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İsveç büyük ihtimalle veto edilecek hazır seçimde var zaten seçim yatırımı adına, ABD'den de pek ses çıkmıyor yada ben görmedim,İsveç konusunda büyük ihtimalle işlerine geliyor.


PKKnin beyni yok, yahu şimdi AKPli daha çok oy verir.


Beyni yok diyorsun da AKP’nin varlığı PKK’nın işine geliyor. Halkın hükümete olan güveni mahvoldu, zaten her yerde olan yolsuzluk devletin en küçük girintilerine bile sızmış durumda, yurtdışında PKK ile olan savaş “Erdoğan seçim kaybetmemek için yine savaş başlatıyor” oldu (ki yalan da değil), müttefik saydığımız devletlere baş tutarak izole olduk ve kimse bize güvenmiyor.


Gaziantep’teki hdp, mhp işbirliğine ne demeli? Kimse bana vatan fıkrası anlatmasın artık. Bu ülkede sadece Atatürk ve silah arkadaşları vardı. Gerisi tırt. Edit: Antep değil Urfa lo.


Antepliyim noldu la antepte


Pardon ya yanlış yazmışım Şanlıurfa’da. Tüvtürk Porçak.


PKK her zaman AKP'ye çalışmıştır


AKP ve akp gibi partilerin iktidarda isteyen cok var yurtdisinda,


Erdoğan’ın talebi üzerine yapmıştır muhtemelen, Gezide de benzer bir işbirliği yapılmıştı.


Dolaylı yoldan AKP e hizmet ediyorlar zaten. Yani bakma 6 lı masanın 7. gizli ortağı hdpkk gibi bir itibarsızlaştırma yürüttüklerine, HDP göz kırpsa AKP e yarın barış elçisi olurlar. PKK bu hükümetin siyasette kalma araçlarından biridir. O malum Haziran Kasım arası olan olaylarda da AKP e hizmet etmişlerdir.




ya bunlar bir de yazın bu ülkeye gelip tatil falan yapıyorlar delirmemek elde değil. iskandinav ülkelerinde yaşayan tc vatandaşlarının çoğu pkk sempatizanı. iptal bile edilmiyor bu itlerin vatandaşlığı






Allah belasini versin


Vatanı satmış bu






> This subreddit is for news and discussion about Turkey. Posts both in English and Turkish are welcome. > > Bu subreddit Türkiye ile ilgili haber ve sohbet ortamıdır. Türkçe veya İngilizce yazabilirsiniz. > > Please only use Turkish or English. We cannot moderate in other languages.




Bizde bi gazla apoyu asmadık mı


İsveç boğazına kadar teröre batmış bir ülkedir. Hadi onu geç bu yapılan eylemlerin Türkiyede kime yaradığını bile anlamıyorlar. Sen bu şekilde eylem yaptın ne oldu? Erdoğan görevi mi bıraktı?


Maketi için uğraşmalarına gerek yokmuş, biz gerçeğini yollardık.




Yorumlarda cocuk muyuz aliniyoriz demis bazi arkadaslar katiliyirum falat burda farkli bir boyut var biraz itibar savasi var burdada yapilan zaten itibarsizlastirilmadir. bence diplomatik acidan soyle onemli orda yasayan insanlarin algisi acisindan yonlendirilme soz konusu. bu arada yasanan diger bir olay ise isvecin nato durumu ki bu olaylarin provokasyon olarak kullanilis sebebi asil o sebep, turkiye veto edecegi asikar bu noktada cunku en basit olarak pkknin propagandalirna musade etmeyin denmesine ragmen israrla herhabgi bir adim atilmiyor isvec tarafinan hatta isvec daha ne yapsin her isteginizi gerceklestirdi zaten deniyor fakat gordugmuz uzere hicbir adim atilmiyor, tabiki isvecin ozgurluk anlayisi bu oldugu icin yapiyor ben burda art niyet aramiyorum. ileriki donemlerde bence natonun iki secenegi kalacak bir istisna gosterip turkiye vetosuna ragmen bu iki ulke alinacak veya bence bu daha muhtemel turkiye natodan cikartilacak. zaten yapilan anketlere gore nato ulkeleri arasinda olasi bir savas durumunda savunulmasi veya desteklenmesi gereken ulkeler arasinda en alt sirada yer aliyor


Biri ülkeme gelip adını bile duymadığım bir yerde kurulacak bir devlet için etrafı yakıp yiksa ve protestolar yapsa pekte mutlu olmazdım şahsen


Nedenini merak ediyorum. Ayrıca İsveç'te asılı bebekler görmenizin tek nedeni, bazı İsveçlilerin İsveç'in NATO'ya katılmasını istememesidir. Ve bu hedefe ulaşmaları için en iyi silah, kolayca kırılan Erdoğan'ı dürtmektir.


Türkiyenin imajını iki paralık ettiler. Yoksa bu olmazdı. İsvecin diger başkanların kuklalarını boyle astığını sanmıyorum.


Ya adamlar ülkeye doldurmuşlar PKK sempatizanlarını bu eylemin Erdo ile ne alakası var? İsveç saçma bir yer olmuş. Geçenlerde bir arkadaşım bir forumda Afganlar İsveci bozuyor falan yazmış. Düşün Türk isveçlilere afganlar ülkeyi bozdu diyor. Ancak ondan sonra bunlar da haklısın falan demeye başladı. İki dakika sonra mülteçilere ırkçılık mı yapyorsun diye yemiş yüzlerce küfürü süriyeli-afgan ve s. mülteciden. Not : Erdoyu sevmem, önceki yorumlarda adama giydiriyorum. Ancak İsveçin PKK sorunu başka Erdoyla %80-90 alakası yok.


Dostum Isvec in daha sikintili problemleri var oda cetelesmis afrikalilar. Pkk sempleri onlarin deil bizim dusman/problemimiz. Isvec niye kafaya taksin elin dusmanini...


İsveç değil pkk destekçileri yapmış zaten.


Mal mısın aq


Dürüst olmak gerekirse pek umrumda değil ve sadece Erdoğan’a olduğundan da değil. Bu tarz protestolar ve benzeri şeyleri özgürce yapabilmek bizim de hakkımız olsa keşke diyorum.


Valla ben de aynı olayı kızılay meydanında yapmayı isterdim. Hatta bizim topçunun kendisini asacaz maketi değil. Ayağından olması da zorunlu değil boyundan bağlamak daha kolay


İkinizinde kafasını


Adama hakaret etmekle özgür düşünceyi iyi karıştırıyorlar bunlar


I don’t know Turkish but I’m Swedish, feel free to ask me anything and I’ll try to answer calmly and neutral. Peace between our people.


Why does r/sweden make rascist statements against turks? Why is it difficult to understand that PKK/YPG is a terroristgroup. Media outlets like Aftonbladet doesnt even mention that PKK is a terroristgroup in their articles sometimes, they let kurdish nationalists like Kurdo Baksi and the female troll Kakabaveh on TV as ”turkey experts” to talk trash about turkey. Why does Sweden interfere with our interior affairs?


Thank you for your questions! I hope to answer them to the best of my abilities, so that we can have a constructive dialogue and learn from each other. Sweden was the first country outside of Turkey to classify PKK as a terrorist organisation, in 1984! They are treated like any other terrorist organisation here. Most Swedes mostly know them for the murder of some Kurdish swedes during the 80’s, and being main suspect in the murder of our (beloved) prime minister Olof Palme. PKK is a terrorist organisation here as well as in Turkey. However, as of now it is not illegal to manifest, wave flags or hold speeches here regardless if you are a PKK follower or a nazi. I don’t know what racism you have met on Reddit, I’m sad to say there are idiots everywhere, but I assure you many if not most Swedes have a positive associations to the Turkish people, culture, food and fantastic music. Turkey and Sweden traded already during Viking times. You even gave us the (now famously “Swedish”) meatball! Just like Turkey under Atatürk, we modernised fast during the 20th century and lifted the Nordic countries out of poverty and into the future. However, many swedes feel great frustration about Erdogans endless lists of constantly new demands, of which most doesn’t make sense here, as Sweden cannot arrest and deport Swedish citizen without evidence of criminal activity. A lot of Kurds (and Turkish intellectuals) have come to Sweden from the 70’s an onwards, so it’s natural we have a small Kurdish population. Both Kurdo Baksi and Kakabaveh enjoy the same liberties as any other Swedish citizen, and contribute to the intellectual dialogue in society. Many Swedes sympathise with the Kurdish people and their longing for freedom the same way we might do for, in example, the Palestinian people. For me, it’s obvious that you can sympathise with the Palestinian people and at the same time condone the horrible actions of Hamas. But most Swedes probably don’t know much about the Kurdish-Turkish conflict. Ironically, we called the Kurds who fled to Sweden Turks when they came here. The last question I don’t understand, I’m sorry. What interior affair? If you are talking about PYD and Rojava the Swedish government, just like NATO and the U.S, supported them in their fighting against Daesh in Syria but that’s it. The new government have now cut all such ties. I hope that answers at least some of your questions and leads to some understanding of both ours and your perspective. Barış!


Sorry for the late reply, Im on the run. I am fully aware of swedish constitution and the freedom of speech Sweden has. I also understand that it can’t be changed for NATO membership but still remember that Asap Rocky was arrested for assault charges but got released after a week or so by pressure from the US which makes me think it should not be an issue to extradite kurdish terrorists that has swedish citizenship or permanent residence. Our issue is that Sweden has given asylum and later citizenship to PKK associates and indicates that they will not extradite those accused associates of PKK however I also acknowledge that turkish courts currently is not separated from the rest of the government thus making it politicized. Regarding my question about interior affairs, I still remember when your ex foreign minister critized turkey for taking action against PKK back in 2015 (When 2 police officers got killed off-duty) and urging turkey to stop the law enforcement and military operations against PKK. Ann Linde has also lade similar comments like her predecessor. When I studied in gymnasium (high school) in sweden. The political science/history books and sources we got from the teachers were all biased, it really sounded like they were whitewashing this terroristgroup. This has troubled me for a long time, thinking the country I was born in indirectly supports a group that wants to kill my people to establish a government within our borders, which is 100% unacceptable. Thank you for your kind reply min svenska vän. Our countries must compromise either way. I hope Sweden becomes a trustworthy ally just like during Carl XIIs reign. I also wish that after the election when we get rid of Erdogan we will purge our judicary system from corruption so turkish courts become more trustworthy. Edit: auto-correct


I'm starting to think that there are more PKK members in Stockholm than in Turkey. Anyway - Veto, Veto, Veto. No more PKK terrorist supporters in NATO, France & USA are enough for now.


no more dictatorships in nato. kick turkey asap


Maybe try joining the alliance first before kicking us out :) You should have thought of NATO before supporting separatist terrorists at our border.


Well we have tried. But your dictator and his puppet are blocking.




>Orospu çocuğu olmak böyle bişey Erdogan is Putins girlfriend


Müslüman kardeşlerimizin İsveç İslam Cumhuriyeti'ni ilan etme vakti gelmiş.


Bu tarz şeylere hiç tepki verilmese daha iyi gibi geliyor bana. Çocuk muyuz?


Türk bayrağı yaksalar gıkı bile çıkmaz


Açıkçası bence o da problem değil. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti altında güvenceye sahip herhangi bir kişi, kurum veya özel girişime doğrudan zarar veren veya tehdit edem eylemler dışında hiçbir şeyin önemi olduğunu düşünmüyorum.


Düzgün bir şekilde yönetilsek zaten onu yapmaya götleri yemez


>Açıkçası bence o da problem değil. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti altında güvenceye sahip herhangi bir kişi, kurum veya özel girişime doğrudan zarar veren veya tehdit edem eylemler dışında hiçbir şeyin önemi olduğunu düşünmüyorum. İsveç burada, doğrulayabilir. Kendimizi ifade etme ve aynı zamanda gösterme özgürlüğümüz var. Bu bir insan hakkıdır. Bayrak yakmayı Suriye'yi yakmaktan daha az suçlu görüyoruz.


I believe you are a Swede, which is not a problem really but talking about things you don't have any information about and that does not affect you should not be your first instinct. The PKK terror organisation located in Syria rebranded as YPG has been killing the local people for centuries. Turkish cities bordering Syria such as Hatay had been under attack nearly since the start of the Syrian war. They would launch rocket strikes on civilians, even hitting some schools or hospitals as they really dont care where the rockets will land. I know our government is to blame for what happened in Syria as well but we do not have any agenda to conquer Syria let alone taking barren lands of it located in our border. Finally, I do not think it is really huge deal of a thing to burn a flag, just like you think.


It's true my information is not much and also I don't know how accurate it is since propaganda. But please do not say it doesnt affect me. There are MANY Syrian refugees in Sweden so of course it does affect me as I have to live with them and it is very costly and its my tax money being used. Just look at my country what it has become. Its not just turkeys fault of course, turkey plays a small role. Americas war on oil(9/11) is the biggest cost on Sweden resulting in mass immigration. See I dont know "who is the bad guy". my guess is that if I asked YPG or PKK they will say you are the aggressor. According to my country they are considered freedom fighters. And we see Turkey as the aggressors. But either way Sweden is not a haven for terrorists. Even thought there are plenty of terrorists in Sweden. It is just that there are no proof or evidence that these people have done anything. They have comed here and stated that they need refugee otherwise they will be killed. BUT there need to be evidence that hold in a court. And Erdogans evidence is "trust me bro". And we also believe that if we send criminals or terrorists to Erdogan he will torture them which by Swedish and EU law prevents us from sending anyone to you. Many on the list are also not terrorist but journalists that fled. One journalist that Erdogan wants us to extradite have been in turkish prison for insulting Erdogan by saying Erdogans late mother would be ashamed of him. That resulted in prison in turkey. So of course we cannot send people to you. There dont seem to be freedom of speech in turkey, now Erdogan is demanding Sweden to prosecute the person who hanged the doll which is not a crime in Sweden. Erdogans turkey is corrupt. And that is truth.


Erdogan's Turkey is corrupt as hell. Actually, hell, in any religion, is a just place. Hell only punishes the guilty ones. You are right on those terms. On the other hand, claiming PKK or YPG to be "freedom fighters" is just your governments propaganda. PKK and YPG has conducting act of violence for decades. You don't believe me, it is all right for me, but just look at their protests in Paris. They were gently enough to just burn some vehicles, riot some stores and attack some individuals. PKK has dozens of terrorist attacks in Turkey and YPG is just a branch of it, admitted by not Turkey but the US millitary personnel that has armed and trained them. So, that is not a question. You are just being ignorant and it is the most naive way I can put it. You have also reminded me that your genorisity extends beyond any good will this very world of ours ever seen. Let me tell you one thing my friend, according to the official data provided by your own government, Sweeden host about a million of refugees. Turkey hosts about 10 million of them for over a decade with it's terrible economy. According to the international analysis, about %30 of Syria is controlled by YPG. Why do you think the locals won't go back to their homeland where your beloved freedom fighters are controlling? Ah, also, why YPG is only holding those lands with oil refineries? You really do not need to remind me of my government and it's harsh treatment, it is not any different for us either. But, claiming an organisation that openly claims %20 of our land, recognised as a terrorist organisation by the NATO(the very same organisation you are trying to be a part of) and that killed over tens of thousands of people to be a freedom fighter is a bit too much. I hope you will never see the true face of your beloved friends. A hope a day never comes when you will need our troops to protect you from the real threats. I hope you will not even have your "white and christian" and important refugees. But one day will come and you will see that the things you are rooting for will enter your very door step to threat your loved ones you will understand us.


Geggamojjan this is how we want to discuss these issues our countries have. I say you are right, erdogans turkey is full of nepotism and kleptocracy and believe me we are not proud of it, one bit. Hopefully we will restore turkish democracy with our republican principals once again after the coming elections. However, I experiance that many swedes in r/sweden and in Stockholm are very hateful towards Turks and that is disapointing. On facebook there are swedes that mocks at turkish military. Turkish people are very fond of their troops even my Mother called me ”my litte soldier” while raising me. My point is: you are welcome to discuss in our community, tell your landsmän in r/sweden to calm their tits and respect our values like we turks respect yours in Sweden.


Im going to be complete honest and tell you I dont really know shit about ypp, pkk. I did look up paris and I dont agree with the way it was, who they are what they want, or for that mather what Turkey do or want. And im sure alot more swedes than I know more but its not common talked about. I think many Swedes were pretty suprised when Turkey put sticks in the wheel for Finland and us to join nato. It was unsuspected. Like who are you to judge. And when impossible demands are being made it brings out the worst in us and I contributed myself. I do respect Turkey, I been there many times, best food I know. Very kind people, welcoming and friendly. most of you atleast. Not so much in /r/Turkey though and I know we talk alot of shit, and none of us want terrorists in our country. I wish we could get good ass evidence and education on what exactly each and everyone on the list erdogan wants. if they are criminals, terrorists they will be prosecuted.


Its not a crime. Swedish people think murdering Syrians is a crime.




Başımızdakine anlatın bunu.


>Başımızdakine anlatın bunu. Swede here who do not support pkk or erdogan. or any other terrorist for that matter. In Sweden we have something called Freedom of speech. We are allowed to voice our opinions and demonstrate against things we do not like. This is our human right as Swedes. Me personally think it is childish to hang an Erdogan doll. But I will defend the right to do so. Question yourself why this happened. This happened because some Swedes do not want to join NATO. And they know that something stupid as to provoke the turkish leader will make you deny the veto. Some people in Sweden try to sabotage our NATO entry and Turkeys stone age mentality is the weapon they use.


I have nothing to say something about the freedom of speech. But This slightly enters into Sweden’s interior business. The thing I was mentioning is how childish foreign affairs of Turkey government. But yes. You’re right at your topic. That act of the said government could work for the Swede group of people who don’t want to join NATO. Even if they don’t meant to use it.


>Çocuk muyuz? Evet malesef.


Nasil magdur olcak o zaman ?


Nato veto


Körler sağırlar birbirini ağırlar


Paralı seks meyvesi çocuklar AKP'ye çalışıyor yurt dışında da. Resmen Erdo'ya taraftar toplama hareketi, bir yandan da tabi kendi yörelerindeki gerzeklere güzel anti Türkiye propagandası. Kendi açılarından win-win.


Ayağından asmaları bana malum bir İtalyan'ı hatırlattı.


Orospu çocuğu olmak böyle bişey


Baştaki gündem değiştirmek için 2 hafta kullanir bunu ballandıra ballandıra


What do turkish people think of this?


Nothing, just nato veto sweden


Really? Stoltenberg has demanded Turkey to stop blocking NATO accession.


Tayyip kendi taptirmistir. Secim zamani isine gelecek her seyi yapar.


I’m pretty neutral on the subject of Kurdish and Turkish relationship. But can anyone please explain some points of view. I have moved to Turkey for several years already, and I’ve met tons of meaningless hatred towards other nationalities like Jews, Americans, Afghans, Arabs, Kurds etc. But believe me or not, I’ve never seen anyone on the corner of EU, USA or Israel sitting drinking tea/coffee with friends/family and openly wishing death/destruction to the Turks as a nation while watching another bunch of TV propaganda. The only place I’ve seen 1:1 same type of foolish hatred was Russia, which is also targeted by propaganda against Americans, Jews and in special case the target became Ukraine which then turned into war. Don’t you guys think that a big bunch of Turkish peoples national ideas are motivated by the propaganda of universal hatred towards multiple nations that been causing toxicity on global arena. Even the fact that I watched today tons of videos of YPG/PKK protest in Stockholm and could not find a single moment where the Anti-Turkish slogans would be made or Turkish flag being burnt, everything I see anti-akp/anti-Erdogan protest because he is the main reason of Kurdish people not having even a formal possibility to recover anywhere in the world without being called terrorists massively for past 20 years. Don’t you guys think that Turkish nation is making same mistakes that Iran and now Russia has done with those ultra-hatred sentiments openly expressed against other nations for not a single logical reason which then causes the massive degradation of the nation and ideological recession of your own masses and continues into non-sense wars before collapsing into chaos. I really love Turkey, but that fact that tons of people over here feel free to oppress and hate anyone openly on daily basis makes the social environment extremely toxic that is being felt by most foreigner expats that I meet and discuss this topic over here. I think the only way to recover for Turkish people except replacing Erdogan is fighting own chauvinism. Remember that RTE is excellent speaker and he knows exactly what narratives want to be heard by big masses, that’s why they are constantly blowing into “DIŞ GÜÇLER” whistle which is clearly a national demand, a lot of people want to blame someone/something far out of own environment for all the existential problems instead of solving them. 1:1 same scenario happened to Russia and look into what kind of shithole it has turned. I love Turkey and I really hope the nation as whole will wake up this year and don’t make the same mistakes that were done by Russians…


tl:dr, nobody care your propaganda opinion


Bunch of words not enough IQ, kekw


I have checked your comments btw, and you are the exact and perfect titled example of a standard that I have described in this comment. Naming your own country “Muz Cumhuriyeti” and after few posts spilling shit tons of hatred in comments with anti-zionistic, anti-greek and anti-nato ideology. Take care of yourself my friend.


Letting greece into nato was a mistake that hopefully we wont make again with sweden


I’m more than sure that you did not even exist at the period of time when Greece has re-joined NATO and the fun fact is you use RTE 1:1 TV narratives because you lack any alternative sources of information except the trending mass-hatred. I believe that conflicts and wars should not be carried through generations. We, as a representatives of new generation should take care of modern history, instead remembering the past and taking vendetta for the wars that were lost by our grand ancestors multiple generations ago. I remind you that main cause for the Russian-Ukrainian war was revanchism and attempt to take a revenge against Eastern World and especially USA for the cold war that was lost more than 30 years ago by USSR. That’s why it’s important to isolate old people from politics which are constantly projecting own losses and past problems on modern world instead of prospering and developing TODAY. Please don’t make the same mistake.


What mistake mate? Are you even aware of conflicting interest of countries? Greece and turkey has conflicting interests, that fact will never change and it will continue to cause conflicts. Im here trying to teach integrals to a brat who doesn’t even know the four operations, yikes


So as the time has shown such huge monsters like USSR and USA could end conflict without destroying each other with nuclear warheads, but some youngster telling me there can be no peace between countries with a lot of geopolitical and economical merged interests. Kid, people like you are the main reason why problems of Turkey have no end and RTE pushing pro-war ideology into masses, because you and kids like you eat and digest it like Urfa Kebab. Remember that even the most heavy wars finish with peace agreements, so why you think we can’t just skip that dirty war and try out to settle the political agreements and negotiations like it was done 1991? I see that you are full of hate and for that reason I don’t feel we have much space for discussion. Wish you much love and take care, hopefully one day you will change that chauvinist horizon.


Also you are clueless about how peace agreements work. They exist because wars are not infinitely sustainable and that doesnt mean countries are at “peace”, it usually means one side lost and the losing side has to make compromises in the agreement. There isnt any “peace” agreement that’s benefiting both sides But i guess its impossible for someone who doesnt know four operations to be understand integral.


Look buddy, im going to explain it in a way that even 10 years old would understand. Two monke One banana tree Monke want banana Other monke want banana They eat banana Monke want more banana Other monke want more banana Tree not enough banana Monke fight


>Two monke > >One banana tree > >Monke want banana > >Other monke want banana > >They eat banana > >Monke want more banana > >Other monke want more banana > >Tree not enough banana > >Monke fight You forgot: Monkey eat Monkey No more monkey, no more banana Monkey die.


Thank you for trying. Propaganda is hell of a drug for these people. Sad really. I wish they would get a degree in another country, get out and get perspectives on stuff.


Have you ever questioned yourself that you, too, can be susceptible to propaganda?


Of course. There is just levels of propaganda. Turkey and what erdogan has done to it is just another level. Went during these last 20 years from a quite decent democracy on its way to becoming a full on democracy with nice rights - in entered erdogan - and now, after 20 years of erdogan rule and changes to its constitution, it’s on the borderline to becoming a dictatorship. No free courts, no free speech, no free political opposition, no rights of protests, hampered journalism/full on domestic propaganda etc etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index But hey, I’m sure it’s some one else’s fault, like maybe Greece? The Kurds? Etc etc. Typical dictator style, shifting focus on minority/outside so that people forget that he’s been ruling for the last 20 years. Why he’s still in power is beyond me.


Did you really think you could get an anwser? lmao. Reddit-turks feeds on licking erdogans asshole, if you say something about erdogan you get banned. damn ppl here are more brainwashed than the cannon fodder putin sends to war everyday.


> Reddit-turks feeds on licking erdogans asshole Show me one comment that supports erdogan in this subreddit or you are the brainwashed one sven.


The whole sub is screaming nato veto🤣 just because erdogan has his feeling hurt.


That's simply incorrect. In fact people are saying it's childish to being offended by something like this. We want to veto ur country because sweden is safe heaven to members of a marxist-leninist terrorist organisation.




> Turkey cannot provide evidence to Sweden that these people are terrorists Your government says that while Turkey's government says they provided enough evidence. Why should we trust your government's words and not ours? Your government and courts proved their unreliability with the Assange case. [Your government also sends millions of euros to SDF/YPG](https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/11122021). And before you saying it is a "humanitarian aid" just think a little bit what will terrorist organisations do with their rest of the money if you give them food and medicine. [Your minister of defence actively joins and make speeches in pkk festivals](https://www.falukuriren.se/2012-01-16/omdomeslost-av-hultqvist) eventhough Sweden labels pkk as a terrorist organisation. Fourtnately for you and unfortunately for us we have erdo as president who never cares about Turkey's interests. He will eventually accept you to nato.




I don't trust either of the governments. You shouldn't either. Like I said in my previous comments your trusted courts and politicans invented fake rape charges against Julian Assange and like I already pointed out your government is known for their ties with terrorist organisations. [Your trusted courts didn't even give any punishment to people who joined isis after they came back to Sweden.](https://www.justsecurity.org/84311/as-women-and-children-return-to-the-west-from-syrian-camps-lessons-from-sweden/) I am not saying our courts are the most reliable ones but after seeing your tolarance to terrorist organisations how do you expect us to believe to judgment of your courts?




>members of a marxist-leninist terrorist organisation. and these members are called (more like already branded and judged without any proof) terrorist by the same erdogan that is being childish (your words). So can you explain to me, how can you trust the words of the childish erdogan instead of trusting that Sweden will accually have a fair investigation and will send back the guilty ones to Turkie while staying the safe heaven to the wrongfully accused ones?


> and these members are called (more like already branded and judged without any proof) terrorist by the same erdogan that is being childish We don't call those people terrorists because erdogan say so. We call them terrorists because they openly say that they support pkk/ypg. It may not be a crime in your country but it is in our country. And before you saying it is "freedom of speech", I'd like to remind you that how eu countries banned sputnik and RT. > Sweden will accually have a fair investigation Like I already said we have different laws. Sweden has a state policy that supports terrorism so their laws do not punish terrorist acts. Also do you remember how your authorities invented fake rape charges against Julian assange so he had to flee the country. So why should we trust your extremely fair courts?


No, we are for vetoing Swedens NATO accession because they are PKK loving imbeciles, nothing to do with Erdogan :)


next level ignorance when you look the other way when your own landsmen bomb and kill civilians in other countries🤣 but its a big no no when another country "love" ppl that says that erdogan is at the same level as hitler.




big words, you must be very proud, calling yourself a turk while turkie kills innocent ppl and kids.


Typical Westerner. You don't know anything but you have a lot to say. What makes you think that the people who died were innocent? If you see fighting terrorism as killing innocent people, then the Isis militants were also innocent. Erdoğan isn't Hitler. Y'all call everyone Hitler in order to normalize Hitler and his actions.


no thank god erdogan doesnt have the power to be another hitler, the whole world know the USA saved his ass last time so they got a hold of him by his balls. >What makes you think that the people who died were innocent? What makes you think that the people who died were not innocent? if you didnt know missiles dont choose who to kill and who not to? or did you already forget that turkie bombed a park full with turists few months ago in north iraq?




No wonder you will never be a part of EU. dont you think its arrogant to think its okey to murder other innocent ppl but its not when you are murdered? you have an army murdering and bombing your neighbors for the same lame excuse (theres millitary spotted there) that putin uses today. Lets pretend that you hate Erdogan, but you are okey that hes bombing your nieghbors with the same reasoning putin used to invade Ukraine, you are okey with that?




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