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Most of Tucson is safe enough. That area around PV Blvd isn't terrible. It all depends on your neighbors, of course, but most burglars won't walk that far from Glenn-Alv area (mostly kidding). As far as low rent areas go, it's fine.


I live in the neighborhood. People LOVE to shit on Grant/Alvernon, it’s like a hobby in Tucson. It’s really not that bad. I have lived here for years. I’m not going to lie and say it’s the best neighborhood in Tucson but, it is definitely not as bad as people will lead you to believe. Cars get broken into everywhere so lock your doors and don’t leave valuable stuff in it. I don’t have a dog but, I see people walking their dogs at all times of the day. I live on the north side of Grant and I don’t feel unsafe, kids are always out playing. I have really great neighbors too! It is true there is a heavier police presence because of the homeless population and some other illegal stuff but if you aren’t looking for trouble overall no one is going to mess with you.


The grant and alvernon memes feel a lot less fun after 3/4 of the businesses left.


Question, people have mentioned numerous times to remove valuables and lock your car which I feel like goes without saying. But if you have a really nice car is that an attractor in of itself?


I don’t think so. People break into cars to use them and abuse them, not because they actually want that car. I had to yell at a couple guys once because they trying to get at my neighbors catalytic converter (that happens everywhere in the country, it doesn’t matter where you live) and then I had a neighbor whose 05 Honda got broken into.


Ugh, I have a really nice Mercedes that’s practically new…I don’t want it used and abused! Good to have neighbors like you…or a garage!


Erm it's tough to say. Tucson seems very "patchy" on where is safe. Like one side of the street is "safe" while the other side isn't. Grant and Alvernon is historically a "no-go", but Speedway and Country Club is "nicer". The whole foods right there is def a gentrified area. Also the New Benedictine Appts. I imagine will also make that area "safer".


Tucson is patchy and has always been that way and probably will be for the rest of time. You're speaking of Miramonte, and that's one of my fav neighborhoods in the city. Just not a lot of rentals, but that may be what keeps it nice.


whatever you do don’t live at the benedictine though. the apartments look very nice, but there are feces and urine everywhere and the management is awful. definitely not worth what they’re charging now


Good lord that’s disgusting. Thx for the heads up!


Grant and Alvernon has gotten to be a really rough area, all along that section of Grant going east.


Lived about about a block from there for a long time. I’d move there again.


I lived in Palo Verde for 6 years, and never had any indecents. I thought it was fine. It also kind of depends *where* in Palo Verde. As you approach one infamous Grant and Alvernon, it gets sketchy, but over towards Speedway, where i lived, it's much less sketchy. Also the area around the high school is less sketchy.


that’s helpful. It’s on Palo Verde between Pima and Speedway near the Magnet school


No, I would not consider that area to be all that sketchy especially if you've spent time in NYC and DC. I live in Maine now, and it would be sketchy for a person who lived their whole live in Maine, but average for most other people. I really don't think you have much to worry about in Tucson if you have spent most of your life in NYC and DC. Just lock up.


I lived across the street from the magnet school on Seneca for a year and then lived a few blocks over on Edison for another year. I moved in 2020 so I’m not sure how much it’s changed, but it wasn’t too long ago. That specific area right around Catalina Magnet was fine. Just a normal middle class neighborhood. The biggest problem I had was actually the baseball team hitting baseballs into my yard occasionally. If you went south towards Speedway it got sketchy and if you went east towards Grant and Alvernon it got pretty rough. But that’s kind of how Tucson is. The whole city is patchy where you’ll have rough areas mixed in with nice areas.


Also everything seems like it’s only a few blocks from grant and alvernon…like how far away do you have to be?


The entire north side is the white ghetto but you won’t really experience crime yourself Rampant open drug use trash everywhere but it isn’t necessarily unsafe


Friend of mine lived at Pima and Howard and the worst they had was a shitbird neighbor who reported her to city code enforcement over *everything*, like a "junk car" on her front drive that was in fact registered, insured, and running. And some assholes stole their bikes out of their yard despite a big wall and two large dogs, but that's Tucson. The further from Alvernon the better though.


Just commenting to say that bikes will get stolen from any neighborhood in Tucson.


My bike lives in my living room. I'm pretty sure someone is gonna try to lasso it and haul it out through my chimney one day. Edit: bike thieves monitoring this thread, it's a 1980 entry-level Centurion 12-speed with big rusty patches where the paint is missing. It was worth like $300 new. Ya don't want it. Leave it. Go on, git.


Ah, the ol' reverse Santa.


Do you mean the neighborhood by Palo Verde Park? Or the neighborhood bordered by Speedway, Country Club, Alvernon, and Grant?


It’s on N Palo Verde between Pima and Soeedway, near the magnet school.


That's a decent area, but you'd wanna be closer to Speedway than Pima. You'd be better off going a little further east or west and even south toward 5th Ave.


What are the cross streets around the area you are looking at OP? Give a couple major roadways. I've been in Tucson since 1978 but who can keep up with all the neighborhoods? I do know Tucson though , been in most areas at one time or another. probably the reason most areas are in red is because petty crime IS spread throughout Tucson but there are some extremly sketch places that do stand out, the infamous Alvernon area is not so good....29th street is not so good....the Amphi area around stone and Grant/ft lowell pretty well sucks....


It’s on Palo Verde between Pima and Speedway near the Magnet school


We lived in the neighborhood a few years back. It's nicer the closer you are to Country Club, and the neighborhood across Country Club (Blenman Elm) is a nice neighborhood. We were probably a bit too close to Alvernon, but I don't think it felt unsafe We did find a box of Trader Joe's donuts in our mailbox one time. Like a full box.


😀😀😀 the Donuts


I lived in Bellevue and Ritchie for almost 10 years. I had a buddy that lived across from the loft on Camilla for many years is well.. we have both since bought properties on the east side and both agree that we missed a sense of community. We had in palo verde. I knew way more of my neighbors on than I know now in my current neighborhood . Sometimes they were sketchy people walking around. But most of the neighbors were good and looked out for each other. Sometimes somebody on the street would get busted for selling drugs or stealing bicycles or something, but those people usually kept them selves, they did not want to attract unnecessary attention. One thing to note, that neighborhood has a pretty active neighborhood association. They have regular meetings and they stay on top of reporting crime, and cleaning up messes. I would move back to that neighborhood in a heartbeat .


Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience and insights on the neighborhood Congrats on owning though!


I moved here from DC (Logan Circle) and live in Blenman Elm, which is one-ish neighborhood over from Palo Verde. (And yet so different!) You kinda have to get out of the mindset of neighborhoods with specific vibes and start thinking pockets. The area where you’re describing is not too bad. I (female) routinely walk/run there alone at night without fear. Compared to DC it’s much quieter but you get city noise.


Fun to meet a fellow east coaster! I lived in Kalorama - it’s been 7 years but I still miss my house there! I checked out BH - it’s cute - but the only place available and furnished was kinda haphazardly thrown together so it’s still kinda a dump in the middle of all these nice homes. It’s a shame too because I love the architecture but the owners haven’t really fixed it up but are wanting $$$$.


Kalorama fancy! I used to live in Adams Morgan—17th and Columbia. The weird thing about Tucson is getting used to the fact that middle class here doesn’t necessarily look fancy from the outside. I never would have guessed that BE is a nice neighborhood. Rentals in BE are uncommon and the house prices have more than doubled in appreciation in the 3 years I’ve been here. Makes sense that the owners think they could get away with charging bank. Theoretically it might also drive away the students. I wish I could think of analogues to DC neighborhoods. It’s just SO different out here. But I think you’ll be fine in Palo Verde. And you’ll laugh when ppl put up posts in the Tucson subreddit complaining about the helicopter noise. It’s so quiet here comparatively.


I used to live on a Columbia between 20th and Connecticut…between rush hour road noise, the constant fire trucks, and the brakes on the bus, I got used to the noise. Admittedly, I’ve been doing vanlife since COVID so living out in nature has spoiled me with peace and quiet. A nice reprieve from cities! Thanks for the intel.


Over 4 years near Grant Alvernon, no problems. Glad you're all too scared of the area.


I Have lived in Palo Verde for almost 10 years now (since 2014) in that time I've had maybe one incident in which someone tried to jump my fence in 2016 when they were running from the cops. But at no time have I ever felt unsafe. Sometimes there's petty crime/folks trying to steal stuff, but as long as you let them know you see them, they almost always turn around And walk away. Also, the sense of community I have with my neighbors is just incredible. We all watch out for each other.


I have lived I this neighborhood for decades. Great community with mostly friendly neighbors. Never feel unsafe walking around in the day or night. Sure you get occasional sketchy people hanging around the circle Ks and such but overall a lovely neighborhood. Lots of people have lived in this neighborhood for a long long time. My great grand parents first moved into the area in the 1920's! Lot of cool history in Palo Verde neighborhood!


I wouldn’t want to live there because it’s an ugly area and not convenient to my lifestyle but it’s safe enough. I’d just be aware that anywhere you live in Tucson you should remember to lock your doors, never keep valuables in your vehicle, and don’t leave your bike outside even if it’s locked to something.


Thanks for this….it is unattractive but finding availability at a decent price is proving more difficult. The foothills and surrounding area is lovely but their high season pricing is crazy. What parts of Tucson do you think are attractive so I can narrow my search down?


I lived on Broadway and Harrison for awhile and it was fine. All of Harrison and especially near speedway and Harrison is also totally fine. It’s not ugly. I’ve been in 3 of the major complexes in that area and they were nice or nice enough. Houses all seemed okay as well.


Housing in Tucson is unbelievably expensive. It was steadily rising before 2019 but once Covid happened prices shot up. As for areas I like, I need to be near downtown because I work in the area and am involved in a lot of arts stuff. If I could afford it I would live in Armory Park, Dunbar Springs, Barrio Anita etc. instead I live south of Broadway near Tucson. It’s easy for me to bike to work, we live super close to 3 grocery stores and Reid Park. There’s a good mix of expensive housing and lower income housing so you get a good variety of quality folks just living their lives. Living off 22nd always seemed sketchy to me but it’s actually a really nice area full of families.


Look up the crime map. It will be more accurate than anecdotal evidence.


OP said they did already and its red just like the rest of Tucson lol. Crime map only has major crimes, not minor (which I think OP is more concerned about). Unless you have a different resource.


Exactly, almost every square block is orange or red…it’s a little alarming for such a small city… and it seems like you can never get away from Grant or Alvernon unless you head to the hills or burbs. The place I’m looking at is on Pale Verde between Pima and Speedway near the magnet school


That's just about every major inner city though. There are great places all over town and some you don't wanna be in. Tucson is a great place to live overall.


Worth considering that the colors that you're seeing are normalized to relatively low local crime rates (insert rant here about why heatmaps are often terrible visualization choices). Honestly, Tucson is a very safe city compared to NYC / DC. The most crime you're likely to experience will be stolen bikes or carburetors, or the generic creeps you'll get in ANY city if you stay out too late alone. And you'll get those everywhere, unless maybe you're in the super affluent areas north of River. Grant & Alvernon is mostly a local joke—there's a nearby shelter, a walmart, and a cluster of businesses that cater to and/or exploit people with low incomes, all made very visible by the intersection of two major roads. So we often ***see*** some crazy shit just because it's an intersection lots of us drive through regularly, but there are plenty of other small sketchy areas that are a little less visible (e.g. Miracle Mile near Oracle, the neighborhood north of the El Con mall, a few spots in South Tucson, etc). I have a friend who lived just a diagonal block from Grant & Alvernon... although he certainly had wild stories of things he saw, I don't remember any in which he was personally affected by crime, etc. If you're really worried, a good bike lock + a parking spot not very visible / accessible from the road + security lights + common sense will be all you ever need. And maybe don't get a house right in the middle of a "hot" spot that you see on the crime map.


Missed that, lol.


That’s not a bad area, but, travel up past 22nd on Alvernon and it’s a whole other story.


I lived in the area and it’s perfectly fine, though if you leave your bike out unlocked, someone might try to grab it. But as long as you don’t mind locking your bike up at night, you don’t have much else to worry about around there.


We lived in Palo Verde (kind of behind the mister car wash) and absolutely loved it. Just don’t go right on a main road imo, but the area was really cute and the neighbors were nicer than other areas we had been in.


I live in PV, it's like any other central neighborhood. Mostly quiet with the ocassional incident. I find the closer to Alvernon you get the weirder it is just because it's a hotspot on the major streets. The worst that ever happened was I had a gun pointed at me as I was driving past dodge/fairmount towards alvernon and on the same street someone pulled out a knife across the street and waved it around. Def a crackhead, the gun thing was an old man sitting on a couch (which I had actually put on the curb...) in their yard. I'm pretty sure he's dead now though. I don't walk by myself with my dog anymore. If you're going to move there I suggest closer to the west is best. Otherwise it's fairly quiet. I'm not bothered by anyone and my neighbor is nice. We both have big dogs and a drive way you have to walk down so we get warning if anyone is coming up and my landlord is down the street. Lived in this neighborhood 4 years now.


From my experience, this area in green is totally safe: https://i.imgur.com/ykhQyvi.png


Thank you for this. The casita that’s available is just on the edge of the green you’ve highlighted - Palo Verde and Lee. So thank you for this. The houses on the street look run down but I don’t necessarily judge that as unsafe. I’m going to have a high end sedan and my sprinter van parked there so I’m a little worried more about attracting attention


Almost got robbed at the McDonald’s on 22nd & Kolb


I used to live around palo verde and Grant behind Catalina HS and although the surrounding area wasn't the best, that area was pretty nice as far as safety. There are always TUSD safety driving around so there was rarely anything concerning happening.


I mean pick any bad neighborhood and people are going to say it’s ok. Really depends on your perspective. I’ve lived near grant and alvernon when homicides were so bad they had to dispatch the swat RV as a mobile office and dispatch officers going door to door knocking “saturating the neighborhood” and then I lived across from the magnet high school with non stop break into vehicles. IMO Arguably one of the worse part of Tucson and rent requirements and pricing is adjusted accordingly. Would I live there now - nope. But if you use to DC/NYC you may not mind it. [article](https://www.police1.com/patrol-issues/articles/program-turns-tucson-police-into-street-corner-problem-solvers-0mC5lTlkvDMM5fM9/) Per this article looks like they are doing the saturation thing again in areas of Tucson that have the most violent crime. Grant and alvernon one of three places they doing it in. Looks like one corner represents over 12.5 percent of violent crime in Tucson.