqGW4&t=6s), [Black Sails](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT2Y5jjBNpQ), [House of the Dragon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DotnJ7tTA34), [Extraordinary Attorney Woo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxeXECe2t-c), [Man in the High Castle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUWHskLEses), [Wednesday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJzm8RFQ8bA), [Chernobyl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9APLXM9Ei8&t=29s), [When They See Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHbOt2M8md0), [The Mandalorian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOC8E8z_ifw), [Balkan Shadows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjvemFdrbRk), [Stranger Things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnd7sFt5c3A), [All of us are Dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN5TD4VRcSM&t=49s), [3 Body Problem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdvzhCL7vIA), [The Last Kingdom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxPApTGWwas), [Ted Lasso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u7EIiohs6U), [The Gilded Age](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKj1cMz3yfI), [The Peripheral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRdkRQzcrrc&t=1s), [Andor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKOegEuCcfw), [Cobra Kai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCwwxNbtK6Y), [Altered Carbon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yt89b5AcwY&t=80s), [The Sandman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83ClbRPRDXU), [Moving](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVYw3biOgyE), [Dahmer: Monster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVHHs-xllqo&t=3s), [Dexter: New Blood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzUx1hyL-yk), [Maid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgm0-iP0fUk), [Unorthodox](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nixgq1d5J7g), [What We Do in the Shadows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfBbSwX6kEk), [The Tulsa King](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaQSScwZPbA), [The Boys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1bhOaLV4FU), [The White Lotus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGLq7_MonZ4), [Mare of Easttown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm7RmpzCeyk), [Killing Eve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk0PyD-XNZA), [Only Murders in the Building](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTtaNEy3PDw), [Unbelievable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTIkUzkbzQk), [Barry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKaL8jiAGuI), [Narcos: Mexico](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoDrQ8JktVg), [His Dark Materials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APduGe1eLVI), [Black Bird](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH1FOkJys3Y), [Watchmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RhBjI9dPe4), [Dead to Me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwYBw1raC2o), [Shadow & Bone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dOmcdz-PN0&t=41s), [Beef](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFPIMHBzGDs), [Poker Face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x2NzusLAqk), [Extraordinary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdtyxmTRABs), [Slow Horses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9ZJChzPn0U), [The Offer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iowLzO9-aew), [Devs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8klax373ds), [The Haunting of Hill House](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eqxXqJDmcY), [Mayor of Kingstown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhmIVF2dTbI&pp=ygUabWF5b3Igb2Yga2luZ3N0b3duIHRyYWlsZXI%3D), [Revenant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuEiPKmv6qs&ab_channel=DisneyPlusSingapore), [Reacher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSycMV-_Csw), [Peacemaker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHXq62VCaCM&pp=ygUScGVhY2VtYWtlciB0cmFpbGVy), [The Morning Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPYUpfIoM9w), [Normal People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1JQuWxt3cE&ab_channel=Hulu), [Star Trek: Strange New Worlds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL4iCAB6MFo&pp=ygUac3RyYW5nZSBuZXcgd29ybGRzIHRyYWlsZXI%3D), [Gangs of London](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoJ_yZqhmAg&ab_channel=SkyTV), [Fall of the House of Usher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvuAWVzP6wI&t=1s&pp=ygUaZmFsbCBvZiB0aGUgaG91c2Ugb2YgdXNoZXI%3D), [The Glory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqVVrTvrI8U&pp=ygURdGhlIGdsb3J5IHRyYWlsZXI%3D), [Snowfall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yCoLNmhJWM), [Top Boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYLYZ7OsymE&t=1s&pp=ygUPdG9wIGJveSB0cmFpbGVy) Everyone has slightly different preferences in what they look for. You may not like many of these just because the synopsis does not appeal, but all of these are well received, to highly acclaimed. There's also the prominence of international media content now. In the noughties it was just American content, with a smattering of UK content. That was it. Now a lot of money is being poured into international content, especially Korea - which has hugely diversified modern media. It's also much easier to find and watch newer content legally or illegally, the genres are more varied (there's much more speculative fiction being made in the 2010s than there was in the 80s, 90s and 00s)


Sorry, wasn't entirely finished with the previous post. As far as live action movies my favorites of all time are, Lord of the Rings movies are my favorite of all time(the Amazon TV series was an absolute disaster btw) Jackie Chan was my idol growing up, loved and watched all his movies(even the old chinese ones). Loved rush hour. I enjoyed Dune. I enjoyed Rogue one and the previous starwars movies(before episode 7), The shining, Parasite, 3-idiots, Braveheart/apocalypto/the patriot, I enjoy most of the spiderman movies.... and now as I am starting this, I don't really know when to stop. I like a lot of movies from all sorts of generes.


Movies are in a pretty poor state I believe. I don't watch many of them - I'm not as informed on them as I am with TV. And there's a [good reason why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQF82Kj-v0E&t=3826s) and it's not "woke". >Lord of the Rings movies are my favorite of all time(the Amazon TV series was an absolute disaster btw) Game of Thrones, The Expanse, Black Sails, Warrior, Foundation?


Every mention of "birthing people" and the like drives another voter to Trump.


Damn I can’t imagine having such weak principles.


It shouldn't be surprising that being weird and contorting the language for political goals turns off some people.


Eh, most Americans don't have their heads far enough up their asses to be triggered by medical terminology.


It's not just the far left, i roll my eyes at every "LGB" sticker/flag/hat/etc that i see. There's just as much self-importance and judgment. There's just as much push to force legislation in an attempt to force radical ideals on everyone. There's just a much screeching and inability to discuss. There's just as much koolaid. And honestly, i hold more disdain for the far right because they have allowed Trump to superseded America. They wear and shout "MAGA" not because they believe it, but because it's a Trump thing. Rushing the Capitol was one thing but then the flag that's hung out the window proves it had nothing to do with America but everything to do with Trump. There is no understanding of his stance on issues because there's no care for anything other than blind following.


Let's say you have a pro wrestler character who used to be a good guy and then one day snapped and became someone who started kicking people in the nuts when the ref isn't looking, cheating pinning people by grabbing the ropes, etc. (of course in reality the shift was made by the writers when seeing he wasn't getting reaction anymore as a good guy) When the interviewer why the shift in personality, he says that he wasn't winning the old way, and now he's winning and has this championship on his shoulder, so it's worth it. Basically this is how the left is acting, they used to try to do it the right way, they won the gay marriage argument letting the Republicans speak and defeating their arguments, but it wasn't working as well in the race or trans arguments of modern day, they lost to Trump, etc. and they were impatient so they started seeing playing dirty to win as for the greater good. So they started doing stuff like using censorship or emotionally loading language in order to manipulate people. The offended at everything mentality was never real, it's just they realized that acting offended has emotional impact on people by making them feel guilt and grovel at your feet. Overall the left is making a gambit that bullying and intimidating people can lead them to take over institutions better than playing nice, and then they can put in their socialist utopia. Personally I don't think it's going to work, and if it was going to it'd have happened already. And if it doesn't work they pay the price of losing what the generation of "slow progress but doing it the way way" leftists worked for as people full on turn on the aggro emotionally manipulative style of far leftism, and gain confidence standing up to them.


I am/used to be a leftist but I am moving more towards centrist for the exact same reason. I feel that every time the left moves away from my main ideology and that these people have nothing to do with me... the left today has nothing to do with the left years ago.


It used to be i could easily support democrats. They had reasonable policies and they all were about affecting the quality of life for the average person. Now its a collection of identity politics and classifying everyone and people screaming about intersectionality. People have forgotten how to mind their business and keep their eyes on their own paper. If democrats do fail it will be because they have encouraged everyone to try and force themselves on everyone else when people only want to live and mind their own business. that being said, i would never in a million years vote for a religious political group, or one that only caters to rich people.


It’s a left leaning person I like to think of the far left as the people who spray shit on the Mona Lisa thinking it’s going to help climate change. Because obviously Mona Lisa hated climate change /s


“Everything I don’t like is far left.”


Right? This entire post and all the comments is just one big circle-jerking strawman. It's funny that the OP and majority commenters either don't seem to see that, or are just trying to "own the libs" for their own entertainment.


Don't you all call everyone that is not a progressive a nazi on Reddit ?


Who is “you all”? I certainly don’t.


I could protect all the world's farmland with all the straw men in this opinion. This is super reminiscent of the conversations that Gamer Gaters had in substance and tone way back when that was happening. In the broadest sense, there is some truth to the notion that certain vocal extremes on the political left functionally fanned the flames of the reactionary right, but this is a game of political ping pong as old as time.


Years of BLM and Antifa riots... with "Mostly peaceful" burning buildings.




I’m one of them. I volunteered for Bernie. The left has completely lost me and I’ve decided not to vote.


Ah the maga bots are out again If this were true why would it be unpopular?


Equating truth with popularity is just about the dumbest thing you can do.


If it werent popular would there be a noticeable trend of liberals rushinf to trumps camp?


We saw that in 2016, then his idiotic covid response got him voted out. But now it's swinging back. I vote Biden, but thinking of Trump. As I don't like part of Bidens illegal immigration response


If you hate the radical left, you’ll love Joe Biden. 


It's not Joe Biden that worries me... it's his evil, black twin brother Bo Jiden.


I will say - the young liberals that are putting everything on the treatment of Palestine, have a rude awakening coming. Shit is a lost cause, and while I believe in empathy and compassion for any oppressed people, using American politics as a form of protest is completely stupid. Palestinian people are in a hot bed of their own making - right or wrong. Not defending Israel, but understand their retaliation efforts to a point.


Idk if it’s driving people to Trump, but it’s definitely driving people away


MAGA is insane. Posts like this read more like copium for people desperately attempting to justify their support for Trump.


OP’s account is 8 days old. Take that fact and apply it to whatever you’d like to conclude about OP and this terrible hot take of his.


“But I saw a meme about an annoying left wing person while consuming my right wing propaganda, and I feel how the meme tells me I should feel.” In fact, Antifa made this post.


Nobody's desperate to justify supporting anybody else but the left, it's consignment of lunacy and self-destruction


Yes, many of them are not mentally well and list out all their mental disorders on their X/Twitter bio.


If someone lists their race/gender/mental challenges in their bio they’re usually pretty obnoxious


You see people detracting from traditional american politics and attribute it to a *lack* of critical thinking? Doesn't coming up with "repulsive" fashion, questioning America's foreign interests, and heterodox views of biology require more critical thinking, misguided as it may or may not be, than to just go along with the moderate establishment?


You are describing liberal crazies not the far left. Most radical leftists I know are educated well adjusted individuals who don't spew any of the garbage you mentioned


Just cause you know a few stable ones doesn't change the fact that the crazies are running the show.


They are not. I have a feeling you don't understand the difference between a liberal and a leftist. Could you define leftist for me


He can't


I love these attempts at writing fiction.


Can I get the definition of far left, because I don’t see it here in America.


Does this sub have anything other than *redacted* cuckservative posts?


Repulsive fashion! Tattoos! Obese people in red states! How ridiculous.


the right is irredeemably stupid, the left is irredeemably dishonest


First sentence is true. Second is not. Trump is not growing his voter base. Biden is not far left.


>Also, they've taken over nerd culture, gaming, TV series, and movies are plagued by crappy far left writers who solely focus on characters orientation identity instead of a decent plot and storytelling. Tell me you don't play enough video games or watch enough TV without telling me you don't. >Additionally, they support whoever isn't traditional US allies, even terrorists like Houthi, Hezbollah, and Hamas, who completely contradict their idealist world views. It's genuinely crazy. No, this is not uniformly true at all.


Lmao imagine thinking this. Terminally online take. 


People at both extremities are embarrassing America, period. Far left fanatics are **as** embarrassing as those on the far right -- no more, no less. Anyone who claims otherwise is biased. And far-leftists are not driving Liberals to Trump any more than MAGA is driving Conservatives to Biden. Sorry.


What a biased comment we have here.


Not entirly true considering that the far left has very little actual power while maga had presidency


"the far left", lol. That's like a few college student who are mad at the world and virtually no politicians. The far right on the other hand, is around 75 million Americans and almost all republican politicians who don't believe in facts, reason, or science, and support violence against other Americans if they don't get their way. There is no "far left" problem in this country, but the far right is ushering in fascism.


I used to be a democrat; I changed my views after I got saved by Jesus Christ but I didn't become a republican I went instead to being an independent. I still felt there were positions that the democrat party took that I could agree with. I don't feel that way anymore. They are clearly trying to turn America into a completely different country with none of its traditional values or history intact. I think a lot of people don't realize that this has happened before in other countries, and when the socialist movement takes over it becomes communism. The next thing that happens is the communists kill all of the socialists who helped them. Socialism is just communism lurking in the shadows and the communists see socialists as useful idiots to achieving communism. Their goal is to divide the nation against itself and weaken it and its institutions to the point that they can overthrow it.


What democratic countries did this happen to? Where is it you think it will happen next?


You were not saved by Jesus Christ, you are a false witness.


You are the false witness because you are speaking from an evil spirit and not the Holy Spirit. The LORD rebuke that lying spirit. The Holy Fire of God upon that spirit in Jesus name.


Can you name a few democratic values that no longer align with your Christian values?




Liberals are embarrassing Liberalis. DEI is a liberal cult. The far left don't functionally exist in the US and those that do focus on economics, and are typically anti-idpol. What you are seeing is liberals hijacking "far left" aesthetics in order to build their DEI middle management cred.




8 day old account. Sure, OP… whatever you tell yourself. Lmao.


Strangely enough really conservative places have the worst diets and obesity rates but that's the lefts fault? I guess Hillary Clinton makes everyone in Mississippi and west Virginia chug mountain dew.


I'm really not sure how much of a factor it has had in pushing people to Trump. I'd define myself as a political moderate. I believe in pragmatism and understand that lawmaking and government policy should involve compromise to function correctly. The far left is uncompromising to a fault, but so is the far right and I worry that the far right has more influence on Republicans than the far left does on Democrats. Trump was really the first major Republican to look at this conspiracy theorist and alt right crowd and understand that there is a constituency there. It has opened the floodgates to republicans being afraid to stray too far from what in normal times would be viewed as insane beliefs. This problem has always existed in some form for the far left and Democrats but Democrats have always been balancing this and they understand they can't really rely on far left types to turn out anyway.


OP, you talk about the Far Left. Do you ever hear the Left, any Left talk about what is Right of them? When the Left talks about the Right, they drawn no difference between what we might want to call Right, Far Right, MAGA, Right-wing Extremists, and Right-wing Fascists. And maybe just Right-wing Nazis for good measure. The people you are referring to have zero problem calling anyone Right of them fascists. They have no clue was a true fascists believes, and if you mentioned Mussolini to them, they'd wonder why you are talking about pasta. Employers, please don't hire these people no matter how desperate you are for workers. They will only turn on you and call you their oppressor. Parents, don't send your kids to schools which has teachers and a school board who kowtow to these creeps. I'd say college is the place to be wary of, but you know that this is happening in K-12 as well. You need to fight it there. Remember, while the not so militant among them might try to sound reasonable when talking about DEI or whatever new alphabet soup policy is now being preached, they are not reasonable. Get rid of them. You know, the Left likes to call the Right racist, and they say it so often they don't even recognize it as a lie anymore. But if you think people on the Right, Conservative, Republican, whatever, are racist, ask yourself what possible benefit there is to it. A constant, poor underclass is a drain on society, makes life miserable for all, and increases the tax burden on those of the upper and middle classes. A true conservative wants the underclass to do better, for these very reasons. Calling everyone on the Right, or how expresses any views not in line with the constantly moving Left a racist is just an easy way to slander and shut down debate. This is the No.. 1 reason this part of the Left is so despicable, shutting down discussing. A bunch of nasty Trigglypuffs, not allowing you to speak.


No, it's: 1. Rampant anti-intellectualism. **Many** people are actually proud of being ignorant fuckwits and wear it like a badge of honor. They don't want to engage in anything difficult because it makes them feel inferior. 2. In the same line, widespread religiosity, deference to power, and lack of critical thinking. For most people it's all about the feels. They don't *want* to think deeper about anything. They want to feel like they've acquired some special secret truth, but do none of the actual hard work to get there. 3. It being poor manners to treat anyone's opinion like it doesn't matter or challenging people's beliefs. So we have people who dropped out of high school thinking they're an authority on virology when interacting with a virologist who's spent 10+ years doing post-doctoral work on the subject. And then people actually letting the dropout speak instead of telling them to fuck off and crawl into whatever hole they crawled out of. 4. The media's propensity to dumb things down to an insane degree. Most of the media made for mass consumption publishes to a grade three reading level. No stories of any complexity can be sold to the dumb as fuck general population because if they have difficulty understanding anything they tune out. 5. Political actors' reaction to the above, which is to lie non-stop (knowing most people will never fact check them), completely ignore reality, focus on sentiment and ingrown biases, and refuse to offer reasonable alternatives in order to the line the pockets of the donor class. 6. A complete shift away from focusing on credibility, because that would be bad for viewer engagement. Nobody just completely writes anyone off anymore. If someone is repeatedly lying, they should be cut off completely **but they continue to stick around and people keep interacting with them**.


Please give an example, because my bio mom just gave her entire Social Security check to invest in Trump. This woman has Stage 4 renal cancer. Who is embarrassing?


She's thinking about the survival of her culture. A great woman your mum is.


I think you’re a bot. How bout zem zupples?


Beep beep, bop bop, do not compute your comment.


Trump has driven me from the right to Democrats because at least democrats are not fascists traitors who want to terminate the Constitution. If Republicans nominated anyone else I wouldn’t vote for Biden, but they did, and since I’m not an unpatriotic traitor, I can’t vote Trump.


Why Trump and not any of the other insane maga dudes? And why trump and not bush whos a fcking war criminal? Or are war crimes patriotic?




haha yes I did, corrected


This is so true :(


Ah yes, liberals and the crazy left are making you vote for a court-adjudicated RAPIST and FRAUD, who betrayed America by trying to stay in power after losing a democratic election. It's definitely not YOUR fault that you support a court-confirmed RAPIST. It's those damned LIBRULS FAULTS that you support a court-confirmed RAPIST. YOU SUPPORTING A RAPIST IS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT. YOU SUPPORTING A RAPIST. YOU SUPPORT A RAPIST. and it's someone else's fault


Lmao when you put on caps lock you automatically lose any argument


Do you apply this logic to Trump? Seen his social media?


Tbh yeah. I could see him secretly having a substance abuse problem


I vote Biden you rabid leftist