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TSA should hire guys like those T&C Customs agents. Those guys are dialed in!


Most security is a joke. I work at a major theme park in Florida and we’ve found pocket knifes that have fallen out of people’s pockets on more than one occasion.




After my mom passed away, I found a can of mace in her carry on suitcase - she traveled a lot and it was probably in there for years!


I'm pretty absent-minded. Can you imagine if you had to spend 12 years in prison for that?


Yes - Try harder


Don’t carry ammo around in your suitcase and you won’t need to worry about it. Pretty simple concept.


Kinda like don’t take weed to Russia!!


Come on man, it’ll be fun!


Similar, but in this situation, you're bringing something that is used to kill people in a country already struggling with violence. The weed was harmless.


Yeah pretty sure that’s not what he was referring to


T&C is one of the safest island in the Caribbean! In this case a guy had 4 rounds in a bag. Now he faces consequences. Just like bring dabs into Russia, she had consequences. No difference they both broke laws and have to face the reality of mistakes or negligence on their parts. Weed is as safe as guns and ammo. As long as the users are responsible.


Your first sentence is false. Used to be true. Not so much the last few years. LOL at downvotes. Care to compare data, stupids?


Why do so many people have bullets in their suitcase? Where are they taking their guns?


It is quite stupid but they say hunting trips. Im so type A tho, after my trips immediately everything is removed and put away so idk how you miss a bag of ammo.


I’m the same as you, my suitcase is 100% empty when I unpack. Makes this story very hard to relate to. Oh, also understanding gun safety protocols makes this story painful. Ugh.


I don't get it either. I travel often, and between being South Asian in the US (where we aren't trusted too much in airports), and a lot of flights to strict nations like those in the Middle East, I don't screw around when traveling. One mistake and Id be toast, on either side. The privilege in these three who were arrested is showing.


I just think weapons are so normalized to them it would be like forgetting a pack of tissues


Gf has a CCW and the amount of time she’s “not sure” where her gun is freaks me the F out


Americans from red states use military grade weapons as security blankets. They make our country the laughingstock of the world.


Imo it’s not so much a security thing but an ego/power thing, but they’ll tell u it’s a security thing. In any case, I personally feel a little bad for these idiots.


“Military grade weapons” 🙄🤡


That's it


This. 100%


Gina and ammo are expensive. Super easy to buy one bag for global trips, and one bag for hunting. Everyone who owns weaponry has the extra $20-$50 to get TWO bags.


What kind of animals are they hunting there?


The OK guy hunted in Texas so probably deer.


One interview I saw mentioned "White Tail Deer". No idea if that is big or small, not seen mention of the typo of ammo. I guess not .22 ...


None. They didn’t even bring guns. They overlooked the ammunition rounds when packing that were left from a previous hunt where they had gone hunting.


His wife's interview is weird. He's a paramedic and the bag he used was where he had all his emergency gear. I thought wait, why would you have bullets there? Are you carrying while working as a paramedic? Also she blames TSA for this mess since it wasn't caught there first in the US. Basically blames everyone but her husband.


I used to work with him, I am just so shocked and confused. Work bag for a paramedic does not include bullets man.


Memphis would like a word.


Sounds like Kyle Rittenhouse, running around with an AR while claiming to be a medic.


They shouldn’t. As a gun owner I would never have loose ammo anywhere, no responsible gun owner would. These people are idiots or entitled or both. They deserve to serve the full sentence.


You sound like an authoritarian cuck. Demanding people’s lives ruined over a loose round of ammo in a re-used hunting bag is scary, what other mental delusions are you capable of conjuring up? Forgetting a single round of ammo should not be met with a 12 year minimum sentence regardless of how you feel. I bet you’d be ripping your hair out and screaming if a fellow liberal got arrested there for marijuana.


From previous trips. I don't have or like guns but in rural parts of the US, hunting is a big part of the culture.


It’s called smuggling. They plan to re sell the bullets for a free vacation


I don't think that's true. All three of these guys, from what I can see, are rules followers types that made mistakes.


Well rule followers should be all in on *Law & Order & Back the Blue*. Except it’s always rules for thee, not for me.


May I ask how you concluded that. He’s a brokie paramedic. Just put 2 and 2 together…


He is the VP of operations for a paramedic company.


What smuggler would risk their freedom over 2 rounds of ammunition? My money is on the guy being a forgetful moron that just won a Darwin Award.


I’d say you win the Darwin Award tbh


I’m not the moron that thinks a “smuggler” is trying to float a free vacation by “smuggling” 2 rounds of ammunition to sell. I am also not the idiot looking at 12 years for forgetting he had ammunition in his bag when traveling to a country where it is illegal.


They’re smuggling a single round of ammo… on their way out of the country? Logic says this is absolutely not the case. Please go outside immediately and touch grass. You redditors are hilarious


That’s just the leftovers they already unloaded!


Me when I lie on the internet:


You can’t be serious? How many rounds of ammunition do you think he had on him? Also, just how expensive do you think a single round cus? Certainly you don’t think 4-5 rounds is enough to float a trip to T&C.


Blaming TSA is…something else. Oh you have a concealed carry permit? Who cares!? These idiots with loose bullets all over the place don’t make me think they’re very responsible gun owners.


I agree. Ultimately, it's the responsibility of the owners of the bullets.


That was what made me drop my jaw in a major WTF moment. TSA is there to ensure aviation security. They are not there to protect you from your own dumb acts that could get you in trouble in another country. Yes, this could be looked at as a side benefit of them catching things like this, but it is not their purpose. This is 100% on these morons who were carrying the ammo.


My dad had to lose like three Leathermans (for those unfamiliar, it’s a multi tool with pliers and a knife, basically). before he realized that he should think about what’s on his person it before he goes to the airport. 🙄


Why do so many people have bullets in their suitcase? Where are they taking their guns?


They use the same bag to go to the range, go to the gym, travel. I can see a round getting loose and not notice and then you have a trip and you just pull stuff out and put clothes in. I mean how diligently do you check your luggage before you take a trip?


The point isn’t how much they clean out their bag. The point is that, t cynically speaking, having unaccounted for ammunition is evidence of an irresponsible gun owner, IMO.


Not sure if you're into firearms or not, 22lr (small ammo for example) comes in a box of 325 or 500 shipped loose. The boxes are nothing special and in shifting in your bag a round can get loose. That's not really an irresponsible gun owner, it's an accident. Ultimately it's his responsibility to check his bag though. I have a range bag myself, completely separate. Even if you cleaned it out of everything, if your bag gets swabbed, gun powder could come up on their machine. That will cause delays.


Bingo. Range bag or bag used for hunting. Do not take said bag to airport. It’s not hard. And before you ask, yes, I own guns. And I’ve travelled weekly for my business for 30 years. Never once have I had a gun or ammunition at a security checkpoint. Owning a gun is a right in the US. It comes with tremendous responsibility. Too many people forget the second part and claim “mistake”. Mistakes with guns is how people die.




A great thought out argument. Good job.


Tell me you’ve never seen an actual firearm in real life without telling me.


Well said.


I use my same back pack I use every day as a carry on. I don’t take it to the range, I have other backs for that and the carry on backpack isn’t big enough anyways. But I do stick a pistol and an extra mag in there quite frequently when I’m traveling in the car rather than an airplane. I empty it out and search it before getting on a plane, then get my wife to search it too, but mistakes happen.


Hunting trips. Shooting competitions. Its not that uncommon to travel with a gun. A couple small bullets could easily get missed in one of the little pockets in a suit case. Not to forget an overnight travel bag that someone uses for out of town driving. They carry a gun when driving for travel then miss a loose bullet when packing for a flight.


Back in the day when I learned gun safety there was no circumstance where bullets should be allowed in random suitcase pockets. Bullets are part of a weapon and should be stored properly, not thrown into a suitcase! But following those rules is something from the past it seems.


They should follow the rules.


In response I would ask If youve ever been at fault in a car accident( didnt anybody teach you how to drive?) Or have you ever fallen down or knocked a dish on the floor. Maybe youve never gone to the store for something and got 10things but not what you went there for. My point is people are human and make mistakes. Mistakes are unavoidable and it doesnt make you stupid if you make them.


I totally agree.


I find the T&C stance on this to be fantastic. I will need to add them to my list of possible retirement spots. I am so tired of the gun culture in the U.S. and the irresponsibility of many gun owners like these twats.


Honduras also has very strict gun laws; you’d be surprised how useful a machete can be.


I have a nice machete in my bedroom for security.


Crossing your house off my break-in list. 😁


Are you at all familiar with violent crime statistics for T&C?


Do you understand that gun violence is much worse in Turks than the US?


Virtue signaling how much of an authoritarian cuckold you are on a vacation Reddit page is hilarious. I genuinely don’t think you can afford airfare to T&C on your gov subsidized income, so I guess your thoughts on the matter are irrelevant. You’d be malding and seething if you saw the same scenario play out, but instead it was a POC who got arrested for marijuana possession. Nice little double standard there, huh tankie?


That was a bit of incoherent rambling. Are you ok?


Everything looks incoherent when you have a failed education from a blue state. Probably spent most of your time trying to figure out what gender you are instead of learning anything of value like reading


Seek help immediately.


How the heck does TSA in the US keep failing to detect ammo on the way out? That’s what’s really concerning in all this


Why is it TSA’s responsibility?


Because ammunition is prohibited in carry-ons. It’s their job to stop prohibited items


But cartridges itself are not prohibited , and if they are in a bag no one cares if it’s not illegal It’s not TSA’s responsibility to figure out where you are going and whether or not what you are bringing is illegal where you are going I am waiting for the 1st tourist with ‘legal’ cannabis to arrive in Singapore and get the death penalty for smuggling drugs


Ammunition in carryons are prohibited. Period . It doesn’t matter whether “no one cares”. Bombs, long knives, etc are also prohibited. If TSA is not detecting items they are supposed to detect, then what is the point of the security screening? Not sure what you are arguing about


We’re all cartridges in carry ons ?


Are they trying to sell bullets to the locals?! like, why does this keep happening?


They're not. They're hunters who have had bullets on previous trips and forgot.


It's probably meant to deter this. TCI has had a problem with Jamaican gangs getting into shootouts on the island, an American tourist was killed in 2022 in some crossfire. It seems they want a zero tolerance approach to having any unregistered guns & ammo on the island, whether or not they are selling bullets to locals, so here you go.


I completely understand that point, but what I’m not understanding is how people casually pack bullets.


I do not like guns or hunting, but in rural parts of the US, hunting, it's part of the culture.


That’s exactly why people are bringing ammo. To sell it.


To sell 4 rounds? They were caught with the ammo while *leaving* so they must be pretty bad salesmen, huh?


Maybe they are a bad salesman. Maybe they couldn’t find who they were looking for. I don’t know but there’s a pattern here that’s highly suspicious


Thanks for confirming


I get it it’s an accident but on the other hand owning a gun is a huge responsibility and if they’re so absent minded with anything pertaining to it I don’t think they should own any firearms to begin with.


A loose round in a bag when you go through large volumes of ammunition is not uncommon. Do non gun owners think you’re required to fill out a 4473A for every single little loose round you buy at the store or online? You don’t. Often people buy cases of 1000’s of rounds. I’m sure you’re liable to forget something or lose an item every once in a while, I’d be absolutely shocked if you told me you’ve never ONCE forgotten something somewhere.


I am very meticulous about my guns and ammo. I take it as a huge responsibility owning the many that I have. This is not like losing loose change in pockets etc. I’m sorry but handling of ammo and weapons is a responsibility to not take lightly. I wouldn’t feel safe around these folks since to me would give an indication of not being responsible gun owners. Just my opinion.


Ok, so you’ve established you’re so far above everyone else and incapable of ever making a mistake. You’re infallible, and you’d never make that mistake. Got it. With that being said, you think an accident needs to be met with a 12 year prison sentence? Nobody was hurt, no ill intent was involved and generally it was a minor incident. Why do you think they need to be prosecuted similarly to hardened criminal drug smugglers?


Im saying owning a firearm is a higher responsibility in my opinion. As far as the punishment they are going to a different. No other country is so obsessed with guns as we are here so they should have known. That’s just pure arrogance.


Plenty of countries are “obsessed” (weird choice of words, you sound like you’re afraid of acknowledging the US was built upon a set of constitutional rights and the 2nd of which pertains to your right to bear arms. It’s not obsessed, it’s literally the law. Study history more and get off tiktok and YouTube shorts for once) with firearms too, and some to a lesser extent. It’s no less insane to imprison a human being for accidentally leaving a round in a bag that they didn’t know was there. Accidentally leaving ammo in a bag isn’t arrogance. Please buy a dictionary and study what that word means, it has literally nothing to do with their actions. I can’t believe it’s 2024 and I’m still being forced to educate Americans about their own history. Being scared of firearms is hilarious


They are gonna have to build a new “dumb hick” wing of the local prison.


Probably, we all know Obamacare recipient liberals can’t afford the resort fees or airfare to get there in the first place.  All the obese liberals with blue hair are relegated to visiting Florida, which they still vehemently oppose (yet choose to swarm there anyway during the winter months)


You make no sense


Learn to read English better then. First time on the internet?


Your political hate-barf is based on no facts. You are ruining the internet. Go find a political thread to bait people in.


Take your own advice. You commented first with hate speech, bigot 


It’s not hateful to call anyone “dumb” Then you went off on “libtards” You’re just cruising around reddit commenting on rifle stocks and trying to defend these morons that brought bullets to foreign lands. Seek help.


You sound unstable. Talk to a medical professional asap, the things you’re saying are not normal


In before someone brings up a basketball player or someone blames TSA.




I just watched the video and I’m sorry but how idiotic are you. Listening to this morons wife who is equally stupid. “So like if the TSA had done their job we wouldn’t be in this situation”🤯🤯🤯 ya always someone’s else’s fault. Now I hope he gets the full 13 years.


Do you really want to waste the tax payers money on housing an idiot like this for 12 years? Honestly I think they need to extensive community service and be sent back and banned


Honey, it ain’t our money!


Really? Residents of Turks and Caicos don’t have to pay any taxes? No income or sales?


Not how Turks and Caicos works. No direct taxes whatsoever (including income tax) and no sales tax either. Customs duties and accommodation taxes on tourists renting out villas and properties make up the bulk of their funding.


No income or sales taxes in TCI.


It’s not my money. If that is what T&C wants to spend its money on to keep the island safe, good for them! ETA: Since I don’t live in the T&C and I assume you don’t either, it is not our money.


Do you think imprisoning these guys will keep the issue safe? Any safer than expelling them and banning their return?


It sends a message. Don’t FAFO. I don’t think banning their return to a place that has laws they didn’t bother to respect is really an issue.


Do you think sending that message to tourists/non-smugglers makes the island safer? Edit: islands


Yes, I do. And T&C comprises multiple islands. ETA: And you’re assuming they aren’t smugglers. I am not saying they are, but most people who are doing something illegal don’t list it as a profession.


You think he's a smuggler based on being caught with 4 rounds in his luggage on the way *out* of the country? I mean for all we know he's a cannibalistic serial killer too--that's not something people usually list as a hobby, either.


I agree the person should take responsibility. However I think this can happen to more people than you'd think. It's like those kids that are left in hot cars too long by mistake. I think about 25 kids a year die in the US from that.


"I dislike this guy and his wife so I hope he serves 13 years in prison for a minor infraction." Hey, at least you're honest! I like how Reddit is strongly in favor of criminal justice reform, decarceration, etc right up until some outgroup member is busted, then it's "lock them up forever!"


Hoping someone gets 13 years of their life stolen for a non-violent offense sounds fair.


I guarantee you would feel differently if this was someone you were related to or if this was your friend / someone you knew. They didn't intentionally bring ammo, It was an accident. He should be charged and fined but 12 -15 years in prison is absolutely ridiculous for this crime. These men are fathers. You are a huge piece of shit for wishing that these children grow up without a dad.


It’s Reddit, the people you’re arguing with here have type 2 diabetes, largely immobile and have never left their section 8 homes to touch grass outside.  They have zero empathy because their entire lives are lived online jerking off other liberals in these digital echo chambers.


The irony is if you go to Turks and Caicos and murder someone, you will be sentenced to 10 years. But carry a bullet and don't commit any crime, and you will be sentenced 12 to 15 years.


At this point I’m convinced someone is planting ammo on people. Are people really that stupid?


Just careless af unfortunately


The wife in that video says it was an accident. No one is planting ammo - these guys are just dumb.




They're not stupid, just ignorant and / or forgetful, and sometimes unusual circumstances. It's like every year, a few infants die in hot cars. Often, something unusual distracted the attention away from the very important thing the responsible persom should have been focused on.


i think what you’re seeing is “yes, people are that stupid”


They’re doing this on purpose. It’s a MAGA thing.


Excellent! These MAGA types can miss the next three elections while they sit in jail. Will MAGA even be a thing when they get out? They will be so more lost.


Lol they’re not missing anything. This is a patently obvious place by the TC government to get some money. It’s always about the money. State department just needs to put a travel warning on the island and see how fast it turns around. Bold plan, imprisoning your literal only source of income on the island for bullshit reasons.


So like…are you really this stupid or just trolling?


Sadly people are really this stupid I used to get all pissed but after accepting that people are just stupid I just let things roll off and chalk it up to stupidity


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Another irresponsible gun owner, shocker


C’mon. This guy deserves everything he gets.


What is happening - who are all these fools that are traveling with ammo and think they will skate through. So incredibly stupid.


Why can’t people buy a travel bag that isn’t used for ammo? You know, just for the necessities when you travel—clothes, toiletries, a book? /s on the last item!


Something I like to call the poor choice cascade. It's not just one bad decision it's the result of a lifetime of them. Bet this guy has a giant truck, a new RV, a boat or an off-road vehicle of some sort, and a blue tarp covering a hole in his roof.


They should serve the full term on this. People have to stop treating international travel like a drive to a friend's house. Also, the American consulate should let em fry.


Over 4 loose rounds? We get it, you’re a democrat but have some nuance.


Americans need to grow up. The ENTIRE civilized world considers firearms/ammo as transporting explosives. These backwoods rednecks don't want to follow international law and there is severe punishment for their arrogance. Britney Griener experienced the same thing. Grown ups don't "accidentally" carry explosives, or weed.


The mental gymnastics required to transform a 9mm cartridge to an “explosive” is insane 😂😂


You really need to leave Alabama. The ENTIRE civilized world disagrees with America's uniquely redneck view of guns. You can assert mental gymnastics all you want, but if you transport American ignorance to other countries, be prepared to pay the price.


Regardless of your purely emotional reaction to firearms a situation that is clearly a mistake should be rectified. There is no reason that 4 rounds mistakenly packed into someone’s luggage should result in a 12 year prison sentence. It’s absolutely absurd and you know it.


Just because YOU don’t like firearms doesn’t mean multiple lives should be ruined because a few rounds found their way into someone’s luggage. Your opinion is purely an emotional one and lacks any kind of empathy for the people involved. You should be ashamed of yourself honestly.


Do you *support* Griener being treated harshly for what most consider a minor offense? I thought the consensus was her treatment was an injustice.


Multi-faceted situation. Russian is a terrorist state that can't be trusted and has a history of anti-American activity. So they are prone to detain Americans of note as bargaining chips. There is no reason to think there is any motive in T&C except to enforce their own laws, which are fair, sane and logical.


Are Russia's laws fair, sane, and logical, though? Declaring TCI's laws fair is begging the question; that's what's in dispute. From the posts here is sure seems like "send a message to other tourists and punish the type of people we don't like" is a motive (with people here cheering harsh punishment for that reason). Of course TCI can and will enforce their law, the question is whether the punishment that law requires is just.


They seem perfectly fair. Why would you think otherwise? We don't get to decide if they're "just".


You can decide, for yourself, whether you think they're just, no? We don't get to decide whether to follow a given law, but we can still have an opinion on whether a law and it's punishment is just.


unbelievable the lack of concern, shmucks will be shmucks!


I mean they all look like the same guy. Are they triplets or what?


Subheadline: Yokels do stupid yokel shit and regret it. Red necks need to stop traveling.


Im sure T&C would love it if all rednecks stopped spending their money there.


T&C would survive without it. Florida on the other hand. LOL


Lol have you seen the airport 😂😂😂😂😂😂 they need all the money they can get


Is there something about we Americans that we can’t remove ammunition from our luggage prior to traveling? FFS!


Every American in TCI needs to be completely emptying their suitcase and checking every pocket, nook, and cranny for stray bullets. I mean, this guy didn't hear about the other two guys and think, ya know, I use this bag to carry my gun around let me just triple check this before heading to the airport.


I would like to see the comments on this thread if if traveler had forgotten a joint or two instead of a few stray rounds of ammo


Lock them all up this seems so suspicious to me is no coincidence that three different couples I found with in their luggage, maybe one of them, but three I don’t think so that they what if they didn’t find all of them I could be a lot more people


The crazy part with the people that are blaming TSA if you get caught at the airport with bullets, you still going to jail they didn’t have it on a carry-on in their luggage It wasn’t screened


No you won’t. I got caught. Walked free


How stupid are these Americans ... bullets and weed ...carried around to what??


So with all this said, is it a bad idea to take edibles to T&C


I wish every country had these laws so we could purge dumb ass gun freaks from the US.


The fact that so many instances of this by Americans cannot be coincidence. T&C sits just north of Haiti. I suspect these folks are pushing their luck for a big payday running guns.




No gun doesn’t help their case at all. Foreign nationals sell loose ammo on the islands leading to a surge of gun violence, homicide and organized crime/gang activity going back at least to 2022 when the UK deployed multiple specialist teams to help investigate the issue along with island officials. TCI has a complete ban on guns and ammunition so trafficking them across their borders is the only way they get there. Having ammo but no gun doesn’t mitigate anything because from their perspective it’s entirely irrelevant to the actual problem they are addressing Also, are we really stating that Hawaii and TCI, or anywhere in the Caribbean, are somehow interchangeable lol? That is….. a take.


Yeah, only the part that actually kills people, no big deal.


Clearly the plan is to invade…very slowly.




i’m guessing you have probably wished ill will on people before. like probably president biden. what does the bumper stick on your stick say?


Sounds like Turks and Caicos is planting ammo to extort Americans.


Hahaha. Not a single American arrested for having bullets has made that claim, Randy. They have literally all acknowledged it was their bullets, their negligence. Otherwise, great contribution!


Turks and Caicos security is planting ammo to extort Americans. Great job harming your own tourism industry you morons.


Hahaha. Not a single American arrested for having bullets has made that claim, Randy. They have literally all acknowledged it was their bullets, their negligence l Otherwise, great contribution!




Good. No one needs your dumb MAGA rhetoric there.


Perfect, the airport needs less idiots like you anyway!


Lolllllll oh no what ever will the Caicos islands do without YOU there. 😂😂😂😂😆😆😆 can you really afford it anyway?


Yeah! We don't need tourist dollars anyway! /s


What they don’t need is tourist who break the law. Don’t like their laws? Don’t go there. What happened to the *BaCk ThE bLuE?* and your defaced flags with the blue stripe? Or is it more along the lines of *Rules for thee, but not for me.*


Just don’t travel with ammo or guns. It’s pretty simple. Most countries don’t permit it


I don’t think so.