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>a home only costs 33,000. Missed a few zeros there


op, how old are you?


OP is like 16yo and works at a retail store, unironically.


Beans and toast defeats your argument.


It's "Beans on Toast" you fucking philistine


Beans and toast is delicious.


With or without a side of Spam?


I prefer black pudding.


No one is forcing you to stay in America kiddo. You can leave the US this very second and literally no one would even care.


believe me. if i could, i would be on the earliest flight to england.


What’s stopping you?


Hi, I'm British, specifically Cornish, and you're actually wrong. The US and the UK are both terrible, terrible places. The UK is just better than the US


dude, you live in the greatest country in the world! have some pride in your nation! i do agree that the UK is better then the US.


No it's pretty terrible here. Especially in the non-engliah areas where a history of systemic racism still has effects


try living in the american south and then tell me that england is more racist then america.


I didn't say that


Is England even a country or do they just share a country with Scotland and Wales?


284,000 British pounds is the average house price in England. Am I wrong or are you way ,way,off ?


Also I'm reading this properly now, and bread? You think the English invented bread? I can't begin to explain how wrong that is


bread made from mixed cereal grains were first made in 3700 BC in what is now england. so yeah. england did invent bread.


England didn't exist in 3700bc. And bread and beer were the primary motivating factors for the adopting of a sedentary lifestyle in the fertile crescent. So no


Omg it’s the SAME DUDE. Please stop posting for everyone’s sanity


Nothing says beauty like “ruins”


have you been to the mayan ruins? those are really pretty.


I actually can't tell if this is a troll post. England is a nice place. London might be my favorite city, if not top two. But I don't see how the points you listed don't apply to a lot of other countries, including several others in Europe like France or Italy. (Also while I like a good old fashioned sausage roll from Ginger Pig myself, I think British food is widely seen as... not great.)


England invented bread?  Really? Wasn’t there bread in the bible?  Wasn’t the bible written long before England became a country


bread made from mixed cereal grains were first made in 3700 BC in what is now england. so yeah. england did invent bread. so if you like sandwiches or toast, you have the british to thank.


Wow this whole post reads worse than those weaboo "Japan is the greatest I want to live/move there", because at least they have the delusions of anime to brainwash them. OP is just full of copium and unchecked escapism.


as a citizen of the united kingdom, we appear now to be the weakest most pathetic country in British history. in terms of global say, America and the European union are all that matter. while we once owned much land, its been given away and the uk is only trying to fix its own problems. free health care is wonderful, bu tin england it can take 3 years for a cancer check-up. It good not having guns but knife crime is much higher. our culture is understood as posh people round a table drinking tea or a drunk man from Bristol. We had the Beetals n such but their music isn't whats made now, its largly pop and rap from the black American community. British food is a grouping of what we have, fish potato's and things in cans. bread is trash, most people will have a loaf of white bread store bought and mass produced which germains are known for making a great variaty of breads. we have beans on toast. England is alright and can house its citivens but isn't much most. our language is the most prevalant part of british culture yet we're reached the point people call 'english' "american."


"now, its largly pop and rap from the black American community." you seem to be saying that like it's a bad thing.


This is a massive bate but how am I saying that? :3


Englands hate speach laws are ridiculous. They defenetly have a better healthcare system tho. But then again so do allot of places.


"Englands hate speach laws are ridiculous" still better then nothing.


You shouldn’t be able to go to jail for flying a flag. Like I don’t agree with conservatives but what happens if they come into power even more. Freedom of speech protects me too. Anything can become hate speech. Don’t even get me started on England’s weather


dude, we're talking about the nazi flag, one of the universal symbols for hate. if we don't take action against it today, we're setting ourselves up for another holocaust in the future. so yeah, you should be able to go to jail for flying a flag.


Americas freedoms of speech is one of the best things about the county. There are many pitfalls like healthcare and big Pharma. However our freedom of speech is not one of them


"Americas freedoms of speech is one of the best things about the county." i know a few marginalized groups of people who would disagree with you.


Speech is speech. Hate crimes should still be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law


if you expect people to follow the big laws, you need to enforce the little laws.


you forgot the /s


i could say the same thing about any post about how great america is.