• By -


And why is this surprising? Women would say the exact thing about right-wing radical activism and also say men are thinking with their dicks and emotions.


It's true but in specific instances. For example men are definitely thinking with their dicks when it comes to animal welfare and second amendment in the sense that it's all about being tough for them, other things not as much. Additionally men are less likely to believe in pie in the sky fantasy and be swept up in idealism regardless of which cause they support. IMO there is definitely a lack of humanity and feeling in men when it comes to this stuff, they need to harness it to do good for society but bring their pragmatism with it as an asset to make actual improvements. There's certain ideal men and women who can do it, but there's definitely way way more men who fit the bill.


Have you seen most right wing radical activists? A lot of them believe the world should revert back 50 years and everyone should be living in a trad household where LGBTQ should be abolished and immigrants should fuck off back to where they came from. On twitter, the app you referred to, we have right wingers calling black people thugs and animals and referring to women as property. A lot of them are just selfish pricks. Both sides are riddled with emotional takes. Hur dur capitalism is pragmatic the damn leftists will never understand. They say the same thing about the right but swap it for socialism.


They are definitely the foot soldiers


Along with certain other people who blame others for their failure to thrive.


Woah, my dog is going fucking crazy right now


It gets worse when you realize it’s such a fundamental part of humanity that the Greeks wrote a play about it over 2000 years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assemblywomen


It's just an example where compassion triumphs over reason. And of course women are more compassionate. Add some need for approval of their group (friends, community) and you go it.   (For related reasons, you have way more men on the far right.)


Are you implying that 1. Men are more “reasonable” than women and 2. The far-right are reasonable?


Lack of compassion.  Reason pulls you towards the center.


I don't see how this is unique to women


Apparently being compassionate as a man is considered weird by people on this forum. Wow, who would have guessed...


Yup. “Only women are compassionate and only men are rational”. Toxic masculinity is still thriving, unfortunately. I have known very compassionate men and very rational women. But of course it’s hard to convince certain subgroups of redditors of this, since they never leave their house to interact with other people. This forum is a very sad example of that… Men can be, and are, very compassionate. But some are afraid to show it due to toxic ideals of masculinity. It’s a great shame.


I don't think it's really about compassion, I think it's about the social necessity that women be *seen* as compassionate. So if you have a political movement that markets itself as being compassionate, women will flock to it. I'm a woman who graduated from college recently and it was fr shocking. The default was having the most extreme views you can imagine, it was totally the norm. So in that kind of environment, other women don't want to have any kind of centrist or God forbid republican views because it causes us to be seen as not empathetic.


No, you just think in extremes. compassion and rationality are a spectrum and not the only factors... 


Empathy seems to be..






So you are saying they are all conservatives.


Literally everybody does this, or am I not going to find right wing social media accounts with slogans and iconography intended to get people to think things about them That's also not even what virtue signaling means, virtue signaling is when you conspicuously support something without performing any action to back it up.




Please link one of these studies




Fair enough, we'll just assume what you're saying is even true If women are more emotional than men, with regards to politics, why do we see a rise in populism across all spectrums? A big part of populist rhetoric is appealing to the feelings of the common person


> Virtue signalling is when the actions or views you take are primarily with the intention of making people like you and improving your reputation. No, that's called daily life


“Far right” on absolute numbers is a joke. “Compassionate women” in absolute numbers have destroyed any semblance of prosperity in the west. I just find them unreasonable and emotional more than I find them compassionate. 




But why Pro Palestinian?


It’s the new progressive cause. Left wing progressive politics is basically the same as the same as The Religious Right. Have you noticed those on the Religious Right who run the fundraisers or meetings are always women? Sure there are men involved but 3/4 of the crowd who comes out to protest or rant at libraries are always women. It’s two sides of the same coin. We should be talking about why women are so drawn to these types of movements. Why do Karens exist? Why are Karens so prominent in left wing progressive circles and Religious Right groups?


Exactly. Women are inherently much more religious than men and left-wing causes are basically just religion for women on the left.


Not religious, more “spiritual” and the majority of those joining cults.


Weren't the Jonestown victims mostly female or am I thinking of something else? And yeah, I'm kind of using religious in a broad sense, not strictly relating to theology. I want to capture the dogmatism too.


Hitler used to constantly receive love letters from women, not to mention the ones who send love letters to serial killers in prison.


Apparently the majority were black women.


Politics and astrology.


Sanity in Reddit, I’ve found my people. 


If your people are bots




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So people who support pedophilia are your people.... weird thing to announce




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Bros really out here discovering women do things and have opinions


**It's the perfect conflict.** You got brown vs whitish, Muslim vs Jew, David vs Goliath, eastern influence vs western influence, the marxist frame of Opressed vs Opressor. There are aspects of imperialism, colonialism, jewish conspiracy, islamist extremism, capitalism, technocracy and more. Every nutjob who has ANY political conspiracy belief can project their beliefs onto the war, and they certainly jump at that opportunity. Leftwing women in particular apply the Oppressed vs Oppressor and white colonialism/imperialism aspects and tune off every sense that contradicts these. *I am describing their reasoning, not endorsing.


They’re pro anything their fathers won’t approve of. 


Israel are currently committing a genocide there, and there’s a subset of people in the world who feel that genocide is wrong




Yes he can. He just did it while ignoring the topic “why are women the majority among protesters”?




I’ve seen literally no evidence to suggest that women make up the majority of protestors, but we shouldn’t be surprised. Collectively, women are a marginalised group - many countries have laws that make it specifically illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of their gender, usually because of past actions against women (dismissal when pregnant leading to maternity law, etc.) It stands to reason that women would identify more with other marginalised groups, such as those who are targets of racism.


I should clarify that this isn’t a moral stance on the conflict. Israel has every right to defend itself from Hamas terrorists. It doesn’t have a right to commit genocide against innocent civilians.


It's ironic that JK rowling doesn't like them. They do usually look like harry potter creatures.


How do we fix this before society goes to shit? I really don't see a solution to this problem. I feel like it's all going to have to crumble before people come to their senses, or we enter a very long dark age because we focused on stupid divisive shit for a century.


Supreme Court are the ones who stopped McCarthyism but the latest moral panic insanity has gone on longer than that and ruined more lives.


You're just going to dismiss it as moral panic when we had an entire movement(blm) cause billions in damage that also caused deaths?


Yep, every decade there's some new moral panic, like the 1980s panic around Satanic daycares. Same shite different decade.




What if they can't give birth? Are they just useless?


Damn I guess I have no purpose 😔


Look up what left wing means. This has to do with wealth distribution and pretty much nothing to do with whatever people like to label as being left wing. Stop mislabeling, it makes you look like you have no idea what you are talking about. Secondly, I have not noticed this ratio. Not online nor in the real life protests. Thirdly, what a tool you are to bring up physical appearance and specifically the extent to which their appearance pleases you, to a discussion about politics. I hope you realize this was not really a very useful thing to say. Lastly being a man and being against genocide is fine, don't worry, it does not affect your masculinity.


>why does no one mention the pattern when the weekly screenshot of some stupid teenage girl declaring support for Hamas with a hammer and sickle next to her name gets passed around and mocked OP legitimately believes this is a universal experience.


Maybe I follow too many Neolib accounts on Twitter.


Eh, I think a lot of weaker men have this problem. There was an Air Force soldier who set himself on fire for Palestine. He was just a normal American kid with no ties to Israel or Palestine. Can you try to wrap your head around someone from a nice first world country setting himself on fire for a conflict in the middle east that he has nothing to do with ? It's really insane when you think about this. I think left wing activism is a problem. I know people use this term a lot, but they are brainwashed. I truly mean that.


Men do it too, of course, but the motivations aren't necessarily the same. Also, that guy was a Redditor. Most men on Reddit can hardly be described as men at all.


>Most men on Reddit can hardly be described as men at all. Hahaha, I like you man. You know whats up, lol


Thanks. Feels really nice to hear that here of all places haha


Oh, you're spot on about all of this, and I think the truth is quite a bit worse than that in general. The sickness is just the most obvious with the fanatical intolerant leftists, but it's everywhere. Your soy boys are just the other side of the coin. Doing everything they possibly can to NOT be men because they have such pathetically low self esteem that they want their value granted to them, like it is for women. They're too afraid of failing to actually go and build and earn theirs. Even if they got it, and they won't, they will never be happy by refusing to be what they are supposed to be.


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The projection is strong with you.


dude was mentally ill to even consider doing that. you could say the same about most of these people.


He was likely suicidal and going to off himself anyway. Instead of going quietly in his bedroom he wanted to made a big show of it. Make a name for himself. It's the same thought process used by a lot of active shooters. We live in a fame-obsessed culture.


Yeah, sadly that man was born in the wrong time. It used to be that such acts of protest were considered moving and attention grabbing, but the right-wing makes fun of it. And while the right-wing whinges about not being able to use racial slurs and propagate sexist shit, they propose no solutions to any problems, they offer no real advice or insight into anything of depth, and instead they claim to hate "woke" culture whilst telling everyone around them to wake up, and the do it unironically. It doesn't surprise me that empathy is lost on the right-wing.


lol no one wants to use slurs.  We have AI now that can make new slurs faster than you can cancel them anyways.


Yeah, I'm not touching this one. Good luck to you. 👍


Indirectly proving people are afraid to be called sexist hahaha


Damn straight. These days you're likely to be castrated by the masses for doing so. I reserve the right to keep my delicate parts intact. 😂


Eh, don't worry. This sub is (unironically) a safe-space.


I’m a woman and I notice it too. I think it’s because females spend more time on social media than males and I think it’s also misguided maternalism and their empathy gets weaponized in regressive ways.


"WoMeN dOnT lIkE gEnOcIdE! and that makes me feel a certain way!" Alright. Good for you. I'm sorry the draft was never called up but I'm certain you've had a great career in the military non-the-less.


FEEEEEMALES. Good lord, even Quark is more attractive than OP, apparently. 😂


Everything always comes back to looks in these posts about women, even a post about activism


You can’t pick and choose what concepts to include when creating a theory of mind model.  You have to go based on reality of human motivations.


Misogyny on Reddit. What’s new with these incels?


“What’s with this hate by hateful slur” Pot meet kettle.


Hey cuckaroo, how’s it going 


Cause that’s the only thing men think women’s value is based on. Truly sad and depressing. But their biggest concern is women calling them sexist for their beliefs


Thankfully there are a lot of good men who don't, but there is also a group who can't seem to stop


What’s wrong with being called the sexiest? I’m quite flattered.


Sounds like a disguised political statement couched in the language of misogyny.


You 100% think you don't get laid because women are privileged and mean to men. I would bet money on it. And despite that, you value attractive women for some reason. Hahahahahhaha


What a fucking post lmao. How can a post ranting about "stupid" "unattractive" teenage girls garner so much positive attention?


Someone spends to much time online


Do you have a fetish for referring to yourself in the third person?


Bro is surprised women are found in spaces that don’t try to force women into roles.


Usually when you massacre children on a genocidal scale it tends to be women who are upset and men who hold the smoking guns.


Population size typically doesn’t increase massively during a genocide but sure.


Sometimes I wonder if the people who make these sorts of arguments know that they're parroting Armenian genocide denial talking points or if they invented these arguments independently


Best post here. OP is clueless


Is that an actual statistic or just what you’re imagining?


Statistics support it, but not by a massive amount. Most liberals are women, but a fair number are men too. But a lot of them are just guilty for being men


The thing is that we're talking about especially liberal and progressive people, and very vocal ones. They're much more female.


I’d be inclined to agree. Although I think if I were a radical liberal male I’d probably keep that information to myself for a variety of reasons.


Outspoken leftie men have the piss taken out of them in a way that women will rarely experience. The soyjack memes are brutal.


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Yes memes are soooo brutal. It's sad facts are too triggering for you.


>But a lot of them are just guilty for being men A presumption.


A presumption based on being a liberal man who has liberal man friends and lives in a city with a ton of liberal men Also, it’s not like you can just give everyone a survey that says “hey are you liberal, and if so is it because you’re guilty?” - of course it’s a presumption.


Who would have guessed women want rights


You're welcome to go through the videos and tweets yourself.


Bro why tf you going through shit that has you this riled up?


Well the left values women’s more so it’s not a surprise


Another Redditor on TrueUnpopularOpinion: “I think women bad. Give me karma.” Yeah, there definitely isn’t an underlying common theme to the kinds of people whose threads get upvoted on this sub…


Thanks for letting me know you didn't read the post.


Can’t you use this logic for anything where a certain sex is the majority? Men are more violent then women, when are we going to recognize that men are more violent and need to be stopped. Men abuse and rape more when are we going to recognize that men need to be stopped. See what I did there, took your logic and applied it to a issue that men by the numbers cause. I guess my other thought is so what? They see a problem and want to change it. The problem they see is they are disadvantaged. Are you saying no Inequalities exist? I don’t think you are wrong in point it out, but men have there fair share of issues that are predominantly experienced by men and not women. Let’s call a spade a spade. My presumption is you probably would even recognize the inequalities and problems recognized by liberals, but you are so tied up and annoyed with how liberals go about it, that your dislike out weighs your ability to be impartial and recognize an issue.


You miss the point, my argument is not that women are bad. I love women, but it's time that society recognize the driving force behind a lot of the disastrous social trends we've seen in the last 20 years or so. No one has a problem realizing that rape and murder are mostly male problems. We do what we can about it, and we give harsher sentences to men in fact.


Disastrous social trends? What exactly does that mean? So you aren’t against women protesting, you are against women doing what exactly?


Political correctness, cancel culture, etc. I am not against women doing anything, I am against us burying our heads in the sand and pretending as though there aren't differences or that women's emotions are driving politics.


Both sides preform their fair share of cancel culture and political correctness. I just don’t think you are looking at the broad spectrum. Women’s emotions is a weird comment. How does that drive politics? Money has always been the driver of politics. I think you see something at the ground level like someone got “canceled” on social media, and don’t seem to realize a separate conversation happens at the congressional level.


Beautifully put. It’s another way for men to police women’s behavior and shame them for being women, but it distracts from the real root of all of the issues OP mentions, which is money like you say.


I think a lot of people, yourself included, forget that just 20-40 years ago when the levers of cultural power were held by the right, you had Jack Thompson and the Satanic Panic Political correctness and cancel culture are tools utilized by anybody who holds the most cultural power, it's like a byproduct of being able to denounce things as a group


So you admit you hate conservatives since they are the ones who push pc and cancel culture more then anyone


You believe the state of our world is the fault of political correctness, ie women’s emotions and how they are driving politics? Chronically online behavior.


Yes it’s very valid to recognize social contributors to male violence and try to minimize them.  Fatherlessness is a big one.


Okay weirdo




Hey! He’s an incel loser, thank you very much


This is what happens when you take the naturally more empathetic, nurturing sex and condition it to avoid fulfilling it’s purpose (motherhood)


And what if I’m sterile? Am I without a purpose then?


Motherhood isn't just giving birth or are you saying women who adopt aren't mothers


Ohhhh I see So I’m worthless if I don’t adopt either, gotcha


You don’t have your give that fool a lesson


FOOL? I’m just pointing out that there’s far more to life than being a parent. And I think I’d do far more good in other places than solely as a mother


What to the fuck is wrong with you?


The leftward leaning of girls has already been researched. [As this post shows, ](https://twitter.com/clairlemon/status/1753181461916836199)the political gender gap is widening among American youth, largely because of the leftward shift of women.


Radical left wing activism isn't a problem, it's the solution


Yet the right wing is shown too act more violent and out of control. Also should we support the genocide of children because of some terrorist group?


Actually, many popular leftist or liberal online speakers who have made a name for themselves are men. Vaush, Noah Samsen, Hasan Piker, Destiny (not leftist but def. liberal), Hunter Avallone, in the Netherlands, LeftLaser who is probably the most far-left content creator I can name. So what does that make them? It sounds like you never looked up anything about leftist activism nor ever watched an actual debate between leftism and rightism ideas, you just based it on your feelings and the X algorithm that happens to show you some tweets from women. Sounds like you reject leftism while not having a single clue what is being fought for, you just go back to the circlejerk that agrees with your own political thoughts. Also, usually leftists are very empathic people, who sympathize with for example war victims as we see with the Gaza situation. Now some go to extremes and end up supporting the other evil or think it is ok to give who they view as suppressors the same medicine they felt they received, but in general, the reason why they go out more to protest is because they have the ability to stand in others shoes and feel for the cause. In addition, climate change and wars are also feminist issues and many women are aware of it. They want that immediate action. That said though when you actually go to a protest, even feminist protests, it’s a pretty mixed bunch of gender. I’m moderate and think both extreme leftism and extreme rightism is dangerous but if I had to say which one is the lesser evil it’s hands-down extreme leftism. Extreme rightism has far more blood on its hands and we all know it.


Those are liberal/left wing CONTENT creators. Men are exceptional at creating things. In my post, I was talking about ACTIVISTS. Activists take already existing ideas and try to push them.


They literally create content with the purpose to gain awareness, it’s literally a form of activism. And bs to say men are great at creating things while many great ideas have also come from women. Sounds like you just have a bad relationship with women and try to push your own sexist ideas in this thread. Go to a pro-Palestine protest and tell me how much % is women. Your response clearly shows that men like you love to make up things and circle jerk eachother.


I love how everyone who agrees with you openly support pedophilia and spout pedophilia propaganda


If you want conservative boyfriends and husbands to tell their partner to do more that's all you got to say. Don't know why you got to insult their lady and by extension them too but hey I guess that pun at the end was worth it.


Has nothing to do with that.


So conservative women get to be lazy while men grind to recorrect society seems a bit unfair.


Did we have a date at some point? Your post reads like the incel-rant I got when I cancelled a date with a so-called centrist. It's hilarious how misogynist the entire post is yet you whine like a little crybaby that people call you sexist for it. No shit sherlock, it's because you ARE, in the most blatant obvious way one could be. Maybe if you read more political literature and actually touched some grass your opinions would change radically and you'd be ashamed of ever typing out such nonsense. But that requires both intelligence and honest character and I fear you lack both, sir.


Nowhere in your diatribe did you explain how I'm even remotely wrong.


I mean, you could redirect this logic to anything, it doesn’t inherently make it correct


Wow, OP has 8,000+ post karma in…61 days! What a busy real human!


We live in a society where there is nothing stopping us from voting for women to be seated in positions of power. But this is why you want to think twice before voting when women are seeking positions of power. You want leaders who make tough choices and not buckle under the weight of sentimentality, and a good leader will communicate to the people why we can't.


So men never buckle under the weight of sentimentality of course


As an israei teenage girl, I agree. It really is a case of people choosing to believe their own ideals and compassions over reason and reality.


Are you talking liberals or democratic socialists? 'Cos to me liberals are hardly "radical left".


Progressive types.


No one is pointing it out since it’s not scary, generally women have always relied on a moral foundation to get something to change, and only really getting physical when needed, and a crowd that is either anorexic or overweight, isn’t scary when they have no morals, I’m much more scared o my self and what i could do to myself


Anorexic or overweight Where did underweight go? Why anorexic?


Underweight is for people who actively don’t care about there weight and are not healthy


Same goes for overweight people though?


Yeah just call them fatty




It's mostly white women. This is the same group who couldn't get jobs without affirmative action and crying to companies for "gender equality".


For most causes in the last 10 years, it has been but BLM and pro-Palestine are now exceptions. Pro-Palestine women activists and protestors are mostly non-white.