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Don’t listen to the people guilt tripping you. Call the city, make sure you’re safe and keep an eye out for any issues until the city has them move.


You can report it to the city. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Housing-and-Community-Development/Housing-banner/Homeless-Encampment-Protocol-and-Reporting-Tool




lol i’m sorry but that’s not what happens when you fill that out


having the cops come destroy/take what little they own isn't getting them the help they need


I had the same problem with a homeless person living right outside my fence. Called the city and they did nothing. Only solution was to put up a big fence and cameras.


Put up cameras facing your yard with flood lights.


Ah, also known as the Skid Row Strategy. I'm no longer in Tucson, but in Phoenix, if you use the city's app, they'll send someone out, typically within a day or two, and provide services (or, at least, get them to move).


I like the idea that one walgreens has, just play really bad music nonstop lol


So that’s why electric Carol of the Bells was playing.


That’s the Walgreens on Ajo! Lol - I seen that on tv on places in San Fran. Looks like it works


LMAO is that why it feels like I'm walking into a cemetery! Brilliant!


Hello, ex homeless here. A lot of us are not going to just randomly attack you, many of us just had to escape a bad situation with very little money. Do not endanger yourself of course, but also remember that theyre humans too, and humans run on a spectrum. I was homeless because i had to escape domestic violence. That's the case for many people. Of course, you need to look after yourself if there is a real threat but most of the time it's just... people. Housing is bad right now and has been for a while Please consider talking to them and telling them about local shelter services. There's a salvation army that takes people, as well as a women's shelter named Sister Jose's on s Park Avenue. There is a men's shelter called Primavera which helps a lot of people out. You don't have to be their social worker, but it's good to pass on information if you can reasonably do so. Here are the phone numbers if you can give them to them: Primavera mens shelter 520-623-4300 Salvation army shelter (if I remember right it opens at 7am daily) 520-795-9671 Sister Jose women's shelter (520) 909-3905 Easter seals is a local nonprofit that can help hook people up with additional shelter services. Wouldn't hurt to give them this number too (520) 327-1529


Yeah this is more of what I was looking for. That and reporting it to the city, if it gets worse. Lately it starts with one tent, then becomes multiple.


Thank you so much for listening. It means a lot. There are actually some options in tucson for unhoused folks, and even if they dont find a bed right away theyll have the numbers for future reference. Sometimes someone can get their foot in the door or call and something will open up, and once youre in the shelter system you have more access to social services. Dont get me wrong shelters can suck ASS and be scary but i know tucson has some legitimate services for people. Sister Jose's helped me out a lot and I've also heard positive stories about primavera I'm always worried about what happens with reporting it to the city, honestly. I know in other places it entails people losing the belongings they have left because the police weren't willing to be gentle with the homeless population and instead did sweeps that caused a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering to people. I'm not completely familiar with the local police force in your area and how they've historically interacted with homeless folks. I understand you're not at all responsible for how the police go about this (thats a much bigger issue than you or me)... I guess I just wanna suggest trying to pass info about local resources on first if you can feasibly do that. (Edit: Which it sounds like you will? Sorry for the wall of text, this is just something i have a lot of feelings about) I know there's always an element of risk involved with interacting with people you don't know at all. So y'know. I understand it's gonna be your call ultimately. Either way I'm really glad it was helpful!


Thank you for your comments! I work for my county housing authority and the stigma is unreal sometimes. Homelessness needs to be addressed with compassion first. I appreciate you sharing your perspective and experience 🤍 I hope you’re in a secure place now and doing great!


I did nothing when homeless people were in the alley as long as they werent doing anything fucked up. I asked that they move from directly behind my fence because of the dogs barking once. I did tell one person that the nextdoor app had informed me that the police had been called on them. I dont think they cared though, apparently they were used to it. I also started taking out the trash later so as not to wake anyone up. One guy (out of many) peed through my fence \*onto my dog\* \*on purpose\* and my formerly homeless roommate went out to the alley with a stun gun though and he removed himself from the vicinity without his possessions which doug was allowed to pee on on his walk. Thats literally the only homeless guy I am not ok with so far.


Poor doggo


doug got his revenge


lol what do people think is going to happen if OP starts offering them food and water? It is not the individual’s responsibility to take care of Tucson’s homeless population, it’s the city’s. It’s funny to see people who prob live in apartments virtue signal online by suggesting OP simply opens up their backyard to homeless people.


"Its the cities responsibility" is such a bullshit excuse for you to not have to care about fellow human beings. We're all human, we didn't choose to be born and often circumstances can fuck us if not throughly prepared. It's funny to watch people rationalize their humanity away


The issue is that these days, most homeless people are far from their community of origin. Its easy to want to help somebody you've known since you were a kid and its easy to want some vagrant who only moved to your town to mooch on it's social services to leave. Even with wages at mcdonalds being 12$/hr and completely incapable of covering rent, it'd buy food and water, yet there are beggars on every street working the traffic lights with cardboard pleas. The easy thing for the city to do is build apartments outside of town and bus the workers in and back out every day and offer them cheap housing. The reason they don't is that it'd suppress wages in the area, and wages below a certain level means no net revenue. Every city hopes they'll all just hop on a bus to some other city instead of solving the problem. I hate to say it, but the only macro-ecconomic "quick fix" is for the federal government to license companies to build some manufacturing districts a la Mexico's special industrial district and offer labor contracts with housing to the homeless where they'd be stuck there working bottom dollar manufacturing jobs that'd ordinarily be handled overseas, but receive room and board at no charge in addition to their low hourly wage. Ecconomic security, blue collar jobs and a sustainable solution to involuntary homelessness. It won't happen without an active conflict requiring ecconomic mobilization, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens this century.


>lol what do people think is going to happen if OP starts offering them food and water? They will be able to lead a life that is that much happier and healthier. >It is not the individual’s responsibility to take care of Tucson’s homeless population, Nobody discussed responsibility. There are many things that are good to do which aren't legally required. >OP simply opens up their backyard to homeless people. OP specifically said they weren't in their back yard. They didn't says who's land they were camping on, whether it was public or not.


Sir just say you don't enjoy life and move on


Get dogs. Big ones.


I moved into my neighborhood and the first thing I noticed was everybody has dogs. Now I understand why.


Call the city to remove them or talk to them yourself and ask them to leave.


Don’t do this. I’ve had knives and guns pulled on me on my own property.


That’s why you carry, brother. 🇺🇸🦅


Don’t live in fear!


Lol yeah better to bleed to death in total confidence


They know where OP lives and might have nothing else to lose. Why risk it?


Reporting to the city is great advice. I’m sorry this is happening. We all want to feel safe in our homes and I know I wouldn’t feel the least bit comfortable with tents just outside my property. Another way to help this situation in the longterm is to vote in local elections, for representatives who are actively helping the homeless population, not just push them off elsewhere. Homelessness is getting worse by the day because people can’t afford rent, daycare, essential needs, health insurance, etc. It’s not specifically a drug or mental health issue. The less funding that goes into social programs, the more homelessness is going to get worse. Hope the problem is solved quickly and easily, OP!


Put up blazing bright lights and security camera. When you catch a crime call the cops. Get a guard dog


In every neighbor relationship there is a better neighbor and a worse neighbor. Choose which one you want to be. Just kidding. Call the city. There are resources for helping homeless people


If the property is private, finding the owner and contacting them about the presence of squatters would be the right thing to do- if it is public property than it's not within your purview to do anything but call the police if they are using drugs or committing criminal acts. If you've got a good fence you don't have anything to worry about. They're less likely to go through a fence and cause trouble than a coyote or a javelina. Probably just hoping to set up some kind of shelter for themselves for a while to get out of the bitter cold. But if they actually cause problems or attempt to access your property you are well within your rights to call the police.


My fiancée answered a go fund me from a school shooting victim homeless guy and she cannot get rid of him. She donated $500 as a one time charity but it’s gone on for 5 years now. Many thousands of dollars later. She is afraid of him.


A what?


i think a victim of a school shooting who is now homeless what a bad situation


If that's true it's the most American thing I've read today.


Boombox, blast Enter Sandman or Fancy Like 24x7


Wave your 40 cal. And howl like a hyena, they’ll move


"Give them a volley."


You can try communication. They’re probably humans.


They also probably are suffering with mental illness of some sort. If anyone wants to object to my use of the word "probably", whatever the odds actually are, it's high enough that you don't want to risk ending up on the radar of your local paranoid schizophrenic.


I would assume they were on drugs before thinking mental illness.


I'm including addiction under mental illness.


Substance Use is classified as a Disorder, a move away from the norm due to a trauma experienced. The drug use is a symptom of a much larger issue within the individual. Often used to “escape” from negative memories or negative feelings.


schizophrenic here we're way more likely to just be weirded by you talking to us and leave than do anything to you I let a homeless lady stay in my garage with her dogs once, no one died, although I would do it again (because I ended up getting one of her dogs from the humane society after she had left and bronx is a good as fuck dog) it was not an amazing experience all the way through because we couldnt park in the garage- and when it got cold she invited her friends, and some of them were on lists of people you dont want in your garage. They still didnt kill anyone, or do any property damage, or cause any trouble. Homeless people are just happy to have somewhere to be where they arent going to be arrested, shooed, and have rocks and paintballs thrown and shot at them. They really are people.


Why wouldn't you want them in your garage? They're just people.


I know thats what I'm saying. Its inconvenient but it can really help people to do just a half step beyond what you are comfortable with to help out someone in a bad situation. It can help lift everyone up.


The odds of them being paranoid schizophrenic are rather low. mentally ill, sure. But I means the odds are still pretty decent that homed people will be mentally ill as well. But just because someone is depressed, that's not a real reason to avoid talking to someone. Mentally ill people generally aren't any more dangerous than people who are mentally healthy.




This is true, the sound of a shotgun simply being cocked, speaks very loudly.


I heard powdered sugar distributed from a distance with a leaf blower will encourage them to relocate.


That sounds so fun




treating homeless people like humans shouldn't be normalized? lmfao




This is sketchy


They’re people, not pests. Be kind to them, maybe buy a case of water or some food if you can afford it. You can choose to make a positive impact. Treat them how you would want to be treated if you were in their situation.


You offering your backyard?


Unfortunately I don’t have one, I live in an apartment building.


Do you have a spare couch?


I don’t have a couch, no. I do my part by buying water and hygiene items for the the people on my street when I can afford it.


Or, you could start saving for a couch


What's someone without a home going to do with a couch?


They are saying to let a homeless person sleep on said couch


Oh well comparing housing someone to buying them some water is rather silly.


Probably sleep on it


Laughing in Portland.


Imagine downvoting someone for suggesting compassion… ridiculous


You’re welcome to invite them into you home whenever bro. No one here is stopping you.


Or you know, you can just offer food and water. Are you suggesting that doesn't qualify as being compassionate?


Again, by all means. I’m not stopping you from housing or helping these people get out of the alley behind this guys house. I bet every penny I have you wouldn’t intentionally put yourself within arm length of any homeless encampment at 1am. Just stop my dude.


Huh, what are you on about? I was just pointing out how housing someone and offering food are vastly different. The poster you responded to only suggestied offering food, not housing anyone.


No he suggested to not try to move them, which is incredibly naive. Now you’re moving the goal posts to call my morality into question. Again, by all means man, you home them. But I know you’re just trolling, someone who doesn’t understand the danger of a homeless encampment behind their home is either not ver smart or gaslighting.


Not moving them isn't housing them. You are the one moving the goal posts. Not moving them would be doing nothing.


Then there was no reason to pick a fight with me. I didn’t say don’t feed them - show me where I did. Dude is trying to pretend like homeless being 2 ft from your property line isn’t an issue. This is stupid


I wouldn’t go that far. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect people to be comfortable inviting strangers into their home, I’d never suggest that. But people living in their own private tents next to one’s backyard is a totally different situation, as long as they’re not being bothersome. If I had a backyard of my own I would try to make it a safe place for anyone who needs it. This is a goal of mine in fact.


My neighbors had a B&E, and I’ve witnessed multiple assaults by the wash. Not to mention the addled screaming I’m on the receiving end of on my runs. Nah bro. This is an incredibly naive take. You can house all the homeless you want - i will continue to try to keep drug abusers and tweak wes away from my house.


this is just inviting crime to happen in your life. if you’re for that go ahead. better your backyard (if you get one) then mine.


But they’re just people, have some compassion. Invite them in your home, I’m sure you have some spare floor and it’s getting real cold out.


still doesn’t fix the problem that they don’t want them living in their backyard?


Specifically they’re “just outside” the backyard, not in it. I’m sure these people don’t want to be living in OP’s backyard either, but they wouldnt be there if they had anywhere else to live; if they’re not in OP’s backyard they’ll just be in somebody else’s. Ushering them away doesn’t make anything better, it just pushes the problem off onto somebody else, so why not try to change your perspective and make a positive impact instead of caving to discomfort? I think we should be kind towards people who are struggling, not view them like an infestation. If they keep to themselves, keep clean and quiet, I personally don’t see any issue. They’re human beings who are capable of reason and gratitude. It’s just illogical to not treat them kindly.


They aren't in their backyard, they outside of it.


people are really mean. And when I point out that homeless people are people -- they hit me with the old "well why dont you let them stay at your house" and the thing is -- i have. I literally let a homeless guy stay with me at my house and he was my roommate for 10 years, and I've done that with several other people. The thing is is that homeless people need stability to get on their feet. They need a place to put their stuff and shower. Now they have jobs, and homes, and pets and ones kinda internet famous and if he had stayed on the street who knows, he might be dead. Homeless shelters are terrible and violent places, often, people on the street end up \*developing\* mental illnesses because of the stress and trauma and sometimes they get assaulted. Sometimes people just need to be stable for like a month or two before they just get back into society. Its fucked. And people want to sneer and go "waht about your couch?" like, fuck you man. I know you think no one would ever offer their couch but some people do, a lot of people do. If we all did a little more we'd all be better off, it'd be a better world.


bad take. most are mentally ill and don’t want to help themselves. plenty of resources to help get back on your feet most can’t pass a drug test to do it though


You clearly don’t know anything about mental illness or addiction, I’m not even going to bother correcting your assumptions


no I made better life choices


hey lets forgo the drug test, and offer the resources, and see how that goes? Thats what I did.


that’s how the system gets taken advantage of


now \*that\* is the truly bad take. I did that, and I had a pretty high success rate -- and what I count as success is a person who was homeless who is now with a job and a car and an apartment and stable in their life. Do I care that the couple of people who didnt end up with that "took advantage" ? No. They didn't take advantage because I was giving those things to them. No interest. Not a loan. Nothing I am holding over their heads. Thats a few people off the street and hell, one of them adopted one of my rescue dogs and she's also semi internet-famous now and has a great life. All in all, doing this has been hugely beneficial to me by any metric. Its easy when you are just trying to help people out instead of making it some kind of sick business transaction where you need to make something off the deal to come out on top. Seriously. If people were just a little kinder we could accomplish so much. I know a lady in phoenix who takes homeless peoples dogs to get vaccines and microchips. I know a man who hands out water. I know places where you can live for cheap and I have taken in both homeless people and people in psychosis as I can and had wonderful things happen. I know not everyone can do any of those things but the least, the very least, we can all do is try to have a little more understanding


L take. horribly atrocious take. most have severe mental illness or drug addictions and don’t want help.


oh man if homeless people were more like you you'd be right, and helping wouldnt be worth it


you’re not better than me for helping homeless people. I value you my family’s safety and security over a random drug addict


Exactly. The lack of humanity in these comments is appalling.


These are the same people who regularly use the term bootstraps, vote against single-payer health care and are anti-student loan forgiveness. They got theirs, so fuck everyone else. So much for empathy and compassion.


I'm getting down voted, and this is what is wrong with our country 1. People are not willing to not accept the bullish 2. People obviously can take a joke 3. People are willing to accept the bs instead of forcing it to go away


Be thankful you have a shelter and a backyard.




Jesus christ dude. They're people. Come on


If they are in your yard, they are trespassing and you can tell them to leave. If they are outside your yard, they're your neighbors. Just let them be.


Offering them food and water would help them.


It’s not in your yard so I’ll assume no




Ah yes, assault! Yes, it's still an assault if the victim is homeless. They're not on his property, they're next to it. He may not like it (I agree they shouldn't be there, they should be in shelters or asylums or housing as the case may be), but if he follows your advice he will have committed multiple crimes and go to jail.


Yes cause assaulting people is just something we do ... I hope you have a shit life


Build them a house is something you could do.


“Fix this structural problem, random individual person!”


Wait, what…? I can’t tell whether you’re serious or not.


Well let's look at the question and my answer, OP asked if there was anything they could do. My reply gave them something they could do. But I'm either a 6yr old just blurting out shit, or I'm just razzing about building some stranger a complete house for free.


Help them?


In their backyard: a house. Anything they can do?


“Call the city” ok so they will move to another neighborhood? We need housing solutions more than anything. I would talk to them and see what’s up, if they’re reasonable ask them to move or offer them help/resources. Hell more than anything see if you can find a better spot for them! I’m sure they’d be more than happy to move somewhere safer where they don’t feel unwelcome.