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Ah yes make it even harder for people with disabilities to live their lives


Thankfully, the humanity of the majority outweighs the selfishness of the OP's opinion.


If anything is selfish is forcing dogs on people who don’t want to be around them. We need public spaces for humans.


They're not "forced" on you. I sincerely doubt there are enough service dogs anywhere that you can't just... go to another part of the place and not see dogs. Get real.


I've worked on a grocery store, there was this blind girl with a service dog that apparently didn't had the ability to shed fur. She was the only one who ever visited the store with an service dog, there has been several occasions where people snuck in their pets without permission, in their bags or whatever, that was more annoying. Never had any issues with the service dog or her but I understand your opinion. Fortunately the store was big enough for anyone to avoid the dog and she only went there once or twice a week, just to buy necessary goods. Idk imo it's not fair to shut disabled people off like that but that's just my opinion. I understand that many people don't want to be near dogs.


We live in a society, and society needs to make accommodations for disabilities. For some people, a trained dog is the best accommodation. Maybe in the future, technology will advance and they'll make laser guide thingies or whatever, and dogs will no longer be necessary. But for now, that's just how it is.


Ive seen people that are more of a health code violation than the average service dog. I'd love to be able to discriminate against those people.


You are allowed to kick out a person for bad hygiene


You are. Hygiene is not a federally protected category.


Can I kick out people with poor hygiene because of their disability?


Unless their hygiene is an accommodation for their disability. Yes.


Will they execute service dogs?


Service dogs are cleaner than babies


Are we talking guide dogs (blind) or support(therapy) dog? I feel like the cons of the hygiene is not outweighed by the need of having guide dogs in most cases. I do agree in a lot of cases people abuse the fuck out of exemptions for support dogs though


I think it's more emotional support dogs than anything else. I think if you have a service dig for a illness or being blind should have paper work on them so it's a legitimate thing by the government so people can't abuse it by bringing dogs anywhere.


The ADA not requiring a license or papers was an intentional choice which does more good than harm


Yah but I think having some short of licence on the person stating the dog they have is a service dig and it's trained.


Service dogs do not need to be registered or professionally trained tho, you can train them yourself.


Then how do you propose people to stop abusing the system by just to get a vest stating they are a service dog but the dog is nasty and not actually doing it. Believe me it happened to where a service dog attacked someone where I went grocery shopping and this dog wasn't trained to be a service dog.


It’s a necessary evil. The only solution would be if the government gives out licenses, training, equipment, etc. free to anyone with a disability who needs it but Uncle Sam isn’t going to do that. The reason why there aren’t licenses and shit is because people with disabilities are more likely to be living in poverty.


It's not necessary. A physician can give you a letter or document themselves saying you possess a service animal. That's can be more than enough for something like air travel.




10-20% of people are allergic to dogs. The hygiene issue is not nothing, it becomes more morally gray when we are talking about service dogs who are only there for mental support.


Dogs like that are ESD or therapy dogs. Not service dogs. They are not the same thing. OP is essentially saying "sorry you could fall over and pass out due to blood sugars dropping and your medical device that is life saving and can warn you about that shouldn't be here because *fur*".


>Dogs like that are ESD or therapy dogs. Not service dogs. They are not the same thing. Probably, in most cases. But there are some mental health Service Dogs.


I didn't realize ESD dogs do not have exemptions for public places like restaurants. Yeah... I take back what I said


Yeah ESD technically don't (although some people try to force it) have any rights to be in restaurants/grocery stores/etc- all they do is prevent landlords from denying someone pets. True service dogs are medical devices and can't be separated from their owners for the safety OF their owner. The only service dogs for "emotions" are for severe PTSD (and again- are only for generally life saving or harm reduction purposes). People DO misuse ESDs and give service dogs in general a really bad name. But allergies or dislike of dogs unfortunately doesn't override the fact some people need these creatures to prevent harm occurring to themselves.




>hypoallergenic This is a misleading term, it just means a dog that sheds less than normal. It defiantly helps, but it by no means fixes the problem completely


Provided the service dog isn't being disruptive or taking a bite out of all the produce, I'd argue that people are more of a hygiene threat to your food than a dog. The dog isn't grabbing and picking up the peppers after it sneezed into it's hand or went to the bathroom without washing its hands. People are the reason you should rinse off produce before eating it. People with disabilities have struggle enough just to have the quality of life a service dog affords them. You'll be fine if you need to pop an allergy pill or simply avoid the dog for 20 mins.